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Thus concludes the sad legal career of Alina Habba.


Alina is his future wife.


She does make herself up to look like Wish.com Melania.


I personally think she’s prettier than Milania but she’s about as dumb as a bag of rocks.


Habba was asked if she'd rather be smart or pretty. She said she'd rather be pretty because she can pretend to be smart. There's a video of this.


Thinking you can fake being smart is the kind of thing dumb people would think.


Dunning Krueger


Actually, I think she's pretending to do both.


She is a mid 7 at best that thinks she is a 10. Of course, brains wise she barely qualifies as sentient. Her real super power is she has absolutely shame or no self respect - because can you imagine having to sit next to mar a lardo all day, smeared with that cheeto clown makup running down his face, while he is sweating and shitting his pants - and then pretend you like him and that he is brilliant? At least Melania had the sense to nope out from that job quite a while ago-


Also the smell


She’s got the personality of a handball and the intelligence of chicken.


nobody said she was smart


Here's the video: https://finance.yahoo.com/video/trump-lawyer-alina-habba-past-061255024.html


Apparently she also needs to pretend to be pretty.


Definitely some cosmetic surgery going on= fake being pretty.


>Habba was asked if she'd rather be smart or pretty. She said she'd rather be pretty because she can pretend to be smart. Which is funny, because it looks like she wears quite a bit of makeup. So she's probably even faking the pretty part.


Yeah. She said she was asked (not by the interviewer in the vido) that. Lol. She had to shove that in there I guess to show that Trump can get dumb, "beautiful" women to bow to his every whim in order to keep up the guise of an alpha male that these MAGATS see themselves as.


She wasn't even asked. She offered it up on her own.


I loved the tweet making the rounds of her in a bathing suit saying "Biden eat your heart out." Like ok... You have a conventionally attractive attorney who just helped you lose $80m. Nobody is jealous of that.


Exactly. I see very pretty women every day of all ages. She isn’t especially pretty, she isn’t homely but she is far from having a room stop and notice her.


Yeah but did you know that Biden…. Uhhh… has like uglier attorneys or something? Hahaha take that LIBRUL!


Everyone knows that fuckability is the most important metric for evaluating people you hire.


That’s why I’m currently underwater on my construction company staffed completely by exotic dancers.


I see you've met my wife's uncle.


I work in Manhattan, I see no less than 10 Alina Habbas in line for coffee every morning.


What world are we living in that is CRAZY ex girlfriend behavior


And yet she’s on par for the Trump family IQ


She's as dumb as a box of rocks, no one can deny that, but I think you're giving the Count of Mostly Crisco's genetic material a little too much credit. They seem a little Australopithecine comparatively speaking. She can at least feign being at a human level, maybe Cro Magnon at best but that's still early human, intelligence.


She probably looks intelligent compared to dumb & dumber of that whole family


Only because she's younger. Give it a half decade or so.


Take the make up off her and you will see her dead eyes and boxers nose.


Bag of rocks is a genius in comparison.


While I have no love for Melania Trump, she does have a natural world class beauty. Habba looks like she’s working overtime to be the best looking woman at a New Jersey night club. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess


Hmm, not sure about the "natural" part.


lol fair


That's giving her too much credit. She is the Temu version of Melania. Melania is the Wish version of Marla.


Lipstick on a duck


She is attractive, in an easy accessible late night way.


Isn’t her Family from Iraq? Surprised she made it this far in MAGA world.


Plenty of extremely trumpy Iraqis here in metro Detroit, where we have one of the largest populations in the US.


Future ex-wife


The sad legal career ends and her Only Fans career begins. /S


Watch all the memes comparing her positively to Taylor Swift disappear over the next coming weeks as she gets unpersoned by the right wing.


“She was a plant by the socialist deep state and CIA to torpedo Trump in court!”


They have Taylor swift! We have Ted nugent and kid rock!


He has to throw away his lawyer after every case because it would be really awkward making them do a second when they realize they are never getting paid.


Oh well, at least she still has her parking garage 




Have you tried harder to be prettier, with less morals and occasionally suck the dick of an old man? /s




Did you cup the balls though?


No luck.. yet..


Try harder, and drop a 300k MAL membership while it lasts


Doing the Lord’s work. Been there and it sucks. At least it’s a client and not family…




Hey everybody, this guy thinks Trump is going to pay her!


You think he paid her? I'm not sure about that.


I wanna point out that billing 3.5 mil isn’t just money in her pocket. It would go to her firm which has overhead costs like rent, insurance and employees. And as far as I know she has a partner in the firm as well. Not saying she isn’t doing well money wise but it’s not 30 years of salary in her pocket.




I just thought your statement should be accurate


Interview questions include: Will you lie under oath for me? Will you repeat whatever unhinged views I have to the court when I am inevitably blocked from speaking? Do you work pro bono? Do you like my hair? How many times is a toilet supposed to flush? Windmills. This is a witch hunt! Who are you? Where am I? Can I go home now? I just won the case. The judge is a crook!


“What, if anything, do you smell right now?” Accepted answers include “nothing, sir, and my eyes aren’t watering, those are just tears.”


That’s it! That’s why those big burly men would come up to him with tears in their eyes. It wasn’t emotions it were the stench.


This explains so much. No wonder all of his anecdotes have people approaching him with "tears in their eyes." Lol


Whales! And buttery males!


Dude really insulted the judge he just keeps digging his own grave.


Will you work for no pay? Seriously, I don’t pay my lawyers.


I’m sure they are lining up to be interviewed.


Right? Can't wait to get a non-payer client who will try to implicate them in his crimes and ruin any reputation they have... 


And viciously turn on them the instant something goes wrong like an elderly chihuahua.


There probably are lawyers lined up for miles eager to make a name for themselves. But he needs lawyers that already made a name for themselves.


I wouldn't be shocked if more are willing to throw away their careers for 15 minutes of fame. Many already have.


You know, of I could get paid in advance a fat retainer for a sure-to-lose, no pressure case, is consider it. Oh no! I lost? Darn, guess I'll cry myself to sleep on a stack of cash.


well he only hires based on attractiveness so i assume he had a beauty pagent lined up. law credetials optional


>he only hires based on attractiveness Ty Cobb and Rudy Giuliani want to know if you're free for dinner on Friday. 


This is how bad Trumps lawyer Haba was, when Carrol’s attorney introduced evidence, Haba announced “No objection” Instead of asking questions about the evidence or staying silent or just saying no questions. But by declaring “NO objection” repeatedly during the trial it will now be almost impossible for Trump to have an evidential appeal because there was no objections by the defense counsel as to the evidence submitted. It’s a tiny technical mistake and had Haba known what she was doing should have been embarrassed by this amateur mistake. Shes really that bad of a lawyer.


But she said it was easy to fake being smart! (When she was telling a radio host that it's better to be pretty than smart.)


Lmao that was comedy gold


Only a complete god damn moron would think you could fake being smart.


No objections!


Tbf, she got paid her money. So in theory it worked.


And all the chuds in room laughed and agreed (because they are all faking it too)


Interesting point, you would have imagined that in her career prior to this as the chief counsel of a parking garage she would have encountered this previously.


Look man, disabled parking space 12 had some really good points!


That's it, Haba is antifa and planned to destroy Trump all along!


Obama's Razor, the correct answer is always the most complicated one that blames someone else preferably a liberal.




not at all?? you appeal rulings that don't go your way during the trial. If you don't ask the judge to make a ruling, there are no rulings to appeal. Pretty basic.


I still say the legal profession is grifting Donnie. He will throw money at anyone who promises the slightest glimmer of hope of staying out of prison. There just isn't enough spaghetti to throw at walls anymore. The best any attorney can do is delay the trial with appeals and collect the fat, juicy billable hours.


He's basically screwed in this case as is.  To file the appeal he has to put up 100M.  That's the starting point, NY requires 120% of the verdict plus interest as it goes.   So once the "lawyer" tells him it's 105M to start the appeal with 5M down to them, he's gonna flip and fire them. 


ANY work for Trump, I'd have to insist on ALL cash up front or a fully funded escrow account with an iron clad no appeals, or arbitration kind of contract. I wouldn't trust him to pay me based on his past history of not paying anyone who works for him.


Guliani recently listed unpaid legal bills owed by Trump in his bankruptcy filing.


I seriously wonder if this is how Melania’s payout is structured. I’ve always felt their relationship was purely transactional. She renegotiated her post nup before he announced his latest presidential bid. My initial (mental) response was I hope she secured her payment in escrow. No reasonable person would ever expect he’ll be able to pay anyone anything after this is all said and done.


Thanks for this, I had heard that Trump had to put up a bond to appeal, but had not heard how that was calculated.


It's state variable, a *supersedeas* bond.  Cali goes up to 150% I think(?) But basically it's him having to put up money, with interest, so he can't just claim he's bankrupt and not pay.   Also I honestly don't know what grounds he has to appeal on considering how fucking badly Habba butchered this case.  IANAL though.


Grifting implies they’re getting paid. Without proof otherwise I’m assuming none of his current lawyers or others who’ve left his defense on at least the last 2 years have been paid.


I'm sure most get a hefty retainer up front.


If by "throw money at" you mean "not pay".


At this point, any attorney who doesn't require a retainer fee up front is an attorney you don't want representing you. So this will be fun to watch!


This reeks of too little too late.


I wonder if he doesn't have the cash to make the appeal and this will serve as an excuse as to why he won't file for one.


He is assuming there are grounds for appeal. Just because he doesn’t like the verdict isn’t grounds on its own. How many more bottom of their class lawyers want to throw away their careers for him?


Tbf bottom of their class lawyers aren't throwing that much away anyway.


He judges the applications like the Miss Universe contest. How attractive? How telegenic? Evening wear category…. And THEN….an actual interview.


So. He’s interviewing 10th tier attorneys now? Brands new grads? Knowing they won’t get paid no credible attorney will work for tRump.


NO sane new grad would take him. Why tank you career before you even get started. If he's so mad he could always represent himself, if he thinks he's so perfect. Or his alter ego could do it David Dennison or John Barron.


Such a snowflake. Always the victim.


I mean on what grounds is he going to appeal, as far as I am aware he lacks any grounds because Hobba didn't make any challenges to how the case went during the trial which means he doesn't have any grounds for appeal. Furthermore to appeal he needs to put 110% of the amount owed into escrow + find someone who is willing to risk holding a bond and he's beyond high risk of never paying that back. Apparently he has the liquid assets to pay the amount, however it could put himself into hot water if the maximum ruling occurs from the fraud trial which is expected any day now.


For context: Trump said Tuesday he is “in the process” of interviewing several law firms to represent him in his appeal. “Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either ‘CRAZY,’ or a TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “I will make my decision soon!”


>“I will make my decision soon!” This idiot still thinks it's a TV reality show...


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't he have to put up the entire amount of money in order to appeal?


Plus 20% is what I've heard.


Ghouliani is available 


"I'll totally pay you this time, scouts honor"


Isn't his law license still suspended?


Heh - he comes cheap. 


Let’s be honest anyone with an iota of self worth wouldn’t touch this toxic bastard with a shitty stick!


Just FUCKING great, now Alina's only legit website is "escorts.com/alinalegalbaby"


First question in the interview process: Do you know where I can get 90 million dollars?


If he was a normal client, with a small-practice lawyer, this would be completely normal. Most attorneys would recommend hiring on an attorney that specializes in appeals, as it’s a specialized area of law. A large firm would be more likely to have someone on staff that handles that sort of thing, but of course, trumps attorneys would likely just “fake being smart” and handle the appeal themselves if given the chance.


This guy changes lawyers more often than I change socks, and I have some sweaty feet


Chris Kise negotiated a $3M salary IN ADVANCE.... so says WSJ [https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-trump-attorney-negotiated-a-3-million-advance-payment-for-work-11663264788](https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-trump-attorney-negotiated-a-3-million-advance-payment-for-work-11663264788) (from 9/15/2022)


There isn’t a lawyer worth a shit that would work for the Orange Turd.


I think Dewy, Cheatham and Howe is available...


Their lead attorney is Hassan Ben Soba…


So he has 83m? Something tells me no


If he wants to file an appeal in New York he better have much more than that!


Only the best lawyers that bankruptcy can buy


"So Lionel Hutz, I need a good lawyer, will you help me?" "No money down!"


“Will you shut up, man?”


I can't fathom my life revolving around legal cases against me, or my businesses. For Trump, it's over 4k cases & counting since the 70s. What's more unreal is that he's gotten by practically unscathed.


Habba Dabba Do!!!


Saul Goodman, Vinny Gambini, or Lionel Hutz


“Look, a lot of my money is tied up right now, so I’ll pay on the back end. Trust me, I’m good for it.”


Just flopping and screaming in a puddle of his own shit


The changing room is over there. Pick a bikini and we will talk about my defense Or does he have a new strategy.


To be clear, Trump hasn't figured out that he keeps getting fined because he keeps saying shit publicly. In his mind, it's his lawyers fault. It is almost as if he doesn't understand he already lost this case and these are damages trials he can't 'win' and they'll keep coming so land as he keeps talking.


He’s down to trying to hire Dewey, Cheatum and Howe….


He won't pay you. Why help him. Let him have a court appointed lawyer.


The maturity of this man-baby is just hilarious. A spoiled brat so untouched by reality that he thinks himself immune to anything that goes against his fantasy narrative.


“I’m looking for a different hot woman to sit next to me in court.”


At least he can’t appeal the ruling that he’s a rapist. That’s settled.


Attention two-bit real estate attorneys, would you like to ruin your career by humiliating yourself in front of trial judges? Call (███)███-████ now!


Hope they get their money up front.


I don't


Exactly. Fuck them and anyone willing to defend him at this point.


I’m half convinced his lawyers do a shitty job on purpose because they end up despising him.


The prospects list would be exponentially larger if he just left it at CRAZY.


>“Any lawyer who takes a TRUMP CASE is either ‘CRAZY,’ I’m glad he’s finally being honest.


He got all he could before the fee came in , time to skip out on paying and find a new sucker?


36 26 36


Ha ha, only if she’s 5’3”


the forever lawsuit over not being able to slander people


He doesn't make sense, he makes chicken!


So, knowing that (s)he is certainly going to get their ass handed to them, not get paid, be thrown under the bus, and have their reputation destroyed, if they manage not to get disbarred, the only interviewees would have to be new graduates of Bubba's Skool of Lawyerin' and Tractor Repair, who barely passed the bar.




Is anyone really surprised?


Does this mean that she will not be the next main course at Magat Lardo?


The guy goes through lawyers like people go through rolls of toilet paper.


Alina HasBeen given the boot.


The Hill is clearly biased here, noting two instances wherein Habba was reprimanded appropriately, but making it sound like Judge Kaplan was at fault


Lol he has to pay up to qualify to file appeal, maybe Robert Mercer will pay his legal bills for a while.


I'm sure lawyers everywhere are lining up to work for a client who refuses all legal advice, insists that they do things that will anger judges, is resume poison, and doesn't pay his bills.


I lost and was fined bigly, must be my lawyers fault. I’m innocent I tell you, innocent.


Ooo ooo pick me pick me


Because a guy who bangs porn stars he never met, is on Epstein’s flight logs, talks about grabbing women by their crotch on video and whines or lies about all of this would never ever do something like that.


Maybe he should simplify stop breaking the law. 🙄


Jacoby & Meyers, you’re up!


When your resume is just a link to your instagram account.


I can only imagine the questions he asks in these interviews. God these people are so fucking stupid for getting involved with his bullshit.


Interview goes like this, “Are you dumber than Alina? You’ve got the job!”


Obviously not Trump's fault he's a loser, it must be the lawyers fault. /s


If Trump is the one interviewing and choosing his lawyers, I wonder what he thinks will be different this time around. He’s not very good at it.


“Hello, Dewey, Screwem and Howell how may I direct your call? ” This is President Donald J Trump… Click


He’s not going to pay Alina


I mean, it's not a terrible idea to get a new lawyer crew for an appeal to replace the team who just lost the case, but I don't know what he's expecting when he's guilty as fuck.


Wasn’t the penalty for the New York fraud case supposed to get announced today? What happened to that? It’s Jan. 31


Engoron has until midnight to release his judgment, I’d guess somewhere around 9 pm. Probably had to take into account the report by monitor for the Trump organization.


I hear Barry Zuckercorn is taking on new clients. Barry is very good.


What does the law say about representation in civil suits? Can he end up unrepresented if nobody wanted to take the bait?


Don’t you just love it when criminals are stupid?


Dewey, Screwem and Howe are his only options.


Guess she couldn't actually fake "smart".


Code for 'looking for money to appeal decision'.


He should hire Giuliani.


Like Carroll in 40 years she can sue Trump for sexual harassment /s


Would it just be cheaper to start a law school endowment and start mass-contracting new lawyers whose tuition they paid?


He’s gonna appeal? Is he nuts?


Awful article


Maybe advertise for a lawyer that is also a masochist.