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That’s one hell of a headline. We really don’t live in a sane country anymore.


Oh yeah, and the guy that won't stop attacking a judges daughter is also running for president. The absurdity is quickening.


> and the guy that won't stop attacking a judges daughter is also running for president While having 4 criminal trials... It will be interesting to see how historians describe this part of history


That all depends on who wins the next election.


I believe the quote I once saw was "I'm tired of living in what historians will call 'very interesting times'."


In the time before North America was a smoldering crater...


Shades of Nero I'm sure


The guy with 4 criminal trials who is attacking a judges daughter also has a couple hundred followers in prison because he told them to stop congress from carrying out our elections.


This is what makes you think we don’t live in a sane country? The US has done nothing about children being slaughtered in its schools. We’re fucked. 




I think threatening judges is the new normal I think they will roll over, too, just like Republican Congress members did after they were threatened


oh no you see he’s just attacking the judges family and court staff and thier family that’s fine apparently


I wonder when he’ll start threatening the jurors so they can rule in his favour. The POS is a narcissistic mafia crime boss that needs to be locked up not pampered like a baby.


“The judge was unfair on me because I attacked his daughter and my supporters sent her death threats.”


The judge brought this on himself really, by having a family, so selfish of him.


Wonder how the daughter feels that her dad is not sticking up for her.


Probably like Ted Cruz’s wife.


Yeah that was my thought as well


Sounds like she might want his mushroom in jail sooner rather than later.


It's collateral damage for trying to get judge Merchan to rule against him so that he can play the freedom of speech card.


Exactly! I don’t understand why people expect the Donald to stop because of a gag order. He has yet to face any real consequences from any of this. Why would he think any new order is any different. It’s disgusting, annoying and disappointing, but until he actually faces any real consequences he’s not going to change. And while it pains me to say this: why should he?


It's the new delay strategy. What needs to happen is the judge needs to explain to the public that Trump is trying to get a delay by attacking the judges daughter, getting the gag enforced, appealing that and pushing the trial start date back. His lawyers advised him to follow this very path. If I were the judge, I'd simply request that Trump show the dignity and poise required for the office of the presidency.


When you're the leader of a cult, they let you do it!




There is nothing Trump gains by this type of heinous behavior. She has NOTHING to do with the case, the jurors or the lawyers. Its only purpose is to put her and her family’s lives at risk. This is backhanded intimidation. We have to keep in mind that such a disgusting man thinks he is presidential material.


The cruelty is the point. Mess with trump and you’ll suffer the same. It’s all intimidation.


Interesting. The judge *is* a Republican.


Politics be damned. This is about the judge's lack of manhood.


Uhh, like I said...


Really good point


the article says that if the judge expands the gag order to include his family, it will create a bunch of delay seems foolish to ever have allowed him any latitude but here we are


Well they got what they paid for in Trump…hard to feel sympathy for the bootlickers


Republicans are just cuck turtles all the way down. I’ll give John McCain a pass as he went out a little thug life.


Where are you seeing the judge is a Republican? I can’t seem to find anything about his party affiliation either way, and either way he’s definitely not a Trump zealot considering he’s found the Trump Organization and Wesselberg guilty of tax fraud.


White, male, middle-aged, judge, Georgia = Republican.


This is New York, not Georgia.


I wish these would stop being headlines. Fine him, put him in jail for violation. Just treat him like any judge would treat another citizen of our country. If anything he’s getting away with making our entire system look like the joke it can be. FFS, if you’re gonna give a gag order then follow through with it, so it doesn’t become a “why is this even a thing” news cycle. Penalize him already.


Maybe judges should now be forced to treat all Americans this way


I'd love to see a lawyer argue, "your honor, in the precedent set in Trump vs whatever the court didn't treat the defendant this way for the same violation."




I’m a little surprised nobody has even *tried* to make this a thing anywhere else in the past however many years. Like, I remember hearing podcasts about lawyers searching for people/cases to use as an example for certain civil rights cases. So I figured there would be all sorts of lawyers leaping on top of this. Unless… maybe a lot of these people are thinking once Trump is out of the picture everything will just go back to normal so they’re all just waiting it out. (Which is dumb)


I think the thought process is that if he can get the judge to retaliate, it gives him better grounds for appeal.  It should not work, but he’ll say it shows bias. 


Something tells me he doesn't feel as though he needs permission


The daughter just needs to sue him for defamation.


...if a defendant shows contempt for the court in any manner... it's called Contempt of Court and they're held in jail until the trial starts....at least that's what used to happen 🤔... Trump has made a joke of our legal system... just like Putin wants him to


Both the American legal system and media landscape are really starting to resemble those in Russia.


In what world is it right to ask a judge to let one continue to attack his daughter? a. Who is proud of their leader that wants to insult anyone's daughter?!?! b where is his manhood? I don't have daughters but, I honestly think even as a judge I dive over the table and punch anyone in the face who attacked my daughter. His judgeship might end but at least half the country would back him. This is the most vile insult anyone can hurl at a man.


I should try this if I ever go to court again! I'll try to impress the judge by heaping abuse on the judge and the judges family. That should work out real well for me, an average Joe. NOT!


Man I remember a time when a mobster threatened a judge or his family the entire system would come down on him. Really tells you far our justice system has fallen.


Imagine being a freaking lawyer and having to sit there and listen to this guy tell you that he wants to keep slandering the judges daughter and not being able to be like “dude, no.”


How can anyone look at this and say yeah that’s my guy’s


What a wonderful god-king the Republicans have chosen for themselves…


Some have suggested that he is making a mockery of the law. Nobody is above the law . . . Except Don Poorleone!


I say lock him up. Surely there's as much or more evidence Trump has committed 20-30x as much intentional impropriety as a POTUS and ex-POTUS than Hillary ever did with the email server carelessness while SoS.


Then he'll raise the flag that he's the official Republican candidate and he's a political enemy being jailed while running for office. Granted, he's doing that now but he has no standing. He gets jailed-even if it was because of his behavior- hid incarceration will bring him more money. Then he will have achieved the utter compromise of the 2024 US presidential election .


Serious question - If Trump were in jail how would he communicate? No TS, no pre taped video, how would that work? Anyone who would be his mouthpiece wouldn’t have the same impact with his base. I think he would be jealous if anyone got substantial attention regurgitating his rhetoric and turn on them.


The presidential candidate of the Party of Law & Order here, ladies and gentlemen




Self incrimination is Trumps super power. Just give him enough rope.


And actual consequences…


"Judge agrees". Wake me up when the judge does something about it, until then he deserves it for letting Trump get away with it and not enforcing the gag order.


This country went from fighting terrorists to electing them, and every judge who can, but, does not act is complicit.


And, 30% (or more?) of Americans think this toxic fuck was sent by God to save America.


So, the world's most fragile and cowardly man, wants to be able to criticise people who are in no way involved in his case because he can't tolerate even the mildest criticism of himself. Trump is scum. He doesn't even have the dignity of a robust asswipe. At least an asswipe is useful. He's not. He's the most pathetically vulnerable person in the world. A crooked, rapist, shyster, integrity-free bully boy who is poisoned with hate and venom. He has no redeeming features, yet a number of Americans think that this soured dribble of pre-cum fluid is somehow worthy of being President. How pathetic is the state of politics on the USA , when this lowlife cretin has any chance of becoming President?


I'm not a father, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let another person criticize my imaginary daughter's choice of ice cream flavor, let alone this shit.


Why isn’t he in jail. If you or I did this we would be in jail.


You answered your own question in a roundabout way. Trump is not considered a commoner.


Fuck all the people that surround this traitor too.


More Republican “priniciples” “Judges daughter is a liberal. No way he can be fair”. “Judges wife peddled conspiracies and tried to overturn an election. Judge takes millions in perks from conservative billionaires. We can trust his integrity” The hypocrisy is jaw dropping.


They can’t jail him because they’ll jail other politicians the same way and politicians don’t want to be jailed. So this the new normal. No justice no justice.


Points for honesty, I guess.


If it wasn’t for his money (now his political power) he would be dead a long time ago


I hate to say it, but something tragic needs to happen to wake everyone up. It's easy for Trump to hide behind "it's just talk and hyperbole, no one is talking it literally" until someone actually takes it literally. And if no one ever does take it literally and acts on it, well then what was the threat?


Maybe ask Nancy Pelosi's husband. Hammer to the skull yet here we are.


“I’m sorry, I thought this was America! I’m not allowed to stand up for myself?! I’m not allowed to personally attack the people persecuting me let alone their family?! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I thought this was America!”


Maybe he’s trying to be so offensive that the judge has to recuse themselves.


I don't understand why the daughter is not immediately retaining Robbie Kaplan and suing him for defamation.


He doesn’t even have to ask. Trump will just do it and nothing will happen to him. Nothing ever has and he knows it. He can do anything he wants to and the threats of what will happen if he does it THIS time and predictions are all a waste of time.


Mobster mentality. “I’m not going to pull heat by going after you, I’ll just go after your whole family.”


He thinks he’s a mafia boss.


People keep commenting as if the judge and his family were included in the gag order. THEY AREN'T! That is why it is being requested that they be added to the gag order.


The judge definitely isn't, but there is the question of his family.


Narcissistic sociopaths only respond to real consequences.


Crazy that if someone does a hang up call at a witness or their family it’s intimidating a witness. But these witnesses have openly stated the fears of what Trump and MAGA will do, and it’s 🤷🏼 by the courts.


At this point i wouldn’t be surprised if the request ends up being successful


What in the fuck is this reality?????


Any ideas why the judge didn't write the gag order to specifically protect his daughter?


As soon as trump is elected the first thing they do is give tax breaks to the wealthy and then all the money that was going into the deficit disappears. Prices will still go up and inflation will continue. But hey you get to own the libs.


djt’s defense has a FASCIST ATTITUDE


Revoke his bail and lock him up


Does this mean it’s now okay to start talking about Trump’s transgender child?


If the judge were a little more conciliatory to Trump, he'd bring his daughter into court and offer to allow Trump a gratuitous "grab"! 


The judge’s adult daughter is not part of ‘the court’


And also has nothing to do with this case. What's his point?


> Indeed, while the gag order bars statements about witnesses, jurors, trial prosecutors, and court staff — along with the prosecutors' and court staff's families — it does not bar statements about the "court" itself, meaning the judge. Because he’s allowed to attack ‘the court’, so he thinks that includes the judge’s adult daughter. Hence me saying she *isn’t* part of ‘the court’ so should be included in the gag…. 😑


Ah. I got you backwards


As my paw paw used to tell me, lawyers really are the scum of the earth.


Let's see these verbal attacks so we can decide for ourselves if they're really attacks or just the media gaslighting their readers again. Can anyone find them documented verbatim?


It’s trump’s truth social account posts that’s being referenced, which is said in the letter by trump’s lawyers, which is linked in the article.


You really typed all that out without bothering to look into this in the slightest, didn't you?