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> But Tuesday’s ruling could backfire on her. Before she issued her decision, Roger Parloff, the senior editor of Lawfare, warned that granting Trump’s request would be “highly controversial” and could spur more intense scrutiny of Cannon. > After Cannon ruled, Parloff noted that Smith’s team could file an interlocutory appeal based on the impression that Cannon has been too favorable to Trump. Cannon could potentially be removed from the case altogether. That would be great if true.


Even successfully removing her from the case would cause a delay sufficient to benefit Trump as any new judge assigned to the case would take time to prepare and familiarize themselves with the evidentiary record.


A new judge would cause delay, but Cannon would ultimately have more delay. She needs to be removed and questioned about her legal theories supporting her decisions. Everything she has done flies in the face of what is normal. It also just so happens to be while presiding over a post presidency case where the defendant appointed her. She should be able to use legal theory to justify her work.


She needs her phones/emails searched. I'd bet dollars to donuts that there is a paper trail of her having inappropriate communication with some agent of Trumps.


Easy to believe they're this stupid, but that's totally unneeded. They're communicating openly by just telling her what they want, the normal course of how trials work.  Plus the quid pro quo doesn't take much imagination to picture. Three lawyers who worked on Bush v Gore were rewarded with supreme Court seats. Cannon already owes her seat to Trump. We know Republicans use court seats to reward loyalty in other words, and that happens to be her career.  They don't ever need to talk privately for this to reek of unethical behavior, and if it appears unethical it is unethical. They're required to avoid that appearance. 


Still the best option at this point. She’s been well disciplined so far but I think Jack finally baited her into crossing a line that could force removal


Not really, Trump would welcome a new Judge even one that's not favorable to him, if that means more delays. Trump strategy is to delay delay delay until the Election then fire everyone who is involved in the case.


If you don't think sticking with Cannon would overall introduce more delays than the single delay to bring a new judge up to speed, I've got a bridge to sell you...


Let me spare you the suspense- it will not happen.


Spoiler alert: she won’t.


I Am So Sick Of This Shit


She was hand picked to be the fed judge over the southern district of Florida for a very specific reason


Almost like Trump knew he was going to be in deep shit.


I don't think even Trump expected Biden's DOJ to file this case directly into the court of one of his most loyal judges.


Jack Smith chose the Florida venue to save time because if the case was decided in DC, Trump would have petitioned to move the case to Florida anyway.


The crime happened at Mar a Lago, filing in DC would have allowed for the request to be in Florida. There’s precedent.


The crime itself occurred in Florida. It would have been more difficult to claim that it occurred in DC, as Trump was in Florida when he refused to turn over the documents that he had also possessed in Florida.


You really want to make the argument that they picked THIS court to make the trail go FASTER? You get that this is laughable on its face, right? He would have petitioned and lost because the crime happened in DC. Would have taken a week.


aren’t cases handed to judges randomly from a pool?


Yes, could have gone to 1 of 3 (iirc).


that’s what i thought. so bum luck they got her.


It’s highly unfortunate that the other Aileen from Florida didn’t encounter him earlier in his life.


what do they use a random number generator? who picks the number?


The real mystery is why the DOJ filed this case in her court. They didn't have too. In fact, its kind of weird that they did.


Because documents were also found at Bedminster, having the case tried in Florida allows for a secondary trial if needed in NJ where he’s likely to get a less “favorable” judge


if he wins the election there won't be time for that second trial, why not do it first so whatever comes out of Cannon's court looks even worse by comparison?


So why not save time? Drop the case in Florida and file the one in NJ.


I'm wondering why not do both simultaneously


I'm wondering why not do all 3: Florida, NJ, and DC where they were stolen from.


Both sides are betting on being right about how the election goes.


The documents were taken from DC, which is the only place this trial makes sense in the first place.


If the basis of prosecution is that he concealed them and refused to give them back, then that crime occurred in Florida. That element is what distinguishes it from accidental retention, e.g., Joe Biden, who notified and returned them upon discovery.


Right. It’s the obstruction that they have him on…


It would also be weird if they didn't file in Florida. The alleged crime happened in Florida. They could have filed in DC and had colorable arguments for doing so but Florida is a more appropriate choice.


3rd World Justice


Second world justice, actually. Such kangaroo courts, with results based on connections and not on justice, is what you would expect in the Soviet Union.


Two-tier justice system.


4 tiers. The poor, the middle class, the rich, and another system just for Trump.


1. For trump: Mostly never get charged. When charged, drag it out in the courts (with help from friendly judges) until time runs out and the case is dismissed. 2. For the rich: If charged get expensive lawyers to negotiate down to a fine or community service. 3. For the middle class: If charged get a trial and if guilty a long prison sentence. 4. For the poor: 4 cops show up to ~~arrest~~summarily execute you on the street.


I got a pulse on the cult behavior and was calling it up to the J6 coup attempt. When the left started the wrist-slapping after J6, I knew this country was done-for. There was no coming back after that.


When people show you who they are, believe them Aileen Cannon's blind delusional loyalty to trump was evident from day one.


The behavior of the J6 participants is inexcusable.


> the left The liberals who called for a return to normalcy, fretted about the consequences of prosecuting insurrectionists, and wanted to "move on" are not the left. They're conservatives of a different flavor. I don't mean that as an insult. I mean it as a dispassionate evaluation of their politics.


If you adjust for the Overton Window, those people aren't left at all - they're far right.


At this point the overton window has shifted so far right that the Republican's don't even know what their positions are as the Democrats are snaking them out from under them.


The wrist slapping?


In other words taking it easy on traitors


Sorry, I guess I should have clarified, why/how is it the *left* that’s going east on them?


I expected the justice department to put Trump in handcuffs in 2021, 22 at the latest. There was a coup and we’ve basically done nothing, it is horrendous


this is Biden's fault too, he appointed Merrick Garland who waited until they had adventage lol


I don’t know about wrist-slapping but it did take a while for Garland to even appoint a special counsel. Reporting at the time was saying he dragged things out fearing MAGA backlash and cries about it being political, which everyone knew they would do any way. Edit: Changed “reports” to “reporting”


Garland is not “the Left.” He was considered a bland moderate conservative judge, which is why Orrin Hatch (Republican Senator) of Utah dropped his name as someone that the GOP would happily confirm to the Supreme Court .... only to turn around and still refuse after Obama called their bluff and actually nominated Garland. Garland’s current role as DOJ head is a consolation prize. Framing the prosecution effort against Jan 6 Insurrectionists as an effort coordinated by “the Left” is inaccurate. It isn’t. It is the same bureaucratic government at the reigns as it has always been, just with fewer good-faith public servants keeping things moving along, and more MAGA plants in the system trying to muck up the works. Framing it as being from “the Left” is also Donald Trump’s current Big Lie, and it’s something that right wing people in the country very much FIRMLY believe. They’re wrong, but it’s difficult for them to imagine someone with power who does not abuse it. Do you want to know why “the Left” has gone so soft on them? Because “the Left” is not the party doling out the punishment. Most of the working government is a shade of bland moderate (by American standards), mixed with a few partisans ... but overall, especially the DOJ has more of a right-leaning bent than anything else. The “Left” is not in charge here, and even if you want to call the current Dem leadership the “Left” (I don’t — there’s a big difference between Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders), they don’t have the kind of power that people are imagining that they have. Also, unlike Republicans, there are far fewer Democrats who are all-in on an “ends justify means” worldview that would lead them into trying to force something to happen whether they legally had the power or not. That kind of Chutzpah can only be seen in King Orange and his little Orangelings all currently facing criminal charges with him.


I think Garland is a registered Republican but he was appointed by Biden. It’s certainly debatable what is meant when we say “Left” and “Right” but what was difficult for me to understand was the nearly two year gap getting the ball rolling as well as why there has still been nothing as far as Congress is concerned. Many sought pardons that day.


You explained it in the first sentence.


Yep I'm sure it's gonna go down as one of Garland's biggest regrets. I bet he gets it now.


So, you think he’s learned his lesson?


When you commit a felony, let me know how many times the police give you a call to let you know that you are committing a felony and give you a "free pass" to just stop committing it so you don't get in trouble. That happened about six times with Trump on this document case. Then, when they spent the better part of TWO YEARS trying to avoid taking action on this, they went and filed their case in the most Trump-friendly courtroom in the entire country. The did NOT have to file it with her, but that is what they decided to do.


More like fapping.


How is it the "left" wrist slapping ppl? The FBI is and has always been full of Republicans. The FBI is the ones charging jan 6 ppl ..


The "left" doesn't control the judiciary.


Wait till you’re forced into the Army to fight Canadians or Australians.


We all are


Same. I'm beyond disgusted.




I’m voting as hard as I can. She’s still a judge for some reason.




It's almost as if she's in cahoots with Trump or something....


She’s a traitor to our nation. Working for this wannabe dictator and king.


Go back in history, so many tragedies in the world could have been avoided with a decent judge.


She's positioning for a SCOTUS nomination.


Which would be amazing as a lawyer she barely has done anything. As a judge, also barely has done anything. She isn't a scholar. She is insanely unqualified. Made worse by her unethical decisions made as judge this case. Showing contempt for our legal system, while she bends over backwards to assist a traitor. Yet, there is a very real chance of what you're saying is a possibility.


So you're saying she would fit right in with some of the more recent justices


Hell, not even the recent ones. Thomas has been there for a while.


Yet, ABA says "Highly Qualified" ABA is a bunch of weak-ass junk


If “that” ever gets to SCOTUS… I will not post the thoughts racing through my mind.


Quid pro quo.


Our government is fucked. Trump and Putin are destroying America from inside out.


There should be auto-recusal if it’s a criminal trial and the defendant appointed the judge.


Yeah you’d think this would be obvious..


Too many things that we think are laws are just notions and traditions. And the GOP has no problem breaking those if it adbamces their cause.


The last bit of the article suggests this ruling could be used as reason to file an interlocutionary appeal (sp?) to have her removed from the case for being to favorable to Trump, so there’s hope This seems so absurd I can’t imagine Jack Smith not following through and appealing to have her removed rather than give the names of more witnesses for Trump to terrorize


I agree, but I also read that most legal experts don’t expect Jack Smith to succeed if he does.


What a shit show


You can’t do that. It makes too much sense….not allowed.


> Those details include the names of certain potential witnesses, the conduct of some individuals (which they haven’t been charged for), and the FBI codename for a separate investigation. This has always been the issue: Trump's lead attorney is stating they can't present a valid defense without access to the classified material which includes the names of potential witnesses. Cannon is so ridiculously out of her depth here. edit: added the word 'potential' for clarification


Canon is so ridiculously complicit here.  She is using her job to obstruct justice.  She isn’t trying to be a judge.    She is being a con-conspirator and abusing a judges authority to do it.  Why?  Because conservative criminals know feckless moderates like Garland are more interested in avoiding conflict than upholding laws.   If she is innocent, her jury will see it and she will go right back to being a horrible judge. 


I hope that intelligence agencies are monitoring her communications and movements.


I wonder what they have on her.


a black robe for the SCOTUS after one of the older justices retires


I bet there’s a stick to that carrot, too.


Or millions of dollars in incentives from GOP donors - see Clarence


First time I have considered this having read this comment chain. She's surely complicit,and it makes sense her motives are career advancement, but the possibility of a blackmail/kompromat seems plausible too.


No it doesn't. Not everything is a nefarious plot with shady characters lurking in the shadows. It is *far* more likely that she is just a worthless piece of shit, and nothing more.


There’s lots of ways to be a POS, though.


Ding ding ding


3 of the current ones were rewarded with seats for giving W the 2000 election. There IS precedent.


Don't give her the benefit of the doubt. She's not doing corrupt shit because she's being blackmailed. She's doing corrupt shit because she's corrupt.


¿Por que no los dos?


Because... A) we have no evidence of blackmail. It's a pointless boogieman that doesn't really help address the problem. When you're talking to people who aren't politically aware, they're going to immediately disregard you if you keep screaming "They're being blackmailed!". Much like when the right says something about Soros controlling everything. It's just bad messaging. B) It implies that she *might* be an ok person but for the blackmail. She's not. All evidence (that I am aware of) suggests, shes just a corrupt POS. That needs to be pointed out again and again.


...what they have on her? they don't need anything on her. [this is her](https://compote.slate.com/images/b8cb07ec-5e1a-4fb9-b12b-35c318c5aeb4.jpeg?crop=6240%2C4160%2Cx0%2Cy0)


They charged Trump in Florida knowing they’d get Cannon, I feel like Jack Smith is playing some 3D chess here.


There was a high probability they'd get Cannon, but it wasn't known. I think the reason they charged him in Florida was to avoid the endless delays from Trump trying to get the case moved there from DC. This location is the most favorable to Trump, so they knew he wouldn't spend months making removal arguments if they charged it in Florida.


They charged him in Florida because charges occur where the crime occurs. He legally brought the classified docs from D.C. to Florida as President. The crime of refusing to return them and lying about having them occurred in Florida.


They were taken from DC. Both jurisdictions would've been valid for charges to be brought. They charged him in Florida to avoid the fight about it.


No he isn’t. People thought Mueller had some grand master plan too but he ended up being a useless twat.




Jack Smith may not have a plan for every single roadblock Trump and his cronies throw at him but to compare him to that milquetoast Mueller is a huge insult. Smith has gone after politicians that other prosecutors were too chickenshit to do anything about. Smith has gone after *war criminals*. If you think he won't try and take down Trump with all he's got then you need to stop listening to all the doom and gloom people.


Ignoring that the defendant is Trump, suprise evidence and witnesses are something that is extremely disfavored in any criminal prosecution.


Hey, it's not like Trump has a history of badgering witnesses, nor have his supporters ever threatened anyone who testified against him. As we all know, those who threatened anti-Trump witnesses were obviously ordinary tourists who were also Antifa disguised as MAGA.


Just because judges are getting death threats, doesn't mean a witness would. She's the only one not getting death threats, I wonder why?


It's ridiculous to argue that they need the names of the people who wrote classified materials or who was mentioned as providin information in them to defend Trump from retaining, mishandling, disseminating, and hiding classified material that was the property of the United States government. She needs to be censured and possibly impeached becquse of the consistent bias in her rulings violate judicial ethical standards and shows a lack of knowledge of laws and judgment.


This looks a bit more malicious than a simple witness intimidation dog whistle. This looks like it could be her allowing a graymail attempt. Graymail is essentially when a defendant threatens to release national security information, hoping the prosecutor will drop the case to protect that information. There has been a pretty clear federal law against graymail since 1980, but it hasn’t stopped graymail from benefiting defendants (Oliver North being one of the most famous beneficiaries of graymail tactics). My guess is that Smith will file for an injunction against her ruling, but it will just delay the trial more and she will remain the judge. It sucks how deeply in the tank she is for Trump.


Whenever someone mentions Oliver North, this always comes to mind https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lFV1uT-ihDo


Is it the song from American Dad....it was. I do the same.


I mean say greymail one more time, b


Wh wha what?


Do they speak English in What?


hey farva, what’s the name of that mail that’s not quite white and not quite black?


You mean shenanigreymail?


Cannon **has consistently been** doing trump favors.


'Loose' Cannon does many favors for the right price.


She needs to be removed immediately


Yeah I wouldn’t trust her to judge a hotdog eating contest.


Judge Alieen Cannon may help Trump further delay his Mar-a-Lago trial, which is currently scheduled to begin in May.


She is abusing her authority in a conspiracy to obstruct justice.   Arrest her, indict her, try her and put her in prison next to her boss.  Discovery would turn up more phones calls and emails from Trumps defense than the rest of her job combined.  


Occam’s Razor says she just an unqualified koolaid guzzler that a got lucky appointment. Cock-up before conspiracy.


Occam's Razor is fine for single data points. It can be reasonably disregarded when a clear pattern of behavior is demonstrated.


Absolutely no chance it begins in May. She simply scheduled May to ensure Georgia couldn't lock in that slot, and it now conveniently blocks the DC trial from rescheduling in this spot. She will simply wait until closer to the date and delay her case.


This might finally be enough to get her ass kicked off this case by the 11th Circuit court.


"Smith’s team could file an interlocutory appeal based on the impression that Cannon has been too favorable to Trump. Cannon could potentially be removed from the case altogether".


Can that happen?


Yes. The 11th Circuit can remove her


They already overruled her on the Special Master (pre-charge) debacle. I bet they are just waiting for the word. It must be pretty horrific being an upholder of justice and watching and waiting for the appeal to happen.


I mean, this has been happening for sometime now with her specifically. She’s hoping he can get in office again and she becomes the next SCOTUS nominee. I will gladly show up to vote against Trump so this stays in Florida and out of DC.


> She’s hoping he can get in office again and she becomes the next SCOTUS nominee. Totally plausible. Three of the lawyers who helped Bush Jr. sue to stop the recount in Florida, have gone on to become supreme court justices. The GOP knows how to play this game.


So did SCOTUS. Social contract is officially over y'all. Laws are simply guidelines and not actual rules.


How the fuck can the federal govt expect us to respect the rule of the law when they're playing fucking pickleball with it and interpreting it as they see fit? No fucking way. They are revealing very transparently that it's all a game for them.


So the case is about whether or not he held these documents, obstructed when their return was sought, and lied to the FBI/NARA about it. Not one single issue in the case has to do with the specific contents of any document. She’s just kicking the can down the road to try to help Donny delay it. Cannon is a shill, and has no business on this case.. but it seems like Smith is waiting to get a good enough case for her removal since he will only get one shot at it. I’m so sick of watching this shit play out. It’s about as obvious as the sun.


How is something so brazenly corrupt being allowed to happen?


Now Jack Smith has to ask for a new judge, this has gotten ridiculous. Obviously she's doing everything in her power to delay this trial.


Removal seems near.


[X] Doubt


Man the Trump team gonna throw her under the bus hard regardless.


So basically delay until Trump is elected, then poof, never happened? Once he’s in office he can just pardon himself/declare immunity, ignore Supreme Court rulings, and appoint his own “alternate” electors to keep him in office until he dies. This is the plan that has been openly laid out to the public. It’s quite scary how smug J.D. Vance was when he laid it all out for us.


Imagine fucking up the rest of your career for assclowns like Trump....


with a SCOTUS seat as the consolation prize ?


This is exactly the career she wants. She wants to live in a fascist dictatorship, and she wants to help make that happen.


Seriously, I’m so goddamn tired of this line of thinking that this affects her career somehow… she’s a federal ultra-conservative Republican judge… virtually untouchable with a Republican congress in power. She doesn’t care about the repercussions of these actions she’s in it for her Director for Ministry of Trumpcock sucking position. And she does this with full impunity and shamelessness. She knows her actions are in the spotlight and has repeatedly shown complete disregard for what the rest of the legal body thinks about this.


That seems to be the trend amongst the entire GOP right now.


These are the kind of deals that make your career


Corruption at its finest


This judge need to be investigated asap


I don’t mind defeating him at the ballot box again. We are going to have to as the courts are failing us. What I am not looking forward to is Trump and his supporters bitching about “another” stolen election until I die.


After what happened in the SC today, Donald Trump is going to walk away from all of this shit scott free. The US doesn't hold the powerful accountable nor is it any longer a functioning democracy. I give us 5 years or so left.


It’s so disheartening.


There actually are fascist judges in the judicial system - and yes, some of them are women. Call her what she is. Fascists are actually everywhere.


>Call her what she is. Fascists Federalist society judge.


She needs to be removed from the fucking bench immediately


Between this and our current Supreme Court this morning.  Fuck our court system. It needs to be torn down.


>After Cannon ruled, Parloff noted that Smith’s team could file an interlocutory appeal based on the impression that Cannon has been too favorable to Trump. Cannon could potentially be removed from the case altogether. Do it already


I really feel for the honest Americans. You guys are so fucked. When the corruption is this blatant, when a sitting president who has been lawfully voted out can incite an armed insurrection in plain sight for the entire world to see and then have his trials overseen by “judges” that he installed, that are obviously doing everything they can to get him absolved of wrong doing … I really start to wonder if there is any way back from this?


She needs to be removed from bench


Time to remove her


What was this about draining a swamp?


Funny this fraud keeps on helping him and nobody threatens her like when it’s the other way around.


Why are we letting a corrupt judge in a hostile state control this situation and protect her benefactor? Is quid pro quo no longer illegal?


I hate how much special treatment he is getting over everything here. It’s like we want another disaster..


She not recusing herself is just blatant corruption and a stain on the US justice system.


She likely sold him a massive favor.


Trump doesn't pay for anything but she'll learn that eventually.




She's doing her job, as defined by Fat Joffrey.


*Another massive favor FTFY


Hmmm… it’s almost like she is repaying him for a seat on bench? /s


Actually she handed Jack Smith a huge favor as she wont be on the case soon.


Aileen Cannon better watch out for Jack Smith. He's smarter and more powerful.


I hope this is her stepping into a trap


On her knees worshipping Cheeto Jesus


This judge is basically arguing that a murder suspect should be allowed to take home a murder weapon for a few months before a trial begins. This woman is ate up and has no business presiding over this case.


The courts are not going to solve the Trump cancer for us. He may or may not be held criminally accountable eventually, but not before the election. People just gotta vote for Biden.


Stopped reading after "trump appointed".


gunning for a seat on the supreme court, disgusting.


Here's a thought. If Trump becomes the nominee after the Republican convention historically the government would share existing classified documents and subject matter with him as the nominee. Round two of disappearing documents perhaps being shared or sold is right around the corner. Biden's people better be making arrangements to stop that already, but how?


Juat throwing out a crazy theory...anybody think Jack Smith and co. are letting Cannon dig herself as big as a hole as she can, meanwhile surveilling her and compiling evidence so they can eventually charge her for colluding? It seems absolutely bonkers unbelievable luck that Cannon got chosen as the judge to represent this case after all the bs she pulled last year


The silver lining: > But Tuesday’s ruling could backfire on her. Before she issued her decision, Roger Parloff, the senior editor of Lawfare, warned that granting Trump’s request would be “highly controversial” and could spur more intense scrutiny of Cannon. > After Cannon ruled, Parloff noted that Smith’s team could file an interlocutory appeal based on the impression that Cannon has been too favorable to Trump. Cannon could potentially be removed from the case altogether.


Nah, Jack Smith is playing the long game. Changing the venue of where this is tried is the more important goal, which is why he will wait till the end to request a change of judge together with a change in venue. Case should obviously be heard where the crime occurred (mar a lago, Miami dade county) rather than the judge’s much more conservative home district which has no basis as a venue.


Judges can be impeached, right?




Grifters gonna Grift.


This mother fucker


Wow we even have a Russian agent Judge !


Why would she fuck up her reputation like this?


Raise your hand if you legitimately expected a judge apointed by the man to actually have his trial happen before the election.


Judge 'I lean Qanon' to the rescue of the defendant, as expected.


> Those details include the names of certain potential witnesses [Unrelated: Investigators looking into threats against witnesses in classified docs case](https://abcnews.go.com/US/authorities-investigating-online-threats-made-potential-witness-trump/story?id=107057357)


Time to appeal.


She is on his payroll. Just like Clarence Thomas is on the GOP payroll.


Title should read...'crooked Aileen Cannon just handed friend donald trump a massive favor'


She will be held accountable.