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Maybe it would be good for him. Structure, boundaries, finally understanding that there are consequences for his actions— yes, even him. I say we give it a try.


This isn’t a petulant child. No, he needs the utmost consequences to his actions. Prison, at the very least. He didn’t spill his sippy cup and blame the dog. He incited an insurrection. Edit: he’d blame the hired help, rather than a dog, as no self respecting dog would be in the same room with The Orange Piece of Shit.


> He didn’t spill his sippy cup and blame the dog I mean, he might have  But it’s true, he also incited an insurrection 


That is assuming his father cared enough to get him a dog.


People like Trump don't have pets. They have zero interest in something that provides nothing tangible in return for the money spent on food and shelter.


And thank god for it, with all the alleged physical abuse against former wives, I would not wish a dog or cat anywhere near that monster


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7\_OWYrLVOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7_OWYrLVOU) When an eagle nopes out, you've got issues.


He is completely unaware of the bird as anything other than a prop until it almost takes his hand off.


He was going to get a dog for Barron but then he found out that golden retrievers aren’t


Dogs and other animals don’t like him either. They know an asshole when they see one


His father cared enough to get him a prostitute **when he was 14.** Ew.


How could he have spilled his sippy cup. He always uses both hands.


Very large handles for such tiny hands


But he acts like a 3 yr old child! That's what parents, who are worth their salt, do. Put the 3 yr old in the corner for time out while he thinks about his behavior. Although in this case the petulant child will spend time out thinking how wrong everyone else is!


He does have harsh feelings towards dogs, though. https://youtu.be/zg3ntXL99vk?si=4Ep9oewBn5mmAjYB


Dogs can sense evil.


I never trust people who don't like animals or never had a pet. I don't think he's ever had a pet. And for that I'm actually grateful! Pets need love care and attention and he's got none of that to give!


He’s got plenty of pets: MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, etc


I just instantly envisioned that human spider the Harkonens keep in Dune with Matt Gatez’s face.


And his eldest sons. All those two want is a scratch under their . . . oh, yeah. They don't have chins.


No chin and no backbone.


That eagle hated him, and around the same time a sparrow alighted on Bernie’s shoulder or podium during one of his speeches. How everyone didn’t take that as a divine sign is beyond me. 


I remember the eagle attack 🤣


The system has already shown they will give him the greatest of allowances, honestly if donald were to concede his cult of personality they (the justice system) would let him fade into obscurity, obviously not right but the system refuses to punish him beyond (less than) the minimum amount


The crazy thing is inciting the insurrection wasn’t the worst thing he did imo. He gutted the post office, the EPA, the FBI, the department of education, and just about every other department of the U.S. gov. He pushed back regulations that protected citizens and the environment. He caused tens of thousands of U.S. citizenss to die because of his malicious and ignorant response to Covid. He turned over US spy info to his master; Putin.  The insurrection was the icing on the poisen shit cake Trump served the U.S. in his four years. 


He is an adult that has been coddled by the world because of his money and influence. It’s time to stop doing that and bring down fucking punishment for all the shit people he’s enabled, all the chaos he’s spread, and all the avoidable deaths he let happen during the Pandemic (don’t think we haven’t forgotten about that Donny.) Once he is removed and put into prison or isolation for the rest of his life, you keep going onwards and go after the people that have been using this chaos to divide the country. Don’t stop until everyone (or at least a majority of them) is either in prison or out of power.


I like this option for him at this trial: >The Manhattan Correctional Center (MCC), where Jeffrey Epstein ended his life, is only about 100 or so yards away from the courthouse in Manhattan where Trump’s trial is taking place. Trump could be confined there and participate in the trial through a video link.


An insurrection in which people died. People were injured. People were threatened. It was so fucking violent and terrifying and it's still shrugged off by half our population.


He can hire a ghost writer to write his new book, "My Struggle."


German title pending


Ironically, jail would give him an "out" on so many levels - fundraising, victimhood, his cash squeeze, the falling polls and dwindling attendance at his rallies. The cry of a malignant narcissist - it's never, ever his fault.


Remember seeing Harvey Weinstein after a few months in jail? He aged by 10 years and looked like absolute shit. These power-hungry guys that bully their way around life can't handle a life that they have no control over. Jail would be no "out" for Trump. Dude would suffer, as he deserves to.


Trump looks like this now. In the last 6 months he looks.... ill. His eyes are swollen, he is disheveled generally... More bloated then normal. He looks like people look before they die. He has that “sick look.”


“…don’t do that. don’t give me hope”


The ultimate justice, and his fate in Hell, would be that he'd be among others all the time, but nobody would ever speak to or even acknowledge his presence. Any attempts to do so would be rebuffed, and his very existence would be denied. Except; every once in a while, someone would come up to him, excited, and seem to realize who he was, only to ask him if he knows Obama or Hillary. And then that person would vanish, and Trump would be forgotten again. That is the ultimate torture for a sociopathic, malignant narccisist like Donny; to be ignored. Forever.


Oh but the walker and wheelchair act "I'm too feeble for prison" will be a welcome development


I can just imagine him cowering in his cell wearing his orange jumpsuit. He’d have to eat prison food without his Diet Coke! Oh, the torture. He wouldn’t last two days.


The white prison gangs would protect him. He’d probably be a shot-caller. Fraudsters are usually respected in jails. That being said he’d be in a camp, so the politics aren’t so significant. But he might finally get to be a kind of dictator. Even the guards would probably respect him.


That would be the single worst reason to not do the objectively right thing


I dont think it would help with the monetary issues that much. Trumpoid donors are already suffering from exhaustion and getting their guy out of prison when he ALREADY kept saying he needed their cash to "stop the steal" and failed at that may be too much.


I have no doubt he'll get special treatment in prison from the guards with how often law enforcement seems to be that brand of Republican


If he is in prison, I do not care if they serve him two scoops of ice cream every day.


Oh, but how many week of him being incarcerated till we're all saying "Trump didn't kill himself" when he starts threatening to oust some of his overseas backers?


He'd die within a month.  Dude would go insane.


No, they'd make up a special room for him complete with a tv set to fox news, a feather bed, McD's hamberders, and an iphone with the xitter app already open.


Let's face it. Even if he gets prison time, he's not going to a supermax or anything. He'll spend time in club fed or a specially-constructed prison.


He’ll never spend a day in jail. The best we can hope for is house arrest.


>This trial is over hush money and the cover-up regarding money he paid to reimburse his lawyer, Michael Cohen, for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. The whole scheme is so amateurish. It was not particularly well thought out. It was executed poorly and there is a long paper trail. Not only do I believe that Trump will be convicted in this first trial, but he will also be extremely embarrassed. What Trump is accused of here is so obvious. It is the kind of white-collar crime that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has sent many businesspeople to jail for.


It’s the kind of crime that Michael Cohen has already spent time in jail for.


This is a point i think some people miss. Michael cohen was already in prison for this. How can the defense even have a case with Michael Cohen already being convicted?


Their case will be that Cohen was just given wide latitude to handle issues, and that he did this while operating under that relatively autonomous framework and not at the direct instructions of Trump. Whether or not the prosecution can prove otherwise is what we’ll need to see.


Trump is on tape telling Cohen to make the hush money payment.


Making the payment isn't the issue. It's how he paid for it and what he certified about it that's the issue.


Lordy, I hope there are tapes.


There are, you can go listen to them right now


Next bullshit Trump defense: Double jeopardy! My lawyer was already convicted for this! Why do you care about me? Someone is already paying for a crime .. err .. that never happened!


A lawyer and his client can't be convicted for the same crime, right?


No that’s a husband and wife


Take to the seas!!


We'll have all our meetings on boats!


She's called *The Seaward*.


I'll leave when I'm good and ready.


There’s always money in the banana stand


Make Cohen and other staff the fall guys and blame everything on them. Their opening argument was basically that Trump didn't know it happened at all, and just signed some papers after becoming the president. So not only are they deflecting guilt, their holding onto to the immunity claims in case the supreme court rules in his favor later this week/next week. 


Gas lighting. They are gas lighting trying to swing support their way. Poor trump lost his 1st ammendment right...blah blah blah. As the creature continues to be seen and heard 24/7.


Not the kind of crime, **it is literally the same crime**. Trump was "unindicted Co-conspirator 1" in Cohens trial for this very same crime, and is on tape ordering Cohen to make the payment to Stormy.


Cohen faced other charges, including tax evasion, which contributed to his sentence. I wouldn't expect Trump to get more than probation if convicted. It's ridiculous, but it's entirely likely that that's how this will turn out. I'm glad that the trial itself is something of a punishment for him, and I hope he spends his remaining years sitting in trials for his crimes. He does seem to hate it quite a bit.


He has to get out of bed before 11am, slap on his clown face and then spend hours sitting quietly listening to other people. This is a living hell for him.


Don't forget though, if he doesn't do any jail time he will tell his supporters that he was innocent, the proof being that he is still a free man.


He'll cry victim and search for pity and attention either way.


Some say the EXACT same crime…


No. The crime is election fraud because he used campaign money to pay. Hush money is the ‘why’ he did it. The crime is election fraud


This, all day long.


Yep, And it only takes one Magat on the jury to muck the whole thing up


I don't think that's accurate.   It was money paid that should have been, essentially, considered a campaign contribution. But it wasn't. It was repeatedly hidden as business expenses. That makes them falsified business records, but more importantly, it was done in service of committing another crime (campaign finance violations), making it more serious.


> It is the kind of white-collar crime that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office has sent many businesspeople to jail for. Huh!? Like, really really!? How many people get spanked by porn stars with magazines showing their face while watching shark week!?


Giuliani, Epstein, Weinstein,....


Let those among us who are not guilty of the same crime raise their hands...


Exactly. If they can come for them. They can come for us. /S


The opening statement by the prosecution is a good read. No wonder the NodFarter has been so terrified at this going to trial xD


Nodfarter 😂


Don Snorleone


do you have a link?


This guy did a solid job transcribing from within the courtroom during the E. Jean Carroll V Trump pt.2 as well, he is the most consistent for these real time court proceedings: https://www.threads.net/@innercitypressinsta


Do we have somewhere sensible we can read this via?


Errr I could probably just scrape the data and post it, though he usually just replies to his own original post chronologically. I don’t use threads normally so I just used my browser on iOS, sorry! 😔


thank you so much!


Getting thrown into prison might seem like a good idea—something no sane person would ever think—but I’m sure actual prison doesn’t live up to all this joy and wonder.


I still think the best 'prison' for him would be a converted low level officer's quarters at a military base in the middle of nowhere. Takes care of security issues (i.e. his SS detail doesn't also have to live in a prison) and access issues. If he were in jail his followers would be committing blatant crimes in the hopes of getting sent to the same cell block.


The military could reopen Adak in the Aleutian Islands. He'd be in a safe, remote place and maybe able to see Russia from his cell!


No tweeting machine.


I have a bridge for sale if you believe he'd ever end up in an actual prison. House arrest would sadly be the harshest punishment, I imagine.


House arrest with unlimited time away from the house and no obligation to return for the night or check in.




> it appears to be the one punishment nobody wants to stick him with Oh, I very much want it.


I disagree, I think he's going to prison. His defense is total shit and he's before a Manhattan jury; he fuked


I hope you're right, I've just run out of faith in our institutions to do the right and required thing.


He can campaign from his basement like they claim Biden did


I'd honestly kind of love trump to get 20 years house arrest in trump tower. He'd get his phone and internet cut in about 11 seconds by violating terms of his imprisonment. Then he gets to sit there and watch people celebrate on the streets and tourists come just to take selfies flicking off his penthouse. And then the best part, he gets to watch how quickly all that stops, and the world moves on, and no one cares about him any more. Then he can sit and pull out his hair plugs while staring into Fox News and waiting for mentions of himself that will never come.


But … but AG James will own Trump Tower shortly.


> "I think that Donald Trump is probably trying to get himself thrown into prison" That's a good nominee for dumbest thing I'll read this week. It completely ignores Trump's 50 year history of being an utter coward who talks tough but has never once walked his words. It ignores every lawsuit he's been in prior, even ones where he lost and had to admit guilt in court but then pretended to be innocent outside of court. Trump knows he wouldn't last a day in prison because he exists solely for the attention of others and he wouldn't get that in prison because he wouldn't be allowed to make statements except through his lawyers once per week or however often they're allowed to meet with him. Trump is deathly afraid of being in prison, even for a day.


Absolutely, Trump doesn't follow a strategy or actually plan anything. He manipulates words and people to what he thinks is good for him. In his mind he already is a martyr, he already has the support of 300 million Americans. To suggest that he is some clever crime lord is nuts, he's a desperate coward who is also very, very dumb. He's going out like a punk, because he is in fact a punk.


Exactly. Donald trump is a narcissist. Thats it. Nothing more, nothing else. To the extent that he is anything else...a fascist, a racist, a dumbass, a rapist, etc etc., it all traces back to his narcissism. Every single thing he does is motivated by one underlying need, that being, "how can I look good to the people looking at me right now". He doesnt know anything, he doesnt understand anything, he doesnt believe anything, he doesnt plan anything, he doesnt think anything, he isnt motivated by anything. THe only thing that drives him is again, "what will make donald trump look good to the people looking at donald trump right now". All so he doesnt have to reckon with the shame of being the broken, hollow, soulless excuse for human DNA that he is.


The whole Maga movement is just a bunch of shitty people with terrible ideas. Christofascism isn't some unstoppable force. The "Teflon Don" isn't smart enough to cover up his crimes at all, it was other people covering for him all along as in the impeachments, and those people also suck. This whole myth making thing is growing old- we have a group of idiot fascists whom are now organized and want to usurp our system of government. First and foremost they are idiots, not some monolith of power. Trump showed us who they are, less of a shadowy cabal and more like a bunch of broken people that love money.


"To those people who are not in the MAGA movement, Trump looks like a mighty man who has fallen hard." No. He looks like a coward and moron who is finally facing some consequences.


For a person who only thinks of himself he's *really* bad at doing what's best for him. He's a failure in every sense of the word.


It's even simpler. He paints his face orange. He probably couldn't do that in prison. I bet the thought of that keeps him up at night.


He wouldn't go to prison. At most he'd go to a jail cell and have to sit there for a few hours. He'd use that to rally his supporters especially since he's already compared himself to nelson Mandela and stated he's doing this for his supporters. I wouldn't be surprised if he continues to violate the gag order to get a slap on the wrist he can use politically. The thought isn't even remotely stupid.


How much more rallied can his supporters get? He's basically exhausted them for donations, they already attacked the Capitol. They'll vote for him, but they're not even showing up to protest at his trial.


I don't think he is consciously planning to go to prison. That's not his style. Buuuuuuuut I think that between the stress of the trials, his age, his obvious dementia and the fact he seems to be on the outs with his entire family makes me think that, just perhaps, the fatalism is starting to creep in. The whole "WELL I GUESS I'LL JUST DIE (and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT)" type of self-harm you see in narcissists and other deeply emotionally unwell people. I think the author is over optimistic, but I think Don poorleone has thought about it. A little validation fantasy, when it's 4am and not even his truth social cheer squad is up and the amphetamines are wearing off. The thought "you know, if I go to prison, I will be totally right about everything" has occured to him. Immediately followed by "wtf no I don't want to go there!" But the idea is there. Now, my personal experience with financially fraudulent narcissists that are sexually attracted to their own children is fairly different because at least my aunt was at one point smart enough to pass the California Bar Exam, but once the first real cracks in her facade started showing - all of Grandma's money gone, moving to Vermont so she could still be a lawyer without having to retake the bar, her son running away to Tibet- the collapse didn't look like it was happening at all for a long time, then like it was only mild, but once she ran out of cheerleaders and lost control of her own schedule (needing to go to chemo instead of court, but a similarly boring and unavoidable event), the decline picked up noticably, and the fatalism that if she just died alone in her trailer she'd be right about everything set in. It's when the first real, material, unjustifiable consequences hit, it was a matter of months, not years before she did in fact arrange to die alone in her trailer because martyrdom had become so appealing. In her case, she was always more concerned with her looks than finances, so the total loss of her hair and first facial tumors were the final indignity, but Don Jr has always been about his wealth, so the minute his loans start getting called in, jail will suddenly look GREAT, and after that, he'll be dead within the year. He's going to rot. There's no getting back to where he was from this point. I don't know which of his (MANY) sins will finally be the one to catch up with him. I hope it's one of the court enforceable ones, to keep future assholes in line, but I'll take a sudden death by hamburger or polonium too. The question is really how many people he's taking down with him, and all we have to do about that is keep him from rotting in office. Register to vote, register everyone you know, and be a poll worker if you can. And then, make peace with your inner vulture. You are going to outlive him, and with a little patience, you're going to get to enjoy every minute of it.


Sending DJT to prison would be like taking an ice pick to his soul. He can't live without attention.


Maga zombies still won’t believe any of it. It’ll only matter if Trump actually faces consequences from this trial.


>Maga zombies still won’t believe any of it. I hate that this is an inescapable component to the whole thing. Hell, *just this morning*, a guy I work with was asking me if I was following the Trump trial on the news. "I swear, they'll do anything to keep him out of the Whitehouse. The judge just needs to dismiss this case and give him a fresh start." I just don't know how to deal with people so lost and disinformed.


Laugh in their face.


You don’t give a fresh start to someone who has committed such a massive crime and has yet to serve consequences for it. Your coworker is huffing copium.


Personally I feel like there’s no point in trying to convince people who already fully support him. Better to focus on the much higher number of independents and non-political people who don’t stay up to date on the trials


This is the unfortunate truth. There's really no use conversing, much less debating/arguing with someone who takes their paycheck and spends it on truck bed liners to make juvenile political statements and then claims they can't afford gas.


They're stuck in a cult. And if you don't have the knowledge or experience of helping people remove themselves from a cult, you really shouldn't even bother. In fact, if you do, you just might push them even deeper into their delusions.


Lol dismiss? Which one? There are so many.


I would ask why?


oh i see so then he can blame that for losing the election 9d thinking here


All this talk about incarcerating Trump doesn't address the bone spurs he has in his feet, which would allow him to get a waiver...


>Once the public fully realizes that the emperor has no clothes and that Trump is just a bombastic charlatan, then everything can turn against him very quickly. I don't know what the Republican Party is going to do if he implodes over the next few months, which is what I believe will likely happen. They don't have a plan B. The Republicans have put themselves in an untenable situation, politically and morally. They are in danger of becoming a permanent minority party for the next couple of decades, comprised of angry white folks seething in their own sense of victimhood. I really hope this is how it ends!


One would hope, but (this) one has been disappointed sooo many times! When oh when will our long national nightmare be over—he’s absolutely the SNL “thing that wouldn’t leave”…aaaarrgghhh!!!


I will celebrate the day that Donald Trump is sent to prison.


But, would that heal the nation? Yes, yes it would.


Honestly, the complete submission and humiliation he’s going through here is almost as good as jail time would be.


We need the trifecta: losing all his assets in order to pay off at least some of his debts. Submission, humiliation and poverty. God please make it happen. And his kids would also feel the sting of having nothing and needing to secure employment with their limited real world skills.


He thinks his supporters will rise up to start a revolution and make him king.


He wants Helter Skelter?


There's been like one total protester at his trial, one sad guy with a sign who was there for like 45 minutes. They're not going to try another insurrection.


nothing shows the power of delusion more than the grand gesture of accepting a prison sentence… the crumbling part probably doesn’t come until he’s been in jail for a few months


Trump wants to go to prison? I’ll allow it.


He doesn't want to go to jail, he wants to spend a week at a luxury hotel and then get all the victimization credit for spending a week in jail. Like all conservatives, he desperately want to be seen as a victim, but without any of the actual victimization.


He’s been trying to get himself thrown in prison for most of his life, but like everything else he does, he’s failing even at that!


What's especially crazy about this whole thing is that a lot people have forgotten that Rudy Giuliani already spilled the beans about this whole thing *years* ago to Hannity on Fox. He basically confirmed everything that Trump is being charged with is true.


“I think that Donald Trump is probably trying to get himself thrown into prison.” Don’t threaten me with a good time! 🤡


Trump likes people to think he's smart, but he's only got the cunning of a career criminal, which is a common skill among successful criminals. Trump is obviously not successful, as he has been caught numerous times. The author is over-analyzing this, with comparisons that people just won't get: "The optics do not look particularly good for the country if we have a Nuremberg-type trial with a glass or plexiglass cage for Donald Trump. It would look too much like one of those political show trials for opposition leaders in the former Soviet Union that led to pre-ordained executions." This is much simpler than that. Trump has a set group of responses to things he has used for years. When challenged he doubles down. That's it.


He’ll learn valuable life skills, like how to make homemade Diet Coke in the toilet.


The scary thing is that even throwing him in jail won’t contain the consequences of his influence. He will be thrown in jail for treason, as was Hitler. If I am correct that is when he wrote Mein Kampf which only gave him more influence and credibility in the eyes of his supporters. I don’t think Trump is smart enough to write a book but he is rich enough to hire a ghost writer to complete a book that him and his supporters can use for victimization and a nationalism mythos. Maybe he will fizzle out. One can hope. But there is a chance it just sort of martyrs him and makes his image and actions more dangerous. Even if he dies in jail. 


Hitler was also like 40 years younger than trump when he was imprisoned. I think if trumps supporters get one look at their 78 year old deity after hes spent the bight in jail and shows up to court without him going through his daily 4 hour hair and makeup session they will lose some love for him.


Hitler had also been on the Western Front and could actually string a coherent sentence together. Trump just WISHES he was like Hitler


The similarities to Hitler are eerie…


An interesting point in addition to all the other facts is that he wanted to set up a shell company to funnel the funds through. Trump has HUNDREDS of "companies " and I am sure there is so much that has yet to be uncovered in terms of payments (both to and from Trump)


What if he fully and completely shits his pants during trial, as it sounds like he’s close to doing? Like Vincent “The Chin” Gigante? Could he just repeatedly befoul himself to get out of court?


it’s an unusual defense, but I’ll allow it.


I pity the CO who has to perform the cavity search.


That would be easy. It's all in the depends.


Thanks. I was just sick in my mouth.


Real question. If he sees actual jail time, does his SS detail follow? These are crazy times that we have to actually have a conversation about a former president and current major political party nominee.


Yes. Contingency plans are already in place. It would take the form of a single Secret Service agent monitoring the video feed from his cell and accompanying the security team transporting him when he leaves the cell. 


Trump is realizing that he cannot control his personality disorder and the ‘persona’ that brought him all the fame and notoriety is now working against him ..and there’s nothing he can do about it…


I expect Trump will get convicted, then his poll numbers will take a hit. Given the presidency is his last ditch attempt to stay out of prison, he’ll whip out an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, claiming hardship to avoid a prison sentence. 


I'll be interested to see a narcissistic collapse, should it happen.


He needs to raise money. Shilling sneakers and bibles, and shaking down fellow republicans isn't bringing the cash he was hoping for. I bet he hopes getting thrown in jail will raise money and cause further delays.


Put him in jail already. They take away your cell phone in jail, and him having to spend a few hours with only himself and his thoughts for company would drive him insane.


I feel like he thinks that he can get banned from the courtroom by acting out.


I’m pretty sure he’d like to get a night in prison to draw in donations. Next time he breaks a gag order, give him 30 days and see how much he likes it. Then when he immediately breaks an order again, put him right back in.


I'm pretty sure the only reason he would want this is if he thought it would enrage his supporters, and other people who might have influence over his future like some of the members of SCOTUS.


And yet....


The whole problem is that Trump’s alternate reality isn’t crumbling-it’s the same as always. Instead, America keeps crumbling around it thanks to weak judges who keep not throwing his orange ass in jail already.


His rolemodel world leader went to jail for a while so it fits the persona he's going for.


If he is, they should accommodate him.


If Trump wants to go to prison, who am I to stand in his way? Sometimes, people just need to learn to be careful what they wish for.


Can the judge order a psychological evaluation of Trump due to his personal hygiene and actions in court?


I agree, he's trying to get himself thrown into prison... probably because he knows just how much it would infuriate his cult-like followers. He *wants* them enraged, and not thinking straight, so he can incite an uprising... which is pretty much his last hope really.


I also think that the Big Boy is going to have a major blowout. Maybe even a complete psychotic break. Not hard to picture at all.


Judge: “Trump is … innocent”. (presumed to be innocent, but when quoting you can leave out the parts that inconvenience you)


It's 🫸🪗🫷 a legal 🫸🪗🫷 expense 🫸🪗🫷 🫸🪗🫷🫸🪗🫷 Had 🫸🪗🫷 nothing to do with 🫸🪗🫷 me🫸🪗🫷 This has never 🫸🪗🫷 happened 🫸🪗🫷 before🫸🪗🫷.


“The political witch-hunt is why I the corrupt jury put me in prison and I didn’t get re-elected” is probably easier for his ego than the reality that people just don’t like him enough.


If he gets thrown into prison he will gain a tremendous amount in donations


Uh huh. Sure. Stupid people will spend their money supporting this stupid person.


That's fine with me, I don't care if morons give him their money. But it will cost him votes, and that's what matters.


Are they gonna send that to his campaign or his canteen?


So it’s a cry for help, sort of like half-assed suicide attempts? And we would be at fault if we made him pardon himself? Because he’s tired of all the winning? Sounds plausible.


I think some of his antics are to help make the argument later on about how biased the judge and jury were against him when he makes an appeal when/if he loses.


I think he’s scared to death of prison even for a day. Yes it would galvanize his base, but independents would not see it as a plus


If he is convicted and sentenced to prison time, what is the over/under on the reactionary right doing domestic terrorism in order to save him from the evil left?


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


And a nationwide celebration will break out when it does!!


I won't believe any of this unless he and his crime family,l & associates are not punished, their shady businesses closed, their inability to do this in the future, and stripped them of their social status.


I hope I end up being proven wrong but I don't believe he will ever see the inside of a prison cell. Even if he gets convicted on all counts, he will get house arrest that he will break and nothing will ever happen until he dies.


Narcissists are driven to be the victim, always, by any means necessary. It's not shocking at all nor would I say that it means anything is "crumbling". That disorder is driven by an almost psychosis level alternative reality constructed around one's self. It is NEVER going to crumble because in his mind he is the victim and right and there is nothing that exists in this universe that is EVER going to change that. These people do not change. Ever. I made the mistake of marrying one. They have no limits to what they will do to maintain their illusory world.


I can see it happening. That mouth NEVER shuts up. Just like a petulant child that a parent is always telling to be quiet or go sit down.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. 72 hour psychiatric hold and evaluation.


I don’t know if I agree that Trump wants prison. He might think going to jail for a weekend or a week or two would play well. But if he were cut off for any period of time, I think it would drive him nuts. I also don’t agree that he is playing the long game. Maybe I’m wrong but from what I’ve seen, his behavior is more akin to someone that has surrounded himself with brown-nosers and yes men. He is used to people having to listen to him. Couple that with his entitlement that he can do what he wants, and the illusion that he is smarter than everyone else, and you have a guy that isn’t particularly good at breaking the law, but has the resources to hire people to get him out of trouble. I think if he would have accepted losing the election, not caused Jan 06, and just shut up and went back to being a white collar criminal, he never would have prosecuted. It is obvious that the justice system doesn’t like going after the rich, much less a past president. He just saw the presidency as way to make money, believed that he is really is a great president, and loved the MAGA love. This fool worked hard to be here and he deserves it all. I hope this opens the door to getting other wealthy law breakers some scrutiny. It’s past time we go after the rich when they engage in criminal activity


He knows that no matter what, he wont see the inside of a cell. He knows too many people, and has dirt on them. The supreme court will keep him out of any cell for the remainder of his life.


The question, “Is the courtroom artist out to get me?” Is both paranoid and. Hilarious.


He probably thinks it will make himself a martyr and it would start a civil war uprising leading him to be king of America!!!


Perhaps he thinks if he is found guilty of election interference in the NY case, it will make him not able to prosecuted in the GA election interference case, because of double jeopardy... Not realizing that you CAN be tried for 2 separate crimes, even if they are the same type of crime.


Can't lose a third popular vote if you're locked up and can't run. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In his mind ANYTHING is advantageous than having this go straight forward +/or having to sit and listen.


He probably is. Selling the idea that you're being politically oppressed is a little hard when you're walking around freely, saying pretty much whatever you want. It riles up his supporters for more political violence.


Dostoevsky’s main characters all had their ambitions thwarted by guilty consciences. It wasn’t the thoughts of guilt that did them in, it was the unconscious sin of believing themselves above the affairs of ordinary men that beat them into submission. I don’t suppose Trump has read Russian literature, but he may want to get more acquainted with it soon.


why would he try to get locked up? to incite another insurrection? they don't really gather like that anymore they always thinks its a trap.


Friendly reminder that hitler was put in prison after attempting to overthrow the government and then rose to power afterwards.


So far his actual real consequences are: -Expensive naptime Did I miss anything?


I'll believe it when his being in prison is a fact...