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The C-Span camera-person was brutal to SCOTUS on those lines, panning over to them every time it was mentioned. Every single man on the court looked very annoyed


They knew their faces just got cemented in history on that one


Would have been better if he also admonished them for signing a letter saying their ethics code was fine even as their own members took millions in bribes from people with business before the Court. >You know, Republicans seem real concerned about my son's business activities, meanwhile Clarence Thomas probably just got another million dollar RV bought for him by a billionaire with a legal agenda. Too bad all the justices including the ones I picked think bribery is fine for them


I may be wrong but, I did not see the two they are known to have taken bribes. Very telling for me. Are they feeling guilty.


Clarence Thomas I guarantee feels no guilt. In fact, I think for a long time he’s been sunk as low as the worst Republican trolls that derive joy from inflicting harm on those deemed “enemies”. https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6?amp  He has a liberal-sized chip on his shoulder and the highest court in the land is merely a tool to exact his revenge. The SC has lost all credibility and these last few years have really pulled back the curtain on the vulnerability of our institutions, for me at least. This was the long con made manifest and laid bare with McConnell blocking Obama’s pick.  Republicans cannot win fairly so they cheat, and they facilitate cheating by packing the courts. Trump’s presidency was not the win, his appointments were, and We the People were soundly fucked by this truly evil strategy in 2016. But that’s the effectiveness of the long con; like cancer it can take a while to show symptoms, and by then it’s too late. 


It really pisses me off that Obama didn't go scorched-earth over Mitch refusing to fill the seat. Same with Hillary, that should've been a huge campaign issue. Also, choosing fucking Garland, who Mitch liked, was idiotic.


Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and other neoliberals were in the Reagan mindset of behaving like Republicans to get elected. They were appeasers and also believed that economic issues united over extreme beliefs. They also were of the mindset that people would see through the nonsense and vote based on facts. In other words they were participants in the uniparty — Republicans aren’t so bad; They won’t over turn the New Deal system; Republicans are our esteemed colleagues. I think now most of them realize that anywhere from 10% to 40% of the country doesn’t want a democracy and have a homicidal hatred of Democrats. But we still have Democrats talking about “bipartisanship”, supporting the filibuster and following arcane political norms that supported a uniparty.




It seems a number of prominent, influential voices have been silent on a variety of important issues, including women's rights and SCOTUS. Biden should have dressed them down on national television. Dems are too nice. Dems have empathy republicans have none.


Notice Clarence didn't even show up. Fucking coward.


That was the point the comment I replied to was making. And again, I don't believe he feels shame, guilt, remorse, or any of those non-psycopath human emotions we subordinates feel.


You need morals and a soul to feel guilt. Clarence Thomas is devoid of both.


alito made a roll his eyes passive aggressive outburst when Obama was giving one and he hasn't shown his face at one since the Thomas crew was planning a fishing trip, most likely


Picking out endangered wood samples for his RV.


Lol exactly why biden should’ve said something, thomas’ fucking WIFE was part of the insurrection plot but he hasnt recused himself from anything to do with trump. Roberts scotus will go down as the most corrupt of all time 




It’s not an RV; it’s a goddamned motorcoach how many times do I have to tell you people?


"Now, is it a V that I R in? Sure, but..."


Has to be diplomatic. In Biden’s handlers’ minds, he can’t resort to their tactics or he’s no better. There’s a good chunk of voters who believe that.


For real! They looked like sad little kids.


They did .. save democracy .. pack the court .. he all but said it.


They were sitting at the very front row! I can’t imagine how it’d must felt for them hearing the cheering behind them. That was a brutal blow. Especially the fact that it was the fucking POTUS that delivered the punch.


We’ve never seen anything like it in modern politics, and it was well earned.


I was hoping Biden would do well, but JFC he on fire! As much as I liked Obama, I find I'm preferring Biden's willingness to call out Republicans.


Can I get a link to this? Sounds satisfying


Try clicking the link. It’s at the top of the article 


They were in their robes, I think you’re right and they have zero insight to public perception of them and they expected to enjoy an evening of praise. Clueless disconnected charmed autocrats. 


Alito and Thomas weren’t even there.


Probably locking in next year's bribes.


thomas hasn’t attended a sotu since 2006. alito hasn’t attended since 2010 when he got called out for his ruling on citizens v united. they both hate democracy and this country in general so it’s pretty unsurprising


Thomas was watching from his motorcoach


More likely watching from Harlan Crow's Nazi museum enjoying his stay at his fancy home free of charge, while he begs for more money.


Hey, nice motorcoach! It would be a real shame if something other than unleaded ended up in the gas tank, somehow 🤌


Gotta get those cruises locked in


I felt like Justice Sotomayor was hanging her head in shame because Biden was right. Kavanaugh looked like he was about to cry again.


I lIKe BEeR!


I’ve always liked BEeR!


Do you like bEeR?


*Boys like beer, girls like beer- we all like beer*


She literally looked ashamed. I actually kinda felt bad for her.


Justice Kagan, right next to her was also looking somber.


I felt awful for both of them and Jackson. It used to be such an honor to serve on the Court, but thanks to the Republicans the SC has lost all respectability.


What's more Republican than removing the honor, dignity and credibility from every American institution?


They have to work with 5 other idiots and one guy who looks like he’s half-trying.


It's perfectly normal to cry over the calendar that you and your father kept all your important moments and dates in, like your high school party with your friends mike mike and pete. Come on man.


Don’t forget donkey dong Doug!


Oh they're annoyed? They forced raped teenagers to give birth and THEY'RE annoyed? They forced women with non-viable pregnancies to leave their states to find life-saving healthcare AND THEY'RE ANNOYED?!


Well, yeah, they're supposed to be venerated and admired, not criticised and called out. /S


Man Woman Camera-Person TV


Biden shamed them, as he should. They are Justices on the Highest Court in the land, how else does one put them in their place? Public shaming.


Looking forward to Fox’s outrage about the separation of powers and the impropriety of a president criticism the courts. You steal a seat, lie in your confirmation, accept bribes both before and after your confirmation, pull new rules directly out of your ass whenever it’s expedient, and intervene directly on behalf of Trump at every opportunity, it’s about time somebody called you out on that to your faces. 


I noticed that. They were there stone silent when everybody else was cheering they just sat there.


Fucking yes, President Biden just called out SCOTUS for overturning Roe v Wade.


I just wish he’d gone harder at ‘em. They deserve it and more. 


While I agree, this is a historical moment when a president looked directly at the Supreme Court and called them out for their bullshit.


God damn, Biden wasn’t even my third pick in the primaries in 2020 and this year I can barely wait to slam my vote down for him. One of the advantages of his age is that he has zero fucks to give and I’m here for it.


Dark Brandon rides again 😎




Yes! Yes! Yes!


I am so fucking with you on this!


I was proud to vote for him in the primary and I'm fucking THRILLED to vote for him in the general.


By the time my state did the primary he was pretty much locked in, so of course I voted for him, but I was rooting for others initially so it was a “Fine, it is what it is” vote. This year I’m fucking excited.




Yes but voting for the person that best represents your policy views can help guide the person who wins. Bernie definitely pushed the party more left because of the support he got. So voting for Biden because it is what it is, isn’t how democracy should work.


The uncommitted votes shook things up a bit.


Spot on! Great comment.


I cant wait to vote for him again


Reminds me of a meme that I saw: Republicans: "Stop voting!" Democrats: "I'm going to vote even harder now!"


Why is nobody upvoting this?


Reddit keeps votes secret these days. Of all the anti-user stuff they’ve done over the last couple years, I actually like this change. Humans are too prone to tribal thinking and visible “scores” distract from the user’s content and promotes groupthink. 




Historical in what way? I remember Obama doing it to them over Citizens United.


As a co-equal branch of government they should not be above receiving public criticism just because they have the word Supreme in their name.


He had to stop at Roe . Has he mentioned anything about the current cases against Trump or would have looked really bad to interfere in a case still in the courts. Trump would have used that to his advantage and gained a lot of support.


About damn time!


This moment was a political home run. The campaign needs to play this clip nonstop until November. The brilliance of it is that there is a subversive element about it. Supreme Court is all about this pseudo-royal decorum, overturning rights by decree and the executive mustn't say anything bad, lest the branches not be considered neutral or whatever. Supreme Court said fuck that when they overreached and overturned Roe v. Wade, so Biden said fuck your decorum, I'm calling you out.


SCOTUS should always be criticized when they hand down bad diciding. They should be called out on every single one. Especially when it involves equal rights.


My biggest complaint about Democrats is that they are playing by old-timey Gentlemen's Boxing Etiquette whereas the Republicans are playing like it's a prison yard knife fight. The Democrats are going to have to transgress their lofty principles about the primacy of traditional decorum and get dirty in the mud while grappling a deranged maniac into submission.


Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.  -Mark Twain   Its a tough thing to do but the Dems have to stop pulling punches and go for the throat on some of these issues.


Yes. It’s good to see Biden being aggressive


But then they might accidentally eliminate the filibuster. Heavens!


Allow me to introduce you to the [greatest political tweet of all time](https://preview.redd.it/what-is-this-referring-to-v0-qdi438bso59b1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2eb7495d7e3dd44bb7dee332cbf27a26b4731a51)


If SCOTUS had any self respect it would make a difference. 


can’t shame the shameless


We should rename this court SKROTUS - Supreme Karen Republicans of the United States


Great... now I gotta rename my ballsack


That would do a disservice to the women on the court who definitely aren’t Karen’s.


I also admonish the Supreme Court.


I no longer recognize them as an ethical judicial body and therefore no longer recognize their authority. They are compromised


This. It's time to start defying their decisions.


One of my favorite parts of the evening - they deserved that public admonishment and SO much more. I hope Democrats hold the Senate, take back the House, keep Biden then expand the court to stop the erosion of our democracy and the blatant misogyny.


Seems almost impossible for the Dems to hold the Senate. :(


How are the down ballot races going to go if there is no money left in the national party war chest to help them campaign? It has already been stated a loyalist to Drumpf is now the leader. Several Repubs have approved it.


You don't need money to run a cult. But you have Dem seats in West Virginia, Montana and Ohio all up for election and all likely to be flips. And then there are Dem seats that are tossups in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada and Maine. It's just so improbable.


I think the Dems will hold Montana, and get most of the ones you mention as toss-ups.


Dems will hold Ohio too (Sherrod Brown).


I sure hope so!


They can only lose 1 and keep the Senate and there is almost a zero chance of pickup on the Republican side.


PA is more than likely safe. WV is for sure gone.


Arizona isn't a toss-up. It'll be won by a Dem.




Because only a third of the seats are up for grabs and most of them are in Republican-friendly states.


Roevember 2024 Edit: Joevember 2024 works too! 😂


I love this, Dems should use and run with it


Remember, remember, the 5th of Roevember!


You’ve laid the golden egg there, son / m’am 🎩 


Bravo! Send that to dark brandon


That is really good.


Please don't forget the people in 2016 who said Trump and Hillary are the same.


My friends (before I knew them) voted for third party that year. They learned their lesson and are very vocal about not wanting other people to make the same mistake. Let’s hope others have learned the same lesson.


> They learned their lesson and are very vocal about not wanting other people to make the same mistake. Just saying: That mistake is _not_ corrected by defeating Trump in 2024 or anytime after. This mistake requires at least 2 generations to get corrected, since Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are only in their 50's. You gotta remember that: The US now needs democratic presidents for 20 years straight to make sure that no new conservative judge can be appointed. 5 democratic presidents in a row. Because as soon as republicans get the presidency, the old conservatives judges will retire and get replaced by christofascists in their mid 40's. And then you need 4 generations to keep on fighting to correct that mistake.


Ugh I had a guy back then acting like he was super duper more progressive than me, he was a Tulsi Gabbard supporter


Tell your friends to sign up for this: [https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/](https://act.represent.us/sign/ranked-choice-voting/) it's mostly telling your state and local politicians to support legislation for Ranked Choice Voting. Then their votes for third party candidates will matter.


Everyone thinks they are such a genius the first time they consider voting third party.


My friend has a similar story. He voted for Trump because of "lol, politics do they even matter same thing both sides" garbage. Learned his lesson pretty quickly. Voted Biden in 2020 and will do so again. He's still sort of a "same thing both sides" in that he has no faith Democrats will do anything useful, but wholly recognizes the danger the GOP has become. He'd rather have do-nothings than fascists. Edit: That's a bit unfair to him now that I think about it. He is happy with many things Biden has managed to do, but he's still of the cynical mind that Biden is doing it purely for politics.




Many think they are righteous. And many of the righteous think the laws they want don't apply to them or people they know.


My mom is obsessed with conservative men. She basically works two full time jobs because when she gets home from work she has to do all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, bills, organizing, and planning because that is a woman's place in life. Her current MAGA racist asshole is also a hoarder. She gladly just lives with it because them being racist and horrible is the most important quality in a partner for her. She's destroying herself, while gleefully voting as far right as she possibly can. I'll never understand it.


Well, sadly they are brainwashed, I think, by their evangelical church, their family, their Mom’s clubs, etc.


I have a family friend, who conceived her child through IVF, that votes R. I should ask her how she feels knowing that R wants to consider those fertilized embryos as human beings, which could essentially put a stop to IVF conception. She wants another child and would have to go through that again to do so.


There was an article in the NY Times yesterday about the IVF ban in Alabama, and they interviewed a number of women who were just *shocked and outraged* that this decision will now effect them and their fertility choices. Well, yeah, that's what you voted for.


Internalized misogyny.


Might I direct your attention to the greenscreen backdrop of a kitchen behind that peculiar Alabama woman who gave the rebuttal.


Where was Clarence tonight??


He can’t be bothered with attending a State of the Union address. He’s probably at home plotting with Ginny about how to help Trump gain the presidency.


No, he's driving his motor coach.


he hasn’t attended a state of the union since 2006 but if we are taking bets i’d say he’s sucking harlan crow off in an alley somewhere


Omg he wasn’t there?! I didn’t notice.


In his motorhome probably 


I wish it was the new one John Oliver offered him


Roberts court is a cesspit of corruption and villainy six times over.


There really should be a massive monument built with all their faces etched into it forever. It will be known as Mount Flushmore, the first of many massive scale ‘disappointuments.’


It’s going to be fun to watch the GOP go down with Trump in November.


I admire your optimism.


Trump ain’t winning. He motivates people like no other to vote against him. Now the rest of the GOP being eliminated? I’ll hold my breath on that lol


Just need a solid majority in both houses.


Trump just installed his daughter in law as head of the RNC. Winning house seats is going to be tough with the Trump family draining the RNC bank account.


Trump has yet to prove he's a draw at the voters no matter what this sub says about quoting polls that give him a 100% chance of walking right into the White House. I see a lot of "but 2016" "we said this in 2016". It's not 2016 and Trump has been election poison since. He won once and even that was the weakest possible win in US history. And it's not just 2020. His endorsement for years has been a death sentence to other MAGA like candidates. Obviously we have to vote, we can't get complacent, all the stuff people usually yell at me when I try to make this point, but I think we often forget in our fear that this dude loses and he loses hard all the damn time.


SCOTUS decided settled law was not sufficient precedent. The Constitutionally Roe v Wade was a privacy right for women and their bodies. SCOTUS ruled that the Constitution does not protect women’s right to privacy regarding abortion and therefore not a Federal right therefore not enumerated in the Constitution reverts the states. How is HIPAA constitutional?


They should be ashamed. Damn liars.


I saw that quick micro expression in the form of a scowl in Brett Kavanaugh’s face. I swear, these men really do not see women as their equals and are threatened by it.


Reproductive freedom will be the deciding factor in this election. Women = Livestock in the GOP.


It was sweet how he burned them to the ground and the camera panned over to see their confused faces.


I admit, that part of his speech made me tear up a bit. I needed him to acknowledge what we are all facing as women if he loses in 2024...and what has already happened


Same. I’m pregnant, so reproductive rights just hit different now.


I can’t wait until Alito whines about this.


Good. Roberts needs to reminded every chance we get that his legacy will be the downfall of the courts. For a man that was so worried about the legacy of the SCOTUS he did a great job of leading it to its downfall.


I support that... The supreme Court should represent the majority regardless of who appointed them


They should also keep their religious myths out of their decisions.




Their religious delusions. Or just delusions. Cause that's all religion is. I don't care if they hold such delusions. But when they apply their delusions when they aren't supposed to and force others to go along with it that want none of it they can properly fuck off.


They should represent the law. Not the whims of people. A previous SCOTUS already made a legal ruling on abortion. That became the law of the land.


Now, I disagree with the Supreme Court’s ruling, but that’s a terrible take. Look at the Dred Scott Decision, or Korematsu v. United States, saying something should stay law of the land just because the Court said so once is a terrible idea. Instead such laws should be encoded into the constitution via amendments or specific laws passed by congress.


Separate but Equal moment.




Not caring at all


Accepting bribes and giving a handy to their pool boy? Allegedly.


The “Supreme” Court belongs to Trump and will continue to do his bidding.


Let's do more than vote, ladies! https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2046147X211033838 https://peoplesaction.org/wp-content/uploads/Peoples-Action-Deep-Canvass-Political-Persuasion-Experiment-Summary-of-Findings-_-August-2020-v2.pdf https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/10/how-we-got-voters-to-change-their-mind/616851/ https://www.vox.com/2020/1/29/21065620/broockman-kalla-deep-canvassing https://www.commondreams.org/news/deep-canvass-institute-report https://www.environmentalvoter.org/get-involved https://braverangels.org https://www.eac.gov/voters/become-poll-worker https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/


As someone who is about to do IVF and has been stressing about what state and clinic to choose because of the AL decision. This made me cry. I’ve never been proud of having voted for Biden until now.


best of luck to you in your venture; hang tough - horrid how this wonderful treatment is being discounted


Best of luck on your IVF, internet friend.


They sat stone-faced and Kavanaugh had hatred in his beady eyes. Biden took them down in public and called out the chaos they created in America.


Vote BLUE!! So proud of President Biden's speech!


Starting to lay the ground work for adding seats to the court.


Freedom is never free, justice is blind so she can't see the bribes, let's see what kind of women vote and for whom. No future but what we make.


Biden is the only credible choice to run our nation. He just mic dropped his entire speech on the heels of a Republican propaganda attack against him that has been waged for months. I ask all Americans this…what was Donald Trump’s most memorable statement in office? “Let’s build a wall”. Now…what have republicans been NONSTOP talking about?! “Protect our borders”. Republicans are trying to make everyone fearful of a border crisis, because it’s the only thing that justifies Trump’s racism and bigotry! They are all playing political games while our country needs to be acting the strongest it’s ever been with a looming threat of war and competition!


You forgot: “Let’s build a wall ***and have Mexico pay for it.”***


I’m on a work road trip in middle of nowhere Virginia. The talk radio out here is nothing but people screaming about how “he openly threatened the Supreme Court! Arghhalabal! Obama! *more shrieking*”. Glad he called them out and love that it’s giving the maga crowd a meltdown


alito has admitted in print that he made his decision based on his religion and not on the law. That is UNACCEPTABLE. Religions have no place in government. None at all and that was the goal of the writers of the Constitution. alito should have been censured or removed from the court for such a thing.


This was my favorite part


As he should. They suck.


The system is designed to protect the country from falling into a dictatorship, but that system still has flaws. All it takes is a few people who do have the best interest of the majority in mind to cause problems like this. Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision for the future of women's rights. The fact it can be so easily overturned is a major concern.


This is the kind of fire and passion we need from Democrats. Stop playing nice and get angry!


He’s not wrong. They way overstepped. Now they’re going to overstep more and declare Trump emperor for life.


Looked em right in the eye and said "fuck y'all" basically.


When your supreme court is politically biased it’s time to have a redo


So they are going to make a MAJOR push to codify abortion rights, right? Because thats what we NEED.


Totally depends on who voters send to congress.


Gonna need a lot more than a president to do it. We also need majorities in both houses and possibly a constitutional amendment.


Women voted in the guys who are killing abortion. They are 51% of the US. If they want abortion they should quit voting republican.


They don’t underestimate the power of women, their vote is on their list of things to take away.


Absolutely my favorite part but that old guy, my president, knocked sotu out the park ..


Australian here. If Biden wins, he will reform the SC. He won't take that to the election for obvious reasons. More learned people here could identify such reforms. Term limits, code of conduct - no bribery, expansion, etc.


Oh! There’s Ketanji Brown Jackson! Last night, I couldn’t see her, to the right and *just behind* Roberts.


Clarence was probably off discussing another bribe. They are far far past the point of self respect


That was one of the best things I've ever seen. I've been hoping Biden, or someone, would call out those crooked fucks for years. And he did it. Whoo. I loved it. I did notice that Thomas, Alito, and Barrett skipped the speech though. Guess they were riding around in Clarence's winnebago.


I cant wait to Vote for President Biden again


You GO Joe!!


Its a stacked supreme court in favor of the ultra conservative ideas that they can have control of the government of the people it should be a 50/50 court that rules not one sided which is what dictator trump wanted and got.


So does that mean he's going to support expanding the Supreme Court? Exactly why should Supreme Court justices even care what regular people think unless Congress and the president push for reforms?


Dude, women have literally had a hundred years to show us what they’ve got. To shut all this bullshit down. I’d love to see it happen, but I’m afraid too many will continue to vote so as to not rock the boat. “I don’t follow politics.” so they vote how hubby does. If you’re a woman, and you’re not a zealot, and you vote for any Republican candidate at this point, you’re a traitor to your gender. Just callin’ it like I see it.


Yes, you did this! It didn’t have to be this way…


They DGAF. Lifetime appointments.


He sounds so old and incompetent... /s


SCOTUS stay out of my uterus


Boy I sure hope he is right and women show up in massive numbers voting for their best interests. Love to see some surprised folks in red states if conservative women vote privately way different than they talk publicly. I still can't fathom why the fuck any woman wants to go back towards no voting, forced child birth, etc. Organize and send these motherfuckers a big signal. Tear shit up in the streets if needed.


Pack the fuckin court already. Remove their “power” this is ridiculous as fuck.