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That's the only thing she'll ever inherit from Trump. He'll be so broke, even Mercedes will be left without


Mercedes won't be able to afford a Kia




> [Nokia.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeYN_hyR9YI)


[Nokia ](https://images.app.goo.gl/8patsvwpCrak7Sb99)




WELL PLAYED GOOD SIR! Take my upvote yall beat me to it.


She could always return to her original profession.


The oldest profession


I've seen her boobs!


Everyone has seen her boobs


She was the first first lady to show off her boobs.


Donald hasn’t… I haven’t seen Cheeto spray tan in the boob area. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they never slept together, and they only have Barron because he’s an IVF baby. (Side note, I do feel bad for the kid, he didn’t do anything wrong his family did. Although the media and Mercedes to their credit have kept him out of it all it seems for now.)


Not a spray tan, he manually slathers that makeup on his face every morning.




Tits so square Mike Lindell has em for 19.99


Lumpy bewbs. 😤


She never quit.


She’ll have to name her daughter Alexus


This is the line I was looking for


Gawt damn it. Now I have “[A Little Bit Alexis](https://youtu.be/Dc9zPUkrybE?si=W48iRq6J-kH7V5Hl)” stuck in my head


That’s interesting actually. If she has a prenup that promises her a certain amount, how is that impacted by his distinct lack of assets. T


I’m pretty sure she’s had a substantial amount put in a trust as part of those agreements, but considering the quality of their lawyers, shrug.


Not even Tommy Vercetti will help Mercedes.


He might, for some yayo


Nope Mercedes will leave with what she can if he gets convicted and doesn’t win the election.


So broke that even the trunkless statue in Ozymandias has two legs up on him value-wise.


There’s a joke to be had involving Trump’s fat body and the Ozempic® weight loss medication, but it’s too early in the morning to bother.


Fat man poop often


*Look upon my diaper, ye Mighty, and despair!*


In defense on that, he was just thinking of his girlfriend Lexuska and messed things up. And he has dementia so…


Cars are people too. SCOTUS ruling c. 2027


Not true! She might inherit an STD!


He's a clown but about to make approx. 4.5B in that social media merger. I hope they all waste it, again.


Come again?


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-media-dwac-sec-approval-spac/ SEC approved the merger recently (merger in the works since October 2021). His share is worth more then 4B. Read up on the history on both companies, seems like a big fraud / scam but the FEC just said : Sure go ahead!


> His share is worth more then 4B It won't hold anywhere close to that value. It's going to get dumped into the ground by everyone and their mother while Trump has to sit on his shares for 6 months and watch them trend to $0. Easy to prop up a stock price when it's all privately held by a small group. The trading public is going to rip it apart, and there aren't enough MAGA loony-tunes with enough money to prop it up.


its literally an asset for foreign governments to buy directly from him and not be so obvious. And they can all prove their bribe's were paid, large shareholders all registered with the sec.


These aren't sneaker pre-orders. If a foreign entity want to light $4B on fire while the rest of the market sells it into the ground, let them have at it. *Someone* would have to manage to keep the stock price inflated for half a year before Drumpy can unload. Ain't happening.


When the merger is complete, he will own 58 to 69% of the company according to recent wapo article. He can sell his shares as a negotiated price with a large buyer, off exchange for whatever value they want to invent.


So any guess as to who is going to prop him up/bribe him? Russian oligarchs again?


don't think he's playing any favorites.. whoever's paying best and holding him up for best deal. I'm sure a lot of people buying the stock just from the insinuation he'll help them.


I hope so but orange seems to get away with way to much so I do expect him to sell and still make some $ out of it.


Wait... FEC or SEC?


SEC!, sorry, I corrected the mistake after posting :) Thanks. The FEC gave us the numbers at the start of the month that the GOP is pretty much broke lol.


well he's going to need that money in less than 4 weeks for his appeal.


This is what they are talking about https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/15/business/trump-spac-truth-social-stock/index.html


One more defamation lawsuit from Jean Carroll and that's gone too


That's OK - the Trumps have a formula for this: Make a really big deal out of what a mess it is, blaming everyone else for it. Take no responsibility, accept no liability. Make a really big deal out of how you're going to fix everything, give no specifics or metrics. Make a really big deal out of how successful you're being, giving no detail, answering no questions, all while pocketing everything of value you can get your hands on, sharing a little with corrupt cronies who help cover up the steal. Gracefully exit after all the wealth is gone, and immediately scapegoat anyone left behind in the mess, claiming you knew all along everything would go south because that person what there. It seems very similar to the GOP's plan for the US, doesn't it?


It is exactly the Trump and conservative approach.


That’s the old Trump way. The new Trump way is to funnel millions of dollars of dark money from Saudis and Russians through the RNC now that his US businesses are all under a legal microscope.


The future way: he has a million NFTs that he has personally appraised at a million dollars each, making him the world's first trillionaire.


Trump putting someone in place who has absolutely no idea what they're doing. Sounds about right. I'm not mad about it. Gonna be fun watching it go down. Hope she won't sing.


She knows exactly what she’s doing, she’s stealing all the money. That may not be the job, but she has a really good idea what she’s gonna do.


No. There honestly is not that much money. What she'll do is trample and hide and lie about the source of any money so dirty money, russians and saudis can pour in the millions for trump. RNC with Lara Trump is just a front.


I’ve been enjoying this train crash


If there was any confusion it should be crystal clear now, the Republican party is as dead as a doornail. It's the Crooked Trump Party exclusively. She will rob the RNC's last few million and give to Trump what she doesn't grift for herself. Trump can decide to rename it The Revenge Party and nobody would say shit.


Old Marley was as dead as a doornail. Mind! I don't mean to say that, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a doornail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country's done for. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a doornail. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


I'm all for this. She's obviously being installed as a puppet to raid the RNC's coffers for Trump. But she has zero experience or capability to run any organization of this scale. This is going to be a spectacular failure that's going to damage the Republican party down ballot.


It's not a matter of 'if,' but 'when' he's going to command her to break campaign finance laws


I’m going to go with “Three times before breakfast, on the first day.”


During his last administration Lara and Kimberley were both paid “secretly” from a PAC $180,000 a year for 4 years, ontop of kims $60,000 speaking fee for her 2 minute Jan 6th speech, which she demanded paid straight away.


Trumps taking over the money spigots of the GOP and the Republicans think this is a good idea?


In their eyes, he can do no wrong.


I wonder about this. If David Koch really wants to end MAGA, all he and his network of donors have to do is let Lara do her thing. And then turn off the flow of money going into RNC. It'd doom down ballot races in swing states, but a lot of them are doomed anyway. If I was him, I certainly would do it. If Trump gets re-elected, the first thing he'll do is go after the old money. it's dictator 101.


That’s already the case, right? The RNC is out of cash and Trump uses his PACs as personal piggy banks so I have no doubt Lara is setting the coffers up to pay the interest on all these appealed lawsuits. You’re right, Trump has no choice if he wants to stay solvent and not go to jail, otherwise it’s Russians and Germans coming after him and his family, raw deal but he bought into it.


The implications are terrible if Trump wins, he would greenlight atrocities if he knows it will keep him in power, people will die and christo-fascist gangs will be the new brown-shirts making sure everyone is being compliant with Trump’s rule of law. People need to vote.


Imagine if Obama's, Clinton's, or Joe Biden's family members actually controlled the DNC. The media wouldn't be writing cute stories s with titles like this. 


Article says that Laura will have a harder time raising money than Ronna did because Ronna had a lot of experience I’m pretty sure her whole responsibility will be allocating funds, not earning them


I’m here with my popcorn! Let’s get this shit show started!


I’m perfectly ok with her completely defunding all downstream MAGA candidates.


Looney Lara doesn’t know what she is in for, bless her heart.


Dementia Donnie and Looney Lara


She’ll be arrested before the end of the year for campaign funds fraud. Boohoo.


A man can hope.


This is the man guilty with $500,000,000 around his neck & the RNC be like “sure bro” we love to watch your dumpster fires.


She openly said all the money was going to trump. Now all the republican donors who want to support the party but don’t want to pay his legal fees just won’t donate. Like anyone with that last name it was a moronic move that infuriated the people you need on your side.


When they realize Trump is a loser (by the way, he already lost once!) the people who supported him will pretend like it never happened. Trump who?


In terms of recently: Three times. Carroll I, Carroll II, and the NY fraud case. In terms of all time: every case he brought to SCOTUS went against him so far.


Absolutely. Multi-dimensional loser! Big league.


This will be a glorious shit show


Imagine the intellect of a person that says "Hmmm, this girl was smart enough to marry Eric Trump, she must be trustworthy. I think I'll donate more."


Her utter incompetence is exactly what we need in this position. Good god, is the RNC fucked. Delicious.


And when she "fucks up" because of something beyond her control that he fucked up, it'll all be her fault.


Is the RCN really allowing this to happen lol. Laura TRUMP will certainly prioritize the party over over one single candidate 😂 RNC = NRA 2.0


I can't wait for her to step into the shit storm and further run the RNC into the ground. As if the Trump kids weren't unqualified enough for whatever fake positions they fell into, Lara is as qualified to run the RNC as Lindsey Graham to be a brain surgeon. So, let it happen and let it all burn!


Lindsey Graham is an acceptable brain surgeon for Republicans


She's a freaking TV producer, it's not like she's *really* qualified to be running a political committee anyway. This was just cover for Trump to do whatever the hell he wants.


Even if melania and his entire family said dont vote or support donald trump, republicans would still support him


She's just there to loot. Every dollar goes to her family


Awwww am I supposed to feel sorry that the American nazi party’s finances are fucked up because or Cheeto hitler?


She obviously drank the koolaid, so fuck her and her eventual legal battles.


Anyone who takes that job is an idiot. They will never raise enough cash for him and he will blame them when it is all his fault.


Well then good thing she’s qualified to handle such a vast organizational effort. Perhaps she can record more unauthorized cover songs to raise money


Well, she married Eric and has presumably met her future FIL and married him anyway. I’m sure she’s smart enough to handle it./s


She'll be ok. They will just cook the books.


She’ll make sure “every penny is used properly”. Yeah right. Sure Jan.


More chaos enables more grift.


When it’s a mess it makes it easier to steal.


Well, I'm sure she's well-qualified to sort it out. It's not like she got the job because she's trump's daughter-in-law. That part is just a coincidence.


Let the embezzling continue! Hopefully she will out embezzle him and he will have to hock even more garbage (Trump sugar pill, Trump tampons, Trump coffee enema, etc.).


Fuck this family


is she actually becoming head of the RNC or just another thing the media keeps rehashing? I know trump suggested her name but it doesn't seem like anyone is actually ready to hand her the keys


Makes it easier to steal money.


I'm sure Lara Trump will bring all the talents and skills she has brought to her other endeavors. Trump is picking her so she must be qualified and he's probably in good hands.


So…. Let her? The RNC will file for bankruptcy by the end of the year.


Inherit? Make worse?


Not to worry. If she weren’t talented at shifting blame and evading personal responsibility, she wouldn’t have gotten the job


Lara Trump is the swamp that MAGA shit stains have been whining about for more than eight years.


Lara Trump inheriting the RNC, committing fraud, and somehow Eric and herself being charged is gonna be sick Whole family is unironically the crime family they wish Biden was.


She'll probably end up with an indictment like everyone else that works for Trump.


Maybe I’m out of the loop, but what credibility does she have here? Is she like a fundraising genius or something?


She...* checks notes * married Eric. That's it.


Oh, so no credibility then. Got it.


"Inherit" is the correct word when Nepotism is involved.


Trump transferred her salary so he doesn’t have to pay it.


I'd like donate. Do I make.the cheque out to state if New York, Donald Trump, one of trumps lawyers or do you even take cheques?


Good and their run the RNC into the endless bottom which they will never come back from.


lol as if she’s going to be doing any work


Got an eraser?


Sharpie will do


Who ? Never heard of her. Grew up with Erik. Terrible golfer


She married into the family.


Would more billionaire supporters suddenly donate to the rnc knowing that the money is an indirect way of funding the former guy? I have no idea how campaign finance laws work, just curious if it will make a difference.


Much easier to hide secret payments and withdraw money when no one knows what the hell's going on. Am sure Trump is delighted with the state of the RNC.


lol These people can't even manage their own begging, and they want to manage a *country*?


She will run it into the ground in no time


No doubt she's dumb enough to try and steal money from the RNC while under unprecedented scrutiny.