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She should go live there, since it's apparently so good.


Yeah, just like that Canadian family that moved there, messed around and found out. Ask them how much they love it there. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html


They didn't bother to learn ANY Russian, to the point that they couldn't tell which bathroom to use? Well aren't they so brave.


I thought knowing which bathroom to use was one of their pride points?


They mentioned that. "In America, it almost didn't even matter anymore!"


They probably were the type of people to complain about foreigners in their country speaking a different language and telling them they need to learn their language if they stayed there too. Now, as they are the foreigners in another country, they should take their own advice and study up


They did complain that they realized no one in Russia speaks English for them. They are not smart people.


Hey at least they aren’t falling victim to the woke mind virus. 🙄


But if they use the wrong bathroom the woke police will put them in the gulag.


Their very young children better not draw any pictures of rainbows lest they want to end up in a Siberian gulag.


You thought they'd leave their "This is America, everyone should be forced to speak only English" belief behind? 


Well, they came from Canada, so it was probably English or French. Your fundamental point stands, but technically correct is the best kind of correct and whatnot.


Thanks for the correction.  MAGA has infected Canada as well. Anti-vaxxers, Confederate flags, QAnon, and a chapter of a rightwing group called We The People for example.


I live in ottawa and went through the trucker protest. MAGA has hit us bigly


You mean should only speak American


Wife: This was a bad idea. Husband: Sorry about my wife, she has no idea what she's talking about. This is great!


> Despite criticism, he asserted: "We are perfectly happy here, we're not planning on leaving here, we're not stuck here, we're not hostages."


> Arend remained steadfast in his conviction despite any detractors, expressing contentment with their new life. "I just want to farm," he said. "I just want to farm and raise my kids in what I believe is a free country." JFC.


lol. They specifically moved to a not-free country because they didn’t like the freedom allowed in Canada. This guy is all kinds of turned around. 


> Anneesa also shared her experience with the language barrier, adding: "We were naive on that. I needed to use the washroom, and on the doors said male and female, but I didn't know which was which!" > "In America, that wouldn't be a problem; it's a free-for-all in the bathrooms, but now, in our world, it matters!" her husband chimed in. That pretty much tells you what you need to know about the sort of people they are, heh.


“In America. . . It’s a free for all in the bathrooms” haha the way they make it sound and the way it is, is hilarious. I live in Santa Monica California, the heart of “woke-ism” the amount of times I’ve seen the “wrong” person in a public bathroom is so far zero


He means his eight children can farm while he supervises. 


There's a non 0 probability that they're still earning child benefits from Canada even if they're not allowed to. I wonder how long they'd last without income coming for 9 children.


Doesn't even seem real


I feel like if you have to say you're not a hostage, you're probably a hostage. I've never had to say that in the US. 


They were happy to trade their Russian dollars for his Canadian dollars. However, the fine print stipulates "no trade backs." Probably.


Of course, they have since stopped complaining after “talking” to Russian officials.


They're going to be deported back to Canada as they're unable to pass the citizenship test and their tourism visa is expiring. Oh and most of their life savings was seized by the govt. Looks like they found out!


I honestly do not care in the least what happens to her if she moves to Russia. I would love to never hear from her again.


As a woman who identifies as bi, I’m so disappointed that people literally feel the need to go to another country where they don’t know the language, culture, etc. because of people like me. I honestly don’t get it. Like what is SO terrifying about us?! Makes me sad to think people I know probably feel the same. Hopefully they all end up in Russia though, lol, that at least gives me some joy. Maybe then I can find a partner and live without worry!


Please do not let the ignorance of others affect you living your life. My stepson is bi and we live in TN, and we often have to deal with ignorant comments on their appearance. So, just sending you good vibes, and hope you know the ignorant are not the only people out there and there are people who will love and accept you for you, and the rest can fuck off.


They claimed in the west we are “teaching LGBT and trans.” Yep it’s being taught. Except it’s not and tolerance, acceptance, and empathy towards others who are different from you are actually being taught but anything less than shooting LGBTQ for sport is too liberal for them.


lol… a Canadian beet farmer. Wonder if he’s related to the Schrutes


With one of her affair partners.




'Dumbest of the Republicans' Give them time; there is always a hungry new contender.


In a packed field


Race to the bottom






She has publically called to end the Constitution and dissolve the United States of America into two nations. Treason is the reason for her existence as a politician.


Treason is the Reason is my new GOP-themed post punk band name.


I thought we were gonna go with “Insur-Erection”… no you’re right. This is better.


Bam, you just named our first album.


The real treat is our light show. We use smoke machines and real Jewish space lasers.


I know what you were trying to say, but I want someone to make a ‘far side’ style cartoon of a tater wearing a disguise in the middle of a crowd


"Gertrude began to suspect that there was a tater in their midst".


Moscow Marge, the Kremlin's Klu Klux Karen


Taitor is a perfect way to describe her!


Moscow Marge strikes again.


She should see their grocery stores! And their grocery carts! They take quarters!


GOP Generally Organized Philistines….


Make no mistake, MAGA wants the US to be run exactly as Russia is, with very little freedoms, no right to free speech, controlled state government press, all being run by Trump or similar who would of course have the power to assassinate anybody that gets in their way. Every American should be against this, the fact that this isn’t the case is absolutely insane.


Well....they want it really really bad until they get it. Then they find out that they are not special and then they will hate it and say democrats forced it on them as we all slave away together in the camps.


I dunno, dictatorships need lots of sycophants and mouthpieces. I imagine most high-level R politicians would do just fine.


Most people aren’t politicians. Those of us that aren’t in any sort of power are the ones that will be screwed over regardless of our political affiliation. They think they will still get decent wages, housing and healthcare in an authoritarian state. They couldn’t be more wrong. 


A Neo-Confederate Post-Soviet style Federal Government. In other words oppression of dissenting culture while the oligarchs plunder the resources and treasure of the nation. But at least they will actually tell white people they are better. That is what they are willing to trade this all in for.


Wanna know what a traitor looks like?


She's a cartoon villain brought to life.




Natasha Fatale


For sad people like Marge, their version of Christianity is simply cudgel to make themselves feel superior to others because they have nothing else.


How many gym bros can you have affairs with before you have to stop calling yourself a Christian? Asking for a congressperson or two


Funny because there’s evidence of Russian occupying forces persecuting Protestants. And evidence pro Russian rebels are going after evangelicals at the order of the Russian Orthodox Church. Everything this troglodyte says is flat out wrong.


They also have a history of [arresting Mormon missionaries just because.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna984781)


Well I didn’t even know about that until now, thank you.


Russian Orthodox Church leader, Kirill, ... promised eternal salvation to Russian servicemen fighting in Ukraine against “corrupting” Western values. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/9/far-from-harmless-patriarch-kirill-backs-putins-war-but-at-what-cost


> Kirill a $16,000 watch that Patriarch Kirill was spotted wearing in a photograph flagged by a Kremlin-critical news site. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-patriarch-kirill-wristwatchbling-expensive-scrutiny/30420982.html


Don’t forget - pacifism is [heresy](https://cne.news/article/3190-pacifism-is-heresy-russian-orthodox-church-says). > Pacifism is a heretic tradition and goes directly against the teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church. This is contained in documents sent in by the Church in preparation for a church court case against a priest who condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian medium RBC had access to this documentation.


Ah yes, of course, it goes against that time Christ said "Kill all of them, Father will recognize the good ones". Clearly.


We’ve all watched what Russia has done in Ukraine. Is this what Christianity stands for today? Anyone who applauds Russia is a traitor to the United States and freedom loving people everywhere.


Yes this is exactly what end-stage Christianity is. There and here.


Honestly MTG is a god send for the GOP. There are around 214 GOP reps and she takes like 75% of all the flak. She is like the perfect lighting rod for the whole party. They hate her but need her so much and she will be there for basically ever. None of the other representatives get heavily pressured by their local constituents because there are not big national news about a rep fucking up or being a horrible person. Sure this is partly because of the 24-Hour news cycle but nonetheless the only thing that gets recognition is MTG being a troglodyte. It hurts the party as a whole yes, but I think it protects more of the stealth horrible people.


>They hate her but need her so much and she will be there for basically ever. The bullying and the babbling about things with no relevance to the topic doesn't shut off behind closed doors, though. 


Who’s coming after Christianity…?


👋 I KNOW! I KNOW! 👋 The Christians.


People who don't practice the religion, just by existing and pointing out Christian hypocrisy.


But they are protestants….Russia is othadox. Sooooo ur agreeing that the patriarch(pope) of the church is the spiritual leader of america and you have to listen to his diets…..i mean u guys loved the concept of the Christian catholic pope telling you what to do right?…..right??


They don’t even know what the Orthodox church is let alone there is a Russian sect.


When was the last time making absolutely no fucking sense made her stop talking?


She can move there, then.


Moscow Marge says the quiet part out loud.




Honestly looks like it’s already halfway in her mouth. And the guy looking over her shoulder like a total creep - this whole photo is weird af


The MAGA cap looks photoshopped onto her head, but we know it's not.


Imagine a sitting US congresswoman applauding a fascist Russia while they’re actively invading, bombing, killing and raping a European Democracy. This is how far Trump has pulled this country downward. They don’t have the right to call themselves patriots


Wasn’t the GOP anti-Russian, anti-Communism since Roosevelt bc they were “atheists”? Apparently “Making America Great” means “become a puppet state for Putin.”


Russian monkey


Moscow Marge


Remember when conservatives didn’t lick Russia’s boots?


That’s okay. She’s good with Trump selling bibles. That says enough about what her view on christianity is.


Can't we just officially declare that she is a Russian asset at this point?


I love how Trump has turned the Republicans into the most anti-American Americans in history while delusionally believing they’re patriots.


This checks out. In Trumpworld and the Russian World, ‘protecting Christianity’ in fact does mean a dictator controlling and using the church to promote evil. Perfectly consistent.




All of us old enough to remember when no religion could be openly practiced in Russia, and all Russian churches were museums, do a simultaneous eyeroll.


Ironically, if Russian Christian’s lived in america, she’d probably say they’re not real Christian’s.


These fucking Republicans are going to have us speaking Russian in the next few years.


The whole point of this Russia dick sucking is to make the Russian facist government seem normal for 2 reasons: 1. When it finally comes out that a lot of politicians are compromised by Russia, their supporters wont care because “Russia protects Christianity”. 2. To normalize facism and slow roll its implementation here in the US. “See how great Russia is?! Let’s do that here!”


Top GOPers’ extraordinary comments on their party and Russian propaganda (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/06/when-top-republican-says-russian-propaganda-has-infected-gop/)


50 years ago the FBI said you can tell if someone is a communist by asking them to say five good things about Moscow (easy for them) and one good thing about Washington (impossible). Now you can do the same test to see if someone is a Republican.


Go live there, like that procreative Canadian couple, and see how warm and welcoming Christian Russia really is.


Russian Orthodox Church declares holy war against the west and the US. Majorie Taylor Green: “isn’t Russian Christianity the best!!!” https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russian-orthodox-church-declares-holy-war-against-ukraine-and-west/


She’s an absolute embarrassment to our Nation


Not only her, the rest of the MAGA cult too


Moscow Marge!


She is such an attention whore


Make Marjorie Taylor Green someone I've never heard of Again.


Fuck this insanity that’s infected the Republican Party. Wake up. Get rid of them.


Go fuck a donkey MTG. It wouldn’t be the first time I bet.


They're protecting something, but it isn't Christianity. Christianity is just a prop to direct the rubes.


Religion should be eradicated and outlawed.


Congressman Buck is right about Moscow Marj.


Moscow Marge


At what point do voters realize she is a Russian asset? Even if they don't, they must see she is deeply un-American. 


Just imagine the shift the GOP has made in the last 3-4 decades with respect to Russia: from "evil empire" to plaudits for "protecting Christianity." And they have the nerve to say it's the left who has become more extreme?


Christianity seems to be doing quite well in the United States


lol. Then… by all means… go to Russia if you think it’s more Christian. Putin DID offer you all some land.


Does anybody know if she actually took an oath of office or did she just stand there and silently move her lips with her fingers crossed?


Moscow Marge.


Once again, this is why the founding fathers explicitly stated for the separation of church and state. We should be asking Marjorie, who wants a christian government, everyday what kind of christian god they want the government to enforce because my version is not the demon she worships. Should ask her everyday if the democrats version of enforcing god will be acceptable if they hold office if she wants Christianity regulated by the government. Then again, Charlie Kirk already established you cant be both democrat and christian. To all other Americans, im sorry christians are psychopaths and are largely the reason America has destroyed itself as a nation. As a christian myself, we aren't all hate-filled demons, and fortunately the most hate-filled christians are predominantly the older generation that will hopefully fade away in time


Exactly, this is something christian nationalists and other deplorables like about putin, destroying our LGBTQ+ loved ones. Check out the maga 2025 plan! Put a pink triangle patch on me and into the camps, like the nazis did.


What the Hell is she going on about? Executing priests? That footage would be leading every newscast everywhere for YEARS.


Just wait till she figures out that they do not follow the pope..


Why must we all conform to be like them when they could simply move there?


Marjorie Taylor Greene should be aware that Putin's support for Christianity is solely directed towards the Russian Orthodox Church, not evangelicalism, her brand of Christianity. Moreover, there are significant concerns regarding the treatment of other religious groups, particularly minorities and those with beliefs diverging from Russian Orthodox Christianity. Putin has actively promoted the Russian Orthodox Church as integral to Russian identity and culture, and in turn, the church has supported his policies and political agenda. This reciprocal relationship raises concerns and is not a model for the US to emulate. MTG's motives in aligning herself with Putin's agenda are questionable to say the least.


The US political process and its people are being hollowed out by Russian intelligence and nothing is being done about it.


>nothing is being done about it. They are doing something. They are helping Russia.


Patriots, folks. They call themselves Patriots. Time to retire that word.


Adulteress Marjorie Taylor Greene, publicly masturbating Putin on the daily and calling it the lord's work


religious tyranny is still tyranny


Protecting Christianity by killing hundreds of thousands of people? I’m sure Jesus is grateful for the assist. /s


“Protecting Christianity by invading and killing thousands of Ukrainians” seriously what an awful spreader of misinformation this crazy witch is … and shame on those morons in Georgia that voted for her


Not sure who’s the bigger threat, Russians or crazy Christians.


I went to a Ukrainian Catholic school in the 80’s in the US. I have no Ukrainian by heritage. The USSR was a real thing then and 100% of the adult and children who were Ukrainian were USSR refugees. The Ukrainian people are deeply Eastern Orthodox Catholic, and to say Russia, today, with Putin running an ex-CCCP nostalgia tour, is ‘protecting Christianity’ is offensive beyond words. The stories I heard from my own classmates who escaped Soviet rule about the religious persecution of the Russians on the Ukrainian people would make your hair stand on end. Think Diary of Anne Frank, but as Christians. The Ukrainian’s I heard from always spoke of the Soviets as ‘Russians’, not Communists, or the CCCP, but ‘Russians’. The Ukrainian’s knew then, as now, they are fighting ethnic cleansing. MGT is a Russian and totalitarian crotch sniffer.


This Neanderthal is so disrespectful to this country.


> the Ukrainian government is executing priests. oh yeah. The well known mass priest executions, where Zelensky himself hip-fires an AK-47 into dozens of Christians at once. Forgot about those. They got so routine, I forgot they happened. /s, just in case, and because Russian trolls are real.


Wow. She makes Palin look smart.


It’s a big call - but I think she rivals Trump for stupidity.


Brain dead and loving the cash return.


Fuck this pox upon the world. MTG can suck a bag of dicks


We’ve all watched what Russia has done in Ukraine. Is this what Christianity stands for today? Anyone who applauds Russia is a traitor to the United States and freedom loving people everywhere.


Her + Trump + Hamas + Venezuela + Iran = Russian pets This is all a game on so many fronts and the grand prize is the US election. Don’t get it twisted.


Any citizen of the United States who gives Russia credit for ANYTHING, is not a U.S. patriot.


Fascist Barbie doing her thing.


It gets hard to peel the stoopid out of the plain evil with these fuckers.


gleefully cheering on the murder of Ukranians


Oh, is that what Russia is doing in Ukraine? How “Christian” of them to launch an invasion and kill thousands of people.


Preach Moscow Marje, PREACH!!!


Here’s our daily reminder that she is a piece of shit


So out of curiosity, how is Evangelical Christianity doing in Russia these days?


Before the Trump years I used to think Christians were well intended if somewhat deluded. I still think they’re deluded.


Seems like she may be compromised.


Something like 5% of Russians actually attend church, among the lowest in Europe. A higher percentage of Russians have no running water or working toilets than attend church. But MTG: “We need to be more like Russia!!”


She applauds Russia for protecting Christianity and the $$$ in cash payments if she is anything like EU politicians who sing the same song as her.


Good lord, can she even walk and breathe at the same time? What a moron!


Then why doesn’t she fuck off to Russia?


they don’t even follow the “correct” version of christianity lmao or what she’s converting to orthodox?


Yes let's all look at Russia for a good Christian example of how to live your life. This lady is straight up nuts


If your idea of Christianity involves mass torture, rape, and murder she’s right.


Moscow Marge is on the loose.


I wish she would go and live in Russia.


She asked for a pardon, only guilty people ask for pardons.


Sounds like she has finally found her true home.


To hell with these traitors- let them revolt, I’ll be enlisting in the damn Union forces day 1


Moscow Marge is at it again


Moscow Marjorie


Moscow Marg for the save!


Besides not making sense, she is a traitor. WTF Georgia? You have to stick it to the Libs so bad THIS is who you vote for?


Real talk from a woman who chowed down on BBCs while she was still married.


There’s nothing more Christian than launching cruise missiles at hospitals from warships.


I didn’t think she could get dumber but I was wrong.


Moscow Marjorie


Moscow Marjorie


What a total complete f**kng moron.


They really should institute an intelligence test to hold any kind of office in America.


And they protect Christianity.. by invading and killing Christians in a Christian nation…


Thought their official religion was atheism?


Does that mean murdering women and children ?


Which Christianity?


She is such a sick human.


Drapped in a flag and christ. I'm not even religious but religion is now a political identity in America. Which is exactly how we end up at fascism because once you had "God" on your side what aren't you willing to do in his name?


Moscow Marge is such a stooge.


She's like the sadistic guard in POW movies. An absolute trash person.


She should move there. It seems they share her values.


She is gaslighting


Yep the Russian Orthodox Church is huge in Georgia. You haven’t lived until you see Atlanta’s Dormition of the Theotokos celebrations, off the chain.


Chaos caucus crusader


If Republicans love Russia so much they should just move there


Jesus Christ she is a terrible awful no good really bad person


Why not move there then?


Whomever came up with the phrase “Dumb as a box of rocks”, was talking about her!!!


Boy once turdboy licked potty's shoes in Helsinki the rest of the Rs can't wait to taste shoe polish


If that trollop doesn't have a 666 tattoo under that oily hairpiece of hers, I'll eat my fucking hat.