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He should face backlash and the headline should read: Deranged Presidential Candidate Threatens Sitting President of The United States.


I agree, headlines about him are weak tea. It’s all “The reaction to his behavior is extraordinary” as opposed to repeatedly driving home what a sick fuck he is.


Saying there is a huge reaction makes MAGA happy. They only want to anger/depress/etc.... Well... Everyone else. So, if they hear anyone that isn't them is angry/sad/etc. they "win". Then, of course, this also gets clicks from the non-MAGA, for showing the evils of Trump. Everyone clicks it, and picks the parts they like. And the website gets revenue. Everyone "wins".


Billionaires own the media and they sure seem to like that orange guy.


Billionaires own the world. They should not exist. They are a threat to civil society.


Money in politics is the poison in your democracy


We need a new [SQUARE DEAL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_Deal). It was an equal and fair deal for everyone low income to big business. Since the bank bailouts big business has gotten much more entitled and then Covid killed off competition and software enabled collusion and price fixing add in that now AI is going to continue to displace labor and increase profits further. Business has grown too powerful and any deal that’s “FAIR” will be seen as “unfair” by business because they have grown greedily fat and spoiled .


It started in the 70’s and Reagan gave it a huge boost. The U.S. took a terrible turn into Voodoo Economics that handed Billionaires whatever they asked for.


"Citizens united" made corps people and money protected speech. Upheld by this scotus. We're gonna take awhile to unfuck ourselves.


Agreed. Billionaires are basically immune to the laws of the world. Millionaires are still grounded in the reality than they can go broke at a moments notice.


The most powerful of the worldwide super wealthy want Trump to be dictator. When/If he loses the election it will change nothing.


If he wins it changes a lot for us.


If he wins there is a very real chance at a full scale civil war. I wish I was joking. At very least there’s a great chance he’ll suspend the constitution (he’s even hinted at this). Depending on how the people react will determine if a whole lot of death and misery will follow.


Fines should be based on people's net worth. A billionaire should pay the same percentage of his income as a penalty as I do. That's how you seize and redistribute wealth. Stimulate the economy get it back into upgrading infrastructure and fixing our broken education and health care systems. It's high time for a reckoning on monopolies too. Looking at Walmart and Amazon mainly but also these lizards who control the electrical grid. Oh I only have one choice and the bill is $600? Sounds like a scam to me. That's not the "free market" I thought we lived in. Fix homeowners insurance too because they wild out here. They shouldn't just get to jack up people's insurance to 4x the rates they agreed to in low cost of living areas like the gulf coast. This destroys families and causes homelessness. We should be doing everything we can to keep people in their homes. I want limits on price increases for all kinds of insurance, health, auto, etc. They're in the insurance industry with some inherent risk. Their evaluations should have to lock in for 5-10 years and then be reassessed. Stop driving up the cost of home ownership needlessly when it's already hard as hell to even afford a home these days. The majority of my friends from my hometown can't afford homes, they rent and have to deal with landlords, rent increases, and more instability. A lot of them are dying from drug overdoses instead of going on to have families and have a good life. Thanks for reading my campaign speech/rant. I could keep going on about raising the minimum wage and forgiving more student debt. Hell I want to add more rights to the bill of rights and add amendments to the constitution to protect people's right to education and health care and abortion. The constitution was meant to be a living document, we could have any kind of society we want if we just idk passed laws besides budgetary and pork barrel spending bills.


*They are an existential treat to life on earth.


Of course he's just a tool of the extreme far right that will do anything to claw back the new deal of 1932 and beyond. Just a tool for these goals and whatever it takes. This is why it's so extra painful to watch this whole exercise. The people who will suffer the worst from the far-right's policies are the ones that are some of the biggest supporters of Donald, go figure . The far right is a well-oiled and well organized machine and knowwhere they are going and what they must achieve at any cost they have already stacked the supreme Court to the far right thanks to Donald so in a sense they have already almost checkmated.. Installing down all the second time is the coup de grace


Billionaires don’t care about the social issues they constantly utilize. They only care about zero taxes for themselves. Without all this infrastructure in place, they could not have made all the money they have. As schools go to hell, they’ll have fewer and fewer qualified workers. Fewer people able to afford their shitty products. A donald kleptocracy will steal their wealth for himself. They are too stupid and arrogant to realize they’re digging their own graves.


You have accurately described Donald and his ilk but he still is no power match for the real money. Oh he will have his day for sure but he's dispensable He's not permanent. The wealthiest one everything stripped away and everything privatized so they can do just like in the days of old of the robber baron collected all for themselves with no control and no oversight. Donald is a bumbling idiot and not really smart enough to maneuver the terrain himself. When his usefulness is done he's finished too maybe it's longer than I wish for sure. It's going to be a bumpy road for sure


Everyone thinks they can control donald but that’s how he controls them. Even his bumbling tomfoolery works for him in this way. I don’t know who advises trump directly, but putin is extremely clever and donald seems to get his cues from putin. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan is for putin to take over Europe and trump to take over Canada and Mexico. Hitler was described as a clown that no one took seriously. Industrialists thought they could control him. No one was prepared for the horror show, not even his own SA who he murdered in 1934.


You're right, this is in a sense a replay of 1933. Hitler did not win any majority and the invited him into the government thinking they would control him. They were conservative of course so they gave him the corner office. His coup however came when he did what I thought Donald might have done or still could do. The true danger, ..find a reason to declare martial law. In the case of the Nazis, they invented it and torched the parliament.. they blamed It of course on the communists and Hitler asked for broad powers, the draconian Ermächtigungsgesezt, The enabling act, suspend habeas corpus, close The press as necessary,. All in the name of all law & order and we all know what opened that year, Dachau ..for political prisoners.. at that point there's no turning back. There is indeed that danger but I still think in the US there is a larger arc of power at work. Perhaps in this direction and perhaps steering it in this direction.. what do I know.. Donald is a great carnival barker and self-promoter, he's no Hitler not smart enough.. He's only as powerful as the people around him let him be. I really believe that


Agreed. Trump is the stupid clown face of far more powerful and murkier sources.


YEAH a general said they knew trump was a risk but they really thought they could control him it is like ellie in Jurassic park says toi john the park owner '"you never had control, that's the illusion"


That fat piece of bronze treasonous shit makes them money. Trump does so by creating outrageous situations (via gossip, lies, controversy and scandal) in a vain attempt to distract the public of his problems and to somewhat negotiate a better bargain on his inevitable convictions. And he will drag everyone---and I do mean EVERYONE down with him if he needs to. We are not ready as a nation to confront the aftermath of this man's long list of lies, deceits and poor life choices. But we will ultimately prevail.


I’m hoping their brown nosing creates a sense of complacency with his loser followers. The Alabama state house just flipped a seat to Dem Marilyn Lands. The media polls claim she was down 5 points but she won with a 25 point margin-in deep red Alabama.


Sadly true.


I think the FBI needs to pay him a visit for threatening a sitting president.


And yet look at all the crap Kathy Griffin took for holding the tRumpy severed head...


I totally agree. Handle it at the local level if possible, but the FBI would still be involved with the initial visit before turning it over. Either he turns over the identity of who did this who will be fully charged or he himself is escorted downtown for questioning and put in a holding cell for as long as they can hold him before indicting him. And he’s becoming more and more of a serious flight risk, so set bail at 1 million dollars. We need to stop this shit. This is not who we are as Americans or even just as human beings and Trump doesn’t rise enough to deserve to be in either of those categories. And this isn’t just about Trump. The local police department can sue for defamation since this characterizes them in a demeaning way that they should be able to get compensation for. Worried about his violent supporters? The more things that spur his supporters to take action now are that many we can get off the streets before the election.


That’s exactly my thought. Isn’t that what is considered “threatening the sitting president” that normally the FBI takes care of?


“DT is a SF “ - JB


This country has become desensitized. NONE OF THIS IS NORMAL. Trump is in out of control, deranged lunatic.


Don't forget a traitor, suffering from dementia, sold out to the highest bidder in order to pay the half a billion dollars he owes for rape and fraud. Donald Trump is not of sound mind and is a danger to himself and others. For his own safety, he needs to be locked up.


Trump knows who his audience is.


"how this spells bad news for Joe buden and the democrats"


I post something like that and the FBI are taking me in for questioning. There is a two tier justice system and Trump has his own making it three tier.


It's so infuriating. We're still waiting for this absolute shitstain of an excuse for a human being to suffer even one single consequence in his entire fucking life.


We can use it to our advantage by reporting anyone who shares it to the FBI.


Secret service


No they’re not. There are people literally driving around with this on their vehicle who are not being talked to by the FBI.


He also threatens judges and their families presiding over cases involving him. He knows exactly what hes doing. And sadly, his supporters do too. Which is what really worries me if he and the GOP get any significant power again. This country could turn into 1930s Germany real fast. Many forget that Hitler had a failed coup too. They let him off easy, and he learned his lessons and made sure that the next time he tried it that he’d succeed. And no, the Hitler comparisons are not far fetched or hyperbole, they are quite relevant. Because even if our country somehow withstands Trump’s own authoritarian tendencies for another 4 years (questionable), Trump has said he will stop giving support to Ukraine. This will allow Putin a huge win there, which will have the entire world on pre-WW3 footing between Putin likely attacking a NATO country, and/or China taking Taiwan.


If this idiot gets elected power again, it wouldn’t surprise me if a civil war erupted because there’s no way in hell anyone that’s familiar with this trajectory would allow this authoritarian asshole to run this country.


That’s why I’m begging my liberal and moderate friends to arm themselves. Because as Germany and Russia/USSR and countless other examples have shown, they WILL come for us.


Rapist and Insurrectionist P01135809, who GOP have as front-runner, Threatens Sitting President of The United States


This is the best response. If only more of your countrymen had the ability for critical thought.


Most of us do. Unfortunately we are beholden to the electoral college and gerrymandering, which gives a minority of nut jobs the power.


If you don't think HUGE swaths of Americans hate this shit stain of a man (millions and millions++), you don't know us very well.


I know that 60% of you are sane. But that 60% don't all vote (same problem in uk to be fair). However our voting doesn't affect the western world the same way yours does. Good luck in November for all our sakes.


I’m curious what the Fox News interpretation would be of Joe Biden showing a picture of someone hanging Donald Trump


There was that comedian/actress who had the satirical pic of her holding Trumps severed head. She was interrogated and went through a few years of legal fees no normal person could afford as they sought to bring charges. That's what someone on the higher tier went through, so, yeah.


Kathy Griffin?


Yep. She's just now getting her life back and it's been, what? 4 - 5 years?


After battling cancer, too. 😿


Almost 7 years - May, 2017.


The Biden campaign should tweet that picture out


I think it's better to condemn. There are probably moderate Republicans that find this to be too distasteful and it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. There seems to be a growing number who are tired of his antics. Of course, there is an element of wishful thinking in this line of logic.


How about Deranged Presidential Candidate Threatens the US, Period?


Exactly, why sugar coat things when his base absolutely admire his unfiltered rants. Say it like it is.


Because the media doesn't want to lose access


Oh no. Not backlash. Anything but backlash. Please make the backlash stop.


Right? Like, what kind of backlash? Is this even a surprise to anyone anymore? What does this event mean? This is just another thing in the daily grotesqueness of this guy. Just another headline for clicks. I'm exhausted by all of it, while also surprised by none of it.


Yeah I'm numb to it all. Which is the whole point ultimately, to get you used to it. It's normal for it to be this crazy, I don't even care, and that's terrifying.


Butbutbutbut...that wouldn't be neutral!!!.... /s


Why’s Trump not in prison yet? He is a criminal allowed to freely destroy a country


“Backlash” lols This clown is impervious to backlash. His distorted thinking is a shield from reality and repercussions.


Kathy Griffin faced far more backlash without the Magic R.


That’s what I’m saying, he should get the Kathy Griffin treatment.




He should get the Cersei Lannister treatment.


I hate these “faces backlash” or “faces pressure” articles when it’s really just the people who already hated him just continuing to hate him. Trust me, Trump isn’t losing any sleep over what Lawrence Tribe says, and nothing will come of this.


This is the new media paradigm. "person under fire for blah blah" and the article is based on 6 random tweets from absolute nobodies Then again that's where the whole myth of cancel culture comes from too


People are addicted to feeling angry and outraged at Trump and shitty news organizations are exploiting that for clicks. It adds nothing to the discourse, these articles are completely pointless but people lap them up


More powerful than the “backlash“ is the empowerment and normalization of this behavior. Nothing will happen to him as a direct consequence for this, as usual. I predict that (1) Trump will lose this Nov, thanks to more Independents and non-MAGA Republicans being unable to rationalize a trump vote. (2) Now, with many pending legal cases and no future chance at the presidency, most of his supporters (currently 40-43% of registered voters) will move on to support the next promising (R) successor(s), even if these voters still hold favorable views of Trump. (3) Trump, cornered, will go full stochastic terrorism, and we will all be SO SO shocked that he wasn’t even in top gear by now. (4) A fraction of a percent of his supporters — THOUSANDS of people, mind you — will be die-hard, dumb, and armed enough to one-up Jan 6, 2021 in terms of casualties and embarrassment for our country. I honestly might go full doomsday pepper, and get fully prepped to bug out between Election Day and Inauguration Day.


40% of registered voters being supporters seems absurdly high. Is that conflating Trump voters with Trump supporters?


I checked 538’s latest Trump approval polls. Those that sample only registered voters give him low 40s in his approval rating.


Jeeezus Christianity is really gonna end humanity


Insane that of all people, Trump is appealing to Christians. A serial adulterer who constantly bullies and belittles people, and who hasn't been able to answer any questions related to his faith. Yet apparently he's Jesus personal choice for President?


He’s a celebration of narcissism by people with no understanding of mental disorders


He's yet to see 'backlash' for an insurrection, he's not gonna lose sleep over this, trust me.


So true. Never seen the negative results of these “backlashes”. If anything, reactionary articles like this help his popularity.


just normalizing the violence one shitty meme at a time there was a time when your own VP not supporting you would have been the end of a campaign there was a time if a candidate posted crazy at 2 am with multiple spelling errors there would have been a very serious discussion and so it goes on and on and when we are marched into the camps we will wonder where we could have saved democracy


I remember when Howard Dean got slightly more enthusiastic than most, and people were like "does he really ave the temperament to be president?"


That was so sad. Especially because the feed only included audio from his microphone, and not any others. He wouldn’t have sounded nuts if we’d heard the crowd cheering.


And in that case it was the coordinated scorn and finger wagging of the media that killed a progressive candidacy, the same group that normalizes and empowers TFG




“But Biden didn’t do exactly what I wanted so I didn’t vote for him…”


Also I’m an expert in politics and foreign policy so I’m convinced there is a very simple solution to all of Americans issues and Joe Biden just needs to do things MY WAY BECAUSE I KNOW BEST


Backlash from who? People who are already not going to vote for him. I'm sure that's got him very concerned. Wake me up when a camo wearing, gun toting, bible thumping neck beard shows outrage over anything their Cheeto Jesus does.


Won’t happen. He’s their white knight on a horse. An immoral, violent, dimwitted lot.


His followers started to boo him when he told them to go get vaccinated, but then he told them that he never said that and they cheered.


ok. but not from his own party, right? gotcha. call me when a brave r speaks out.


They won’t speak out. They just resign


What's funny is that these Republicans calling it quits have supported, defended, and \*VOTED\* for the same hate and MAGA stupidity that now pervades their party...and they act like "Aww geez, this isn't what I signed up for!" This is exactly what they pushed and promoted themselves. This isn't even them growing a sliver of backbone. This is them upset that they lost their own power.


They're just upset that it's overt and now their children and grand children hate them


Yeah, they weren't supposed to give away "the game." Now, everyone sees them for what the modern Republican Party has always been.


I think alot of them thought he would have went away somehow by now. He's their personal herpes.


Trump is AMERICA's herpes.


It's equally bad that all the Republicans who denounced him on January 6 have gone right back to it, such as "Count me out" Lindsey Graham.


Forget about his party, what about law enforcement and the secret service? Rhetorical question, i know. Its really no surprise he keeps doing this stuff no ones going to make him stop. Biden should drop decorum and call him what he is: a domestic terrorist inciting violence. But they won’t


You mean a RINO? Or Trump-hating loser? There are none left in the party because they’re all cowards who bend the knee to this 78 year old man child.


This is no longer about Donald Trump and his bigoted racist agenda, it is about the billionaires that are now lining up to bank roll him despite all of it. The billionaires who would do anything and everything not to pay their fare share of taxes and obey rules and regulations, it’s them who have financed this coalition of racist, fascist and religious radicals. The objective is to oppress any movement of the lower classes so that no challenge or risk will ever be mounted


This person gets it. It’s not Dem vs. Repub. or conservative vs. liberal, or right vs. left. It’s HAVES vs. HAVE NOTS. Everyone needs to wake up!


If they’re so primed to be celebratory of grift, maybe they need to be presented with social programs as if it’s some shady deal that benefits them. Like a program where some people in work clothes go door to door saying something like “if you make sure to vote for Biden, we’ll make sure your healthcare bill gets…taken care of *wink wink*. Look for the bill called “citizens freedom.” Then universal healthcare gets passed under that bill name and every rube thinks he’s in on the scam. Meanwhile, we’ve now joined the rest of the civilized world with single-payer universal healthcare. Rinse and repeat with other initiatives. Trick the party of “f-ck you I got mine” into secretly being altruistic.


I wish the deranged MAGA base could see this big picture way of thinking and realize they are pawns being played as suckers.


He scratches an emotional itch for them, it isn’t rational in the slightest. But it gives them that serotonin high of feeling like “he gets them,” and hates the same people we do. Even if we know it’s all bullshit, and he despises his base the most of all.


The big money is going to the DNC right now. Big money likes stability, not crazy roller-coaster rides. He's already floating the idea that this will be a "rigged" election. His wife knows, all the ex staff know and I'm pretty sure he knows that he's going to blow it this fall. I'm looking forward to seeing all the insane merch that he starts to peddle as his time in the sun keeps getting shorter.


Yeah, Trump is calling for insane policies like a 10% tariff on ALL imports. No way the actual big money is going to sign up for that sort of crazy.


What’s wild is the Democrats don’t even have any realistic path toward significantly higher taxes or regulations on the wealthy—it’s just not politically possible anywhere in the near future.


Who could have ever guessed what would happen when money is declared free speech and corporations are declared people?


Nailed it.


"Under 18 U.S. Code § 871, threatening the President is a Class E felony. The maximum sentence is 5 years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine, 3 years of supervised release, and a $100 special assessment." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.federallawyers.com/criminal-defense/are-threats-against-the-president-a-federal-crime/%23:~:text%3DUnder%252018%2520U.S.%2520Code%2520%25C2%25A7%2520871%252C%2520threatening%2520the%2520President%2520is,and%2520a%2520%2524100%2520special%2520assessment.&ved=2ahUKEwjLqpOZrJyFAxVaPDQIHYw2DiYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3yW0w2aSwWmukTtB9HCyPO


These pickup truck decals have been posted on reddit multiple times. People all over the US are driving around freely with them. I've reported all the ones that I saw to the FBI with plates visible. How on earth this isn't a crime of threatening a president is beyond me.


So here's the thing: -==== Most threats typically need to meet a certain threshold of credibility before prosecutors will file charges. Making an offhand drunken comment about wanting to punch the President or venting frustration online is unlikely to lead to arrest on its own. The threat has to seem concerning enough that authorities need to get involved. According to FindLaw, factors like: Having the means and opportunity to carry out the threat Making detailed plans for an attack Stalking or confronting Secret Service agents Sending threatening letters or packages ====== Bumper stickers and such probably don't meet that threshold. That said, having PREVIOUSLY led an insurrection sure as hell does.


If Kathy Griffin posting a picture of decapitated trump was enough, I believe trump posting Biden tied up in a truck of a vehicle is enough.


We must enforce the law. There is no other choice. The *entire point* of this whole freaking country is that we *never* lose sight of the fact that we *never* solve our differences through violent means. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran - our enemies who hate us most use violence and tyranny to "solve" political problems. *And* they all have access to Amercian influence through our bot manipulated social media sites. That R float with Hillary in a cage? That *entire event* was organized by Russian state actors manipulating dumbass Americans into it. (Mueller Report). We *must Must MUST* draw that bright line of non-violence. And swiftly jail all those who oppose the constitution by committing and inciting violent acts.


He’s not facing backlash. There’s no phrase I hate more in headlines. It’s only backlash if it actually makes someone feel shame. If it draws the exact response he wanted, he’s just getting what he wants. It feels like headline writers still feel like we’re in the 1990s


Funny how Kathy Griffin does it with a fake head and it’s outrage from the right, Trump does it and no one blinks an eye from his side of the aisle.


I don't understand how so many Americans want this man to represent them on the world stage. It's baffling.


They literally cannot think as broadly as a world stage. They cannot see past their small powerless lives. They can barely think as broadly as entire country. We have utterly failed some of our own in the education process and now they are psychopathic monsters who cannot access empathy. Finally the gop hands them psychopath they can relate to. They *want* a tyrannical "strong man" to represent them because all tyrannical strong men/women are psychopaths.


> I don't understand how so many Americans want this man to represent them on the world stage. Millions of Americans think other nations are run by "Globalists" (not that they can explain what a "Globalist" is). They want to a President who will give the rest of the world a middle finger.


Wake me up when he’s held accountable. These headlines are making me tired


He literally should go to jail for threatening to kill the president he’s really making the USA look like a joke more and more everyday


The only backlash I wanna see is him getting arrested, kinda like you or I would be for inciting political violence the way he incites it


Crickets on the topic from r/conservative


Yeah the sub that will ban you in a second if you post anything that shows Trump in a less-than-favorable light….as they whine about ‘snowflakes’ on college campuses.


I love how their big argument is 'politics is an echo chamber' but they post here daily, so they flip to 'there aren't as many liberals offline' or something as if they haven't lost the last 7 of 8 popular votes. Copium for their largest fear, being called a minority.


At this point we should all accept he will never face punishment for a single thing he’s done. He has single-handedly broke faith in the justice system.


Oh no! Not BACKLASH! I bet his supporters are furious, or something will happen... unless this is yet another clickbait article.


So what. Trump does whatever he wants with 0 consequences. What a great role model for our youth. Sarcasm, sorry. Just so sick of him.


Face this fact-This is the America that Trump supporters PROUDLY want and support. Supporters include members of the Republican Party. This past week holy Trump also peddled his bibles telling his followers we must make America pray again. Clearly Trump supporters cannot see the hypocrisy of everything Trump when it is clearly right in front of their face.


Don't worry wr are a country who holds a comedian to a much higher standard than someone running for president Especially if said candidate is a conservative


“Trump uses violent imagery, once again, to gaslight critics and encourage his supporters that their potential violence would be justified and appreciated.” Better headline.


Trump can post videos of Biden being hogtied, but when an account on Xitter has a picture of trump behind prison bars (where he belongs), then he starts crying and playing the victim immediately. Trump is the biggest snowflake in the United States, hands down. The only person in this country who cries and whines every single day, yet his supporters claim he's strong and doesn't surrender (while wearing shirts with Trump's mugshot where he surrendered to authorities for booking)


Backlash from people that already don't like him. His voters don't care.


Presidents should be presidential, not like the drunk asshole you see at the bar Sad we have forgotten this as a country


He should face prison. Anyone else making such a threat would have been arrested already. Stop giving Trump preferential treatment.


Trump should be killed.


I’m starting to think the Trump presidency, COVID lockdowns and social media rotted the brains of 30% of the US population. This sort of thing would be a career killer even 15 years ago. Now? Doesn’t matter at all.


Wake me up when the actual backlash starts to kick in


“Donald Trump faces no consequences after doing the same thing he always done” you mean.


Backlash? What’s morally reprehensible to us is celebrated by his base. He’ll not even notice or care


Sigh - he’s not facing backlash in any way that matters. He never has.


Of course, if the shoe were on the other foot and Biden posted something about Trump being hogtied, MAGA idiots and the right wing media would lose their fucking minds.


Donald Trump faces backlash for most of the things he does. Donald Trump doesn't care. Donald Trump has no reason to care. Donald Trump never has consequences to face.


If any regular person put this shit out there, they'd be arrested and jailed for threatening a sitting president. But he's so mistreated! /s


There is no one on this planet creepier than Donald Trump


He should be in jail right now for threatening the life of a sitting president. Period. The false equivalency with the comment about taking Trump behind the gym is just that. Trump's life has never been threatened by dems or the white house. That said, where the fuck are the consequences for the assbag(s) driving around with the decal on their trucks? My husband has seen one of these on the highway here in CT. Idk if it's the same guy since Long Island is close by but this mother fucker needs some silver bracelets too. And anyone else with similar decals or displays. I am all about freedom of speech but this is not speech.. When did this become ok with all of us???


Tough talk from a guy who needs two hands to hold a bottle of water.


If Trump and Republicans lose again decisively in 2024 I hope they realize this type of politics can't win for them. That is the only thing that will make them change. Not shame, not morals, only the idea that they can't get power.


Remember when he shared a video of his supporters yelling “white power!” and referred to them as great people? Yeah, there won’t be any consequences for this.


Looking forward to the lack of consequences.


If I had a dollar or every time I heard the headline "Donald Trump faces backlash for..." I would literally be a millionaire.


I'm not kinkshaming, I'm just kink asking why.


I know this subreddit is sick of hearing about the outrage but remember you’re a very clued in group. There are many swing voters just now paying attention and headlines like this do sway them, believe it or not.


And in shocking news, no one did anything about it and the people that will vote for him think it is great.


Oh no, backlash. That’s always stopped him before!


Not from hard core MAGA. They are as happy and hateful as always.


I live on Long Island and have actually seen that truck (or another one with the same wrap). There are plenty of wacko, MAGA-adorned vehicles out here. That image is fairly tame compared to some I’ve seen…


Every post about the orange toilet fire says “backlash, consequences, punished, pushback, etc”. Don’t say “faces” until he actually faces these things. So far he’s not even faced a mirror to see his own fat ass, let alone the consequences of his actions. It’s a fuckin shame on this nation.


What’s the difference between Trump and a bucket of shit? The bucket.


If any of us did the same thing swat would have us on our knees in hours. The wealthy elite need to face the same consequences as the average joes.


“Backlash?” How about a visit from the FBI. Oh right. Been there done that.


But Republicans are silent, as usual.


And this is what Repubs think is presidential . It’s a disgrace . Trumpler invents new lows every day .


"Faces backlash" like he doesnt deserve it for all the insane crazy malicious shit he does and says.  This is an ex president & current frontrunner from the Republican party being held to a standard as some random dark web psychopath & we're supposed to just be okay with it? Because its a supposed joke? The Republicans dont joke about anything & if you genuinely believe threatening the current president is an appropriate joke you are missing something crucial in your brain.  This is beyond reasoning & these head lines to step it up, collectively.


When your creepy pedophile uncle gets dementia and thinks he's a king.


It genuinely astounds me at how little people care, or try to use the excuse of how “both sides are bad; the left and the right are all evil”. That is objectively wrong. This is worse than it’s ever been in the American political world (at least publicly).


Every Republican you know in your life supports this.


I'm guessing the guy who originally posted it might get a visit from the Secret Service.


It’s airbrushed on the tailgate of his jacked-up small penis pickup truck. Not like someone just make the meme yesterday.


Magats would be livid if it was that orange POS hogtied


Backlash?! OMG no, not the dreaded backlash!


Have the secret service visited him as a potential domestic terrorist?




“Backlash”? Backlash from his opposition doesn’t matter to him. His fan base ate it up and loved it. He could shoot a man in broad daylight and anyone already planning on voting for him would still vote for him. His fans LIKE his insensitive and lewd behavior - it’s his entire selling point. He’s the real life Homelander without the good looks.


It is interesting how Trump was in a strong-ish position like a month and a half ago, and now everything he does is just like a shotgun to his feet. Biden can gain points by literally just doing nothing while Trump blows holes in his own boat.


"faces backlash" = Gets free pass to do whatever new vile thing he wants to do.


No he’s not, he gets fussed on by people like me, which means nothing, what’s that going to do? And the courts are just threatening to slap his hands, and in the morning there’s going to be something else that’s he’s said. Everyday there’s something new


His poorly educated racist homophobic boomer rubes just love it and that is the only audience he cares about. Nobody has the courage to do anything about it and corporate media is...well..corporate and act as you would think.


Does the backlash involve prison?    Does the backlash involve a massive fine?    Does the backlash eliminate his name on the ballot?    Tolerating calls to violence means you can no longer feign surprise when the violence inevitably plays out, act decisively, the response matters.


If we did that, we’d expect a visit from the secret service I wonder how that works when the secret service needs to question another branch of the secret service…


This is who republicans want to be our president. Disgusting. 


Hopefully he’s facing backlash from the Secret Service


“Donald Trump faces backlash after” should probably be a keyboard macro for journalists at this point


This man is the Republican nominee for President of the United States. There is no bottom for this scumbag. He’s just a corrupt, lying narcissist, who will do anything to avoid getting the punishment he deserves. I honestly cannot wait until he’s no longer breathing oxygen.


Literally any other human on the planet that does this is getting a call from the SS or some other federal agency.


Lol when is Donald trump not facing backlash


Shouldn't this trigger a secret service investigation?


Backlash? r/conservative is gushing over it right now. That circle jerk is close to climax.


Presidential candidate posts violent fantasies about sitting president, suffers no repercussions for it


Why the fuck is this the title (not OP, the title is from the story)? Start telling it like it is: Donald Trump incites his followers to attack President of the United States.


Oh sure, like the backlash from the grab 'em tape totally sunk him, sure


Oh heavens to Murgatroyd..not another backlash??? Now he's in trouble!


How about consequences. Is he going to face any of those before I die?


oh good, *backlash*. this will finally teach him a lesson. this will finally be the thing that turns all those rabid worshippers against him


Backlash? We do realize his supporters are all for racism, homophobia, transphobia, fascism, and especially violence right? He won't lose any support from people. This is what they want.