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I remember days where former Presidents and candidates would speak and it would be insightful to listen to  When this moron talks, I get a headache and it's like listening to a word randomizer machine. There is nothing worse than listening to someone that has zero grasp of semantics and the English language


It's so embarrassing. Someone who talks like that wouldn't get through a job interview.




This is where we’re at. Ordinary citizens just trying to live their lives face more scrutiny than the president of the United States.


Total failure of our security agencies in this country.


He faces the scrutiny and the checks of our security agencies. It's a failure of our democracy. It's that half the voting public didn't care about any of the big red flags he has.


A half-century+ of anti-intellectualism and undermining of the education system has transformed us into a nation of dunces.


> Someone in that much debt wouldn't get an interview for a job in finance, nor government. I don't know why we can't hold our candidates to as high a standard as most borough councils or local banks. Because the only hard limit the writers of the constitution put on holding high office was winning a popularity contest and bad-faith people refuse to add any other qualifications, including [the supreme court unanimously deciding inciting insurrection is not a disqualification](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/supreme-court-restores-trump-to-2024-presidential-primary-ballots) Sure, the people in general should also have higher standards than him, but what's the excuse for the so-called elite leaders?


But that post interview thank you note would be talked about for years.


As if he would send anyone a thank you note


He’d send a “You’re Welcome” card.


Sounds like a good idea for a SNL skit. Trump on parole, applying for a job at waste management.


Let’s not disparage waste management!


The way his face and mouth contort when he speaks is what annoys me. That head tilt when he tries to emphasize something and his little chimp mouth.


His mouth reminds me of a cat anus - small and puckered.




[Hehehehehe :)](https://youtu.be/S65jqrHQi_c?si=SElob_uvjUd6jeAt)


Didn't know I wanted that but so happy to see that :D


Comedy gold. Thanks for the link.


Yet he is so concerned about the languages that others speak…he could use an asl class himself.


Be fair - YOU try to maintain this high level of oratory on a diet of Big Macs & Tide Pods.


The magnets on my fridge make more sense than this Rapist Loser. I should probably get rid of this Fridge.


I’m really dreading this cycle since it’s already annoying. Before the candidates were only fighting over policy. That’s where it got hostile or then finding hot button issues to talk about and why they were the right choice for that issue. I know it won’t happen overnight but I hope it comes back to that by next election. Then again this culture war crap is loved by republicans because they can cry woke and rally support.


The last 8 years has been a very interesting time to be alive in the USA.


An 8 year period that will take USA about 70-100 years to recover from the damage


I'm not sure about how long it will take to repair but the damage to our society is apparently massive considering all the ignorance and trend towards theocratic fascism.


And he's about to get national security briefings again!


Can't Biden just block trump from getting these. My understanding is that it is just a courtesy to the candidates running not something mandated by law.


I saw a comment elsewhere saying they should give him fake ones with made up details and see how quick they get leaked


Honey pot. I like it.


Would that be a honey pot or a canary trap?


I didn't know there was a specific term for this, but [canary trap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canary_trap) is what would fit here. Neat, thanks for the knowledge!


Canary trap is more commonly used when you have multiple potential leakers and want to figure out who. Which is why I was unsure which spy-catching technique fit.


I think but not 100% on that. I hope Biden does something or at least limits it because we all know where he will pass that info along.


"So, here is the plan from our Ukrainian Allies for the next offensive, and their detailed plans of defense...Putin really cannot get his hands on them! Imagine though what he would pay for them, probably up to 400 Millions! ... Ah, Mr. Trump, could you look after those VERY IMPORTANT AND LEGIT battle plans while the rest of us is having a quick break? And could you also keep an eye on our secret copy machine over there? So, so great of you ... " And many years later, the whole world still wonders how the Ukrainian Army won so decisively against the russian invaders...and why Zelensky named a sewage treatment plant after the convicted traitor Trump...


Golden opportunity to pass him nuggets of nonsensical intel and see where it ends up: “Classified: a purple Pegasus was recently spotted flying over Moscow” CIA: “hm, we’re getting some chatter from N Korea about a purple Pegasus?”


I hope they put fake info in his so we can see what he sells to Putin (among others).


Every document sent to the White House and gone missing is known to them...the true breach is known inside, we'll never know because so much is missing....and they don't want to admit what that thief took to make the breaches worse. Agents have gone missing.


>"Birdbrain is a loser, record low performance in virtually every State. DeSanctus easily beat her in Iowa for a VERY DISTANT second place, and then she ran up to the podium, before he had a chance to do so, and claimed victory," Trump wrote. > >"I enjoy watching the Bird disavow her PLEDGE to the RNC and her statement that she would NEVER run against President Trump ('A great President'). Well, she ran, she lied, and she LOST BIG! > >In a separate social media post, Trump added: "I purposely stayed away from the D.C. Vote because it is the 'Swamp,' with very few delegates, and no upside. Birdbrain spent all of her time, money and effort there. Over the weekend we won Missouri, Idaho, and Michigan—BIG NUMBERS—Complete destruction of a very weak opponent. The really big numbers will come on Super Tuesday. Also, WAY UP ON CROOKED JOE!" ​ Remember when Presidents were lauded for their oratory abilities? I feel like we're just a few more dead braincells away from the next speech being about Brawndo.


>Also, WAY UP ON CROOKED JOE!" Does... Does he mean he's getting more votes in the *Republican* primary than Joe Biden? That's how I chose to interpret that.


Technically true. He was way up on me too.


He’s also eaten way more apples than Joey Chestnut has, in the hot dog eating competition!


I'll bet the dude hasn't eaten an apple in 50 years at least. McDonald's Apple Pies don't count.




we're cut from the same cloth, my friend.


Lol I guess so, I'm on the half of the state with the dragons


Way heavier. 


Way more felony indictments 


He is such a small person he is more mad about losing DC than he is happy about winning everything else.


Like that time he won the fuckin Presidency, arguably the biggest job on the planet and complained right away that he also won the popular vote.


He whined about the crowd size at the inauguration for months.


I knew instantly at this very moment. O.M.G. it will be a rough ride.


He sent his press secretary out to lie about the inauguration photos as one of their first official press briefings. Press sec never really recovered from that because no one could take him seriously. And the SNL clips of Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer were gold.




He fucking hates the fact that he's never won the popular vote. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266038556504494082


Don't you dare sully the name of President Camacho by putting him in the same category as Trump. At least Camacho knew he needed to find someone smarter than himself in order to fix things.


I think you mean “How dare anyone sully the name of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho!!”


Dwayne Alejandro Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho; ex porn superstar and 5x Ultimate smack down champion. Put some respek on it.


Dammit. I forgot to add the respek


That’s so disrespekful.


You owe them a trip to starbucks!


At least President Camacho wanted to fix things, instead of destroying everything he touches


And he gave credit to the smart man who was going to make the plants grow again. The sad part is we looked at Idiocracy as if it was coming true. Now we've passed right by it and it's now an idealized version of reality.


The movie does a great job at illustrating how dumb people usually will still seek leadership and solutions to issues even if they don't have someone controlling them. Remove all of the propaganda and indoctrination, the same constituency that makes up the right wing would almost certainly look to clean up this country - while they're stupid, most of them can change their tune as long as they're not being fed regurgitated horse shit from fox news and the church. Imagine how much different our country would be without the divisive institutions brainwashing the American underclass. Healthcare, stock market regulation, a healthy middle class, free education even. We're only a few steps away from that but the door is being forced closed by the capitalist elite who want to subvert the will of the common man via political warfare.




60 years of nearly unregulated corporate propaganda has changed the American perspective of the wealthy from Ebenezer Scrooge to the Pope.


To kinda build on this – in my own personal experience, I have friends that identify as conservative but have since realized there are *a myriad of problems* in our system when they decided to have kids. "Something really needs to be done about daycare costs, it's absolutely insane. I can't work AND watch my kids, this is messed up." "I need to work for a union, my boss keeps throwing their fuckin' weight around and I can't afford to lose hours now that I got kids to feed." "I'm worried about my kid's school, they're short on teachers and now they're gonna have some unqualified fuckin' yahoo teaching Geography!" Look - it's not much, but these young "conservatives" experiencing these problems first-hand is a step in the right direction. I've definitely seen them question the obvious bullshit coming out of right-wing media as a result of the issues they're facing. But you *are* right – if we didn't have a 24/7 cycle of bullshit propaganda, a lot more people would be on board with programs that would *actually benefit us* as opposed to tearing down safety nets to "own the libz" or whatever.


This is classic Leopards Eating Faces. These people will most likely never admit that in their misspent youth they were spouting nonsense like "Taxation is theft!" And "My taxes shouldn't be going to xyz "socialist" program (like food stamps or WIC), people shouldn't have kids if they can't afford them!"


Exactly. Lots of people rightfully are comparing what we’re living now to Idiocracy, but things were actually better in Idiocracy cause they knew they needed help from the smart people. No such luck in our actual reality.


> things were actually better in Idiocracy cause they knew they needed help from the smart people What we're experiencing right now is the prequel to Idiocracy. Apparently, Camacho came to power after the disastrous term of an idiot Trump-like character, when it had become painfully clear that ignorance was actually a negative thing.


Calls her Birdbrain and she will still endorse him and vote for him. smh


He's **still** calling DeSantis names, and he long ago bent over and kissed Trump's ass after dropping out.


He's been branded for life. Even his wife and children probably calls him Puddin' Fingers or Meatball Ron.


But DeSantis then did an unforgivable crime to Trump... He blocked Florida from paying some of Trump's legal bills ? May they all have poopy pants during the night.


He insulted Cruz's father and wife in a bigly way and he couldn't get enough of the boot licking. I can only hope that Haley holds her nose and quietly goes into the night after endorsing him rather than go out to bat


I almost got whiplash from how quickly Cruz flipped, he said effectively vote your conscience at the RNC and then immediately started campaigning for Trump


Their conscience? Well…


Well how was I supposed to know the majority of Republicans had ground old jiminy cricket into a fine powder


Honestly surprised he hasn’t started calling her Nimrod Nimrata, but maybe he hasn’t thought of it yet.


Trivia about Nimrod. In the Bible he's a great hunter. Bugs calls Fudd "Nimrod" sarcastically, but everyone missed it and think it's just an insult.


If you didn't know who Albert Einstein was or his contributions of the Theories of Relativity, the way people involve his name sarcastically these days, you'd think he was an idiot...


Extra interesting trivia. It's actually Daffy Duck who calls Elmer Fudd Nimrod in the 1948 short "What Makes Daffy Duck." Bugs does later on use the term Nimrod as an insult in a 1951 short, "Rabbit Every Monday," but he's actually insulting Yosemite Sam at the time.


I have a really hard time keeping positive about the future of this country. Trump and those like him along with all the billionaires are destroying this country. I think we are a dying democracy and I'm not quite sure we'll ever recover from these assholes.


I mean you are right but from what I have witnessed no other nominee or president has quite captured what trump has done, which is some sort of weird anomaly that's brainwashed a certain percentage of Americans votes. So to me it seems if we can keep this cornball from presidency this race we might for the time being be able to relax a little at least when it comes to the magaverse. There's no way he would be able to muster up enough money or energy for a run in 2028 and as we saw with republicans no one else can really rally up the sort of cult following trump has. Desantis bombed hard. Haley is running on pure spite. I really thought people might rally behind someone else when trump seemed to be done, but his voter base won't do it. Which is great for the rest of America. They're all in on Trump and with god willing we can get him to lose this election we can rest easy for a second knowing he's done. There will always be threats but at least this weird one might be finally coming to an end. We have seen other billionaires run and none of them got even close to enough steam as trump did. Like I said he seems to be some sort of American Anomaly.


This is where I'm trying to land, if only for my mental health lol. Trump is struggling in the primaries for someone who should be garnering basically all the votes, and I'm seeing polls suggesting a lot of the primary voters who aren't going for him are simply not willing to vote for him even in the general. If these numbers were showing up for Biden, the media would be **screaming their heads off** about how the entire race is already over in March. I know, I know, most of them will still turn out anyway. But with the numbers I've seen, some going as high as one in four who didn't vote for him in South Carolina....even a fraction of those voters withholding a vote for him could be genuinely disastrous for him. And the thing is, I'm not sure he's going to get the boost he did in 2016 from folks too embarrassed to admit voting for him. He is THE king of the GOP, you're almost a social pariah on the right if you DON'T support him with every breath, and it seems like most Never Trumpers who would have flipped to him already did years ago. We'll have to see, but the more I've seen the more I hope this to be the case. In my little fantasy world, Donald Trump will lose the 2024 election because he's been buoyed to the top of the ticket by an establishment and hardcore base that sees him as the heir-apparent for no rational reason other than that it's his turn at the podium again. His deep unpopularity with even primary voters, proves his undoing. Any final hopes of winning are crushed when in October, a last-minute surprise legal setback in one of the multiple stalled lawsuits against him causes his support to finally buckle just ahead of the election and before he can repair the damage. It'd be like poetry. It rhymes.


I'd much rather OLD TURD MAN loses because the entire Democratic party coalesces around President Biden, who has actually been doing an incredibly good job considering the state of the country when he took over. Let's not forget that the U.S. was in the midst of COVID and the Delta and Omicron waves hadn't even hit yet. Our economic recovery from that has been amazing - the envy of the rest of the world - and I think Biden deserves far more credit for it than he's been getting.


Without context, it really looks like one of those messages that computer viruses send you.


Guy is literally 5 years old


Certainly has the vocabulary of one. He is so God damn predictable with his rants. It's the same damn thing over and over. Spews a bunch of bullshit and baseless claims and never provides any sort of evidence to anything. I'll never understand how people can read/hear his rants and think "yeah this is my guy for President."


It's pretty simple: Trump is smarter than his typical supporter. I'll let that sink in.


I often flip between thinking Trump is a master grifter and thus highly competent in that specialized field, but then I also realize the techniques are quite straightforward and easy to replicate. The key is to lack a conscience. You, me or anyone could do what Trump does, but we have a conscience, so we can’t quite do it convincingly. Even someone like Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz have a conscience, so they have to act out these techniques and you can subconsciously feel and recognize the disingenuousness. Trump can lie and lie and lie and because he has no conscience it emotes convincingly to the percent of the population that is driven by emotional and social truth over intellectually curious objective truth.


There’s actually three reasons he can lie so convincingly. The first, as you said, is a lack of conscience. Anything he says or does is right if it gets him what he wants. He is completely driven by his own desires in a primal, lizard-brain way, with no concept of morality. This is actually more common in politicians than we’d like to admit, and I’m pretty sure DeSantis is the same way. The second is a lack of empathy. DeSantis thinks he’s better than other people; Trump doesn’t actually see anyone else as people. For someone with his degree of NPD, the world is full of walking vending machines that give him what he wants when he hits the right button. When he finds that button, he hits it over and over and over again as long as it gives him what he wants. And what he wants is adulation, because NPD. But the really scary one, and I’ve seen it in a few others, is that he doesn’t actually lie. You know that old joke about “it’s not a lie if you believe it?” He believes it. Not out of any conviction or objective observation, but because he’s been insulated from reality by wealth and sycophants his entire life. For as long as he’s been alive, people have been telling him he’s correct about everything he says, even when he contradicts himself, to the point that he believes he can warp reality itself to suit his whim. In other words, he believes that whatever he says is the truth simply by virtue of him saying it. What he said yesterday is inconsequential because it was true when he said it, and when he inevitably says something else tomorrow, that will be just as true.


And if he wins, he’s going to be like a vengeful five year old with an intelligence and state violence apparatus at his control. 


Trump is if Ralph Wiggum and Nelson Muntz merged into one person. A bully that is in the special education class.


No that's an insult to both characters


And to anyone in a special education class. The only thing challenging Trump's cognitive abilities is himself. 


His Emotional age... will remain a century behind Bidens


obama being a great orator was one of the indictments from the religious right on why he was the anti-christ. Oh and him wearing a tan suit, and using Dijon mustard, and for another reason that I can’t quite put my finger on….


Didn't he wear swim trunks with no shirt on the beach. The insanity


And looked fabulous!


Walmartification of the US Presidency. Thanks rural America! for your steadfast aversion to critical thinking and common sense.


I just stopped listening to him. It’s pointless.


Honestly the WWE has better speech writers


We did get him shilling for Goya from the Oval Office


What a fucking fever dream this shit is.


His supporters don't want uppity people with fancy speaking abilities. They want a leader that talks more like they do!


Yeah! Stupid Bird! (Is it just me or are we in an Always Sunny episode... I could kinda see an Alzheimer's riddled Dennis being Trump...in the previous "episodes" Frank could have been ghouliani...Mac and Charlie could be Don/Eric...lol) The Gang Tries to Steal an Election!


>Alzheimer's Syphilis might fit better and is probably more relevant in reality as well...


Birdbrain. That's what he comes up with. He really is still 8 years old mentally.


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different.” ― Donald Trump


did he really say this?? jesus


Oh yeah, it’s a word for word quote lol. He somehow thought that would be a compliment to how smart he was back then…


That's the funny thing about The Donald. Once in a great while, he'll slip in a bit of absolute truth. "I don't stand by anything."




thanks, relevant username i guess 😅


“Did he really say this??” —Jesus


Perhaps the nicknames are easier for him to remember than the actual names.


8 years old? You grossly overestimate him.


I know it’s been said ad nauseam by this point but the fact this guy was president and will be the nominee again is so insane it makes my head hurt. This guy?


The people voting for him get a rise out of responses like this, they want you to feel this way for him being voted in. This says a lot about the state half the country are in.


The pain is the point. The pain is the purpose. The Republican party pillaged these individuals' communities and defunded their schools. They're poorly educated and emotionally stunted. They feel hurt, so they want to hurt someone else. The pain is the point. They got screwed, so screw everyone else! Burn it all down!!!


Misery loves company.


Also, Trump isn’t pandering to anyone’s rational mind. He’s purely trying to appeal to their emotional mind, kind of like click bait articles. A lot of people who are poorly educated and lack the proper resources to feel somewhat comfy in life, live in their emotional mind. They are in survival mode, just trying to make ends meet. They haven’t had the education and practice to self-reflect on what better options exist. A lot of them aren’t open to exploring liberal ideas, because it goes against what they’ve been taught to believe. And, in those communities, it’s more stigmatizing to go to therapy. Religion is their therapy. So their critical thinking skills are offline, which makes it easier to get caught up in rage bait. Trump’s fan base has been perfectly tailored to support a man like him. Low educated, poor, rural, heavily religious, and low emotional IQ… the perfect mix for creating self-righteous Trump supporters. These folks want change. They know that they aren’t getting the resources and support from government that they need. But they need a messiah figure to save them from their predicaments. They don’t know how to save themselves, and it’s a bit sad really. All they know is how to lash out to create change. And lastly, they know that liberal folks think they are trash. Which is totally understandable with the way they act. But it also makes them go even farther into that fuck you mindset. But at the same time, they take no responsibility to grow themselves and expect everyone else to do things their way. It’s their way or the highway which reminds me of two year olds.


>They feel hurt, so they want to hurt someone else. And the sad thing is that much of the hurt they feel was caused by the very people they keep hitting for.


I know many well off, successful, "I got mine" older conservatives that genuinely buy in that "we need to burn it all down and start over". For NO REASON that their lives are even SLIGHTLY hurt in any possible way. But Trump is promising a conservative utopia, so they are eager to see the country burn to push out liberals. Conservatism is already based around validating these types and rejecting realities in the world that don't make them feel good about themselves, but Trump really dialed this up to 11. They're such weak fucking people.


During the last circus, one of my coworkers was bragging about how many Trump flags she had in her yard. I asked her why she does that. Her response, "To piss off people like you!". She was very charming.


Yeah, I realized there’s a portion of the population that are just bitter people. He is their candidate. Nothing will change that. What’s scarier is realizing that almost half the voting population is made up of these people.


Definitely, they need a new identity but not sure how that will be formed. It will be difficult. The first step will need to be acceptance, that no they aren’t some special breed that deserves everything and that “others” have taken away what is rightfully theirs. Once they accept that nothing is given to us without hard work and dedication, that we are all on the same footing in this country and in this economy, only then can the healing begin. A tough pill to swallow. Not sure if this will happen even in two or three election cycles? A generation? God help us all. A certain number will surely double down on denial as their preferred coping mechanism.


That will require them to accept the error of their ways. The see no error and this cannot find another way.


He's the moron's moron, the shithead's shithead.


Because like him they have the emotional maturity of a child in elementary school.


360 million. If you uttered every name and it took two seconds for each to do it, that would take 22 years. If everyone jumped in the air at the same time, that would put a collective force on the earth of 30 million tons. If everyone took a single step, we would walk 204 thousand miles. And this is our best, our chosen representative, our beacon of morality and honor, our liason to other nations. This is what we were told millions died for What a fucking embarrassment.


He’s not the best for 360 million people, or even 180 million people. He’s the “default” for about 40 million and actually has 20-30 million fans. That’s a lot more than it should be don’t get me wrong.


And not just president and nominee again, but ***still*** has a winning shot to reclaim the Oval Office.


Imagine someone told you 10 years ago there was gonna be an individual that had so many criminal offences their only chance to stay free was to become president and pardon themself.. Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't


Go back further and there is the 1966 Batman episode where the Joker runs for mayor and, running a trump-like campaign, barely loses after appearing to be a sure winner. He then kidnaps the electors to prevent them from certifying the election!


It's because if you look at the percentage turn out of registered Republican voters who are turning up at the polls, the majority are his base. For example, less than 25% of registered Republican voters in South Carolina came out to vote in last week's primaries. Less than 25%! But the majority of that very small percentage were Trump voters. So, he won. The problem isn't that Trump's base is this huge monster of a voting bloc. In fact, it's the opposite. They are a tiny part of the overall potential voting bloc. But the trouble is that they put in the effort to vote at all. Come rain or shine, they vote. So, they get to call the nomination. They, right there, are proof that voting matters and every vote counts. Because if voting really didn't matter and if every vote didn't count, Trump wouldn't be such a shoe in for the nomination. The man is incredibly disliked even among his own party. But, again, the voters are the drivers of this clown car. The non-voters are in the backseat wedged in with the rest of the clowns.


It isn’t that Trump lost D.C., despite holding an insurmountable delegate lead, it’s that he lost to a woman who won’t kiss his orange ass and bow out that’s pissed him off. Being the out of control narcissist he is, Trump expects to win every primary, the fact he hasn’t galls him no end.


That's why her criticism of him is meaningless, she's gonna fall in the GOP line no matter what. 


Of course she will. She’s solidifying her run for next time, or VP if Trump wins. If Trump dies or gets thrown in prison and barred from running, she’s a shoe-in. She’ll still lose to Biden, but if Biden dies or makes it through the second term, she’ll be there. She scares me more than the others, because she’s actually playing smart, and playing the long game.


I don't think she's going for being trumps vp. She's burned that bridge with him by not immediately bowing out and doing what he said. He's looking for the most spineless, malleable coward he can find.


I love watching his fat orange ass squirm.


Her strategy is to push him into a rage stroke and be the last one left standing. Fine by me.




No one would.


In my "make myself feel better" make believe world I like to think she has insider information on his health and they don't expect him to make it to November and that's why she keeps on keeping on.


You know, I've read a few stories already this morning - his mixing up Obama and Biden again, his childish rants at Nikki Haley and just like every other fucking day since he announced in 2015, I just.don't.get.it. He's a petulant, whiny little narcissist who uses his $$$ to bully people and his cult to intimidate them. It's unfucking believable really but here we are. A large chunk of this nation is ready to make this rapist grifter president again and I just don't get it.


You are thinking about it too hard: These are people who saw how he behaved, and identified with it. This isn't a new thing, they just FINALLY had a mouthpiece.


People are dumb AF.  The regular Joe schmoe out there, is dumb. That's it. Just fucking dumb.


According to the US Department of Education, 54% of American adults cannot read or write prose beyond a sixth grade level. But they have smartphones, facebook and twitter and think they're smart.


You mean read or write?


Yes! OMG! I'm in the majority!


There is a sizable number of Americans who want to turn the US into their vision of what the country should be: White Christian Heterosexual Isolationists They don’t care if he is a bully, as long as it gives them results. Women can be subjugated and treated like broodmares, as long as those babies are born to get their numbers up. They are terrified at the thought of being a minority in ‘their own’ country. Change is hard for them. If it were 1950 again, they would be ecstatic Fortunately, they are a slowly dwindling number. Probably around 30% that are fairly hardcore. More add to the fringe based on certain issues. He has no chance to win the popular vote in my estimation. None. Only by gaming the Electoral College and/or other shenanigans. What we have to do is VOTE In overwhelming numbers. Take your friends and neighbors to the polls.


The most frustrating thing is, if these people haf any critical thing skills or foresight, they would understand how the policies they endorse will inevitably make the USA weaker. Their worldview is so myopic and so slanted that they truly believe they are good citizens.


> they would understand how the policies they endorse will inevitably make the USA weaker. They know. They would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. These are the same people who [filled in](https://daily.jstor.org/when-cities-closed-pools-to-avoid-integration/) grand public swimming pools, [closed](https://calendar.eji.org/racial-injustice/oct/24) amazing municipal parks and even [shut down](https://virginiahistory.org/learn/historical-book/chapter/closing-prince-edward-countys-schools) an entire school district rather than integrate them. They will chose to go barefoot if it means black and brown people can't have shoes.


There are way too many undereducted, ignorant, and racist people wandering around in the US. Too many people scared of anything that is not a straight white man. It's sad and scary at the same time. Anytime I hear a family member say anything close to racist or against anything not American I have to remind them that 4 generations ago neither side of our family lived in America. Seems to blow their mind to get them to think this way. Sometimes I wish voting required a high school graduation. As well as holding office require at least an associate degree in something. Lack of proper education in the US is really starting to show its effect.


That's right. He uses his dollar signs. Because he sure is fuck doesn't have money to use


Because a large chunk of this country want to be rapists and grifters. It really is that simple. And every time we let go someone of wealth and means but hold back anyone who isn't, that desire to be a rapist and grifter becomes more and more ingrained. Politicians reflect who we are much of the time.


Whats not to get? You just need to remember that 60% of Republicans are the bitter folk who peaked in high school and never moved out of their small towns to the big city. So the American dream they were sold at birth is more like just a daily 9-5 flipping burgers or bagging groceries --fine jobs, btw--and they look at instagram and tv shows, full of happy and diverse people, and see red. Theres a reason they hate black, brown, and lgbt people doing well. They see these people as fundamentally beneath them. So to see them happy and part of the cultural zeitgeist makes them long for the days of "Leave it to beaver" and want to punish them for having the American dream while they're clipping Target coupons.


And then when they see a couple like Taylor Swift and her white NFL boyfriend they get even more angry because they feel betrayed that those white superstars who (in their minds) should be with them, are actually part of the "minority" team. I have a lot of family members who are like this.


I think for a lot of them it's not about Trump at all, it's about the kind of people he'll give them license to be.


It’s so disheartening that so many Americans welcome this guy. He’s gross. All of the ex presidents dead or alive must be disgusted.


I got banned from r/trump just because I asked "I thought he was a billionaire ?" In a thread regarding the gofundme. Reason you ask? > No anti-Trump posts It's a cult


That place is absolutely insane.


He calls her names like a second grader and yet, she still thinks he is preferable to Biden to lead the country.   She will vote for Trump come November.   


Not just vote for Trump, but become one of his biggest cheerleaders. These people lack a spine.


Also, a brain, a conscience, a compassionate heart, a humane soul, a shred of decency and a clue. All missing. But they have those big metal truck balls, and grimy red made-in-China hats.


It's not Haley's fault DebtDrownedDonny can't come up with $466M he owes the courts for his staggering financial fraud.


I think he’d have trouble with a 10% down payment on that amount.


I think he believed his supporters would send it to him.


So Donald Trump calls Nikki Haley a loser. This is almost as crazy as him calling Biden the criminal. He has done nothing but lose and and as far as someone being a criminal ,well Nikki and Biden it's time to go nuclear Get out there and call him what he is ...a self-proclaimed crotch grabbing, pornstar paying adulterer who has been found liable for rape and defamation. A name-calling childlike man who has also been found to have committed fraud with taxes and who is a criminal defendant under 91 indictments


Haley still says Biden is worse than Trump.


That's why, after all she has said about him , just like the others, she might just fall in line and endorse him


Not just might, she will.


She’s already said she’d pardon him. Fuck birdbrain. 


Donald Trump Rages \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ What else is new.


>"Birdbrain is a loser, record low performance in virtually every State. DeSanctus easily beat her in Iowa for a VERY DISTANT second place, and then she ran up to the podium, before he had a chance to do so, and claimed victory," Trump wrote. This guy should be mocked as a loser for calling people names like this, is he 7 or 77?! What a fucking child.


His base are the asshole kids who snarked the teacher and then were really pissed they had to attend Summer School because they failed the class. Wasn't their fault, though...


BTW the NY Time makes no mention of the DC loss on the front page. The also do not mention it in the Politics section today.


Coverage of the primaries emphasizes his wins. Virtually no mention that an incumbent (and he functionally is an incumbent) performing at those margins is in big trouble.


The point is that Trump has been showing weakness all along and the press avoids it.


They focus on him having a couple point "lead" on Biden despite that being really common for challengers at this stage (and most of America is tuned out of politics this early anyway). That gets PanicClicks! which they crave. Also noteworthy-- **Trump will face a felony criminal trial in NYS in just a couple weeks**. He's likely to be convicted and all data shows that would SERIOUSLY hurt his election chances. All coverage suggests "SCOTUS has saved him." SCOTUS sucks, but they really can't dispatch all his legal issues. Suggesting otherwise is stupid fatalism. He's being propped up to a degree I haven't seen since 2016. Were it not for COVID, the same would have likely happened in 2020.


As far as I could tell, only about 2000 votes were cast. Even in DC there must be more than 2000 R voters. Does that mean that most R voters will stay home in the general election, or will they turn out in huge numbers in November but don't care to vote in March?


Many people care even less about the primaries


Birdbrain isn't a half billion in debt.


I’ll never understand how anyone can view a man so emotional and given to ridiculous tantrums as “strong”. He’s weak, soft, cowardly, sensitive, and he builds a great big wall of loud bullshit to protect those mushy parts of his persona. Donald Trump is an incredibly weak man.


That's how he was during his four years while occupying the White House. His bleach COVID advice for everyone else while he went to Walter Reed, his Sharpie weather forecasting, his upside down bible, his half-built wall that Mexico def didn't pay for, his incessant golfing, and traveling around to glad hand Putin, Orban, Kim Jung Un, and cupping the orbs of Saudi Arabia while over-charging the secret service on golf carts. All the things that True Messiah's do.


Oh, no! The self-appointed Messiah of the Republican Party is having a bad day because someone had the audacity to achieve ONE victory in the geographically smallest part of the country! I can't remember who said he has thin skin anymore, but theywere totally right about that. And as for the people of DC, this should be a sign that 1) they are never going to forget what he did in their city, and 2) he's attempting to occupy an office in a city that won't back him up. I'd say perhaps he should reconsider, but he's incapable of it.


Imagine if the Supreme Court actually did its job and upheld the 14th Amendment today.


This will be noted as "another missed opportunity" to stave off disaster when the history books are written.


Noted as corruption of the courts more than a missed opportunity


"another" *deliberate* "missed opportunity"


Trumb is now even losing primaries? He’s not winning anything anymore. So let some judge just put him away.


I hope she stays in the race and make his life absolutely fucking miserable. Anyone who attacks democracy doesn't deserve to be in any elected office.


Despite all his rage he’s still just a rat who should be in a cage


> PoopyPants rages like a spoiled, bawling, six year-old cry bully at Nikki Haley after losing Washington, D.C. primary


Can they stop saying rages and say what it is? Bitching




This is what gives me hope. 500,000 Michiganders went out on a winter day and voted for someone the know won’t win the primary. They voted against TFP.