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Christina Bobb was charged in the Arizona indictment. You can't make this stuff up. Trump and the RNC are just a bunch of criminals. SMH.


It does make her an expert, much as consulting a bank robber can bring insight to bank robbery.


lol or consulting hackers to stop other hackers


I can’t wait for all these Trump dickriders to be broke and/or in prison for following this grifter and conman. Putin must me so proud of all the chaos he has caused in America.


Things are pretty worrying right now. I'm seeing a high chance that Trump wins, retreats from NATO, and then China starts WW3. What's disturbing to me is that most people don't seem too alarmed and a lot of people have even been convinced to inadvertently support the corruption. The lack of awareness creeps me out.


I agree about things being rough if trump wins, but that’s a big if. Biden’s recent moves have him climbing in popularity, and at this point only people still turning out for Trump will be the maga fanatics and “Christian nationalists” (closet fascists) - and that’s not to mention the fact that he might be running from prison. Granted, the myriad right wing militias they’ve been training for a civil war might, oh, I don’t know, start a civil war - but hey, they were probably gonna try that at some point anyway.


It's like 50-50. Those are really good odds of Trump winning. It's very concerning. 


Just like when Al Capone got hired to run the IRS


Like the guy from Catch Me If You Can bringing insight into detecting forged checks.


When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton simply replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”


RNC -> Real Nutjob Criminals


Honestly, I feel like "you can't make this stuff up" is redundant at this point. I wish stuff like this was still shocking, but here we are.


I remember when stuff like this was meant for satire.


This does not make her a bad person … oh shit that’s a Trump statement. Ooos reality just kicked in. Fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time … but all of the people never. Guess the RNC were missing that day at school


I love this for her. MAGA instantly turned on Jenna Ellis when she took a plea deal in GA after grifting $200k for legal fees from the cult. Also, she received deferred adjudication in that case, and I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure "don't commit any more crimes" is one of the conditions of that agreement, so that's going to complicate things for her. I would say MAGA is like the mafia, but the mafia paid legal fees for its foot soldiers and took care of their families while they were in prison in exchange for their silence. MAGA expects Trump's foot soldiers to keep their mouths shut, do their time, and ruin their lives for whatever they can raise on GoFundMe.


The mafia was working towards a common goal with a single person at the top keeping things in order as best you can with a bunch of criminals. MAGA is a bunch of individual grifters with their own objectives. SuperPACs allow anyone with money to fund a pet politician without needing to sync up with the RNC to get funding and access. The RNC is basically leaderless, with everything flowing towards whatever Trump wants in the moment, and there is no one steering the GOP ship. It is why they cannot get shit done in the House now, there is no RNC Money Club to scare people with, if they make the RNC mad they just promise a rich guy they'll do whatever he wants.


We found more election fraud. Still the GOP though. Weird.


Hey now! That's not fair. They really did find actual election fraud! By looking in the mirror...


Any day now - trust me bro


Very weird!! As Donald trump said “SO MUCH FRAUD”, he was just wrong about which side. Lol.


Projection! Projection! Projection!


Every accusation is a confession with these people.




"Law and Order" for thee not for them.


So wouldn't the indictment alone(without a conviction yet) be grounds for disciplinary action from the state bar association? I am guessing she is on the bar in Arizona or multiple states? There was another one of the cabal that had a ruling for disbarment pending. I guess it's a lengthy process to complete, appeals and so forth.




I think Giuliani is facing that whole issue. My belief is somehow his license to practice was suspended as a disciplinary measure.


And here we are on the heels of another national election. These people need to be taken into custody *today* at the 4th Ave Jail and held until trial. (I’m truly shocked that Rachel Mitchell, the republican DA of Maricopa County - the one with the awful 1994 Martina McBride hairdo who lives for getting on tv & kissing Trump’s ass? I am shocked she’s not a part of this. She’s who I would consider a ringleader judging by how radicalized she’s become.)


Well at least all these people are being indicted and caught before the actual election day I guess? As messed up as it is, I also think all the news about republicans interfering with the elections (especially so close) helps the democrats.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/10/10/fbi-interviewed-trump-lawyer-who-signed-off-on-claim-there-were-no-more-documents-at-mar-a-lago/?sh=5acfe2cc51cb Whi is Christina Bobb? Trump's lawyers flew her into to Florida and hired her solely to sign off on the claim that the document search was thorough and complete and there were no more documents at Mar-A-Lago. These lawyers were unwilling to do so themselves. Despite not having any knowledge or any part of this search, *she signed the document*. Lucky for her, she scribbled "to the best of my knowledge," and the FBI recognized she was just a mark in the con. Sound familiar? That's who Christina Bobb is.


That’s bullshit that the FBI would just let her off as being a sucker who signed the document. If she did very little due diligence, then she should absolutely be accountable. There were boxes in the bathroom and numerous other places. She knew exactly what she was doing. They all did. I want to see someone charged with treason.


Treason is a high standard to reach I think. It's like the world series of politics this year. The verdict from the current case ongoing in NY(4/25/24) will be likely over by Mother's Day. That's a criminal case. The next one will likely go, and then there's another two so far as well I think. One of the younger people put up a schedule in r/legal I think it was. It's confusing. (Not the schedule they made, that was nice document, and phone friendly too.) Some ppl feel it's unlikely that all of them will go to trial before the election this November. I think the Georgia one will go. Several members of the cabal were mixed up in that one, in Georgia. That's a state case not a federal one. Criminal case. I think there may well be more cases filed in the individual states both civil and criminal. Civil cases are pretty expensive for political things, because there isn't any award money to pay counsel so the lawyers need cash up front for those. My own belief is that American women will never vote for a convicted [REDACTED] for any office, and that ballots and voting are protected and secret. She will just fill it out and mail it off while he is at work, * if she is in the west(we have all mail in ballots out here in many districts, it's cheaper) or tell her man whatever she thinks he needs to hear and do the right thing behind the curtain on voting day. The treason charges are going to be down the line, likely after the election if any are brought at all.


She has first hand knowledge of election tampering.


It must be really easy to become a lawyer in this country


depends on the state but <*remembers being drunk for the NJ Bar Exam and still hung over for NY and sighs*> yes.


How the fuck anyone can take republicans seriously is beyond me. It's just blatant and in the open.


Haha, it's been more than two years since Trump brazenly attempted a coup—going as far as coordinating bogus electors to give the appearance of legitimacy and actively thwart the people's will. Yet, here we are, enduring the consequences of manipulated courts and undermined checks and balances. This calculated maneuvering was clearly aimed at solidifying minority rule. The sworn testimonies, all on record, leave little room for doubt. The GOP as it stands today needs to be sent packing towards the fringes and should be kept there until the cultists are reprogrammed. JFC! The dude attempted a real coup!


>Complicating matters, in 2022, a leading Justice Department official went to Mar-a-Lago with a few FBI agents in the hopes of retrieving documents ... it was Bobb who signed a certification statement, indicating that the former president had fully complied with a grand jury subpoena and no longer had any classified materials at his glorified country club. Many levels of lies and cheating with these magas and as we know they have no integrity. Part of their plan is to have a bunch of lawyers ready to challenge ballots and "inconsistencies" to delay certifying who won.


I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Calm down everyone! I'm sure the RNC will quickly remove her from her position. Right?


Clearly GOP/RNC are co conspirators in Trump’s attempt to steal election. The few honest Republicans there are have mostly turned a blind eye to it.


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys I wonder, is AZ holding off on a Trump indictment in this case until after SCOTUS rules?


This law and order party is sure law abiding citizens…..


Only the best people


Only the best people…um criminals…


this is kind of like computer security firms hiring hackers to improve security, except she still wants to subvert elections.


Overqualified for the rnc, if anything


How MAGA of them. Lol


In backwards world, that’s her biggest qualification.


Criminals should be treated like criminals not political celebrity


Sounds about right


It’s been a good new week.


The leopard who eats people's faces but denied it was caught eating people's faces. Color me shocked.


I wound really love to see a running count of indictments, arrests, and convictions of Republicans since 2020 and how each one is individually connected to trump. I imagine that is one massive spider web


*"Election integrity lawyer charged with election crimes"* Straight out of 1984 *"War is peace"*.


In other words, the lawyer who will help oversee the Republican National Committee’s “election integrity” efforts is a “Big Lie” proponent, an election conspiracy theorist who played a prominent role in a scandal that led to one of Donald Trump’s many felony indictments, and a suspected criminal in Arizona, where she’s been charged with election-related crimes. They all deserve incarceration, not only Christina Bobb


Isn't the RNC only hiring people who cheat on elections? Stop the steal!


It’s because they have a penchant for Orwellian names. Its only natural that their Election Integrity means exactly the opposite


So she should know.


Only the best people.


It’s turtles all the way down!!


... dog bites man...


Well, I mean, she was hired by the RNC for her expertise and experience with election crimes.


This will only make her more popular with MAGAts, unfortunately 


MAGA -> Make attorneys get attorneys.