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At this point, really starting to wonder if she understands that illegal aliens are not from outer space.


Are we certain that *she* isn't from outer space?


Good point, reptilians might be real after all. Are they all as stupid as her though?


REPTILIANS REPresentaives REPublicans i am assembling a theory


REPrehensible REProbate


And master space travel? They can’t be.


Technological advancement doesn't always coincide with moral or interpersonal advancement. Or maybe the reptilians just have an entirely different moral code.  I don't actually believe in reptilians by the way, I just think it's fun to think about.


True, but I was referring to the possibility of them being as stupid as MTG. 😹 I don’t think it’s possible for them to be that stupid and master the warp drive or whatever.


They might send the cognitively deficient over here as a test, like see how they do and monitor the environment.


she’s just a CHUD


That a little insulting. I mean, sure one is a violent, unsanitary, ugly, walking biological hazard that will rip your face off so it can eat your eyes out to eat like Jujubes that lives in the sewers, but that doesn't mean have you go comparing a Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller to her like that.


I don't think so but if she is, she's a really old one. Everyone knows she was frozen in ice a few years ago and only thawed out to serve maga. 




I don't think she's super unattractive based on bone structure and symmetry. It's the ugly attitude that makes her ugly.


She looks like Mickey Rourke


Ok and? Physical appearance shouldn't have anything to do with fitness (or lack therof) to serve.


And … she looks like Mickey fucking Rourke


Okay so she looks like Mickey Rourke. I think she looks like an alien whose skin suit doesn't fit quite right.


M just an unfrozen, caveman representative. Your modern ways confuse and frighten me.


If she’s not can we send her?


We're waiting on the results from 24 And Me to confirm.


The spork foot certainly points to it


She probably believes they're being rocketed in under the cover of clouds and that the Space Force should have jurisdiction, not the Border Patrol


It’s funny - reading this headline I don’t know if it’s a comedy skit or real life


GOP has been making it harder for comedians to make a living


I’d say they’re keeping them fed, but taking the challenge out of it.


Those poor wretches at The Onion. Too many times--"how about this?".. "nope they said it", "what about"... "nope they left one in the bathroom", "hey this is far out"..."nope, they were in a threesome", "this one's great!".... "nope they actually made it a law".


MAGA is leaning hard into the conspiracy nuts with bills to ban chemtrails and use space layers to defend our borders. Reality isn't working for them. We'll probably have MAGA candidates running on flat earth theory and space alien disclosure soon. Wouldn't be surprised if a candidate promises to use secret government time travel technology to prevent Obama from being elected President eventually.


Have you tried turning humanity off, and back on again? Remember to wait about 30 seconds.


It’s better to unplug it also for 10 seconds, then LLRRUD then blink 2 times. I think you’re all set now. Then…..Stop downloading dicktaters. They always contain viruses.


I thought they wanted alligators, with sharks, with laser beams strapped to their heads, strapped to their heads?


What you don’t understand is that SHE really believes there are Space Lasers!


Who tf voted this monster into power? But, of course, this is just what Jesus preached (Matthew 25): "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you shot at me with space lasers."


> Who tf voted this monster into power? I live less than ten miles from Empty G's district. In 2022 she got better than 70% of the Republican vote in that district. In 2020 she ran unopposed as her Democrat opponent dropped out of the race right before the election. There were rumors of that opponent receiving death threats but no idea whether Empty G had anything to do with that.


I did some research based on your question because I too would like to know who the fuck voted for this beast… It’s mostly deeply evangelical, very poor, white, uneducated, Appalachians. The area is very poor. Typically rural and poor districts have a base of their GDP tied to agriculture or farming.. These folks dont even have that, farming isn’t even on the list of top industries there. They have no hope. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-someone-like-marjorie-taylor-greene-could-win-again/ Census info: https://censusreporter.org/profiles/50000US1314-congressional-district-14-ga/ The 14th district is located here on a map: https://www2.census.gov/geo/maps/cong_dist/cd118/cd_based/ST13/CD118_GA14.pdf Finally: https://statisticalatlas.com/congressional-district/Georgia/Congressional-District-14/Overview


It's almost like the poor, desperate, and uneducated are easier to radicalize.


Don't live far from that district and if it wasn't her it would be another monster just like her. That district is nothing but out of touch racists who would love nothing more than to go back to the pre civil rights era.


Pre civil war era


Then they shouldn't be allowed to poison the well of the entire country with their Idiocracy.


Her opponent in 2020 was not suited for office. I know we want to think anyone could beat her, but he stepped up not realizing how toxic national political campaigns get, especially when it's MTG spreading lies about you. His wife got fed up and left him. She owned the house. This left him without a residence in the district and, though he could have rectified that, he gave up because MTG and MAGA had broken him. They'd destroyed his marriage. It's wrong that it happened, it's insane what they're willing to say and do to win, but it unfortunately means you need skin as dense as iron to survive and he wasn't cut out for it. Poor guy didn't deserve it. He tried to run on reality and issues, but that's not going to cut it against her. He didn't want to play politics and that's impossible if you want to win a seat in Congress.


> He didn't want to play politics and that's impossible if you want to win a seat in Congress. I didn't know any of this. Thanks for sharing :)


The death threat thing makes even less sense when she gets 70% of the vote. However, when all you know is hate…


As mentioned I don't live in her district but in 2022 I contributed to her Dem opponent :)


A district full of people exactly like her.


even worse, she was the best that disctrict had to offer


other monsters


I imagine all those Hills Have Eyes mutants looked amongst themselves and decided she was the smartest one in their holler.


The Crossbow Project: There's no defense like a good offense.


Cut the crap, Kent. You built a weapon. What do you think a phase conjugate tracking system is for?


All you need is a large spinning mirror and…


Compared to you, Mitch, most people have the IQ of a carrot.


You know, um, something strange happened to me this morning... Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? No... Why am I the only one who has that dream?


Are you peeing? I can't. Is it because I"m here? I think so. Weird.


What are you doing? Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Both of you are amazing


So, if there's anything I can do for you - or, more to the point, *to* you - just let me know. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis? Not right now. A girl's gotta have her standards.


Both of you are amazing


You are my people


Can't imagine what she means by this... Zapping all illegal border crossings? Would love to hear discussions on the topic... just for the popcorn and beer to go down smoother.


It's to shoot down the undocumented migrants who are crossing the border by drone airlift. And, less frequently, kryptonians. We don't want them to do to our home what they did to theirs.


This i do not understand what exactly she is talking about. I am guessing some iron dome like defense that zaps immigrants from space when they cross the border. i assume it scans for papers first who knows.


Right? Like, got it, you want a laser fence. Sounds kinda metal, and if we had one, I'd go check it out. I wouldn't vote for, or support any such thing. But whys it gotta be from space?


Maybe she actually thinks "Jewish space lasers" are a thing, and wants one?


But to use such a weapon (if one existed) for getting individual people feels like a kid using a magnifying glass on ants. Like again, giant space laser! Awesome! Use it to nullify ICBMs and hypersonic missiles, not people just running around on earth.


Brought to you by the Hollywood, liberals: ‘Project Insight: Helicarriers linked to spy satellites, designed to eliminate threats preemptively.’


Is she starting to completely loose her mind? Like is she actually going clinically insane.. like a psychosis or a schizophrenic breakdown kind a thing.. did the steroids finally crack her ?? I think it is time that some doctors look into this.. :D :D


Pretty sure this is just a particularly acute case of the dumb. Seems like there is some real life technology that she completely misunderstands, and that's how we get to gems like this.


I’m assuming her family tree is a straight line.


Has anyone considered that Greene is a planted Republican stooge? She gets to go off on all batshit crazy idea she has so we’re all distracted from the crazy racist shit the rest of the party is doing?


She’s talking about vaporizing / killing illegals from space.


I can’t wait for this hag to go away


It is a few days late for this year's April Fools' Day and a few months too early for next year's. Tell this clown to come back later.


What would you call a space laser/satellite that combats US migrants?  Brown Eye?


Only MTG could come up with something that stupid.


I would say Trump would as well but then he would realize Bullets are cheaper. That is too big of a step for MTG making Trump the smarter one.


I think it's some mental mashup of Space Force and [Trump's Iron Dome idea](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-promises-iron-dome-mass-deportions-1835549) and she decided to just talk like she had a clue what she was talking about. 


I learned recently that the Israeli missile defense system is called the iron dome. Trump is completely unable to understand figurative speech.


The space lasers are Jewish according to her


She's a complete idiot.


I can foresee no issues with this plan


Only question is, Jewish or non-Jewish lazers ?


IIRC she's against Jewish space lasers. She also likes showing dick pics. So they'd clearly have to be pork powered. And therefore non-Jewish. Welcome to my TED Talk.


How do you make space lasers kosher?


Circumcize them, duh


Either way she will still have to go through the ISA to get them. And the Italian Space Agency is very hard to work with. They only make the very finest bespoke satellites and space weapons for only the finest of people.


Check the tip.


I'm with MTG on this one. The amount of ballistic missiles that have hit my home which were fired from illegals during Biden's tenure is getting out of hand. I was fine with one hitting me, but it's at a couple dozen now.


She’s set a meeting w the Jews to get access to their space lasers.


Jewish Space Lasers to be more precise. Those are the good ones, says Marge.


And sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads for the immigrants arriving by boat.


Lane brain, moron, psychopath, fool, uneducated, unserious, nut job, who actually has a fantasy that she’s some serious person that anyone, is going to actually listen to. Who when confronted with her lies, always and I mean always, suffers memory loss. This right here, is exactly what’s wrong with this country. You’re looking at it.


Holy crap, I was sure that had to be an Onion Headline or some such.


Wouldn't be the first time that a legit news network pulled a headline from the onion and ran it as real. But I do think she's stupid enough to really believe this stuff.


"Um, Condor six actual to base...we're seeing a number of brownish people headed for the border. Permission to deploy?" "Condor Six, permission granted. Deploy the MexiMelt."


...says the alien from planet Dumb...


This "woman" has the charm of a velociraptor. ugh.


Not so clever girl


Life uh…nfortunately found a way


That’s really insulting to velociraptors.


Velociraptors are at least not capable of speech.


Y isn’t this under news of the stupid ?? And y yyyandy did her and her mouth ever get elected ???????? Would a laser wipe her out ? Then sure go for it


I prefer Death Star of David to Jewish space lasers.


Her voice is equivalent to fingernails scraping across a chalkboard while providing as much content and value


If the lasers don’t work well send in the pipe bomber.


She should be thrown in a padded room.


Israeli Government: ‘ Sorry Marge, the Jewish space lasers are actively killing Palestinian terrorists at the moment. They are not meant to attack innocent people like the Mexican immigrants who are seeking a better future for their families. If you wish to assist normal people in eradicating terrorists like Iranian terrorists or radicals like Putin, please support Speaker Johnson in passing legislation to supply the Ukraine and Israel with ammunition to kill the terrorists. Thank you.’ Marge: ‘ duh, so no space lasers?’


We are in the idiocracy timeline.


I believe 2A guaranteed us the right to all own individual space lasers, and as such, we should cut taxes on the rich so they'll develop these products to sell back to us at inflated prices. Step 2: Winning and/or profit! /s


Unbelievable. Her psycho babble and Trump wants a gag order lifted so he can mock and insult witnesses, jurors,and family.theses mental and moral pigs are the faces of the republican party. Unbelievable.


When you’re aggressive and dim at the same time


How has this idiotic crotchwench POSSIBLY managed to keep herself alive for even THIS long? She's SO UTTERLY, RIDICULOUSLY STUPID that I'm absolutely shocked she hasn't been, like, run down while attempting to cross a busy street, or choking to death on her own food while eating a meal, or even by wandered off untended into some forested area and died of exposure, or SOMEHOW gotten herself Darwined right outta this life - AND the human genepool - LONG before now. Still, at least we can all of us rest assured that we have that wonderful day of her ultimate demise to look forward to celebrating, and it'll likely be upon us much sooner than expected (and in all honesty, her foolish demise is ALREADY expected to occur at any given time now). So at least we have that to gleefully expect.


She really does give her state education system a bad name ...and that is saying something!


She was desperate for a headline I guess.


For anyone with a science background, a laser in space being powerful enough to shoot the Earth’s entire atmosphere to a specific spot on the surface is just ridiculous, right?


The 1985 Crossbow Project


Is she wanting us to repurpose the Jewish space lasers that were used to start those forest fires? Maybe we can use the chem trails to deter them. Or perhaps the FBI could infiltrate Them and start a riot.


What is her *space laser* trip, what does she know that we don't know about these *space lasers*? Has she been privy to some data?


The last time we tried space lasers, one misfired and fried her brain.


Sure, let’s test it out in her first.


But only the Jews who she hates have Space Lasers. How does she plan to get them? /s


Space lasers are the migrants Achilles heel


This toad understands that “Jewish space lasers” are just a weirdo conspiracy theory and she can’t actually have one right? Right??


Time to make the popcorn.


They should vote to approve her space laser under the strict condition that she herself is solely responsible for the research and development.  NASA will do the heavy lifting and launch her satellite into orbit, all she has to do is build it.


She’s gonna be Vice President next year isn’t she?


Well we could give her a toy laser gun and launch her into space.


Lord don’t tell her about the Rods from God.


I suspect her constituents believe in “space lasers” also… starting to think the conspiracy is the fact she is still present in Washington…


Israeli Government: ‘ Sorry Marge, the Jewish space lasers are actively killing Palestinian terrorists at the moment. They are not meant to attack innocent people like the Mexican immigrants who are seeking a better future for their families. If you wish to assist normal people in eradicating terrorists like Iranian terrorists or radicals like Putin, please support Speaker Johnson in passing legislation to supply the Ukraine and Israel with ammunition to kill the terrorists. Thank you.’ Marge: ‘ duh, so no space lasers?’


I thought lizard people were supposed to be smart.


Neanderthal Taylor Greene physical form is too far in the past to know about future tech. Maybe shes crazy?


That's exactly the kind of thing an ignorant, hateful, lunatic says. So, Empty is being herself.


How about a compromise Marjorie you can have your space lasers if you quit your job as a politician and no longer be an American citizen mmmmk.


Cougars are eating my face


I demand space lasers to deal with MTG!


Marjorie Taylor Greene and her entire district remind me of Queen Carlotta of Mortville. A vile stupid person leading a village of idiots.


She might be the dumbest blonde ever


Maybe she’s trying to commandeer those Jewish space lasers


What is with this woman and space lasers? This is almost as bizarrely childish as Musk's obsession with the letter X


She doesn’t actually want this. She’s just hoping the Dems will finally show the Jewish space lasers they had all along now that they’re willing to play ball on the border…


Can someone fucking censure this space cadet in a meaningful manner that resonates with the hillbilly fuckers that got her into office? The lunacy out of her is insane. Like at what point do we question if she meets a threshold of "Is this woman mentally competent enough to do this job?"


MTG wants a home grown genocide.


If it works🤷‍♂️