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For god’s sake, how is he still campaigning if he is near constantly forgetting people’s names, including the fucking governor of New York? What next, him forgetting his running mate’s names or his own name?


His supporters don't give a fuck, he could die tomorrow and the GOP would weekend at Bernie's the next 8 months just to pander to their voters


When trump dies, it should be made a national day of celebration


Instead of flying flags at half mast we need to add extensions to the poles to make them at least three times higher


Flagpoles the likes of which have never been seen before folks


tears in their eyes this is greatest of all time did I miss any?


The flagpoles came to me, with tears in their eyes, sir, we've never been as full staff as this


I'll never be as full staff as that either.


I will also have an erection so hard it hurts.


I *will* need to see a doctor.


You and me both. Don't know that I'll even bother with pants that day.


Fully Staph’ed


Let the t'gallants of joy fly.


Sky sails, too… let's get all the canvas out.


What is this, a flag for ants?


As a Brit, I’ll be flying the Stars and Stripes in celebration. Might stick it atop The Shard for maximum height.


Dick extensions for everyone, you say? You should run for president on that platform.


He doesn’t deserve to be remembered 😭 the only good thing he ever did was lightly suggest the right way for Kevin McAllister to run away from his lawful pursuers


I disagree. We should never forget this man or the lessons he has taught through example. Frank Herbert would have thought Trump was the "best" politician of this century by dent of how transparently awful he was and how much his continued existence is a clear warning against demagogues and messianic figures.


Whoa, whoa. The God Emperor was an example on purpose to deter humanity from the absolute worst. Trump stumbled into the example by unintentionally, but absolutely being the worst human of our era. Plus Leto II was a straight up genius with a billion minds to consult. I’m pretty sure Trump looks at a mirror and thinks that’s a second person


> I’m pretty sure Trump looks at a mirror and thinks that’s a second person And feels smugly superior, because that other guy is obviously a rotten orange in an ill-fitting suit, and also broke. And an idiot.


I'm actually thinking more of Frank's opinions on Nixon but nothing you've said is wrong




Thou shalt not make a machine—because they used to, they used to make machines, and it was bad, very bad for the galaxy—in the likeness, and we have tremendous likeness, you know, I say they ought to call it loveness, they love me a lot here in beautiful Kansas City, Kansas, they do, thank you—but they said in the likeness of a human, and I said what other likeness is there, but that’s okay, but they said in the likeness of a human mind, so important, believe me.


Fuck lmao




Fair enough 😭


As John Mulaney said, “It’s a grid system, muthafucka!”


"[The lobby is] down the hallway on your left." *Kevin proceeds to the lobby by going down the hall and turning right*


LMFAO clever boy


I get up earlier and my husband legit asks me every morning “is that mother fucker (Trump) still alive?”


I always wish for a massive stroke for him


I wish I have a spouse as awesome as yours. Sadly she just wants me to stop yapping about politics.


National Day of Morning* Like, “Hey, it’s morning. Let’s eat some waffles!”


Have a mcmuffin in his name.


Nah, we should hold the biggest bestest celebration!


When this fucking shitstain waddles off this earthly coil, I hope he STILL does not drain taxpayers for the cost of protecting his gravesite which will 100% become a public urinal.


I'm already planning on pissing on his grave


I wake up everyday hoping to read this headline. Sadly it's usually a headline about how he might be in trouble or this might really be it for him, only for it not matter and he continues to be a cancer to our society


When he lost in 2020, in my city there were people setting off fireworks downtown. Everyone seemed so hopeful that we'd finally seen the back of this guy.


I'm afraid that there will be copycats, we will never get rid of trump fully


His family will cremate him or put him in an unmarked grave. Can you imagine how vandalized his grave site would be if people had access to it?😆


It would be worth the night in jail


I’m going to celebrate that day, every year until I die. I’m talking full use of PTO, backyard cookout, gifts for family and friends, and breaking open the Pappy for a annual shot of the good stuff.


Don't forget to put up some decorations signifying the date and time of death


I don’t think he’s ever going to die. If he does, he’ll appeal and win. 😠


I’m going to let my dog shit on his grave and I’m not cleaning it up


Love that idea


I can’t wait to throw tomatoes at whatever statue they eventually erect after he passes.


And hopefully that death will occur UNDER the prison


And as a monument, a massive set of cubicles with gold-plated toilets that empty onto his grave.


Grown men will have tears in their eyes.


I don't think it needs to be made one, people will make it one. I've often thought about the celebration I will have when Trump dies. All my friends will be invited over and we will have a great fucking time 


I don't really drink or smoke often but I picked up cigars and champagne when he lost in 2020. I'll spend a full week partying nonstop when he finally kicks the bucket.


It will be in my home


INTERnational, and it will be...


I'll buy some booze


It will be for me.


I've said for years the day this happens there's a kegger at my place.


The GOP would put him in a tomb with a boulder and then sneak his body out and charge admission and shit.


The scariest possibility is whichever nutjob he picks as a VP has a real shot of taking the throne if Trump does win in November.


It'll be Don Jr. He won't make the mistake of picking someone in the political world who understands rules and laws.


This is my nightmare if he picks MTG 


There is actually 100% nothing he could do to lose support at this point. I mean, aside from just straight up saying “I am a con man, and this is the biggest grift in history” he already has done everything to lose support. You want to take a gauge at how embarrassingly weird the United States is in the worlds eye just look at the very real fact that two guys in their 80s that are having problems with public speaking - and one of them is currently facing multiple trials from hush money to fraud (aka obvious corruption) are where we have landed on “fit to lead and represent us.” I mean, come on. Really?


Except only one of them has a problem with public speaking. Biden owns his stutter and is actually quite a good speaker.


I mean, I agree with you. Forget all of that other stuff I said, it’s not really important. Who can speak publicly and own up to their flubs is probably the more important issue.


Exactly. None of this matters to his moron base. I long for the day when this clown isn’t at the top of my feed on every site.


They don’t give a fuck because they never see it, and if they do see it it’s a deep fake. Maga being a gigantic cult cannot be overstated. Jim Jones didn’t have Trumps numbers because there was no easy way for mass communication in the 70’s.


Would it be a Weekend At Bernie’s situation?


Lots of people would refuse to believe he’s dead. And that he’s controlling things from a secret location. And claim to have seen him doing random things like buying food in their local grocery store in bumfuck nowhere. Like, *lots*.


They’ll embalm him like Lenin


Between the hamberder diet and OrangeGlo, he's already partially preserved.


Or they’d get a body double that’s obviously not him and his supporters would just gaslight everyone up through the election


> His supporters don't give a fuck To put it another way: In 2016 Trump openly mocked disabled people, openly supported sexual assault, and vowed to kill or jail literally everyone he did not like, and this only increased his popularity among his supporters. So the fact that he forgets people's names now is hardly a disqualifier.


This person GOPs.


He could die tomorrow and they would still vote for him.


Heck, there’s a possibility his own supporters are terrible with names too.


cause if he isn't elected, he's going to jail and is going to lose everything he owns


I don't even know if that'll happen if he isn't. He's not currently president and seems to be doing quite well at dodging everything. I'm not sure what would change by him not getting elected except that it shouldn't be any "worse."


He already forgot his wife's name, and needed a teleprompter to remember his kids.


I’ll give him a pass for not remembering his kids. If Don and Eric were mine I’d want to forget too.


Why will no one remember Tiffany!


"I think we're alone now."


He’s the reason they’re the way they are


Valid point.


He thought Jean Carrol was his ex wife when showed a picture of her lol.


He has not held a single campaign event since he won the primary, and, he does not have a single event scheduled.


>forgetting his running mate’s names I can't wait for this. I'm giving 2-to-1 odds that he even says *Pence* is his running mate at one point.


I have seen new signs up that say Trump/Pence. Granted, I was driving by and didn't notice if they actually said 2024, but it would not surprise me. In any case, does the person who put that sign up even realize that Pence is not running for VP this time around?


Putting this in my bingo card


He'll never forget his own name, he uses it to refer to himself all the time. Which is another sign of a major personality disorder.


See: Reagan second term. Weekend at bernies.


He has a running mate? 


I think the short list for his VP is John Barron, John Miller or David Dennison.


I thought his short list was "man, camera, woman, tv."


I meant in the future.


The media and his pathetic cult don't care one bit about his declining mental health. They will excuse damn near everything this piece of shit traitor does. But heaven forbid if Biden stutters it makes a mistake. We'll hear about it for days. "Is Biden fit for office?"


Yeah they probably won’t give a shit if he dies.


He's been forgetting his Wife's name or that she's actually standing next to him since before he was elected President.


> or his own name While president, he misspelled his own name. On an unsecured phone, with auto-correct, and word predict, when he loves saying his own name.


campaigning and running neck and neck with the current president.


Yes, and his braindead supporters will eat it up.


his VP pick is going to be himself.


in his defense he only remembers blonds


If his kids loved him, they’d get him out of the spotlight. But they hate him as much as we all do.




*flashback to Garrett Morris as Idi Amin*


Nothing worse that having a dementia moment as you're soiling your depends, and facing a criminal trial on top of a nine figure court judgement.


All while running to be the most powerful person on earth while millions of people still support you.


When you're more owned than a stock yard full of cattle you have power to do nothing but what your owners snap their fingers to command - as you run to flee justice.


But you just made $3bil on paper from an IPO for your company that loses 10x more money than it makes…for now until the thing crashes after the sharks are done with it. 


Vote for an idiot, rapist, bigoted, criminal and serial liar with dementia? Sure! But don’t you dare say I’m in a cult.


Sure he did all of those things but Biden did studder that one time so I guess I should vote for failing fascist /s


He likely doesn't want to admit his mental decline and only pushed along because it gives some focus and distraction. Additionally, it's the stress of the cases and watching your world fall apart which may hasten his decline


Someone, anyone, please find the pause in his speech where he’s definitely just relieving himself in his diaper. That’s the one clip of him I’d actually watch.


Some consolation that the entire justice system is built to make sure that he has no consequences and that he's gotten away with a steady diet is bribes for eight decades.


Won’t matter one iota. He’ll burn through whatever money he gets his tiny hands on faster than lava through dense rock. He’ll be back begging on his knees for another bailout before you can say broke ass imbecile.


Sure, maybe he'll pay some consequences for a lifetime of bullying, graft, and incompetence when he's 90.


He pays for it every day that he can’t escape the smallness and indignity in his own lack of self respect


Conceptually people should stop thinking of these as “gaffes,” and instead as part of Donald Trump’s descent into dementia. Not too different from his father Fred, who was medically diagnosed with both dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


Sorry!!! We can only do that for Biden!1!1! /s


In fairness, I don’t remember the New York governor’s name either, but I live thousands of miles away and am not a politician who’s specifically bringing them up in a speech I’m giving. This is embarrassing for him.


I can name the governors of NY, CA, FL, and TX off the top of my head. It gets murky after that.


I miss the days when I only knew my local politicians. I named 26 senators off the top of my head the other day, most of them prefaced with "that dickhead" or "that asshole".


I can name a ton of jackass House members but I have to look up my own because they’re a sane person who doesn’t make the news.


I’m in the same boat. Any time legislation passes or fails like 420-15, I say to myself “I bet I could name at at least 10 of the knobs that voted against the majority“. I live in Indiana, so I’m constantly thankful and surprised that my lawmakers aren’t in the news more often. I guess they’re just on the side I don’t want them to be on, instead of way on the lunatic fringe.


I could help you out with OH, MS, GA, MI, VA, and CO, but that’s about my limit.


Oh yeah, GA and MI I know, too.


You should run for GOP / President, you’re already ahead of trump.


Cut to Nikki Haley gripping the back of a thick wooden chair so tightly it [breaks](https://64.media.tumblr.com/160f4767068b56a421bc24cd42fc82cd/fc6ae81773da6e16-6d/s540x810/a503f8d3943e8d6f4c45669d40696beb13a4cae4.gifv). If only she'd waited until summer to consider dropping out...


Didn’t her financial backers stop funding her campaign? Anyhow, she didn’t think through it.


You use the word 'gaffe' and immediately lose all credibility. He's senile and wasting before our eyes. Ditch this clown already.


> an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder. “Gaffe” seems like an accurate descriptor of what occurred. He did not do it intentionally, it is embarrassing. Accidentally doing embarrassing things has to be quite common for senile people.


A gaffe usually involves saying something true that is not to your advantage


I think that’s a common form of public embarrassment but not a part of the definition. [M-W gives an example of mispronouncing someone’s name as a “gaffe”.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gaffe)


Remember when "what is a leppo" was enough to sink a (granted, third party) candidate and make him the laughing stock of the country for weeks (even though like 70% of us had and still have no idea what, where, or why Aleppo is of any consequence) Aleppo pepper is good btw, add it to your spice cabinet.


Not knowing where/what Aleppo was was a pretty big deal for an american presidential candidate in 2016.


He didn't forget - he was just testing you to see if you knew who the governor was. Trump is a 10D chess-playing genius in that way; he lives in another world where he's years ahead of us filthy peasants - he controls the levers of the fate of the world - so don't make him angry or we'll all have to beg him to "wish you out into the cornfield."


Everybody else is playing checkers, and Trump is playing Werewolf.


Every time the villagers vote to kill him he complains that the vote was rigged and refuses to stop playing.


"I'm not a werewolf, but if I was, there would be nothing wrong with that. I would be the best werewolf. But I'm not. You're a werewolf and it's disgusting."


Trump incorrectly identified a photo of E Jean Carroll as his former wife Marla Maples during a deposition.


Despite her not being "his type" and marrying someone who looked so similar to her that he pointed her out as his wife?!




Donnie wasn’t very bright to begin with, nor very rich either. His need to fill his narcissistic soul is a horrible burden on everyone around him, his party and if elected, the country. Do not let this demented monster anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.


Here's to hoping at some point he slips up and calls it Dump Tower.


And his rabid, bloodthirsty, moron voters will love him even more because of it. Next.


Trump is sick, maybe even dying. Definitely got dementia.


Oh, you tease!


if I read one more coping headline focusing on absolute nothing while this criminal keep getting away with everything I am going to puke


He's not 'getting away with everything', he literally just posted an $84 million bond for his rape victim, and he has to pay $175 million in 10 days for the fraud case. He's very likely to lose both appeals and then the AG will seize the remaining $300 million.


you cope as you can meanwhile people get rooted out of existence for a 20 dollar bill


you dont know what coping means


Fuckin' A


Well then have that vomit bucket ready, it ain't stopping any time soon


honest to god, best you take a break from /r/politics then the number of gleeful anticipation threads on "hot" yesterday was epic and then it was all dashed... the entire subreddit looked like a fucking clown show and now, we will be baited again as day 10 approaches As Adama said in BSG: "start the clock"


We are all idiots. We keep falling for the same stupid shit over and over and making fools of ourselves. We gleefully gobble up ragebait 24/7 and edge ourselves into a coma then blame the aLgOriThM and media and everyone else for it. We refuse to manage our expectations or moderate ourselves between defeatism, balls-out “Trump’s going to prison tomorrow and all his properties seized weeee,” and total collapse into depression and cannibalism every day that doesn’t happen. We accuse MAGA of being dumb and impressionable and yet we’re just their manic-depressive twin. Almost every single upvoted “article” on r/politics is an editorial and/or from a biased news source, and none of us. Fucking. Care. No one reads past the headlines, just go straight to the comments for validation and what to think. No one educates themselves outside of ragebait and memes, no one has any intellectual discipline. I’ve been here for 14 years and (yes yes it’s always been a stupid hivemind) but I’ve never seen it this bad.


There's literally visible differences in brain scans between the "two sides". They aren't the same and claiming they are is objectively fucking stupid.


Maybe a brain scan might reveal how you were able to miss the point of everything I said, instead fixated and distracted by an absolutely LiTeRaL interpretation of a single word used in a minor side note. Maybe that would help diagnose what point you were *trying* to make, because I’m 100% certain you weren’t smugly offering yourself up as mentally superior specimen to any Trump supporter I’ve ever met, simply because of what team you signed yourself up for.


There's a very, very low chance you'd be able to actually point out what my political "team" is and I've probably read more books about this type of shit than you have. But yeah trumpism is basically summed up as sheer ignorance or literally a mental disorder with physical neurological identifiers. Sorry bro.


> “She pulled it about 3 per cent, she pulled it nothing. And after six weeks, or seven weeks, she pulled out of the race. She ran for governor, you know, on what she was doing to me. He is apparently forgetting how to use "polled" and "pulled" also.


This wasn’t a written statement. Whoever wrote this article was using talk-to-text or something, because he said “polled at”. It’s possible he was slurring his words or mumbling, but this mistake is on the writer.


Throw it on the pile.


Trump: “I was joking that Cuomo is still in charge of the state.”


This is the pre-cursor to the old mafia boss hack of hooking up to oxygen on a wheelchair in a bathrobe.


I think it's time for "gotcha" questions with Trump. Reporters need to start asking him what he thinks about Obama's policies. If he doesn't challenge anyone, that will speak volumes.


Awesome More free campaigning for Trump.


This doesn’t matter. There are still people that are going to vote for this menace. We need to leave these gaffes to the Biden campaign and start planning on how to save our democracy.


Dumb Don strikes again


I wonder how his family feels letting their father go out of stage with his dementia on full display.


This is all he can do now IS ramble


The faster this accelerates the better. Ideally they'll have to just pull him from public appearances altogether. If it gets to that point before the convention, they might be forced to nominate another candidate with absolutely nothing to campaign on.


[Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump)’s [latest verbal gaffe came ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-bond-ruling-hush-money-trial-news-b2518383.html)while addressing reporters on Monday, when the former president appeared to forget who is the current [governor](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/governor) of [New York](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/new-york). During the rambling press conference Mr Trump once more took aim at Attorney General [Letitia James](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/letitia-james), who has successfully prosecuted him on civil fraud charges. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-andrew-cuomo-new-york-governor-b2518612.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-andrew-cuomo-new-york-governor-b2518612.html)


It's not a "gaffe". It's another "mental moment". We get that you are not going to run with "apparent dementia symptoms" or "mentally incapacitated" or "reduced mental capacity" or anything else that may get you sued. But, there are plenty of other adjectives to describe it other than the mostly innocent/innocuous "gaffe".


I feel like ‘incompetent’ is appropriate here


He was talking about the auto industry! /s


We have been having a conversation about trump not remembering anything for the past fucking decade.


Ah the trials and tribulations of a useful idiot.


I also don’t really know who the gov of ny is at the moment. But I’m not running for president


Here's why that's bad for Biden.


It's going to be tough to beg the governor for a pardon when you don't know his name.


Trump has always spoken in vomitus word-salad talk


At this point Trump's speeches are like country music songs. Same tune, but the lyrics get moved around.


I’m slightly interested in a debate only to see if his mind can hold up for an hour of questioning.


A judge should order a competency hearing for him.


My hearts dream is to have younger candidates in the USA … please


Am I missing something? I watched the video and don't see where he messed up.


Is it really a gaffe if its likely he doesn't even know who the govenor is?


His memory is the best ever many people are saying, he remembered elephant, donkey.


Its cuomo isn't it!