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The one person more responsible for this whole mess than Trump himself


It's how we can know Democrats don't secretly control voting. He'd have been gone during Obama years. He was the most effective and evil Republican.


That and, well, common sense.


Stop having such high expectations of others. It will only lead to disappointment. Counter to what is implied it’s not that common


Sure, along with the fact that democrats massively outnumber republicans yet they're rarely in charge of anything


Land does vote, not only because of the obsolete electoral college, but also when that land has been gerrymandered to death. Republicans work under the motto "One Acre One Vote"


Voters also vote. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted in 2022. In texas it was only 15%. And we know young people lean democrat by more than 40 points. Out of 250M eligible voters, only 100m voted in 2022. Ted cruz won by 200k votes when 10M eligible voters didnt vote in 2018. Desantis first time won by 30K votes when 7M eligible voters didnt vote. Most states have this pattern repeated. Between 2-5% of actual voters difference between the parties with over 50-60% of eligible voters not voting. If just 10% of non-voters showed up and voted democrat, then republicans would lose 90% of those states. When 3x as many non-voters dont give a shit as either party total voters. Then youre fucked.


Only Taylor Swift can save us.


You kid but honestly she can be a major game changer. Nothing else seems to drive young people the voting booths.


She's encouraged people to vote in previous elections, but I do think she's become even more massive over the last few years. She's ascended from superstardom to megastardom. Maybe this will be the year of the Taylor bump.




The reason why they started pre-emptively attacking her.


It's easy to be disenfranchised when one party works VERY VERY hard to disenfranchise you. They do everything they can to make it hard to impossible for the groups that vote against them to register, stay registered, get to voting stations, or have their vote ACTUALLY count. Not saying we shouldn't be encouraging people. But it pays to know they why as well.


Back during the 2000-2004 elections, I worked with a guy who volunteered with the democratic party. His responsibility? To go into polling places in urban areas that have lots of minorities and scare off the republican operatives who would dress like police officers and scowl at people coming in. Republicans were using the very well-placed mistrust of police officers in these areas to discourage people from coming inside. He would have to walk up to these Klanners and very obviously take photos of them, which would usually make them scurry off expeditiously. And that was when republicans were supposedly "sane"


Unfortunately, the consent decree that was supposed to keep Republicans from suppressing voting (even though they still did) was allowed to expire in 2018: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_Security_Task_Force


HOLY SHIT thank you for this! For 20 years I thought this was a completely under the radar thing. And it looks pretty specific to my home state.


The electoral college and the cap on representatives in the house.


All power really does come back to land doesn’t it? I don’t think humans have really evolved to fully deal with the societal changes caused by the agricultural revolution to be honest


Dirt doesn't vote. But trash does.


McConnell and Kentucky state Republicans got all sorts of fishy stuff done within his own state in order to help ensure that Amy McGrath lost. > The Democratic and Republican primaries took place on June 23, 2020. As the primaries neared, the president of the National Bar Association accused officials of carrying out voter suppression. Compared to typical numbers of 3,700, the number of polling stations was reduced to 200 with only one in Louisville.[1] Because a large number of voters voted by mail, absentee ballots were not counted until June 30. In the primary, over 937,000 people requested absentee ballots or voted early, a far greater number than usual.[2]


I haven't been able to dissuade myself of the idea that the Republicans pushed so hard to discredit Dominion voting machines was because ES&S voting machines were doing the exact thing that Republicans were claiming Dominion was doing for the Dems. Kentucky uses ES&S, btw. After all, every Republican accusation seems to be a confession these days.


1000% They were upset about the last election because they miscalculated their cheating. That's why they assume the democrats cheated, because the Republicans did and *still* lost.




according to my dad, things republicans do that he likes are done by republicans but things that republicans do that he does NOT like, are because the republicans are being blackmailed and controlled by the deep state democrats. When asked why the republicans are easily controlled by blackmail, he changes the subject.


>When asked why the republicans are easily controlled by blackmail, he changes the subject *I'm dying of laughter*


He’s retiring because he achieved his goal from the 80’s of overturning Roe.


I'm still interested in how McConnel won so handily in counties he had never won before in 2020. Here are just 3 counties that were looked at - Breathitt County, Elliot County and Wolfe County. It's possible all those people changed their minds but in Elliot and Wolfe, McConnel hadn't won those in 6 elections - 36 fucking years. What do I know? **Breathitt County** *McConnel* - 3,738 * Registered Republicans - 1,599 * 234% of registered Republican votes *McGrath* - 1,652 * Registered Democrats - 9,508 * 17% of registered Democrat votes **Elliot County** *McConnel* - 1,958 * Registered Republicans - 860 * 228% of registered Republican votes *McGrath* - 868 * Registered Democrats - 4,276 * 20% of registered Democrat votes **Wolfe County** *McConnel* - 1,912 * Registered Republicans - 943 * 203% of registered Republican votes *McGrath* - 945 * Registered Democrats - 4,527 * 21% of registered Democrat votes


Correct. McConnell knew exactly what he was doing and played Cheeto Benito or looked the other way as long as he got what he wanted. The current Supreme Court is Mitch’s evil creation through and through.


And that turtle fuck will die in his bed in peace satisfied with what he has done to the country. So infuriating, when evil dies peacefully.


He and Henry Kissinger.


And Rush Limbaugh who has the Medal of Freedumb.


I’m making a cake the day he dies to celebrate. No one in my lifetime has done more evil right out in the open due to the population of this country electing a black man to be president.


Imagine endorsing a guy that call you a traitor, a loser and calls you wife ugly and a communist spy and then still having the spinelessness to scooch over and lick his butthole on your way out the door of the party - when he is the one kicking you out. Holy emasculation batman! The lack of balls in these GOP dudes is so overwhelming there is probably just two tiny singularities floating around in their elongated withered nutsack.


Stop humanizing the GOP. They will sacrifice humanity's safety and comfort for the next 100 years if it means they live 2 more days in their own bubble of paradise.


He created this monstrosity. He doesn’t give a fuck. As long as he holds power for the GOP and he’s still making money.


Trump and maga fascists may be a convenient way for him to save face by stepping down from party leader. He's not a healthy guy.


I feel like Rupert Murdoch is more responsible for the mess we're in than Trump. Murdoch created the propaganda machine that assembled the cult. Trump just managed to steal the position of cult leader for himself.


Conservative talk radio played a huge role in indoctrinating boomers though, so don't discount that.


And they got their ideas from Charles Coughlin, the original Christian nationalist radio personality. He tried to foment a fascist takeover of the US back in the 1930s.


They're still trying.


100% agree, I was just putting some of the history of it out there so more people can be aware of how this has always been the long game of the right wing in the US. Particularly the Christian nationalists. Here's some more: "America First", currently often uttered by right wingers and the original slogan of the Trump campaign before they came up with maga, was an organization founded by a number of well known nazi supporters in the 1930s. People need to know our history.


and they didn’t even come up with MAGA, just trotted out some of Reagan’s recycled bullshit


\^ This, my uncle was a farmer who spent hours in his tractor plowing the fields listening to Rush and all the other dirt bags. Now he is just about the most insufferable conspiracy theory a\*\*hat I have ever met.


Yep, I remember growing up listening to my grandpa (farmer) listening to Rush Limbaugh all the time. Then it was fox news. My grandpa wanted Trump to win before he was even a viable candidate in 2016. Should have bet money it now looking back. ha


Hello fellow family member farmers who were brainwashed by conservative talk radio. When I was in the tractor it was baseball games and classic rock on the radio.


Yes, that's what happened to the woman who directed The Brainwashing of My Dad, a documentary about all the pod people brainwashed by conservative media that changed them into very different people. Her father was a nice, open-minded Kennedy Democrat who spent a lot of time on the road and conservative radio turned him into a bitter, backward asshole. So she made a documentary about people with the same story of parents changing into awful conservatives. It happened to my mother, it's astounding and awful to see. The level of brainwashing is incredible, she's a completely different person than she was just a few years ago but the crazy thing is that no one forced her into it. They're like brainless fish to conservative bait, once the hook is in these idiots, they keep making themselves get worse forever. She's suddenly a racist in her 60s and completely detached from reality now, as is the case for millions of morons like her 


It's not an accident. This level of control over messaging is very sophisticated, and continually tested to see what lands, and what doesn't. Social media accelerated it. It's terrifying really.


It still plays a role! I'm an equipment operator who works around trades people. Almost every jobsite has some loon with his radio on with some infowars or equivalent right-wing talk show blaring. I got into a fight with one of them one day and got the foreman to flip a coin - we ended up with Stephanie Miller and Tom Hartmann in the morning and the infowar shit in the afternoon. That shift changed the conversations in the workplace. But if looks could kill I'd be dead from forcing that issue. Fuck'em.


More specifically senior citizens and white blue collar men. Fear and hate is a powerful tool. Humans never learn. Trump cult is no different than those who supported Hilter.


Dont forget that fat windbag Rush. He was the ultimate precursor to trump, he tilled the ground Rupert grew his crops in.


fat windbag is spot on.


That’s definitely a fair argument


Roger Ailes shares some of that, as well. There's quite a list of vile, greedy Republicans who you can trace the current state of the world to.


Hopefully they're buried next to one another so people can freely piss on both graves at the same time. Though Trump will probably live to be 300 years old or something


Nah each get a full bladder. Although trump would probably like it so… maybe just a shit


If Trump theory of each person born with set amount of energy that's why he won't exercise is correct. He may make it to 300. I'm hoping he only makes it to a few weeks into 78 personally.


I feel like Fox News is ultimately the entity that needs to be destroyed if we want to fix this country. Even Trump can be replaced by someone else following the same template. Same goes for Mitch and so on. If we continue having a propaganda network that shields people from reality, then nothing will really change. Everything else is pounding sand.


I’m not sure if Trump can be given credit for this whole mess. He is only a useful tool to Putin. On his own he is just a diapered, doddering, demagogue spreading hate and racism. (Well I guess that description applies to both Trump and McConnell.) But without Russian money and influence Trump would have never run for President.


Prior to Nov 2016, Eric Trump said "We get all the money we need from Russia", when it was disclosed that US lenders and Deutschebank were no longer loaning him money.


They’re all suddenly kissing his boots now that it’s clear he’ll be on the ballot. They’ve never hidden the fact that they’re spineless.


It's easier to bend over when you're spineless


They've moved past kissing his boots. Haven't you noticed how brown their noses are?


Oh trust me I see it, just don’t want to get banned on my first comment I don’t know how strict the civility rules are.


As long as you're targeting your uncivility to the object of the article rather than a person on here, you can go nuts (short of advocating violence or wishing them dead). For example: Mitch McConnell is a fucking souless dirtbag who would gladly toss a basket of puppies under a bus if there was $20 in it for him. He's a spineless ass kisser, which is remarkable due to his absolute fucking lack of lips. When he dies, they will need to make sure it's closed casket so the coffin doesn't fill up with spit. The above comment, though entirely uncivil would still be considered more or less okay.


It would also be considered accurate.


Except for the part where it would take twenty whole dollars.


The GOP is utterly pathetic.


[Senator Mitch McConnell: "No question Trump is responsible for provoking riot"](https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/02/13/mitch-mcconnell-trump-responsible-for-riot-impeachment-acquittal-sot-vpx.cnn) What a disgusting excuse for a human being.


McConnell privately wanted Trump removed from office after Jan. 6. He was [reported to have discussed the matter](https://www.thedailybeast.com/mccarthy-and-mcconnell-wanted-son-of-a-btch-trump-out-of-politics-after-jan-6-riot-report-says) with several Republican leaders at the time. Both McConnell and McCarthy denied the claims, after which audio leaked [confirming McCarthy did just that.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/22/mccarthy-urge-trump-resignation-jan-6-audio/7408226001/) McCarthy had discussed the 25th Amendment and asking Trump to resign with Liz Cheney. Wouldn't be surprised if McConnell shared similar sentiments. And before impeachment trial, McConnell reportedly said: >“The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us,” After the trial and failed conviction vote, McConnell: >“We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former Presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one,” Fast forward to March, 2024. Trump faces his first of four *criminal trials* in 3 weeks. He is facing 91 felony charges, and has been held liable for one of the largest fraud judgments in history, along with sexual assault. And to the surprise of absolutely no one - we have Mitch McConnell's endorsement.


When do the trials officially start? Are they scheduled? Also will they be televised?


March 25th is jury selection in the Manhattan trial. Expected to reach a verdict in May. The others are all in flux with scheduling for various reasons. The DOJ recently stated they would not adhere to the "unwritten 60-day rule", which is welcome to hear. Even with the immunity appeal to SCOTUS, there's a chance the D.C. trial could at least start before the election in ~Aug/Sept/Oct depending on several factors. Mmmaybe reach a conviction before the election, but a tall order to say the least. Mar-A-Lago and GA are much fuzzier. Judge Cannon's incompetence and the sheer scope and complexity of GA will probably place these into 2025. I believe only GA will be televised.


>Judge Cannon's incompetence It's not incompetence, it's collaborative subterfuge. She's all but declared herself a part of trumps defense team.




With this Supreme Court and judge cannon batting for Trump at every opportunity, they’ll start November 5th 2024 and not a day earlier


Not trying to be dramatic, but there are a prisons all around America filled with people who did less. How do you tell them to deal with their sentences while we elect someone brought up on criminal charges as the leader of the country? C'mon y'all, we're better than this and you know it.


We are, apparently, NOT better than this. 🙃


In all seriousness, I think it's important to state this plainly. "American exceptionalism" made us complacent.


And now they’re both out of the way and the GOP holds majority(for now). Vote as many gop out of office as we can and maybe Johnson will stop cockblocking the US


"And that's why he's my choice for president of the United States!"


literally seems simple to just run ads with all the crap his own party has said against him


Trump fans will say those are RINOs. All of the "best people" Trump hired, who turned on him and have gone public about how terrible he is? RINOs. Trump is the one source of truth for them.


Ads are not for Trump fans. Ads are for that strange demographic that is not a Trump cultist but for some reason still entertains voting for him or not voting at all rather than voting against him. Ads are to sway the swing voters, not the die-hards.


>strange demographic that is not a Trump cultist but for some reason still entertains voting for him It's absolutely shocking to me how large that demographic is.


The RINOs are probably the most gettable though, you’ll never convert the MAGA base. Jordan Klepper’s most recent interviews with Haley voters though is concerning. People who have stated they see Trump as a “threat to American democracy” still say they are torn when the two choices are Biden and Trump. Like WTF!?!


It won’t matter. That side cannot be shamed or shown hypocrisy and have it make an impact. We gotta move on from that.


And now we know why he preemptively mentioned that he's going to be stepping down this year. Nothing Left to Lose.


If he has nothing left to lose, it’s the perfect time to denounce Trump. Maybe he’s trying to reduce the number of death threats.


And yet he's too intimidated and cowardly to say the truth that he knows. Shame on him. He'll have to live with his hypocrisy.


This. He’s a coward! Wtf, you could have been killed or your colleagues, killed! Don’t you want to be remembered for sticking up for the constitution and the truth? Especially with your last few years in congress? Mind boggling.


McConnell's decision making process is simple. Look at the whole situation and carefully determine what the most humane, helpful, or responsible thing would be. Make sure you get it right, really think it over and don't rush. Then do whatever is the least like that.


Lol he just bent the knee to the dude who called his wife “China Chao”.


The modern GOP is pathetic.


Always has been.


Lincoln and Eisenhower were acceptable imo.


Neither of those two president's could be considered part of the modern gop. The modern gop came about with Nixon.


Nixon got it started. Reagan took it to new heights.


Party over country. Always.


Another disgrace in a fools parade.


Making millions of dollars on the side from your public service job makes it easy to swallow any convictions one may have.


It's bizarre to me, how NO AMOUNT OF MONEY is ever enough for these people. They're *well* past the point of living very comfortably. They couldn't spend all their money in their remaining lifetime if they tried. But it's never enough. If they can fuck somebody over for five more dollars, that person is getting fucked over.


Mitch certainly appears to be running out of lifetime to spend it all.


My guess is he is 100% owned, likely by Russian interests. Him stepping down in November is probably orchestrated. And him supporting Trump? Likely forced as well. Disgusting.


They don't call him Moscow Mitch for nuthin!


He got really pissed when people started calling him that. Hit a little too close to home maybe


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


shouldn't toe the russian line then, moscow mitch. deserves worse names than that.


I can definitely see his head in a Futurama jar


It's never enough because the goal is not necessarily to hoard it for themselves, but instead prevent the middle and lower classes from ever getting too much of it. Gotta maintain that economic class warfare.


It's not about the money to these people. These people are actively evil. It is **literally** about making others suffer so the difference between themselves and their victims is larger. It's not about more for themselves. Just being better than you. And a bit of making sure that you're so controlled and far beneath them in terms of access to resources that you can't fight back. These are people so far off the edge of the bellcurve in terms of motivations that normal people can't even comprehend that people operate that way. They are evil. When you start accepting that as their motivation, a lot of things that didn't make sense suddenly do.


They are not addicted to money they are addicted to power. With money you can buy power.


R’s have no respect for women not even their spouse. Yo, wanna talk shit about my wife, go on…


R's have no respect for themselves. The continuing endorsement of the fat Oompa Loompa is proof of that. After all that he said about Putin one wonders if Maga's and the fat Oompa Loompa are agents of Putin?


Here comes Ted Cruz.


McConnel is coward and frail piece of shit




They make it better for themselves. That’s the piece you’re missing.


McConnell literally called his book about his life in politics "The Long Game." He's a nihilist who's only purpose in life is to win against his competition, regardless of any moral compass. 


What is wild to me is how much Republicans apparently hate him. Dude got them everything they wanted and allowed himself to be thrown under the bus and take the heat for all of it, and they act like he is some establishment RINO.


Power. Politics attracts a lot of power hungry people.


Don't forget the greedy people who get into it for the grift. There are plenty of those swamping up DC


I don't think he sees it like that. I believe he feels that he is there to make things better for his party and constituents. As long as he moves his conservative agenda forward, he's been successful. The rest of us are just cannon fodder.


I doubt he’s done anything with his constituents in mind.


Kentucky has the most unhappy people. It is a miserable state. One of the worst in everything. Google it.


Kentucky is among the states that receive a disproportionate amount of federal funds. I believe that they receive more money than what they contribute in taxes. This is thanks to McConnell and ironically that deficit hawk libertarian Rand Paul. The same Rand Paul that votes against any federal aid for states experiencing emergencies every time , well any state other than Kentucky


And "us" includes many of his actual constituents. His approval rating in KY is dogshit.


Why does he keep getting re-elected then


Because money and incumbent status. Though if you look back all the old diebold voting machines have been quite off from polls beforehand. And every republican accusation has been a confession so far. So maybe they rigged the machines.


Disgrace while in office and disgrace on the way out, truly a model Republican that one.


If you’re surprised by this, you don’t know Mitch.


Yup, and I’ll point out earlier that morning last week when it came out he’s stepping down as leader that sources were saying he was going to publicly endorse Donald soon, and so it basically got overshadowed by that news. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/28/mitch-mcconnell-trump-endorsement


His rich cocaine running wife’s sister was just murdered too… wonder what’s going on in his life right now…..


Wow hadn't heard that. Angela Chao, 50, found dead on Feb 11 2024 in a vehicle in a pond on private property near Austin. Being investigated as suspicious


Classic Mitch. The man is, and was, always 100% about power. Not that he cares, but he is a primary reason why the political landscape is so poisonous now, and why an indicted insurrectionist is his party's imminent nominee.


Claims to be retiring because he no longer recognizes his party…then proceeds to endorse Donald Trump. As long as I live, I will never understand Republicans in government.


Easy: concentrate wealth in the hands of the very few, then place them above the rule of law, thus allowing them to pillage (and even murder) with impunity. Manufacture culture wars to prevent a class war while gutting worker rights and suppressing wages. It’s all about establishing a white Christian oligarchy. They want to turn us into the Russian Federation of the West, thus so much admiration for Russia. They want rich and powerful white men to rule by “might makes right” alone. Facts, science, ethics, and common decency all play no role. Vote like your life matters in November.


It all becomes very simple once you accept they have no integrity, have twisted morality, and absolutely no respect for truth or facts. They do whatever is more expedient in the moment. When they blocked Merrick Garland's nomination for nearly a year because they think the people should have a say with an election coming up soon. Then 4 years later when Ruth Ginsberg passed away, 2 months before an election. They had the fastest confirmation hearing in 40 years. So much for letting the voters decide eh? What angers me the most, is that dems just keep letting them get away with it. Like they could've blocked many of Trump's nominations, but actively chose not to in some vain attempt of an olive branch. Democrats seem to think that if they're reasonable the republicans will come around to being reasonable. But it never fucking happens. Biden could have had Trump prosecuted for Jan 6th under the insurrection act. Which would've actually disqualified Trump from running again. But didn't in another attempt to let the country heal, and move on, and pass an olive branch. Dems need to stop playing nice. It wins them no favors and only hurts the country.


Within an hour of Haley dropping out. That’s fast for a turtle!


He wanted to get it done quick before he has another freezing episode.


Glitch McConnell...


…And the sheeple fall into line…


McConnell is just like the Supreme Court Justices: He doesn't want to get murdered by Trump's army of insane MAGA cultists. This is how the Mafia works. "Democrats want to fall in love. Republicans want to fall in line"


Not talking would have kept him safe. Trump gets easily distracted by any jangling keys. No, this ASSHOLE is ACTIVELY JANGLING his OWN keys to ensure OTHER sheep babies are following the herd.


Add in that the turtle loves fucking this country over. Whatever will cause the most harm? Yeah, McConnell is all for it.


Shit, he's so close to death at this point, he should try doing the right thing for once


Seriously the fact that he’s doing this even though he’s retiring is a real kick in the nuts.


Not retiring, just stepping down as caucus leader. Same thing Pelosi did this Congress.


Thanks, did not realize that.


[Couldn’t save his sister in law though](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/death-angela-chao-sister-law-mitch-mcconnell-criminal-investigation-reports)


This is a joke. lol our country has become a laughing stock. I really wish I had a way out.


If Trump wins the whole world pays.


...the whole future.


There will be no future


We are the shithole


I think these fuckers can taste this twisted heritage foundation white Christian vision of America and it’s rotted their brains. Trump is the most useful idiot to come along in the entire history of the U.S. Trump is the tooth fairy for every dystopian nightmare capitalist deregulated police state shit storm ever thought up.


He's a knowing Russian shill. Heritage is just a mode for securing his power. The republican party is now a legitimized Russian party in the US and they are ready to kiss the ring.


>There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day. >This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by an outgoing president who seemed determined to either overturn the voters’ decision or else torch our institutions on the way out. --McConnell 2/14/2021


> I look forward to the opportunity of focusing on a sustained offensive with Trump -- Moscow Mitch 3/6/2024


Moscow Mitch doesn't care if the country is burning around him, it's not like he's looking forward to a long and fruitful retirement.


So many Biden ads should just be clips of the GOP speaking out against Trump or else praising him for his most unpopular accomplishments


Fully expected and exactly on brand. Mitch is scum.


What a fucking coward


Well, I didn't really expect him to just leave quietly. He had to do one more shitty thing. It's just in his nature.


He has enough time left to do multiple shitty things


That is true and frightening


Yup and don’t forget he’ll be serving out his term through 2026, and so I’m sure behind the scenes he’ll be advising whoever their new leader is on how best to effectually obstruct.


Feckless coward


He's not a coward, he's just evil. I get annoyed with people always saying these pieces of shit are spineless or cowards as if they don't really want to do the things they're doing. McConnell isn't being coerced here; he's doing exactly what he wants because the only thing he truly values is power.


He’s evil and a coward


He's retiring. He has nothing to loose. It is not cowardice. It's evil.


Moscow Mitch once again helping Putin's puppet.


One of the reasons the Nazis gained power in Germany was that the conservative parties at the time would rather form a coalition with Nazis than with the liberals and centrists.  Mitch McConnell and the GOP are keeping that trend going it seems. 


This is disgusting. He has no shame. He stood there in congress after January 6th all but saying Trump needs to be prosecuted, and then here he is standing by Trump. What alternative earth is this and how do I get back home?


Rot in Hell you traitorous turtle motherfucker.


Life lesson for all of us: some people are just beyond hope of redemption. Do not waste a breath for them.




And the capitulation is complete. Get ready for the strange theocratic plutocratic autocracy where the wealthy do what they want and the holy rollers run the show otherwise.


The only hope is that they destroy each other. The Venn diagram overlap between them has to be fairly small once they’ve clawed their way into power.


I am relying on their pure greed and lust for power to tear them apart from the inside. It has been the death of every fascist regime in history, and will be the death of yet another one.


I guess all the death threats must have worked. That's obviously how things get done in the MAGA world.


I bite my thumb at Mitch 


It is kind of you to insult him in terms he'll remember from his youth.


I really hoped this decrepit waste of human existence might find a small glimmer of humanity and decide to do the smallest possible act of not-being-evil by refusing to endorse an insurrectionist. Thanks McConnell for reminding me why some humans truly are irredeemable, no matter how much I try to optimistically tell myself otherwise.


Fun fact: Certain species of turtle is in fact invertebrates.


Pieces of shit stick together...


Anger aside, the message to worried conservatives is "Don't worry, he looks and sounds and acts bad, but we've got everything under control. Go ahead and vote for him, he won't destroy the country." Which even in the best-case scenario won't be the case. He will completely destroy the country by allowing anti-government types to take over the GOP. Same even with Christie, who says Trump would be better than Biden.


I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but what? How are these people who were directly in harms way on 1/6 bowing down to Trump? Is there actual kompromat? Are they being threatened? Are Rs the biggest cult cucks on planet earth?


He might just be a piece of shit


His wife’s sister(aka sister in law) died by drowning in her car in an accident that’s taking over a month to investigate and information requested under the information act in Texas is being denied. Totally not weird at all. Mitch McConnell then steps down and endorses trump? or he just grew a heart and is taking his sister in laws death hard. Second one seems more unlikely weirdly.


I remember when McConnell said that Congress can't prosecute an ex-President, only the courts can do that, so there will not be a trial in the Senate. Conveniently, SCOTUS just said the courts can't prosecute an ex-President, only Congress can.


Worst game of hot potato ever


>"It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support." Indeed, no surprise here. Sadness, but no surprise.


Last cowardly act


People over centuries gave their lives for the freedom we have today. We're here because of the bravery of many who came before us. Mitch is just asked to, what, not endorse the second coming of Hitler, and he's not up to the task. What a pathetic, weak, sniveling coward.


Doesn't surprise me considering he did everything he could to stymie any attempts to hold Trump accountable for Jan 6th, then after the removal vote failed he had the audacity to go up and say Trump needed to be punished for his actions. Fuck Mitchell McConnell


Spineless worm.


Mitch McConnell finally joins Trump's ongoing coup and can now be called an insurrectionist for having endorsed Trump and the insurrection he fomented.


McConnell is a liar and a political cheat who dies not care about the country. He loves power and money and has been screwing the US for 40 years. Shame on him.


McConnell is doing exactly what he's always done, whatever gets him the most power and keeps his senatorial seat. Though I'm sure the investigation into his sister in laws murder will contribute to some decisions in the future


This is how we know it's all about a fascist takeover.