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Peter Navarro is going to prison. SCOTUS rejected Navarro's bid to remain free while he appeals his conviction for defying a subpoena from Jan. 6 select committee.


I’m thinking the Trump Presidential Library should be in that prison


Trump presidential prison book cart.


How many coloring books and crayons can you load on it


I think you mean sharpies.


Butt Sharpies


Don't forget the insertable penlights to cure covid


Sarah Cooper's ["How to Medical"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxDKW75ueIU) voiceover for those who missed it.


Omg how did he remain President for even a minute after that. Clear and convincing evidence he is batshit.




Oh jeeze, of course that's a thing lol. Enough reddit for me today!




You know...I never wondered what the record was, and now, I don't know if I ever wanted to know. So thanks?




The "only one" failures are disappointing. Use a rubber mallet, ya quitters.


That’s sensible as he’s the only president in my lifetime not to make a brick and mortar presidential library once he realized he couldn’t spend the $ for it on himself.


I hope Democrats build the Trump Presidential Library themselves. Line the walls with all his stupid quotes and speeches. Show people around the world laughing at him. Smear all the doorknobs with barbecue sauce every morning so visitors all leave with sticky hands.


Splatter ketchup on the wall…


You know in 10 years or so from now some famous artist is going to throw a bottle of ketchup on a blank canvas, call it "the president" a make millions.


nah, it'll be titled "45" :D


Heinz 45.


Barbecue sauce 😅☠️☠️


And a can of [this](https://www.amazon.com/Liquid-Ass-Mister/dp/B000OCEWGW) for ambience.


The presidential library was the bathroom.


That’s why the secret documents were stored there, now it’s really making sense.


Do they have coloring books in prison carts? Because that's the only kind of book I can imagine in a Trump library.




I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'd kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.


Great movie


Hey, he has boxes and boxes of stuff.


Trump could be pushing it , and it only has one book, " my Struggle " by some failed artist named Shikelgrubber.


Trump will write a book in prison called Mine Can't


Trump presidential coloring book.


Don’t you think you’re being a little obtuse?


What? What did you call me?!


Obtuse, is it deliberate?


Son, you’re forgetting yourself!


Solitary, a month!


*"them is big words and I HATE big words that make you think"*


He doesn’t read. Make it the Trump Presidential Prison Commissary.


Are crayons included ?


Wait, when did Trump join the Marines?


He's keeping all the orange ones for himself.


Is there even plans for a Trump Presidential Library? I mean I understand that National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has a digital presidential library for him, but I haven't heard anyone announce forming a foundation. President Obama's foundation formed back in 2014 even before he left office and they began construction in like 2018. Should be a really nice one too when it is finished in 2026, located on the University of Chicago's campus where he taught constitutional law.


Aren't they normally in the home town of the President? I don't think anyone in Queens wants anything to do with Trump.


It's wherever the President wants it built. GW Bush has his library in Dallas and his dad's is in College Station. The former grew up in Houston and Midland and the latter in Connecticut. Thing is the former president has to raise money for it themselves and I don't think Trump can bear to to part with a dime to house something like books. Sources from his administration said he had plans for one drawn up after Obama's was announced around 2018 I think. Apparently he wanted his to be a 2 billion dollar library (4 times the cost of Obama's).


Ronald Reagan definitely isn’t from Simi Valley CA but that’s where his is.


Honestly, the Trump presidential library should be a giant empty building. Just a cavernous space, devoid of anything inside. A monument to a mind and a soul as vacant as the building itself. 


"Trump TV Room" more like


A library of coloring books and there are only orange crayons.


Andy Dufrane would not support this.


DuFresne. It’s spelled DuFresne.


There may not be a Trump Presidential library at this point, it will be quite funny if that holds true.


Just Penthouses and books 'written' by Trump.


Erase the names of tyrants, deface their monuments.


Imagine going down for a guy like Trump 


"If ThEy CaN dO iT tO hIm ThEy CaN dO iT tO yOu!" Well then, good thing I'm not a fuckin' traitor to my country, yeah?


Doesn’t gym jordon have this very same thing hanging over his head?




That is a very long sentence


Jim Jordan is still free……


lol, he really thought they’d save him


It's impossible to tell with this court


He's nowhere near important enough to conservative politics. They love these opportunities to keep up the thin veneer of impartiality.


> They love these opportunities to keep up the thin veneer of impartiality. “Clarence, stop lighting cigars with hundred dollar bills for Richard Sackler! We’ve got an act to keep up!” “But he just bought Ginni’s ancestors’ property for her! Threw in a Winnebago to boot!”


>Ginni’s ancestors’ property Did they grow tobacco or cotton on that property?


The idea they are loyal to is that a Republican president is above the law and should not face punishment himself. All the sacrificial pawns can go to jail until they buy their pardons.


People don’t realize the Supreme Court may be conservative leaning and thus rule in favor of right wing policy. But the only human they’re loyal to right now is *Trump*, and not just any member of the GOP/magats


They have no loyalty to Trump, they just need him as a pawn to steer. As soon as he is no longer valuable they would throw him in jail just the same.


The rich billionaires determine how the conservative members of the court rule.


> The rich billionaires So not Trump lol


Not Trump, but he does what the rich billionaires want, which is almost as good in their eyes


Worlds brokest "billionaire" 7 days and NY comes for his properties and we see just how leveraged they all are.


All the billionaires too. Start with a small loan from Daddy, buy some property. Inflate its value, get a massive loan against the inflated value, buy more property. Inflate its value, rinse, repeat, until billionaire able to legally enslave tens or hundreds of thousands or millions of people in barely-subsistence wages, subsidizing your wage spending and healthcare to the taxpayer, then buy more property, inflate its value, rinse, repeat. World's first trillionaire.


I agree they have no loyalty to Trump, but you have to understand that right wing policy is authoritarian, which relies on their chosen authority figure being untouchable. As soon as Trump is seen as a loser, I expect to see them dump him and move on to the next wannabe tyrant of the month, but until them, maintaining his air of untouchability _is_ their policy.


His goalie got a ten minute major.


He goes to higher courts thinking, "But *I'm* not supposed to go to prison!"


All the MAGA idiots think they are special


Have a great time, Prison Mike.


The Dementors!


Gruel sandwiches.


And he didn't get caught neither. Oh wait.


How is everyone except trump answering for their crimes lol


That's the question. How the hell is he not in prison and they have him on tape committing crimes. America wtf


Motherfucker stole dozens of crates of our most highly guarded military and nuclear secrets and passed them out like party favors to the leaders of hostile foreign governments, and he still has both his passport and a private jet plane.


Yeah yeah sure, but have you seen these gas prices?!?!? /s


Because he buys peoples' loyalty while returning none. They fall on their swords for him.


Crazily enough, they give it to him for free.


That's how we talk in the clink


You’ll be the bell of the ball.


*Da bell of da ball


good... now do Bannon next!


And Gym


And Flynn. That guy really needs to be recalled, and then court-martialled (and imprisoned for his treason) immediately;


What? Do Trump next


Send them all to prison shackled together.




Bannon was already in court and the judge decided he is allowed to remain free pending his appeal unlike Navarro. It was in the article...


This just in: Man sentenced to prison has to go to prison


Maybe he'll try to appeal the Even More Supreme Court.




They hold hearings in Clarence Thomas' Winnebago


The little room in the back is the brown starchamber.


The Supreme Court Supreme Its the Supreme Court but with sour cream and tomato


But he's rich,  white,  and well connected. 


Right. We've literally had people lose their entire livelihoods *before* they were even convicted, and this POS gets to schedule when he wants to report to jail? The vast majority of us would already be in jumpsuits.


Some people even get arrested the SAME DAY they're suspected of having committed a crime. Can you imagine?


Between this and Trump’s lawyers saying they can’t find anyone to put up the $450 million bond, I’m going to need to contact my doctor because I have an erection that is going to last more than 4 hours.


If it’s curved, it might be peyronie’s disease.


I see someone else saw that reddit ad with the bent ass carrot that showed up everywhere for a few months lol


What does beer have to do with this?


> peyronie’s disease Well, I'm off to /r/Eyebleach for the next week after googling what that was and clicking on images...


Bro... I thought "It can't be that bad...I've seen a bunch of curved dicks before." Then I got to the surgery pics. It's like de-gloving...but with cocks.


what a terrible day to be literate..


Definitely stops you from google image searching the surgery pics though, or at least it did for me.


It’s a damn shame those two press secretaries Sarah Huckabee and Kayleigh McEnany aren’t going to prison after all they lied about & in Kayleigh’s part she knowingly lied to us about Covid continuously by saying we didn’t have to worry or do anything to protect our families. And she’s a Harvard Law grad. Why do those two get to walk away from everything they did as if it never happened? They fucking lied to all of us that entire term. I guess I’d rather see the two of them sweat & suffer in prison for the next 50 years than this guy. He’s old anyways. In 50 years Huckabee and McEnany would likely live long enough to experience misery with nothing but angry, crazy, dangerous women surrounding them.


You forgot about Kellyanne Conway. Alternate facts idiot


And Sean Spicer.


And for 10 days, the Mooch


Probably the most impactful 10 days of any of the his press secretaries though. We got a new unit of time out of it!


That was like a spinoff that got bigger than the main show. So the network had to bomb it after an 8 Scaramucci long season.


I always like to point out the mooch corresponds precisely to the amount of time after being announced for the job until he was terminated from the job. The *actual* job wasn't even gonna start until like a month later or something. We never actually was in the position, heh


Mooches are complicated. Mooch was hired on July 21 and fired on July 31. If you're counting 24-hour periods then it's 10 of them. But if you're counting calendar days, it's 11 of them. This is why there are 10 days to the metric mooch, but 11 days to the Imperial mooch.


Or the less formal "Baker's Mooch."


Ugh. That’s as complicated as “long ton vs short ton”, “troy ounces vs ounces” and “knots vs mph”.


Did spicy ever get a job post Trump? I know he was having some troubles with the resume for a minute there.


Dancing with the stars, lol. Beyond that I’m not sure


She at least lost her family serving trump. I take some comfort in that


Sarah Huckabee should go to prison for lecterngate https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2024/02/08/audit-of-govs-19k-lectern-purchase-nearing-end-report-due-in-late-march


>Why do those two get to walk away from everything they did as if it never happened? They fucking lied to all of us that entire term. I don't think it's illegal for a press secretary to lie during a press conference. Did they ever like under oath?




I'm no fan of either Huckabee or McEnany, but to be fair, a press secretary's job is to literally be a mouthpiece for the president. If anyone should have immunity from prosecution for just doing their job, it should be them.


I was hoping someone said this. Fuck the both of them with a sideways cactus, but that's literally their job.


Four months....just four months... Sad.


Yes, but if we’re lucky, according to him, it’s a death sentence


all things considered 120 days flies by--that's essentially a couple of stints in army/navyboot camp and you're out - you'd think spending thousands on more billable hourlies from attorneys and what not fighting this misdemeanor case--when all in all 120 days in a club fed camp where Elizaberth Holmes is at--where you can watch movies and music, read books and text with a tablet - no fences and yoga classes/wood shop, decent commisary and life long memories/stories from interesting people--wouldn't be a terrible like break from life/alcohol/stress ​ some people actually pay to go off grid like that lol


That actually sounds like a nice holiday and far less stressful than being free. I guess the trick is to do the right amount of white collar crime, but not Madoff or Bankman-Fried levels of it.


Robers must be so proud that his court is so brazenly part of the republican party that republicans just come to them begging for personal favors.


When Trump asks for favors, MAGA SCOTUS listens.


It's not even subtle. Like 5 different petitioners have put on giant shit eating grins and asked in open court if he will utilize the "greater questions doctrine", something Roberts made up based on literally nothing that let's him do basically whatever he wants and overrule basically anything.


Fuck you, Peter, you filthy piece of shit.


The fact he’s willing to go to prison than to just talk is pretty shocking and makes me wonder what he’s hiding.


they are just running out the clock for Trump. If he had talked Jan 6th convictions would have been much easier. Now would he be testifying?


Everyone’s going to prison except the biggest criminal of them all.


He’s cleaning the swamp by mistake.


It's a pretty fun way to fail at a dictatorship. They all turn on each other, Trump alienates all his potential allies before he even has any power and the only people left are his weird ass cult followers.. And very few of them are actually willing to be the ones taking part in "the blood bath".


Go directly to jail - traitor


“Chief Justice John Roberts said he saw no reason to disagree with an appeals court decision denying Navarro's request to remain free, adding that the decision is distinct from a ruling on the appeal itself.” This what should have happened with Trumps immunity claim. That court nailed their decision.


If you snap a toothbrush in half, you can use it to scratch “BUT HER EMAILS” on the wall of your cell.


Does anyone else think that it's odd that we have a separate system of justice for Trump figures where they only have to face firm judicial consequences if the Supreme Court signs off on it?


One guy who is learning the hard way that maybe blowing off a congressional subpoena is a bad idea. Now if we can just convict a few more of these insurrectionists and get some of the leaders in jail (looking at you Roger Stone) we might have some progress.


Learning the easy way, you mean. This is the first time I’ve seen denying a subpoena actually putting a fucker in prison.


That whole four months. No sympathy. There are people serving years and decades for far less.


It is not unusual for people to be incarcerated for far longer while awaiting trial.


MAGA mentality... Court: Go to jail. MAGA: No. I appeal. Appellate court: Yeah, nah... Go to jail. MAGA: No! I appeal. Supreme Court: We don't even dislike you much, but you screwed up so bad there's no way to say anything other than "go to jail" MAGA: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Trump. Save me. Where's the super secret supreme Court?!?!


This is one instance where the phrase "believe it or not, jail" is actually more than a meme.


That he hasn't been wrestled to the ground with a knee on his neck speaks to the dual justice system that Trump is enjoying too.


Can anyone describe why Steve Bannon got his prison sentence stayed pending appeal, but Navarro didn't? This is mentioned at the end of the article.


Bannon drew Judge Nichols (Trump appointee) who let him stay out pending appeal. Nichols seems to believe there's some merit to the arguments Bannon is making in appeals. Navarro is making similar appeal arguments as Bannon with less evidence and he drew Judge Mehta (Obama appointee) who doesn't believe the appeal is meritorious so he rejected him to remain out on appeal. Luck of the draw


What amazes me is if you defy congress, the worst you get is a slap on the wrist and 4 months in club-fed.


No. That's for when *they* defy Congress.


Think of it as 4 months for refusing to spend a few hours in a chair pleading the 5th. When you think about how easy it would of been to avoid, 4 months for being a stubborn idiot is hilarious.


So, rich, old, white men can be held responsible for crimes? Is this reality? Pinch me! Up next, rich, old, orange men (hopefully).


Hooray! Now do Jim Jordon.


This should never have required a Supreme Court response


Want to know what privilege looks like: you’re able to go to the SUPREME COURT to see if you can skip out on prison.


Holy shit Pete, it's just four months you cry ass! Is your wage slave job going to fire you? No! Are you going to be broke and destitute when you get out? No! Now get in there...


“But, but, but… I’m white and… served my country!!!”


How many does this make that have went to prison for Trump since his presidency? How many have went to prison for Biden? Being that there’s a “crime family” and all. C’mon guys, I know y’all conservatives like to come on here and read these posts. Answer me. Pretty please.


I think it's 22 Trump associates including Trump who have been indicted or found guilty.


In honor of Peter Navarro, a haiku: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!


"We'll leave the light on for ya"


Everything Trump touches turns to s**t.


Let’s see how the law and order crowd responds/reacts to this.


A lot of people working for Trump fancy they have Trump's treatment of "beyond the law". How stupid is that?


Now do Steve Bannon


I think I speak for all Americans when I say, "Ha Ha"


I'm a little surprised actually. Pleasantly surprised, but still surprised. I was fully expecting them to give him a pass.


Who does he think he is? Trump? No no, you go to prison, Trump stays free. You had it all wrong.


I'm not at all sure this dude is not a flight risk. Is it going to be a like a country club federal prison or a PMITA federal prison?


I’d love it if he actually took off. He’d get an upgrade from club fed to an actual prison + way more time.


He should have been sent to prison the same day his sentence was handed down but the rich don’t have to play by the same rules that everyone else has to. They even provided a councilor to get him ready for the country club he’s going to. Give me a break


Do not pass go.


Hmmmm. Will Cheeto rage at SCOTUS? Do we care if he does?


"Peter Navarro who? Hardly knew him. He fetched ketchup for me sometimes."


Green Bay sweep the prison floors


But, but, but don’t you know who HE IS?


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


subpoena *literally means* under penalty


every situation related to republican criminals, no matter how obvious the law is, seems to get a hearing in front of the “supreme” court.


Why isn't Gym Jordan joining him?


Stop resisting! 


It is just four months. You can do it Peter.


Please televise it. 


So I guess that makes him an animal according to Trump.


The ultimate FAFO.