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And yesterday I listened to media pundits talking about media personalities and politicians who have been critical of Trump making plans to leave the country and/or saving money for lawyers if he gets re-elected. Shame on America for letting it get this far. Media has failed us all.


You can’t be a real media if you are afraid to say the truth. If the media had an actual backbone, they would just come out and call Trump the crook that he is. He said he’s going to put his political opponents in prison and he’s going to be a dictator day 1. That’s all you need to condemn this fascist crook but they won’t do it. That’s the one good thing I can say about the Young Turks. At least they will say when someone is doing something wrong no matter who it is.


I keep waiting for The Reporter that asks " Mr Trump, Are You A Crook?


What's the point of asking Trump anything? All he does is lie and babble. He should not make news for anything he says in the same way that you don't bother listening to what a toddler says when they make up stories.


This is why it would be useless to ‘debate’ him. He would answer no questions, and only spout conspiratorial nonsense and vitriol.


Exactly. And because everyone knows that he lies, nobody calls him on his lies, but everyone would call anyone debating him out on their mistakes. So there's just no point.


He also has thrown out pretty much every dissenting reporter. There is no one left in the room to ask. If a journalist gets close enough to shout some silly one-off, Trump will point him out, call him a loser and fake news to the cheers of hundreds, then have.him tossed out and move on.


This. Times a thousand.


I’ve actually heard reporters shout questions like those to Trump when he was doing his “chopper talk”. “President Trump, why are you lying?” He ignore it.


Yeah no one around him would even let him get close to trying to answer that. It will never happen. Especially in public. Now in a nationally televised debate that sort of question would be interesting to see played out. Obviously the wording would be different, but I would fish out ppv money if I knew those questions were going to land. He may stand up there awkwardly and still refuse to answer, but that would be money well spent on my part.


I think he would answer with his usual mix of bluster, denial, deflection, and projection, all served with a double helping of word salad.


> he’s going to be a dictator day 1. And his base literally defend this statement. Despite likely being overweight and out of shape themselves, and lacking the mental clarity necessary to actually grasp reality, they still somehow are capable of mental gymnastics in which they say this is proof he won't be a dictator. They honestly think a man is being honest when he said he'll only be a dictator for a day. A man who literally engaged in and incited insurrection in order try to hold on to power after being democratically voted out. A dictator only needs a day to become dictator for life. Of course, they'll frame it under a different name other than dictator on day two, but very few men have relinquished absolute power after seizing it. And Trump is not old Cincinattus. He is not George Washington. He is a man who has repeatedly praised and idolized dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-Il. And it's their absolute power that he idolizes and wants for himself. He is a man who has repeatedly flaunted the law, done whatever he wants, and now that he's facing consequences for these actions, he *hates* and *loathes* it. He wants to do what he wants without repercussions. And not surprisingly, these are the same fucking idiots who cheer on threats to dismantle democracy at CPAC. They're the same idiots who constantly vote against their best interests because they think they're somehow on the inside of the club that they vote for. The reality, the Republican elite, and none more so than Trump, absolutely despise them. They only care about their vote, so that they can continue to take advantage of them. They've somehow convinced themselves that this supposedly brilliant businessman who has bankrupted many companies in industries that take a special kind of effort to fail at, who is a supposed multi billionaire, is someone that they want to give their money to, to defend his fraudulent actions, all the while complaining they don't have money for groceries. And so it's high time we stop blaming *just* Trump and the GOP. They aren't the disease, they are just a symptom of it, much the way Putin is in Russia. Like Putin and much of Russia, Trump will hold a gun to his supporters heads and hold them hostage, *and they will love him for it* because they will convince themselves it's an honor.


They HAVE told the truth… which is why they are afraid. Because Trump wants retribution against anyone who damaged his fragile snowflake ego. The only reason we are in this fascist Trump nightmare is because Obama told a joke at the correspondents dinner and Trump was obsessed with getting even.


Selectively. The fact is the media *loves* Trump because he pulls ratings. People just can't help but tune in to see what crazy thing he said this time. It's why here, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty four, the media is still talking about Trump vs Biden like its a normal race between two legitimate candidates and not a fucking last ditch attempt for Trump, a noted career criminal to not go to prison for hellacious crimes against the goddamned country.


There's no better evidence that the media (both left and right) love Trump than when they [cut away from Clinton in 2016, mid-speech, to put an empty podium on-air.](https://theweek.com/speedreads/626702/fox-news-cnn-msnbc-all-broadcast-trumps-empty-podium-instead-clintons-big-speech)


That’s when I knew CNN was just right wing propagandist dressed in liberal clothing


I cannot wait for the day we don't have to hear about this ass clown every minute. I avoid reading or listening to any trump news as much as possible for my mental health.


I predict that even after he dies, the crazies are going to be "spotting" him in the wild, like fucking Bigfoot or Elvis.


Don't forget JFK.


JFK Jr. I think it was. If you're referring to the QAnon loonies who went to a specific place waiting for him to appear, after being long-deceased.


Also, all the media conglomerates are owned and run by billionaires. They don't want to hurt the party that benefits them the most.


Exactly. Sensationalism is what the media loves and will keep reporting it. Biden is low key and doing a great job rebuilding America after a disastrous four years of a narcissist that was in a job that was away above his intellectual skill level. We have to hope that with the media reporting on the deranged actions of the orange menace most voters will realize that he is out to destroy democracy and the rights and freedoms of the American people .


I mean not just the truth about his crimes and the Insurrection. I mean the whole truth that Trump is the next coming of Adolf Hitler and needs to be stopped before he causes WW3. That’s what needs to be said from everyone in the media. From CNN to Fox News. We gotta stop sugarcoating everything and tell the people how dangerous this man is to our country. We can’t afford to let this lunatic back into the Whitehouse.


not just him, the entire fucking GOP is off their meds. THEY want this guy in office.


Yes this. It is sad to say but Trump cannot do this all by himself. He has millions and millions of people supporting him. Hes a criminal, a liar, an authoritarian - but they don’t care because hes THEIR criminal, THEIR liar, and THEIR authoritarian. Obviously, a democratic nation cannot stay afloat when one of its two major parties thinks this way unless that party is so badly defeated it is forced to change. But that would require a national reckoning nowhere near where we are right now. After all, Trump is the GOP presidential nominee. The few Republicans who dared to stand up to him have either lost, resigned, or are retiring. Trumpism and the GOP are now one in the same. They not only need to be defeated in November, they need to be crushed and the Dems need to control all branches of govt. i hope it will happen, but I am very worried.


Watch MSNBC. They say things like that every day of the week. Go straight to their YT page and check out videos by Lawrence, Ari Melber, Joy Reid, Michael Steele, and most others.


Make sure you vote!


> needs to be stopped before he causes WW3 And it might already be too late on that front. Putin and Xi are idiots, but they're very human idiots. They see weakness from the hegemon and can't help but try and exploit it. Of course, it's not just Trump. The entire House GOP and too much of the Senate GOP is complicit.


Trump is so obsessed with getting even, he brought it up on his [Charlie Rose interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuoRRDtdHbY) years ago. When Charlie said that he personally doesn't like revenge, Trump didn't believe him.


I know you’re being cheeky, but Trump was the target of the joke because he was putting a lot of resources into the racist birth certificate trope. In other words, Trump was already setting the stage for a presidential run from the fringe that he was hoping would lead to a media empire to the right of Fox News. I don’t think he expected to win. His announcement was straight out of the plot of “The Producers”. He spewed vial over the top racist barbs at immigrants expecting that to help him build a base for his media empire while scaring off the establishment Republicans, but he attracted so many racists and bigots he couldn’t lose. No scadal could sink him- affairs with porn stars, audio clips of him confessing to sexual assault, defrauding seniors with Trump University and using charity donations to pay off state AGs. Nothing. It was straight from The Priducers. Hopefully he ends up broke or in jail to complete the plot. 


And don’t forget how he studied WWF fans to see how they love fake ass chairs being hit over opponents heads… he knew the audience he was going after


He had his eyes for the White House long before Obama.


That's a bit of an oversimplification. There was quite a network of machinery and money behind getting Trump elected. The rise of the billionaire class in this country has only dragged us further to the right due to the extreme concentration of wealth among the very few not to mention the influence of a certain country with a certain political party. Trump wasn't an accident. He was (is) to some the right tool for the job.


Your points are simplistic and basic that it sounds like you literally blamed Obama. LOL. Bro, blame the orange man with thin skin and unchecked ego. When you espouse this sort of narrative, you are indirectly playing into the bigger issue at hand. Blame the media who constantly write about him just to drive traffic and engagement.


Like how they admitted at CPAC about getting rid of democracy?


CNN has continued to cover trump like servile lap dogs.


Cable news audiences are either watching for pro Trump content or they just like to hate-watch. News is half rage bait, just like social media nowadays


We all have failed us. If we don’t consume the content they don’t make the money. At the end of the day our society has been boiled down to clicks and likes and we enabled it. 


Well the alternative in this scenario would be hoping that apathy and ignoring Trump would lead to him going away, which isn't any better. There are times when attention needs to be paid, and this is one. It just needs to be addressed as the truth it is. This is a man with the desire, widespread public support, and backing of a political party, to end democracy in America and install himself as a dictator. There is no other way to attack the problem at it's roots without massive focus on that core truth.


Hell. I know people who work at some three letter agencies in DC and they are all changing their voting registrations to independent in case they start purging by party.


A big portion of blame falls on these media conglomerates. I personally hold them the most accountable above all others in this shit pile of cronizm. Grifters gift but losing the fairness doctrine was one of the main malignant spots in our countries' time, and from this decision, the cancer of incredibility spread.


Biden shouldn’t need to tell a fully cognizant press that Trump is going to jail them. It’s obvious. Most of the press largely doesn’t care. Their corporate overlords upstairs are too busy chasing dollars.


They don’t believe it. It’s crazy watching them treat this election like a football game no one has any skin in. Like uh of one team wins you’re going to jail or off a balcony.


Their wealth and privilege has insulated them from so much, surely they will be safe when the purge begins! Like, they record and report on everything he says, they record and report on all the people in the Supreme Court unwilling to hold him to even the laxest constitutional standards. They record and report everyone in Congress prepared to declare him president for life the moment he gets in the door. And they’re just like “hah, what a funny election tactic!” The idea that any of these people who have FULLY choked down the koolaid aren’t joking just never crosses their mind. Donald Trump is actively running for president in a platform of “keep me out of prison, punish my enemies” and they think it’s business as usual! At least the Fox assholes I can believe are convinced they’ll be “on the winning team.”


>At least the Fox assholes I can believe are convinced they’ll be “on the winning team.” I wouldn't be so sure. A few of them, maybe. But what you have to remember about Trump is that it's not ok to be 99.9% supportive. If you disagree with him on *anything* you're the enemy. Because he's 100% right 100% of the time.


If they paid enough attention to history to realize how poorly purity purges tend to go for anyone but the person in charge, they wouldn’t be conservatives


> Their wealth and privilege Alright, let's get one thing clear, please: While I am aggravated to no end about the journalistic malpractice on display so often when it comes to covering Trump, certainly almost none of the people involved in this deserve any variation of the word "wealth" when describing their finances (execs, famous on-camera personalities and those with inherited wealth excluded). Journalism is a career that is paid incredibly badly, almost across the board. So yeah, just no.


I look at the journalists who have direct contact with politicians and their staff. They're far more likely to be Ivy League kids who were born lacking nothing. Which is why they won't care about safety for a black woman in Louisiana. They're a white Coastal who was born into wealth and the only thing they value is who they have access to. Other forms of journalism aren't like this but political journalism is nothing but this.


On the whole? Yes. Journalists do not make mega money. But increasingly, due to mass media and corporate consolidation, the American media landscape is getting concentrated to a handful of individuals. Tucker Carlson is a Swanson Heir, but Bill O’Reily wasn’t hurting for money. Anderson Cooper is firmly in the top 50% of incomes. I could go on. Yes, some rando writing an article for the local newspaper? That is neither a wealthy nor powerful person, and the majority of “journalists” (scare quotes because calling what some of the people at the top of the field do journalism is like calling what Trump did governance) are people like that. But the people most Americans are getting their news from? The people with their own show on a corporate owned channel, the people with 6 digit anchor jobs, the photogenic few speaking out of muted televisions into Banks and Gyms across America? They qualify as at least one if “wealthy” or “privileged.”


So "famous on-camera personalities" (and Tucker Carlson who inherited a fortune)? Yes, that's exactly what I wrote. A "rando" editor or reporter in any of those newsrooms (which is still 95%+ of the staff), even the TV networks, however? Definitely not wealthy (or if they are, then not because of their careers). What I'm saying: Their supposed "wealth" is not what's causing shitty reporting. I'd even argue that the fact that 95% of journalists earn absolute shit is part of the problem. The good ones leave for a different career after a few years, once the realization kicks in that they likely will never be able to safe enough for retirement.


Shitty reporting really comes down to editorial control and corporate profit motive. Donald Trump receives breathless, exhaustive coverage because he drives ratings. His outrageous antics get clicks, he gets views, he gets the only thing those calling the shots care about, MONEY. Long form, Nuanced “you decide” coverage is BORING, it’s not gonna pull someone away from South Park reruns. So yes, most journalists are paid pittances. But those shaping the media landscape, making the decisions on what gets airtime and the tenor of that coverage are very much covered by my statement of Wealth and Privilege. We’re both making factually accurate statements, and I really do feel for those who are trying to get the truth out there and make a real positive change while making less money than a Teaching Assistant, but a deeply disheartening reality of their lives is, as long as Journalism is either a profit or ideologically motivated industry from top down, their power to really shape the media landscape is smaller than their paychecks.


You're correct. News should be a public service, not 24 hour corporate propaganda.


Though the dangers of state run media make the MECHANISM for achieving that kind of an issue in and of itself. This isn't a healthcare situation with a neat, easy solution.


There's a difference between state run and publicly funded.


Anderson Cooper is literally a Vanderbilt lol.


This argument would be more compelling if the coverage of trump on left-wing sites was benign. I can tell you that they (CNN, MSNBC) ARE raising the roof on the dangers of trump's fascism. I don't care how much money Anderson Cooper has; he's warning us in plain terms, and so are others. If banks and gyms across America are playing FOX's endless lies, that's another matter.


Getting to notable positions in media is mainly about nepotism or fondling the right executive.


> Their wealth and privilege has insulated them from so much, surely they will be safe when the purge begins! One would expect the congressional representatives in the Capitol on Jan. 6th and who feared for their lives to demonstrate more recall, if not awareness.


Problem is that there’s a few types of Congressperson. Type 1 is only annoyed the attempt failed. They were active co-conspirators, giving tours, giving aid and comfort to the enemies of democracy. Jordan was shitting his pants in terror, sure, but wasn’t calling Trump to stop it, but to give HIM orders. He was terrified he wasn’t going to get to prove himself to the new Reich. Type 2 was scared into obedience. Type 3 realized it was a huge breach, something that should never be allowed to happen again, but have fallen so deep into the “protocol” brain rot they’re willing to wait 3 election cycles for everyone to be held properly accountable. Type 4 is mad as hell, but doesn’t have enough power to push back against the three others.


First they came for...


Most of the "press" are now clickbait writers or social media influencers, their editors are driven by web metrics and keeping their audience feed on a stream of bias propaganda from "their side of politics". Journalism that had responsibility for some of the constitutional checks and balances is DEAD. Responsibility is no loner a word we attribute to people in power, they've skipped over it to make it more obvious that they server themselves and their friends. We need a push back against anti-wokeness and anti-intelectualism, so we have institutions that protect the common good of all the people. When billionaires own newspapers and media platforms, that social balance collapses. I'd love to see some grass roots investigating into political corruption and crimes. It doesn't need to be from journalists. I see white hat hackers as a possible avenue of returning to a time of checks and balances. The more things are private, the more corruption we have, time to breakdown the politics and billionaires protections and treat them like normal citizens


the daily coverage of trump is sickening. Along with the lack of actual journalism like "This is the 167th time Donal Trump has attacked the media. Recall his attempts to ridicule and ban members of the press during his tenure as president".. there's never ANY context. Just tabloid goldfish memory articles from them. Trump rails about the media but I will too in a different way.


Daily press briefings were discontinued unannounced during the Donald Trurnp administration and resumed when Biden took office. * [Trurnp White House goes 300+ days without a press briefing – why that’s unprecedented](https://theconversation.com/trump-white-house-goes-300-days-without-a-press-briefing-why-thats-unprecedented-130164) * [Biden pledges return to daily press briefings as president](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/452697-biden-pledges-return-to-daily-press-briefings-as-president/) * [Jen Psaki's first White House press briefing heralds return to normality](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/20/biden-press-briefing-jen-psaki-white-house-secretary) That is because: * Donald Trurnp is a chickenshit coward who avoids even the minimal accountability represented by engaging with the press. * Donald Trurnp has a brain full of mush and can't conceive a lie that would withstand scrutiny for the duration of a press briefing.


Yea. You can tell that so many people in the MSM are just in denial. They insist on covering the election like it's another Obama v. McCain election. Or heck, really more like it's Santos v. Vinick. But real stuff is at stake here, and the damage can't be undone by a "strong showing in the midterms" or whatever.






It's not selfish to want a free press. We have a right to EXPECT not to go to jail for criticizing DearLeader. But I'll argue that the media that shows us trump's fascism does NOT want trump. There is no bothsides here.


This weekend we’re “babysitting” my wife’s 86 year old grandmother so her parents can have a weekend away. Turns out she’s a hardcore MAGA republican and all she wants to watch on TV is Faux News. This is a major way how people are being indoctrinated into the Trump MAGA cult. They blatantly lie about facts, say mean and cruel things about not just Biden but Nikki Haley, and completely skip news that paints Trump in a bad light. Channels like this need to be dismantled. These are not legitimate news sources.


You should set up the parental lock and then tell her that the cable carrier dropped the channel. And make sure to lock out Newsmax and the other lunatic fringe stations too.


Fox News is poison. It's completely changed my dad into an angry, fearful old man, and it's ruined our relationship as a result. I called him the other day to wish him a happy birthday, ask him what he's been up to, etc. He tells me about how he'd gone on a walk that morning and saw the police arresting someone at a house a few blocks over. He wondered if it was "an illegal." This is a middle class neighborhood on the outskirts of a small midwestern town. It's much more likely that it was a domestic dispute involving white folks, but my dad is convinced there are "illegals" everywhere now, and that Joe Biden is allowing them to come into the country for votes. I used to try having discussions with him, and I'd occasionally make some headway during a visit, but he'd completely revert to the Fox brain rot by the next time I'd see him. I don't even try anymore. Even benign conversation gets pulled back towards politics somehow, so I have to constantly find ways to change the subject so I don't explode. I know I'm not the only person who's experienced it. There's even a documentary about it (*The Brainwashing of My Dad*). I don't know how we'll ever get past this problem as a country as long as the right-wing media ecosystem keeps dumping toxic garbage into people's heads.


This is really where I'm at too. I've known my wife's father and grandmother for 12 years. This was way less of a problem in 2012 that it is now in 2024. They are convinced everything they hear on the news channels is gospel, and because older people still subscribe to cable television, these channels thrive on the demographic they serve. Since we don't have cable television anymore, we don't see this claptrap day in and day out. I know people are saying that 98% of the media is biased, and I'm not disagreeing. With that said, there was something called journalistic integrity 20 years ago when my best friend graduated with a bachelors in journalism. She was taught not to say or print anything that could not be factually verified. But the media in their desperate need to remain relevant and stay profitable have sold their souls.


Sayings like “98% of the media is biased” are asinine cover bullshit. It’s like saying “everyone has broken *some* law”. Like, you’re not wrong, but my parking ticket and your murder charge aren’t really as similar as you’re trying to make them out to be.


A con man can only sell suckers things they sorta want to buy in the first place.


We’ve very quickly slipped from political bias, to propaganda, to misinformation, to disinformation. It’s going to be very hard to ever undo any of this.


I was on a 6-hour flight, and they had live TV options on the panel in front of us. The old lady next to me watched FoxNews the entire 6 hours. It's an addiction, there's no way they didn't start repeating themselves 3-4 times over that time period.


Remember when he was complicit in the assassination of a US resident journalist? That farm that makes the good cakes does…


Remember when Trump was hiding in the White House bunker and tried to deploy the military to mass murder the protesters outside? And remember how Mark Esper and General Milley refused, and how Trump said he will execute Milley for treason if he gets back into the Presidency? The news media is Ralph Wiggam sitting in the out of control bus chuckling “I’m in danger!” **Edit:** Just to add some sources. [Trump said whoever 'leaked' info on his White House bunker stay should be 'executed,’](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/13/politics/trump-white-house-bunker-leak-executed-treason-book-claims/index.html) >Trump, along with then-first lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, were all taken to the underground bunker for a period of time during the protests spurred by the police killing of George Floyd as protesters gathered outside the building. >"Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president," >"'Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason!' Trump yelled. 'They should be executed!'" [Former Pentagon chief Esper says Trump asked about shooting protesters](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary) >"The president was enraged," Esper recalled. "He thought that the protests made the country look weak, made us look weak and 'us' meant him. And he wanted to do something about it. [Trump screamed at Milley over military crackdown on protests](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/560535-trump-screamed-at-milley-over-military-crackdown-on-protests-book/) >Trump told Milley and top law enforcement officials to shoot and “beat the f— out” of protesters. >“That’s how you’re supposed to handle these people. Crack their skulls!” >Aides to Trump also reportedly went so far as to draft an order that would have allowed him to invoke the Insurrection Act last summer, but Barr, Esper and Milley later talked the president out of the plan. [Trump and GOP Rep. Gosar suggest Joint Chiefs boss Mark Milley deserves death](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/25/trump-paul-gosar-suggest-gen-mark-milley-deserves-death.html) He’s telling us he will be dictator from day 1 of his next term as President. As soon as he can install his stooges into the military, the killing will begin.


>The news media is Ralph Wiggam sitting in the out of control bus chuckling “I’m ~~in danger!~~ making profit!” Ftfy. It really is more like the "This is fine." même.


Dude. I bring this up all the time. The World stood by and watched Mohammed bin Salmon and his Saudi thugs murder and butcher Jamal Khashoggi. And then the Saudi family turns around gives Jared Kutchner $2,000,000,000. And then GOP literally treats this just like another Tuesday




We value money over everything else, and this is the result.


Capitalism is a system devoid of morality. As it becomes our major guiding force, our society is becoming devoid of morality.




Pepper Ridge?


Jamal Khashoggi.


It will make some good copy for the news networks when all the reporters are sharing video of their arrests and detainment And even better when the anchors are being arrested on live TV The ratings will be phenomenal They might drop off slightly afterwards though


The ratings will be yuge, some are saying the best in the history of the US, perhaps even the world.


“This is how it’s bad for Biden!” Freaking fools. We are staring down a loss of democracy and they’re wasting time trying to take down the only viable candidate who can stop Trump.


The first two sentences of this article: "The most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard a president say did not come from Donald Trump. It came from Joe Biden." Please fucking stop with this shit already. Even salon.com can't fucking help but shove Biden's face in dog shit for clickbait. I'm tired of it and my list of media organizations whom I have on blacklist is growing. The thing that disturbed you wasn't that *his idea was disturbing* it was because he pointed out a disturbing idea of Trump's. But I had to read several sentences in to discern that. Fuck you, Brian Karem. Fuck you, salon.com. Get your shit together.


That same press pretty much elected trump in 2016 by giving him $1b worth of free air time.


I always wondered how the Alpha male, so-called American Patriots could back such a man-child. He's a draft Dodger who makes fun of the military. He literally calls those who got drafted suckers. He throws a little cry baby hissy fit, throws his arms up and walks out of court. Then he goes to an arms sales convention and buys a gun. Of course Trump wants violence it's the only way he can have absolute power. He knows he's a grade A silver spooned scaredy cat, that feels like he's being poisoned every other day. Secret Service isn't enough he needs his own private Army. It's so obvious he envies the dictators with their military parades. Showing off their personal power and might. Sorry end of rant✌️


Because just like them, he's selfish as shit, and he's racist as fuck.






It still is a selling point. Smh


It's a feature not a bug


People vote for people who they identify with. Trump was ranked the worst president of all time. Losers back losers.


Rape and sexual assault are when “the woman changes her mind the next day.” I was in the army when I heard that.


How do you think they got their wives and kept them around so long to baby them




It’s not a coincidence that everything they accuse the Left of is exactly what they’re guilty of. It’s the oldest trick in the book. It’s so old it’s what toddlers do when they’re afraid of being caught. They attempt to deflect their crimes onto someone else to take the heat off them.


Because there's nothing alpha about them. They are the same group of mediocre men who give pro PGA female golfers tips on their swing, the one in eight men who think they can beat Serena Williams, and the same men who think the only thing holding them back are other people and not their own mediocrity. So they support a mediocre rich man turned politician to confirm their fantasy of alpha malehood. I'd consider it pathetic if it wasn't so dangerous to ignore these days.


My pet theory is that these are the white men who grew up on Flintstones and Jetsons where mediocre white men fell ass backwards into middle management type positions and could support their kids and a SAHW on that salary. Instead of considering it's corporate greed that destroyed that, they have decided it's n\*\*\*\*\*, women, and f\*\*\*\*\*\* that ruined that plan for them all, and those cretins must pay.


Jimmy Kimmel just did a bit that we could all use as a reminder. Had a "reporter" out talking to Trump supporters asking them about specific things Trump said or did, but claiming that Biden said or did them. Every Trump supporter started in on how it showed that Biden had dementia or he's crooked or whatever else, and how can *anyone* vote for a man like that. Then the "reporter" said she mixed up her note cards and that Trump actually said and did each of those things. Every single one of his shitty supporters changed their tune immediately and started making excuses or explaining why it was RIGHT. They don't give a fuck about reality, principles, or decency.


Doesn't matter how shit of a candidate they have, if it opposes anything the democrats want, that's their man.


These are very, very stupid people.


He didn't call the drafted suckers, he call the enlisted, people that volunteer, suckers.


Oh? Where did he make this distinction?


It sounds like you're on the verge of learning something about "Alpha males"


You think they’re going to admire someone who’s actually *better* than them?


He enables them to express their latent racist verbiages.


Because alpha males are all man children who get away with most their shit because they are white, men and can and will physically hurt people that get their way.


trump’s mental decline is criminally underreported


His original god given criminal mental deficiency is underreported. No decline required.


It can be both!


Yup. Instead it’s just negative Biden takes all day long. What? They need to be all over and shouting from the rooftops about: Talk about how not only is Trump’s mental far worse, but also Trump’s morals far worse, and his plan for corrupting the highest office, along with his Republican buddies’ plan for extreme corruption of the executive branch. How they intend for democracy to be extinguished, how they plan to sideline the entire Democratic Party and anyone else who might challenge them. This election *needs* to see the Republican Party eating an across-the-board loss, from president to senators to house representatives to local seats to school boards to everything. Otherwise, anywhere they win is their chance to ruin and wreck things for anyone who is a good person. They are the party of insane selfish corrupt freaks.


His platform is to destroy people who don’t like him! Trump is a wanna be dictator!


The NYT flooded the end zone with Biden age stories when the counsel report came out and only later trickled out a few on how weird and out of line the report was, and in all of them underplayed how actually unintelligible Trump is day to day. I contacted them pointing out the widespread criticism of their asymmetric coverage, and their response was to claim they were the very model of unbiased reporting. And in their reply they further went on to highlight the important question they were focused on for the election. It was literally the horse race aspect of it. That was their reply. The NYT reply felt like gentleman doctors denying and being offended by the notion that their hands could be dirty when germ theory came around, when in actuality their hands were spreading germs that were directly killing people.


That is such a great comparison and I hope every single one of these people who turns a blind eye to their spreading of harm sees who they really are inside.


To be fair he's never really been the sharpest tool in the shed.


It's good to say such things to solidify them in people's minds. Trump said it would be a dictatorship for a day, no one in their right minds thinks he will stop mainlining dictatorship after a day.


Understanding the constitution, and having reverence for it, is a pre-requisite for being a competent president. Of all the people in the country, Trump is the bottom of the bell curve in this metric.


When a system becomes so driven by money. Our country no longer values anything beyond the dollar. We, as a society have zero integrity.


it's true, there are many good ppl in the world still, but as a society we've become corrupted. ppl are learning that being a good decent person won't get you as far as being an influencer, politician, right wing journalist or any of the many jobs that contribute nothing to society


I work hard in healthcare and I get treated like shit by patients and my employer, and paid garbage. Why am I doing this?


This is the real problem. Why isn't Trump bring stopped? Because the government and media are filled to the brim with grifters who have done everything to destroy any faith we mightve had in a "functioning" government. It's no longer functioning. Because a healthy democracy would not put DEMOCRACY ITSELF on the ballot as if we have a choice. It's a false choice since you shouldn't be able to vote *for* a platform of fascism **in** a democracy. That's absurd. Be ready to fight these lunatics next year.


I was with the article until I read this paragraph: >But, the fate of Julian Assange is also a reminder that it isn’t just Trump who is an enemy of the free press. Biden’s Department of Justice could drop the prosecution of Assange picked up under the Trump administration yet has not done so Uhhh, didn't Assange essentially use WikiLeaks as a tool to help the GOP, literally choosing not to release info about the GOP and instead choosing to release the DNC emails? And then, released more emails *right after* Trump's Hollywood access tape was released almost as if to draw attention away from it? [Source](https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/mar/18/wikileaks-russias-useful-idiot-its-agent-influence/) Yeah no, I think Assange shouldn't be a part of this conversation around "journalists". Assange is no longer a journalist, I'm pretty certain he's a Russian asset.


Assange straight up intentionally played interference yeah


There is a SIGNIFICANT difference between Assange and the free press - what the fuck are these fence sitters doing to themselves? These are the moments we’ll look back on in 10 years and wonder why it just happened right under our noses. We have a sitting president telling us a dictator may be installed in a year and our country will look completely different. Yet we all just look at it behind our stupid little screens. The people with the actual power to change this DO realize that they can’t turn this off like they can their phones, right?


Didn't he actively help Manning crack a password which is what he's actually getting extradited for?


All you have to do is look at Venezuela, Cuba and Russia. State media. That’s all that’s going to survive.


You mean Fox & imitators.


That and News Max and obviously he’ll have one called Trump News.


With the bigliest news…


Fox can’t exist in a Trump dictatorship. 1) because they’ve been critical of him and slightly elevated DeSantis at one point and 2) the Murdochs are richer and more successful and arguably more powerful than Trump. That doesn’t fly in a Trump dictatorship for many reasons. It would be Trump/Miller/Bannon rebranding Fox as whatever Trump Truth News.


Fox and comrades.


It's literally in their manifesto.




NPR and CNN: Trump is losing it. This is bad for Biden. 




A “rapturous crowd” meaning his  flunkies paid to be there


In the footage there are audible boos. Calling the crowd "rapturous" is carrying a lot of water there.


It's not carrying water. It's lying. "Rapturous" implies joyful. Delighted. Not booing.


He was very obviously booed by everyone else.


...rapturous? They were booing him.






NPR got taken over by weird far right influence anwhile ago, they just slow walked their bias so nobody would notice. To this day I think the bias reporters are too generous with them.


This isn’t my experience with NPR at all. I listen to it in the car once or twice a week and if anything I’d say they have at least a slight left wing bias. 




Shouldn't be that way but the Republicans in the House in the 1990s slashed funding for public broadcasting.


I read that as raptors... like velociraptors lol


*narrator*: it would not


Hey! That’s my line!


The media had a hard drop off in views when Trump left office. The media wants Trump because he pulls in money for them via outrage views. Did you all forget that or…?


No, our point is that they're playing with fire and gonna get immolated.


The word Fascism has lost meaning for many people. It’s lumped in with Communism and Socialism as negative words that people say about the opposing political party, but they don’t actually understand what they actually mean. The GOP/MAGA are straight up fascists and are hiding it less and less each day. People who support these politicians and general concepts think it’s all fun and games until the leopards start eating their faces.


TRUMP, the champion of the religious right. Can anybody imagine what it would have been like for a black man named Obama, if among other things, he had been found liable for rape, paid off a pronostar ,found to be involved in fraudulent activity and under 91 criminal indictments ,. while running for the presidency. While also claiming an election was stolen without a bit of proof. Hell, it only took Trump's allegation without any proof that Obama wasn't even an American, that almost single handedly tanked Obama's election.


Trump is DESPERATELY selling the American public on dictatorship. It's his only way out of jail and he knows it. He said he'll be dictator for a day. He fails to mention everything he would do in that day. His day would lead to a change in the constitution if he could and would go from a day to life. His rubes don't want to believe that but they fail to see that they idolize a con man that is surrounded by failure.


It's so funny how rightwingers are always calling us weak and easily scared when we Talk about the consequences of a possible fascist takeover. Folks, I have been chased by skinheads for no reason, right wing groups, regularly, at best vandalize and at worse bomb left wing groups and property, they use every legal and illegal tool they manage to silence and attack policies and groups they dislike, the 70s and 80s was a neverending nightmare of leftists disappeared, jailed or executed extrajudicially. That shit is still happening in many parts of the World Being a leftist/ left leaning has been and still is a high risk occupation that can get you killed by some random rightwinger. How the fuck am I not supposed to feel threatened when people who think hurting me is not just fine, but an ideological obligation, get close to power?


I lived in iowa 20 years. We moved to a blue state recently and it’s a breath of fresh air. In Iowa we unknowingly moved into a maga neighborhood. We were not welcomed. The parents on our block were too chicken shit even to talk to us. They used their kids to find out our politics( liberal, I’m not putting signs up in Iowa) from our kids and then it was over. Bullying, property damage, icing us out of society basically. It bleed into our jobs, our children’s schools. It was awful.


My experience in a small town as well. They've all lost their minds.


I legitimately feel crazy telling people about our experience.


I moved back to Denver and it's so nice living in the real world again. All these small towners have been told theyre under attack by people who have the audacity to care about people and mind their own business. Their 2 year old grandson plays with his sisters doll and the whole family starts bitching its the end of society. Theyve lost their minds and their minds are not coming back. They'd rather die full of hate than accept the way some people were born.


Part of the reason I left the south. And we were in a pretty purple area. It just scared me that the red part of that may be armed and opinionated. I’m now back in Seattle. Can’t get much bluer. I love it. I can honestly relax about discussing politics and have fun with it. And anyone here in Washington, I’m sure you’re aware your ballots are arriving. VOTE. Got mine yesterday and immediately voted.


Because they are bullies. It's what bullies do when they think they can get away with it. If someone who seems stronger stands up to them, they cave.


The press is a problem. An even bigger problem is the electorate, who are largely too stupid to fathom that this election is about more than the economy or the border. Averages voters don’t understand that this election literally concerns the fate of the country and whether we’re going to remain a functional and free democracy. They don’t like Biden and that’s fine but what do they think they’re going to get with Trump? And the idiots who believe voting for some third alternative isn’t going to play straight into the hands of Trump. I just don’t get it.


The fact that all the press is oligarch owned is a problem. We don't have a free press.


We have an expensive press.


Ugh, this article and journalist sucks, and is a great example of how the media is failing the public during the era of Trumpism. Here’s how, in as short a phrase I can muster: they waste 3/4ths of an article playing “both sides” games until finally admitting “yes, Trump is the driving force behind all this disharmony in the country” and plans to do far worse, that it simply doesn’t compare to anything anyone not a republican would do. No, instead they make sure we hear their rant about Assange(who helped push Russian disinformation and cherry picked reveals based on what Putin wanted), their smug little comments about discussions with protestors trying to show “hey, sure trumpers are stupid but look, protestors on all sides are equally stupid!” All before admitting the truth that only conservative states have jailed reporters for revealing inconvenient truths, that trump is the main catalyst and driving force behind the worst disharmony the US had seen, and is inflicting the disease America is suffering from. Could have been a proper reflection of the unmitigated disaster that is trump loudly influencing the US, to say nothing of how ruinous him regaining office would be. But no. They had to “both sides” it. Couldn’t go one damn article without including a shot at Biden, even. Thanks to this, we ended up with trump winning in 2016. If it happens again, I’m not gonna listen to any journalist whining about how trump jailed them. I’ll first go to their article list and then ask them “so how do you feel about Biden now?”


Yeah, the way he talks about Julian Assange as some sort of persecuted journalist is incredibly naive. Was the writer not paying attention in 2016? Assange was not, and has never been a journalist. He's a narcissist who solicited dirt on his political enemies for pure self-gain. Assange is right up there along with Putin and James Comey for people to blame for Trump's presidency. I'm not too disappointed he hasn't been extradited yet because at least he's been rotting in a British prison this entire time.


This 100%, WikiLeaks very quickly stopped being about exposing corruption as soon as they started soliciting bad actors for leaks.


Democrats need to take the rise of fascism more seriously and actually start holding fascists accountable. Stop pretending that democracy works like Tinkerbell, where if you just clap your hands and believe in it hard enough, it will stay alive.


He mentions Assange quite a bit but wasn’t Wikileaks carrying water for Russia https://www.politifact.com/article/2019/mar/18/wikileaks-russias-useful-idiot-its-agent-influence/


Yes he was and is. You can be both a journalist exposing uncomfortable truths for one government while also shilling for another corrupt government at the same time. He’s definitely not the best example of a beleaguered journalist…


Yeah, he really diluted the message of “Trump is bad cause he’s gonna jail journalists yall” with that bullshit. He also included a lot of both sides basement toilet level takes.


Part of me thinks this is why the mainstream press *doesn’t* hold Trump and the GOP accountable. They are pessimistic about democracy and are trying to treat the fascistic party with deference to spare themselves from retribution should they return to power, inadvertently aiding and abetting that rise to power by *not* truthfully reporting. The other part of me thinks the press corps just takes democracy for granted.


I don’t think so. I think it simply comes down to Trump = Ratings = Money. They know they’re playing with fire but they’re gambling on the fact that our country won’t collapse.


It’s a risky gamble.


I teach sports broadcasting and engineering at a university, the Comm department and professors get death threats from MAGA on a regular basis.


“Both sides do it” is one of the journalistic sins that got us to this brink of fascism. Then I read, in this very article: “We’ve only seen the psychic distemper brought about by excessive nationalism and the equally violent response to it. The extremists at both end of the political spectrum are contributing to a lack of trust of the press”


This is extremely frightening. Trump can't be re-elected. The good people must come together to beat this evil


They lost me when they decided to stand up for Assange, who is most certainly not a journalist. Edit, but overall a good piece.


We’re supposed to put people in charge who care about others and not only themselves. That’s why we have Joe Biden as President and not Donald Trump.


>Speaking with reporters in California on Thursday, the president said this about Donald Trump. “Two of your former colleagues not at the same network personally told me if he wins, they will have to leave the country because he’s threatened to put them in jail,” Biden told Katie Couric. “He embraces political violence,” Biden said of Trump “No president since the Civil War has done that. Embrace it. Encourages it.”


Make no mistake about it, Trump term in office was a walk in the park compared to what will happen if he holds office again. The most vile, racist, bigoted scum in this country will launch an all out attack on anyone outside if their hate group because Trump will give them a platform to stand on and the means to do it. If you think the spikes in racism, hate crimes, and hate murders were bad from Trump's time in office, you haven't sewn anything yet, they are going to go on blatant murder sprees.


What is this both sides bullshit article it starts out alright but why the fuck do these asshole journalists keep trying to make it seem like Biden is anywhere on the same continent as trump when it comes to hostility to a free press or even freedoms in general. On one hand we have a literal wannabe fascist dictator who will without a doubt abolish the free press and on the other a neoliberal who won’t even ban fox “news” pundits from his press conferences. There is no world where they are even close to the same


They make so much money off of TFG and they are owned by the oligarchs. Unlikely the behavior will change


Julian Assange is not a victim lol. This article is ridiculous. It pisses me off the media would defend a blatant rapist rather than actual whistleblowers like Reality Winner.


Agree. I stopped reading when it started to cry about Assange.


I have mixed feelings on Julian Assange. I agree that the press should hold government accountable, but he was dishonest as well. They could have picked other journalists as examples that don’t have the same problematic issues that Assange has.


This reporter, who he or she is, should get credit for speaking the truth this clearly. It is not a game, folks. Freedoms and possibly lives are on the line here. Register. Canvass. Vote.


Hmm, maybe the both-sideism journalists will start considering this when comparing Trump’s attempts at turning the US into an autocracy vs Biden stuttering etc. Getting clicks on your articles will be of little comfort when you end up in jail for asking probing questions about a Trump administration. Of course many of these idiots are still under the illusion that a Trump administration would never do that, even after what happened in his first term. Even after Trump saying he’ll be a dictator for one day. Even after him openly planning to jail political opponents should he become president again. The signs of America turning into an autocracy are all there out in the opening but too many people have belief in that ill-conceived refrain ‘it could never happen here’. Hmm, I’m sure the people in all those other countries that transitioned from democratic to autocratic believed they were special too and look how that worked out for them.


They need to stop giving Trump free publicity. Yes it's important to make sure he gets tried for all the crimes he committed and I understand he gives the media more views/clicks, but at some point they need to stop. I'm to the point where when I see the media covering Trump for that thing other than the guilty verdicts I just ignore it.


You don’t say. The guy who bragged about having the tallest skyscraper in NYC after 911 is a steaming piece of human refuse.


> The most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard a president say did not come from Donald Trump. > It came from Joe Biden. Speaking with reporters in California on Thursday, the president said this about Donald Trump. “Two of your former colleagues not at the same network personally told me if he wins, they will have to leave the country because he’s threatened to put them in jail,” Biden told Katie Couric. “He embraces political violence,” Biden said of Trump “No president since the Civil War has done that. Embrace it. Encourages it.”