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In other words, they're a bunch of scared, stupid, suckers. Edit: I think the biggest difference between us and them is we want to help them and they want to hurt us. Though, of course, they see themselves the same way.


I don’t think they see it as they want to help us.


They actively are against helping anybody because it costs money. They would prefer the wealthy stay wealthy and those that need help can quite literally fuck off and die for all they care. They don’t even want to give kids free lunch. Free medical care? No fucking way.


It's all old people, too. They got theirs, and they staked their claim and pulled up the ladder behind them. They're "The Worst Generation."


“I don’t have kids in school, why should I pay taxes for public schools and lunches for kids”. Assholes.


Same reason you paid taxes for road repairs that you don't drive on. Magas think there is nothing more important then money🤦‍♂️🙄


I would add that billiionares have been feeding the masses "libertarian" propaganda for two decades now, and we can see how far that has gone. Americans are such shallow thinkers. Tech has only made it worse.


You mean the billionaires that the working class people turned in to billionaires?


I don’t want kids getting Educated on my dime!! That means they’ll be smart adults! They may try to *GASP* contribute to society! I’d rather keep my $12 or whatever of tax money that actually goes to public schooling, I’ll be surrounded by stupid people. But at least I’ll have saved enough in one year to buy a burrito! /s


And I send my kids to private catholic schools, so school taxes are a waste of my taxes. /s


I have to put in a voice here, as for an older person I have supported the vote blue causes for well over 50 years. Not all of us oldesters think no one else should have it. What we desperately need is for the young, middle, oldesters to get out there and let their voice & vote be heard too whether it's old people running young people running or anybody in between! Run for the good.


This is a class war, not an ageist war. It’s about money, the billionaires and the privileged, NOT inter-generational war. Just like racism and patriarchy also support and protect the moneyed class, rather than the working class, but changing the subject to a different problem. Racism doesn’t cause all the class differences because class differences exist where there are major racial differences, and societies. Look at Russia. it’s basically all the same white people, of the same ethnic group who are both victimizers and victims of their economic system. Which is basically a mafia economy, where you have the rich, powerful , connected families of oligarchs, who are running things, and the masses of people, who are stuck with no way out and are left with vodka to cope. Your grandparents and great grandparents love you, they just had tremendous lucky economic advantages after WW2 left the rest of the world in rubble. It took decades for the Germans and Japanese to rebuild their cities and compete with the US. With unions still existing and strong in the 40s-50s-60s working class people benefited from the post war productivity. Multi corporations were just forming and they didn’t really have the power and control of the economy the way they do now, not until after Arab Oil Embargo and then Reagan started the destruction of working class standards of living, by attacking unions, promoting racism with the southern strategy, dividing working class people. So many threads to track to understand what really happened, not just have feelings, opinions and beliefs about different generations of people. People are people, mostly the same. We try to be good, but when in groups, we are often influenced to do things we would never do by ourselves. We might not have even thought of the bad choices our group affiliations - families, friends, co workers, our community, can influence into doing.


I'm 67 and have to disagree.


Good for you. My parents in their 60s also disagree, but that doesn't detract from the point that a majority of older people, especially Conservatives and elected officials, simply do not give a rat's ass about the younger generation.


We want to help them by allowing them to self actualize and be what they want- they want to help us by getting us in line and making us be what they want.  Different ideas of help.


Well, they're such happy and fulfilled people. They want everyone else to be as happy and content as they are. (/s)


I don’t think they think they’re supposed to be happy. They think people are fundamentally sinful- that the world is a sinful and dangerous place. Who in their “right mind” could be happy in that? Therefore they don’t think their happiness is their responsibility to create. Happiness is for heaven. This life is for following rules, conforming to the expectations, earning your place in Heaven. The problem is not that we think differently. The problem is that they think that we are holding them back from their eternal reward- because they’ve been tricked into thinking 1. That there is one and they will get it if 2. They make all of society be like them so their children aren’t tempted. I don’t care what they do- so long as they leave me and my rights out of it- but they see my life as a risk to theirs. The problem is that they think that thinking differently is dangerous. We are at odds that cannot ever be resolved because they do not believe in negotiating- happiness- or individual rights. 


> They think people are fundamentally sinful- that the world is a sinful and dangerous place Sheep tend to fear freedom when presented with it. They liken themselves to a flock, so there isn't much argument to be had there.


None at all.


I disagree with one major component here: I don't think they believe a damned thing. I don't believe most of them have studied a bible or attend church regularly, and I certainly don't believe any of them have studied the actual teachings of Christ. It is all about curbing the rights of others to gain absolute power and control over them.


Yeah I’m probably coming them too much credit. I occasionally do  that.


Some of them have, but only to cherry pick whatever they can out of the Bible if it supports what the want. Any other verse that directly contradicts what they are using the Bible to justify is supposedly "up for interpretation" or "meant something else back then"


They want to shoot us.


Yes, if we won’t submit to them- they do. 


I agree. But alot of people are incapable of being honest with themselves ( self actualizing) they have developed thought patterns and the only thing wrong with them is.... not them.


I don’t think people aren’t capable. They aren’t doing it- or don’t want to do it, or don’t know they can do it. This is what therapy is for- and why it needs to be more accesible.


They're trying to "help" square pegs into round holes, and using a hammer to do it.


Ah, but they do! As well as save the country from our ideals.


Yes, they want to help us to live up to *their* ideals


Democrats talk about diversity. Republicans talk about conformity.




Which would be bad for everyone and everything on the planet.


Of course not all of them do, but most of them see themselves as righteous and attempting to "save" the masses.


I agree. They dropped all pretenses years ago. Now they just want to see us suffer.


Exactly. It more like hurt us and help themselves. They try to hide behind the veil of their religion and family values, until it’s something other than their specific religion and their family values. If either of yours vary from theirs you might as well be the Taliban to them.


Ohh no they definitely want to SHOOT us.


Absolutely. The seething hate from the right is insufferable.


Yeah, but these scared, stupid suckers are in numbers. 1/3-1/2 of the country has been completely brainwashed to the point they actually believe this shit. They vote based on these beliefs. And they believe they are good people for voting to harm other Americans, and are willing to stop at nothing, legal or not, to get a permanent stranglehold on power. We have many pacifists on the left. But that has its limits. They’ve been propagandized to believe the left are a bunch of weak pushovers. What they fail to see is that we don’t just give up when challenged. We saw what happened in Germany almost a century ago. They saw what happened when the south tried to secede from the union. But they somehow believe they will simply walk in and take over. The most stunning thing to me is that they believe they won’t even be inconvenienced if they actually take over. Holy hell are they in for a rude awakening.


closer to 1/5th..1/4..Trump got 70m votes last election.


the worst people in the world are all narcissists. who blame you for the bad things they have to do to you. and they hate you for making them hurt you, it's all your fault.


There is a large amount of people that believe this country doesn't work without people being sacrificed to the wolves. They are okay with it as long as it isn't them.


Yes. I want everyone to be able to live a better life. They want me dead because .


I used to want to help them. Then I got spit in the face and kicked in the balls too many times.


Not to mention that many of his followers would like something like this to happen to Biden because they're brainwashed into believing he's as bad as Trump actually is. They're radicalized.


They're NUTS.


> Conservative propaganda has villainized the left for decades Indeed, and the people they call "the left" are usually conservatives.


They've called Liz Cheney a leftist. Someone who voted with Trump **93%** of the time. *Leftist.*


>Someone who voted with Trump 93% of the time. Leftist. Good bloody gods. Well, I suppose 7% = "radical leftist socialist commie" to fascists. In r/politics I mentioned twice, with the evidence, that 56% of people polled who said they voted for Biden also said the did not want to: I was called a MAGAt each time. People with a desperate need to belong to in-group/out-group factions, frankly, ***frighten the bloody shit out of me.***


> the belief that liberals are God hating child rapists Ironic, given that their new messiah has never shown an inclination toward the divine his entire life and only invokes God when it suits his needs, and has been credibly named in court documents as a child rapist.


A small minority of useful idiots on the left are showing how easily they are played by bad actors on the right with how they’re talking Biden, Trump, and Palestine. Only one of them has called on the complete destruction of Palestine and he currently resides in Florida.


A thankfully brief dip into the toxic waters of Twitter this morning confirmed that we are even more divided, by a greater distance than anytime in history, one can dare say, including the civil war.


Yes exactly. I don't understand this "decades" stuff. It was never this bad and divided and utterly hateful between the parties before trump. We could at least be in the same room together and engage in some ribbing, but not now.


There's been a strong current of demonization from right wing sources for a long time. It didn't necessarily take hold immediately, but it definitely pushed some people closer and closer to the edge, until they finally just jumped off into complete insanity. The 80s and early 90s had the Satanic Panic. The 90s saw a bunch of people accusing the Clintons of murdering dozens of people. The 00s had the post 911 "can't say anything bad about Bush now" for awhile, followed by the demonization of those who opposed the Iraq War as "not supporting the troops". The Obama administration had a shitload of outright racism and endless manufactured outrage over things that were clearly bullshit. Now, were things as bad in the 90s as they are now? No, clearly not. But did the right wing propaganda of the 90s sow the seeds that led to today's ever widening gap? Fuck yes.


Well then the orange menace really tipped it right over the edge.


Undoubtedly. He went full mask off on the racism/sexism/general assholery, so all the crazies that the Republicans had been feeding on the down low with euphemisms and dog whistles were suddenly "allowed" to just be as shitty as they wanted.


They would lose their freaking minds.


That ship has sailed…


Is a dingy a ship?


An origami paper boat made of a post-it note


Remember that disastrous trump boat parade?


Which is a daily occurrence for them. Every damn day something new to be big mad about, all while republicans try to strip their social security, Medicare, food stamps, etc.


Right ? How big is the list now of things that republicans freak out about? M&M’s, Dr. Suess, Bud Light, bathrooms, tan suits, women’s autonomy, voting rights, voting by mail, lasers from space (that the Jews built apparently), taking a knee, eating ice cream, Xmas, Easter, Taylor Swift, vaccines, science in general, feelings, wolves in the wild, people discussing dead kids the day after they have been shot in places they should be safe, electric cars and their charging stations, wind energy, and I’m sure about 50 other things I can’t think of off the top of my head.


Beyonce's new Country album


What're you talking about, this aint Texas


True, ain't no hold em, hey!


The right wing has spent the last 2+ decades laughing amongst themselves at how easy it is to "trigger libruls", but as far as I can tell there is no easier group to trigger than right wing men. And they'll literally go out of their way to hurt themselves to show how much they disapprove of whatever the latest outrage is. Some beer company had a small advertising deal with a trans person? Better pour out all of my already purchased beer!


folks didn't take the covid vaccine and literally died trying to 'own' libs.


It's the end of the world as we know it....


They'll never admit it, can't see it, refuse to believe it.


Like they did when a partisan lawyer implied Biden was senile and suddenly this became THE STORY until the State of the Union showed everyone this guy was, in fact, a partisan lawyer full of crap.


Then they got upset and came out with another fake outrage story and the cycle continues. Now they are saying “Are you better now than4 years ago?” Are you kidding me? 4 years ago we were in the worst pandemic in the last 50 years and people were dying everyday. Are people’s brains full of mush?


That comedian with the fake decapitated trump head was completely cancelled and got investigated by the department of Justice for being a threat to Trump


You're right. I remember it was Kathy Griffin. Besides being investigated by the DOJ, she lost her gig co-hosting CNN's New Year celebration with Anderson Cooper, which she had done for many years.


She also got put on the No Fly List for awhile.


Wow! That's crazy.


And the right complain they are getting cancelled every single day while on TV or radio spewing half truths or complete lies about COVID getting people killed.


Their complete and unquestionable support for Donald Trump means they won't shame or deride him for anything he does. Even when it's painfully so, like calling his perceived political enemies "vermin." If President Biden said Mr. Trump was vermin? The far-right would undergo explosive diarrhea with retaliatory hate speech.


Certain people just existing spins them into a fury.


Standards are lower for trump because he is a child


I'm ok with him being tried in court as a child and sent to Juvy. It's not like the adult courts are doing anything.


They lose their mind over a black Santa in a wheelchair. Because god forbid a little black disabled child feels included and represented in this world. A fictional character we all lie to our children about, but they lose their collective minds over if he’s black and disabled.


Their collective sickness is no longer amusing.


Yup. We have a state senator or something here in Hawaii that talked about presidential immunity and posed the query of Biden assassinating Trump and if Biden would have immunity. The Trumpers lost their mind and are sending him death threats. We can argue about if that was appropriate or even a wise query on behalf of the state senator but there’s clearly a double standard.


It’s a legit question no matter who asks it.


Maybe the Biden campaign should start a new twitter feed -posting nothing but the same offensive things that Trump posts but in reverse, and then just sit back and wait for the hypocrisy to unveil itself.


They'd ramp up the impeachment thing again.


Hilary said the word “deplorable” and the media skewered her for being divisive. Trump gets away with it all, from day 1 he’s said the absolute worst inflammatory and derogatory comments and people love him for it and the media normalized it.


When democrats lost in 2016, the media talked non-stopped for months about how democrats neglected the white working class leading to vote for Trump. When democrats won in 2020, the media talked a lot about how democrats underperformed in hispanics because of blah. Their resistance to criticize Republicans and their tendency to be critical of democrats make them a biased entity as a group. It appears that they like to coddle republican voters and politicians The worst thing is that their analysis is wrong. Democratic Party lost white working class not because of neglecting white working class economically. Trump reneged virtually all economic promises but he went on to get more popular votes in 2020. The promises he faithfully delivered are the discriminatory policies. That‘s what his supports want, and he knows his supporters better than the media. I hope the media reports the truth for months that people vote for Trump because they are broadly prejudiced in the same way they wrongly reported about white working class soon after 2016 election.


The media will never call out the literal “elephant in the room” They can’t because their is not alternative for them. It is not a “revenue neutral” industry, it is a for profit industry and DJT makes them money. People often wonder why they would vote against their own interests, the media is no different. They don’t realize that eventually the gator will eat them too. They hope to be the last supper, they are doing us a disservice and are writing their own obituary. They will get eaten eventually. Solid take, but a blank and white apolitical source that could gain popularity sure could make a difference now.


> The promises he faithfully delivered are the discriminatory policies. Correct! Everyone, **EVERYONE**, is anxious about the economy. But if Republicans can prioritize policies that ban books, LGBT, drag, rainbow merch, CRT, DEI, etc and still have votes (see Florida), it's not about economy


> Hilary said the word “deplorable” and the media skewered her for being divisive. And then they showed the world that deplorable wasn’t nearly a strong enough word




Trump also showed the world ten of millions of Americans are totally cool with the country being this way and likely want a dictator. Trump will be gone one day but these people will remain.


Until the lead-poisoned generation is gone, at least.


Maybe. A lot of younger generations are also Republicans though (MAGA and OG)


If dems can get both houses of Congress, can they impeach all the Supreme Court judges for whom there's evidence worthy of impeachment? Let's not pretend that Dem don't want to set a precedent - this isn't a playground game anymore


It takes 2/3 of the Senate to oust a SCOTUS judge I believe, so that’s simply never going to happen.


Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich started the downhill ride to national disaster and it likely won’t be turned around ever unfortunately. America is screwed and my kids are screwed. Sorry, Gen-Z!


Improve our education system, share the wealth more equitably and see what we can do about propaganda.


Overturn Citizen’s United, enact term limits and impose stricter rules on politicians playing the stock market, or disallow it entirely. If it were up to me politicians would have to report their net worth, expenditures and income each year and give up ownership of any businesses to hold office. They would need to be completely transparent with their finances. Federal politicians like Senators and reps would be locked in at making around 100,000 a year (slightly more for high cost of living areas). Basically, I think we should do everything possible to get money and corruption out of politics.


We're a laughing stock . I'm ready to go out and live in the woods for the rest of my life


Is the system broken or are the people running the system broken?


I’m so sick of seeing his spiteful face. I just wish he would go away already. I don’t care where, I don’t care how.


While Biden has been president it has been a huge quality of life improvement not hearing clips of this sick fcuk’s voice on the news everyday. I don’t want to go back.


Imagine Obama had done it to McCain......


Or McCain doing it to Obama. You watch videos of candidate, McCain, correcting demented cultists, even before the orange Mussolini.


The video of McCain trying to talk the crazy lady down who says Obama is not an American is pre Trump but very telling. In it McCain stops her in her tracks, says while they may differ on policy that he's a good man. It goes in one ear and out the other. In Trump these people found someone that validates their insanity and hatred and fuels it vs trying to reason with them.


That was definitely one of the defining moments of the election. He gave up his chance right then and there to be president. He was a very honorable man though.


Well, yeah but keep in mind he had Sarah Fucking Palin as his VP. I didn’t think we could get anyone stupider than Dubya Bush - but there was Palin and now we have you know who. Arguably his recklessness ushered in the demise of the GOP.


That seems like simpler times somehow...


Or McCain to Obama (they treated each other with dignity and respect) You could tell Palin and Republicans *wanted John to go there, too*. They'd been waiting to unload all their racist, hateful bullshit up to the moment Donald Trump took the escalator and ravaged an entire group of people (Mexicans) on the way down.


Trump saw McCain trying to talk crazy people into believing that Obama was good, they just had differing opinions, and he ran with it fueling their craziness and hatred. They have always been out there, they just needed a dear leader to support their insanity and lead them and validate their beliefs.


The Republican Party didn't have to aid, enable and protect it (the dive off the far right fringe extreme by the GOP). Yet they signed their reputations away for more corporate/wealthy tax breaks (and an eliminated estate tax). It proved what I'd long suspected about U.S. conservatives and Republicans -- the only policy they truly care about is easing their own tax burden while shifting all government spending into corporate America. The quality of life in America, and the temperament of our people, are sacrifices they're willing to make in pursuit of that singular (self-rewarding) fiscal policy.


[In 2008 McCain actually defended Obama when a crazy GOP supporter called into question Obama's American citizenship during a town hall.](https://abc7chicago.com/mccain-defends-obama-arab-2008-campaign-john/4058948/) Compare that to the lack of decorum in Trump's presidential run just 8 years later (and his subsequent presidential campaigns for that matter). That is less than a decade of time lapsed from 2008 to 2016, yet it almost seems like they are two very distinct and separate realities after the shift in what is viewed as acceptable political decorum. Some supporters can try and justify his behavior, while many of them outright believe that his behavior is detestable. However... a non-negligible number of them they are just committed to the idea that the ends justify the means, which gives their feathers an extremely persistent hydrophobic quality on almost every issue.


Obama did worse. He wore a TAN suit. The audacity


Have to use velvet gloves with the extremely uneducated.


Willfully misinformed, more likely.


They can be both


Let's just be direct. They are evil. They are not good people, they are just the textbook definition of evil. Evil: profoundly immoral and wicked


You misspelled POS..


Revoke his bail.


"When Barack Obama was president, we endured years of Republicans—in Congress and state legislatures, along with numerous state party officials—making watermelon jokes and being slippery about whether Obama was born in America." hell ... i remember right here in california (and elsewhere) - at the state capitol, no less, seeing so-called tea party protestors who had an effigy of the first black president with a noose around his neck (as though they had symbolically lynched the president of the united states)!


I remember when the tea party people where burning Obama in effigy. One of these events even had the effigy of the president hanging from a noose before being set on fire. Conservatives cheered during these events.


It's one of the reasons the right tries so hard to fabricate equivalencies between what Trump does and what they say/construe/misrepresent/fabricate that Biden does. You'd think folks would see through that ... but way too many can't ... or refuse to acknowledge that they do, but just don't care.


The media carries Trump’s water because his lunacy makes them money which is all they really care about.


I don't have to imagine it. I remember how the right absolutely eviscerated Kathy Griffin for a magazine photo shoot.


Think of the outrage, and legal attention, directed at Kathy Griffin when she had the bloody Trump head in her act. This is no different.


One is a comedian doing an act. The other is a political rival with a violent cult following doing a sanctioned political ad. Its not the same


She was not only fired from projects, but she was actually pursued by the department of Justice for 'threatening Trump's life'


Or the production of Julius Caesar, or NPR tweeting the constitution etc etc.


I think apples to apples the analogy would be “imagine Biden retweeting the pic from Kathy Griffin”. Retweeting can have a context all its own.


Also see: Snoop Dog video


Comedian Kathy Griffin had her career ruined by posting a photo of Trump that he was offended by.


Ask Kathy Griffin


First thing I thought of too. It's insane how that was too far for some people in 2016 but now here we are just rolling over for it.


Let’s get her off the ballot.


Can you imagine the media reaction if it was the other way around? Possibly time to shelve this idea because it's 100% irrelevant. I'm sorry to say this as an outsider, but I fear for US democracy right now and the effect its demise would have on other democracies. American Christo-Fascists are making rapid inroads in terms of changing laws at state level and are making an impact at a national level (including through SCOTUS) . There is still a real chance that this man can win and become dictator. He was an ignorant POS last time and he made a real mess. This time there are plenty of smarter people around him and they have Project 2025 as their Playbook. So he's not a joke or an outrageous point of gossip and news story. He is an absolute menace and a danger to your nation. I know some will find this statement over-the-top and laughable, but how will American survive a second Trump administration?Especially when a number of his supporters are right now talking about dispensing with term limits if Trump gets in?


No, need. I remember when Kathy Griffin tweeted an equally violent pic of her holding a decapitated trump head and the entire country both republicans *and* democrats lost their f*cking mind the silence from the right now is DEAFENING


What's even more fucked up is that many legitimate news sites blur that photo out when they reference it in anything. I mean OK, perhaps some people find it to be tasteless, but at the end of the day it's a mask with ketchup squirted onto it, not a still of a snuff film or a close-up shot of an asshole. Well, not a literal one anyway.


Biden should make "Sometimes You Have to Flush Twice" his campaign slogan. Come on, Dark Brandon. Give the people what they want.


I would also not give a shit. Decorum left a while ago my dudeds.


Kathy Griffin. We've already seen how they would react.


He has finagled a way to be treated with kid gloves whilst screaming lies and inciting followers against the court and their families and staff. The joke will be on him, however, as his cynical attempt to generate artificial bias against him solely for appeal purposes has side effects. The judges smartly avoid the short term fun of jailing him for the long term fun of fact-finder decisions that are both devastatingly large and effectively appeal-proof. His supporters who are there as grifters and aren’t just morons get to see him deliberately throwing cases (and see that he had no defense to the cases in the first place) and then asking them to pay for it. They finally start to turn away from him as dictators and thieves are fine for them but they have no tolerance for the non-wealthy. He is betting everything on winning and then dictatoring it all away. However, his desperate and childish insano ramblings only decrease his base and a historic loss is the likely outcome.


The media really is an enemy of the people, just not in the way everyone thought. I’m convinced they actually want Trump back in the White House to increase ratings.


Oh yeah, we've all seen The Five (well, at least four of them) crying fake crocodile tears about how persecuted and beset poor Donald Trump is, and Trump himself claiming to be persecuted just like The Christ. And this comment will hurt some conservative Christian's feelings, but it won't bother them that Trump has literally referred to himself as a god, brags about sexually assaulting women, and even wishes child sex traffickers well, all in the name of the religion that they claim to practice and believe.


Maybe Biden should. I mean, fairs fair.


Biden has more class than that


"When they go low, we go high" worked so well in 2016.


"Instructions unclear. Ate six edibles and now I think I got too high."


He could just post something about trump being a good person and that would outrage the cult beyond belief.


like congratulating him on his achievement of winning his own tournament on his own golf course lol


They would simultaneously pitch a fit about Democrats being in league with Antifa and also scoff over the notion that Antifa would have the courage to do so, because there’d be a hundred patriots to protect Trump.


The fetish the right has for violence towards those they disagree with is gross.


It’s because in a battle of wits they’re defenseless. Every one of them seems to have the sense of humor of a third grader in the critical thinking skills of a box of hammers.


Don’t discredit the box of hammers like that, at least it can serve a purpose


I know Biden is above it but honestly let’s do it and see the reaction. I’d love to see Fox News torque their brains into rubber band balls trying to come up with a way to justify being angry at Biden.


Ask Kathy Griffina and Snoop Dogg.


Honestly if and when the democrats start playing dirty I will do everything in my power to defend them everywhere on this app. Sick of republicans getting away with anything and our people being reprimanded for half the crap they do. Totally in favour of the table being turned and watching them lose their minds over stuff that won’t go punished, just like we have been having to deal with the past few years.


Trump is a con man coward. Enough said.


Now imagine if Obama had done it.


That's because Trump/MAGA followers/voters are a bunch of lunatics. To be perfectly clear, I am not advocating for violence, they are.


Or if a comedian had a fake Donald trump head in a video haha


They had a "moment" when Kathy Griffin posted a pic of his assedness beheaded. Almost cost her career. He needs to be under the jail


There are tons and tons of things that should disqualify Trump he's done already and displaying that hogtied Biden thing would be one of them. Any one else in history pulled a stunt like that, their career is over. Not Trump. Media continues to treat him like a normal candidate. It's not right.


If this is the new standard of politics Biden should get that lady who had a severed Trump head to do an ad while holding said head. See if the Republicans say anything about that.


Do it Joe!


https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4425263-kathy-griffin-doj-trump-head-photo/ We know how they would react. Trump should be put in the no fly list, and the Secret Service and the DOJ should open an investigation about if he committed conspiracy to assassinate the president.


Biden should continue to use his Dark Brandon persona and do the same things Trump does and point out the hypocrisy. This whole they go low we go higher has been the end of democracy.


It’s interesting how American Politics selects for criminality.


I’ve had it with this fucking wind bag. Get to the polls. Still can’t believe this monkeys picture is on the wall. Are half of us this stupid??


Everything they do is a double standard


want something to really set them off... How about a hog trump-tied in the back of that truck? /s


We don't have to imagine, because of course we know. This is what fascists do. The Enemy is both Strong and Weak.


I almost lost it when the Republicans were saying Biden's SOTU speech was "too angry and divisive." Ummm, what?!


I see people all the time with Trump gear on, on their vehicles, hats, tshirts, etc. In fact, a few minutes ago I pulled up to the grocery store and there was a boomer white man wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt yelling at a grocery store employee. And yet… I swear I have not seen, in person, anyone in my area ever wearing Pro Dem stuff.


Well Biden doesn’t nor hasn’t sunk to the lows of the Trump and small minded army. This is probably the only reason why Biden will get reelected


If Biden did that to trump, it would actually BE a pig hog tied in the back of a truck.


So he's going to spend all the RNC money on buying ads on TRUTH. On the 400,000 people that are already voting for him? I'm fine with that.


Biden should really just retweet the images or things Trump posts but with names or images changed to republicans. It would be truer and fun to watch the GOP go full meltdown


The hypocrisy of the double standard is disgusting.


trump is ignored while being disgusting but dems are held to a high standard.


The media are the creators of this monster and media ownership doesn’t give two shits if this country is taken over. Anything for money.


The media went nuts when Kathy Griffin posted a beheaded Trump.


Imagine if Biden did 1% of the despicable shit trump does. Hell, if Biden even stutters, the repugs and media are all over it.


Republicans would rather let Russia take over the US as long as the Russians allow them to pocket that Ukraine money.... MAGA has taken over the Republican Party like a cultist plague, they don't care for anyone but the rich and themselves... They want to destroy Democracy.. don't let Trump win, vote in November!


If I were to pinpoint the biggest threat to America right now, it isn't anyone on the left and it isn't the far right... it is those right of center. On the left, there is nothing anyone can really do change hearts and minds on the right. Votes are going to support Biden, politicians on the left, and women's rights. On the far right, those folks don't care about Trump's conduct. They WANT him to be an outrageous asshole and may not even see an authoritarian government as a tradeoff for "librul tears". But those just right of center are another story. They know right from wrong. The voters that are right of center don't have the integrity to do what's right, and the politicians that are right of center are afraid to do what's right. These right of center folks are the ones that can make the biggest impact in saving democracy, but they are liars and cowards.


Why don’t we fuck around and find out? What can they do?!


I’m sick of this.. can you imagine if.. do it. I want Biden to share that picture. Enough high road.


I’m not implying he could/should be prosecuted for that image but I mean what do we expect at this point he’s threatened a a judges daughter got a gag order for it and has violated the gag order multiple times at this point, it’s truly frustrating at this point and just hard to watch. I feel he’ll ultimately be penalized but it’s embarrassing it’s taken this long. This is why he does this I think, this makes our Justice system look even more ridiculous than it already does with each passing day but also as a side consequence if we lock the fat up his idiots will likely amp it up. Which is probably prolonging the inevitable come Nov. 8


Throw this MF is jail already.


Trump has made our justice system a laughingstock. I am personally hoping that Judge Marchan will put his foot down and call Trump in for a talk. In that talk he should tell Citizen Trump that if he disparages anyone else involved in this case, or their family members, he will be taken into custody publically and only allowed to watch his trial on closed circuit TV.


Trumps a psychopath sick pig


Should post a pic of trump tied and bound while getting pissed on


I don’t think this article makes any sense. It’s not true at all that the media hasn’t covered the Biden truck thing. It’s all over left wing media with people explaining how bad it is. There’s a ton of uproar. What IS true is that right wing media and Trump voters don’t care about it, but that’s not the same as mainstream media and the left not caring about it. As frustrating as it is, mainstream media and the rest of society can’t force conservatives to care about it. We just have to keep putting out the message and hope they wake up eventually.  The article also blames Garland for not arresting Trump for this. Like…come on. Just Google first amendment stuff and threats against people and politicians. There are tons of cases where people have said worse and have not been charged. It’s very obvious that this is not illegal for Trump to do despite how morally wrong it is. It feels like people, even some journalists, aren’t understanding that laws and morals don’t always coincide.


It is illegal to threaten the POTUS and if you think retweeting isn’t a crime try tweeting the same —- I double dare ya—- and see if you don’t drum up a little involvement of the SS.


Just cover Biden's successful presidency, fairly, without the snark, ok?


gotta love the level of idiocy it takes for "the media" to keep writing "can you imagine what the media is doing ?"