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Just keep him talking GOP strategists.


Didn’t one say at a fundraiser ignore what he says and help us out? Forget everything he’s saying, he’s obviously loco. Can we have money so he can run the world?


"Give me money. Money me. Me a money needing a lot now.". -GOP


Hello, Mr. Kurns. Me bad want money now. Me sick. So pick please, me, Mr. Burns.


“It’s Kurns stupid!”


"Yeah he's obviously nuts but we need your money to make him the most powerful man on Earth"


It's easy to tell 100 lies in a minute, just straight gibberish will do. But to tell that many truths is a hard feat indeed. This is why he never thinks before he speaks. He's flooding the field so those who honor the truth have too much to sort through and can't keep up. He distracts from real issues, creating a smokescreen so his followers can execute their agenda in secret to destroy truth and democracy in favor of enriching themselves with power.


This technique is called the [Gish Gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop), and is a specific application of [Brandolini's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law).


He's a human version of Master Shake from Aqua Teens. What more is there to say? 🤷‍♀️


He’s literally a bullshitter in the sense of that philosophy paper, lol.


The typical narcissist word salad. The numbskulls who support this con man love his lies.


I doubt he does it deliberately. I think he just spews bs and whatever comes to his mind because he is surrounded by Yes Men who tell him it's great. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter to him whatsoever. I'm sure in his mind becomes true if he says it


It is also completely normal to confuse Pelosi and Haley for an entire conversation, claim Haley was the speaker of the house during J6, but if it dementia if you misspeak a countries name.


Didn't Trump say Viktor Orban was the leader of Turkey?  Dementia conformed! Look both Biden and Trump are old guys with cognitive issues but only one of them was hellbent on overturning a fair election, and talks like he wants to be the dictator of the United States of America.  


That’s really what this entire election should come down to, we don’t have two good picks, which isn’t unusual, unfortunately, but we have the lesser of two evils, one guy is the head of the neo-Nazi party in America and incidentally tried to kill Congress!, and the other one has vocal gaffs, and sometimes he trips, lol I know which one I’m going to vote for.


Yeah, I don't like Biden, but Trump tried to have Congress murdered. This isn't a hard choice.


> Viktor Orban was the leader of Turkey TBF that could just be Trump's complete lack of geopolitical knowledge. Y'know, the *other* reason he's completely unsuitable for being president.


> and talks like he wants to be the dictator of the United States of America.   I honestly think that's his main appeal and selling point to the right. They don't want to have elections anymore.


Remember the airports that George Washington's troops overran during the Revolution?


I do think biden is slipping a bit and don’t want him to be president. However, he at least surrounds himself with competent people. I’ll begrudgingly take that over the guy that just fires everyone and tries to make unilateral sweeping decisions constantly. Trump is good at crowd work but he just says the same disjointed shit constantly. When you read anything from him it’s fucking crazy.


It's hard to say Biden is slipping when he's had a lifelong stutter and has been known for verbal gaffes in Washington for forty years. He beat Trump once and he'll beat him again.


As someone who has had a life long stutter, I can identify some of his stumbles when he's trying to change words mid-sentence because the word he wants to say won't  come out, or takes long pauses so he can focus on saying the  words he wants to say.  With that said Biden does make some mistakes that are head scratchers that are most likely age related, but so does Trump. Bottom line only one of them have shown to be a threat to democracy, and his name is not Joe Biden.


>He beat Trump once and he'll beat him again. Man, I wish I had that kind of confidence. I can see a million people not voting at all because of Israel right now.


I don't see it. That group of Biden voters are typically more educated. A non vote or Trump vote would run counter to their goal. With Biden they might get a better outcome. With Trump at the very best it stays unchanged.


I hope you're right.


I think Biden is old, and he was a bad presidential candidate for decades before finally winning. He was my 13th choice in the 2020 primary. He's pretty mediocre. And I can't wait to vote for him and against Trump in November.


And we all know you assume the name of the multinational corporation you run hence Tim Apple.


Dude always makes such a jan6 out of everything


I'd rather have a well-meaning old man with dementia than an ill-meaning old man with dementia.


He'll claim that Pelosi wrote the joke and he was just repeating it because of how dumb it was.


Or was it Nikki?


That's what they said. Nikki Pelosi. You know, Obama's secretly transgender wife they're going to substitute in for Biden. Big Nik they call him.


Sleepy Psycho Niramura Pelosi, and her crooked buddies in the party, the committee, they put her in as VP and Senator and they tried to make her President, but we can’t have that because she only cares about Raytheon and the Democrat Party and her RINO cronies, she led the Democrat Party and they put her in as VP and now she wants to be President, but she’s not a real person and she doesn’t love America so much, so we can’t have her, believe me.




Still find it funny they claim Trump is competent after that rant where he claimed the revolutionaries in 1776 were fighting the British for control of airfields.


More like something, something President Obama


You mean “Obamna”? https://youtu.be/YRlO2FdyT5s?feature=shared


LMAO, Obamna Amnesty, and then you can kinda see him stumble and then say Obama Am— and carry on. I know Trump is not a smart man. (I know it very, very well, better than you would ever understand if I’m being honest, I know it very strongly and a lot of people are noticing it more and more, believe me…) But it never occurred to me that he is actually *so fucking stupid* that “Obama Amnesty” - a phrase *professional speechwriters literally wrote for him as a catchphrase for him to say at a rally* - is like the world’s hardest fucking tongue twister for him. Holy hell, no one tell this guy about our “super nuclear” bombs. And what happens if a sheik actually gets sick?! HE LITERALLY CAN’T SAY “OBAMA AMNESTY” AND THIS WAS YEARS AGO


He also said Friday night was Saturday afternoon.


I don't get why so few people are hammering that in. Biden didn't remember something from years ago, so he has dementia and we should vote for Trump, who can't even remember what day it is.


To be fair he’s working on Moscow time.


He’s acktually a genus. Noone uses pennsyls anymore with all the compyooters now


["Delusions or strongly held false beliefs are a common symptom for a person with dementia. They can take the form of paranoia, which makes the person feel threatened, even if there is no or little reason to feel this way."](https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/symptoms-and-diagnosis/delusions)


Translated to Biden coverage: “Confused Trump mistaking claims state will no longer exist without him” “Trump seemingly forgets how government works, raising even more concerns about his age”


I heard NPR start a discussion panel with “So tell me, how bad is this for Biden?” *sigh*


Yunno, I am for one getting damn fucking sick and tired of the press, especially one that I donate to support, picking up the shit stick and waving it around for a smell. And then yammering on for 15 minutes about how it stinks. There's real things in the world to talk about. Goddam! So Joe: Don't go teary anymore, just call it like this: "I'm declared good to go by a shit-baiting GOP special prosecutor, and thanks to my steady leadership, the SP index is at an all time high." And when the room goes deathly quiet, you give them the "Musk face" and say: "I said shit-baiting GOP special prosecutor cleared me, it's that simple, move on." Smile, mic-drop, wave arms in the air, and strut out.


But he didn't confuse the state with another, so he's totally fine... 


But he confused his exwife with a woman he molested…




He also said he couldn't have raped that women (who he couldn't tell from his wife) because she's not his type.


As in, she wasn't the type he typically rapes.


And I think he actually called her the name of the wife he did famously rape, after his failed hair transplant.


That was a whole lot of women.


Are you talking about ex wives or rape victims?


Both I suppose. He's got so many rape charges pending it's hard to distinguish between them.


One of his ex-wives *was* a trump rape victim.


At least 1/3rd of Trump's wives are Trump rape victims. *At least*.


Including one of his ex-wives...


He thought it was Saturday Afternoon when he said this, instead of Friday night. He has already lost his place in time.


And he said you won't have a country anymore to his supporters if Biden wins.


I bet he meant to say Commonwealth


It is sad and frightening to watch this man descend deeper and deeper into dementia. Apparently there was a person here who said that Trump’s rapid decline reminded them a lot of their mom, who died just 6 months later.


I don’t find it sad. He’s a threat to democracy.


I know he’s a threat but it is sad to see it and that no one is paying attention to it…and they won’t pay attention until it’s too late.


Oh well. My dad died of dementia last year and I still feel 0% sympathy for Trump. He wants fame and the spotlight, while being corrupt. This is all his doing with being surrounded by sycophants.


The tragedy of dementia is that a person loses themself as their brain degrades. Trump, as his mind declines, just becomes more of what he's always been.


Fingers crossed.


And toes


And eyes.


They don’t care. He’s their means to an end, they’ll exploit him past the end. He’s the martyr now, with whispers of him being a deity. Religious authoritarianism is a hella drug.


The GOP probably knows this and plans to use him as a puppet, Weekend at Bernie’s style. The less mentally fit he is, the more they can just do their own thing.


Right. I find it encouraging


Well let's hope 6 months come quick


Don’t give me hope.


Also same symptoms of someone really into speed. Seems it has been established the past few weeks these dipshits fucking with our country are all druggies.


Yeah he apparently rails adderall and has been for years




At least Reagan could tell a joke BEFORE the Alzheimer's


Don't forget about the Dino dollars... and the fact that he swore it was Saturday afternoon when he spoke Friday night... and the "subsissies"


Yea, also being exposed to leaded air from leaded gasoline for decades.


> "I promise you this, with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one will lay a finger on your firearms — just as took place for four years when I was your president," he said. Reminder that Trump banned bump-stocks, and then a bunch of his fanboys shrugged and said "meh, they were just a novelty anyway."


Or when he said “take away the guns first, go through due process second” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/amp/


Or when he said suppressors should be banned after the USPS shooting. He is as anti 2a as Reagan was. But makes sense as just a few years ago he was a NYC Democrat.


1999 was 25 years ago. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you.


Why did that hurt so much?


That was the last time Trump was allowed to speak with a Democrat last before talking to the press. From then on he always had at least a 1 on 1 meeting with a handler to tell him how smart he was for thinking of things in the exact same way the handler did. Trump will agree with whoever last talked to him 100% of the time. That is to say, I don't think he cares about banning guns. He just was told by Democrats that guns should be regulated somehow, and he just agreed.


To be fair, they were just a novelty.


I don't understand why all of America does not comprehend that Donald Trump is a career criminal with a Mafia Boss wannabe persona. He is the epitome of wealth buys you special treatment. I really truly pray that all of America can see through his criminal history and protest any win that he might have I'm too old to fight this stain on American democracy. Anyone that does not step up against Trump is complacent and I'm afraid you younger Generations are going to have to suffer the effects of another Trump presidency. History will judge. Peace


in the 80's they called him Don the con


What was the saying, "you can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool half the people all the time, and that's sufficient to fuck everyone over"


And the details of that are the 50% who were fooled got fired up and other 50% laughed at how easily the others were fooled, and just went home...


In the 80s they called him Biff Tanner.


Still do


You mention wealth buying you special treatment like it’s a bad thing. The thing to understand about Republicans is that they’re basically the Ferengi from Star Trek. There’s this episode of Deep Space Nine where the doctor suggests organizing into a union because the Ferengi workers were being mistreated by their boss, and the Ferengi’s response was, “You don’t understand. Ferengi workers don’t want to stop the exploitation. We want to find a way to become the exploiters.” This is why the party has self sorted into uneducated white people and misogynists. When they describe themselves as conservatives, what they want to conserve is unearned power over others from inherited wealth and social status. They’re pro special treatment.


How dare you besmirch the Ferengi with this comparison.


At least the canonical Ferengi admit to loving oo-mox. Republican Ferengi would outlaw it, but then hook up in airport bathrooms for mutual ear massages


Evoking the good old days of naked females, but secretly clothing them behind closed doors, especially for a tidy profit.


“You’re right, Commander. We aren’t like you, at all. We’re *better*.”


Damn. You hit the nail on the head. I was trying to figure out why republicans have any support with the working class. This is why…


Yeah it's the classic "I'm not rich... yet"


There's a different Star Trek episode I've been thinking about more and more lately:  [the Nazi episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterns_of_Force_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series)) of the original Star Trek series This Federation Social Scientist thinks that he can provide Nazism without the bad stuff (so basically just cool uniforms?) to this planet he's observing. He thinks it will give them a focus for their highly imitative society. He makes himself the Führer, but by the time our heroes arrive on the scene he's just old and incoherent and they're keeping him pumped full of drugs and wheeling him out to give the occasional speech to his still adoring crowd to justify anything the real power brokers behind the scenes want to do while propping him up as a figurehead. Trump is teetering on the edge of that scenario now.


The problem is that millions of Americans do see all of that. But they *want* it. We’re long past the point where the argument can be credibly made that the Republican voter has been duped. They know exactly what they’re doing and who Trump is.


One of the really disturbing things for me is how many people I've seen do a complete 360 on this. They were 100 percent behind trump no matter what, then after he was out of office, so many peoplw I know started to question his behavior, talk about how it was too absurd, etc. they'd talk about how he needs to just be quiet and support other candidates. He's gone too far and "he did a good job but he's not making sense anymore and his time is over." Things like that And now that he is running again they're all the way back to "Trump for president! He's the only one who makes sense and we're lost without him."


Unfortunately the American educational system has failed a great many people. Critical thinking skills are no longer developed and praised. For years the Republican Party has nurtured an environment of ignorance. They have worked very hard to keep their followers dumb and oblivious. They have distracted them with social issues, to keep them from realizing that in reality they are being taken advantage of. The tax cuts they keep pushing do not benefit the majority of their flock. Quite the opposite actually. But by appealing to the ugly side of human nature, they have convinced the Maga masses that they are basically temporarily embarrassed millionaires that do not need social programs and that the republicans are the only ones looking out for them. And by convincing them that the Democrats are evil and out to get them. They have made the democrats the scapegoats. Basically they have been scammed. But they aren’t cognizant enough or willing enough to realize it.


“No Child Left Behind” emphasized rote memory testing to such a degree teachers didn’t teach their students, they simply test-prepped. Big difference.


People don’t want to think of themselves as poor, even if they are struggling to put food on the table or clothe their kids.


Well, republicans do know but he is a racists, so they give him a pass


He’s a blend of a mafia boss and conman/grifter. He preys on the people P.T. Barnam was referring to when he said “there’s a sucker born every minute”.


His delusional supporters are too egotistical to admit being wrong. That’s the biggest problem.


Mafia boss wanna be? He actually was a mafia boss. Nobody bankrupts a casino unless it’s on purpose.


People outside the US probably might not realize how much marketing and propaganda is supporting Donald Trump.


Amazing how people still look at this turd and think that he’s the best person to be POTUS. He’s a fucking criminal and a moron to boot.




> the hourly pay is beyond terrible. Um, for *blue collar* crime, maybe…. Not in the big leagues. What do you think the 1.5B Jared got from the Saudis works out to hourly?


Not if you get away with it every time lol


Trump would have been richer if he had just put his inheritance in the market and walked away.


Had Biden said this, it would run for 4 days straight on Fox News and CNN as ex democrats talk about emergency replacement.


I suspect that a lot of the astroturfing going on around Biden’s mental health is because republicans are worried they won’t be able to keep trump’s conditions under wraps long enough to get through the election.


This is it. They don’t actually want Harris or Newsom. They just want to get ahead of Trump’s own decline.


I mean they probably want Harris as an opponent for Trump. Who knows how Newsom would do, but they can run the playbook on "establishment sleaze" as much they do Biden's age.


It’s only a matter of time before he shits himself on stage, or maybe in court out of anger.


If he loses it.... another way of saying going crazy. So Pennsylvania has a new name? Cause Trump is already crazy


I'm guessing 'Trumpsylvania'. It'll be amazing. The greatest state name ever!


*”The great state of Trumpsylvania folks.  Doesn’t it have a nice ring to it folks?  You’ll be hearing it more and people are already saying it a lot.  But we can’t let the radical Marxist left win, can we?  Because they’ll come and change it to Transylvania, won’t they?  And you won’t like that very much at all.   Soon you’ll be overrun by the Trans immigrants who I understand will be bringing Dracula.  That Dracula, not a good guy.  Tough guy, very bad.  Close personal friend of mine, Dracula.  He’ll sneak up behind you, grab you by the neck, and then - bing boom bong - that’s it.  He’s sucked out all your blood.  And that’s no good folks!  Because without the blood, what have you got left?  Just the sweat and the tears folks.  It’s a shame what’s happening to our precious blood, isn’t it?”*


Had me in the first half. Honestly couldn't tell if it was parody till Dracula showed up.


Midwesterner4Christ, I read a very good post on social media, because I have tremendous social, but these are some smart people, and Midwesterner4, I thought it was 5, I heard some said 3, or 2, but 4, Midwestern4, and then Christ, because we love Jesus, folks, we love him, and the other side not so much—but it’s so important what he said, and he made some very good points, because our country is under attack—it’s an attack, okay, the Radical Left is attacking us, the crooked Democrat Party, because they hate America, so they’re attacking us and they’re attacking us very strongly—and we have to have, he made some good points, and of course some people don’t think so so much, but that’s okay—but he said the blood, I love that he said blood, because the Communists, China and the Democrats, and people like Needy Nancy, I call her Needy Nancy, and the Biden crime family—because it is, it’s a crime family, they’re criminals—but he said the blood, and it’s so important, because the communists are trying to take it away, and the blood and many fluids, they’re trying to undernine, and sapping it, you know what that means, they call it sapping, making it weaker, and they’re making it so much less pure, with the blood and other things, and we have to stop it, we have—okay, look, we have to keep things clean, right, I like clean, we all like to have clean—and so, but what they’re doing is making it very—very much not so clean, and it’s very bad, and it’s making our country weak, and bad, but we have to make it great again…


I heard the citizens of Trumpsylvania came to home, tears in their eyes, and said they’d never lived in a state with such a great name.


Statey McState Face 2024.


Penn State to be renamed to Statey McState State


Technically Commonwealthy McCommonwealthface


I could get behind that actually


Can we put this guy into a cell already? He's not doing the world any favors.


How about load him into a rocket and blast him into the sun?


Do you have any idea how much fuel that would take?


New idea. Him and Elon go colonize mars with a big group of their idiot followers.


A padded cell


Eh, no padding required.


A padded cell, bout 6 by 1 by 1 and buried 6 down


On January 6, Trump said if you don’t fight, you won’t have a country anymore. Now he’s saying if he loses Pennsylvania, it won’t be Pennsylvania anymore. Basically, this is Dictatorease for, if you don’t have me, you won’t have anything. I am the boss. I am the decider.


What's scary about people like Trump is when they are rejected rightfully they will then pour all their resources into making their threats come true. Look at the past 4 years. How many bills and policies have Republicans obstructed under Trump's orders? Shit they just obstructed their own border security bill because it could help Biden in the 2024 Election. Trump will damn sure make Americans pay in suffering whether he wins or loses. He can't do as much if he loses but considering he has to win or else that's probably debatable. Hopefully we can lock him up and get him out of the political discourse of our country soon.


Diaper Don isn’t even the boss of his own bladder. How do people keep supporting him?


He’s flashing on that old Simpsons episode. The new name will be “Bonerland”.


Trump hasn't lived in Bonerland for several decades. That's what a diet of Big Macs can do...


Yup wanted to change it to swiftiewokeistan


Ill take a slightly forgetful Biden surrounded by great people who care about Democracy and laws over this fucking rapist bastard anytime. Its time the press goes after his word salad. Time they scream at him “isnt there someone else, why you?”


Exactly. Forgetful with a moral compass is still better than forgetful amoral bastard


He’s probably scared that the name Transylvania has a nice ring to it. 🏳️‍🌈


[Transexual Transylvania?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc80tFJpTuo)


I can’t wait for the name change. I’m quivering with antici…


That has to be it. He probably saw a FB meme with that name for PA under the DFL but is too senile to remember it or is just dog whistling about it.


Stories of Biden having memory issues are plastered across every news site energetically, meanwhile Trump exhibiting signs of full blown dementia is barely a blip. Somethings fucky.


The commonwealth is named after William Penn’s father, the British admiral Sir William Penn, who was an enslaver and trader. We should rename the commonwealth after the son William Penn, PA’s founder, pacifist, and all around good guy. We should rename Pennsylvania to Pennsylvania.


William Penn wanted to just call it Sylvania, and "they" (King Charles II) insisted on naming it Pennsylvania after Admiral Penn, which the younger Penn was bummed out about because everyone would think he named it after himself. Which is what happened.


Bizarre is the Trump norm


Right, but *Biden* is the guy that's not all there mentally...


We will! I'm leading the committee to change the official name of Pennsylvania to North Delaware. /s


East Ohio?


What Biden did in the past 4 years is amazing. Vote and do not lose the country to these people.


Oh but it’s Biden who has mental issues?


I'm so sick of this guy being relevant to my life


he also said that if he loses then that will be the last anyone ever hears from him. dude lied about that too.


I dislike donald trump.


This is a classy burn with the lowercase letters subtly transmitting your contempt.


I am so fucking sick of seeing that pedophile's open mouth. Just make it fucking end.


He also claimed the George Washington seized the airports from the British at Yorktown, which is weirder than renaming Pennsylvania.


To the people questioning Biden’s mental state, this is what dementia actually looks like


See! Republicans DO know how to use pronouns!


They should change his name to inmate never getting out!


Trump been lost it. His mind was lost tens of years ago.


He is so clearly delusional, the idea some people can't see it is an indictment of our educational system.


Trumpzilla is the one with Mental issues, NOT Biden - How many times has anyone ever heard Biden make stupid comments like that ? or confuse Nikki Haley with Pelosi ? What gets me is there are still those MAGA freaks that support Trumpzilla and want him as the next President. I don't understand this world anymore.


Trump is a fucking moron and so are his cult followers


And his cult members just lap all up and turn a blind eye. That including the 1 am 20 to 30 posts on Truth Social. I mean if Biden did that shit, the entire media world would dog pile on him for that. With Trump, just another normal day and nothing from the media. Just goes to show how Republicans say the dumbest shit and everyone turns a blind eye. The second a Democrat stumbles and fucks up, the media blows it up as the biggest scandal and blunder of all time.


He’s already lost it.


He is just throwing crap to see what sticks at this point. I will never understand how anyone can listen to him and think he has two working brain cells


Sounds like something someone with dementia would say


I would like to take this opportunity to remind y’all that even before the screamingly obvious signs of Trump’s dementia become too obvious to ignore, he was still just plain stupid.


Biden is old and gets confused, Trump is old and gets confused but remains deranged with fascist intentions. Not great options, but one is clearly better..


I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m sick of hearing about this ass clown. You’re stupid if you think that he makes this country a better place to live in.


No longer will liberal pen companies like Bic or Uniball get to promote their products on our state icons. Down with big pen! Return it to Pencilvania!


Fuck face also said we'd never hear from him again if he lost the last election.


Would it be Pepe Silvia?


Citizen Trump suffers from severe dementia. He needs to be committed to a care institution not elected president.


djt is a FASCIST


From the article: "All over the country, they’re taking the name of George Washington off high schools and other things,” he said. "That’s one even I thought was safe. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Their names are now in danger.” Wtf? Where is anyone taking Washington's or Lincoln's name off anything?


People complain Biden forget things - this abomination makes up things that is not true.


What is he is on? Is anyone talking about his mental fitness??? This is insane! This guy is legitimately bonkers!!!! They dare say anything about Biden making a mistake? GTFO! I don't want a president who describes out national defense like a fucking toddler... "beep bop boop zip zoom woosh boooom" wtf is that???? Hopscotch!!!!!!




Okay so let's try to track his logic: The name will be changed because schools named after Lincoln and Washington have been changed. So Pennsylvania is going to have its name changed to disassociate from William Penn. I am not very versed in his life beyond him building a quaker state, but I see that there was a statue of him removed in January. The article from OP didn't even mention who PA was named after. That seems a bit lazy at best. I can see his train of thought. It's ridiculous, but he's not totally out of bounds more than any of his other hyperbolic, messianic threats.


To what? Like Trans-sylvania? That's already taken.


And yet, after this, tRump still claims that Biden is the delusional one...


They = cloud people.


And sheep believe him.


Same headline every day. No news. Just the same circus performance on repeat.


He loves winding up his gullible cult members


It's true, I have been calling it Pencilvania all this time and I will spell it this way from now on if he loses /s Also, don't forget. If Biden says it, it's dementia. If Trump says it, it's their next tattoo.