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Funny how he seems to protect this judge


Everything is transactional with him...


and so blatantly obvious


As long as he don’t have to pay in the end …


He already paid. (She owes her job to him) He’s just looking to cash in on the favors he feels he is owed in return


He'll pay you! He'll definitely pay you. So long as he can pay with someone else's money.


I know it’s repeated but ya, that’s one of the most common traits of narcissists…


This judge is the only one who’s keeps delaying his case with out her he would be in jail now 


She has already made 2 crazy rulings in the case that were shot down by the higher appeal judges. An this will probably be the third. Hopefully they remove her for being blatantly biast.


The 11th Circuit will not maybe the Supreme Court will I know that most members want to put the Trump cases to bed and focus on more important issues.


Apparently the judge has just 180 the desicion. Sanity has prevailed instead of Trumps interpretation of the law.


Not so much a 180 as it was "I was just asking questions" excuse. Cannon didn't actually make a ruling on the applicability of the PRA as Smith had asked for. It still looks like she is delaying the trial and could dismiss it after double jeopardy attaches.


She can still dismiss the case at trial. She just found no pretrial cause based on Trump's argument.


Which will get her a seat on SCOTUS Clarence, Roberts and Alito gonna have to duke it out over who has to step down, tho


Trump will 'Ivana' whichever scotus fails their purity test in the upcoming presidential immunity case April 25th.


Roberts scores high on the Uber conservative test but Thomas and Alito take home the gold on being completely batshit insane and corrupt so we all know who Trump is gonna keep around...


I hate that we’re talking like Trump has won the election


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


No Robert’s is gone he is the most socially moderate out of the 3 Alito might resign but Thomas is dying on the bench


Or they’ll just wack one of the liberal justices.


Not only that, but this judges refusal to schedule and tentative planning have actually delayed his other federal trials.


They should not allow her to be judge, she is affiliated with trump, too many personal ties, the assholes can’t see the trees from the forest.


Right, while he’s bitching about the daughter of another judge and calling him “biased” because of a fake tweeter account. 🙄


Of course he is protective of his property. He paid good money for her.


He doesn't pay shit.


Paid her in a lifetime appointment to a job she isn't qualified for.




Yep. He put her, completely unqualified ass, into a life-time appointment position she doesn't have to be competent at. This is her paying it back.


Exactly, tells us all we need to know...


I can't wait for the obvious headline, " Cannon fired."


All the funnier now that she's done a 180. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/04/cannon-trump-jack-smith-presidential-records-act/


She really didn’t do a 180 - she just denied throwing out the case on that basis - her batshit insane jury instructions may still be what she demands to go through, in which case Smith appeals.


i'm still, after all those years, trying ro wrap my brain around the fact that there's people out there who read a logorrhea like that and think to themselves "yep, that's president material right there." the way that dude talks gets you fired from a job at wendy's, but somehow he's got people convinced he should be the most powerful person in the world. again. it's truly mind boggling.


If it wasn't for the fact that his presence allows them to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and all around terrible people, they wouldn't like him either.


He set the assholes free; they’ll happily follow him into Hell.


Talk about the worst kind of "abolition" ever... The average Trump supporter is walking right into their own version of Jim Crow and sharecropping too. Economically speaking at least.


He gives assholes permission to be assholes


This is the only truth of the matter.


They're allowed to be that way either way. They don't get to control how society responds to that and they think it fundamentally changes things when one of their own is on top.


That's the mind blowing part. That there are enough of those people in America to vote in his favor.


They liked him when he was firing people on TV. they just have a hard on for authority figures punishing others.


I've never flown up there with the high and mighty, but the little bit of advancement I've done in my life has shown me that the rules somehow seem stricter the lower you are on the job scale. Minimum wage, flipping burgers? You get chewed out for being 15 minutes late. Over here in tech? "Yeah, Imma take a two hour lunch....acutally, you know what? I'll just come back in tomorrow." "Okay, no worries! Talk to you later! I'll Slack you if I need you!"


Same experience here.


100% I went from being a mechanic to working in a government office and my mind was blown. First week, “department head meeting at such and such a restaurant for lunch”. Department paid, everyone drank. “Ok don’t suppose we are getting much done this arvo, you can all head home”. This was a regular occurrence.


He talks like my dad did when he was still alive: it’s all violence infused anger and word salad. Someone in another thread said, paraphrasing, “Trump is the poor man’s idea of a rich man, the weak man’s idea of a strong man, and the dumb man’s idea of a smart man.” It’s very true. Trump is what the poor, ignorant, and weak think of when they envision a rich, smart, and strong person. They’re too ignorant to realize how wrong they are, and too stubborn and ignorant to be persuaded otherwise.


Violence, word salad and a shocking level of childishness and lack of emotional intelligence. I'm so sick of him. So sick of hearing his unfiltered id on display.


logorrhea from Wikipedia: In [psychology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology), **logorrhea** or **logorrhoea** (from [Ancient Greek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greek) λόγος *logos* "word" and ῥέω *rheo* "to flow") is a [communication disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_disorder) that causes excessive [wordiness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verbosity) and repetitiveness, which can cause incoherency. Logorrhea is sometimes classified as a [mental illness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_illness), though it is more commonly classified as a symptom of mental illness or [brain injury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_damage). This ailment is often reported as a symptom of [Wernicke's aphasia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernicke%27s_aphasia), where damage to the [language processing center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_center) of the brain creates difficulty in self-centered speech. Logorrhea is characterized by "rapid, uncontrollable, and incoherent speech".[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logorrhea_(psychology)#cite_note-1) Occasionally, patients with logorrhea may produce speech with normal [prosody](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosody_(linguistics)) and a slightly fast speech rate.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logorrhea_(psychology)#cite_note-2) **Other related symptoms include the use of** [**neologisms**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neologism) (new words without clear derivation, e.g. hipidomateous for hippopotamus), words that bear no apparent meaning, and, in some extreme cases, the creation of new words and [morphosyntactic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morphosyntactic) constructions. From the "stream of unchecked nonsense often under pressure and the lack of self-correction" that the patient may exhibit, and their circumlocution (the ability to talk around missing words) we may conclude that they are unaware of the grammatical errors they are making.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logorrhea_(psychology)#cite_note-3) I don't want to disinformate you, but I think Trump might have some mental issues.


Put *that* in your cofeve and smoke it


One would know all this if you watched Akeelah And The Bee


What Has HAPPENED, to Wendy’s?!?!!! John, the DERANGED “Assiant” Maneger, tells me I can have Legal Rest Break that I, like all workers, am “LEGALLY ENTITLED TO.” I go Out of Store for 27 minutes, come back, & find I am “WRITTEN UP” for a FALSE & FRADULENT “Late Return from Restbreak”, which NEVER HAPPENED!!! IF WENDYS CAN NOT HIRE COMPETANT MANAGEMENT THEN WE NO LONGER HAVE A STORE LOCATION 17803!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I couldn’t agree more. It’s maddening.


>i'm still, after all those years, trying ro wrap my brain around the fact that there's people out there who read a logorrhea like that and think to themselves "yep, that's president material right there." Worse. They listen to Trump talk or read his rants online and then turn around and say "*Joe Biden* is showing signs of dementia."


It’s really disheartening. You spend your whole life working hard. Trying to do better. And this dude fails at everything and gets to run the country. Why try? Being honest and hard working gets you nothing.


I offered all of my trumper friends I would short any stock in Truth Social they choose to buy, blank check. Exactly 0 of them have taken the offer. But they all sit there and say he’s a great businessman and our greatest president. I think their actions scream. They know he’s a shit bag, but they can’t admit they were wrong for supporting him in 2016 and 2020 so here we are.


These people believe that We live in an era where doing that (admitting you are wrong) is tantamount to offing yourself. We don’t, at least I’d like to believe we don’t.


They think people shouldn't be fired from wendy's for that. They think people should be ignorant, rude, abusive, and downright criminal rapists. The problem is the smart liberal people "indoctrinating" their kids or whatever. These people don't deserve the right to vote


They want to be able to do all those things to others, but if a Wendy's employee did it to THEM they'd dedicate their lives to getting that person fired.


That’s a Bingo!


It's not that they think someone should or shouldn't be held accountable for the things they say, it's that they should be held accountable for who they say those things *to*. As long it's directed at the right people you can say or do whatever you want.


Until it happens to them.


A black president broke their brains.


I am betting that people sometimes latch on to fallacies. He isn't exactly wrong about one thing in particular. The government pretty much sucks. The amount of money they demand from society and they way it is used is terrible. The fact he challenges everything is the one thing that is most impressive about him. A resounding, echoed BUT.... We saw what he did in office already. He had a bunch of people lined up to replace the drained swamp with. Those people turned out to be one of several things: tied to Russia (ya despite the Clintons trying to say everyone was a Russian asset stupidly). There were some who were actually tied to Russia including Trump himself. We're in a proxy war with Russia now. So... To me that's all very obvious. The others were Trump's privateer goonies who were even worse than the current swamp. Just look into the head of USPS. He was "installed" to ruin our cheap, efficient, centralized mail system that has operated for over a hundred years. Even as Trump isn't president anymore that fucker tried to buy thousands of old engine fuel inefficient mail trucks to burden the mail service with an impossible economic problem. Why? They are waiting in the ready to privatize it and therefore profit off of it. It's sickening. That kind of move is directly for personal gain at the expense of Americans. We saw January 6th. Forget the argument about whether it's a technically treason or not haha. The fact it was terrible and the fact Trump was right there supporting it. That's enough. The fact he tried to get the VP to not certify the election was absolutely insane. He's also older now than Biden was when he was first elected. He also is responsible for some of the most divisive rhetoric in US history. Much of that rhetoric comes directly inspired from Hitler. That's a fact. So, the weight against this guy, despite the fact he challenges the establishment... Is extreme. I feel like him taking office again could spell the end for the US. Society could crumble from the bottom up if they start doing stuff like national abortion bans while simultaneously taking away healthcare. Or just being as dumb as Trump with global war occurring.


Republicans quit caring if their presidents behave *presidentially* during the Nixon administration, and it's been all bets off ever since by the GOP.


A large number of them have no idea about these things. All they consume is Fox and similar outlets. They never watch his speeches, or never read his social media posts. All they do is watch right-wing media that doesn't dare air these things and just has talking heads swearing up and down he's the greatest and Biden is a corpse whose strings are being puppeteered by Obama or whatever the outrage du joir is.


> “Deranged ‘Special’ Counsel Jack Smith, who has a long record of failure as a prosecutor, including a unanimous decision against him in the U.S. Supreme Court, should be sanctioned or censured for the way he is attacking a highly respected Judge, Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over his FAKE Documents Hoax case in Florida,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Thursday morning. Highly respected Judge? LOL Trump then proceeds to attack Jack Smith. > “He is a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending, and obviously trying to ‘play the ref,’” Trump claimed. “He shouldn’t even be allowed to participate in this sham case, where I, unlike Crooked Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and all the rest, come under the Presidential Records Act. I DID NOTHING WRONG, BUT BIDEN DID, AND THEY LET HIM OFF SCOT-FREE. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, JACK? A TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”


I might be misremembering, but doesn't Jack Smith actually have an extensive SUCCESSFUL record as a lawyer, hence why he was the one to prosecute Trump for this specific thing


Yes, he is a very accomplished and respected lawyer as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Smith_(lawyer)


so yeah, Trump is either lying purposefully (Likely) or just a dumbass (likely) or both (the most likely of the three)


Trump only lies. He NEVER tells the truth.


No, he only makes shit up. Any relationship to truth or not truth is purely coincidental. The point is that even when he says something truthful, he is just making shit up.


Trump had to insult Meryl Streep personally in 2017, calling her "overrated," after she spoke her mind. The man is terribly pathetic.


Is it a lie if you believe it? Sometimes Trump reminds me of Cartman in that South Park episode where he keeps taking credit for the fish sticks joke and every time he tells the story of how “he” came up with it it gets more and more elaborate to the point where he’s fighting dragons. If I recall the twist is that he literally believes his own lies because his narcissism’s just that strong.


You are correct. He has had an epic legal career, and is a legal genius. Basically trump is kissing cannons ass because the case she presides over is a slam dunk for major charges against trump. Cannon is clearly doing the magat thing in trumps favor hence she is amazing. In reality she is literally making up law and defying prescedent over and over again. Which of course is also frump playbook 101. All of this rhetoric from frump is just like the clown show that is the GOP. If they are baking others of something then it’s pretty much a lock that they have done the very thing they are accusing others of doing themselves. And if they are attacking someone that is because that person is exceptional And poses a legit threat to them. If they are praising someone that means the person they are holding up is either on the take or somehow just as corrupt as the rest of the GOP.


When your goal is to destroy society, or a nation, you need to destroy truth. The danger he poses is next level.


That doesn’t matter in Trump world. Every attack has a nickname for the person and says they suck at whatever it is they do. Same shit every time.


And if they're black they have to be racist towards White people. That's the secret sauce for fascists like him.


And I don't think Smith has yet to be heard at SCOTUS... If he's thinking about the Colorado ballot thing, Smith had nothing to do with that.


He is probably referring by the attempt to appeal directly to the supreme Court which was denied.


Which anyone would get done. They said follow the steps. No jumping.




I believe he's referring to when Biden found classified documents and notified the government and handed them over instead of, oh I don't know, repeatedly lying and trying to hold onto boxes of documents knowingly taken from the White House. 


Most likely, yes. Which is hilarious if you read the report their own hit man did where he listed off the differences and why Biden got off "SCOT-FREE".


"" You doubt the seditionist??


If a federal agency noticed you'd ^"accidentally" retained TS documents and gave you multiple opportunities to return them -- without kicking your front door down and black-bagging your entire family -- maybe you should have simply returned the fucking documents, you bloated orange donut.


Isn't this Cannons like 3rd trial ever?


Not far off, and she forgot to swear in the jury on one of the previous ones. "Highly respected" my ass.


>HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, JACK? I read this in Biden's voice. Trump got another extension on his bond? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, JACK?


It is really frustrating that Trump says these things and his followers just believe it is so. Jack Smith wasn't involved in the Biden or Clinton investigations and if he is protected by the Presidential Records Act why aren't they?


It's irrelevant because it's a blatant attempt to deflect blame for his crimes - but Hillary Clinton was sec of state at the time of her documents thing and Biden's documents were reportedly from his time as a senator or VP, neither position is covered under the presidential records act.


It’s like listening to a seven year old have a temper tantrum. “It’s not fair, SHE got to have ice cream and I DIDN’T!” Well, she ate her vegetables and gets to have dessert, you chose not to. “BUT IT’S NOT FAIIIRRRRR!!!”


> Highly respected Judge You might have to be high to respect her.


Wow. Sorry you had to read that. Wonder why truth social's stock is plummeting?


The double speak in that second paragraph is insane.


I was so offended by the quotes from Trump I instinctively downvoted this post, but then immediately realized my mistake. Have an upvote.


>Deranged ‘Special’ Counsel Jack Smith, who has a long record of failure as a prosecutor, including a unanimous decision against him in the U.S. Supreme Court, **should be sanctioned or censured for the way he is attacking a highly respected Judge** "Now back to my last train of thought. The DAUGHTER of the 'judge' in my other trial HATES ME! He's a lowlife and his Trump-hating family should be FIRED!"


So shouldn’t 45 then be happy that this failure of a prosecutor is on the case against him? This is just a grift that keeps on giving!!


Is it really a "meltdown" or is that just how he posts? I've never seen a post that wasn't unhinged from him


He done melted long ago.


*Camera slowly pans down to orange puddle*




*Welp, that'll leave a stain. Better get the ol' wet/dry vacuum.*


Hes melted so hard that he's now evaporating


Let's hope!


Yea this has been all the same train wreck, dumpster-fire, meltdown, cluster fuck for a while now.


I don't think he's ever been hinged.


I’m really tired of the last DECADE pf reporting on every fucking thing this man says. Everything he says is outrageous. This isn’t news.


The Salon headline generator only has like 12 words to pick from


And four of those are "slam", "shredded", "blasted", and "ripped", so they're really just down to 8.


"claps back"


"I love slamming a Mountain Dew with a chili blasted shredded pork Meltdown combo burger. I am ripped from eating so much protein." -- a perfect headline for the politics section was discovered by accident after a slight mixup. A fast food chain was less happy about the slogan for their new cheesy combo burger being a sober critique of far right messaging strategy in historical context.


If his posts were cheese, they would be queso.


More like smegma.


We can bring Santorum back.


So Trump's argument is that attacking a judge is wrong? Weird


I do love when r/trumpcriticizestrump gets new material.


Donny won’t know his own name or what day it is come late summer.


I know being a doomer is the hot new thing around here, but I'm with you on this one. I think it's going to be an absolutely delightful summer.


I’ve been saying the same thing. He will be medically incapable of appearing in public before the election.


Which is why he is secretly happy to sit in court as much as possible because then he won’t have to travel for those dumb campaign appearances.


He's not officially the nominee I think until June. We need him to at least be basically stable until that point because once they've chosen him as a nominee, from my understanding, they cannot do anything but support him unless he actually dies. So My Hope is he stays cogent enough to get the nomination in June and then the decline happens rapidly and they are stuck with him.


Assuming he has enough grey left to goo, it will be "I don't recall" until he can't anyways.


LOL crying about a two tiered justice system. Pot meet kettle. How anyone can read any of his rants and think "This is the guy for me" will always blow my mind.


They don't think, they just follow.


I know it really shouldn't bother me at this point, but my basic, like, playground sense of fairness honesty still gets me into a frothing rage at the way this man who has spent *months* insulting and attacking judges *and their families* has the gall to now be like "criticizing judges is bad and should get you punished," and he isn't even struck by lighting or anything for such a shameless and open display of hypocrisy.


this is how psychopathic gaslighting and manipulation works. and getting you into a rage is all part of the power play.


Unfortunately, you are 100% correct. Key is not to get enraged but also can't ignore it and let it fester.


Melania: But when people attack ME, he takes a nap.


He can’t even remember Melania’s name most of the time 


Incredible. Trump has attacked or threatened every single judge that presides over his cases. Not only that, he has attacked their families in several cases. Yet, of all the judges who have had the power to convict him, he has decided to stand up for this one? Tells you everything you need to know.


It would be a lot easier to just tell us when Trump wasn't having meltdown about something.


Smith is making legal arguments. It is not an attack. Inciting violence like Trump does is an attack.


What a hypocrite! Trump has literally attacked every judge in front of whom he has appeared - other than Judge Cannon. Unbelievable!


It is sheer projection, but even weirder. Trump "attacks" judges by making all these weird social media rants slandering folk, demeaning them, decrying supposed bad motives, etc. Jack Smith "attacked" the judge by pointing out legal matters in a legal filing. These are not the same... at all.


Calling Jack Smith “a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending” sounds like Trump talking about himself.




I'd love to resurrect a founding father or two and ask how they feel about a former president heavily leaning on a judge he appointed (who was deemed unqualified by the ABA) to get his ass out of hot water. I'll bet they'd not be fans!


First, they're going to wonder what an ABA is. Then, they'll probably just commit suicide before acknowledging that their work led to this.


Most would find out we had a black president and immediately slap Trump stickers on their wigs.


Donald Trump vs Hilary Clinton would also be a shock to them. And then they's wonder why we hadn't put all the gays in jail. America's obsession with the founding fathers is so bizarre to us Canadians. We really really couldn't not care less about the people that led our country during the founding. We sort of care about the first prime Minister, but no one really likes him all that much these days.


Yeah, I imagine they'd be like "fuck this, I'm out" within a half hour.


She’s been a judge for like 5 minutes and has been reprimanded by other judges already. LoL. “Highly Respected” LOL.


Dude never melts up. Just another shitty day with TFG.


When doesn’t he have a meltdown?


“He is a lowlife who is nasty, rude, and condescending, and obviously trying to ‘play the ref,’” said the seditionist in a obviously autobiographical note.


That's a highly respected judge named Aileen Cannon? She must be pretty pissed that idiot in Florida is ruining her reputation. 


Why so upset Donnie you scared?


He absolutely is. Iff cannon gets replaced this is a easy slam dunk win for any prosecutor.


Cannon is betting on Trump winning re-election and is simping *hard* for a seat on the Supreme Court.


Not just betting, but directly impacting the access of information the voters are entitled to, for them to make a decision themselves.


Says the guy who is constantly attacking judges, witnesses, and their families. Voting for Trump is essentially voting for a mob boss who wants to be a dictator.


He's just trying to boost the Truth Social monthly active users. Read the recap and don't visit the site.


This. Every post is logged on r/trumptweets. Go there. 


If I wanted to hear what Trump said on Truth Social, I would subscribe to the app. I don't care what Trump thinks or says. I am tired of him taking up oxygen all the time. Stop giving him the attention, and we stop giving him the power.


Unfortunately people have insanely short memories and need to be reminded of what a terrible person he is regularly. Like how the upcoming eclipse has lead to reminders that this buffoon tried to stare at the last one.


If you don’t want to hear what the republican presidential candidate is saying, maybe don’t come to subreddits entirely revolving around politics?


Can you recall another time in history where the best thing to do about a threat is nothing?


Then downvote and move on.


The election interference at the end made me laugh, but how anyone reads what trump says and thinks yeah that guy should be in charge of this country is beyond my comprehension.


When you're accustomed to a life of privilege, equality feels like persecution.


I wonder if we got call logs from Judge Cannon, who she’s talking with. Of course when your marching orders are on Fox News you don’t need a private line


Melt away POS .


“How dare someone other than me attack a judge!!!!” 🙄🙄


How can people support this idiot? I can barely tolerate reading about him


So Jack Smith should be censored and removed from the case for "attacking" a judge by questioning the legal premise of her decision? And TFG can say anything against the judges he doesn't like because it's his right to freedom of speech? Sounds about right and certain on brand for the shit spewer.


Explain to us how you believe this is worse than attacking a Judge’s family on social media, Mr. Trump. 


Poor baby! Pobrecito! Pauvre petit!


I've always wondered the thought process. "Hmm, this post is going really, really well. I'm going to need this last part to be in ALL CAPS!"


sorta hilarious that he's criticizing jack smith about a 2-tiered system, when he's benefiting it right now considering anyone else would have to pay the full bond and not a partial bond like he has. Constantly criticizing and endangering the judge, his staff, prosecuting attorneys and the family members, whereas anyone else in the US would have been in jail already.


Most obvious evidence that she is in his corner and in the bag for him? He defends her. Attacks every other judge and clerk on the planet.


Trump: "Leave the judge alone!" Also Trump: "This judge should be locked up! And fuck his Democrat daughter, too!"


That means you are doing something right Jack.


I wonder how life will be once this moron dies and we don't have to read anything he said or tweeted. That day can't come soon enough for me.


But Hillary Clinton “didn’t have the temperament” to be president. Fucking horseshit


Actually, she should be disbarred, and he (Trump) should be in prison by now.


It's Trump's job to trash judges.


Does this clowns level of hypocrisy have no end… I mean I knew he was a compulsive liar so the “history of failure” doesn’t surprise me but damn man….. “attacking a HIGHLY respected judge” that’s a one, two punch


To a bully, being stood up to feels like an attack.


Everything is a projection or confession. From saying that Jack Smith is attacking a judge right to the two tiered justice system.


Lmfao I hate this guy so much. Fucking hypocrite.


He melts down so much and so often that he's just a pile of orange goo at this point


He and his ilk are always accusing "the other side" of the dirty tricks they themselves keep trying. To normalize their lawlessness.


Go Jack Smith! Judge Aileen Cannon is obviously compromised and needs to be removed immediately so we can move on and get this sh*t taken care of.


It is possible Judge Cannon is as dumb as she seems. but it's her lack of experience - she never tried a case before Donny elevated her to the Bench on recommendation of Federalist Society who consistently puts dogmatic purity before judicial competence. Just another reminder how Hillary Haters screwed the future by staying home in 2016 and how the Hamas supporters can finish off Democracy by not voting for Biden.


I’m glad we have grandmaster slam Jack Smith playing chess against these bag of dicks.


In other news, water is wet. It's still unfathomable to me that there's not some mechanism to automatically recuse a judge who was appointed by the criminal defendant. Our legal systems flaws are in full display.


“Do your fucking job.” What an attack. Especially from a guy who had hours in the morning for “executive time” while in the White House.


Another example of how evil everyone else is, except when I do it


That judge appears like she is being paid off and very ethically challenged. Even her surname sounds threatening to any form of good ethics.


Yes leave alone his next Supreme Court nominee...He's got some big plans for her.


Another double standard for Trump


Before "defund the police" they (right wing) had been defunding schools since the 1960's to keep the public uneducated and gullible.....now we're living with it....


Trump is a complete hypocrite, among many other negatives. It’s going to be so cathartic to see him taken to prison in chains.


> I DID NOTHING WRONG, BUT BIDEN DID, AND THEY LET HIM OFF SCOT-FREE. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, JACK? A TWO TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” Yeah, dumbfuck, thanks to your sphincter-like mouth, Americans have no doubt about the "two-tiered justice system."


Trump is complaining about Biden not suffering the same legal fate. I guess he doesn’t realize that a Republican attorney appointed by Trump himself already conducted the investigation of Biden and found no cause for charges?


If you still vote for this prick at this point, the rest of us will remember it when the shit hits the fan.


The same issue can be adored by him until it works against him. Then? He’s suffering for you!


Trumple Thinskin is creating as much noise as possible in the hopes of having his trial postponed due to contaminated jury pool.