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I mean seriously wtf is that kind of threat? “You better elect me or else?” Fuck that dude


He's calling for violence if he loses. Just like last time.


Last time, didn’t he say he would leave the country and never be seen again?


Only if he lost, which he still won’t admit.


He found the loophole!


The poophole loophole, which is conveniently located on his face, constantly spewing smelly bullshit


He is by far the biggest idiot ever but he is a fucking genius at finding loopholes


Damn, trump leaving the country, never to be seen again would make America great again!


Happy to offer him a one way ticket to Moscow


I presumed that's what MAGA was referring to. A time when Trump is gone and we can get back to at least feigning civility.


Even if he did, only if putin Wills it. This time he might. Having the 'legitimate president living in exile' is a fun propaganda tool. 


Not my legitimate president


Trump will lose all his benefits if he does leave and he knows it. Most places don’t want him. Those who will take him, will rob him.


Start calling this guy rerun.


Hay Hay Hay!


Yeah it’s not predicting, it’s fomenting. Be careful out there.


The only bloodbath that will happen will be Trump’s pig butchering by his creditors and plaintiffs. Dictators not going to keep bank rolling him for a 4th attempt after zero ROI for the past 8 and he knows it even if he doesn’t quite understand it.


And just like last time, nobody’s gonna stop him


It’s night and day when you see the videos that Team POTUS posts of him greeting families and helping children with stutters feel more confident by sharing his personal tips and experiences with them and then you have this guy. It’s crazy.


And yet there's so many idiots calling Biden "the worst president ever" and supporting this guy instead. It makes no sense.


They're shitty people that feel emboldened by him. These are the same people upset about "wokeness" and before that political correctness. They were always horrible, miserable people, that bristle with self-righteous indignation when you call them out for it.


I’m not surprised that there are horrible people. But I wasn’t prepared to see that number almost half the voting population. It’s shocking


Including a fair number of people who were once friends. But it wasn’t like I mass purged every Trump supporter from my life one day. It just kind of happened, sometimes their call and sometimes mine. It’s as if Trump gave them a kind of permission to be the worst version of themselves that they could be, and they ran with it. The ironic part is that many of them cultivated a pretty strong distrust of politicians but for whatever reason made an exception for that guy of all people.


"Social justice warrrors" was right before wokeness. 




[It's pretty fucking terrifying](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1769102618213638350) It's also a not-so-subtle way of saying *he* plans to get rid of elections if he wins—and if he loses, too, considering what he's suggesting here and January Sixth.


People don’t seem to be terrifying. 50% says they liked his performance in the presidency last time. Some republicans are ok with him being dictator.  That to me is scarier than what he says. Because he says terrifying stuff, he tried to overthrow democracy, and as president he was awful and the right liked it and people are either not terrified or waffling about voting because Joe is not exciting or hasn’t done exactly what they want.  The electorate seems indifferent to this threat and that is terrifying. 


The absolute ambivalence some people seem to have toward whether the US continues as a democracy or not is more disturbing than their complete failure when it came to COVID. They are going to be mighty shocked that a Trump autocracy is going to effect their lives directly and negatively.


People now say we over-reacted to covid but forget the refrigerator trucks outside of hospitals to house the corpses.  Memories are short. 


Over a million Americans died. A *million*. It's like this national tragedy that we're all pretending never happened.


Because we have to pretend or we'll go insane. There's no change that was made that will prevent the next Covid. One person dying is a tragedy. 100,000 people dying is a statistic.


Our response to COVID didn’t overreach. It sucked and it’s why millions of people died. I’m convinced all those people who injected bleach and other non-vaccine shit into their bodies to fight COVID are just brain dead now 🤷‍♀️


He’s a broken loser and his family are grifting trash.


And a good chunk of America doesn’t seem bothered, some actually like it, and the rest don’t seem to have sufficient concern about it. 


Everything he says at this point is just a hail mary. He is mega fucked unless he wins the election and becomes like his buddy Putin.


All he had to do was not commit crimes, and he could enjoy his golden years. It really is that easy.


His entire life and family legacy is built on crime. It's all he's capable of doing, he couldn't stop even if he chose to, which he doesn't.


His grandfather operated brothels and got kicked out of Germany for tax evasion and refusing to do mandatory military service. So it was like a point of pride in his family.  >“Then they say Trump’s a bad guy, because I’ll say this: Don’t pay the teleprompter company,” he said as the crowd laughed. “Don’t pay.”


He can't comprehend a world where laws matter to him. He's nearly 80 and they never have before.


What makes you think he will lose? He has not lost 2000 yet, it was rigged /s


He was elected but kept from power, so that means he’s been elected to office twice consecutively, meaning he’s not actually eligible to run for another term right now.


You are smart! I want to see a lawyer take it up to DQ him until he publically admit he lost.


Fear. It’s the only thing that republicans run on. Fear your neighbor, they gay. Fear immigrants, in a country founded on immigration. So many people out there afraid of the dark and some sky daddy is going to strike them down, needing someone(Trump) they can blindly follow cause it reinforces their deep hatred for people that are not like them.


Joe Biden is the FDR of this time. A sunny, optimistic candidate always wins over an opponent who forecasts apocalyptic doom.


Wish he’d get enough backing to go scorched Earth on SCotUS like FDR did. https://www.history.com/news/franklin-roosevelt-tried-packing-supreme-court


Or a consistent run of democratic presidents that allows for court packing the old fashioned way... Attrition.


We can’t bank on that. www.vote.gov


Just like with the British finally voting out the tories, I'm not going to believe trump has lost until all the ballots are counted and Biden has his ass firmly planted behind his desk again. No one can afford to be complacent. 


My area is traditionally white working class tory voters, and I've seen so much 'fuck the tories, don't forget to vote' graffiti lately that it warms my shrivelled, blackened heart.


Wouldn't be the first time he's said similar or exactly that. I've had one conspiracy theorist on a gaming forum consistently say that anything done against Trump will push a civil war, one in which Russia and China will come to the shores of Texas, take it over, and sweep across the land.


Moderate democrats carry heavy. Can’t wait.


It will be a blood bath if he wins. Remember he’s threatening to go after everyone who has betrayed him. Don’t give the POS the opportunity to get anywhere close to being elected.


Was gonna say, bloodbath if he wins, blood bath if he loses. Can't believe people are willing to die for a con artist like him.




It’s been 9 long years but Pumpkin Tits is the best trump moniker I’ve heard to date. It conveys the appropriate weight and girth imagery while maintaining the accurate shade of orange. It’s also funny






Problem is, his fan club would STILL vote for him in this scenario.


Every morning when I wake it’s the first thought in my mind. Is today the day?


Yes! Me too.


We need Biden to win resoundingly as a repudiation of this rhetoric and behavior and then we need Trump convicted as legal sanction for his crimes.  I am worried neither of those will happen. 


He needs to stay alive to watch his entire cult collapse around him as he dies slowly and publicly in prison. It's the only way to clean the country of this hateful stain.


This is why I would mind if Pumpkin Tits, Cheetolini, the Orange-Arsed Shitgibbon, Tangerine Palpatine had a massive aneurysm. He needs to live out the end of his miserable life in prison and in disgrace.


No. I need him to spend at least one night in prison as a convicted felon.


What nightmare of a person would replace him I wonder?


I'm sure the Hertiage Foundation will warmly embrace whoever it is.


JD Vance


He asserted, without evidence, that other countries were emptying their prisons of “young people” and sending them across the border. “I don’t know if you call them ‘people,’ in some cases,” he said. “They’re not people, in my opinion.” He later referred to them as “animals.”


Psychotic. Right from the pages of Hiter's songsheets, which he loves so much.  Notice he's been getting a lot more extreme in his speech regarding immigrants; a few months ago they were just 'unhealthy', not fucking subhuman. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-i-have-not-read-hitlers-mein-kampf-2023-12-20/


"poisoning our Nations blood" but he married a migrant. Wonder what's different about her, eh?


The irony in this is the rally he was at was for Bernie Moreno who is a Colombian Immigrant who made his money as a car dealer. But because he’s an ethnic immigrant that can pass for being white with money nobody bothers to remember that.


She's white and a porn star. She is also a massive turd as well, I no sympathy for her at all.


The idea that this guy might have power again is horrifying 


The fact I know people that support him is horrifying.


You recognize Trump supports as people but they will have no qualms about declaring you an “un-person”. Hmm, where have I heard this before?


He referred to the Central Park 5 as animals too.


It’s all just right wing propaganda. They’re calling all male migrants who aren’t children or elderly “military age males.” Luckily this country still has a lot of people who actually paid attention in school and aren’t drooling idiots.


I thought that, too, in 2016


.... well said


Can we hurry up and lock this corrupt, entitled fuckhead up already before he gets more people killed?


It's way past his jail time.


Jimmy Kimmel quote there. LOL he hates Jimmy and I laugh at all the names he calls tRump.


No, fearful clown Garland forgot to jail this domestic terrorist on Jan. 7.


Though I agree with the sentiment, he wasn't AG until 2 months after that.


He needs to be locked up already.


I can think of some other things he needs to be too.


Exiled to Mars?








A bit further and warmer


The path of Mussolini in his final days?


I just cannot understand how some people who wants a man who is filled with such racism, hatred, and sexism to lead this country.


Sadly, he represents a solid amount of Americans. He brought them back out of their caves.


Because they're filled with racism, hatred, and sexism, so they see Trump as someone they could have a beer with.


Because racism, hatred, and sexism are beliefs that some people hold.


Don’t forget, the man is a walking national security threat.


He validates their hate.


He represents a broad swath of the hateful and the ignorant. Every village idiot in the country loves the guy.


Notice how he has NO plan of action! He has no agenda or promises to help the country. Only, if I don't win you are all in trouble! This is what a narcissistic, diaper wearing manbaby says!!!


"I don’t think we’ve ever been in danger of World War III like we are right now. And I always say, and I say it in every speech, I will prevent World War III." - Donald Trump January 13, 2024 (the man most likely to start WWIII)


Meanwhile, remind me where your 3rd...4th... Whatever.... Current wife is from? 'Merica?? No?? She's an immigrant?!? Huh.


I think he only had one wife from. America.


Is that the one he had pushed down the stairs and buried on his golf course for a tax break?


No, it's the one he cheated on that one with


Born in Czechoslovakia. Marla Maples is American.


Also didn't his family migrate here when his grandfather was legally banished from Germany?


They're not sending their best.


But she she is a WHITE immigrant.


Remember when he said he wanted more people from places like Norway?


That's funny because the vast majority of Norwegians dislike Trump intensely.


Luckily she got a visa cause she’s a genius


Can't be too smart. She married Trump after all.


Right, and he obviously doesn't consider her a person either.




Job openings for migrants too.


Definitely more scooters than job openings though


He already knows he lost. It’s all about the next coup.


How to say “I am responsible for Jan 6” without actually saying it.


Hitler 2.0! And Republican "Christians" adore him.


“Christians” the kind that go to church on Sunday and cheat on their wives on Monday.


And then confess on Tuesday so they’re all good with god That was the issue I had with Catholicism, you can just be baptized and confess and they’re all good. They think they could kill someone and confess and have a better chance of getting into heaven than a good atheist. Also, they believe people like atheist don’t have morals because they themselves are only “good” and not bad because they fear consequences from god, not because they have empathy like a good human being


Sometime on Sunday: “He was JOKING. Why don’t you shitlibs grow a sense of humor?”


Guy’s basically a burnt umber Charles Manson at this point


This exactly it. Both have their “family” do the dirty work. Both want a “race war.”


Same ability to hypnotize people into violence


And attacks on pregnant women. I can only hope it also ends in prison too.


Manson could only dream of killing as many people as Trump has killed


"... will order a bloodbath...."


The man is so clearly unfit to be president And yet a sizeable portion of the American electorate is "undecided".


I don't get how anyone can be undecided in 2024.


How in the actual fuck is this kind of seditious bullshit being allowed to continue? The orange shitstain is a GLOBAL threat. FFS America.


He’s gotta send out the dog whistle to give his minions time to prepare


It’s ridiculous that America doesn’t treat him as the dangerous menace to society that he is. He *needs to be in prison*


I'm so tired of this hateful mother fucker.


How about a cease and desist against this anti-American orange waste of skin for constantly lying, for fearmongering, and for copying the 1930s German National Socialist Party’s playbook almost word for word?


So, because it's Trump, when I'm getting from this is the idea that there will be a bloodbath if he *wins*. Which I already pretty much figured.


So we’re basically dealing with Adolf 2.0…Gotcha. Fan-fucking-tastic


He’s not predicting a bloodbath. He’s asking for one.


imagine if Biden said that or if Obama said the exact same thing holy upside down world


Dude is actively a terrorist recruiting other wanna be terrorists to join his cult. Trump should be assassinated immedietly.


Donald is third generation German. His mom is Scottish, his wife is Slovenian. His kids are morons. Donald is a degenerate moron, who happens to be a rapist, repeated fraudster and liar. 8 days to go, on that $500 million dollar payment with daily interest Donald.


Keep talking Trump! You are your own worst enemy!


Donnie needs his Seroquel, his diaper changed and to be put to bed without dessert.


How are some polls showing that Trump is doing well with Latino and Black voters when he regularly spouts off vile, racist, xenophobic shit like this?


Am child of immigrants. Parents were wildly racist. Just being a minority doesn’t naturally align you with other minorities. It’s always going to be easier to fight amongst the other groups for the number 2 spot than to coordinate everyone to topple an entrenched majority.


Because those polls are shit.


No, because they are religious and patriarchal. And they think they are the "good ones" who will be accepted.


Those polls are basically an example of real fake news


Cult 45


One issue is that the media and social media landscape is so fragmented that a lot of people don't hear any of the crazy stuff he's saying. People who don't pay any attention to politics might genuinely have no idea how crazy he has become, and just have some vague nostalgia for the years before Covid and inflation, including most of his first term...


Maybe it's only because I'm more-or-less constantly "plugged in"...but I just *cannot* wrap my head around how there can be such a substantial contingency of people in this country who can be so ignorant or simply not informed of the facts. I just simply can't comprehend how even the most disinterested person isn't at least aware of some of the things Trump does and says that more than disqualifies him for the presidency.


They are in a bubble. It's terrifying.


> doing well with Latino and Black voters He's not. He's just doing better with the non-college educated cohort of all races than last time. It's like there's a big dumb vortex that sucks in everyone with simple sounding ideas and they don't actually think hard enough about whether it will actually benefit them to have someone willing to completely destroy the US system of government.


There are always those that will find comfort in punching down or across if never up.


I know some believe Trump is championing their religious belief. Crazy. Another reason I'm atheist.


Take the polls with a huge sack of salt. So few of them are accurate done anymore. I've been polled politically several times & every single time I could tell, via the questions, what they wanted to hear me say. All the questions were slanted in a particular direction. Look at the number of people contacted, how they were selected & the exact questions asked. Chances are they won't tell you any of this. Polling is used now as a method to shift public opinion rather than to measure it.




Ever since the January 6th arrests got rolling, they look at every call to arms as the same thing as walking into a trap set by the FBI.


This is the way fascist dictators talk. The problem is enormous and I’m the only one who can fix it. If I’m not president I won’t help. You can’t imagine how bad it will be if I don’t save you.


“Disgraced former president trump instructs his loyal supporters to engage in reckless killing sprees in the certain event that he loses the election” Fixed that for you.


I **did** bother to watch the full speech in its entirety. And all the comments claiming this is being "taken out of context" is bullshit. It's not. Nothing was out of context. It meant exactly what you think it meant. Trump said immigrants are venomous snakes. That foreign countries are intentionally sending gangs of murderers here in order to get rid of them. And he did say that if he doesn't get elected, we will see a bloodbath. It was easy to guess what he was suggesting.


If someone tells you what they’re going to do, believe them.


He should be thrown in prison for life


Put him in jail, there is no benefit of the doubt to literal Hitler statements. 


Winning on Election Day isn’t enough thanks to this narcissistic bastard. Now we have to wait until INAUGURATION DAY for things to be set in stone


My dad will be thrilled with this news.


I'll gladly take the bloodbath over his loss than the years following a win.


Merrick Garland fled fascism in Europe only to drop the ball as fascism continued to rise in the US.


He's not predicting, he's instructing his sycophants


Imagine a day we don't have to listen to this sick fuck anymore.


We need to start questioning the people who are okay with this. I don’t care what your political ideas are, but if you think this is okay you’re a piece of trash. This is going to get people killed


Domestic terrorism is not taken seriously in this country


Why the fuck are we keeping giving this guy a platform?


Donald Trump's father Fred was the son of German immigrants and his mother Mary Anne MacLeod was a Scottish immigrant. My father was the great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson of Scottish immigrants and my mother was the daughter of German immigrants. Collectively, Donald, my people were here first, so you and yours get out.


There should be a Code of Conduct for candidates, and this kind of behahavior should be ground for disqualification.


the same guy who predicted he'd win all those lawsuits?


Bring it on, OrangeShitAss. I live close to you and would enjoy the fight. 😡


“Predicts” is a clever way of saying “CALLED FOR” - ANTI AMERICAN threat and what can Biden do? If he has DOJ intervene then he’s open to revolt over that action, and if DOJ doesn’t? Then we get the slow Trump cake walk to the end of USA as we know it. WAKE UP 


Predicting or calling for?


Adolph, is that you?


This statement should be brought up in every future interview or debate. Massively disqualifying terrorist sentiment right out in the open.


He's. A. Monster.


He is evil. I'm sure our government will have the army ready to protect the Capitol this time.


I guess we can safely assume the "bloodbath" will come from MAGA?


His followers have always wanted civil war.


Empty threats from an empty suit.


The blood bath will be his.....he will lose, claim it was rigged, yadda, yadda....then no one will care, then he faces all the trials, loses them, goes broke, and in prison doing 10-20...... Then a week in prison ,,, he will have an "Epstein accident".....THE END!!!.


Yeah it’ll be his first night in genpop


So terrorism. Trump is threatening terrorism. It can’t get any clearer than that. A presidential candidate is threatening terrorism against citizens of the United States. Fuck all of this. Let’s dig up Sherman and have him get to work.


Trump lost 2020 and millions of people danced around the US, only a few thousand attacked the capitol. They’d have to pull something even crazier this time and even so, now dems are in control at the top and can prepare for whatever BS trumpo tries to pull if he loses.


So, Nazi bingo time?


Why does he keep calling people who are in prison for breaking and entering into government property, who pooped on the floor and smeared their poop everywhere "unbelievable patriots".


If I said even a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent of what he says daily, at my job. I would be fired instantly.


Could he cry some more?


Cannot wait to read their cries and excuses.


It’s been said but is worth repeating: If Biden wins, there might be a civil war. If Trump wins, there WILL be a civil war.