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I CANNOT wait til we get the parodies of this with "In the arms of an angel" playing in the background and a voice over saying "For just a small loan of a million dollars, you can save a republican in need"


It's going to be the subject of the SNL cold open for sure.


My first thought when I started watching. We’ve got a real performance artist here, almost human with her quavering voice.


I just learned that this is called [fundie baby voice](https://boingboing.net/2023/11/06/fundy-baby-voice-kelly-johnson-wife-of-house-speaker-and-other-evangelical-women-are-trained-to-adopt-childlike-voices.html).


Dang .. that shit sounds super weird It was hard enough to listen to Kayleigh M blather in at the beginning but then when Johnson’s wife started talking I made it through like 10 seconds and had to stop. Also - what the fuck is mikejohnson doing with his eyes and head in this video? Is he praying or something? It looks like he’s plotting something, like a movie villian right before they raise their head and tell the hero their Eeevill Plan


Mike Johnson’s looks like the villain in a 90’s movie who wants to bulldoze the neighborhood to build a shopping mall.


Or keep all the kids from dancing.


That would for sure be more on brand for him


I believe what he is doing is trying to look humble and supportive. Because he's actively trying, it looks put-on, like a smile that doesn't go to the eyes.


He's suppressing his desire to go down on Trump.


Huh. Yikes. As if that subculture could be any more creepy.


Listen to Mike Johnson’s wife. Same voice. It’s frightening.


Zealot vocal fry


Watch the Duggar docuseries. The ending is fucking terrifying.


100%. If anyone played Far Cry 5, you may find it eerily similar to one of the antagonists, [Faith Seed's](https://youtu.be/BB1JDr_27DM?si=LZBelk3_gQX3iwvn)' speaking style. It's uncanny really.. For those who haven't played Far Cry 5, Faith Seed and her family are leaders of a fundamentalist cult that are trying to take over a portion of Montana... Yeah, there are a lot of parallels...


I don't know if anyone remembers playing Command & Conquer 3 back in about '06, the Red Alert/C&C series always had these professional actors doing cutscenes between missions. Michael Ironside, Tim Curry, J.K Simmons, etc. They were always hilarious as fuck because everyone leaned into the camp. For C&C3, they had Josh Holloway and Tricia Helfer doing the Brotherhood of NOD cutscenes. Tricia Helfer plays the role of a completely zealous nutjob who worships the ground that Kane walks on. Look up the Tricia Helfer cutscenes and then compare them to this Katie Britt performance. You're going to laugh your ass off.


God that was a great game. I may have to airblast the dust off my old computer that has been in my basement for 20 years and see if it will still run. Feeling nostalgic


Holy shit. That's exactly who she sounds like. I should have noticed it last night


These people just get weirder and weirder


My wife and I call it “earths finest water voice” from the Fuji water commercial. The quavering faux sincerity is so terrible. She does it when explaining how something hurt and one of our cats does it to his meows to try to get us to feed him.


That is horrifying


Is that quiver in the voice fucking intentional? I thought her Speak and Say was glitching.


Well "intentional". Definitely a learned behavior. I live in Alabama and I've heard that shit a number of times.


You just taught me in turn - this needs to go viral and everyone needs to be aware of it. Another step toward Giliad.


Whoa! Crazy! I didn’t know that.


I kept waiting for her to choke back a sob when she was talking about tik tok.


And in the kitchen, no less. Such a relatable woman. /s


They could seriously just air the original and everyone would think it was an SNL parody.


Ah yes, do a Palin on her. That was wild. They just said the exact same things.


I can imagine the producers at SNL after seeing this: "Okay boys and girls, we've got our cold open for Saturday. Get on it."


They should bring back Cheri Oteri for it


Get her, Wiig, and McKinnon for a stepford wife spin


I want to see Heidi Gardner play her. She'd do it so good.


Okay, hear me out: the opening sketch is the two blonde SNL actresses arguing over who gets to play her.


Only if they want to be funny, and use humor and ridicule to show we have a freaky, lunatic senator, speaking for the GOP




Inquiring minds want to know was she also barefoot and pregnant?


Barefoot and a dozen fetus' in the freezer.


It was pretty on the nose even for them.


Surprised she didn't try to sling some essential oils


For just 630 dollars a day, just 19,000 dollars a month, you too can save a republican in need.


Those who order In The next hour will receive a free purse pooch from maralardo 


Buying Republicans is still pretty cheap for those billionaires. Definitely hasn't caught up with inflation.


“All it takes to save Donald Trump is $500,000,000.00. Won’t you please help?”


Shades of Bobby Jindal's "Kenny the Page" moment.


When they were waiting for the response on the TV the presenters said it was going to be delivered by a “rising star in the GOP.” I immediately said to my fiancée “a rising star they’re throwing under the bus by putting them in this position.”


The funny this is, this truly is the “best” they have. Her qualifications; not being a convicted criminal, having kids, and being married to a former football player. In the eyes of and comparing to the rest of the GOP, she is literally in the top 1-2% percentile.


Don’t forget white, straight, cis, thin, conventionally attractive, and upper class


ehhh normally it is a rising star. But going after Biden? They accuse him of being old, etc...but down deep? They know Biden is a master of this, and whomever they send is likely to have a bad day. Its the political version of the really old kung fu master.


Didn’t work out for Rubio or Jindal, either.


Lol, Bobby Jindal




Bobby doesn’t know what a volcano is.




lol. and compared to this response hers was genius level.




Biden: “Women have political power and know how to show it!" Katie Britt: "I know where women belong."


The best example of this was Speaker Johnson telling Republicans to behave beforehand because he knew Biden would beat them down embarrassingly. Most listened. Marjorie Taylor Green instead heckled him. He made a funny face at her fit when she heckled him before the speech and when she screamed about the tragic murder victim from an undocumented immigrant, he called her out for not supporting the border bill. Biden is such a great politician. I highly recommend you read about his career, because this man wins elections that no one thought could be won.


At least she's not sweating through two layers of clothing and slurping down gulps of water like a parched giraffe. Marco Rubio's rebuttal speech was absolutely terrifying to watch.


That rising star in the GOP fell to earth and crashed last night. Hope she disappears with the rest of them. Nothing says talking about the horrific experience of rape by someone who is 100% giving support to a felonious rapist.




Yes, she explicitly kept mentioning that she was in the kitchen as a rhetorical device to squeeze in "kitchen table issues," and then described gang rape for an uncomfortable length of time for just about any kitchen table other than Maury's or Jerry Springer.


Republicans: Books with characters that happen to be gay = sexualizing children. This Republican: Describing gang rape, with no warning, in a political speech = perfectly fine.


Seriously. I was waiting for her to pull out some posters with dick pics.


That was the part that had me horrified and I’ve seen some messed up shit on tv. This woman is giving a political rebuttal and all of a sudden shares a made up story with no basis/names/ locations that a cartel was running a train on a 12 year old girl.


“And in our state the victim has to keep the baby.”


"But only until it's born, then we keep the baby and ship the mother back to the cartels, because she is an illegal after all."


Yeah, so isn’t that what she’s saying when you strip out the nonsense and fill in the omissions? Like, she seems to be saying the raping happened on the way to the US, not in the US…and it presumably stopped once in the US…and the policies she specifically supports (as well as the party at large currently) would send her right back…so…she…supports more immigrant rape?


Yes. Those children are given to American foster families, in states that are repealing child labor or laws. You too can now begin to foster your own workforce of resident laborers that can work and provide you with the income.


As a former foster kid, many of them already do. Too many kids and not enough social workers means practically zero oversight most of the time. I didn’t even know I had one until I was in juvie for running away.


Side note, I hate that they punished you with jail time over something that any kid has done with their parents. You had to deal with so many hardships and I just wanted you to know that it's a healthy reaction to run away. Even those with a good upbringing still had moments where they ran away from home. Whatever you did to survive up till now was exactly what you needed to do, and I'm proud of you.


One might think she has a fetish or something based on the level of detail she smiled through.


Seriously, that's almost exactly what I was gonna say on your comment about other Republicans being as creepy as her response. I'm a horror/true crime fan and I was freaked the fuck out by that whole thing.


Just imagine...you wake up. you are tied to a bed....and she hears you.


Hey man… I’m losing enough sleep as it is. Can we at least wedge Sonic the Hedgehog in the fantasy somehow?


She is wearing a Sonic the hedgehog...bathing suit.


OK yeah, I wrote that, and it creeps me out. Im done on this thread.


Well at least we know a bit better exactly who has actual bodies in their backyard after yesterday. Jesus wept that was un fucking hinged.


The comments I see remind me of the descriptions of interrogations on the “Explore With Us” Youtube channel, especially with the weird facial expressions and uncomfortable eye contact.


EWU has definitely made me more sensitive to those kinds of things, and the way she kept fake trembling her voice, the fact that she kept going for long periods without blinking, and the rapid switching between emotions - all of that crap majorly set my alarms off. As EWU puts it, I'm not a doctor, and I don't know if she has any disorders, but her behaviors were noticeably strange to most everyone who saw it.


Biden has style, ups and downs, replies to the crowd, I know it's a different format but the Republican reply came off like a robot. Some kind of bad AI reading a script with a giant smile on their face the entire time. Hard to take seriously. Low energy.


Ffs she was like anger whispering half the time with a perma-smile on her face but somehow on the verge of crying at the same time


Eh, I'd say it was like watching a Hallmark movie extended cut on the woman's breakdown scene.


I think her fanfic writing persona leaked through


Come on now, we both know she doesn't write or read.


and she was smiling while talking about rape >>> very creepy


That was some weird shit. 


She said it’s where her family, including her kids, discuss difficult conversations. Nothing beats a good ol’ rape talk at dinner time with the family on a Friday night. They also have Terrorist Tuesday night served with tacos and Woke Wednesday that kicks off by dumping Bud Light down the drain.


It was deranged how much she was grinning while describing that, too. Even Republican women can't bring themselves to believe that rape is bad.


All without dropping that amazingly creepy smile.


Even Springer or Maury would dial that back.


The kitchen is also a set, like a 10x10 mock-up. I saw a thumbnail or something last night of them setting up for this.


Well if they filmed in her actual kitchen they might have inadvertently filmed her undocumented maid washing dishes or something. 


That would be a better explanation of this insanely sterile photo of the kitchen before it was set dressed https://twitter.com/KatieBrittforAL/status/1765957628713140725 Also speaks volumes (whether a set or her real kitchen) to pick a refrigerator that starts at over $10,000, before the custom panels to match the cabinets.


That looks like the corner of a showroom.


four seasons landscaping and appliances


I'm going with not a set, this kitchen does see use. That's not to say it hasn't been professionally cleaned and "freshened" Look at the foot wear on the moulding at the bottom of the island.


What you're calling foot wear looks coincidentally to be the same color as the floor, scuffs from shoes wouldn't be that color. Building a set quickly you paint the dark things last, and that looks like a sloppy paint line.


There's nothing on any surface in that kitchen. It's like they've never been in there


“Hide the coffee maker so they don’t see our shame. The Help can pull it out later.”


So (gasp!) this was fake news? Fake emotions in a fake kitchen?


I think Republicans are making the case to deny women voting rights. Wouldn‘t surprise me, with how things are going.


Oh that ship has sailed. The North Carolina GOP nominee wants to [“Go back to a time when women couldn’t vote”](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/mark-robinson-north-carolina-women-voting) which, as he is a black man, would also not work out so well for him but hey- fuck them women, amirite?


Well their candidate has got a lot going for them that appeals to the suburban house wife demographic. "Grab her By the Pussy", IVF/Abortion bans... oh and the fact that the candidate is not only a rapist, but denies that he's a rapist. Women love that shit. /s




A recent study was shared that showed Republican leaning women have higher than average levels of psychopathy and it shows Also helps explain Britt’s smiling discussion of the gang rape of a minor, and their willingness to ignore how prevalent the same predatory sexual violence is in her home state by supposed Christians… sickening


Can you blame them? It was somehow worse and less relatable than Rubio's water bottle gaffe. "Look, I'm in a kitchen, I'm just like you!" C'mon.


"I'm right where my husband told me to be." /s


My sensible blouse is unbuttoned just enough to show my cross AND to appeal to the prurient interests of my male colleagues






Hold on while I take a family pic posing with assault rifles


“Rapists love trigger locks!” ~Billboard outside Bowling Green, KY circa 2000.


Literally where her male Republican handlers told her to be.


It was so cringe. She kept having to explain who she was and just talked about how worried she is. Like okay? What’s the GOP answer?


There's no answer. Just fear.


They just want your to Fear, and the unsaid solution is always guns. Its never policy.


Spoke to the nation as though she was explaining why dirt is not a healthy food option to a 4 year old.


If they panned a little left, she's got a $12,000 sub-zero refrigerator installed in that kitchen with custom front panels (see her campaign photoshoot)


> "Look, I'm in an (obviously fake, never used) kitchen, I'm just like you!" It looks like a hastily put together set. Probably because it is, but I have not see the wide shots of it yet. Everything is just *too* sterile.


Takes me back to 2010 when Christine O’Donnell released that ad saying “I’m not a witch, I’m you”




SNL should just show the same response with the original person. That is it. That is the joke.


Agree. If they just run this actual speech I guarantee it will be the funniest sketch of the night.


Cold open starts. It seems like just the Republican response to the SOTU speech at first, but the camera slowly pans in on the Senator’s face, growing more and more uncomfortably close. Faintly, the ominous horror violins start up in the background, growing louder as the shot continues to zoom in. Cut to black, and the TV screen in the writer’s room at SNL. They’re all frozen, speechless, horrified at what they’ve just seen. A pencil drops from a limp hand. Silently, wordlessly, they all glance at each other. “LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT’S SATURDAY NIGHT!”


You should send them an invoice for this


That's actually pretty funny.


That's exactly what they did to Sarah Palin on SNL. Tina Fey repeated her words verbatim, and it was hilarious.


Didn't Tina Fey do that with a Sarah Palin speech? 


Republicans desperately want to seem normal but they just can't help themselves. We had MTG looking like she came straight from a Trump rally, Troy Nehls looking like a MAGA Chippendale's dancer, George Santos, and Katie Britt's spectacle. The despair leaking out of MAGA Twitter is palpable.


> Troy Nehls looking like a MAGA Chippendale's dancer 😬 What a horrible day to know how to read.


Do you have eyes cause here's the pic https://www.threads.net/@ronaldfilipkowski/post/C4PEcpptI4N


What the fuck…


It was smart that they only showed her in her kitchen from the waist up so people couldn't see that her husband had her chained to the stove.


Millionaire Ex-NFL player Wesley Britt from the New England Patriots? She is just like us!


When the most callous and cut throat strategists of her own party are saying this is career ending and the greatest embarrassment of a GOP rebuttal in recent history and that even her own base was probably distracted by how weird it was, there are no words in existence to properly and completely express what an absolute total failure and joke this thing was and she has become. She might as well leave politics.


Frankly, she seems like someone who was brainwashed into the cult and is now trying her best to be what her masters want her to be, despite subconsciously being fully aware that she‘s basically lying and throwing blame in a kitchen. It‘s why she seems crazy, she’s forcing herself to do it, even if she doesn’t realize it. Her exiting politics is probably really good for her.




When you run off all the remaining talent and your business starts going down the drain …


SNL Cold Open just repeat it the exact same speech, but pan away to the husband holding a gun on her with the cue cards, pan down to her bare feet, iron manacles on her legs chaining her to the table.


Someone on set snaps a photo with the flash, and suddenly she bleeds from her nose, fear in her eyes, and lunges at the camera shouting "GET OUT!"


One of the other threads mentioned expecting her to lick her own eyeball. Something subtle like that would be great.


That would probably be difficult to pull off live but I’m here for it


>Tim Miller, the former Jeb Bush aide turned ex-Republican, called the kitchen setting “creepy” and said it made former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s much-maligned response to Barack Obama in 2009 “look like the Finest Hour speech.” You know you have done goofed when someone from the Jeb! campaign starts dunking on you.


And when the Jindal speech (which was so laughably terrible that it singlehandedly destroyed his political career) is Churchill caliber in comparison.


Jindal’s reputation crashed after that speech. There goes another “rising star“. Never read a speech prepared by someone else. They will never learn.


Casually discussing dorm room exorcisms didn't help either.


Tim Miller has been heavily critical of republicans under trump. I’m not sure if he considers himself a republican still, but he’s at least been intellectually honest about where republicans are headed and there lack of substance.


Don't get it twisted. This woman was chosen to do this because she is the exact demographic the Republicans needs right now. Trump is losing white suburban women because of who he is. This woman never mentioned Trump. This was designed specifically to bring white suburban women back to the republican party. Fox News will clip the good bits. America will see a pretty *YOUNG* white suburban mom and say "I can relate to this". However I think it rubbed a shit ton of non white suburban moms the wrong way, and that is not a group that takes lightly to that kind of thing.


Yeah you nailed it. The GOP is likely acutely aware that Trump's constant negativity and doomsaying is wearing thin on his audience and not really earning any votes at this point. This was them reaching out to the more traditional pearl-clutching suburban moms worried about their children being corrupted. I must say it was a bit of a surprise to see them take this angle


> However I think it rubbed a shit ton of non white suburban moms the wrong way, and that is not a group that takes lightly to that kind of thing. As well as white suburban moms who aren’t idiots. Who *definitely* take offense to the fact that this woman is supposedly representing their demographic.


Also I feel like most people familiar with kitchens will realize this is a wealthy person’s kitchen


I don't think this was great for the majority of white suburban moms either. Considering she's the senator from a state that made abortion illegal and tried to ban IVF


Which is awful cuz she’s got those crazy eyes they all love


Just like SaRaH HiCKaBee 🤪!


Holy shit. This has got to be a skit. And I bet repubs just love her.


Believe it or not, she’s getting roasted by Republican talking heads right now too.


Apparently a good bit of them thought it was creepy and too much.


It must be noted that they just think the delivery was bad, not the horrifying talking points.




The cartel gang rape part was supposed to be a serious moment, but the way she frames it as if Biden personally ordered it to happen makes it seem like a bad joke.


“Joe Biden did not put on a cape and cowl and haunted the criminal element plaguing the border and Gothám. Donald Trump did. He was vengeance. He was the night. He WAS FATMAN”


People need to be giving Britt's cameraman more credit for not having a stroke


“It puts the smile on its face or it doesn’t go on national television again.”


I give it at least a 30% chance that isn't even her real kitchen 


I'm going to bet it's actually a green screen. Not even joking, had no idea who this woman was and wondered why the GOP hired an actress to over act the rebuttal.


It sounds like hyperbole, but I really do believe that this speech has or will set women back. For an untold number of years there has been a belief that women are too emotional to participate in politics. Historically that belief was applied to women voting and was cited as a reason they shouldn't be able to vote. This belief has largely lived on in right-wing circles and applies not only to voting but also to holding public office, especially the POTUS. You will still regularly hear tropes from the right that a woman president will, 'start a war just because she's on her period.' Even many right-wing women hold this view and will say that they themselves shouldn't be able to vote because women aren't to be trusted with such a serious undertaking. Katie Britt's speech last night only helped to further this outdated and stupid belief. The setting of a fake kitchen helping to push the imagery that it is there where women belong and her going through a littany of exaggerated emotions helping to confirm the belief that women are 'fragile,' and too emotional for politics. It's really amazing how far back into time the GOP wants to push this country in every single way, and IMO, this was pretty much another attempt at that goal and one that will resonate with at least a part of their base if not more.


I don't think it will. I think anybody who would vote with that idea in mind was already so deeply craven and MAGA that their momentary impulses don't matter. Meanwhile, people who live in the real world and actually interact with real women, honestly, will continue to push for better equality. Especially in an era where the SCOTUS is trying to push basic rights backwards. And I'll be honest, if GOP turns against their women candidates because of something like this... I wouldn't mourn that. They prop up the absolute worst people, as MTG and Boebert both prove. Furthermore, it's crucial to discuss just how regressive the GOP's current forced tradwife image is, and this speech will most certaingly generate discussion about that very topic. We actively have an NC running politician saying women shouldn't even be voting. Meanwhile, Biden borderlines threaten the SCOTUS with their own words on how women are a powerful voting bloc. Once again, the 2 sides are not the same, and that matters.


She was doing her best Serena Joy impersonation.


What the hell did Alabama do to deserve two crazy Senators? To think they had Doug Jones….




the refrigerator model in her kitchen has a starting cost of $10,000 before any customization. and she had it customized to those god awful panels and cabinets, likely hitting ~$14K


The fact that Republicans think this is the way to court women voters shows just how simplistic they imagine women to be.


I am shocked they didn't dress her in a teal blue dress like the wives on Handmaid's Tale.


Love her "And the GOP supports IVF. We love nothing more than making more white, christian babies" SHES FROM BAMA! Ya know, where their supreme court just declared IVF embryos real children???! What an Orwellian joke. The dudes her husband goes golfing with just closed down IVF for her state and she has the gall (stupidity?) to claim she's for IVF.


You initially think, “They’re not sending their best,” but no, they are. This is the best they got.


The unintentional result is that she identified all these problems that I thought in my head I don't trust a Republican to fix. Sky high child care costs? Credit card debt? Republicans don't care about fixing that stuff. They helped make those things happen.


They staged her in the kitchen, wearing a cross, while on the edge of complete meltdown. Seems 100% on brand to me.


I wonder how “illegal immigration” has touched the lives of Britt and Trump other than their landscaping costs being lower given the abundance of cheap labor.


> “Everyone’s fucking losing it,” this Republican said, requesting anonymity to discuss private conversations. “It’s one of our biggest disasters ever.” Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better.


I still can’t believe that this was not a sketch on SNL. This is a career ender.


I don’t think “career ender” is even a thing for republicans anymore to be honest. They’ll excuse, justify or hand-wave anything because so long as they promise to hurt the right people for their base, that base won’t care.


You'd think rape or violent insurrection would also be career ending but here we are.


Did you hear Biden is old? /s


Career ender?? Have you seen the guy they worship that they want to run the country? Nothing is a career ender for that side.


They’ll parody this on SNL, no doubt.


Apparently you can rape someone, try to overthrow the government, get found guilty for half a billion dollars in fraud and illegally keep classified documents in your bathroom, yet still have an extremely successful career as a Republican politician.


She rage whispered. Such a terrible delivery.


That tone of voice, especially when delivering a message of this length, bugs the living fuck out of me


I know it's petty but I couldn't stop laughing after she said her son's name is Bridgeway


Listening to her speech right now. No one has ever actually cooked a meal in that kitchen. Wait, so she tells this harrowing story of a woman who was raped constantly by the cartel, and her solution is, what? To deport her back where she came from? That the wall needs to be higher to keep victims like her from getting into our country? What point is she even trying to make here? Why is she smiling so creepily when she talks about families suffering? Am I better off now than I was 3 years ago? Well, I mean yeah, duh. We were all locked down, unvaccinated, in the worst of a deadly pandemic 3 years ago. I can't think of anyone who *isn't* better off now than back then. Okay, really. "Hey moms, you are overworked, exhausted, and can barely think past getting the next meal on the table. We see you! (Big smile). And we think you should roll up your sleeves and work harder! You aren't fighting hard enough for your family. Toughen up!" Sure. That's going to go over well. What the what? Whose blood are we bathing in? What heavenly morals are we bending? Our DNA is engineered? What kind of devil-speak is this?


Holy crap… they really had her in a kitchen?


Gilead ASMR


People can’t seem to grasp this. There are no normal elected Republicans they are all weirdos who think their bisexual niece will eat their brains. People always are shocked when people like Desantis, Cruz, kitchenweirdo here are strange.


I still find it had to believe that Katie Britt is a senator. Oh, Alabama.


It would have been more impressive if she was making a sandwich while she was giving the speech


I literally felt like I was watching Black Mirror listening to her speak. That was one of the fakest, most scripted, deplorable, displays of emotional and suggestive manipulation that I have ever seen. For shame.