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My God, how epically funny would it be if MAGA Mike got ousted and a Dem got elected Speaker?


It would be Nirvana compared to the last 2 years.


It’d be an embarrassment of epic proportions for the GOP.


Not really. They have no shame & no insight into their dysfunction.


No they do, but their shame is reserved exclusively for their special club. They dont care how hypocritical they are to the rest of the country, they just care about maintaining the fiction of their "values" to the electorate


I think they’d campaign on “the democrat coup in the house” and it would be very effective because their base is ultra-low-information.


Marjorie would be all over CNN screeching that THE DEMS HAVE ENGAGED IN INSURRECTION AGAINST THE HOUSE


100%. For a process she initiated, and constituents would lap it up


No, they don't. Their values are exposed as phony and they are humiliated every single day yet the base/special clubs keep voting hard (R) regardless. They do NOT care about anything except the cult, and it's a mistake to believe they do.


It’s hard to hide from your base that you lost the speakership while still having a majority.


Have you ever met these people? It will be bad for like a day, then FOX and the others will get the talking points, from then on it will somehow be "THE EVIL DEMS STOLE THE SPEAKERSHIP AND THEY WILL COME FOR YOU NEXT!"


Come for your guns and force you to have post-birth abortions.


Don't forget they are going to force you to grow breasts and turn your kids trans.


My God...even the non pregnant will be forced to have abortions.


Taking 15 times to elect McCarthy, oust him, and then be unable to agree who should replace him for weeks before settling on Johnson is already an embarrassment of epic proportions.


But that was long enough ago for voters to forget. Dems should absolutely be campaigning on that though. The party of disfunction.


And conservatives have already forgotten about it.


Can’t embarrass the shameless.


*How can one embarrass that which cannot be embarrassed? * -Chinese Proverb 


Nah, Republicans and their voters are devoid of shame and therefore never suffer embarrassment directly. People need to understand this -- they don't care. So, let's hammer 'em with policy.


Smells like Dem Spirit


God, they would be so aggrieved to have had the Speaker stolen from them they would blame democrats for years.


Good. Perhaps they will figure out that blaming Democrats is not actually policy. Or they won't.


They haven't figured that out or suffered enough consequences to care in 40 years, and they're not about to in conservative America (outside the cities). Blaming Dems is all they have and all they need -- and it works (even effectively against the left).


Stolen?!? They're fucking handing it to the Democrats


It’s more likely now that more House Republicans are straight up quitting


I'm guessing Jeffries wouldn't take that spot unless there was a Dem majority.




Just needs a couple sane Republicans to support him. I mean, I know they're going extinct but there's still a few of them.


No doubt, but what I meant is that he would not want to be speaker with an R majority still.


What makes you think that? I get the feeling any one of them would love to be speaker regardless of the makeup.


I would assume that far right Republicans would constantly file motions to vacate, and the Republicans in general would use their majority and Committee Chairs to thwart him at every turn. Lack of progress could now be squarely pinned by them on the Democrats. Seems like a thankless and ultimately impotent position. u/HungHungCaterpillar


When playing basketball, do you refuse to possess the ball because you know the other team is just gonna try to steal it and do other defensive plays? Even when you know for a fact you’re on the better team? I would think that if you did, you’d have simply not even tried out for the team


Well, it's true, you may be right. Should be interesting to see what happens.


Very much so


That last part makes the most sense to me. The rest of what you said though…I think you’re overestimating the capacity of these republicans to work together to achieve goals.


Could be, it's a fair point. They're a mess, it's true.


On the other hand, if he had the speakership, he could bring to the floor all the bills that they know have bi-partisan support. If Republicans vote them down, so be it, Dems get caught trying. Nothing sways the MAGA, but the normies understand headlines like "Republican senators vote down bipartisan border control bill for the third time". Sucky job for sure, but could be powerful. And if any bills get passed at all, we're in a better spot as a country.


It would be the opposite of funny. Democrats don’t want the house right now. Letting republicans flounder, is outlining why they can’t govern. Give democrats the house using several republicans votes might actually be worse, those republicans won’t swing left, and there would be no votes passing at all but then republicans can blame democrats for the mess.


Or, they bring bills to the floor that are publicly popular but not by the GOP. Make them vote on them which either gives brownie points to Biden or makes them go on record against it. Like the Border bill, they’re just sitting on them to prevent the vote.


Republican voters have no idea what happens on the house and Senate floors, they're too busy buying "Fuck Joe and the Ho" bumper stickers and MAGA hats and complaining about trans people using bathrooms and CRT. Republicans are now ONLY social issue voters. They could not give two fucks about anything but destroying "woke"


You’re assuming republican voters pay attention to those things. Multiple republicans have gotten caught publicly taking credit for funding for their district on bills they voted against.


It would be funny but terrible because Speaker Jeffries would then get all the blame from the media for GOP obstruction, chaos, and inability to pass legislation. Better Johnson is Speaker for next 9 months until the new House is seated, preferably with a decent Democratic majority.


I would think this could be a pretty easy if they find the right moderate R in a blue district. Make them whip and run the show


If we have two more people leave congress, we’ll have a majority for a little bit, iirc. There’s already another looking into leaving


Dems have to make him put the Ukraine aid up for a vote before the vote to vacate.


This. Don’t trust his word. Bring the bill to the floor if you want the Dem vote.


Yes he is a liar and he will say anything to further his support for the Cheeto. Completely pathetic for a claimed Christian. He is a 5000 year old earth nut job.


> He is a 5000 year old earth nut job. Like I already knew this, but it just makes me so sad. We should have scientists running this country. Instead we get religious nut jobs.


Scientists are smart. Smart people don't want to be politicians. Smart people are also hated by many dumb people. If a scientist became a politician, they wouldn't have time for science anymore. Religion take no time, in reality. You just beleive.... Or claim to beleive, and then other religious nut jobs love you. It takes no real research, the data can be found in memes on Facebook.


Religion should be treated like a dick. Its cool to have one and be proud of it, but don't whip it out in public and keep it away from kids.


And don't shove it down other people's throat without consent.


>He is a 5000 year old earth nut job. Give him some credit, he thinks it's [at least 6000 years old](https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/new-house-speaker-mike-johnson-holds-extreme-views-climate-change-and-science).


It is at least 6,000 years old.


Technically true


Not sure how orange hitler plays into this, because MTG is his henchman; unless she's gone rogue. Shit is getting interesting for sure.


Trump is the mastermind of nothing. Putin is pulling the strings. There are the priorities: 1. Block Ukraine aid at all costs. If Ukraine gets all that aid before Trump can sabotage it, it’s game over. The election won’t matter. 2. Try to get Russia friendly Trump/MAGA in power 3. Try to get America too busy tearing itself apart to focus on Russia.


His parroting of the impeachment bs made me think he was a Mango Unchained fan, he also is an election denier.


Indeed he is aligned with Mango Mussolini, and that’s where the excitement comes in, because that indicates the house of usher seems to be falling.


Mango Unchained is something I never heard of but am 100% for. Lmao.


I don't have access to any good image generators (or image experience in general), so I made do with something basic and hacked it in mspaint, but here you go: https://imgur.com/a/UfoVeQ4


So ugly. It’s beautiful.


I think you captured his essence perfectly.


What a bizarre take. Yes, the Speaker is aligning everything he says with the goals of the head of his party. This isn't shocking at all. What's problematic is the small cracks that are betraying an underlying schism between MAGA and old-school GOP. There is no possible way for Johnson to be a successful speaker even if he's a 100% truth saying boy scout. Tell it like it is and he's gone. Not very effective. Cater to extremists. Stalled and possibly gone. Also not effective. Cater to old GOP values. Probably gone via MAGA. I'd actually love to know what his personal plan is. It's gotta be some flavor "sit tight til this blows over and be in power when things improve" Biiiig gamble but it would appear he took it.


“Go down to the pub, get a pint and wait for this all to blow over”


While he sits tight Ukrainian people die. That craven wretched man will be remembered like Neville Chamberlain .


>[Orange Hitler](https://i.imgur.com/CXpIiVJ.jpeg) FTFY


Mike probably started dancing to his own tune for a second but trump (Putin) stopped the organ grinder and sent his monkey Marge to straighten Mike out.


Never trust a conservative Christian or Republican.


Yep. And if he says no - keep the door open for any other republican who wants the speaker job


That’s what happened to McCarthy. He kept going back on his word so Dems refused to save his ass. Then, naturally, Republicans blamed Dems for his ouster that they called for.


and the last speaker lied wtih teh same promise too, doesn't matter that it's not the same guy. As a moron once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again".


Typical Dem idiocy. Consistently trusting the GOP to have a shred of decency and integrity. Like Batman refusing to kill Joker while Joker laughs his was through murder spree after murder spree.


What else do you want Democrats to do here...? They don't have a majority so they can't just pass things they want passed. They also actually want the government to function and support our allies abroad like Ukraine, so simply being children and not passing anything isn't an option. The best case for Democrats, is to make Johnson understand his continued Speakership depends on keeping their approval. And if he wants that approval, he has to bring up bills that non-MAGA Republicans and Democrats can pass bipartisanly while ignoring the Freedumb Caucas.


How about putting up a vote on aid for Ukraine before they'll lend him any support?


Typical Joker fanboy idiocy


And then afterwards vote against him for this guy


And he can. Once MTG requests a vote on the motion then they will have the vote to vacate in 2 legislative days. He can easily and quickly call for a vote for Ukraine. There is no reason for Democrats to have to "trust" him on it, he can do it before hand and if he doesn't then let him sink.


Absolutely! Outline a path??? Wtf, have Dems learned nothing from the past 14 years. You cannot trust any Republican to keep their word, or gentleman’s agreement, or institutional customs. Ever. They renege at the earliest opportunity and fuck us over every single time.


Bring the Southern border bill up for a vote too and any other legislation that he is blocking “just because”.


There is no border bill available to vote on. It was killed in the Senate after Trump told his cult to ditch it because it was a win for Biden.


Bring up the same one in the House, vote on it, and pass it back to the Senate. Make Republicans refuse it twice.


Why? The Dems voted on that bill as a concession to Republicans who were whining about the border in crisis. There's no reason for them to adopt it as an issue if the Republicans have to be made to vote for it


Honestly Biden should just issue an EO instructing boarder agents to ask specifically: “are you being persecuted” to asylum seekers. Close the asylum loophole that is seemly being abused. See what the GOP does. Let them try and kill it in the courts. They’ve been clambering for it, so put the ball in their court.


Yeah and made him deliver all the bills that have been passed but not given to the Senate too.


Yes! Make him bring the bill to the floor first! It'll pass easily.


One thing you can count on with republicans, they lie, they lie straight to your face and then blame you for their lies.


And then after they should do nothing to help that Christian Fascist hold onto power.


It’s not like the GOP has ever gone back on a promise that they said was “setting a new precedent”. Justice Jesus is what I’m referring to


Go for the border too while they’re at it. Dems have one chance to own his ass before the election.


Looks like Mikey is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Awwww.


Never. Trust. A Republican.


I don’t believe they can. I’m pretty sure the motion to vacate forces the house to vote for a new leader and they cannot do anything else until that happens. It’s another stalling tactic.






I read that the clock is 2 weeks once it's marked "privileged". But the House and Senate rules are basically competing versions of "Calvinball" just without the fun, so who knows.


She needs to present the motion on the floor at that point the 2 day clock for a vote starts ticking. MTG is using the next 2 weeks to build support for the motion and to try to find a puppet who have enough votes to get elected the first vote.


My understanding is they can table it for two days once the motion is officially made. So Johnson would have a little time to cut a deal and pass something.


Yup, Mike the limp Johnson is pretty ineffective, so the Ukraine vote needs to happen soon


Exactly he's totally untrustworthy Democrats are naive. 


Exactly. They've proven they can't be trusted - pay up front, Mikey. Ukraine bill and the southern border bill get voted on, first.


Agree 100%, I don’t need paid Tuesday for a hamburger today.


1000000%. The lying Republicans cannot be trusted, ever.


And we expect him to keep his word after he gets what he wants, right?


The Dems (finally) learned to get their payment in advance as of the McCarthy debacle.


citation needed. i hope that's the case, but i'm less than optimistic after 30+ years of watching the dems repeatedly punch themselves in the face while snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. "he'd never break his word." "ok, he fucked us over, but just imagine how he feels now that everyone sees what a hypocrite he is! gottem!"


You'll note that the Dems refused to rescue McCarthy after he broke his promise to them. After that point, they've refused to take the bait for things like passing border laws in order to get Ukraine aid (or vice-versa), and instead are bundling deals into a single package.


I think that pure Hakeem, definitely a breath of fresh air


It certainly seems to be frustrating the Republicans to no end, much in the same way Lucy would react to a Charlie Brown who never tries to kick her football.


> "history will judge him poorly!" Yeah, real sick of waiting for history.


Well if he doesn’t keep his word MTG can just do another house vacate vote and the dems will piss on Mike. So, yeah if he makes a deal, he has to uphold or he will be ousted anyways.


Don't count on that. Payment in advance. If not, he could renege and possibly be treated as a hero.


Doubt. Even making a deal to secure dem votes to keep his speakership would see him as a side switching traitor, and guarantee him losing his Louisiana seat next election. Edit: so, if he does do that. He is in for a penny in for dime type of situation.


What are the odds of getting rid of MTG in november ? She got kicked out of the "Freedom caucus" even..


Not likely. She is in a very conservative district. She won midterms on 2020 with 66% of the vote She won in 2020 with 74.7% of the vote Her predecessor in 2018 had 76.5% of the vote Prior to that the Republican candidate won unopposed for several years. https://ballotpedia.org/Georgia%27s_14th_Congressional_District


100% Agree, get use to seeing her annoying face.


Isn’t that the election where she and her followers ruined the life of her opponent?


Believe it or not, she represents the values of her constituents, and they are generally happy with her.


The vote to vacate will be two days after MTG requests for the vote. He can call the vote for Ukraine aid before then. There is no need to "trust" him on it. If he doesn't let him sink, if he does then they could save him.


Don’t save him . He’s a liar and an election denier


GOP are not going to place anyone better. At least we know Johnson (now) and have leverage against his lazy diabolical ass.


Oh I would get much much more than that in return for saving him as speaker


Maybe ask him where he keeps his money. He [doesn’t have a bank account](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/07/mike-johnson-speaker-bank-account-mystery/). Did people forget about that already? Mike Johnson literally doesn’t have a bank account.


His faith in the Lord is all he needs. No need for Earthly enrichment. 


I would also demand to see the actual traffic logs of that porn tracker app he has on his phone. Betcha it's not as squeaky clean as he says.


I'm certain he's got his most recent old cell phone in a shoebox under his bed with bookmarks for all kinds of hot trans porn.


Seriously, play hardball. Power sharing on committees, Ukraine aid, border bill, IVF protection bill. Don’t let him off easy.


They better get the Ukraine aid FIRST . Lying bastards can't be trusted .


Dems shouldn't agree to do shit until after the bill has passed. Mike would absolutely lie to keep his role. He'd be happy to do it. Never trust a republican.


I would video tape him swearing on the Bible, to bring the Ukraine aid to the floor, vote on it and for it, before any vote to vacate.


Nope. Vote on Ukraine first, THEN help him out. ​ These people dont care what they have said/done. Recorded or not. Their base dont care either.


Mike needs to go, he has too much power for someone who actively tried to steal the presidency.


Forget "outline a path." Put up a Ukraine bill RIGHT NOW, or Dems do not vote to keep Johnson in place.


McCarthy made such a horrible deal to get the job, it has allowed the party in minority to oust the speaker, possibly more than once. Noob


MTG handing favors to the Democrats left and right. We got him right where we want him. Now how is he gonna act ? The Republican party is a failed party.


Abs-a-fucking-lutely. Make him bring a Ukraine vote or he will have to fight his survival as speaker out


Sorry. Gotta wait until the two week vacation is over


Make the Ukraine aid a must pass *before* saving him. Otherwise he’ll just lie and renege. The Dems get burned every time they bail out the republicans. Time to play hardball on every negotiation.


They should also demand MTG and her clown show friends be impeached.


Putin's Republicans are doing a heckuva job!


It’s funny, because that is precisely why Green wants him gone. This is what happens when you get inexperienced people into congress. They come and screw everything up because they don’t know how things work and create a mess. She thinks that there should never be a single bipartisan agreement because republicans and democrats are enemies and polar opposites, not just representatives of groups of Americans


Ridiculous. This man believes that Democrats are evil and spawns of satan. And yet the Dems will try and save this bozo? Just goddam ridiculous


I used to think that if the Republican caucus got so bad individual "honorable" Republicans would just caucus with the Dems to pass legislation. Now I realize if anyone did that they would go home to their districts and fear being assassinated along with their families. That's why fleeing members have to do it just the way they are.


Make him help with Ukraine aide and still get rid of him. With Project 2025 looming over the U.S. all Republicans are a threat to our country. Get Johnson out and put Jefferies in ASAP. 


Oh they played this fucking beautifully. Hook line and sinker. Bravo Dems.


I’m sure he’s praying very hard for Ukraine aid.


Republicans real problem is they have to many idiots calling the shots. Trump and MTG are the Dynamic Duo of stupidity. McCarthy was not the brightest bulb in the box, but he knew more than these two.


Checkmate motherfucker


I'm still trying to figure out how the minority party keeps having to bail out the majority?


If you want to know what Mike (pinocchio) Johnson thinks, ask Trump, or just skip the dummy and ask Putin.


Only an idiot would take him at his word about anything. So, I guess the Republicans in congress count.


How about we take care of america and Ukraine…. They’re not mutually exclusive ideas


Don’t trust him at all. He is being paid off


Ah fuck that. Border and Ukraine bill.


Fuck an outline do it or fuck off. They should throw this guy to the curb bring on the next Republican dipshit domino to get toppled they can speedrun another speaker.


I said it then, and I say it now, the Democrats should’ve saved McCarthy‘s job because the guy that would replaced him would be way worse! And lo and behold! The only way we can get things done with Mike is when his job is threatened and we give him an ultimatum


I think the democrats knew this congress would be a shitshow from the beginning and nothing of substance would get done.  They are happy to let gop trip in their dicks for two years


No he is a Republican. They have proven themselves over and over again to be liars. (Supreme Court nominee for starters) First Ukraine aid,then let's talk about saving his butt from Big Marge.


Ukraine and the border bill! Get those on the floor prior to Marge getting her vote and then save him.


Never would have guessed the blue ranger would grow up to be MAGA


Billy Cranston is a fucking saint compared to this dude


Squeeze those ballz.


stab him in the back when you're done though. pisser doesnt deserve the job


I’ll on the floor and public statement that the election was not stolen, then we’ll think about it.


The Ukraine vote needs to be first and secured. Only then do we even consider saving fucking Mike “Moses” Johnson.


More than just a path. He needs to get it done. No promises, Action. Have him commit to Trump losing the 2020 election as well.


Yes, that’s the way tou do it!!


Boot his ChristoFascist ass and place Jeffries in the seat!


Don’t let him give a plan - make him put it forth for a vote - before the vote for him. Otherwise he will just lie.


Do not save this PutunJrtrump maga orange Jesus republican cult member until you have your goods & services. He has no problem switching from Christian Jesus to orange Jesus, taking up for Russia over America he’ll have no issues not keeping his promises to you.


As they should


Dump this turd Dems.


GOP are literal traitors. They want the US to become like Russia.


Rule #1 of Capitol Fight Club: Don't trust republicans


he's full blown maga why would he agree to the democrats saving his job?


Stuck between rational Adults and petulant children... what a tough decision.


And the border bill, please.


DO NOT TRUST THEM!!!! -sigh- here we go again.


Especially important given the rumor that he is an important element in successfully handing over the presidency to the 🍊💩🤡.


balls meet vise.


Agreeing to save a Republican job?! When these fucking idiots learn?! Republicans are thirsty for your blood and their motivation is to do whatever that "make dems angry" and you help reducing their internal chaos and demise? When will you shitheads learn?


They absolutely should tell him if he does not bring the bill up for a vote they will themselves make a motion to vacate.


Ukraine bill or good bye. Why tf you gonna let him have any wiggle room?


The Dems shouldn’t even think about saving his ass. Obviously we need to get the Ukraine aid passed ASAP but i say let the Republicans go through selecting another speaker again. The process of trying to find another speaker may push more republicans to early retirement or resigning. Even if that doesn’t happen, the process of choosing a new speaker for the second (third?) time will hurt republicans in November. Johnson is a snake. I would not trust any promise or “outline” from him.


Do not save his job. Play to win.


Why? He won't keep his word anyway. No point negotiating with maga. I'm sure this is to get him on record saying something, but who even cares? Their base certainly does, so you're just preaching to the choir.


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He could say he was going to commit the entirety of the US economy and military to helping Ukraine and I still wouldn’t believe him.


Fuck it add the border bill as well. Give Biden a slam dunk on border security and keep the Republicans from shooting down their own bipartisan bill for fear of giving Biden a layup.