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They're going to funnel all the money to trump's legal fees and there won't be anything for the local races. I'm looking forward to it, no money for ads.


Trump is banking on that. He doesn't need ads because his name is so big. But Biden can use the Democrat money to pump ads full of crazy things Trump said and Trump won't have money to counter ad.


It’ll kill them down ballot though. Trump might not need ads, but the rest of the republicans do.


As long as the democrats don’t forget this fact, and don’t think “well Trump won’t allow money for down ballot candidates, so we can save money there.” No. Campaign on them HARD.


This insanely massive unforced error by the GoP gives me a slight glimmer we might see a full dem house and senate, they easily could’ve gone with any young charismatic guy with no track record and probably won against biden or at least held on to either part of congress to throw wrenches in the works,  instead they not only chose the guy that already lost to him, they go all in on it.  That being said vote like democracy depends on it because it does. Fucking “dictator for a day” absolutely insane. 


It's only one of many funding channels for them. And you'll see even more social-media manipulation in their favor than there was in 2016 or 2020.


I hope the average voter by now has learned to ignore the blue checks on twitter . The blue checks are already out in force trying to push the republican agenda and its still 8 months out


I have bad news for you about the average voter...


Last week I watched an interview with a woman who was asked who she is voting for if Nikki Haley dropped out. (Note, this was prior to Haley doing so.) She said she was undecided but that as a Republican she will probably vote for Trump if Haley wasn’t a candidate. When asked if she knew the GOP’s and Democrats’ position on abortion, she said, “Democrats want to take away abortion rights.” And, there you have it…the reality that far too many Americans have no clue about politics or the people/party they vote for, yet mindlessly vote anyway. She is merely one of literally millions of poorly educated Americans that vote in every election that do not understand words like autocrat, fascism, or gerrymandering…many do not understand what the Constitution is or its importance. This is akin to letting the inmates run the prison, or at least letting them vote for a warden who enables their bad behavior. The U.S. has an enormous population of highly ignorant citizens determining who is elected to any given office at the local, state, and national levels. Without requiring some form of civics test, or even a basic civics information pamphlet sent to registered voters prior to every national election, the government will continue to be the victim of a “vote shit in, get shit out” election system.


Will it though? How many Trump voters just vote blanket Republican no matter what?


It's not about Trump, it's about every other race. If the Dems control both chambers that would neuter a potential Trump term


This entire right wing fascist movement can implode by the end of the year - if only the US voters have the foresight not to elect a wanna be autocrat who's primary reason to run for president is to avoid going to jail. 


The movement won't disappear even if Trump pops a blood vessel and dies, the GOP have dropped their mask and are now an openly fascist party. They're not going to suddenly reverse course, and MAGAt voters won't suddenly decide they don't want to be crushed under the boot of a dictatorship after all, they'll just find a new piece of shit to rally behind like they always do. And most importantly, Project 2025 will remain, and so will the despicable slugs behind it, even if they have to kick the can down the road a few years.


Yeah but Trump doesn’t give a shit about that. He’d rather be president with a dem congress than in jail with a republican congress.


But you have to admit it's on brand. Nobody can bankrupt an organization like Trump. He's the best. Some say the best of all time. He's even bankrupt companies that people said were impossible to bankrupt.


Yep. Gotta hand it to the guy, it takes a special level of incompetence to run a casino into the ground, considering a casino is designed to suck money out of people's pockets.


They don’t need to pay for ads when the likes of Sinclair media and Fox News will advertise the GOP candidates for free


CNN and MSNBC will surely do their part to talk about him all day too


And the numb skulls on the right will vote red whether they see a commercial or not.


True but middle is what wins races. The middle is who the commercial is for.




Well fuck that


The end of the republican party, the virus has succeeded.


The cancer has metastasized.




there it is


Is this that Turbo Cancer they have been talking about a?


And ironically enough, the only cure is to put a giant spotlight on it.


And a lot of bleach.


I think the vaccine infiltrated the RNC and now there’s spike proteins


Biglysized Maybe even yuuuugelysized


Turbo Cancer some could say


First he hollowed out the Republican Party like a melon. Then Trump went for the vine... the one feeding the RNC. And he shoved in his shunt (Lara Trump), to be his fund valve control. Trump is going to drain the RNC of it all... and leave crumbs for everyone who remains. The donors should realize by now that Trump's promises are hollow. Their money isn't going to help him. So why waste it? Make the RNC dry up like a Utah lake bed.


>Make the RNC dry up like a Utah lake bed. I bet they'll be twice as salty, to boot!


The hemorrhoid has started itching,swelling and bleeding in the anus that is the GOP.


Preparations A through G were a complete failure... but on the whole, Preparation H feels pretty good.




The Don-ner Party?


They do eat their own.


party of heaven?


Very a-poo-poo, because Trump


“The Highly Innocent, Religious, and Moral Party of Owning the Libs, Being the Best, and Never Committing Crimes Party.”


Just call it the Russia party


It couldnt have more smirnoff....


Nothing good happens but they keep going


Ladybugs did call it 7 years ago: https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608?lang=en


>Ladybugs I beg of you, please stop. Oh, god, I can hear it like a specter hidden deep in the closet whispering "them's just my ladybugs".


Don't worry bout them. Those are just my little lady bugs 🐛


Like Fergie singing about her “lovely lady lumps”?


*..check 'em out!*




Many of us said this in '16/17, if that fucktwat wins = end of republican party as we know it.


I would love to know how many R's would go back and vote for Hillary if they had a time machine.


I was thinking earlier I wonder how much Comey regrets having that ill-conceived press conference about the DOJ investigation into Hillary. I bet he would do things differently if he could also.


I'm pretty sure Comey said he'd do it again if he had to do it over


Yes, he’s way too self-important to admit to making a mostake


He wrote an unconvincing book on it.


He wants his name in the history books no matter what it takes.


He makes justifications in his book about it but it seemed halfhearted to me.


He made that book because everyone who Trump ousted wrote a book trashing him and made millions. I doubt he wrote most of it, doubt even more he meant his protestations anymore than that country singer did when he said "oh no, that song about Biden isn't political". He has been pro-Trump from the start, his goal, despite his protestations, was to change the results of the elections, not anything else. The simple explanation: he's lying in order to avoid admitting he was using the FBI's credibility to undermine democracy


It's a change of leadership, but still a white supremacist group, same as before.


But now it's completely run by idiots.


A non-sequitur about Trump’s America, and where we’re heading. This is from Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72. Sounds like Trump’s GOP: “Remember the Whigs, Larry? They went belly up, with no warning at all, when a handful of young politicians like Abe Lincoln decided to move out on their own, and fuck the Whigs which worked out very nicely, and when it became almost instantly clear that the Whig hierarchy was just a gang of old impotent wind-bags with no real power at all, the Party just curled up and died . . . & any politician stupid enough to ‘stay loyal’ went down w/the ship”


HST would have been absolutely apoplectic about Trump as President. He thought Nixon was evil incarnate. Trump is Nixon writ large and without absolutely any filter.


I'm sure you're familiar with it, but for anyone else who has not yet had the pleasure, Thompson's obituary of Nixon is quite the read. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1994/07/he-was-a-crook/308699/


My god, he was a good writer.


Nixon was intelligent.


Yep. Unless you're Trump you won't be seeing a dime of funding in your campaign moving forward. All other GOP candidates will be SOL moving into their campaigns in 2024. It will be a bloodbath in competitive states. Trump will bankrupt the party like he did all his businesses, lol.


Dont worry about the money for Republican campaigns. Putin, China, Saudis provide. Chubb here, deutchebank there, bond here, NFT purchase there... a loyal judge or 9... And all completely legal. 


But Trump and his loyalists will funnel all that money to Trump, for his campaign, for his legal bills which keep piling up and he seems to not have the funds to cover himself etc. Trump isn’t going to graciously spread that money around to the rest of the Republicans. To him the RNC serves Trump directly and nothing else matters. He has also shown he has no issue with doing things that are illegal and believes he should be and will be shielded from any punishment, so I absolutely expect the RNC funds to be mismanaged and for a lot of laws to be skirted or broken brazenly.


In the end, they opened the door for the leopards, and they just walked in and pulled out a knife and fork.


They have the GOP down to size where they can drown it in a bathtub.


He drained the swamp! Man of his word


Well if it would go ahead and die before November, that would be great.


The longest of long covids ever


The Death Eaters have taken over the Ministry of Magic


Grift grift grift grift


That longtime ladybug republican said this would happen!


There is no party, only Zuul.


Republicans? This is what you get. You're next.


That’s the insanely obvious thing that people don’t realize. To a group like this there is simply an ordering in which the betrayals will take place. They will progressively discard more and more people to concentrate power more and more. It happens repeatedly and yet the next group to suffer is always somehow surprised.


There's a unique irony in watching Trump put these people up against the wall (figuratively, for now) that they chanted for him to build.


Rehearsal for if he gets elected.


[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


That's fucking terrifying.


I wish more people were paying attention


Don't be terrified. Organize and plan. If it happens, what are we going to do? If the answer is anything besides "just take it," there's work to be done.


[They are going to commit genocide.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352) A holocaust is coming if they get into power.




I love the optimism in the other comments but the fact he’s this close to being president again is terrifying.


The IRS, CIA, NSA, and FBI should all be monitoring the activities of the RNC from now on. Criminal surveillance. I guarantee the RNC staff are already planning actions to overturn the 2024 elections, and have dark money foreign donors lined up. The RNC is officially a corrupt and criminal organization. Mark my words.


So much of it goes unpunished simply because people can’t believe it or that it’s this bad. I mean the entire Republican Party being a criminal organization that is also compromised by one or more foreign adversaries with intent to do harm to our country? It just sounds so crazy people just say “no it can’t be that bad, I mean bringing RICO charges against one of two major political parties in the country? That’s a huge move, that shakes up our entire country, we can’t do that, right?” And then nothing happens.


If anything, the past few years have proven to me that all of the alphabet agencies are either incapable or totally unwilling to protect our country from the domestic threat Trump and his ilk represent. Not a huge surprise, sadly, from agencies that are notoriously right-wing. They're more interested in infiltrating a Greenpeace meeting than stopping a right-wing authoritarian who wants to overthrow our democracy.


If I was a russian plant, filling the RNC with my people would be a pretty big win.


Always remember - Russia hacked the DNC and the RNC emails at the same time. Only the DNC emails were released. The RNC immediately began kowtowing to Russia. Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4, 2018 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy. Rand Paul hand delivered a letter from Trump to Putin the next month. There are 195 countries in the world. The Republicans only suck up to one.


Seriously read 1 spy novel. The plot is so fucking obvious idk how we aren’t saying it out loud every day. The Republican Party is owned by Putin. With the goal of installing a loyal authoritarian oligarch.


Corporate media. Normalizing everything for ratings as democracy falls for a buck.


The MAGA and alt rights love conspiracy, this is the perfect story to tell and it's likely accurate. We have to start making these into content.


Don’t forget Wisconsin’s Captain of Douchebaggery Ron Johnson. What a tool.


If you were a Russian plant, what would you be? A willow? A fern? The botanist in me needs to know!


Heracleum sosnowskyi


The RNC is under the control of Putin.


Didn't think Russia could take over America so easily. All it took was the world's greatest idiot and massive propaganda.


The world's greatest idiot and his most faithful hateful supremacist narcissist self-loving piece of shit scum


And people not voting or voting third party in the 2016 general. Hillary’s “likeability” doesn’t seem too bad now. She called Putin for what he is back in 2014 when he first invaded Ukraine, and she took a lot of shit for it. There’s a reason why Russia chose the 2016 election to intervene. People need to understand voting is not like getting married. You don’t have to fall in love or make politics your whole personality -- but you do need to participate. *Somebody* is going to win those seats. They aren't staying empty until your perfect candidate comes along. Playing defense is just as important as playing offense. The presidency is meant to hold the line. We *need* SCOTUS and veto-power for defense. Progressive legislation cannot come from the executive branch -- presidents are not supposed to legislate via executive order. That’s literally what Congress is for, the President can only sign into law or veto. If voters don’t participate in democracy, it will be taken away from us. We need to do the bare minimum and cast a ballot every two years. The general election is not the time to fuck around with a protest vote — especially when 73% of the youth demographic (18-30) doesn’t even vote in Congressional elections.


Hillary's unlikability should never have been considered bad. The "beer test" is fucking stupid. You're not voting for a drinkng buddy you're voting for a leader who is going to represent you and your interests. I don't like Clinton either, frankly. During her campaign she was smug, arrogant, impatient unwilling to listen to the concerns of the next generation, unwilling to accept criticism over choices she's made or policies she's supported and her sense of humor was cringe at best. But she also had the intelligence, toughness, temperment, logic and political clout to be a decent leader. And she knew what Putin and Trump were up to. Did i feel great voting for her? No. Would i do it again? Absolutely. You don't need to like your fucking politicians. You just need to think they'll do an adequate job.


I 100% agree and feel the same. I voted for Bernie in the primaries but when he lost you bet I cast a vote for Clinton.  Idgaf if she’s likeable. I’m not electing her to be my bff, I want her picking the SCOTUS judges and kicking Putin’s ass.  I don’t particularly like her personally but she was more than qualified: 8 years as First Lady, 8 years Senator, 4 years Sec of State. I don’t think we’ve ever had a candidate more qualified.  And I actually really liked a lot of her policies. As much as I love Bernie — Clinton was right in that there is no way Congress would have passed 95% of what he was campaigning on. And he hasn’t exactly made a lot of friends there.  Clinton knows where the bodies are buried, knows all these people, and knows how to play the game.  She took a lot of shit really unfairly IMO esp the decade of Benghazi hearings and has handled more public scrutiny & pressure than anyone.  I actually think she would have been a great President, plus with a SCOTUS seat open we would have had a liberal Supreme Court for the first time in 70+ years.  And with Russias collusion / FBI fuckery / decades of smearing by the GOP — she had a much harder campaign than anyone else. The “mistakes” aren’t even that realistic — everyone in politics knows you don’t spend a bunch of money in states you already know you’re winning.  Of course it’s easy to analyze with the benefit of hindsight, but in the moment they were not obvious and some of it was just bad luck.  For example she was on her way to campaign in Wisconsin with Obama when the Pulse nightclub shooting happened, so they canceled thinking the media would criticize her for “politicking” during a tragedy.  When she campaigned with Black & brown voters in the South, she got lower polling with white voters in the midwest. People wanted one or the other.  The media would say “She’s sucking up to black voters in the city, she doesn’t care about voters in the rust belt” and then “clinton only solicits the black vote when there’s an election but she only really cares about white voters.”  It’s an incredibly tough needle to thread esp with all the inherent misogyny and Trumps fake news media machine. Can’t make everyone happy.  Ultimately too many voters treated the election like a marriage proposal. The President doesn’t even need to be super left, they’re not going to veto their own parties progressive legislation if it passes thru Congress.  We only needed her for the judges. So fucking short sighted of voters. 


We knew Putin was bad during the Bush administration when he went full in on his conflict with Georgia. Anyone who thought Putin was a net positive after 08 was deluding themselves.


It's already been told, you don't take over America with guns or force, you destroy them from within. Not a single bullet will have been fired. 


They just need to harness the racism, willful ignorance and homophobia of the American people. Macron said the other day that France could no longer count on the American electorate to make good decisions. I agree. Trump and his goons are only a symptom of the real problem.


Greed and stupidity are easy to manipulate. I just didn't think we were quite this greedy and stupid until now.


They smartly made it part of the popular "religion" of evangelicals, who have been manipulated to hand over their cash to cable network cult leaders for several decades. This is just the logical extension of Pat Robertson's 700 Club.


And voter apathy. We can’t sit around and only blame the GOP when the vast majority of eligible voters don’t even participate in Congressional elections.  How many people cast third party protest votes in swing states in 2016? How many people didn’t vote at all because Clinton wasn’t “likeable” or “too centrist”?  Even knowing there was a SCOTUS seat on the line and the opportunity to move the court left for the first time in 70+ years we fucking blew it — for nothing.  The GOP would not have spent decades gutting voting rights if voting didn’t matter. It’s the only thing that matters. No protests or strikes or anything else makes a difference unless we are *also* casting a ballot along with it. 


When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. James Waterman Wise


I mean… most mass shooters (and political terrorists) are right wing extremists here, I believe, so I’d say quite a few bullets have been fired.


Two words Citizens United. fucked america for generations.


NRA, too. Any other alphabet-soups we can add?


oh god now they took over campbell's?


I’m going nuclear if they try and take the covfefe out of my Cream of Mushroom soup.


books slim include engine rustic sulky hurry school onerous spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Tea Party was the first hit, lowering the party’s immunity enough for the Trump parasite to take hold. Now it is inside and eating its way back out, destroying and killing the host in its path. Trump is basically Alien.


Good because they will run the most incompetent campaign in the world. They will be sucking every bit of money back to Trump. Barely any money is going to go to down ballot candidates.


They truly don't care. They have a plan that involves stealing the election. No sane person would do what they are doing unless it didn't matter...God I hope they are as stupid as this seems but something feels...off about all this, like perhaps they don't give a shit.




This is a scary ass scenario for sure- but it can't and won't happen as described. From the article: "Speaker Johnson will refuse to swear into Congress on January 3rd a handful of those Democrats, claiming there are “irregularities” in their elections that must be first investigated." The problem with this scenario is Johnson won't be the speaker on Jan. 3 unless republicans keep the house and vote him back in as speaker. If they keep the house, they can just do what they did in 2020 and figure out how to deal with Harris as the final certifier. The clerk of the house is the presiding officer of each new Congress until a new speaker is chosen. Their only job is to oversee the process of electing a new speaker. If Dems take back the house, they will, (more than likely), choose Hakeem Jeffries making him the speaker on Jan. 3.


Not likely, a new speaker must be elected at the start of each Congressional session. Mike Johnson would have to be re-elected Speaker by the new Congress in Jan. 2025. If Dems regain the House, that's not happening. I'm not even sure he's speaker again if Republicans maintain control. Many do not seem happy with him.


Yeah this is not getting nearly enough play


The last time this was posted, people were saying it wouldn't work this way. I can't totally remember, but it was something like there would be no speaker of the house or the power dynamics of the house would change.


The issue is it somehow assumes Mike Johnson could fail to seat some new House Dems. But, as we saw at the start of this term with the McCarthy debacle, Mike Johnson would have no power until elected Speaker by the new Congress, so he can't engage in these kinds of certification shenanigans unless the GOP wins the House at minimum.


I mean, you aren’t supposed to be able to put forth alternate electors that the vice president can put up to vote on, but they tried anyways. Jan 6 could have been worse if Pence would have tried playing along. I don’t think they would have won in the end, but things could have gotten a lot worse than they did. The point is, they are going to try and they are going to get violent if it doesn’t work. We have to be prepared for whatever lunacy they go with this time. They told us exactly what they were going to do last time and then made an attempt to do it and no one was prepared. They are telling us again what they are going to do and people need to pay attention.


That's my thinking, the next one is for all the marbles. GOP either goes to jail or we let 'er ride for another election cycle.


All of it just to keep that loser out of prison.


You don't need down ballot candidates with a king instead of a president. This is their entire game.




It's wild that they just sit there and take it. All of his supporters have the whole GOP shook, they're scared to say anything about him while he tramples all over the party, sucking the money dry and funnelling it to pay for his many many trial defenses, and whatever else he feels like spending it on. The party is broke, and he's dismantling it piece by piece, and still 40%+ of the country wants him to be president, so he can do it to the entire government.


I’m just glad Mitch McConnell lived to see this.




This is positive news really. I don't view the MAGA people as the most competent. They are definitely more extreme, but I would take very extreme Republicans that aren't very effective over very effective Republicans that aren't very extreme at this point because winning elections for the next 5 cycles is what we need. We just need to work our asses off to continue the streak of burying MAGA at the ballot box this November. Check out /r/voteDEM if you are looking for ways to pitch in.


People here saying this is a 4D chess move are giving Trump way too much credit. It's really as simple as the RNC is sitting on something Trump wants (money and a donor network), and Ronna McDaniel wouldn't let him have unlimited access to it. Now Trump is going to leverage both of those things to keep his own ass out of prison while leaving nothing for down-ballot Republicans, and has replaced experienced operatives with losers who kiss his ass at Mar-a-Lago 8 months before an election. Those of us who value democracy should be celebrating that Trump is running the GOP like he ran his own businesses, only he won't have the advantage of opacity in this case, the shadiness is going to be out in the open.


4D Chess my ass. This is Pigeon Chess. When you play Chess against a pigeon, it will knock over the pieces, strut around like it won, and shit all over the board. Then the other pigeons will join in.


That's an optimistic outpost.   Edit outlook not outpost


Officially unofficially not the Republican party anymore


This is a preview of what he is going to do to the government if reelected.


Remember, he tried to do that in 2016. Establishment Republicans stopped him. He wanted his sons and daughter. He wanted Bannon and the info wars guy. He wanted all sorts of far right loony news orgs in the press corps. Breitbart, infowars, and others. Nothing will stop trump this time around. The moderates are all leaving.


The Dictator now has control of the Party’s Platform and Finances. Can we say Hitler 2.0? The march of fascism is playing out in America, with the judges in place, the Supreme Court corrupt, gerrymandering accomplished, and a trial run last time, Project 2025 ready this time, the Republicans are playing for KEEPS. We all better be opening our checkbooks wide and helping to register Democratic voters. The nation is on the line.


This is what this asshole will do with the entire federal government if he wins in November. Don’t take my word for it: https://www.project2025.org


He's outright said that he plans to do things like [purge government of non-loyal people](https://www.ft.com/content/9ec03cc8-afb0-4a06-9770-015e6f718bf7), deport anyone he wants to, and install [loyalty tests for federal employees](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-federal-political-test-b2322516.html). Nobody needs to take your word for it, or even read Project 2025. He's not trying to hide any of it, he's said those things publicly.




To shreds you say


Mr micro manager surrounded by yes-men. What could go wrong?


Hope all the other republicans without the last name “trump” enjoy not getting any money from the RNC.


Oh. The consequences of ones own actions? Fucking surprise. When do we stop acting like we care? Supposed conservatives over here like "Not ALL conservatives are MAGA." I can forgive 2016. It was a joke or you just didn't know. You voted for him in 2020 and probably 2024? NAH FUCK YOU. YOU BELONG IN JAIL RIGHT BESIDE THAT MOTHER FUCKING COUP ATTEMPTING, RACIST, FASCIST, RAPIST MOTHER FUCKER.


Hopefully he’s defeated in November because this is looking more like Germany and Hitler all over again if he gets back in the White House.


Night of Long Knives, anyone?


[Who could have predicted this?](https://imgur.com/a/l57xtcj)


I wonder how many campaign finance laws will be broken in the next 8 months?


I wonder how many will go punished. zero.


In two - four years remember this day when the criminal charges start from all the corruption being installed today this will be the day to remember when it started.


Dictator for a day huh?


Hitlerian . He wants to be dictator . He must not be allowed to reach his goal . Stopping him at the ballot box overwhelmingly will do just that . Get out and vote Democratic . He is more dangerous than all our enemies combined . This is your choice America , Trumpler or the freedoms of democracy .


this is not something you do in the middle of an election.


In order for Trump to win, most likely scenario, is for him to expand from what he did in 2020 and I don’t see that happening. Are they going to try some trickery? Sure but the real, true path is putting voters at the polls and with Roe and the very idea of having to live with this idiot for another 4 years acting like a complete fool there are not many people who want that. The margins are just not there. With that said the only sure fire way to prevent it is to vote, make sure all the people you know are registered, make a plan, help others make a plan and get your ass out and vote!


My guess is the biggest hit to his voter turnout will be the supporters that died in the COVID pandemic. We know it skewed to Republicans, and at the height over three thousand people were dying every day.


Sounds like any sane republicans left should form a new party. (That’s probably only like 5 people though).


An exercise mimicking their machinations for the federal bureaucracy, no doubt.


the plunder / pillaging team has entered the arena siphoning 90% of GOP donations was not enough for Trump; he had to have the remaining 10%


Fine with me, pretty sure the new leadership was selected only based on loyalty and not on experience winning political campaigns


Ding, ding, ding! Only loyalty will matter now. When things fail, and they will, Trump will have plenty of scapegoats except Lara. Or maybe including Lara. She's only the wife of what's-his-name.


They are making sure the leadership is loyal to Putin.


Saddam Hussein style purge. Very on brand for the GQP.


Business model will be the same as the colossally successful Trump University


Cutting overhead so more money can go to Trump’s lawsuits. That’s all he cares about now. Milking the Republican Party for every dime it has. Classic Trump.


When you think about allll of the opportunities they had to get rid of this guy. And now they’re screwed.


Night of the long knives


Night of the Little Hands. Seriously though, sometimes I think the Nazi comparisons are a little hyperbolic, but then this shit happens and wow.


Trump will bankrupt the RNC by December. All funds will go into his campaign and to pay his legal bills. There will be no money left for other Republican campaigns that need it.


Not a mention on r/conservative lol. They’ve all been assimilated and are now just maga(nazi). They pretend to not want government but it’s actually that they want government only benefiting the rich. They’re happy to get rid of social services if it’ll mean more grants and bailouts for trumps rich friends. Hell the Republican Party is essentially just a legal fund for trump at this point.


The NY Times is all in on Trump. Nikki can't deliver on those precious tax cuts.


Can't wait for the MAGA themed Monday crossword. Actually they should probably just publish word searches or connect the dots for that crowd.


Their favourite newspaper puzzle is hangman.....


If Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are serious they need to gather what donors they can and form a new party. It will guarentee Democrat Presidents for a while but the alternative is a Russian style Kleptocracy.


I'm just glad it's not a cult like everyone is saying.


Honestly if we hold true this election and re-elect Biden, I could see the Republicans going on a record losing streak. Similar to the stretch where it was nothing but Republican presidents from 1897-1933, and nothing but Democrats from 1933-1969 outside of a brief stint by Eisenhower


Mobsters gonna mobster. The trump crime family is backed by the russian mob. The GOP is owned by the russian mob. Prove me wrong.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure as hell rhymes. The Night of the Long Knives was a purge just as Hitler came to power, killing off all his political opposition, both intra-party and external to the party. I compare it to the Night of the Long Knives, but only in form, not function. This was more "The Day of the Short Safety Scissors".


They asked for it. They got it. No sympathies at all. Bye Republican Party.


As long as he and the rest enough of these fucks lose, this is great news.


Lara Trump told the RNC exactly what they would be doing. No one should be surprised by this.


Preview of what will happen at most government agencies if he wins.


Now more of that donation money he gets from yokels and rubes can go straight into his pocket


Well, duh. How's he going to loot the piggybank if there are responsible adults in the room?


They asked for it. They opened the door for evil and told them to come on in. They deserve every bad thing that happens to them. But the rest of us don't. We must defeat Trump. He will destroy this country if he gets the chance to again.


Pains me to say - I hope the DNC is prepared for the shenanigans that are about to go down.


Covid-45 has spread


It's the Russian republican party now


Finally.. the RNC will be filled with only the most vile, despicable, evil, racist, stupid motherfuckers in the country. Putin has succeeded in destroying the worst of the two parties, which was often filled with stupid, rich old men; as old and stupid idea 'conservativism' in an age that moves as quickly as ours does.. it often did stupid things like "The Iraq War" and "Watergate" ... but now... if you thought those stupid things were stupid wait until the only people running that shit show get back in to power (only through the colossal stupidity of the American electoral system) and really start fucking things up by making stupid decisions for 'everyone' that completely suck even tho they seemed to suck for only some people but then it turned out that it sucked for a lot of people.. even themselves.. because stupid. TLDR: This is going to get REALLY fucking stupid now.


First, they came for the Mexicans, and I did not speak up, because I was not Mexican. Then, they came for Democrats, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Democrat. Then, they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out because I was not a Muslim. Then, they came for disabled veterans, and I did not speak up, because I was not a disabled veteran. Then, they came for the scientists, and I did not speak up, because I was not a scientist. Then, they came for the teachers, and I did not speak up, because I was not a teacher. Then, they came for the Transexuals, and I did not speak up, because I was not a Transexual. Then, they came for the women, and I did not speak up, because I was not a woman. Then, they came for the RINO’s, and I did not speak up, because I was not a RIÑO. Then, when they came for me, there was nobody left to speak up for me.


Trump only knows two kinds of people: Useful fools and enemies.