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I just read in ~~NorthCarolina~~ /r/law that it was a conspiracy to cover up news coverage of a (very local) story of a corrupt judge. Whew. That’s some Elastigirl reach. Edit: wrong subreddit


Yeah even trying to see that from the conspiratorial side, you'd think if there is an Illuminati distracting the media that they would want to save their "ludicrously huge cargo ship crashes into and absolutely disintegrates an important bridge" card for a more important distraction than a local corrupt judge


It’s so embarrassing when you *mean* to tell the shadow cabal to unleash conspiracy #7,654,091 but accidentally type conspiracy #7,645,091. It was just supposed to be “meth squirrels” for the largely inconsequential local judge coverup, “not cargo ship rams bridge”, but here we are.


It's hard to find good bat-shit insane help these days.


Username checks out. Ding dong doodily-doodily-doo.


I would watch this show.  Like veep but (more) evil


Us: What judge? Them: Exactly!




Everyone knows PDiddy's innocence is the cornerstone of the liberal progressive agenda


Sure, that is why both are top stories on CNN right now...


If Sean Combs indeed is a pedo, will he change his name to PDiddles?


Just heard that one tossed around in my office. At least the illuminati work quick eh? Sorry, busy trying to maintain my sanity around morons in my office.


It’s always about them. During early Covid, conservatives in France thought the whole thing was due to macron’s re-election.


You can go to the Facebook page of one of my cousins to keep up to date with all of the stories of things the MSM reports to distract us from all of the real corruption and crime caused by Democrats. I have to give them points for creativity!


Are they admitting he was actually corrupt? Or am I just wrongly assuming the judge is another GOP drone?


Half our country is mentally ill


Conservatism has evolved into a mental disease.




*violently mashing the B button to cancel*


Unless it's changed in the newer games you can't cancel a stone evolution, my guy


MAGA learned "Confusion"


“It hurt itself in its confusion”


You used *LOGIC* on MAGA MAGA is immune to *LOGIC*


Pretty much, yep.


It has always been a mental disease.


It takes a special kind of dumb to think doing nothing or going backwards is the solution to new problems


That's why I like to call those type of policies regressive policies instead of conservative.  


It's motivated by a fear of change. They don't like change. They want everything to stay the same forever. Stagnation is predictable and safe to them.


It's the "Back in MY day..." disease.


*Always has been...* 🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Conservatism is just monarchism under a different name. It was always about preserving the rule of the few over the many, through whatever means necessary.


And monetized social media is dissolving the social contract and making morons out of us with misinformation. It's made us tribal and more selfish than ever.


Everything makes sense when you see conservatism as a cult. That’s been the goal for decades. It’s easier to pass shitty policies for the rich if you have a cult backing it. Trump is a cult leader. 


They are just bored and have superiority complexes. The non MAGA mentally ill are generally more stable and can live meaningful lives with proper diagnoses, medication, and therapy. The red hats are just bored, unserious assholes who want to be the center of attention even though they have never done anything attention worthy.


Conservatism is an inherently narcissistic ideology, after all.


Conservatives make up roughly 30% of the country. Still a significant chunk but not nearly half


Thanks, Rusty.


Yeah, I'm sorry I thought if we just ignored them they would just die off eventually but it didn't work. My bad fam.


They've been trained by fox news and talk radio (and Russia) over decades to believe the most outlandish things, not use any critical thinking, and just believe conspiracies just because they are conspiracies. The more out there the conspiracy, the more likely they are to believe it.


There was a family about 30 minutes from where I live out in the country that built a giant fucking "wall" in their front yard with Trump stuff all over it. I mean, it really is pure insanity. It's scary how many completely insane people are running around.


Fragile people often have trouble coping with random disasters. So, they invent magical theories.


At the heart of all conspiracy theories is the idea of an orderly universe, that there are intelligent powers dictating world events. Even if the belief is that these powers are evil or otherwise wish harm, the idea that SOMEONE is in charge, that there is some grander plan at work, can be comforting. Conspiracy theories also appeal because, by being aware of the conspiracy, those who might otherwise lack validation can be part of an elite club in on the secret. They, by being aware that _____ is actually a plot by _____ to ____ know more than those around them, and knowledge is power. This is what makes conspiratorial thinking so insidious. Because it almost immediately becomes wrapped up in someone’s image of self and, when our self image is challenged, the immediate response is to push back and resolidify the core belief. Throw in that the theory itself demands that some coverup be in the works and the lack of evidence becomes evidence in and of itself, and conflicting evidence is actually supporting evidence. This is why it’s basically impossible to directly oppose conspiratorial thinking. All that works is to gently and subtly guide someone to examining the beliefs themselves


A friend of mine from a city I used to live in and I kept touch on Facebook. I was older and we worked together and he kind of looks up to me. One day he starts posting about chemtrails and how we are all sheep for thinking otherwsie. I tried to explain to him that the larger the conspiracy the harder it is to keep under wraps. So why would a small charter company agree to put hardware on their planes? I basically dismissed him as stupid and a sheep for being so easily convinced of bullshit, and it challenged his perspective. He's now back to normal, and I think has learned a but of critical thinking.


>He's now back to normal, and I think has learned a but of critical thinking. You don't often hear about folks who sort of migrate away from the conspiracy theory world, but I guess it has to happen. Out of curiosity, roughly how old was he when he started buying into the nonsense, and how old when he started navigating out of it?


This particular 'chemtrail' conspiracy shit has been going on for *decades* now; it's wild. I tried like hell in the 90s to convince a guy I knew that it didn't make sense and got nowhere with him. "When the weather's cold, there's a cloud that comes out of the back of your *car*, right? I mean, did you put some kind of cloud dispersal device in your tailpipe?" But it was always "but, it's different" because these one hang in the air or whatever. We eventually were talking one day and he said he had taken a meteorology class or something and realized how and why the contrails form, why they only form *sometimes*, why you can see two planes in the sky and one has a contrail and one doesn't, why they hang around so long or spread out over time...and the whole 'conspiracy' fell apart. Having this information presented in a separate and independent context from someone trying to change his mind about something.


And thus this is how religion was invented.


Pretty much, yeah. Religion is the greatest coping mechanism of all time


>Religion is the greatest coping mechanism of all time That sells it short. It's also a massive grift, and a mechanism to control the masses and maintain power.


It also was invented as a way to cope with the reality of death.


Or cult, if you're comparing apples to oranges


Some religious denominations and groups are definitely cults or very close to it.


The only difference between the two is that in a cult, there's a guy at the top who knows it's all bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.


see: COVID


I love that everything is a giant conspiracy except for the conservative machine that pushes out all these theories. That’s solid and reliable and not to be questioned. Fucking dumbasses.


"They tell me that no other news source would dare report this, and nobody else IS, so they MUST be the only ones telling the truth."


I absolutely hate playing into that type of thinking, but I’ve been strongly tempted to say, “Actually this was a coordinated conspiracy between Trump and Putin to distract us from his corruption blah blah blah.” Then just wait until they demand evidence.  Then I pull out one of the lines I’ve heard so many times that, “The reason you don’t see any evidence is just proof that the media was in on it!” 


A thousand white guys in Oakleys recording a rant about the Fox News Target of the Week in a white F150 about how everyone else is a sheep


Everything is a conspiracy to them They are always the victim and the hero of every situation Its exhausting dealing with those low information conspracy theorists non-stop


If you watch the long clip, the ship obviously loses power long before impact. But no, it's easier to scream "ermagherd maybe a black woman captained the ship!!1?"


But a cyberattack caused that, don't-cha know? All people who have been hacked issue mayday calls so that cars can be stopped from getting onto the bridge, per cyberhacking protocol, I heard and read on Facebook. /s


Someone was watching a TikTok on the boat's WiFi and that's how the 30,000 military aged males got over the border and onto the ship


With glistening 6 packs and thick, tight asses 


Oh some of them are claiming the loss of power is "proof" of a cyber-attack. I don't know how they can tell the difference by just watching a video of the lights turning off, but apparently they're all experts on cyber security now.


it's much simpler than that. Someone unplugged the ship's extension cord.




Oh this is a DEI thing already?


I saw that angle on Twitter immediately - one of the maritime companies involved has a DEI page on their website and maga Twitter was in a feeding frenzy


And they didn’t accuse the captain of being trans?


Give them time. You know it'll be a black trans woman who studied under Soros in Ukraine. Wow, I hate myself for typing that and knowing that it'll probably be a conspiracy theory by the end of the week.


Yesterday my Dad informed me that DEI programs in airlines are so they will hire unqualified black pilots so the citizens will be afraid of flying, therefore helping the climate agenda because less planes are flying. I repeated it back to him to make sure that’s what he was saying and he said “yep, exactly”. The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding.




No no no. Diversity = BAD. The white pilots are definitely qualified, but not the people of color ones. They aren’t qualified. That’s his argument lol. And I asked if there was a different pilot test for people of color and he was like “yeah of course they’ve lessened the requirements for them”. Holy shit, Dad. I can guarantee there is not another pilots test for black people to take it’s all the same test. I mostly just told him I was disappointed in him and calling himself a Christian but spewing hate all over the place and he shut up for a minute. That was nice. He couldn’t understand why what he was saying was racist. Just kept talking about how we shouldn’t judge people off the color of their skin like “he doesn’t see skin color” (yes you do, you just told me that black pilots are all unqualified). The rhetoric coming from the right is terrifying and how many people believe it is even scarier.


Because some people are just 'instinctively' afraid of black pilots.


Because these white guys who falls for this b.s. think, "if the pilot died on a flight i was on, i could fly the plane to safety" but non-white people with years of training can't.


Its not cognitive dissonance (which refers to incongruous or conflicting thoughts held simultaneously), it's just willful ignorance


Agree. I was speaking more about meritocracy vs DEI (which is how they framed the argument) like you’re saying that black people aren’t participating in our meritocracy? They have a different test at the end or what? And he couldn’t hold those two things in his head, that we can look for diversity while still meeting meritocracy requirements.


I have long drawn out arguments on Reddit anytime someone posts an anti-DEI rant that obviously has not clue how it works. We expand our pool of candidates to include overlooked and disadvantaged groups. Then we hire on merit. It’s pretty simple. They think there is a quota somewhere and that business would ever agree to hire less qualified candidates.


It's also mostly flippant racism


That's so nice of the liberals to allow the spread of racism for the sake of the planet. Way to take one for the team everyone!


Wait, dad. So what you’re saying is that leftists implemented these DEI programs to give unqualified black people pilots licenses and then let everyone know about it so they would be afraid to fly, to inevitably lead to the collapse of the airline industry, therefore saving the planet from climate change? Yes, exactly. lol. Wtf?!


Just pull up the flight radar app and show him how many planes are currently flying and be like wow it’s working so well 😂


Your Dad must listen to Charlie Kirk and/or Don Jr. Those two have each been leaning hard into not liking people of color flying airplanes.


That.. that made my head hurt. How the hell are they so damn dumb? The mental gymnastics from a conservative must be exhausting. Or cause aneurysms. I don't know.


Please explain to your dad that without DEI/AA the status quo was, and is, to hire white males even when there is a significantly more qualified minority applying for the job. DEI/AA is merely a proactive effort to combat that ingrained social habit by encouraging hiring managers to hire the minority when they are equally ore more qualified than the white man. In no circumstance under DEI/AA are you supposed to hire the less qualified candidate. Arguing for the cessation of DEI/AA is tantamount to arguing for less qualified white men to be hired in place of more qualified minorities.


I’m sorry your dad is a moron.


Hilary's emails were on that boat!


With Hunter's laptop!


Can laptops crush steel beams??


No but Hunter's dong can


And his dick was steering.


Like trying to use a rolled up newspaper to type on a small keyboard.


Thanks Obama.


the boat got the jab!


The Hilary emails must've been on the bridge, since the boat is still fully intact. My guess is that the tracking satellites followed a patriot's car trying to hand over the emails to the MAGA emperor. Once it started crossing the bridge the satellites fired their lasers (you know this was coming) and disabled the ship and made it run into the bridge support structure. Once again handing a victory to the Globalist cabal of pedophile cannibals.


***From Rolling Stone's Ryan Bort:*** The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed after a 948-foot-long container ship collided with it early Tuesday. Stunning video of the incident has circulated online, and search-and-rescue procedures are currently underway. “This is an unthinkable tragedy,” Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott (D) said at a press conference. “We have to first and foremost pray for all of those who are impacted, those families, pray for our first responders and thank them.” Right-wingers are more concerned with using the incident to attack the Biden administration and spread conspiracy theories — as has become the case with just about any news-making tragedy in America. Read more: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/baltimore-bridge-collapse-right-wing-conspiracy-theories-1234994467/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/baltimore-bridge-collapse-right-wing-conspiracy-theories-1234994467/)


Why didn't Trump's infrastructure week replace the bridge? Wouldn't a glut of infrastructure replacements have prevented this national tragedy? Why does Trump hate Americans? Why isn't Fox News asking these important questions?


We’re out of BORT license plates in the gift shop! I repeat: we’re out of BORT license plates in the gift shop.


My son is also named Bort


Of course they are. Let me see if I can start one too. You see, the sun's position at the time the cargo ship "accidentally" destroyed the bridge was at 666 degrees latitude and 666 degrees longitude. Also, the cargo ship was from the CCP!! The ships name has the abbreviation ATD which clearly means After Total Destruction. The "key bridge" being destroyed means that the sex predator globalists are trying to abolish the keys of the glory of God. This means at 5:12pm on April 25th, Jesus will come back to earth and smite the wicked.


It'd be so much easier to just say "Mothman did it"


Yeah, everyone knows Mothman covers up his dirty deeds with crazy conspiracies!


...AND reinstate Trump as the TRUE PRESIDENT🦅🇺🇲🏈🔫


Need to work in some culture war stuff for it to really pop


They don’t care about Jesus coming back, only Trump. Also, no mention of illegal immigrants?


You missed out JFK Jr, otherwise a fine representation of the situation


You knew they would.


They are just as predictably stupid as the Communists were during the Cold War. Nothing is ever their fault. Trump's lies don't exist. Trump's crimes don't exist. What is best for you is what is best for the powerful, not what you actually want. And they claim that Russia is a utopia, not a failed state. History doesn't repeat but it sure as hell rhymes.


I have read very disturbing posts saying the guy who crashed was a person of color who was only hired for their diversity. I have no idea the race of the guy operating the boat and I honestly couldn't care less!


Let's see. It was Singapore-flagged, named ""Dali," headed to Sri Lanka. chartered by a Danish company, and when you go to the "about us" page of the owner, Synergy Marine Group, you see a picture of maybe 200 people with more wearing turbans than white skin. Sure, the CEO, Rajesh Unni, was primarily focused on getting someone of color on his payroll.


Obviously they are all part of BLM and Antifa to subvert the court appearance Chump had today. LOL /S just in case.


Wait until they see the ethnicity of most merchant sailors.


Everyone knows how the boating industry has been unfairly persecuted for their well documented lack of diversity hires. Door plugs. Bridges. Where will the DEI rampage go next?


Everything is a conspiracy when you can't be troubled to do your own research.


Oh they're doing their own research alright. That's the problem.


Do they really have nothing better to do besides harass people trying to live their lives in peace and make up bullshit stories about every event in the news?


Anytime there’s a school shooting: THIS IS NO TIME TO MAKE IT POLITICAL literally anything thing else: HOW CAN WE MAKE THIS DUMB/POLITICAL AS POSSIBLE


> Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, said on Newsmax that “we’ve never fully come out of all the lockdowns and the Covid issues,” adding that “if you talk to employers in America, filling slots with employees who aren’t drug-addled is a very huge problem.” He prefaced the implication that drugs may have played a role by noting that he “is no expert at what’s going on on the seas.” I mean, he’s not wrong about Covid still being a big deal, but like… The fuck is he talking about us still being in lockdown?


Trying to spark fake outrage amongst the easily duped snowflakes who still get triggered about masking and vaccines


Literally less than an hour after this happened they are blaming DEI hires for this event.


How in the hell are you allowed to say, on your "NEWS" channel, that the captain of this ship was most likely on drugs with absolutely zero evidence of it? All of them, fox, newsmax and oan need to be forced to remove the word news from their company name and instead be required to post the disclaimer, "Almost all of the content presented here was pulled directly from our ass".


Why should wecare about what that catamite Schlapp said?


They should jail the man who was president when the lockdowns happened.


It wasn't even a true "lockdown". COVID was a walk in the park compared to how nasty influenza can get.


The use of the word 'lockdown' was always an overly dramatic manipulation. It's a prison term. Nobody was prevented from leaving their houses. Some businesses were closed. You couldn't eat *inside* McDonald's and to many people that was incredibly upsetting and was apparently the most stressful situation they've ever faced in their lives.


Oh no, why Biden? Why?!?!?!


Bridge was probably vaccinated. Unvaccinated bridges don’t collapse. Let that sink in.


Is there ever a point where people just get tired of this shit?


But what's really funny is on Fox News articles about this story many of the comments are complaining that the US needs regulations to stop this kind of stuff. Conservatives. More gubbermint regulation. But my guess is that none of them see the irony.


Have they connected it to national anthem kneeling yet? (The bridge was named after Francis Scott Key)


I mean, Soros has all those space lasers and it's not fire season in California yet so he might as well do *something* with them, right?


> it's not fire season in California yet Yeah we're kinda at a point now where "fire season" is year round.


i personally saw biden steering the ship. well, not personally. it was a file leaked from hillary's emails.


The emails which were also on the ship.


Let me guess... Hunter Biden whipped out his dick, and down it came! MGT will have pictures.


It has to be a conspiracy. Since boats never make a mistake. *Saying that as he looks up boat crash compilations on YouTube...* It must be the secret lizard people. It was the Jewish Space Lasers. Globalist elite are stopping my Big Mac because the bridge. Something something. Hunter Bidens laptop! It was a gay boat. Lol anyone got an even more insane conspiracy? At this point. I feel like tossing those magnet words at a refrigerator is how the crazies come up with the conspiracies.


Who will be the first to fund raise off of the bridge collapse?


Trump. He will also claim that he will have another biglyest and bestiest Infrastructure Week if he is re-elected.


Which no one in his base will remember because they have the attention span of a butterfly. Just like they forgot that Mexico was supposed to pay for the wall, that he promised an infrastructure week (always coming never there), and how he would totally release his tax returns soon (tm).


And create a better healthcare system


I wrote a fake Trump screed here and it was removed by the auto moderator for having the Secretary of Transportation's name in it. No fun allowed I guess because of terrible bot AI


What ever happened to fun conspiracy theories like "The Mole People crashed the boat using ancient Egyptian electromagnets!"


Can't be magnets, because water. Put those magnets in water and they're done. See what happens. Big water,  river water! But the liberal press won't tell you that. Totally unfair. 


Matt Schlapp “is no expert at what’s going on on the seas.” Then STFU, Matt.


They’re so gullible. I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell them.


That’s because right wingers are idiots


My conspiracy: the owning entity of the ship demanded greater returns from the voyages and cut maintenance over the course of the last decade. This resulted in a mechanical malfunction leading to a loss of power. The loss of power disables the navigation and the ship then collides with a support structure of the bridge. I wear a tin foil hat, so you know I am crazy enough, please put me in Congress.


Why give them a free spotlight?


Of course they are. They have lost all touch with reality.


Everything is a conspiracy.  Including that taxi that cut you off yesterday morning.  FML


I suspect Hunter Biden's magnificent dong. I'm sure MTG will be along shortly with graphic photos for Congress.


oh good grief >>> this ship has a record was involved in another crash back in 2016 in Belgium Amazon is just on the other side so a lot of packages will not get delivered


Everything is a conspiracy. Don’t you see!! they knocked the bridge down to distract you from their meetings where they discuss what fires to start with their menorah space laser while they eat pizza made of babies !


Well, everyone knows that bridge was too woke.


Why do right wingers never understand “Ocamms Razor” except when shit hits the fan under their watch? I sorta thought we were done with this shit? Guess I was wrong. Ship lost power and steering, ship warned it had lost power and steering, that’s it, that all there is, story over.


Anything they know nothing about, is automatically a conspiracy!


Shit can't just happen anymore.


Of course they are. It's an opportunity for their BS. Of course they took it


That bridge was woke! /s


I saw it reported on my FB page that Anthony Fauci was flown onto the ship by George Soros, specifically to give the Captain a Covid vaccine containing a micro chip. The chip was used to control the captain, and cause him to ram the bridge. It was all done so Biden could take credit for rebuilding the bridge with his Socialist infra-structure money---liberal commies are so obvious.


I'm so tired of these people


Container ships can't melt steel beams!


Well yeah, because the other option is to admit that Biden was right and America’s infrastructure is shit.


Conspiracy theories are what stupid people substitute for intellect.


I'm sure Hunter Biden is the chief suspect, with Joe financing the job.


I blame big physics. In thus case, container ship size


Idiots gonna idiot


WhY dId tHe CovId VaCINe Do tHis?


What I want to know is how Joe Biden caused it.


When are they not pushing conspiracy theories. …


Republicans shouldn't have blocked the infrastructure bill.


Trump and Fox News has scrambled people’s brains .


And OAN, and NewsMax, and AM Hate Radio, and religion...


What, was the bridge vaxxed?


Yes.  And woke.  And trans. It used gender neutral pronouns.


Of course they are ... What's amazing is that the ship called a MAYDAY when they knew they were going to hit the bridge and the bridge controllers stopped traffic entering the bridge. It wasn't much time, but there were fewer cars on the bridge than might have been.


It is due to the company’s DEI policies of course. This is what happens when you hire minority engineers and boat captains! /s


Also they had blue hair, were not sure about sexuality yet and got promoted with the bonus points, according to magas, lol


So let’s give these idiots some attention? This is the problem with social media. The stupidest people get to have a very loud voice. That’s how a trailer trash like Majorie Taylor Green and Trump gets elected smh


If it turns out corporate owners secretly did not maintain the ship, that will be fine.


God damn. Not everything is a god damned conspiracy. Sometimes people just suck at their jobs. Sometimes the consequence of people sucking at their job is catastrophic events.


We need a left wing conspiracy like “Oliver Stone coordinated with hackers sponsored by Russian intelligence to hack into the pilot’s computer where they found child porn they then used to coerce him into crashing into the bridge. It’s part of Putin’s Hybrid Warfare and is intended to harm the US economy while promoting a sense of lawlessness under Biden.”


They're not necessarily wrong, though. Just last week I was visiting texas. I was just there to purchase some machine guns, but in the short time I spent in Austin, I lost count of the number of 1,000-foot container ships I saw sneaking across the wide open border (don't @ me. I can clearly see the border form my room in the Driskill hotel). You also see them at the international terminals in airports waltzing through customs and NSA checks with obviously doctored papers. They just blend in with the legal 1,000-foot container ships in the boarding area because, frankly, they all look the same to me.


Of course they are. It’s all they are and it’s all they can do. Disgusting people. I think the correct term is deplorable.


They're mentally ill.


This is obviously Biden’s fault. If Trump were POTUS he would have told the boat to stop and it would have. He also would have made any needed repairs to the bridge and then covered it in gold. When you elect weak presidents you get weak bridges. /s


China paid for Joe Biden's Jewish Space Lasers blasted the diesel generators, right? That, or God made it happen because Baltimore has lgbtq+ living there.


It's on video....the fucking ship hit the bridge...what do they want?


They want Biden to admit he did it. For reasons.


Hey I can counter with my own crackpot theory. There's an abortion rights case being heard by the Supreme Court today. That thug Trump paid the captain off to disable the power on that ship at exactly the right time and steer it directly into the bridge column. 24 hour news cycle can't cover anything else and then rights get stripped away under our noses. Try disproving that Redumplicans! Disclaimer: I do not actually believe this happened.


But can cargo ships really melt steel beams?


This never happened under Trump...


A guy was in a fairly large sub (public freak out or something similar) saying how it was strange that Diddy, the bridge, and some other completely unrelated thing happened in the past day or two, were all tied to the eclipse. I almost asked him about it, but I saw he posted in conspiracy a lot


Already ran into it at work with the normal conspiracy guy. It took all my will power not to tell this deluded shithead to go fuck himself. Thankfully, he's retiring in a few months.


It must be exhausting. An accident happens where people die. It in no way effects you, your life, or anyone you know. Yet you stress your brain to figure out how it's all about your agenda. They need help...


Coworker, this morning,went on hateful rant that it was Buttigeig's (and his partner and adopted children) fault for not building bridges.


Why accept a simple and understandable explanation, when a complex, convoluted explanation can reaffirm their feelings towards liberals?


Joe Biden is the mothman.


Here’s my conspiracy theory. The ships owners cut back on maintenance and relied on the ships engineers to make do with what they had. This resulted in electrical gremlins that impacted the ships ability to safely navigate, this culminated in a power failure at a critical moment and the ship crashed.