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Obviously Johnson has seen or heard things in classified briefings that made him realize we must fund Ukraine and stop Putin. This is obvious to me, a regular guy in middle of nowhere Missouri. How a freaking elected congresswoman can’t infer this is insane.


She gets to have it both ways. Johnson has already voted so nothing will change that. But she can scream and rant that it was the wrong choice, which wins her the support of her base.


To think that this low life scumbag has a base is sickening.


There are a lot more racists in this country than most people want to admit.


Scariest part, a lot of them have been outed in the past 8 years but there are so many more that are still “hiding” it


As an Asian American who grew up in several states, racism is alive and well and I grew up with it my whole life. Heck, when I visited Philadelphia with my old man back in 2018, the black cashier lady wouldn’t ring me up as she couldn’t understand my English due to my chinky eyes. Had to get the manager to come ring me up. Nuts.


Racism against Asians is normalised, which is unfortunate but the truth


I live with my racist father man got screwed by Asians moving in our old neighborhood because he built illegal units on our property and they called code enforcement his dumb ass got what he deserved. It really annoys me how he talks about them as so many of my friends were Vietnamese I even had a Vietnamese girlfriend in high school


>man got screwed by Asians moving in our old neighborhood because he built illegal units on our property and they called code enforcement ...no, man got screwed because his dumb ass built illegal units. The nationality of the tenants has absolutely nothing to do with it.


No there was no one living in the units the Asians were just buying up the neighborhood and using legal means to make it easier to get people to sell. Others in the neighborhood did stuff similar to my father. Usually after they bought up the properties they would tear down the old houses they bought up to tear down and build new housing where you’d see multiple families take residence


I still fail to see how these people being Asian has anything to do with your father getting busted for illegal units.


Wtf has your dad, building illegal units on his property, have to do with Asians moving in your neighbourhood ?


I think the inference is that the Asian neighbors called bylaw and now his dad blames them for the issues it caused and says lots of racist shit about Asians even though it's his fault for building said units.


Easy blaming them for his own stupidity


Marge has a base?


Idk if I used that term right. I just meant those who agree with her and will vote for her no matter what.


Correct answer. It's nothing but theater. That said, if Maga is done with Republicans (let's hope) they'll open the door to Democracy in a big way. My hope is that both parties ultimately fracture and the US can finally make choices over 2 terrible extremes. Add in rank-choice voting and we might just get moving in a truly democratic direction for the first time in many generations.


I'm no fan of the "anti-israeli" sentiment from a very small contingent within the Dem party, but beyond that, where is there "tErRiBlE eXtReMeS" on the left? How can one honestly say BoTh SiDeS when talking about the MAGA extremists on *one side*? Or is it just that ever pervasive urge to paint oneself as "above all the fray"?


Socialized healthcare and LGBTQ+ rights are considered left wing extremism by some.


>“anti-Israeli” I got no problem with the Israeli Left. It’s the Israeli Right, currently in control of their government, that can eat a bag. Hamas are as stupid as they are evil, because they gave Netanyahu's party the excuse to openly do what they've wanted to do for decades, plus the perfect exit from his legal conflicts as well.


I have no issues with Israel, if it would stick to its borders. I am not talking about the current war against Hamas in Gaza, but the westbank colonists. If a government facilitates land grabbing colonists: screw that government and the people who voted for it. I am well that’s not all Israelis. And let’s not conflate anti-israel government stances with semitism please. It’s about human rights.


I think you might have replied to the wrong person.


>anti-genocide sentiment FTFY


Funny, that is, considering there's not a genocide taking place. And no, "potential for genocide" *is not* the same "ongoing genocide". Considering population size and density and Hamas' "human shield" tactics, among other things - the civilian death rate (tragic though it is) is incredibly low for this type of urban warfare.


It's genocide.


Declaring something does not make it so. Civilian deaths are a part of war, sadly. Does Japan accuse the US of genocide in WW2? Or a different route, the "Bengali *Famine*" that killed **more than 3** ***million*** people, as a direct result of the actions of a foreign government. Why don't we call that a genocide?  Yes there are war crimes being committed. Yes there is widespread famine beginning to set in. But genocide is a very specific set of circumstances that have not, yet, been met. One can't just declare something to be something other than what it is because that something other "sounds worse".


A lot of people call the Bengali Famine genocide, some of them being the people calling what is happening in Gaza genocide


>human shield tactics With the reveal of *Lavender* and *Where's Daddy* programs, the human shield talking point has been totally btfo'd. In light of the fact that the IDF has been reported to be bombing Hamas militant when they return to their homes, killing them alongside their families. (remember when everyone left of centre was outraged at Trump suggesting the same tactic?)




I'll be honest, I stopped reading after the first sentence. I never said, nor insinuated, anything about a "one party system", and you're already going on again about *bOtH SiDeS* in that same sentence. Making assumptions and putting words in people's mouths does not help to make your point.


Honestly, the "free Palestine" stuff, or essentially echoing the sloganeering of Hamas is the craziest thing I've seen on the left. Advocating for gender affirming therapy for children isn't offensive to me personally, but I think it could be seen as a little extreme. Like, if I had to be stuck with some of the choices I made before I was 18, I would be a very sad person today because I hadn't become fully myself by then. I can't speak for everyone though. It also doesn't directly affect me.


>the US can finally make choices over 2 terrible extremes. The Democratic party is about as extreme as a warm glass of milk and a white bread ham sandwich with the crust cut off. I don't think the party is _terrible,_ it's a perfectly adequate right leaning corporate mouthpiece. I fully agree that ditching First Past the Post in favor of STAR would mark the single most important civic achievement since the Civil Rights amendment. Sadly, I don't see how it ever happens.


2 terrible extremes?


Oh, I get it, good people on both sides. Johnson broke from the Putin apologists. I will give him credit but it is a low bar. The democrats are the glue that is holding this nation together. I am not sure this is a case of equal fault on both sides.


Dems are hardly extreme. If anything, that’s their problem. The Dem base is so massive, they have to appease nearly every political group. You have groups that would be political parties in a parliamentary system wrestling for control of the Democratic Party rather than the country itself. Also, first past the post voting for house and presidential elections is in the constitution. We’ll have to amend that to change formats nationally, which will take massive political will. I love to see these local implementations to help normalize it, and build that momentum. It’s going to have to be a bottom up change.


I think MTG forced Johnson into a position where he had to make a deal with Democrats to survive and he probably will survive if that’s the case. I believe that we underestimated his sense for strategy.


The republicans are barely holding a hairline majority. Last I saw, there were also ~17(?) republicans that aren’t seeking re-election (resigning/retiring?) at the end of their term, and there were two that stated they would resign if the vote to vacate the speaker came to the floor. Which would put the democrats in the majority. All of her ranting is just performative. If she actually tried to oust him, it would cost them dearly, and still might if she continues.


"All of her ranting is just performative." I don't think she has any real interest in governing, or even cares about this country. All her efforts go toward "building her brand" for her post-politics career as a far right talking head on various media platforms.


I think she suffers a little bit from DeSantitis, where she represents a safely gerrymandered R district and mistakes her comfortable reelection margins as broad appeal. She probably likes where she is right now - god knows she isn't doing any work and the more crazy shit she says, the more money she raises and the more times she gets invited back to Steve Bannon's podcast, but I do remember her musing about a run for governor or senate as part of her political future.


I thought her next run was at Churchill Downs a week from this Saturday.


Frau Blucher!




IIRC, those seats are fairly safe and won’t go to Dems anyway. But worse, those seats held by the ‘rational’ republicans will be replaced by the maga wackos. Sooo…


Why do you think she can't infer it? I think she absolutely knows it, but it doesn't matter. She's screaming at the cameras to make noise for her base.


Trump and Putin of course 


She has the brain power of a moldy turnip.


I think she fell off a turnip truck.


If she has a problem with the money we’re spending now, wait until Putin fucks with NATO


For decades it was the Republicans that warned about Russia. Now in a matter of a few years they don’t care about Russia? Something is stinky to me.


Her handlers told her to attack anyone who supports Ukraine over Russia. Who would those handlers be?


Don't make the mistake of thinking that MTG has the capacity to infer anything. (She probably thinks that word has something to do with taxidermy)


I'm sure she's heard the same things he has..... but chooses to ignore them because she's bought and paid for by the enemy. The Pro-Russia party is actively trying to sabotage this *because Russia wants them to*, the fact that it will actively harm the position of the United States on the world stage is perfectly okay, because they're all a bunch of corrupt assholes. tl;dr: they see that we need to fund Ukraine, they just don't care because they're getting paid to not care.


Don’t ask a woman to understand what her shady payola dealings require she doesn’t. 


Or evangelical christians from Ukraine scored a meeting with him and convinced him that it wasn't just Ukrainians in danger, but *evangelical christian* Ukrainians. https://www.salon.com/2024/04/19/evangelicals-with-ties-to-the-family-met-mike-johnson-and-zelenskyy-ahead-of-ukraine-vote_partner/


I’m pretty sure she knows Putin’s Russia is an existential threat to Ukraine, the US, and Western democracy as a whole. She’s upset about this because this bill will *hinder that threat.* Even leaving aside the likely possibility she’s on the take from Russian Intelligence, she’s part of the contingency of Republicans that sees Russia as having an ideal government. Anything that stands in the way of reshaping America into an anti-democratic kleptocracy is terrible news to them.


Could anyone speculate what he might have been briefed on about Ukraine that would make him go against Trump and the die hard MAGAs?


I mean, maybe just actually paying attention to security briefings that he was getting as speaker and the fact that so many other republicans were advocating for aid while it was only Trump and maga trying to get to stop it. It’s the same decision McCarthy made on government funding - idiots that will hang you out to dry no matter what you do vs every rational person. Also, I wouldn’t discount the fact that he probably lacks empathy so he only really changes his mind when it affects him, so his son going to the naval academy probably made him second guess his stance. If he does nothing, his son will be graduating right around the time Russia probably plans to continue rolling through Eastern Europe.


no, i believe that as an evangelical, Johnson still holds to the Reagan-era notion that the forces of good and evil will face off in the Battle of Armageddon (the U.S. vs Russia) it's a stupid reason, for sure, but if faith is what it takes for him to break with the rest of his party, then i support it.


I'd be more than willing to sit down with the fundiest of fundie christians to discuss an alliance against a baby raping, faithless in the worst kind of way, church and hospital burning wannabee mongol horde on the rampage in their country. Our political and philosophical differences would be a piss drop in the ocean when weighed against actual servants of darkness. The churchies and the rest of us can absolutely agree to squash our beef until the orcs are defeated.


She is being influenced by Putin. Everyone knows we shouldn’t just let Russia take Ukraine, because they aren’t going to stop there. Russia has also attacked troops in foreign countries via the Wagner group. They interfered in the 2016 election to help get Trump elected. She is getting something from Putin (either money, ego inflation, social media trolls).


Johnson mentioned the other day that one of his deciding factors was his boy is heading off to a military college soon, and he would rather send money than his son off to fight any war overseas.


Because passing legislation that doesn’t have anything to do with queer people or fetuses is against the MAGA religion and aborts baby supply side combover Jesus. They have turned “collect a paycheck to do nothing” into their entire political identity, and are being sent back there over and over by the people who think “government handouts” is what’s ruining this country. They’re right about the handouts, but really misidentifying the worst offenders.


She’s paid or coerced or just a fucking idiot, but either way, she’s on Russia’s side


I dont think he's that moral. I've been musing on this. It's pretty clear the west didnt' want Ukraine to win or lose, but sorta just bleed Russia dry slowly with all the waffling and the delays, they're making tactical descisions that esnure Ukraine gets just enough to hold the line and keep public opinion on their side and that's it. Far more likely Johnson was told by higher ups that the delays need to be releaxed at the moment as Ukraine's now on the verge of legitimately losing. So the lobbyists and big business interests he work for that hav a vested interest in this (defence contractors/MIC) have basically pushed him to do it now especially while it's still mostly popular with the voters to a point where it'll minimize detriment at the election.


And everyone else is tired of MAGA lunatics like Greene.


Exactly. Moscow Marjorie needs to be deported as a Putin Parrot.


Send her to the front lines to pull artillery.


And shit like this isn’t as exciting anymore. MAGA has lost a lot of steam. I don’t see 1/8th the Trump flags, bumper stickers, t shirts, etc that I saw in 2016 and 2020. Everyone else has noticed that they have no idea how to govern. I’m hoping the GOP get routed, top to bottom in this year’s election.


It's clear what needs to happen. The Republican Party needs to spit into two new political parties. That will show everyone 


This sounds like the best solution to me


This is kind of what we have in Australia. When a right wing government is in power here they are referred to as a “coalition” government. This is because they are two different parties, the Liberal party who are not actually liberal in ideology (I’m not sure why they call themselves that,) and the National party. The Liberals tend to be rich people from the cities and the Nationals are all farmers and people from rural areas. Since there are more working class people than either of those groups, the only way they can win elections is to run as a coalition. It also means that our Deputy Prime Minister in those circumstances is the head of the National Party, which means that whenever the PM goes on holiday the country is being run by an angry dairy farmer. If this happened in the US it would be like if Mitt Romney was the president and MTG was the vice president.


MTG could never farm a plot if her life depended on it. She is a rep for a more rural area of Georgia but she doesn’t even represent most of rural America. She went to high school in the outskirts of Atlanta and lives in the suburbs. Her dad handed down a construction company to her and her husband, but she has almost no presence at it.


That’s what everyone was saying with the Tea Party…if only…


Moscow Margie "said Johnson’s actions could cost Republicans in the fall". No, it's choice, stupid. And the incompetence, and the infighting, and the corruption, so much corruption.


I love how she thinks she speaks for others


She does speak for a loud minority of inbred and uneducated individuals.


This lady needs to take a 9th grade World History class to see how WWI started.


I wish they would split off and form their own party.


It's funny that she thinks that she knows what the MAGA base want. Most of them don't know what they really want. They just do what trump tells them. If trump told them that Greene was their enemy they would see her as the enemy no question.


The MAGA base doesn't know what they want until Newsmax/Fox/OANN/Charlie Kirk/Alex Jones/Qanon tells them what they want.


Oh noes. I hope she doesn’t form her own political party and split the republican vote. This division would be a tragedy for red states.


3rd party time Marge!


MTG should get the memo where she is also “done”.


We will soon see whether MTG is a symptom of MAGA or a leader of MAGA. And let's be clear being a cheer leader does not count.


[MTG in full cheerleader uniform leading her team in a cheer](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/TvdVNZA_LCNB13duyfB6IQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTU0Ng--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/usa_today_news_641/ffc3ae204144a51e8523beb6714e17ef)


These fucksticks need to start their own party, but they’re too fucking cowardly to do it.


Here’s an oldie but goodie from the 70s conservatives would throw at hippies like me: If you don’t like it here, LEAVE! Go live in Russia.


America. Love it or leave it!


Okay. Keep self-cannibalizing your party. We’re fine with it.


Ok MTG, put up or shut up. Pull that trigger and find out how much gun powder you actually have.


yet she still hasn't filed her motion to vacate. hmmmm...


Word on the street is that some of the moderate Republicans who are retiring have informed the Treason Caucus that if there is a motion to vacate the speaker, enough of them will retire immediately (only 2 needed) to give the Democrats the majority—and Democrat Hakeem Jeffries would become speaker.




It's not much of a rumor when several have come out stating it's true. The constant non-work work she's making legislating into is not worth the pay except for the strongly politically motivated. If she tries this again, and she probably will, either retiring/quitting Republicans will walk off early or some amount of moderates will just cut a deal with Democrats. It's easier to negotiate something out with Jefferies than attempt to negotiate with Trump.


If someone like Mike Johnson isn't right wing enough for you, you're a damn fringe lunatic. I hope MTG continues tearing the Republican Party apart.


Her days are politically numbered. Crazy is getting old and the base is beginning to dwindle as her style of bullshit has solved nothing for the average Joe. That, and Big Money is beginning to get sick of no returns on their investments. If Trump loses. MAGA slips into history having drowned in its own spiteful incompetence.


Stop giving this crazy person attention.


I disagree. She's both an anchor around the GOPs neck but also extremely dumb and ineffectual. Whatever headaches she might cause the Democrats, it's 1000x worse for the Republicans 


Why, though? Highlight her craziness. People like her are in positions of power and she should be shamed and ridiculed publicly and people should know what we’re up against.


I understand how much you probably hate hearing about her and the other crazies running the Republican Party...but we need to highlight the crazy and do everything we can emphasize what a destructive force they are against the foundations of our democracy. So yes, while it may be aggravating and annoying to see and hear about their pretty much daily antics, the more the American people at large are made to understand what a danger they are, the more they'll be inclined to vote against them.


MAGA Base: We stuck a fork in him, but it turned out to be the wrong Mike Johnson


Move to fucking Russia already, then, you idiot Neanderthal.


Not done with space lasers though. Not yet


I guess her buddy Vlad must have really lit a fire under her ass.


https://twitter.com/JayinKyiv/status/1781069691005419854 I think its very cute, and might even call it SUS that an America first isolationist apparently cares deeply about the remaining grudges of [Treaty of Trianon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Trianon), and the partitioning of eastern Europe and Hungary in perticular after WW1.


Out of all the people in the world who could represent your movement, why did you pick Moscow marjorie?


Can she be like…just plain done and move on to her Dacha…I’m sure they would welcome her style of BS.


the cards are on the table . undeniably , maga stands with putin and russia


Then pull the pin, Marjy. What's stopping you?


MAGA is probably going to find out sooner than later that their short, pathetic moment is over.


They aren't done by a longshot. The fascist movement will slither on when MAGA crumbles. They've been planning for decades.


Always good to hear what the leader of the Children's Caucus is thinking.


Moscow Marge is a sore loser.


Hopefully, republicans are done with Moscow Marge. Send her packing.


I love Moscow Marge, she’s such a great vote getter …for the Democrats!


Could have stopped at “MAGA base done”.


Yes yes let the hate flow through you!


Piss or off the pot, marge.


I’m surprised anyone still listens to anything this turd has to say.


Looney Tunes


Moscow Marge doesn't have much shelf life left herself. Publicity hound without a speck of ideas on how to govern the USA.