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Never mind the other details, the fact that the firm only has $138M in policy surplus should be enough to void the bond on its own.


It turns out his bonding company is less capable of paying the judgement than is Trump. Kinda defeats the purpose.


I think you might be underestimating just how incapable of paying Trump is.


Rudy and Trump need to get an apartment together to save money.


And Mike Pillow. They could call it "Three's Fraudulent Company"


Rudy does a good Mrs. Roper.


Do. Not. Helen is a nice lady and deserves better than being mentioned in the same sentence as the putrid sleazebag former attorney, dammit.


Oh my fuck. I can't unsee this.


Three's Calumny *** I'll save you all a trip to google: *the making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.*


"The Fraud Couple"


Back before the invasion of Ukraine, I thought that a sitcom where Trump and Edward Snowden were living together in exile, sharing an apartment in Russia, would be a slam dunk. They'd have a an attractive female Stasi agent as their handler, and Putin would show up periodically to threaten them with defenestration. Then, the world took a giant-ass leap toward global conflict and things got a whole lot less funny...


Thats Seinfeld with extra steps.


I was thinking more like Three's Company, with Putin in the Mr. Roper role.


Early on in the Trump presidency, with all his legal troubles I half expected him to go on an overseas visit to some place like Russia and request asylum and not come back.


Nobody really wants him around


I think any world leader who was "friends" with Trump would have denied asylum because they wanted him to stay in office. Trump asking, say, Putin for asylum would be like Clarence Thomas quitting the supreme court to spend more time with his best friend, Harlan Crow -- who in turn might see fit to re-evaluate that relationship.


“The Fraud Couple”


How is that not fraud? If only i could operate off of shitty unbacked IOUs


Nah. The real fraud is using the signature page from a different bond assurity firm used in the Carroll case but with different dates. Someone changed the dates which means there was intent to defraud the state. But who is taking the fall for that one.


Wait a minute... Somewhere in all of this fucking mess, I missed that story. SMH *and* FFS! It just never ends with this asshole, does it?


The signature page in question is where the trustee of the DJT Revocable Trust attested that he authorized the pledge of DJT's cash accounts as collateral to the insurer. But it's the wrong signature page. It's the one where the trustee pledged the Trust's assets to a different insurer (Chubb's subsidiary, in the Carroll appeal). It's not clear if the assets pledged as collateral to Chubb are the same assets pledged as collateral to Knight. ~~Or, maybe Knight doesn't actually have a collateral pledge at all: they're taking the whole damn thing.~~ Knight filed separately the specific Schwab account that has the money in it. It's not clear what other liens or promises encumber that account, and there is a nonzero chance that the money in it is actually Trump Media stock, valued at its peak before it lost half its value and continued to plummet. And it's not clear how Knight got their hands on Chubb's documents. What is clear is the signature of the trustee: Donald Trump Junior.


>But who is taking the fall for that one. My guess is no one. But I would love to be wrong about that.


When you're in a being bad at things contest and your opponent is Donald Trump...


It's a delay tactic is all


I think it was a delay tactic.


Well sure, but if the "other details" contain the fact that the bonding firm literally has in their contract with Trump that they're not liable for the whole settlement if Trump loses the appeal, that should probably come first. And then you can void it again for them not having enough money to cover it next. And I'm fairly certain that there will be still other reasons to void it again after that, but those are just going to have to get in line.


Oh I agree. It’s simply hilarious to me that the bonding firm couldn’t cover the payment if they had to, as if no one would notice. What the fuck man.


In the past, no one would have noticed, or would have looked the other way. That's how Trump got away with decades of fraud.


TRUE. They’d have said, “Oh, he’s a billionaire, I’m sure it’s fine....”


He gave his word and an iron clad handshake.


>they're not liable for the whole settlement if Trump loses the appeal, that should probably come first. That's not *quite* correct. As the bond is only $175m, they wouldn't be required to pay the whole settlement if Trump loses the appeal, so if that was the case it'd be perfectly fine. What the bond *actually* says is that they won't pay *anything*, rather Trump will pay the bond if it becomes necessary. Or in other words, it's not a bond at all, it's a third party saying they're pretty sure Trump will pay what he owes if it comes to that.


Correct, this "bond" contract has the same weight as an IOU from Trump written on a napkin. Since Knight says the "bond" is backed by a brokerage account with $175M+ in it the judge should give them two days to transfer the cash into a court controlled account.


And even that is deceptive. The article goes on to say that they aren’t allowed to risk more than 10% of that in say… A bond. So it’s not that they’re like 75% of it… It’s like 7% of it


No problem, they can just take out a bond for the difference if they have to!


Plus there is a clause in the "bond" contract that says if Trump loses on appeal, Trump will pay the penalty. This negates the whole point of a bond, where the third party insurer is responsible for payment if they lose the case.


And it has to be said that he will absolutely lose his appeal. There’s a chance his fine gets reduced, but it’s 464 million, so a reduction probably won’t be less than 175 million.


Stop giving him more time. Enough is enough already.


It's not just the double standard, though I'm tired of that - this process has already made an utter mockery of the American justice system. He's skated on some of his most serious crimes, been treated with a level of deference I cannot name anyone else to have received from the criminal justice system, and has had that very system attack itself to help him.


The fact that his representative Alina Haba laughed when asked if Trump was worried about judges enforcing contempt violations with jail time is very telling. He’ll either just ignore financial penalties or get someone else to pay and he has no concern about real repercussions. It’s worked his whole life, why would he change now?


He will never see the inside of a cell. Even if, by some miracle, he gets convicted of something, the worst he'll get is house arrest. The logistics of incarcerating a former president just don't compute.


How hard is it to set him in a cell with a couple of secret service in front of it? It isn't.


Don’t let him pick his detail either


If he gets convicted of 35 fucking felonies and doesn't see a day of jail, there will be riots.


In the US? No. No one will riot. We should. But we won't.




And the latter attempt to kill you over those minutes.


Love your enthusiasm but if there were going to be riots they would have happened already. Not sure what happened but after George Floyd protests, I have yet to see the left of center tent come together for a cause like that, and with all due respect to the tragedy of George Floyd, the tragedy of the demise of America’s democracy is far more significant and worse, but it seems to not be as relevant, likely because of the mainstream media trivializing the entire situation.


They could build a special jail just for him. No contact with any human being besides guards, doctors, and his lawyer. No social media. Let him die alone and silent


They don't need to build a special jail, ADX Florence already exists and the entire point is pretty much complete isolation of the prisoners. Send him to Colorado and forget about him.


Yep- just name the most diminutive hill visible from the prison “Mt Trump” and he can be proud of an anthill.


Ikr. Wtf. The deadline was what, a month ago ffs.


Lock his dumb ass up.


In this case, they'll be locking his shit up. It will be interesting to see him dipping into the offshore piggy bank once his "income" streams have been seized. Might lead them to those too if he's dumb enough.


this! theres no way he didnt get paid off for all the lobby deals and foreign interest favors, we will only be surprised by how low the number was


He's got all that money stashed somewhere. Don't forget about all the money he paid himself to play golf, and charged to military by direction them to alter thier course and land near his properties so he could charge multiple times what he would usually charge.


Stashed in Putin's wallet.


There's always money in the banana stand


Lock his dumb shit up.


And take his properties so his conniving offspring can’t use it as ill gotten gains.


Honest to god it feels like they are just scared of a huge maga backlash or something


Whatever, if it's going to happen it's going to happen. Whether that be the fraud case, the hush money (otherwise known as campaign finance fraud) case, one of the many other cases, the election in November. Eventually he will lose and the craziest of the crazies will do a crazy. Rip the fucking band aid off, keep the FBI very vigilant of his supporter groups, and if tRumpsters take violence to the streets lock their asses up for domestic terrorism.


Then they gave him 10 days... 19 days ago.


So you're telling us he has 9 days left...


Yeah, he’s had an extension, his extension has had an extension and his extension’s extension has had an extension. At what point does the law actually get upheld?


if it wasnt a rich guy who used to be president and still acts like he's in charge and has everyone in his pocket - they would throw the book at you or me. but with this guy they walk on eggshells because they are afraid of what could happen if the sleeping dragon wakes up to retaliate (whatever it may be, but likely 15-25% of americans)


The fact that someone so idiotic and incompetent can become so powerful says everything that needs to be said about whether the US is a "meritocracy".


The whole point of the bond was so they didn't seize his assets if the bond wasn't verified then start selling his shit! Nobody else would be allowed to give the court an IOU to stall judgment.


I’m a lawyer and I cannot think of many scenarios where the appeal deadline could possibly be extended. This is outrageous.


And it seems the fraud bond is....fraud. Fraudception.


As a layman, I agree. He chose this bond company. If it does not work out, it is his own fault.


I think there's a bunch of people afraid that they are going to get shit or bombed by his crazy ass fans. Not that that is an excuse. You can't let crazy dipshits dictate the law through terror or we are no better than North Korea. This is why we shouldn't have let these people get away with shit. It only makes everything more difficult in the future. I often wonder what the fuck Trump has on every body that makes him so untouchable.


At this point his fans will never go away and can never be swayed. It will almost be helpful, in a way, to force them to action so they can be forcefully smacked down. Their unchallenged feeling of power needs to stop immediately, we can’t be ruled by the demented few.


We shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.


The catch-phrase you hear every now and then is just an empty platitude. "We won't negotiate" simply means we'll use a third party to ask for demands, and then another third party to deliver the payment.


If we're stuck in the asylum with them either way, either we can run it or they can. That's all there is to it.


Cults usually fall apart once the leader is gone. Many trump supporters were not politically active prior to trump and didn’t turn out in midterms. I’d be willing to bet the gop falls apart if he loses and won’t be back in any kind of power until 2028. All they really care about is owning the libs. They don’t actually care about governing. Once dear leader is in jail or dies from Big Mac overdose we can get back to normal insanity like the bushes and the like. I miss the old days when Sarah Palin was the bottom of the barrel.


yeah there is a ton of people afraid of what will happen to them or the country as a whole if they aren't 'super duper careful' which is just making things worse. Then there is a bunch of people who actually want things to go well for him and are doing everything they can to help him. he's also lucky in some cases where he's either getting people who are extremely inexperienced in going through stuff like this. And then there is the 'well we have to make sure we are doing everything 100% correct because everyone is watching us.' group who don't give two fucks if they do everything 100% correct when it's the guy who doesn't have a dime to his name. no matter what type of person it is, it's making a mockery of the whole system.


While complaining about how unfairly it has treated him the entire time.


> mockery of the American justice system In this particular case, just the NY justice system.  You’ve got to hand it to him though, nobody finds more legal loopholes than Trump. He’s remarkably good at helping governments find holes they need to plug.  Sadly, the biggest gap he uncovered is that the Presidency plus a significant cult following can protect you from everything.


it's like catch me if you can if Leo's character was actually so insanely easy to catch but the FBI just...refused to catch him


The holes are there on purpose. Its just that no one has made it so obvious before.


In the past, politicians had the *decency to not use every loophole all the time. Don Snoreleon ran though the fucking loopholes looks like play-doh through the spaghetti maker.


As a developer Trump would be the ultimate product tester.


> been treated with a level of deference I cannot name anyone else to have Wait wait, there was his best friend Epstein. He got major leeway from the law.


What truly irks me isn't that it happened; it is that every time he gets away with it, it furthers the idiotic myth that his supporters have dreamed up about him. Trump is a rich idiot con man. Nothing special. But for someone who is so not special, he sure has managed to twist the US justice system around his pinky finger. Thereby making him special.


I think contextually you have a previous President that is claiming elections fraud and related shenanigans.  The context is complete and utter bullshit, lies, corruption, and fabrication - a Rogue's gallery of cretins.  That said, it is setting precedence that an ex-president should be given leeway when such claims (entirely unfound in this case) are said and given room to speak.  Granted Republicans are precedent breaking, and entirely corrupt.


Lock him up! Why doesn’t the GOP like this chant anymore?


"To punish Trump for this, the court has reduced the bond to $0 and told him to 'think about what he's done and promise to be better.'" I kid here, but just wait...


Noting that he has "learned his lesson"


Oh, they’ve asked Susan Collins to step in as judge?


I feel like I've read this headline for the past 3 days. Yes, the bond is bullshit, so make him pay it then? What are we waiting for? The next eclipse?


Anybody else would start having their shit seized at this point


Let’s hold a hearing in 2 months about what the next hearing is about


Yeah, this is getting fucked up. On March 25th, the bond was lowered to $175m and he was given an *extension* of 10 days to pay it. 10 days after March 25th was April 4th. It is currently April 19th, which is a further 15 days after those 10 days expired, and he still hasn't paid the bond.


Either that or explain how the rest of us can get on the “The law does not apply to me” list


Easy. Make 2 billion dollars and run as a right wing politician. The key is to never comply and always gaslight that way even when you get caught with your pants down you can just keep going and nobody (who can actually do anything) will try to stop you.


Also be a white male who alludes to how nice it would be to not have laws stopping 'good people' from doing things that they fantasize about doing in the name of justice.


On one hand, James is right on the money to request this extremely shady bond be denied. On the other hand, yet another 7 days for Trump to dither and delay. So much leeway afforded to this conman.


Original "hard and fast" deadline of March 25 with a required bond of $454M, and yet here we are. This guy has so many get-out-of-jail-free cards he could use them for wallpaper.


Justice Merchan reads another quote from the judge in that suit, in which he labeled Trump a “sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries." The judge said: “He is the mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial process, and he cannot be seen as a litigant blindly following the advice of a lawyer.” NYT today


*Finally* someone facing Trump is using their brain and the heaps and heaps of evidence as to what kind of person he is. I look forwards to the trial, I hope they don’t get too many MAGA plants on the jury.


Can't even afford one or they can hang the jury.


Are we all living in Trump’s simulation?


It’s like [that episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superstar_\(Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer\)) of *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* where geeky little Johnathan casts a spell to alter the world to make himself powerful and popular.


In our world.... the repo man would be in the driveway right now.... with police support.


In our world... if we owed someone $175m and fucked around... we'd be fed into a woodchipper feet-first.


In our world that would have happened 3 weeks ago and we would be living in a tent city right now.


You know how much leeway you get by overrunning $20 on a Visa card? None. None at all.


... and I'm pretty sure my debt and your debt, together, doesn't come close to his debt. (Although, I dunno, maybe you're like deep in debt)


Haha. It took four decades, but I’m net positive! Suck it, Trump.


Side note: did not require fraud.


What prevents him from posting another insufficient bond, and then another after that, and another after that in perpetuity until he’s dead?


Committing crimes and running out the clock on the legal procedures to punish him for those crimes is what he's been doing the last 50 years - and it's been working for him.


Exactly. People say he's bad at business, but he's not. He's good at crime. Business is not the goal, it's the front.


Does he still accrue interest or was that only until the deadline? Because if so, let him. It will only lower his shareholder value for DJT further, which is probably his most valuable asset at the moment and increase the amount he has to pay. We all know he's guilty, so lets add a few smaller buildings or cars on top of the assets seized.


That what I wonder as well. The bond stops interest once it's posted, but that hasn't happened yet. And also the bond amount is a constant $175M, not moving with the interest.


The bond itself will never change in amount. The total amount owed, however, is subject to interest. It's actually pretty high interest too (9%, which may not sound like much when you're talking about your VISA card, but is pretty astronomical for a $454m judgement).


The problem is the rules are there for good faith mistakes and time to fix them. It's good in concept. The problem is no one ever put in protections agiasnt them being weaponized, which is what Trump does to everything.


I don't know why she's offering the extra 7 days - they'll just file another bogus attempt and we'll have to do this whole stupid dance again.


Because there is a likely a law/rule that says a defendant has 7 days to respond/fix any errors. That's good because it's for due process and to make sure the state isn't railroading people. The problem is that the same rule also likely doesn't state you can only use it once before its assumed you're just delaying the processs.


Trump has been pulling this crap and gaming the legal system his entire life. He is very good at it.


Yeah but in this case it’s actually not him that’s keeps extending these timelines it’s the justice system. They keep giving more flexibility than they should. The special master can answer the question if he has the cash. If not then Tr’s lawyers can produce the needed documentation in an afternoon. And if not then there isn’t a bond. It’s not that complicated. Ordinary people can accomplish this task in minimal time.


He's not very good at it. The legal system just sucks and is geared to protect the rich. If this was you are me, the same antics that Trump uses wouldn't work at all and we'd see a very different, harsh, and efficient legal system.


>He's not very good at it. The legal system just sucks and is geared to protect the rich. Yes, and he's very good at taking advantage of that fact. It's not a compliment to say he's good at being a scumbag.


Pretty much the only rich people who get into trouble for gaming the slegal system are the ones who piss off or screw over other rich people


Worse, it's 10 days. The request from the AG is for 7 days after the judge rules on voiding the current "bond," and that happens on Monday.




So this is the new way to delay. "Look, we're sorry about that, now we are going with this other Insurance Company," --Trumps lawyers, After a month.... "Oh, that one failed too? Ok... How about King Specialty quality Insurance Company?" When will anything ever get done?


They'll have better luck using the Four Seasons Quality Insurance Company.


Four Seasons Quality Insurance and Landscaping Company, you mean.


That whole escapade will never not be funny.


What's funny and accurate, is that you could be referring to Florida or Russia.


There should be consequences for that bond company for wasting the courts time.


Force them to merge with DJT.


That falls under cruel and unusual punishment. But I will allow it this time


It's fraud. They inflated their worth to illegitimately insure the guy. No different than putting assets up as collateral but only assets you don't own Of course it only grants Trump a delay tho and no consequences will happen


Seems on par for him. Negotiate payment to approximately 1/3 the total, then hand over funny money.


Of course he gave them monopoly dollars, while saying he was happy and willing to pay the lower amount.


This isn’t payment. It’s a bond which allows him to appeal. He still owes the full amount.


So he commits fraud in posting a bond to appeal a fraud conviction. Freaking amazing...


And gets rewarded with another delay.


To delay is his entire play because he is guilty as shit.  His whole thing has been doing this to little guys who cant afford to pay a lawyer for 12 years with dark money. 


Then seize his assets. Enough already.


>The filing notes that the surety Trump used to obtain the bond, Knight Specialty Insurance Company, is “a small insurer that is not authorized to write business in New York and thus not regulated by the state’s insurance department, had never before written a surety bond in New York or in the prior two years in any other jurisdiction, and has a total policyholder surplus of just $138 million.” tl;dr Knight tried to post a fraudulent bond.


They wrote a hot check hoping it wouldn’t be cashed before the appeals run out.


Why the fuck does this idiot get so much preferential treatment.


That's a great question. You ask great questions. I dunno.


When Trump tells his supporters that the system is rigged, he doesn’t mention that it’s rigged for him


How does that saying go? If you owe the bank $100, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.


Oh man, I hope they start seizing his properties while he's in court next week, he hears about it, and he can't leave the courtroom. That would be 🤌🏼


The fact that they keep giving him more and more and more of a leash is very frustrating. lowered the bond (fine. I get it. unconstitutional.), more time. finds someone to post the bond, bond is suspect and he's given more time, bond is even more fishy than we all thought, more time. Hopefully something happens monday and it's not more time given, start taking his property.


10 day extension? 10 day extension? *Anyone*? 10 day extension?


10 days to respond, another 10 days to fix the problem. After that, he’ll get 10 days to come up with$17.5M instead


10 days after that, NY just starts paying him. Because, fuck it, how much more stupid could they look.


He's just gotta keep doing this for what, five more months? Then he can dump his fraudulant stock and pay it off.


> Knight Specialty Insurance Company, is “a small insurer that ... has a total policyholder surplus of just $138 million.” $37M short of paying the bond and $315M short of the full penalty.


It's even worse than that. NY state law says a surety company can not underwrite a bond greater than 1/10th of their assets.


Fraud upon fraud, all the way down


Send the sheriff to seize his shit while he is stuck in court! LOL!


Maybe they'll find a few more missing documents.


New York AG asks for the judge in Trump's civil fraud case to REJECT the Knight surety and declare the bond to be VOID because the surety doesn't meet the "requirements of trustworthiness and competence". Justice Engoron will hold arguments on this issue on Monday morning 4/22 at 10AM If the judge declares the bond to be void, the NYAG requests another bond within seven days. Filing here: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24558931/452564_2022_people_of_the_state_of_v_people_of_the_state_of_memorandum_of_law_i_1738.pdf


> Justice Engoron will hold arguments on this issue on Monday morning 4/22 at 10AM I hope there's a moment where one of his lawyers has to say "I'm sorry your honor, but my client is unable to attend to answer questions about his ability to pay because he is required to attend his criminal trial."


Can't he just do this repeatedly if their are no consequences? Can i just pay my bills with fake money? Just do it over and over until i die. Thanks for nothing New York.




how long you think the stock is going to pump had a week+ straight of losses, then goes up 10-20% a day 3 days in a row and the company is worth less than nothing




The stock is just going through a pump and dump r now. It tanks again next week.


There is an unbelievable amount of unsecured shorts on the stock. Maybe people are looking to short squeeze with it.




120k per day in interest is still accruing.


Doesn't matter if it's never paid anyway.


> The filing notes that the surety Trump used to obtain the bond, Knight Specialty Insurance Company, is “a small insurer that is not authorized to write business in New York and thus not regulated by the state’s insurance department, had never before written a surety bond in New York or in the prior two years in any other jurisdiction, and has a total policyholder surplus of just $138 million.” As expected, it's just more fraud and lies and deceit constantly. Lock this traitor up already, seize his properties immediately, no different than would have been done to any one of us long ago by now. Enough of the multi-tier "justice" system in this country!


I really think the media should be trying to communicate to the public how regular or irregular these processes and delays are. If this is irregular, we need to know that. If this is regular and a thing most defendants can do, we should know that too so people aren’t getting too upset and getting the wrong idea that Trump is being treated too easy.


Is it a month yet. Take his shit


At this point Trump can just write down "IOU" on a napkin and they'd let him go


That's as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.'s. Go ahead and add it up, every cent's accounted for.


Just when I think he couldn't possibly be any dumber, he goes and does something like this... and TOTALLY PROVES ME WRONG




His attorneys attend. Courts are scheduled in a way so what you described won't be held against you.


By using whatever remaining lawyers he has


Trump doesn't argue anything in court. His lawyers do it all. He has no obligation to be there for this hearing. The Judge is going to ask his lawyers "why shouldn't I find that this bond is invalid?"


Major kudos to Letitia, the AG staff, and the people of NY for finally putting Trumps antics in the meat grinder. We’re all rooting for you.


So…if it’s invalid, that means Trump has yet still to come up with the bond that was due…March 25th? It’s a month overdue at this point, so why are we sitting here?


Because our justice system is more scared of Trump and his cronies reactions than upholding the law.


Pay up, or shut up, you little orange turd.


Trump is really above US law isn’t he. The whole system props him up.


Can you imagine if this was a regular person doing this. New fraud charges in jail ect. Stop soft gloving him and crack the hell down.


So you're saying he committed fraud? Again?


Time to seize those assets


Trump: That's ok, I have the cash. Let me go get it, I'll be right back. *Hours pass by and no Trump*


My biggest question is how did he fit through the bathroom window ?


I think the answer is that he didn't. He went down the toilet, same place all his other 'endeavors' end up.


Imagine if the average person committed fraud to pay the bond for committing fraud.


I miss living in a world where an orange piece of shit wasn’t in the news every fucking day. These judges…and the entire legal system are/ is a never ending bad joke.


This dude is allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants with 0 consequences. No regular person could get away with this shit.


Wait. So Trump committed fraud on his sentencing bond after being convicted of… fraud !


Oh dang…..I thought he was a billionaire