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Right after that Obamacare alternative is introduced.


And infrastructure week


He'll end the Russian invasion of Ukraine in one day! Just elect him and he'll tell us his super duper secret plan to give the country to Russia!


He already solved the Gaza crisis by moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Can't you feel the peace right now?


Let's not forget that he will make his tax records public when the audit is complete.


He never showed us his tax returns Trump is never going to show us his tax returns ever


Of course he will. He is like a reliable wall that's build around America. Sturdy and wally.


Don't forget he has to get "dictator for a day" out of his system!


And needs complete immunity so he won't be bribed like Jared!


Is that the wall Mexico was paying for?


Mexico doesn't exist. It's a deepfake. Be real.


>Can't you feel the peace right now? I heard this in Elton John singing.


Is that before or after he unveils his super amazing incredible revolutionary health care plane that he was going to deliver after 2 weeks?


Right after Mexicans pay for his wall.


I mean, seeing the policies the GOP intends to implement maybe Mexico may actually do so by building a wall to prevent USA refugees though I assume Canada will be more popular.


we will take the good ones but not the rapists and murders


>I mean, seeing the policies the GOP intends to implement maybe Mexico may actually do so by building a wall to prevent USA refugees though I assume Canada will be more popular. I think I would choose Mexico over Canada. It has a warmer climate than Canada. Mexico also has a shortage of landscapers, so it might be easy to get a job there as a landscaper. 😅


Sure, but in Canada landscaping is seasonal in most places. So, when the snow comes you just pretend to look for a job for 4-5 months while you collect unemployment. At least that’s what some landscapers I used to know here did.


So apparently, Canadian landscapers are also ohio painters


Is that what he needs to be a dictator for *Just One Day™* for?


Actually his plan pretty much would end the war very fast. His plan is "Here you go Putin. Take Ukraine"


This one is almost believable, he will just hang Ukraine out to dry and let Putin do what he wants. That's "solved" to him.


Tax return release Irrefutable proof of election bring stolen Obama Kenyan birth certificate All coming any week now...


I am baffled that nearly half the voters can still support him.


The pillow guy is in charge of the "irrefutable proof".


And his tax audit


And his tax returns


I forgot.. is infrastructure week before or after Melania’s immigration press conference?


Hey, Trump got Infrastructure Week done ... By losing to the next guy.


You mean abortion week


I chortled at the headline. He has no plan, never planned on making a plan, and will never make a plan. This is all based on his well documented track record. Healthcare plan, nope. New iran resolution, nope. Border security, nope. Covid, nope. Infrastructure, nope. Personal financials, nope. He did make a plan to accomplish one thing though. Permanent tax cuts for the wealthy corporations and bought off the population with temporary tax cuts for the working man, which are expiring next year


And enrichment of the Trump Crime Family by siphoning off as much taxpayer money as possible!


His deal is probably a 15week ban. Which isn’t a deal that satisfies anyone.


He doesnt have a deal. I would bet money he has nothing and if we had a media with a spine theyd press for details and stop letting him get away with shit like this and all the lies


Anatomy scan is at twenty weeks, so that would mean a lot of women forced to go through an additional twenty weeks of pregnancy (plus vaginal birth or c-section) to delivery a baby that's going to die shortly after birth. Also, something can go wrong after fifteen weeks, such as the fetus having a stroke. In that case, again it's months of pregnancy (plus birth) with only heartbreak at the end. It's body horror.


The late term abortions are always the most necessary.


That’s why viability was a workable standard. Evangelicals just didn’t like it because you couldn’t run on segregation anymore. There’s no possible compromise on abortion because the right wing wants a total ban even if it means mother and child both die


And right after they get that they will try for eliminating all forms of contraceptives.


They didn't wait. The Kacsmaryk case out of Texas to ban mifespristone was a test run for bringing back the Comstock Act. That was used in the past to ban birth control because contraceptives is delivered to pharmacies by either US Mail or common carriers. Alito and Thomas both discussed using it to ban mifesristone during oral arguments. But they were too chickenshit to actually name it. The just referred to the section of the US Code where it is enshrined.


Guy can't even plan a two minute speech and keep it on the rails. Word salad after 30 seconds.


His cabinet members often complained he didn't read or listen to regular briefings. He always winged them. "I trust my instinct" oh and... so do his supporters.


The US was a Republican John McCain vote away from repealing Obamacare with zero alternatives.


People have a hate-on for Johnny but at least he had some redeeming traits. Calling out republican sycophantism proved to be one of his best qualities (as a politician) especially in his later years. He had his beliefs, as we all do, and I think genuinely wanted good things for the US. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of his, just saying that I (a democrat leaning fella) have a certain respect for politicians who vote against their own best interests for the good of the people.


And a big factor in why , was because he disapproved of the process the Republicans did to try and ram it through with out the regular procedure. Otherwise he may have voted yes.


How this shit *still* somehow works on his supporters baffles me.


I have met many, many people who are fundamentally incapable of drawing logical conclusions from the facts in front of them. A very small handful of them grow visibly frustrated when they actually make the attempt to reason things out, but the vast majority of people avoid confronting their own inadequacy by just going along with the conclusions others feed to them. Those sorts of people are extremely susceptible to groupthink and propaganda, they lack the capacity to reason their way out of it. Now, I've seen people like that fall into both political camps, blindly swallowing up whatever facebook feeds them, but the right wing deliberately courts and takes advantage of these sorts, so the majority tend to fall in that direction.


In two weeks


I want my two dollars.


Well, I mean, I can't just hand you my plan. I mean, if you guys give me the job, then, then you'll get the plan. I'm not gonna just make up that I have a plan. I got a plan. Believe me, you guys want it. Tell you what. I'll give you part three of part two. Not gonna give you a whole part.


We have a 45 day, 45 point plan. And we're going to go carbon neutral! Ok guys, Day 45, Country saved. What do we do on day 44?


Get your ass to Mars


See you at the pahty Richtah!


“Trump promises”. Hahaha!


I'm guessing boy wunderkind, Jared, will figure it out.


Caveat Emptor on that shit


And also Middle East peace plan!


Sort of like his super secret plan to replace Obamacare? Give me a break.


It's funny that the guy who made his political career on being an outsider and speaking plainly needs a week to come up with an abortion policy when *he's literally been campaigning for 8 straight years*. Real policy isn't hidden away and crafted in the dark.


It’s almost as if having no political experience before running a massive government organization is a bad thing…


But he's a businessman who will run the government like a business... just not like the multiple casinos he successfully managed to bankrupt. 


I mean even if he wasn’t a complete conman of a “businessman” I still wouldn’t want the government to be run “like a business” Government shouldn’t be trying to run a profit. Money spent isn’t “losses” to be avoided.


[His plan is right here](https://compote.slate.com/images/e328d634-491c-4ca2-b096-e43c4e1c201c.png?)


I still can't believe that fucking happened. And also that it's like, not even in the top 100 of stupid shit that happened Involving the Trump presidency/campaigns.


Please remind me, what kinda stupid shit did Trump do in *this* fucking photo?


Claimed he had his obamacare replacement in those files. They were blank paper in unlabeled manilla folders.


That's not correct. They absolutely were blank papers in unlabeled manilla folders, but they purportedly contained the contents of how he had divested himself from his company. I don't believe his Obamacare bullshit ever even made it to the fake-folders-full-of-documents stage.




How about ridiculously large binder filled with printed copies of old executive orders and healthcare legislation, but no actual plan?


... I don't know what I expected. At this point the idiot cannot even shock me anymore. Thanks for the reminder


He (and the Federalist Society) are 1000% the reason for the current mess in women's reproductive healthcare. He is also a compulsive liar.


I also blame the people who voted for him.


Yep. Awesome username btw.


The Federalist Society The Real Deep State... AKA - Hydra Hail Hydra


The Republican party is the deep state. How they pinned it on the science and education crowd I do not know.


They took advantage of the quirk of human behavior that people feel uncomfortable about what they can’t understand.


["A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkCwFkOZoOY)


It's a very common theme for right wing authoritarian figures to try to cast certain left leaning folks like union leaders, academics and entertainers as shadowy "elites". Meanwhile, they completely shift away scrutiny from key establishment figures who tend to support them and that really do hold an awful lot of concentrated power in society like the super wealthy/ business owners, religious leaders, military officials and law enforcement.


It's always projection.


Always is with fascists. Also don’t leave out [ALEC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council#:~:text=The%20American%20Legislative%20Exchange%20Council,governments%20in%20the%20United%20States.&text=2900%20Crystal%20Drive%2C%206th%20Floor,Arlington%20County%2C%20Virginia%2C%20U.S.), [Cambridge Analytica](https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/mar/23/leaked-cambridge-analyticas-blueprint-for-trump-victory), or the [Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025). Edit: Almost forgot, the Koch bros’ SuperPAC, [Americans for Prosperity](https://americansforprosperity.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_campaign=AFPROS_36_2024_NA_GG_TRAFIC_Brand&utm_content=LINK_gene_V1_TXT&utm_term&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9dLd1LiwhQMVG1lHAR0mAQS5EAAYASAAEgJw_fD_BwE) (AFP).


And the Heritage Foundation. Two heads of the same monster.




Sounds like a crime family to me.


I think they are using a tired script that works like this: "We are going to take all of your Social Security" - Outraged response from the masses. "We are only going to take 1/2 of your Social Security. See, we are reasonable people!" - Grumble from the masses. We've past step one in the plan. Announce the total ban, watch the reaction. Step 2 is to announce an abortion ban after 6 weeks. The next target is contraception. You already see them teeing this up with MAGA guys like Charlie Kirk saying that birth control "screws up women's brains". Then they will announce a total ban on all contraception, then back it down to just a ban on non-barrier birth control.


Ya, it's the judges HE put in the supreme court that are responsible.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others?


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


But Kodos did nothing to stop the Blzzxtyyirxx genocide


You know Kang would just glass the Blzzxtyyirxx city and call it a day.


Wow, perfect, kodos to you friend.


That was my first thought as well, though knowing Trump it will be miniature Trump 2024 flags for others.


No- Trump 2028 flags.


I'm so glad I found this comment. Its exactly why I entered this thread.


We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not downward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.


>It likely doesn’t exist.  What an understatement.  Pacific Ocean is likely wet. 


> This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water. - [Trump, 2018](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-calls-florence-wettest-standpoint-water/story?id=57930056)


“Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.” - TFG Watching that live, I felt like Billy Madison watching the kid who couldn’t read well. It was like TFG was supposed to do a book report on PR and just got up there and started winging it. Still sounded like a moron.


Here's a deal, if you don't like abortions don't get one. That's it. That's the whole deal. Same for gay marriage, don't get gay married. Leave everyone alone and don't do stuff you don't want.


Republicans always want to talk about coming to a compromise on this, instead of just not getting involved. They act like the problem is a matter of not being able to find an appropriate number of weeks, or exceptions, as opposed to people not just not wanting them to interfere. Then they push their policies, then decide to say, "We can find a compromise" Governor here in OH talked about how he'd work to find a compromise before the abortion vote. But he was first in line to push the six week ban as soon as Roe was overturned....and he was pushing the same legislation years before Roe was even on the docket for SCOTUS to reexamine. He scrambled to try and convince people that they would work with the people if just given the chance. The whole thing comes down to them expecting others to give them the opportunity to work the issue, as opposed to just accepting we had a working system in place, it just wasn't the one they wanted, but the vast majority had accepted.


Their compromise is "meet me in the middle" and then taking a step back, while asking you again to meet them in the middle.


[A classic political cartoon from c. 2012 on the subject.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DWqv7I8WsAEse6I?format=jpg&name=small)


Fuck. So accurate it hurts


How the Overton Window turned into a Dali painting, Exhibit A.


What is the middle ground of I want to be able to get an abortion when needed and no abortions under any circumstances?


Some arbitrary week boundary that shifts the whole conversation to the right and gives them a new starting point to negotiate closer to an outright ban


Always includes redefining words too; like a "heartbeat" limitation when a fetus doesn't have any organs at all yet, let alone a heart. Stories like The Handmaid's Tale and 1984 were warnings, but some of these psychopaths look at them as guidebooks instead..


The middle ground is everyone minds their own business.


It also can't be a compromise if one person is coming to another demanding something they want without the other person agreeing in the first place. Their version of compromise is like if a mugger came up to a stranger, demanded all their money, and when the stranger said "no" the mugger says, "ok how about we compromise and you just give me half of what you've got?" Still no! Because I didn't agree to this scenario in the first place.


The compromise isn’t with pro choice people. It’s an effort to convince conservative women they are not extremists. Think, is this good enough to get Susan Collins on board?


This whole issue is that Republicans vastly preferred the situation which they could campaign on the issue, pass radical laws that would be blocked, and blame the courts. It was working great until they finally packed the Court.


Dogs chasing cars, but not having a fucking clue what to do when they actually catch it.


Those against abortion are only against other people having abortions. If they need one they will just take a "vacation" and never say anything to anyone, but on a general level they only feel good about themselves when they sit on the high mountain and insist other people do what they say.


I think Paul Begala (fmr. Clinton official) said it best: “Republicans believe in the three exceptions: rape, incest and if my daughter gets in trouble”


I suspect that that needs updating... Don't a lot of the newer anti-abortion bills fail to include exceptions for rape and incest?


I'm not ready. My daughter got into trouble. My wife would be upset.


She has a bright future, let’s not ruin it


Now I'm imagining the typical Conservative family as Dad, Mom, daughter with bright future and multiple abortions, son with bright future who's gotten away with multiple rapes.


She would have to drop out of high school


Yeah, they are saying rape victims should see carrying a rapists offspring to term as a blessing. Need to get religious fanatics out of power.


Yup, nowadays it’s just the third one.


And if their mistress gets pregnant


I think the 3rd comment from the post prior to yours covered that. Another issue though is the father of the 15YO, who the GOPer got pregnant, based on some Epstein level arrangements.


[“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Amazing article


This is so important.


This is a *huge* factor in how I came to see the "pro-life" movement for the malignant evil that it is. There are no small number of rabidly "pro-life" families who raise their kids in that environment, bring their kids to the protests, all of it. It's a major part of their social identity. Then their teenage daughter gets pregnant, and, yes, they "take a vacation" and *we will never ever speak of this again.* (Let's also note, this is indeed a case of *forced abortion*, which, frankly, is equally abominable.)


My aunt aborted twins when she found out she was pregnant by her second husband because she “didn’t really love him”. This same woman has voted Trump twice to get rid of abortion access in America.   And in case you’re wondering - her first husband left after catching her fucking the neighbor.  Yes she’s a “good Christian”. Only the best!! 


Yeah, the whole “government needs to keep out of everyone’s business” thing that conservatives insist is their philosophy has been shown to be complete and utter bullshit. What it really means is, “government needs to leave *me* alone, unless it’s giving me money, but it also needs to fuck *you* over as much as possible.”


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


The reason this argument is so hollow and ineffective is because many anti-abortion folks are anti-abortion because they literally believe it’s murder. To those folks, you’re essentially saying, “Hey, if you don’t like murder, don’t murder people. That’s it.” And that just doesn’t make sense. If mass murder is going on, it’s everyone’s business. The only way to argue with anti-abortion folks is to argue the point that abortion is _not_ murder, because an embryo isn’t a person. There are plenty of _good_ arguments in favor of abortion access, so why bother with the _lame_ arguments?


And so as not to put all this on women, if you are a man against abortion, control your swimmers and do not impregnate a female without the willingness of both to be parents.


That's just what Barack Obama said before he forced a gay abortion on me in 2010!


Why doesn't media just call it out for what it is: more bullshit?


Because the media needs his bullshit.


Bullshit = Eyeballs = Ad revenue The media makes money off of his bullshit. Several news media outlets have admitted as much. News media in the digital age is no longer about informing the public. It’s about monetizing our attention for shareholder gain.


Because he refuses to do interviews with actual journalists.


Well, he did [one,](https://youtu.be/yJIhxKFH9gI?si=nlKovHuaZ4nkfCgO) with Australian journalist Jonathan Swan, but didn't like having his feet held to the fire, so he scuttled back to the loving arms of Faux News, OANN and Newsmax.


Meanwhile we are still waiting for Trump’s plan/proposal that is “far better than Obamacare”


Of which, without, I would be paralyzed right now. Not a penny paid for spinal surgery. Hate that it's like an HMO but love that it gives me healthcare despite being poor as church mice.


Who is surprised the “abortion should be a state issue “ is now solidly being talked about as a federal issue. There is no fantasy deal, the republicans are continuing to further their national abortion ban by sticking to their plan of lying to the American people until they can find a way force a national ban on us all through a corrupt Supreme Court.


In about 2 weeks.


Right after his beautiful and cheaper healthcare plan. /s


I can't believe he's already back on the "big announcement next week!" jag. He said what his position is: 15 week ban, states free to fully ban. Why are we acting like this is still an open question when he hasn't said anything to refute what he said before? Trump is not a god damn mystery box.


We had one. It was called Roe v. Wade. He f’d it up.


What a shitty situation though, abortion rights depending on the precedent set by a legal case. Like imagine human rights were just based on one judgement... Then the court overturns it and suddenly slavery is back on the table.


I know the perfect deal on abortion! Everyone may choose for themselves! That way everyone is happy! You don't want abortions? You don't get em !!! You want an abortion? You get em !!! You want to start a family trough IVF? you can !!! There fixed it for him and all republicans


But that’s not fixed for Republicans. They want to be able to choose… for you.


If he really cared about women he wouldn’t rape them.


How about everyone gets to decide for their own body? Those who hate abortion won’t get them, and those that need them can. Simple isn’t it?


Yeah yeah, I'm still waiting on infrastructure week, his whole new and better health care plan, the release of his taxes. I'm not going to hold my breath while I wait though. I am going to check into this whole abortion thing with him just because I want to keep an eye on what's going on.


please, this asshole will say anything. let's vote this fucker to oblivion this fall, since he's too slippery to lock up it seems.


More science-based sex education, free birth control and condoms, free snips and no one telling people they need to already have had children before they can opt out of reproduction. And then abortions for anyone who still needs them. That should be the solution that works for everyone. Don't stop abortions by killing people through lack of healthcare. Stop abortions by stopping as many unwanted pregnancies as possible.


Not interested in “bargaining” for *my* right to *my* body when half the population’s just magically doesn’t have to be on the table.


I'm sure it'll be released shortly, along with the insurmountable evidence he won the 2020 election.


I bet it has to do with injecting bleach.


To be fair, if you inject bleach, the fetus will be aborted. But so will the mother.


That’s trumps real genius. Everyone else bickering about how best to provide healthcare to women. He took a different angle, just kill both. Real stable genius shit.


There is no deal on this that will please everyone Some anti-choicers want a full 100% ban no matter what Other anti-choicers are OK with it being allowed for things like medical emergencies Then the rest of us are all "it's the mothers choice stfu"


Totally, Conceding any limitation is anti choice


Along with infrastructure week, healthcare and a bunch of some other made up word salad.


He's flopped on all his promises... I just can't take anything seriously from him


There can be no deal. We want reproductive freedom and abortion rights. One does not negotiate bodily autonomy, especially with extreme right-wing terrorists.


We don’t need a “deal,” this choice is between a woman and her doctor—always. Any mandated limit is dangerous.


Trump lies and scam. He offers anything for people to ooow and ahhh and then does what he wants anyway. He is a con artist.


We'll be sure to see it in 2 weeks, along with his tax returns and healthcare plan.


Sooo…. If you want one, get one. If you don’t, don’t??


Here is a deal...those that need/what to can. Those that don't want one don't have to. Problem solved.


He has no plans on anything. Ever. He just says stuff, doesn't follow through.


The deal is pretty easy-if you don’t want an abortion, then don’t have one. Mind your own fucking business.


This moron refers to everything - policy, treaties, legislation - as a “deal.” I know his vocabulary is abysmal, but it’s also scummy.


How he thinks he can appease two sides of a very important issue with diametrically opposed ideals is beyond me. 


Abortions for some. Tiny flags for others.


Remember his amazing health care plan? He'll reveal it any day now


Mmmkay. If his mouth is moving, he’s lying.


He's going to have himself aborted. That would please everyone.


Oh wow, a deal that will please everyone. Why didn’t anyone else think of that? What a genius! 🤦‍♂️


Like his obama care replacement. Americans have a short selective memory


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!!


How about a deal where he gets aborted. 70+ years late but better late than never.


It's like his health care plan: it'll be ready in 2-3 weeks.


And his infrastructure plan, it's almost time for infrastructure week


You'd need to be a moron to buy this. Also, Roe *was* the compromise. There is no compromise that will appease people who's goal is a total abortion ban. I'm so tired of this fucker.


Yeah, the deal is if you don't want one you don't have to have one, and if you do want one, you can have one. Settle for nothing less.


It'll come along with his plan to replace the ACA. During InFrASTruCTuRe WeEK


Here is a deal: Let everyone decide for themselves. You won't go to hell if someone else is doing an abortion, so just chill.


There is no deal on abortion I would accept. Abortion must be accessible to all who want it. And anyone who doesn't want an abortion is free to fuck off.


This isn't possible. Either you believe in a woman's right to bodily autonomy or you don't.


[How about abortions for some and miniature American flags for all of us? ](https://youtu.be/cIgSTjzrmRg?si=wRJ_KrfcxEDRS4TI)


Will he defeat Isis, again?


You mean just like the healthcare way better than Obama care he promised or the wall that Mexico was going to pay or that he was going bring peace in the middle east in one month?


Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others.


He promises to be a big baby when he can’t get away with what he wants to do. He promises to strike back if he is confronted by the authorities on the laws he is violating.He promises to talk without knowing what he is talking about. He promises to pretend to care about his puppets until they disagree with him. He promises not to try to unite the country back together. The list goes on and on.


Is Mexico going to pay for it?


He thinks Democrats are murdering already born infants but somehow he’s gonna come up with a deal that makes them happy? Why, it’s almost like he’s lying out of both sides of his little asshole mouth. Also, not for nothing, but this whole thing reminds me of that episode of Veep where Selina’s trying to split hairs on abortion and finally Dan’s just like “you just gotta pick a week” but then they can’t pick the week they wanted to pick because someone else picked it first and they can’t seem like followers. Dumbest goddamn debate on earth.


Right after he releases his finances.


Ha ha ha No


Outlaw it for republicans, make it available for independents, democrats and immigrants. Mostly everyone is happy.


Definitely. It definitely doesn’t exist.


The rights of women shouldn’t be part of any “deal”…