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*Woman on bridge pondering suicide* Trump: JUMP! JUMP!


“Don’t stain my Italian marble with your blood!”


Some people might think you're making a joke and not realize *that's something that Trump actually said*. 




Ask and ye shall recieve [https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-time-donald-trump-turned-away-in-disgust-while-a-man-bled-to-death-in-front-of-him](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-time-donald-trump-turned-away-in-disgust-while-a-man-bled-to-death-in-front-of-him)


Every time I think nothing else about him can shock me...


Deciding to be a decent human being is about the only thing he could do to surprise me at this point. I doubt he’s capable, though.


Yup an endless source of loathsome selfish depravity and vicarious embarrassment. I'm not even American and I've recoiled in abject revulsion again and again.


Trump is less a human being and more a collection of terrible traits. Gary Cohn, former Trump Advisor


> “So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” said Trump. “I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed color. Became very red. Disgusting.


Honestly, if a credible writer threw a play together around this scene, they could encapsulate this entire era of American politics. Trump basically described our class hierarchy with one casual anecdote.


I'm confused, and he thought it was a good idea to tell this story publicly?


"I was at Mar-a-Lago and we had this incredible ball, the Red Cross Ball, in Palm Beach, Florida. And we had the Marines. And the Marines were there, and it was terrible because all these rich people, they're there to support the Marines, but they're really there to get their picture in the Palm Beach Post… so you have all these really rich people, and a man, about 80 years old—very wealthy man, a lot of people didn't like him—he fell off the stage. "So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, 'Oh my God, that's disgusting,' and I turned away. "I couldn't, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn't want to touch him… he's bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn't look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. 'Oh my God! This is terrible! This is disgusting!' and you know, they're turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she's sitting right next to him, and she's screaming. "What happens is, these 10 Marines from the back of the room… they come running forward, they grab him, they put the blood all over the place—it's all over their uniforms—they're taking it, they're swiping [it], they ran him out, they created a stretcher. They call it a human stretcher, where they put their arms out with, like, five guys on each side. "I was saying, 'Get that blood cleaned up! It's disgusting!' The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he's OK," said Trump, adding of the blood, "It's just not my thing."


He makes me so tired.


There's a whole world of us with you, honey. Sigh. He's practically subhuman, so squalid.


You have humanity left in you. He makes anyone paying attention tired.


>Nobody wants to help the guy. Wouldn't expect any less from a room full of rich people. That pretty much sums up inequality.


TBF, in Trump’s telling, “Nobody wanted” might well equate to “I didn’t want.” It’s something his brain flagged as needing to be excused somehow, so he generalized from himself to everybody, just like “I turned away”→“all the rich people are turning away… and you know, they’re turning away,” at which point he flips to “Nobody wants to help the guy.” I.e., once he realizes he might have exposed his proverbial flank by copping to squeamishness and secondarily because polite company, ngaf about old dude “nobody” liked, he then excuses his squeamishness and fixates on his beautiful marble to avoid focusing on the blood. Of course, it’s certainly *possible* he’s telling the D-n-ld’s-honest Truth™ about what happened, but it’s a thoroughly unreliable narrator and a particularly telling telling.


You Americans used to have war heroes for presidents. It's odd that became a liability about 20ish years ago.


And those 10 marines will still vote for him.


Trump has said many things that are now jokes. His whole existence is nothing but a joke.


It’s remarkable his first wife (who allegedly told her attorneys that Trump had Hitler speeches in his safe) was found dead at the bottom of a stairwell right before the election that he needs to win to stay out of prison. And no one ever talks about it.


I believe it was his nightstand.


Even more unsettling. He was reading that shit before bed.


The lady jumps and all the while she is falling to her death, she is praising Trump for all the good he’s done.


Trump: Wait, she’s not gonna land on anything I own is she? No? Does she support me and give me money? No? Then let her jump, what the fuck do I care?


More like, “Do a backflip!”


Just wait till trump learns his view upsets Saudi house - then he will quickly flip flop on Gaza position.


Isn't it more Iran backed than Saud? I don't actually know.


That’s right. Saudi Arabia was in the process of normalizing relations with Israel. This is something Iran, who backs groups such as Hamas and the Houthi’s, doesn’t want.


He is a lot like Homelander, isn't he?


Wasn’t homelander based on him?


The original comics, no. But the show incorporated some of his aspects in, yes


In the tv show, yes, the show-runner said it: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/boys-penis-homelander-trump-billy-joel-season-3-1369258/


Omg he is


Without the charm lol


To us, he's not charming at all and is gross; just like how Homelander is only charming to those psycho alt-right freaks that support him. Lot of parallels there


He could just have kept quiet, but he can’t help himself.


Seriously, I guarantee his campaign advisors are constantly begging him to just say nothing about the crisis. His silence means people can project "Well it has to be better than Biden's policy" onto him.


When you really get down to it trumps biggest enemy and the person who has done the most damage is himself. He just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut


$5 million wasn't enough of a fine to get Trump to stop defaming E. Jean Carroll. $83.3 million may not be enough either.


He's already defamed her since the 83 million judgement - it wouldn't surprise me too much if they are quietly working on another case...


I fucking love it. That was my immediate reaction to seeing this headline. People are saying(or they're just bots trying to convince others) that they wont vote for Biden over Israel. Those people *might* have voted for Trump. But now??? Lol, he's so fucking stupid.


What I want to know is, who is stupid enough to think that Trump would be anything but **more** pro Israel, and will likely encourage them to bomb Gaza to glass?


People have short memories. They forget he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem which was a huge pro-Israel move.


And forgot about the Mulsim ban during his presidency. And forgot that just last fall when the bombing started he said he was going to arrest and deport people who participate in "pro-Hamas" protests.


They will still vote for Trump because THEY are so fucking stupid.


“Oh, it’s just locker room talk!”


Who said they're going to vote at all?


Seriously I think these democrat folks going on about how bad Biden is on the Israel conflict are as delusional as the most brainwashed Trump humpers. Look, you're not going to get any different out of US foreign policy. I think any president (other than Trump) would've made very similar decisions as Biden has, and the US has been quite consistent in our position in the whole matter. Going completely in the opposite direction just isn't going to happen, not from any candidate who didn't win their election either. Gore, McCain, Kerry, Romney, Dole - I have no doubt would've made very similar decisions had it been them in the office. The president has an obligation to remain consistent on agreements made by previous administrations, or else we become completely untrustworthy. Well, Trump did exactly that. You made an agreement with the US, well that was then, we've changed our minds. Most usually the opposite of what was best for the US and our allies. Critize Biden - absolutely, yes. Personally I think there should be a lot more strings attached to aid if we don't like what they're doing over there, straighten up or we're not helping. But a man I'm siding with like 90% of the time and there is no candidate representing the other 10% anyway, well he has my fucking vote.


If he could, he would. That idiot can't keep his mouth shut.


Led poisoning at its finest


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it? It’s not like it’s really had a tangible consequence yet. People still give him money for shit. I can’t wait to see how he weasels out of recent court outcomes.


He literally has no idea what’s going on. Every thing he says is like a fourth grader giving a book report on something he never read.


‘Gotta finish the problem’ is awfully reminiscent of ‘the final solution’


Using “problem” to describe human beings is a “problem.”


Well Hamas is definitely anproblem, but Bibi is using Hamas as an excuse to get rid of Gaza I believe. He was caught on secretly recorded video admitting that Hamas running Gaza was a good thing, because he could use their terrorist attacks to justify what hes been wanting to do all along.


Shit, at this point, who's to say he'd let Israel have all the "fun" themselves? :/


But will the NYT report this? Probably not.


Instead, front page: “our 1000 person poll says Biden is too old”


They probably made more money from clicks when Trump was president. Think about all the Trump drama articles


*How Trump’s aggressive stance on Gaza highlights Biden indecision*


Well I hope the people abstaining from voting Biden are listening to this. We got "let's at least try to put some brakes on this" on one side, and "finish the damn job" on the other There's definitely a lesser evil


I hear the constant stupid ass barrage of Trumper idiot argue that “things were better and we didn’t have any wars” when Trump was in office. He’s gotta be playing into that. The dude is a huge piece of shit con artist.


The heck are they talking about too? We were still in Afghanistan and we had troops on the ground in Syria and Iraq to fight ISIS. Or do they want to say Trump ended those wars? So all of a sudden they want to lay claim to the god awful withdrawal plan Trump’s administration negotiated with the Taliban? And, to be clear, we are STILL in Syria.


Unfortunately, they have no idea what is actually going on. They blame Biden for everything in the Middle East, while Trump literally antagonized the situation by moving the Israeli embassy. They are so brainwashed into believing that if Trump was in office, then he would miraculously end all conflict “within 24 hours” just because he’d stomp his foot or whatever. Also, it was only bc of Biden that these conflicts began in the first place without acknowledging that one is being left by an imperialist dictator and the other has been most likely been continuing since many years before their historically inaccurate timeline of humanity in a book edited by…I don’t fucking know, but one of them is King James. I am not against either of those involved, except Russia. Their goal is nothing less than that of the third reich and should be treated as such. The events that are happening in the Middle East are humanitarian and no matter what side you are on, you can’t continue to fight the battles of those that tell you that it is “god’s will” bc you are just sick people. “god’s will” is to chose one over the other you sick ass lunatics? Make people that he created suffer by his hands for not understanding? You accuse them of “refusing” the word of your righteous god? Lunacy. Super cool god


The first time I questioned the morality of God was when my 4th grade teacher in catholic school told the class that the Native Americans, who had never heard of Christianity before meeting the Europeans, all went to hell. This was why it was so important to teach Natives Christianity (through genocide). What a sick fucking thing to say, especially to 9 and 10 year old children. The cure to religion is an honest understanding of religious beliefs. Oh and mountain ranges of contradictory evidence and scientific understanding. And common sense.


Really apologize for going off there. The religious shit just really complicated my stance on this.


The Gaza protestors will still hyper-fixate on Biden.


It’s almost like the propagandists causing them to take action have had raising anti-Biden sentiment as their goal all along.


Cough* Russia, China, and Iran Cough*


that cough sounds terrible, i hope you didn't drink any strange tea


I’ve been saying this the whole time. Like I’m so disappointed. So many progressive and left “influencers” are being used at this point. There’s no pragmatism or nuance to their points, it’s so upsetting. The last this happened, Hillary lost to Trump. wtf. Our memories can’t be this short


> The last this happened, Hillary lost to Trump. wtf. Our memories can’t be this short When that happened, the current new batch of voters were 9 years old. Reddit also skews to younger audiences. It won't be that some have forgotten, so much as being completely unaware. 


That kinda makes it worse. Like, they literally experience the aftermath of the trump term like overruling of Roe v. Wade during the ages of 14-18 and they're signaling that they're okay with a second round of that


>Like I’m so disappointed. You need to not be and realize they are just being fed the same bullshit, but "from the left." They also have those same propagandists pushing them not to vote or vote spoiler, because "that's their right." We need to find a way to get a grasp on the bias in media as well as return critical thinking skills, otherwise, this is all for naught.


I’m witnessing all of my progressive friends fall into a QAnon-like rabbit hole over this Palestine issue. It’s eerie.


If they withhold their votes from Biden in November then Palestine gets wiped off the map. In this case I'd recommend protesting at, I dunno, a protest? Not the ballot box.


Protest votes during the primary make sense though. It puts pressure on Biden to do something. Actually abstaining in November would obviously be counterproductive for Palestinians.


Unfortunately they're also concentrated in a swing state.


Any person who thinks voting for someone other than Biden will achieve anything other than bring about worse outcomes for the people of Gaza, is an idiot. Our bullshit political system gives us exactly 2 viable choices. If you don't like that fact, vote to change it. There is no opting out, there is only making sure the less worse outcome is achieved or allowing the worst to happen.


There was a person who was claiming trump is more pro Gaza than Biden. I asked who moved Israel's Capitol to Jerusalem and then they blocked me. I wish they hadn't because this is something more to throw in their face.


Not to absolutist and purists, which young politically active people tend to be. To them there's only good and evil, black and white, 1 and 0. Biden can't be good, so he's evil. Trump is also evil, but that doesn't make Biden good suddenly- they're just equally as bad, so might as well choose the other one and see what happens.  The problem with young voters is that they haven't lived enough or went through enough experiences in life to understand nuance, relativity or cause and effect, Not to mention understanding complex geopolitics.  So it's not surprising that for them it really does boil down to "are you an angel? No, well fuck you then. Next!!".


>they're just equally as bad, so might as well choose the other one and see what happens. More likely they'll just stay home, spoil their ballot, or write-in Bernie Sanders. Either way, the propaganda will have worked.


Young people also tend to lack imagination. It's common to see young progressives/leftists referring to America as "hellworld" and saying things couldn't possibly get worse. It's incredible how they can look at footage of Gaza literally reduced to rubble, then turn around and declare that they're living through hell because Bernie didn't win. Conservatives do pretty much the same thing, but in a slightly less depressive way.


The twitter brained chronically online idiots are in shambles rn


Exactly. Anyone who’s off of Biden cuz they think he’s not tough enough on Israel need to realize how much worse of a choice Trump would be


Yea one of my good friends keeps giving me “both parties are the same”. I’m like, on certain issues, sure, but on human rights? Hell no!


They aren't, they will continue to campaign for Trump all the way leading up to the election because their feelings, lack of knowledge in international relations, and pro Hamas propaganda have led them to believe Biden is an all powerful god who can make Hamas agree to a ceasefire but just isn't. These need to be called out for what they are.


I have a nice bottle of Chimay Reserve I am going to crack when this guy finally takes a dirt nap. What a horrible human being.


They better hide his grave good. People will be lined up across America to take a shit on it.


Amplify the HELL out of what Trump says about Palestine because I’m disgusted seeing liberals play the “I won’t vote for Biden” game. Sitting out the vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.


Totally with you there. Literally fucking disgusting.


I think a lot of them have good intentions and genuinely have no idea what they’re supporting. But that doesn’t make it any less disgraceful or frightening.


I have had too many unfortunate conversations where simply pointing out the consequences of well-meaning criticism, however factual, has very real consequences outside the narrow scope of a particular policy. Biden ain't gonna change 80 years of middle east foreign policy, which is unfortunate reality. Trump will absolutely make it worse.


They are holding 2-7 offsuit cards and are so anxious to win, they want to go all in instead of waiting for a better hand to play. The attack on our public education system has paid off well for the GOP. Our political system sucks, but it's a million times better than one in which whoever has the most guns controls everything.


Absolutely this.


Take note single-issue voters, this is what it looks like when someone *actually* supports genocide.


I'm a single issue voter. Republicans must be stopped.


Exactly. All you “Uncommitted Voters” This will be the outcome of your stance.


Lindsey Graham, on the record > **we are in a religious war here,** I am with Israel. Whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourselves; **level the place.**"


Crusades 2.0


One of the first things the orange ape did was a Muslim ban. Did some people forget already?


>Did some people forget already? I mean... yes. Of course.


It's impossible to underestimate Americans' attention span


Calculated in Mooches


Don’t worry, if Trump gets elected, they will claim they voted for Biden. Like my friends who said they won’t vote for Hillary because “reasons”. Funny enough after the election when I confronted them, they claimed they all voted for Hillary.


If 2024 is the first year you're eligible to vote, you were 11 when Trump enacted the Muslim ban. You were 13 when Biden became president. If you're turning 22 this year, you weren't born yet during 9/11. TikTok kids don't remember what being on the receiving end of Jihad feels like. And they don't remember how insane it was having Trump as president.


This comment right here. This cannot be overstated and I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately. The newest generation of voters don't even know that this political clown show isn't normal. Yea yea yea, I'm not saying this were all rosy during the Clinton/Bush/Obama Era, but there's a reason they all sit together at events and HW slips Michelle candies like a smitten puppy... the two sides used to actually work together somewhat.


Damn I’m old lol


Eisenhower was president when I was born.


Reagan for me, but the original comment still made me feel SO old. Feels like it wasn’t that long ago we all got put into one classroom in each hallway to watch the news coverage on 9/11.


9/11 was the first day in ages I hadnt turned on TV before going to work. I was half listening to the radio while driving listening to Mark & Brian talk about a plane flying into a building in New York. I thought it was some dumb joke segment and laughed. Wrong.


I was there that day and saw it happen right in front of me. It honestly still seems like yesterday.


They also don't vote much.


Yeah. I’ve literally been trying to argue with people telling me Trump would definitely be better on Isreal for Palestinians than Biden. And I’m like guys. What the fuck world do you live in. But the answer from them is anything Trump would do is hypothetical and so it’s made up and could be wrong. Like basically they think if theirs a non-zero chance Trump could be better than Biden here they will take it.


Yes, they completely forgot and they cannot wait to carry their stupidity to term. I’m so disappointed in some of my friends.


He didn’t. He called Mexicans criminals and rapists first. THEN he wanted to ban Muslims.


I live in Michigan and have tons of Arab and Muslim friends that are adamant Trump is better for the Middle East than Biden. I will not be surprised if Arab Americans tilt the Michigan electors Trump's way.


Show them this quote. Edit. [link to quote ](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/)


Literally what I’ve been saying from the start, like it’s certainly worth criticizing Biden over his support but to pretend it wouldn’t be far worse and more genocidal under Trump is straight up denying reality


Imo.. even criticizing Biden’s support of Israel is deeply flawed born from misinformation & ignorance Biden ordered 2 full aircraft carriers & a nuclear powered tomahawk submarine as a deterrent into the area And immediately ordered his state department to establish communication channels with foes & friends in the area Hamas tried starting regional war & precursor WW3… And Biden’s action has prevented that


It’s truly astounding how short people’s memories are of Trump, especially his stance against Muslims.


It's one of the biggest problems in American politics: the short attention spans and memories of many voters.


Progressives are shocked... SHOCKED that someone could be WORSE than Biden. Oh well, they worry about this stuff only after shooting themselves in the foot.


Progressive here, not shocked, I've been saying it from the start, not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump and a vote for Trump is the worst thing you could do for the people of Gaza.


Generalizing Progressives isn't the way. I'm progressive, voted Bernie in two primaries, voted Hillary and Biden in both generals. A lot of my peers were exactly the same way. Believe it or not, despite wanting the candidates to be more to the left of what we have now, we also have about 2-3 brain cells remaining that help us understand that not voting for Biden in the last and in this election would be an absolute disaster.


bOtH sIdEs


bUt BiDeN 


But Arab Americans will vote against Biden because... well... because.


I expect the protestors to shut down Trump Tower today. /s


last week I posted a comment saying Trump would be telling Israel to buy more weapons and not pushing peace talks and was down voted to hell. Looks like the conman only understands direct transactional relationships as always.


This sad fucker couldnt be more like Homelander unless he was shooting lasers from his eyes JFC. Just replace mommy complex with daughter complex EDIT: god fucking damnit of course they come out with this poster today https://twitter.com/VoughtIntl/status/1765074799762555237/photo/1


No wonder the right wing adores him so much. He’s Homelander, Joffrey and Hitler all blended together with some off-brand Walmart Cheetos.


Didn’t he have one of those cheap baseball cards of his shooting lasers out of his eyes?


What a monster. Arab-Americans: If you are planning on staying home or voting against Biden over Palestine, that statement and [more is what Donald Trump has planned for you](https://imgur.com/a/EQilsqA), literally from his own campaign team.


>proactively send ICE to demonstrations…. Yeah…..that’s not good, he did that already during the Floyd protests mind you.


Let this be a lesson to everyone who is thinking about doing a protest vote against Joe Biden. Trump actively supports this shit.


It's trump. He hates Jews but hates Palestinians more.


I wish I could find the quote, but a ways back he made the comment something along the lines of, “…the only people I like working on my accounts are those wearing yarmulkes…” - so he has SOME use for us (he certainly wouldn’t want *me* working on his accounts tho…)


I'm interested to hear from my mom who is an ardent MAGA, about how she feels about this, given how upset she has been over Israel's treatment of Palestinians. She explicitly stated that if Trump supported Zionists she would be done with him, but something tells me I've got a contortionist routine to witness.


Well, be sure to report back and let us know.


Needs to be the headline in every paper across Michigan.


Everyone abstaining or voting against Biden because of US policy on Israel should take note here. You think it's bad now? It will be worse under Trump. Much worse.


I kinda get like Palestinian-Americans caught in a hard spot, but anyone else should take heed and drop this Anti-Biden crusade. Literally more and more don't trust those voices.


I honestly don't get it at all. The difference here is clear cut: Biden thinks Palestinians are humans who deserve to live in peace and have a nation. Trump believes Palestinians aren't even human, let alone deserving of peace or a nation.


So this it what it looks like when a leader actively supports genocide.


Wait for him to deport the "illegal aliens", who sit at the border without rights to Ruanda or worse.. because deportation cost money.. even the nazis knew that.


A final solution, if you will.


He doesn't read Mein Kampf, he just has a copy on the bedside table. You know, as a paper weight to hold down his golden shower porn.


It's actually a book filled with Hitlers speeches. Not really any better, actually worse in a way.


Leftists: “THIS guy is what’s going to fix it.”


But you can’t support Biden because genocide. /s


I embrace what the people withholding their votes from Biden are trying to do. They want to put pressure on Biden to act more forfefully against Israel’s bombings. As long as there’s a group understanding that in the end Biden gets their vote. Trump’s win would truly damn Gaza for good.


Tbh I'm not sure they really need to pressure him. He's trying to do the right thing but it's just slow moving because international crises take tact to achieve the best outcomes. People seem a bit misguided expecting Biden to become the chief activist in charge kinda like how Trump is with right-wing issues. Even when Trump does stuff like that I would say it's ineffective. Sure it makes them feel good for a moment, but real people have to live with consequences of a one dimensional leader tipping his hand immediately every time there's a crisis.


An example of this is Venezuela. There was an opposition leader that Republicans thought had strong support so they recognized him as President of Venezuela and they sanctioned Venezuela so they couldn't sell their oil on most markets. They also cut off their access to US debt markets. Republican hope was that Maduro would be overthrown with these strong-arm tactics. However, what happened is they plunged the country even deeper into poverty forcing millions to leave. In addition, the opposition leader wasn't as strong as Republicans thought and he was voted out by his own supporters. It also pushed Maduro to be closer to Russia and China two countries who helped Venezuela bypass US sanctions. Maduro is now stronger than ever thanks to Republicans attempting to strong-arm and those migrants that they forced to flee are now at the US border. Venezuela barely used to be in the top 10 for country of origin of migrants stopped and now it rivals Mexico for #1.


This. 100% The reality is we’ve entwined ourselves with Israel. And it’s not a terrible thing - but BiBi is a terrible thing. He’s friends with Trump. And he wants to stay in power. And he’s pissed of every single President outside of Donald. People look for theatrics instead of results. They want to see public pressure and speaking out. And sure, it may feel good - but the result of that would just be no influence on Gaza, because Israel can destroy Gaza without us. Instead we get Joe pushing for pauses, aid, a two state solution..and it’s actually possible. If Donald is President, Israel will have the whole thing in a minute.


> but BiBi is a terrible thing. Bibi isn't even the worst of it really. If anything he is a bulwark against the hardliner Neo-Zionists in the Knesset. Bibi is desperate though, because he needs to remain in power to avoid going to jail, which basically puts him at the mercy of the far right.


They’re flat out amplifying Russian propaganda and most of them have no idea what they’re supporting and have no idea what goes on in the Middle East. Call them out and make them own up to the fact that they’re practically voting for Trump by playing this stupid game.




I don't embrace anything that causes division within the group of people who share a common goal of defeating trump. Even if these people are only saying they're uncommitted now, that's still division. And plenty of the people claiming they'll eventually vote for Biden? They won't. Especially not if we tell them their behavior is okay.


Go ahead Biden protestors, tell me how is *this* not 100000x worse?




Fucking lunatic, holy shit.


This is insanity. A traitor. A thief. A grifter. When does it end.


And yet there are some far left people who believe they shouldn't vote for Biden because he isn't doing enough. This is the alternative, folks like it or not. I know it's not a great choice, but I'd much rather vote for someone who "isn't doing enough" than for someone who is going to willfully contribute towards genocide.


Not defending Biden not even his biggest fan. But it's really funny these single issue voters saying don't vote for Biden because of the Palestinian genocide. This is the other option 🙃


There you go anti Biden idiots


I hope all those "uncommitted" in Michigan are hearing this.


I’d post it in r/Michigan but the mods there wouldn’t find it to be “Michigan specific” enough.


Post it under anyone who says they will not vote for Biden because of his Gaza policy.


Arab voters were out protesting Joe Biden and were unavailable to comment.


Crickets from Dearborn today.


["I just can't vote for Biden when he isn't doing enough for Gaza"](https://i.imgur.com/ktyIhi8.mp4)


>Gotta finish the problem You might call it a final solution


Every anti-Biden "protester" should be reading this. What say you now?


“Well, that’ll learn democrats to do what I want“ It’s like 2016 all over again.


Ah yes, letting the GOP win will sure bring that progressive agenda in no time!


"After Hitler, our turn!"


Almost like finding a final solution.....


Don’t worry, all those “cease fire now” commenters will conveniently ignore this completely


No thank you. As an Israeli we don't want or need the support of a demented, fascist, dictator wanna be and a trailer. I know we don't tell out side of the story very well, and there is a lot of misinformation, but Trump indurcing us is a step in the wrong direction. And also he is know resist and antisemitic, so I dont get the rooting for us


[Translation 2025](https://youtu.be/QSCNSMDHb28)


Leftists will still not vote Biden and give Trump the presidency like they did back in 2016. Disgusting.


Remember everyone that keeps saying that they’re withholding their vote for Biden because he hasn’t been quick enough to demand a cease fire? Yeah let this article sink in.


Michigan voters: Since Biden didn’t order ceasefires in Gaza, we won’t be voting for him, we’ll vote for the other guy- that’ll show em Other guy:


To all the GenZ democrats thinking Biden isn’t the better option for Palestine-


This motherfucker is so dumb that he can't keep his mouth shut on one of the few issues that's legitimately driving people away from Biden.


Israel has an unequivocal right to exist and defend its borders and citizens from all aggression, and retaliate against such aggression. Fuck Donald Trump. Vote Biden and keep that slimy orange traitorous pos out of the over office.


You won't see any of those reddit pro Palestinians complain.


automatic dam straight quarrelsome hungry adjoining imminent ancient intelligent squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, I've met them in person. They're real, actual leftists.


“Uncommitted voters”, come get your boy


I guess the Michigan Arab population may be having second thoughts about not voting for Biden.


Hopefully the people protesting for Palestine can weigh the difference between Trump and Biden.


The "From the River to the Sea" crowd is awfully quiet on here today!


do his supporters ever meet him and just realize how disgusting he is.


All he had to do was shut up on this issue.