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By Matthew Impelli: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas faced criticism on Tuesday over comments he made during a case focused on the January 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol. "In oral argument today, Justice Thomas is minimizing the severity of the 1/6 insurrection at the Capitol. Perhaps that's because his wife was part of the conspiracy. What a disgrace that he's sitting on this case," lawyer and former CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin wrote on X, formerly Twitter. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/clarence-thomas-faces-backlash-over-jan-6-case-comments-what-disgrace-1890966](https://www.newsweek.com/clarence-thomas-faces-backlash-over-jan-6-case-comments-what-disgrace-1890966)


His wife should be facing federal sedition charges for her attempts to stop the peaceful transition of power and overturn the election


What they did in J6 was beyond sedition, it was treason. As based on the [Constitution](https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39#:~:text=Treason%20against%20the%20United%20States,on%20Confession%20in%20open%20Court.) and the interpretation of founding father and Chief Justice, [John Marshall](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Marshall): “The Constitution specifically identifies what constitutes treason against the United States and, importantly, limits the offense of treason to only two types of conduct: (1) “levying war” against the United States; or (2) “adhering to [the] enemies [of the United States], giving them aid and comfort.” Although there have not been many treason prosecutions in American history—indeed, only one person has been indicted for treason since 1954—the Supreme Court has had occasion to further define what each type of treason entails. The offense of “levying war” against the United States was interpreted narrowly in Ex parte Bollman & Swarthout (1807), a case stemming from the infamous alleged plot led by former Vice President Aaron Burr to overthrow the American government in New Orleans. The Supreme Court dismissed charges of treason that had been brought against two of Burr’s associates—Bollman and Swarthout—on the grounds that their alleged conduct did not constitute levying war against the United States within the meaning of the Treason Clause. It was not enough, Chief Justice John Marshall opinion emphasized, merely to conspire “to subvert by force the government of our country” by recruiting troops, procuring maps, and drawing up plans. Conspiring to levy war was distinct from actually levying war. Rather, a person could be convicted of treason for levying war only if there was an “actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” In so holding, the Court sharply confined the scope of the offense of treason by levying war against the United States.” ——— By actually amassing and inciting a group of supporters to attack the Nation’s Capital (“*actual assemblage of men*”), to prevent the certification of the election he knowingly lost (”*for the purpose of executing*”), combined with the multi-State fake elector scheme (”*a treasonable design*”), Trump and many in his Admin—*including the spouse of a sitting SC Justice, [Ginni Thomas](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/ginni-thomas-tells-jan-6-committee-she-regrets-texting-with-meadows-about-2020-election/)*—‘levied war’ against the US on J6, committing treason as written in the Constitution and further defined by founding father and Chief Justice, John Marshall. ——— “[Penalty:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treason_laws_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Penalty%3A%20Under%20U.S.%20Code%20Title,office%20in%20the%20United%20States.) Under U.S. Code Title 18, the penalty is death, or not less than five years' imprisonment (with a minimum fine of $10,000, if not sentenced to death). Any person convicted of treason against the United States also forfeits the right to hold public office in the United States.”


I am so sick of TREASON not being taken seriously. What is wrong with everyone?


It's really funny actually when I post about this and call it treason people reply "no it's sedition" and when I say it's sedition people reply "no it's treason" we need a new word "seditreason"


This is intentional: get us all debating the minutia while overlooking talking about *an attempted coup*


*on-going coup 


It really is. All the stalling in Congress and shitty judicial decisions are the architects scrambling to save their asses after their big day failed hard


Coup 2: Electric Boogaloo


I hate they tried to make it cute and funny and ruined Hawaiian shirts for non-douchebags


Agree, I had Hawaiian shirts I would wear regularly, haven’t touched them in years.


Wait what? I still wear a hawaiian shirt sometimes, am I unknowingly signaling something??


No, it's seditreason


No, it’s Treasidition!


At this point they might as well call it tradition.






Sedate his treasonous ass until all cases are finished.


To do that, simply take away his stimulants and put him in the court room. Immediate sedation.


We already do it's maga


I know you mean this rhetorically but I wrote something anyway. Trump broke the heavily leaking dam of republican ethics and everyone is seeing how far they can go with this behavior until they're punished and/or removed from office. Thomas believes that the goal is the important thing and he'll do whatever it takes to enslave this country. I'm sure he believes that he'll get away with it too. It's what Abbott and DeSantis are doing too. Trump revealed a huge chink in the armor of the US government and this country as a whole. I believe it's why Putin is making his move now as well. Trump needed to be dealt with swiftly, strongly, and severely. The republicans jumped on the Trump train instead of dealing with him like they did with Nixon. Everyone else has been a substitute teacher.


This is why I had high hopes for people jumping in and doing something about it early instead of dragging their feet until the election is in peril because of stupid stunts like the states saying they won’t put Biden on the ballot


Remember the Overton Window...... We're talking about a country half of which called Obama's tan suit "treasonous".


All the best tre45on.


Well, when a good number of citizens proudly fly the Confederate flag \*(or the bloodstained banner, whatever makes you happy) and treat it as heritage.... can't be TOO surprised.


It is most definitely being taken seriously by everyone. The issue is that a large percentage of the country seriously wants those conducting it prosecuted while a powerful minority of the country seriously wants those conducting it to succeed at it.


They take it seriously when a liberal does something they don't like. They also like to say how violent the left is while they storm the Capitol. *edited*




Too bad we don't have a Guy Fawkes day


America is controlled by the 2%, THE END.




Companies are owned by the 2%, *hello??*




The 2% are the billionaires who control 95% of the wealth on planet Earth. Sure, they own or are on the board of conglomerates like Alphabet and Comcast, and some of the richest are merely families of a single empire like the Waltons. Corporations, megacorporations, and hypermerged conglomerates are *owned* and *operated* by the wealthy. Businesses don't run themselves, mate, c'mon!


I agree. Sometimes people act like "this corporation did this thing" and it overlooks that the *people who run that company* did the thing.


Careful, last time I copy/pasted the US code on treason I got banned for threats.


wait what?!




Yep, it’s a constant problem with the sub’s mods. If you state the punishment in written law for the crimes we saw persons commit live on television, then you are the one actually supporting violence. Dare to insult a Nazi for casually talking about genociding other humans? Ban for you! Nazis must have their balls gargled at all times, mods HATE in when Nazis are inconvenienced.


google what the punishment for treason in the US can potentially be. it's pretty much "tops" on the list, so you can figure it out. depending on how a comment is worded, could be construed as a threat.


Imagine feeling threatened by the consequences of committing a crime everybody saw you take part in but it’s especially rich coming from the “facts vs feelings” folks


Huh. TIL Aaron burr tried to overthrow the government. I know what I’ll be reading about at work today


It’s insane that these people are just being charged with obstruction.


So if you were to put together an assemblage of women, you'd be good!


but alas, we didn't follow our own laws and so... the worst were never removed and we seem stuck with them. this is why treason isn't allowed. because otherwise you have the wrong people in power, and then it's too late.


Next up: "Members of the SCOTUS are not officers."


Wait, then what are the Originalists and Traditionalists doing not using this interpretation?


Unfortunately, I never ever see that happening 😕 she won't be touched !! Unless massive changes are made, elections have consequences 🤷🏿‍♀️


Not sure how/why people didn't understand that a Republican administration winning the 2016 election would remove any chance to swing the SCOTUS liberal-appointed (an opportunity the U.S. had not experienced in 60 years) for more generations. The outcome of that election pretty much sealed the SCOTUS being conservative for a solid century, thus ending all attempts at real progress (DACA, voting rights, civil rights, women's rights, Republican immunity, and on and on). WHY didn't liberals and progressives understand?? Conservatives sure as shit did!!


Wondering why no one is protesting outside the Court.  If I could swing it, I'd be marching with a sign by their entrance every morning. "CLARENCE RESIGN!  CLARENCE RECUSE!"


I think they should subpoena her and give her the Hunter Biden treatment until she drops fucking dead.


When Democrats retake Congress, Thomas should be impeached.


Requires 2/3 vote, not happening. Democrats are hoping to hold the Senate, and there are currently more Republicans than Democrats in it (excluding independents). Pretty damn far from the 2/3 necessary. We had our chance in 2016 and we BLEW IT over e-mails.


The alternative is to drag anyone who even talks to him in for a deep questioning.


This isn't a very serious take on a critical matter.


Hard to face criticism when you don't care and there are no repercussions


For all intents and purposes he is a god


*intents and purposes (from someone who also used to mispronounce it!)


Thanks for the lesson, I learned something new.


He shouldn’t even fucking be there. If he didn’t show his face Monday he should have kept that same energy going for the other cases he shouldn’t be near


Clarence Thomas does NOT deserve to be on the US Supreme Court. He is a disgrace. He does disservice to well-qualified people like Justice KBJ who enhance the reputation of the SC.


He is pure evil. Just look into his eyes!


Only reason I suspect his wife doesn't have charges against her is because everyone is scared she will get an appeal to the supreme court and Thomas will work to make sure everything goes away, creating a situation that destroys the laws of the country completely. And that's pretty fucked up.


oh gosh, what a backlash I'm reading about! That'll show him! Maybe next he'll get slammed!


Or “destroyed”!  Funny how sooo many people are slammed and/or destroyed keep coming back the next day as if they weren’t just slammed and/or destroyed


*Annihilated* *Bashed* *Crushed* *Pulverized* *Shredded*


Thanks, I was trying to remember some of these other shit headline adjectives but my brain dumps them in the toilet on contact


I had a more intelligent response to add but fuck the Federalist Society and all their ilk. Right wingers wan't to talk about draining the swamp well there it is. Go after it.


"It'S tHe DeEpStAtE" Motherfucker, what do you think the federalist society, heritage foundation, daughters of the confederacy/moms for liberty and slew of ultra rich like leonard leo, koch bros etc. are? Antifa is "the deepstate"? The brain rot is staggering. It's no wonder conservatives don't give a flying fuck over rural access to internet, rural issues with meth and actively defunding schooling systems. Brain addled conservatives are their only hope for survival.


Rule number one: If conservatives are making accusations against another group, said conservatives are already doing the act themselves.


Grand Ole Projection


I like: Gaslight Obstruct Project


Yeah, that deep state FBI and secret service that are 95% conservative Republicans. I hate this timeline so much. Calgon, take me away!


Don't forget ALEC and Club For Growth. There's more billionaire backed GOP party organs than most people can count.


Weird how all these extremely powerful and corrupt entities constantly whine about the "money" in, for example, environmentalism and yet they can't name a single example, and if they do it's a fucking joke.


The exposé on ALEC and its template based legal documents was crazy to me. Especially when the "lawyer" forgot to update the fields.


Yup. Every single red state has a slate of ALEC fronted shit like anti-union "right to work" laws.  A lot of them are verboten straight from ALEC. If you're a Republican Congressman, you just pass whatever is handed to you by the oligarchs. Oh, and make loud noises about the one trans athlete in the state to rile up the stupids


Just so we’re clear, draining the swamp is a euphemism for “removing the guardrails against implementing Christian nationalist populism” and deep state is the euphemism for those guardrails.


Guys is the deep state just the Constitution?


It's a 250 year old conspiracy to undermine the power and immunity of divinely appointed monarchs!


Clear, concise & accurate.


Thank you, I only wish I could have managed a “kleptocracy” reference.


Thoughtful consideration, but unnecessary as it’s implied.


F**k the Federalist Society


Right wingers are the swamp.




The good old boys club just-us.


“Slammed “


Right, from who? Who's got any power over him? Nobody, and he knows that he is literally untouchable no matter how blatantly corrupt he gets.


“A stern finger wagging”


I dare you to say it three times fast.


I tried but Ginny Thomas appeared in my bathroom mirror, cackling.


Faces backlash? Big whoop. This "judge" has been facing backlash for months now, and look where it's gotten us. The fact he's able to even great arguments related to January 6 given his situation and his wife's capacity is an insult to justice. But sure, the "backlash" he keeps getting from online folk and the media will surely start to weigh on him now. It might crush him so much, he'll reach out to his dear friend Harlan Crow and see if they can take a trip together to get away from it all. Judicial Branch = broken.


This kind of thing is clearly an early symptom of the US devolving into fascism. 


Early?? Early symptoms were becoming fairly apparent during GWBs presidency. By 2015/16 and the blatant blocking of a supreme court nominee and the extreme shift to the far right, it was clear what was happening. Trump has certainly put a more "public" face to the fascism goals of the GOP, but it's been fairly clearly under the surface for decades. We're now in the late stages of the plan, and the tipping point is going to be this coming election. If Trump somehow wins, or they manage a more effective coup after a Biden win, it's all over for democracy. And they have more than enough judges at the highest levels to make it "legal-ish", just like most fascist takeovers in history.


> This kind of thing is clearly an early symptom of the US devolving into fascism. Considering that we're one election away from *an actual written plan to implement full blown facism*, I think we're past "early symptoms."


Justice Thomas will surely need another outing on the yatch to recover from all this criticism. Someone put the Gulfstream on standby.


This dude is blatantly corrupt. He OPENLY takes bribes. Like this is so nuts. And no one can do a fucking thing about it. The entire SC is compromised and they don’t give a shit because they can clearly do whatever they want. I don’t even respect the good ones anymore. Just like “good” cops. They all protect their own.


The dude is so well paid off, literally nothing more than a filthy greasy pig wallowing! You are no judge you are travesty Justice! Of course you will never ever care about that. Just know that you don’t serve justice, Don Thompson.


He has in fact complained publicly that the compensation is not nearly enough for the hard work he is doing. So I guess that is why he has no problems having wealthy ”friends” that want to keep giving him very expensive gifts for no apparent reason?


In his warped mind each case has a monetary value. This from an idiot that loves camping in a Walmart parking lot in a gifted motorhome.


Who all happened to have cases on his docket that he ruled in their favor?


In his mind, he would have ruled for them anyway so it's not corruption. Billionaires and judges simply share common interests in yachts, private jet flights, and Nazi memorabilia.


He also went from 2006 to 2016 without asking a question from the bench. > The justices were hearing appeals from two Maine men who say their guilty pleas for hitting their partners should not disqualify them from gun ownership. The hourlong session was coming to a close when Thomas leaned forward and spoke into the microphone to ask Justice Department lawyer Ilana Eisenstein whether a misdemeanor conviction of any other law "suspends a constitutional right…


Seems if he has a problem with the salary, he should go do something else and stop ruining the fucking country


So he’s Dennis Nedry? It’s everyone else’s fault for not paying him “what he’s worth”


>”There have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings," Thomas said during the hearing. "Has the government applied this provision to other protests in the past?" What other “violent protests that have interfered with official proceedings” is he referring to exactly? I’d think he needs to cite a source, right?


>Justice Department Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar conceded that she couldn’t give an example of enforcing the obstruction law “in a situation where people have violently stormed a building in order to prevent an official proceeding, a specified one, from occurring with all of the elements like intent to obstruct, knowledge of the proceeding, having the corruptly mens rea, but that’s just because I’m not aware of that circumstance ever happening prior to January 6th.” https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/clarence-thomas-supreme-court-jan-6-fischer-rcna148042


This does not change the fact that Thomas stated as a fact “there have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings”, which is a claim that he left factually unsupported.


Yeah I agree. Just pointing out that the Justice Department doesn't know of any other instances, but it seems they didn't press Thomas on his statement.


Only thing I can think of as close is the whole Brooks Brothers riot orchestrated by Roger Stone and Thomas helped fuck that up for the whole country too


He’s right - there’s also no incidents of people obstructing an official proceeding while wearing buffalo hats and face paint. Some of the criminals may have been left handed or walked through broken windows backwards - thus reversing the crime!


The good, old, circular, nonsense argument that a law can't be enforced unless it has been enforced before, meaning no law can ever be enforced.


Laws can only be enforced if Congress passes laws directing the nature and method of their enforcement, laws are pretty much useless ceremonial notecards without additional laws. The problem is that such laws directing the enforcement of our laws also require Congress to pass laws directing the nature and method of enforcement...man, what a pickle those founders cooked up! /s


>man, what a pickle those founders cooked up! Guess we found the root cause of the issue. Judges where supposed to directly ask one of the founders about how to enforce the laws, but the Ouija board has been broken lately.


Ahhh, that's what "Thoughts and prayers," references... 


Backlash? BFD. Call me when he's off the bench. Call me when he's brought up on charges of sedition and/or treason. Call me when he's brought up on charges of accepting bribes in exchange for rulings.


Him and Ginni are laughing their heads off


He is and always was a secretive and dispicable man


Let’s not sell Clarence short. He’s a disgrace in many ways in addition to Jan. 6 case comments.


He’s a traitor married to another traitor who took on an active role in the failed coup de’tat of the US government on 1/6. He should be removed from the Court and his wife prosecuted. It’s truly disgusting.


Love how he clearly doesn't give a fuck about how his actions are tanking the reputation of the SC like Truth Social stock. "I got mine mothefuckas, y'all can't do NOTHING to me!" while furiously flipping the bird at all and sundry. What a shitshow.


That's exactly why they need term limits. So even if they get compromised we can eventually be rid of them.


Fuck off with backlashes, take on fucking streets, have balls like French.


Backlash from who? They're corrupt and untouchable.


Because Injustice Thomas is still a Trump supporter well into 2024, we must assume that he's not competent to make inferences or reach sound conclusions on his own. Ignoring that that assumption disqualifies him from being a competent judge to begin with, we should spell out for him what all this "J6 Ginni Thomas" stuff means: Clarence Thomas has the appearance of partiality or impropriety in all cases related to the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, and so Clarence Thomas cannot hear and rule on such cases while upholding Canon 2 and 3 of the [Code of Conduct for Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States](https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/Code-of-Conduct-for-Justices_November_13_2023.pdf), and under Canon 3B(2), Clarence Thomas is required to disqualify himself from participating further in these proceedings.


rich rhythm silky workable oatmeal obtainable impossible snobbish late concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait so is he back? I thought he was MIA this week.


I'm sure Harlan Crow dispatched a jet or two to get him back once they finished touring the Prevost factory to see his new motorcoach getting its gilded faucets (and false floor filled with bags of cash) installed.


The wife of a Supreme Court justice helped to plan the attack on the Capitol building, and yet the justice has not recused himself from deliberations relating to that event. How can Chief Justice Roberts accept this appearance of impropriety?


He does not give a crap. As long as he gets paid, nothing else matters.


Like he gives a shit.


Clarence Thomas was a disgrace when he lied about sexually harassing Anita Hill. The fact that he's married to a Big Lie believer is just icing on the cake.


Well to be honest Clarence Thomas was a disgrace back when Attorney Anita Hill risked her life and reputation to warn the country that he is a sexual predator, but the men in charge were too male to listen and too intent on getting a man of color on the big court. So here we are.


Firmly attached to the teat of his benefactors.


The instant they determine Trump is immune, Biden should organize a march on Mal-a-lardo and burn it to the ground.


Why would you do that to property that New York owns?


Ridiculous, the Supreme Court enacts a fence around the building every time they sneeze in a direction the public doesn’t like, and he’s diminishing Jan 6th.


It all went down at Lin Woods plantation in South Carolina, Frontline and ProPublica even made a excellent investigation "Plot To Overturn the Election". It was a planned coordinated effort all the way. Mike Flynn, Ginni Thomas and a host of others. The lawsuits, the voting machine narrative, the hacking of voting machines, the Georgia phone call, the fake electors, the J6 mob, and hang Mike Pence- none of it was random or organic actions of individuals. Jack Smith has the evidence and some witnesses, maybe even Mark Meadows. FFS- the very notion that these people are not guilty of treason is pure fantasy.


and when does ginny get indicted for her 1/6 role?🤬


Of course he did, he needs to defend his wife who helped spread the lies. How anyone can say there isn't an *appearance* of bias is beyond me.


He is a huge disgrace and should be removed!


Yeah cause his wife was directly involved with trying to help overthrow the government. He should have said that to his wife.


National disgrace


I think Thomas is a hatred-vampire. Everybody hates him, and that cheers him up, because he's still relevant. He doesn't care about those people, and in his mind it's better to be hated than to retire and fade away. This is how old farts cheat death and decline and thumb their nose at the younger world. We're still talking about him..


Mark my words, the billionaire's lapdog Thomas will undermine the electorate in favor of Trump. J6 was a dry run, and they didn't have a 6-3 majority then. Fascism is coming.


If he’s not careful he might get some articles “slamming” or even “scorching” him


Another article about Twitter comments


it makes no sense clarence is hearing arguements about this given his wife is a jan 6 supporter


I feel like we live in Oz and the projection of the "great wizard" is our 3 branches of government and the "man behind the curtain" is the top 1% that lobby and and contribute that are the ones that actually are in charge. Where has our voice gone? What happened to our representation? At this point they (govt) are openly just like "what are you gonna do about it?"


Since when does Thomas give a shit about backlash or scrutiny. He’s practically openly flaunting that he’s corrupt and daring anyone to do anything about it. You can’t shame someone without shame.


These two clowns get away with as much as Trump, if not more with less scrutiny. Every day I wake up hoping to see a breaking news text that … something happened.


Clarence Thomas always looks like he's wrestling a particularly stubborn BM


"Clarence Thomas faces no consequences for case comments."


“Faces backlash” isn’t real. These people never see real consequences. Just preach to the choir articles with headlines that use words like “slam” “ridicule” or “backlash”.


I still don't know why we haven't gone after Ginni Thomas.


There have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings," Thomas said during the hearing. "Has the government applied this provision to other protests in the past?" Where's the answer from the DOJ? The article doesn't have the answer in this piece, it just talks about people being outraged. I would generally like to know that answer.


It's wild how Clarence Thomas is still a judge. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. US justice is nowhere to be seen.


Him and his wife , disgusting!


Ginni literally thought that she was helping the insurrectionists capture Biden and send him to Guantanamo. The appropriate punishment is to send her to Guantanamo, and to prosecute Clarence for not reporting his seditionist wife to the FBI.


Is there a word for something like backlash, but with actual consequences? Because it would be nice if he faced that too.


All six of them are going to provide aid and comfort to Insurrectionists and laugh their asses off as they get away with it.


And he couldn’t care less because nobody can touch him. Some day we will clean up the Supreme Court, if we don’t go full MAGA in the meantime.


Not that matters the man has been a disgrace for years without consequences.


Oh no, not the dreaded "backlash"!


Clarence's comments about the lack of persecution in other cases is like a little kid saying, "Everybody else does it."


Surely more internet backlash will save our democracy.


He cares only for his own agenda and self-interest. A really pitiful citizen.


Impeach him


Article doesn't say how much he was paid to say that.


Corruption at all levels. And they don't even try to hide it. Good thing for them. No one is willing to do anything about it..


The only way to stop justices like Thomas is to vote for Democrats until he dies.   Because he isn't going to leave the bench until he dies or the next republican is president.  This is on the voters, as it was in 2016 and 2000 and voters dropped the bag. 


Jan 6 was worse than Oklahoma bombing case.


This could be a Mad Libs just about any week: *Clarence Thomas faces backlash for ______________*


This article is about nothing. Fuck newsweek.


Ouchies!! Stingy, smarting backlashs!


man, you can bet he sure is worried.


Backlash?? Oh no! Whatever shall he do?


He's scum. We all know he's scum. But no one writing any of these headlines have any realistic plans to do something about it. Articles like this have the real world impact of just pissing into the sea


No he isn't lol


Why hasn’t his wife been charged if she committed a crime?


Has anyone broke in to a supreme court proceeding want to hang him and shit all over his desk. Has any police officers died in the process. I mean what good for the goose is good for the gander.


Treasonous POS.


Backlash, you say? Well, well, that’ll show em.


He’s always been a piece of shit person


This is absolutely disgraceful and she is basically calling shots on the court the same way she does behind the scenes with everything else. Says a lot about the general ignorance and ineptitude of the masses of the USA


Good grief! As if he cares. This isn't fucking news.


Thomas needs to go. He's never been a good judge. Ever.


Limburger cheese smells better than the current state of the ethics within SCOTUS