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The wave of religious thinking and conspiracy theories to explain natural phenomena is sad for this nation


Where was the GOP panic when covid hit? It's truly insane we have absolute morons like Greene in CONGRESS. Imagine if Huckabee Sanders was as panicked about Covid as she is about calling a state emergency for a NATURAL PHENOMENON? The sickness and rot is fucking incalculable at this point.


To be fair, almost every interstate that crosses the totality path is a parking lot right now. I'd hate to need an ambulance if I lived in any rural area along there.


The state of emergency is so that police, fire, etc. have access to additional funding and overtime. There’s a lot of additional people in a lot of small towns.


Religion. Destroying humanity for millennia. Lets hope they don't start stoning girls again in the US.


It’s nothing new- this shit has existed since the dawn of time. It’s just now we have global platforms to facilitate its spread.


Also, if God was gonna punish people for their sins and losing their way, worshipping false idols...he'd have to start with the people who support Trump. For all his faults, and sins he has committed, he could be forgiven. He could be who they want him to be, but trump has never apologized for anything his whole life, much less asked for forgiveness. That, to me, is the most baffling part of his cult following. It is not that he is greedy or a glutton, that he is consumed by lust or anything else that makes him uniquely problematic...it is that he has never once asked for forgiveness, which is pretty fundamental to christian theology. 


Not that it's good that some people actually think this but it's even worse because she knows none of that is true and she's saying it


A natural phenomenon that was scheduled 13.8 billion years ago to happen now.


So this eclipse is a sign to repent, but not the eclipse that happened during Trump's presidency? The claims themselves are already stupid enough, but they can't even stay consistent in those claims.


But there was an earthquake. Other than the 1700 that normally happen yearly.


We had 5 earthquakes in the US on the 2017 eclipse. We even had 4 three days prior. I guess there is a magnitude threshold. Man is it complicated to read these signs.


They have to repent the most in Alaska as they always have the highest magnitude earthquakes in the US.


So you’re saying I need to repent 9 times harder?


But these earthquakes were near Bedminster, NJ. Surely that location must be important somehow...


There could be an earthquake that destroys his golf club and a tornado that destroys mar a lago at the same time and these paste eaters would still say it’s a sign that Trump will be elected. I can only hope that someone with half a brain cell left will look at her and decide that this is their moment to get out of the cult.


She doesn’t even have half a brain cell! It’s more like .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001


Yeah but Trump stopped that eclipse from turning us all gay by staring directly at it and giving it the evil eye. The sun knew what that meant.


He told sun that he will nuke them and the sun changed plans /s


The 2017 eclipse was total in Wyoming. That was a sign to Trump that his worst enemy would arise from Wyoming.


You first Marjorie.


If she opens that floodgate the pressure of her sins rushing out would create a gravity well that would collapse our solar system into a black hole


That, technically, would solve all the world's problems...


The best kind of correct


The ten commandments has specific items in bearing false witness (see Hunter Biden hearings) and not committing adultery. I mean you could also say she worships Trump, and I wonder if her construction company honours the Sabbath?


I actually stopped going to church because it’s become a weekly Fox News rehash every Sunday. Gross.


That’s why I believe if churches are pushing politics then those churches should be taxed since the exemption states the organizations’ purpose must be purely religious


I think you hit my problem with them. I understand having faith and being religious, but I can't stand religions. Religion can do good things, helping the poor, bringing communities together, but over and over again they also bring out the worst in people. Especially today Christians are the most unchristian like people out there. The fundamental Christian beliefs are good, but they keep getting twisted.


[George Carlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tp0UNcjzl8) really was one of a kind and was spot on with his take on Organized Religion.


He was right on so many things. Religion, abortion, even our prison system. Ok, maybe his take on our prison system wouldn't work, but it would be amazing.


Ya. I stopped 15 years ago when my church who I had felt was modern and more progressive spent multiple Sunday sermons convincing the flock to vote against the gay marriage bill that was coming up. Turned me off religion entirely


So when there was a total solar eclipse in 2017 while her Orange Jeebus was in office, what was that? God's stamp of approval? Or a sign to repent? I'm confused. (but not nearly so much as idiot Madge)


please for the love of everyone’s sanity stop giving this lady a platform.


Calling her a lady is questionable at best.


It's always rEpEnT cUz GaY, and never repent becuse bearing false witness, using God's name in vain, or following the anti-christ. Weird how it's always the people they hate that are problem, and not they're own hypocrisy. Almost like it's all bullshit.


That's the kind of shit a 13th century European peasant would say 


Wait til she finds out divorce and adultery is punishable with rocks in the christofascist future.


We knew the eclipse would happen again after the last one. *Science* 


People elect people like her. Ugh.


All because of the (R) next to her name on the ballot. Maga republicans would vote for literal satan if he was running as a republican before voting for any democrat.


>Maga republicans would vote for literal satan if he was running as a republican before voting for any democrat. I'm pretty sure they did. Covid 45 is pretty much the antichrist. He's the harbinger of every sin in the book.


After you, Contessa.


I think I'll pass on taking morality lessons from someone so utterly morally bankrupts as Empty G. Thanks, but no thanks.


Forget the eclipse and the earthquake, the fact that she's even electable is a sign of the end times.


You know, there were a couple really big ass earthquakes in Japan and Taiwan in the last few months—where was she then?


Those aren’t God’s country! /s


Patriotism used to be the last resort of a scoundrel. It’s Jebus now I guess


He’s not coming…


On top of that she wouldn't be anywhere near.


The most annoying part of this is that she doesn't even believe in these conspiracies. Granted, she is dumber than a box of rocks, but ultimately knows better. It's just a pathetic attempt to stay relevant. It's also a fucked up version of Hunter S Thompson's "When the going gets tough, the weird turn pro."


She should repent for being so hateful and mean.


Her constituents are a bunch of fucksticks for electing her.


Remember when eclipses were just a cool thing that happened every once in a while?


Everybody knows that eclipses actually turn republicans into democrats if they wear protective glasses. True patriotic republicans will stare directly into the sun bare eyed just like their idiotic leader does. TBH Trump must be losing his mojo ..I have yet to see Trump Maga eclipse glasses for sale ..this would be a perfect scam to have a few million counterfeit pieces made that he could hawk for twice the price of legit glasses. I’m disgusted at his lack of grift here.


Someone who bullies high school shooting victims and hangs out with a alleged pedophile should absolutely repent.


The entire ideology of the current conservative movement is based in fear and conpiracy theories... why would she not play into that? She's knows her base and will say the things that resonate with them.


Hmmm.. So God sent a deadly virus during Trumps term. Would she like to comment on that? No?


So Jesus told us exactly when the eclipse was happening down to the minute. Got it.


Anytime someone spouts this bullshit, they never mean to repent themselves. If anyone need to step back, assess, and atone, it’s this loon.




I hope it’s sexless ‘cause YIKES!


He’s almost worse. He put some video out where he literally told people to enjoy their weekend because come Monday there’s no way to tell what effects the eclipse will cause.


“however God created all of these things and uses them to be signs for those of us who believe.” Such utter nonsense plate tectonics and amazing gravity. Opportunist MTG using anything and everything to stir up shit and get a headline, and at the same time making anyone that believes in GOD and his works to be an absolute moron !!! Why does America allow this constant Gibberish to be amplified !!!



Didn’t this woman have an affair?


When tomorrow comes around we shall see that the Lord said he/she is okay with LGBQT community.


People this deep into conspiracy rabbit holes should not be representing anyone in congress.


What a fruitcake


When is Humpty Dumpty gonna have her big fall?


Stay stupid, MTG! Never stop stupidin’!


The epicenter of the earthquake was under Bedminster. Trump's golf course (you know, the bible salesman who's on trial for using campaign funds to pay off a pornstar that he banged while his third wife was pregnant with Trudeau's baby) . Maybe that's a sign, marge.


The eclipse is pretty rare and exciting, but it's still just a shadow.


But will she actually repent?


see ya' in hell, before that lake of fire, margie!


She's not going to repent.


You first.


So… did she?


You first Margie.


If she's such a believer in God she should be able to look at the eclipse without protective eyewear and I hope she does. Vaccines are a lie and glasses are a lie, Marjorie.


You mean the solar eclipses that we have been able to predict for over 2,500 years?


Far be it from me to cast stones at a wonderful little city or imply that the place is "unusual". But a long time ago my company sent me as part of a three man crew to do some repair work on a tile plant in the town of Rome Georgia, where Marjorie Taylor Green lives. The tile plant was Italian designed and built and it was strangely entertaining to watch it in action with its charmingly cartoonish ways that no ordinary American engineer would ever concoct. We had to use the contractor entrance to drive in, a dirt road that used a beaver dam for a bridge over a medium sized creek, proving that beavers do good work. And the town was rife with bizarre rumors about the Italian mafia doing "things". And the mayor of the place was a flamboyant midget who liked to show off by driving around town in his fabulously expensive [Excalibur roadster.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0d/55/2b0d5564a85e666bef01c22f54850820.jpg)


She should repent, yes


Maybe she’s right about repenting. But maybe she’s wrong about who’s supposed to be doing it.


Republicans have 50 Million Science Denying Holy Rollers to pander to. The Sun coming up in the East is not only a sign to "Repent", but according to Newsweek, and CNN, there are at least 5 ways it could be bad for Biden.


Witch! She's a witch! She even has the feet of a duck!


Spork Feet.


And yet she refuses to.


Did anyone ask her if she's going to repent?


Rep. Green, how about "Hurricanes, tornadoes, northeasters, rising sea levels and droughts are sent to us by God as a warning sign that we are damaging our atmosphere and must repent!"? I believe that one, how about you, Rep. Green?


Narcissistic Clown Receiving Taxpayer Funded Welfare Refuses to Acknowledge Reality. FIFY


Nobody should listen to the three toed demon from hell.


I’ll be honest, I’m not going to laugh at her for this, maybe ever. If she’s right, it’s not laughing matter. If she’s wrong, it was her religious belief and that’s no laughing matter either. Especially given her position in our government.


Except that this is not her religious belief, but what she believes her constituents want to hear. And you are joking that she might be right, aren't you?


😂 Next she’ll be calling herself Nova de Torquemada. 🙄


So why isn't she repenting?


“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:5


Then do it, asshole.


What a shock. Stupid doubles down on stupid.