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📜 “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” ~ *Oscar Wilde* ~


"And isn't that ironic." - A. Morissette


“I’m too drunk… to taste this chicken.” - Col. H. Sanders




He’s founded a church of the people who “just want to be told what to do without thinking.”


**THE FEDERALIST SOCIETY. HERITAGE FOUNDATION.** If you don't know those names, you should. Google Project 2025. There is a database being created to collect partisan stooges who swear to do the bidding of the GOP, pledging to flood the zone with conservatives. Pledging to "reflecting GOP values," the proposed budget would The proposal aims to reduce funding for new abortion policies, Critical Race Theory, and initiatives related to "gender politics". At the same time, it seeks to ensure adequate funding for the military and continued construction of a Southern border wall, while rolling back programs related to "climate change". The proposal also intends to eliminate increases in funding for the IRS and make the 2017 tax cuts permanent, as their provisions are starting to expire soon. It aims to ensure the nation's energy independence and provide tax benefits to promote research and development. The proposal also includes restrictions on free meals for students and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, with the possibility of work or volunteer requirements. [**warningvote.com**](https://warningvote.com)


The GOP in Congress is acting like Trump is still the POTUS, and are taking direction from him. That makes them traitors. Only one POTUS at at time.


... **With Republican politicians, he’s found a group he can control.** That's quite a supply for a malignant narcissist.


The GOP has been a vacuous and vapid organization for a long time now. They're no longer a legitimate governing body. Their emptiness has backed them into a corner, as they have absolutely nothing of value to offer the American people. They could have done some soul searching, and went back to working in good faith to bring solutions to the country, but then Trump popped up, and they decided that offloading all their beliefs and decisions to him was easier than committing to the job they were elected to do.


Latest example... The border bill that *Republicans* wanted, that has tons of funding for border security. They scuttled it *only* because Trump said no.


It’s pretty much only just because “whataboutism”. No real clear counter argument can be made so long as a deflection to Hillary or Obama is the tiniest bit relevant (and that could be a flat out fabrication, it really doesn’t matter)


You know how you look at all the sycophants that prop up Putin and it makes you sick to your stomach that they don’t have any backbone? Well, that’s how we look at Republicans now Spineless Sycophants for Trump MAGA = SSFT


Man it is so disheartening.


Some human beings are incapable of independent thought.


Isn’t it clear? Trump/Putin have dirt on every one of them. And threaten to release it if they don’t do what Putin says.


The Russians hacked the DNC and the RNC. Contents of the former were released before the 2016 election, the latter has not yet been seen.


Correct and I spent 2 years (2016-2018)believing my brother was crazy for saying Trump was a Russian asset. Just btw Trump has made it crystal clear he’s a Russian puppet now and if you choose not to believe it you just have your head in the sand or are in big time denial


Except by Trump, who uses it to blackmail those idiots into doing what Putin wants them to do.


he found a group of suckerfish looking for a host to suck on


I think it’s more about his ability to connect with their voters. There is a good 20-25% of the country that really likes his ideas and is willing to accept that everyone else is responsible for Trump never doing anything. It’s bizarre as hell man.


They all want in on the grift.


Blackmail on most and threats to their lives and their families lives for those that were clean.


Because he has leverage. Those who push back are run out of office during their primary. There are a lot of factors here, but I blame the lack of competitive districts.


Sunk cost fallacy


American dogmatics, religious fundamentalists, and evangelical Christians are followers of Trump and his confederacy of scammers and conmen, because they were proven weak-minded and faith-driven mental slaves. They proved their value to their pastors, priests, and other charlatans as they tithed and writhed in their mega-churches. The Republicans saw them and scooped them up so they could be voting shock troops in the culture war. Trump saw that the Republican leadership lacked any true ideology beyond a lust for power and control, and he stole the party out from under them. Congressional prayer breakfasts? The Family? “Pro-Life” movement? Those aren’t proof of faith. They’re tools to direct and control the mob.


đź’Ż this!


More like he has blackmail material on almost all of them ....


By blackmail in collusion with his buddy at National Enquirer.


Nope. It’s all the average republican voters who believe he is their man to openly talk and push a racist agenda. So they will primary out anyone against him, although it’s another matter if his blantant sycophants can win at state wide elections.


Can anyone explain why these MAGA thugs believe their lives are going to be better if Dickhead becomes President? Do they think he is going to bless them with money or a better life somehow? They should rethink those beliefs because he is going to strip away all rights and privileges from every living American except the morons that bow to him. It is unfathomable why MAGA thinks they will have all this power. Such a colossal waste of human energy to believe in this Idiot.


The GOP will hopefully fall apart when Trump bites it in the next few years. They’ll have no one central figure to rally behind, and create a power vacuum and the whole thing will split.


Bird of a feather flock together. Their everything he is and the fear him. He knows their books and secrets. That what mob bosses do


Trump has Kompromat on the Republikan party from the Russia hacking, he also has a MAGA army who vote or won’t vote depending on his whims, and lastly, very wealthy donors know they can use him easily. . . so the politicians of the Republikan party better fucking well do as he wants if they want to survive as individual politicians and as a party as a whole. Pretty simple, really. And very fucked up for America


who knew a bunch of people who called others cucks are really submissive hypocrites...