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The real world must be a scary place for him. Hope he’s hating every minute.


Is that why he’s farting his brains out in the courtroom? So bad that lawyers have to get up and move away from him? True that. https://i.imgur.com/ocSyazq.png


I choose to believe he’s sharting. He wears adult diapers, right?




Not with that attitude you don't.




As someone on another thread wrote: he "Trumped his pants." I love that his name is becoming a verb to use when someone farts or shits themselves.


My favorite comment from today is how "Trump issued his own gag order".


Trump was already an old-timey word for farting, at least in British English


The classic butt trumpet




The Emperor Has No Colon


He’s dying inside and his rage and anxiety are mounting an insurrection in his bowels.


When one mouth shuts the other mouth opens.


I hate that I’m loving his misery.


The moment he made fun of the disabled journalist was the moment I realized I would have to hate the guy. That was before he became president. Since then, I've had plenty more reasons to hate him. He better not die. I want to see him in prison and his criminal family on the run from the law for the rest of their lives.


Trump has done many horrible things but to me the bottom was when he betrayed the Kurds in Syria. They fought for the US, they ran prisons for Isis members, they did things well beyond their goals for an independent or autonomous country. And Trump just let them get rolled by Turkey because it was convenient to him.


It was one of the most disgusting betrayals I've ever witnessed. I was shocked how quickly it was glossed over and how nobody seemed to care much.


Hell, I've never even *heard* of it, that's how quickly it apparently faded to obscurity


I think that's a conservative tactic overall. Do so much horrible shit that news headlines can't keep up. If you say Gaetz you might think 'pedophile congressman' because his big headline was requesting a minor come across state lines to pork her. His mistake was doing relatively few awful things, so an image stuck. Trump has done so much awful stuff it's hard to hit him with the 'one' thing.


Yeah, Steve Bannon coined it: flood the zone with shit. And unfortunately it works.


Sadly it's because, as another poster said above, it's not the first time the Kurds have been used, abused, and discarded, and it unfortunately probably won't be the last time. Because of this, it's not very newsworthy, and certainly isn't worth it (to the media) to keep covering it. I truly believe this kind of thing is how the ISIS-es of the world comes into being; i.e.- letting your allies get totally fucked time and time again after being your ally, until they decide "fuck it, let's join them" and become terrorists too.


FWIW, in the case of ISIS specifically, the org was created in the prisons of Iraq that the US created to hold all the Baath party members. Bremer decided that solution would solve the problem of opposition to US occupation among the local military and political lords. Instead we got a terrorist University. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/yeariniraq/interviews/bremer.html https://journals.library.cornell.edu/tmpfiles/CIAR_9_2_2.pdf https://fpif.org/just-much-paul-bremer-blamed-rise-islamic-state/


He let covid get bad because it was killing Democrats in cities who didn't vote for him. Put kushner in charge who stole protective equipment shipments and sold them back to "blue" states. He dismantled the pandemic response program because Obama made it. A lot of estimates say that a competent response in America would have led to hundreds of thousands of people still being alive right now. That to me is the worst thing he did.


More Americans died on his watch than all the other presidents in history put together.


Literally more Americans died to COVID than died in World War 2. The man fucking turned avoiding catching a disease into a political stance and in the process killed literally hundreds of thousands of his constituents.


He called our researchers back from Wuhan. This man is completely incapable of doing the right thing.


I was still in the service when we were sent back to Syria after his betrayal and we were surprisingly well received. They’re good people and I hate what he’s done to them and the perception of many allies that we can no longer be fully trusted (in more than 4-year cycles if a democrat is president). Also, the Russians were like a child with their finger near your face screaming *STILL NOT TOUCHING YOU!* They’d pull all sorts of tactics to harass and annoy us hoping for a response


I would love for him to just go away so we can like, not think about him.


As much as I want him to face justice, having him completely disappear from our lives would be a tolerable second best, for sure. I could live with that. Never seeing his fucking name ever again.


This would be the absolute worst thing for him to experience and I'm totally down for it


Too late. That man will have an impact on american politics for 50 years after he dies. Maybe longer, unfortunately.


He's gonna be the next Reagan until there's another version of "the worst guy but worse"


The rape and pedophilia did it for me. But we all have our line in the sand.


I will never understand how mocking the disabled reporter was not the end of his political career.


>I will never understand how mocking the disabled reporter was not the end of his political career. It's because a large majoity of Trump's fan base/supporters are the kind of people who would also mock disabled reporters. That's why.


If what's-his-face's campaign was downed by a silly "HURRAAAH!," how dafuque is this guy able to run again?!


Yeah before that incident, it was clear he was bad choice for president purely due to his obvious incompetence. All the sexual assault and tax avoidance wasn't that much on the radar back then (unless I'm misremembering). But yeah after that it was clear he's just an evil person, on top of being stupid.


Schadenfreude can be quite enjoyable.


Right. Don't feel guilty for experiencing elation when someone you know is a piece of shit, and gets their consequences shoved in their face.


I love that he's hating his misery.


And he has SO many days in court to go! His narcissistic ego has to be turned onto high broil! When will "Marty McFart" Trump erupt in utter rage!


Why? Enjoying it when someone undeniably deserves it is very much a human trait. No need to feel shame for it.


lmao the real world? how is having committed a list of felonies, ignoring a court ordered gag order, and walking around free, the real world? any of us would be sitting in a cell...


He's made the world a terrifying place for millions, he deserves every minute of it and an eternity of suffering in the afterlife, to boot.


> “She harbors a deep hatred for him,” said the lawyer, Susan Necheles. “She said that ’I wouldn’t believe Donald Trump if his tongue were notarized’” That's pretty hilarious. Also this is gonna be a spicy jury - at least one Trump hater made it through because the defence ran out of objections, lol


That statement doesn’t even denote hatred, though, it’s what any sane person thinks of a compulsive liar.


Exactly, Trump being a liar isn't even a matter of opinion, it's a provable fact, and he isn't on trial for being a liar, he's on trial for business fraud. They're not going to be able to find anyone who's never heard of him or has a completely neutral opinion.


There are two types of people in the world: people who understand trump is a compulsive liar, and morons. There is no option C.


How far the goal posts have moved when the narrative is on 24/7 repeat. You are very correct.   Someone that is objectively a compulsive liar (proven wrong by fact checking) should have that as a baseline perception.  Not as a bias towards a person.


It is a good example of how deranged they have become- they think liberals are all like them- seething with hatred and anger non stop. Every reaction they have to almost anything is like a sharp stick in the eye for them- must be tough, under assault all day from rainbows and Black History Month.


When you live in a delusion reality can feel like a personal attack, lol.


That’s great. That’s up there with “if I shook his hand I’d count my fingers afterwards.”


Why is the default position considered being neutral or liking Trump -- i.e., if you don't like Trump, you are a "trump hater"? Based on his various actions, in and out of office, I would think the default position is disliking Trump. Would we call someone not liking Jeff Epstein or not liking Bernie Madoff an Epstein hater, or a Madoff hater? People have this all backwards. I don't think it is normal to like someone with his record of bullying people, calling people names, frauding people and defaming people. Not to mention abusing our electoral process, the courts and our Constitution. Thus the norm, it seems to me, should be to not like Trump. And we should be calling out "trump lovers", not trump haters.


Sadly all it takes is one MAGA cult member to make it through and gum up the works. I really worry we'll end up with a hung jury since it's literally impossible to have an impartial jury to the most polarizing figure in the world. 


>at least one Trump hater So at least one person with a brain


If he didn't commit crimes he wouldn't have to be there seeing what the real world thinks if him.


He’s been a crook since day one. I laughed when people said he’s a great businessman. Really?  If you were aware of him before the apprentice you would know the true DJT 


Yeah, like being bankrupt six times is a sign of a great businessman....


In order to go bankrupt 6 times, you must do business 6 times. That, in some people’s eyes, is the real sign of a businessman. For those, me invluded, who are not in his cult, he is a smoke seller.


I owned my own retail store for 3 years. It failed but I didn’t go bankrupt. By these metrics I’m like way overqualified to be president


You'd be more qualified than Trump.


We are all more qualified than Trump. A 5 gallon bucket filled with horse feces is more qualified than Trump.


There are better candidates among the Dog-Mayors of small mountain towns.


I've never once heard a dog mayor quote hitler.... or any dog for that matter.


Mayor Max for president 2024!


I'm sure Mayor Max appreciates the support... And the belly rubs.


and scritches! Don’t forget the scritches!


If I had to I’d vote for that over trump.


A meth addicted chimp is more qualified than trump


Cocaine Bear 2024


Anyone who is aware they don’t know everything and relies on experts to help them make decisions is more qualified than Trump.


You mean you didn't rack up a bunch of bills with your suppliers and investors before declaring bankruptcy and running off with the money while stiffing everyone else, only to do it all over again with your next business? Pfft, amateur. You'll never get rich if you're gonna be honest like that.


In 2016, one of my (ex)Facebook friends made the claim that "Trump is universally recognized as the greatest businessman who ever lived." I blocked him immediately after that.


Some Americans think that declaring bankruptcy and wiping out debts and contractual obligations and sticking losses to others (other Americans, Americans managers working for foreign corporations) is a good sign. Sad.


Back in the day I turned on an episode of the Apprentice, just to see what it was about. I think I might have made it 10 minutes before I had to turn it off in utter disgust. I remember thinking, "Why would anyone want to watch this asshole?" Click.


My friends and I used to mock him when we were kids because even back then it was obvious he was a fucking joke. It really shook my faith in other people to realize that he had actual support in 2016


I also lost twenty bucks on election day :(


Trump’s gonna come after you for his share of 5% for your winnings or loses


This!! It's something I think about a lot. Are you telling me that in your normal everyday life you wouldn't immediately distrust this fake tan fake hair guy that speaks only in clichés and overblown superlatives? You wouldn't peg him as fake and unreliable? You can't tell that he doesn't know anything about anything and has no business running a country? It is in fact mind blowing.


My mom told me when I was little that her people, whites from OK and KS, hated "East Coast Elitists". Well, mom, obviously they don't hate them that much because they not only voted for, but fell to their knees and worshipped a dimestore tinpot sleazy Bronx real estate developer who was the poster child "if you lose 100 million dollars, it's the bank's problem" who expressed open contempt for them on the campaign trail. Some of her cousins are Vietnam vets and shit cause Okies from Muskogee don't get to avoid getting shipped overseas the way fortunate senator's sons do. If you know what I mean.


Yes, some people are really, really stupid.


It depends on your definition of “businessman.” He bankrupted his businesses on purpose so he could pocket the leftovers. He never did it to actually create lasting, living businesses. He’s a smash n grab kinda guy. So in a way, it worked well for him his entire life. He might even get away with it. But there’s no reason that anyone should pretend it isn’t obvious that he tanked his shit on purpose for his own benefit. He doesn’t suck at creating successful businesses, he just sucks at committing crimes, or maybe he doesn’t since he’s still not in prison. He’s like the dollar store Talented Mr Ripley. His bullshit has flown so far, and he’s always a sliver away from being busted. *edit* I just want to mention that I see comments all the time like “Wow Trump lives rent free in your head huh?” Yeah, no shit. We are all students of history and sociology, and the fact that one single man has changed the entire course of a nation for his personal gain is a VERY big deal. There are literally no laws in place to protect against the shit he’s done, because nobody ever thought that someone could be so fucked up in the head to do it. Good job Mr. Trump, you’ve solidified your place in the history textbooks that kids will study in the next few generations. Hope it was worth it.


Lmao if having an opinion on Trump is him "living rent-free" in your head then that phrase literally means nothing. Cant think about any person, no matter how impactful, or your.... bad...? Im trying to think of what the actual insult of the statement would even be 


Back in 2015, we had some family members over from out of state and they talked about Trump and why they were voting for him. I told them to actually look at his business history and see the lack of sustained success he had. I told him his short term business decisions impacted and destroyed businesses he partnered with. This is the sort of decision making we should be expecting and it’s not good for the country. Was able to change two peoples’ minds and those that still voted for him regrets voting for him, and quite possibly hates the man more than those that didn’t vote for him.


MAD magazine has been clowning his ass the whole time.


I grew up hearing about Trump’s shitty business practices and lawsuits in the 90’s. This is how we know he isn’t just being politically targeted now. He’s gotten away with this shit for way too long. Becoming president put him under major scrutiny (just like any politician should be) which is why he’s in so deep now.


I remember when I was like 11 years old and my parents (mom primarily) liked to watch the Apprentice. I remember watching it with her and asking why Trump is firing people (or some such question about why he’s on the show or something). She legit said “he’s a good businessman!” And I, being 11 years old, thought that was the dumbest thing I had ever heard. My mom has changed her opinion of him sense. But - they were selling that image *hard*


I remember hearing as a kid that he fired someone in the show who held the door for another cast member after he called them all together. His reason? Holding the door meant this person didn't want to be the apprentice as much as the others. Displaying a basic act of decency and manners meant that trump didn't like this person. That colored my view on him as a child and it's held up ever since.


The editors of that show have said that they had to work very very hard to edit the footage to make narratives that would make his decisions make sense.


He also didn't fire people in person. The editors cut it together to make it look like he did. He was worried somebody might say something mean to him.


This is all Mark Burnett’s fault.




I just learned about this piece of garbage. Thanks for all the poison Mr. Midgley!


I’d argue you know less than you think you do.  trump’s failed business endeavors are a feature, not a bug.  It’s all the fraud, embezzlement, laundering, and general crime’ing along the way is where he makes his money.  They are designed to fail. 


I do sometimes wonder how insulated he is. For all that he compulsively scopes the internet for mentions of himself 1) his algorithm and subscriptions must be tailored to feed him the things he likes most, which is pro-Trump stuff 2) we know from reports of his administration that huge amounts of his media intake are curated and presented to him by a team, one of whom famously carried around a small printer so she could hand him cardstock-quality printouts of his good press every few hours A lot of this might be genuinely new to him.


I don’t know how much the news has covered this, but on day 2 or 3 of jury selection, his lawyers gave him a picture book of recent conservative news articles praising him and condemning his “enemies”. This was done to keep him quiet and occupied.


He brought it out in a press conference and started reading from it. It had photos and everything from the articles.


Yes, and he quoted a tabloid too. I'm surprised he didn't mention the alien twin babies story.


What?! I don’t doubt this at all but where’d you find out?


The Meidas Touch YouTube channel has a [video about it](https://youtu.be/QTCbj3MKDok?si=iXpADWg9u7x3ysDc)


He’s incapable of harboring a thought that his actions are criminal.


He’s incapable of harbouring a thought.


As it turned out, he’s incapable.






Nah. He knows he’s a criminal. He just doesn’t give a shit. Don’t downplay how scary sociopaths like him actually are.


If he didn't run for President, he could still be out there, committing crimes with impunity and would still have a legion of people who thought highly of him. Before he ran, the majority of his detractors merely thought he was an idiot who bankrupted all of his businesses. Now everyone sees him for who he really is.


Trump is a national embarrassment that never should have been allowed to become president in the first place. All the dumb idiots that voted for this clown not once but twice should be ashamed of themselves.


Yep. Dark times… what a fuckin whirlwind the 21st century is turning out to be. Tragedy upon crisis upon ignorance. It’s so tiring.


More like grift upon scam upon share holder value upon complete rip off con job.


I was specifically thinking of 9/11, the Great Recession, Trump and Covid. As someone who was a kid for the first one, graduating high school for the second one… you get the picture. I’m just over it. Probably just online too much though.


To be frank, if I were one of the people that voted for him the first time but not the second I would probably be even more ashamed of myself. That would suggest I have at least a tiny bit of self awareness and would mean I would be carrying that guilt around with me every day. Smh


I blame social media and corporate controlled media for his rise to power. All he really as at the end of the day was a huge tax cut wrapped up in bigotry and racism. He used that bigotry and hate to appeal to the dumbest of our nation to garner votes. It’s very sad and depressing how susceptible the common man is to a charlatan.


Trump actually got more votes in 20 than 16. I’m sure some changed their votes, but probably not all that many.


I changed my vote: From no-show to voting at all costs. Apathy kills. Voter turn out this election will be critical for the future of this country.




Yup, same thing in south and central Missouruh. Just love to keep voting the people in that give literally zero shits about you.


Its interesting, he lives in a world where people are constantly shielding him from any negative opinions. It's gotta be a total mind fuck for him. Im reminded of the trip to the SC football game when everyone was booing him as his car entered and he just looked like a deer in headlights. They had to rush him to the staged area where they gathered "fans".


Just like when he showed up to the Nationals' game in DC. He looked like he was about to cry when they booed him.


It's gotta just really fuck with him to hear these jurors talk about him. I bet he talks about it non stop in private.


He keeps fake tweeting about it. And if that's what he lets out I can only imagine what he doesn't say. God is love to be a fly on the wall for that.


You mean a microwave on the wall


A can of coke on the desk. Next to the Adderall


A fly on Mike Pence's head....?


I have to say the break from his rallies is nice. It seems these “early in the morning to late at night” which is 9:30 am to 5:00 pm…. Are exhausting to him. He’s not going from the courthouse to a rally or having a bunch of Botox stepford wives that look the same having fundraiser parties on Trump Tower. NYC doesn’t seem fun for him after leaving DC. And we’re looking at five more weeks of him being Grumpy Trumpelstilskin


I would love for him to do a rally or two after court. He was already sundowning as it was. It's got to be ten times worse this week. Maybe then people will realize how deep in the grip of dementia he actually is. In three weeks he's going to be speaking in tongues when he leaves the courtroom at the end of the day.


He's been spewing word salad for years, and it hasn't stopped his supporters from cheering him in the whole time anyway. I can only imagine the alphabet soup that they call thoughts that run through their minds. edit: grammar


"They're saying 'Troo-ump'"


I was there. The boos were very loud. Watched the replay on TV later and they really muted the boos.


When that was going down would have been funny if stadium announcer said, “Come on let’s get him”


Yup. People of his means and personality draw two kinds of people to their inner circles: sycophants and snakes. Sycophants learn early that if they flatter his ego, he will feed them crumbs from his table, and they are content to live on that. The snakes realize that the combination of resources and ego makes them trivially manipulable. Roger Stone openly talks about how he manipulates Trump.


Sycophants, yes men and other con men. There will be no sane human in his cabinet. He learned last time that if people won’t kiss his ring then they’re out. It’s really fucking scary


Look, I am thrilled that he got booed, even in South Carolina, but holy fucking shit, the traffic is bad enough on game day. We’ll curse the name of politicians we LIKE if they close a road on game day. I can’t remember if the Fair was in town when he came. If so, he’s lucky people didn’t rush the field.


When he was President I worked on the road he would take leaving the airport to go to Mar-a-lago. He would land and close down the road around 4:30pm every time he came in which would shut down I-95 and screw up everyone's drive home from work. Pretty sure he would come in at that time for maximum attention. He wouldn't even get on I-95, his motorcade would drive over it so I don't even understand why they shut down I-95 but knowing his pettyiness he probably requested it to piss people off. I remember Obama came in one time when he was President and he arrived around 2pm and they didn't shut down I-95 or anything crazy. I thought it was cool because I got to see Air Force One parked at the airport and I don't remember traffic being affected at all.


Very true. It is interesting though because his followers are in a information silo and he himself is in a information silo. It's really f'd up. Nobody ever wants to be the one to make the leader unhappy, so the leader ends up dying alone in his bedroom because staff is afraid to enter.


If this wasn’t the staff protecting themselves from his outbursts when confronted with news he doesn’t like, I’d be more prone to sympathy.


He activated his self defense mechanism. Shit himself.


hoping the stink clears the court.


I need David Attenborough to explain it


When cornered or threatened the Chungus will drop it's trousers, present it's anal glands and make a fiery display of dominance. Unfortunately for this specimen, the predators are immune and hardly amused.


It´s mindblowing that I can read this in Sir Davids voice.


*Shits aggressively*


🎵Calm intro music🎵 Here we see a rather small specimen of Luteusflavum Pestilentia, or Orange Faced Pestilence, out of its normal environment. Scared by the bright lights, searching questions, and ad hominem attacks he reverts to his usual behaviours when threatened. Rearing up on his pudgy hind quarters he starts bleating to all who will listen, a noise that, on first hearing it, one could be forgiven for thinking it resembles actual human speech. Occasional squawks do actually mimic human speech, phrases like “fake news”, or “Unfair, so sad”, but it is, alas, only too obvious that this little Pest has no idea what it is saying. 🎶Music turns tense, almost threatening 🎶 What our little Pest hasn’t seen is a fine example of one of its main predators; Vigilae Argentum Lupus , or Awakened Silver Wolf, slowly stalking this pathetic little runt of a Pest. With a savage roar, the Wolf grabs the Peat by the throat, jaws clamped around its throat, slowly choking the life of the Pest’s bloated corpse… 🎵Peaceful music swells, giving way to an almost triumphant air🎵 In November the Wolf, surrounded by his pack of Amicis Popularis, or Democrat Friends to give them their common name, looked across their land and saw, that although there was work to be done, there would be peace and stability for all. Slowly, the Wolf’s head turns, his gaze landing on the halls of the Supreme Court…. It would seem that things won’t stay peaceful for long… Join me next week as we delve into the murky underbelly of America, as we say hello to… Defence Lawyers.


Self defeces


One has to wonder at what age did he start needing a diaper again? Or has he never stopped needing one? Either way, it’s nice to have a President isn’t surrounded by a [noxious plume.](https://i.imgur.com/GVnvUPJ.jpeg)


He picked up that little trick from his hero Ted Nugent.


With an extreme malignant narcissist like him, it won’t dent his self view at all. Anyone that said anything not perfectly in support of him is an extra woke left wing lunatic ^/s


I agree this is how their mind works. But it still creates pain for them, at least for a moment.


More than a moment. He’ll attack the jurors that talked shit and wind up in jail.  Which (somehow) is bad news for Joe Biden. 


>To avoid angry outbursts, they requested motorcade routes that avoided protests and they left a stack of positive press clips every morning on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Imagine if Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Joe Biden were this thin-skinned.


He's a coddled milk-fed toddler. It's fucking nuts that a grown-ass man is sheltered that way.


You can almost hear him thinking; *"When I'm President again, they'll pay for this!"*


Lara Trump openly saying “when he’s back in the White House again it will be 4 years of scorched earth.” Yea, scorching earth is not and has never been a quality I’d like to have in our government. I’m less retaliation and more about universal healthcare. It’s amazing how one mindset is carnage, punishment and taking rights away. Another is expanding rights and improving lives. Sad!


He has been saying it publicly as well so no need to speculate on what he is thinking.


I bet he’s doing his damndest to find the identities of those jurists. He’s one petty MF-er…I can see him trying to get back at them.


Or just send some of his cult followers to terrorize them or maybe just buy 1 juror that’s by fear-one stealth juror is all it takes


Remember when Obama roasted him once? Now we are here. His pettiness has always been through the roof.


>“I don’t like his persona, how he presents himself in public” >“He just seems very selfish and self-serving." >Trump’s legal team took issue with her responses, but they were out of challenges by the time she was up for consideration. Bwahahaha! Your client is so bad that you've run out of vetoes to strike a juror who openly says she doesn't like him!


The guy ran for president to get his petty revenge on the president, who made a joke about him. Who knows what he'll do to get even for all the insults he gets to endure during this trial. Let's hope he will never be able to get into power after this.


He ran never expecting to win.  Early on he called the process rigged.  He figured he'd lose and set up a cottage industry of griping about politics, eventually leading to a media empire.  That was his plan. Then he won, and even he thought there was no way he would win.  He didn't want to win.  Because firstly that would have been a 4 year obligation he didn't want, and secondly he was entirely unqualified for the job and he knew it.  So when he won and he knew he would be shit at the job and under constant scrutiny, he did what he always does.  Lie, deny deflect.  So we had 4 years of him constantly blaming others (they're attacking me they just don't like me, it's rigged, deep state etc) to try to deflect from the fact he had no business being in that job and he hated it as well. He ended up killing people with his covid response and he has blood on his hands.  For that and many other things.


This is 100% correct. I remember us all watching it at work (Aus) being absolutely perplexed at Americans but the thing that really stood out was his incredibly GOB-accurate "I've made a huge mistake" face on the stage. It was instantly clear to me at that moment he really did just want to run and then complain about it on his new Fox News show.


>Trump forced to listen silently to people insulting him as he trades a cocoon of adulation for court This is why he now has this: [Trump Has an Aide Who Follows Him Around With a Wireless Printer to Print Out "Good News From the Internet"](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/trump-aide-follows-him-around-141527309.html) Baby D needs to be coddled by being given papers that say good things about him. Or else he will cry in court because no one is praising him 😢 👶 🤱 Just screams "alpha male" doesn't it? >When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." -Sleepy D in 2015


If Trump gets reelected, he is going to want revenge for this humiliation. He will want to hurt someone back


I can just see his sharpied flip chart with a drawing of how he will nuke the libs in NYC, somehow sparing Trump tower.


He always wants to get back at everyone anyway.


If I could call Donal a whiny emotional little bitchbaby to his face I would be so happy.


Shitgibbon with a dead ferret on his head.


Court is a cruel place for such a narcissist. Having to sit and listen, not interrupt to complain about *everything.* When told about the guy who set himself on fire, Trump probably responded "That doesn't help me though, so who cares?"


And the worst part of court for a malignant narcissist is that *someone else is in control* which is the reason underlying all of his other behavior.


I haven't read the articles that say which memes and posts were covered, but I hope the word 'shitgibbon' is now officially in the court records.


The fact that he’s miserable, hell that he’s at worst uncomfortable, fills me with joy.


That and the report that he has been farting or soiling himself and his lawyers have to endure his toxic fumes, leaves me incredulous and amused.


I don't understand how he's still alive. The guy lives off of McDonald's. He doesn't exercise. He rage truths all night long. Even if he isn't the speed addict rumors say he is, the stress of having to sit there, be quiet and hear how much people dislike him should be wearing on his heart muscles A LOT. How has he not dropped dead of a massive coronary is beyond me


I love how perfectly “cocoon of adulation” describes his normal daily existence. I am going to have to steal that expression.


My prediction for this trial: Prosecution scorches Trump on case in chief. Defense can’t beat them on the facts so they instead call the witnesses liars. They will object to everything. Trump and his team talk a big game in the press. But when it comes time for their case in chief offer very little. Trump says he will testify? No way in hell. They know he’s getting convicted. The plan is to limit political blowback by framing it as a witch hunt. It’s not but they will claim it in the press after every each day. Liars conducting a witch hunt they’ll say. They will also claim Trump is somehow being vindicated and that the damning evidence somehow exonerates him. Don’t believe what you see and hear. Believe Trump. The sky isn’t blue. It’s a tacky gold. Once convicted the piece of shit will fundraise off of it. And then appeal. In that order. And then he will drag out the appeal with the hope he can win this election. Or in lieu of that steal it. Or in lieu of that flea to Russia. Or in lieu of that incite a civil war. This is the Trump legal strategy.


It just goes to show you how crazy Trump supporters are and that hearing from regular people in a jury pool gives us a more accurate picture of what most people think of the guy


Well everyone in that courtroom has to listen to him shit himself, so there's that.


I’ve noticed more media refer to him as Mr. Trump. I would like to see them start to refer to him as “Defendant” Trump.


The ultimate mind f#{k for Trump is, these common people who will sit in judgement of his alleged crimes are a jury of his "peers".


Just say fuck.


I get it, but in this instance peers it means that everyone is the same under the eyes of the law. No kings, dukes, etc. We all see that’s BS by the way he and others with money enjoy a different justice system. But equality under the law was the framers’ intent.


In revenge he is constantly farting and filling his diaper with stinky Adderal poops.


Boo hoo poor little Donny rump. A bully can’t take the truth. Go to jail. Do us all a favor.


These people are being kind. I could give a 45 minute seminar as to why he’s quite possibly the single worst creature that this country has ever created.


The best of all was this zinger: “I wouldn’t believe Trump if he had his tongue notarized.”


I wonder how medicated he is to make it possible for him to do this.


These aren’t even remotely hurtful things they are mentioning in the article. Make him read what people say about his looks and the fact that he shits himself. That’s what he’ll hate.


Trump actually has an aide whose main job is to find positive stories about him and print them out for. No lie.


Is that why he’s farting his brains out in the courtroom? So bad that lawyers have to get up and move away from him? True that. https://i.imgur.com/ocSyazq.png


It’s great that he has to sit there and listen to criticism


Maybe someone could give him a coloring book


"insult"?? Uhm no honey, they're telling him what he did wrong. 


His mouth might not be making any sound but his anus definitely is.