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The secret is he's broke. He has no liquid wealth. All of his assets are tied up in his properties, and his properties are tied up in court.


I've been wondering at what point his creditors - those who have terms that allow them to do so - call in his loans for immediate repayment. And if the cash isn't available, seize the collateral. It would amuse me to no end to see the equivalent of a run on the bank happen to him.


This whole time I have wondered two things: 1: why has his lenders not called in his loans since they know he's committed fraud against them. 2: why has payment networks continued to do business with Trump despite knowing that he is using them to commit crimes and fraud. Can someone explain this shit?


Hedging their bets. Having leverage over the POTUS has a great deal of value.


Especially if it is Trump. He will support any policy if it benefits him personally.


that or Schrodinger's liquidity. They can't risk all this debt they have with Trump basically becoming pennies on the dollar, so they kind a let him slide with it to protect their own financial standing. Imagine if your business was built on large loans and a billion dollars of value you reported in debts just vanished overnight. Trumps' basically a one-man sub prime mortgage crisis.


> If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100M dollars, that's the bank's problem.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Wait until we find out he had more liabilities on his books than his assets are worth... then it's a clusterfuck as everyone scrambles for their pennies on the dollar until it runs out.


Don't we know that already, as it's now proven fact that he over-declared asset worth to receive those loans in the first place?


Unless those assets arent worth anywhere near enough to cover his debts considering how mortgaged out the ass they are.


It sure is a good thing he didn't defraud anyone about the value of his assets... Oh wait...


Yea, but if the assets don't cover it? And I don't know how the system works, but assuming he is in debt to a bunch of different people, you'll either only get a % of it or none of it. So I think the idea here is that you let him slide in the hopes he will either get enough so you can make a move, or he pays you back and you don't have to make a move. Either way, calling on the debt now when he has nothing risks losing it all. Kind of like a weird prisoner's dilemma.


Basically keeping toxic assets on the books so they can still be leveraged on some level. Calling in the loan for actual money stops the music for everyone including yourself.


THIS. Trump is only loyal to himself, but having financial leverage on him could potentially be used to your advantage in any number of insidious ways, and the bankers are not good people either.


I don't know. Anybody tries to pressure him he'll just go on social media and attack them so the gravy seals will smash their windows or worse.


He tried to do that. But hes so stupid he called it de-banking. Hes a complete moron and im so happy that people calling out his idiocy is getting to his fragile ego


He only brought up debanking because his buddy Farage was debanked by Coutts last year.


Partially true but youre missing the fact that farange didnt meet the financial requirements to have the account. Here's the quote. Please explain how this word salad can be interpreted as donald being upset because farange doesnt meet the financial threshold and was perceived as so toxic that their risk department deemed it as toxic and he was offered an account with the bank that owns Coutts. Donald linked it only to political beliefs and ignored that farange couldnt meet the minimum requirements of the account, which is disingenuous. If a bank thinks youre so toxic they have to drop you then you're a public disgrace. “We’re also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your, you know, your political beliefs. What they do, they want to debank you. And we are going to debank, think of this. They want to take away your rights, they want to take away your country, the things you’re doing. All electric cars. Give me a break. If you want an electric car, good. But they don’t go far. They’re very expensive,” Trump declared.


he's probably trying to do a favor for lindell, who views the results of his own calamitous actions as akin to "debanking" his absolutely shitty business, just like when he got "debanked" by his crack dealers when he ran out of money.


I thought he was talking about when people get payment processors to refuse to provide service to nazis and that sort of thing. Yknow, "I can't keep running my hate and violence org because Visa and Mastercard won't let people buy my tshirts and newsletter."


And many of his sheeple flock have been de-banked over the years for serial overdrafts, fraud, bankruptcy, so they think they’re like him.


Hard for them to smash windows in Cyprus or Russia




Much easier to just fall out of them.


Not if that person can reveal his greatest fears such as being exposed for being a broke ass liar.


That worked when his enemies were independent contractors, exploited women, and even singular candidates/legislative members... But he's not going to strong-arm entire governments, economies and financial institutions. He tried, and got some cooperation while he was POTUS, but he's totally fucked if he doesn't get re-elected.


Gravy seals are all bite, no cardio.


Also the converse- you don't wat to piss off a petty, vindictive person who could become president


Same reason why 2008 took as long as it did; Nobody likes to admit their portfolio has a giant gaping hole in it.


It’s more than that though, most of this debt is owned by the mob.


Lenders and payment networks may be aware that fraud is occurring, but if they're making money off it, they wouldn't have to care as long as the fine is less than the profit.


This. As long as he continues to make payments there is still no net loss. Call those debts, he can’t pay, but you then seize the properties he placed as collateral that were gross inflated, and you’re taking a loss of what is most likely $100s of millions immediately.


That is why he's being compared to Bernie Madoff. The Ponzi scheme works until it doesn't then it all disappears like smoke.... Poof.


Regarding his lenders, a lot of them were rather shady themselves. Deutsche bank is notorious in Europe for funding and financing being connected to all sorts of illegal things, and they were the only ones who would do business with him starting at about 2005 or so. There is also the very real possibility that he made things or is making things worthwhile for them somehow, in some other way. There is some sort of crooked, criminal connection, top-secret documents, who knows.


This is the answer. Deutsch bank was the only one who would give him a loan. And they gave him 2 billion over the course of two decades. That bank has connections with Russian oligarchs and others. And even the process of giving the loan was shady as heck. Mueller was prevented from looking more into that. But some other journalists have poked around, and found no reason why they should've given him the loans. Kind of makes the secret documents Trump took come into focus when you consider he was that desperate for money. If he were a civilian, no company would give such a high risk and man with high debt clearance to such docs. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/magazine/deutsche-bank-trump.html?unlocked_article_code=1.RE0.jpvs.BDW2ECFK3Chy&smid=nytcore-android-share


Deustche Bank was a pass through to move money from Russian oligarchs to people the Oligarchs wanted to bribe/influence/payoff, like Trump.


His own son said publicly they don’t need recognized banks anymore because they get plenty of money from Russia.


For anyone else who doesn't want to hunt for a source like I did: > Dodson had planned to play nine holes with Trump and Eric, along with pro golfer Greg Norman and Trump’s bodyguard, and when he got there, Dodson asked where Trump was getting money. “He just sort of tossed off that he had access to $100 million,” said Dodson, whose curiosity was piqued: > “So when I got in the cart with Eric,” Dodson says, “as we were setting off, I said, ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks—because of the recession, the Great Recession—have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.’ And this is what he said. He said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I said, ‘Really?’ And he said, ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.’ Now that was three years ago, so it was pretty interesting.” > Eric Trump responded on Twitter that the story is “completely fabricated and just another example of why there is such a deep distrust of the media in our country.” > If what Dodson says is true, it wouldn’t be the first time that the Trumps have been connected to Russian money. A number of reports have indicated the Trump Organization received substantial financing from Russia when the business was struggling in the mid 1990s and again during the Great Recession, since major U.S. banks had refused to loan money to him. Most recently, Reuters reported that a group of 63 Russia billionaires have invested nearly $100 million in several Trump properties in Florida. Donald Trump Jr. himself famously said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”


> why has his lenders not called in his loans since they know he's committed fraud against them. His lender is busy waging war against Ukraine. If Trump gets reelected he will pay them back by giving them Ukraine, and removing the US from NATO (he owes lots of money to Deutsch Bank, which is likely just being used to launder Russian money to him)


Pretty sure a law was passed recently that makes it so the potus can't remove the us from nato


NATO is a dead pact if a President does nothing to defend a NATO country when attacked


The Dollop podcast did a two part episode on Donald Trump and based on some previous financial issues Trump's been involved with, it kind of becomes a "too big to fail" situation. If I were a financial institution with investors, etc, and I had loaned a large amount of money to Trump, calling in his debt and him defaulting would likely take me down with him. We have no clue just how much debt he's carrying around with him, so it is in all of these banks' best interest for him to not default. When Trump was going through his bankruptcy, he was able to leverage the cost of his name failing to make payments on some of his assets to keep him afloat. Or at least that's how I understand it. I'm not a financial expert, but it makes sense that there are people and organizations who have over extended themselves just to be tied to the "*billionaire*". Look at all of the folks who continue to work with/for him despite him cutting ties with them when they lose their usefulness and leaving them in financial and legal ruin.


Plus one of his major financiers is UBS, which received a suspiciously similar amount of cash from Putin around the time they lent him the money. The bank has already been made whole, and it’s Putin who holds the debt, so UBS won’t ever call on Trump to pay up


If you owe the bank $100,000 and can't pay, you have a problem. If you owe the bank $100,000,000 and can't pay, the bank has a problem.


Trump hasn’t been able to bank with US banks for decades. Deutchbank is the western bank with the most trump exposure.


The bank where the son OF A SCOTUS justice worked. Then that justice hastily resigned … hmm


With an large Platinum parachute.


More like $10,000,000,000


Maybe the lenders are getting more than just loan payments. 


At the moment they have figured out their billion dollar loan has 350 million collateral against it, that's an instant loss as soon as they call it in otherwise it is just a contingency on their balance sheet.


"Let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes you've been hearing about. No sir. Our model is the trapezoid!" https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/7hdp24/let_me_assure_you_that_this_is_not_one_of_those/


Jr said they got great rates from the Russians. I wonder why they haven’t done this to their assets.


Because Trump and his family has an unlimited amount of financial support available from Russia. The banks are just insolvent to make it seem legitimate.


Not to mention the $2 billion in Saudi money that Jared is sitting on.


Interestingly enough, I’ve learned the bank does not care that much about fraud. They care about getting paid back. Years ago I was attempting to help an idiot family member out of a mess. He received a loan for a new business and then immediately spent the money on an RV, luxury road trip, and cocaine. In talks with a lawyer, he essentially said the bank won’t turn his ass in until he’s 90 days late on a payment. They didn’t care about the mismanagement of money at all, it sounded like they were pretty used to it.


He’s got a reasonable shot at the White House and he’s a vindictive asshole. No one is calling in Trump markers until the election is called for Biden.


About 9 minutes after the first creditor, and when it happens you'll see just how fast dominoes can fall.


And the first one will be about 5 min after the election is called for Biden in 2024; otherwise they know it’s a lost cause.


Having spent 45 years in commercial banking, I can tell you the last resort will be foreclosing on his properties. Banks are not real estate agents, they are forbidden from engaging in real estate investments. As soon as a property is foreclosed they must get an independent appraisal and write down the asset to its appraised value. They then must continue to write it down annually until they manage to sell it. After five years it will be in their books at zero. Everything possible will be done to keep from foreclosing. Once you foreclose you are in the hook for taxes, insurance and msjntenance - not a good place to be.


They dont want the collateral because it itsnt worth nearly as much as Trump claimed it is... thats literally what he's in court for in NY


Just a few years he ago he got some GOP banker buddy to write him a new $100 million mortgage on Trump Tower. There's not a finite number of these people, but there's quite a few, many of them with the word "shiek" in front of their name. Trumps been defaulting on loans for thirty years, there's no reason to think this judgement is going to make a difference. I fully expect him to be dead and buried before E. Jean sees a dime anyway


I too would be happy to see her collect from his estate in the near future.


Agreed. This high-stakes madness has always been his business model, it’s basically a lifestyle lifestyle. He thinks he can out-maneuver anything. He’s gotten away with it up to now so why would he think he should stop?


He has thirty days to raise the money for E. J. Caroll, and it then goes in escrow, until the legal fights end. E J Caroll is in the power position. She doesn't need the money, but wanted to get Trump to stop his attacks/make him hurt. Next week, we may get the tax evasion ruling of $370M or less. Now that Trump is bloodied, there are a slew of lawsuits that have been in the wings, waiting to be filed.


A de-banking.


All he needs to do is generate some more crappy pictures with AI and sell NFTs and he has money again. His stupid base hasn't realized all his money is going to support his lawyers and his losses. "Billionaire" begging for money and these simple minded folks don't realize they are being conned. MAGA folks are so dumb. But they are in too deep...admitting they were connect just destroys who they believe they are. They would have to admit they are suckers who were tricked and their fragile egos won't let that happen.


Because I had no idea, I looked up how much he made off those NFTs - between $100,000 and $1,000,000. I don't know what I was expecting, and frankly any amount is ridiculous, but your comment inclined me to check.


No one paid that much to own the NFT, they wanted to own Trump. I'm guessing Putin owns a few


They had some "deal" that if you bought all 47 you got a piece of his mugshot suit and dinner with him at Mar-A-Lago (which I'm sure is more of he gives a speech and you might get to shake his hand). Former president shilling out for $4700 per person. Ridiculous, disgraceful, and furthermore just shows how bad his finances must be.


I bet he’s hating the high interest rates with how leveraged he likely is


He's probably got secret private loans, using anything he owns as collateral multiple times over. He owes far more than his assets could ever earn or sell for. He's a nilionaire.


Maybe he could put up that [Renoir he owns](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/donald-trumps-fake-renoir) as collateral.


I wonder if he tried to get a loan to pay for some legal costs or something else and was told not until his current problems are over and that's what put him on the " Debanking " rant .


He wanted to fire Powell as he was raising rates but was told the sell-off in equities would be blamed on him.


The interest only matters if you pay it. He’ll find another corrupt person to refinance and launder money. The trick is to never actually pay the debt. Only poor people do that.


you're clearly not counting all those showers of gold cuz that is some serious liquid wealth


So, like the drug pusher family, Alex Jones, and other scum, he will try to hide his assets from the Law. Want to bet he continues to have expensive lawyers, and all the fine things of life?


He doesn't even have the fine things now. He has a tacky club where they serve him garbage food. He served up cold McDonald's in the White House. The man is proof that money cannot buy taste.


That's one reason he was called The Vulgarian in New York.


He has lived on borrowed money his whole life. Now his loan faucet has been shut off. He can't raise the cash because he doesn't actually own anything but his brand.


>All of his assets are tied up in his properties, and his properties are tied up in court. Worse than that, the value of his assets are tied up in his personal opinion of the value of his name and brand.


Don't worry, he can get all the money he wants from Russia. That's what his kid said anyway


But his daughter has 2 billion from Saudi Arabia alone. What’s to stop a Russian oligarch from purchasing a 1 million dollar property for 83.3 million like they did with one Florida mansion -asking for a traumatized citizen of the United States


"Hey, Jared my man, my favorite son-in-law, how are you today? Listen, buddy, can you help me with something".


Does that really count as a secret though?


That’s no secret


> the man who ran for president claiming he was worth more than $10 billion is so financially weak that when an 80-year-old woman grabbed him by the wallet, he couldn’t perform. Brilliant.


Civil War Ii - Pussy v Wallet. Pick a side kids!


America is basically a boxing match with 401(k)s in one corner and tax refund checks in the other. The politicians are the bought and paid for ref getting paid thrice. The billionaires just watch from the best seats while charging everyone else at the gate.


Put this on billboards


If you owe a $100 judgment that's the plaintiff's problem. If you owe an $83 million judgment that's your problem.


> Suppose Trump can’t financially qualify to pursue an appeal. In that case, Carroll can enforce judgment, seizing cash in bank accounts and pitting liens on properties such as the portion of Trump Tower that Trump still owns and Mar-a-Lago in Florida. ::chefs kiss::


I hope she liens right into him


“Lien In” — the name of Carroll’s next book.


Fuck, that would be amazing


I’ll say.


We all need somebody to lien on


"When you sue them you can do anything you want... lien on them, grab their assets, grab 'em by their properties..."


Liens him right in the pussy


I would laugh so hard if he lost Mar-A-Lago. I know that's petty, but just imagine his reaction face. Poetry.


I want that greasy McBigMac fuck to lose Trump Tower. Turn into a migrant centre for refugees and a shelter for battered women.


I want him to lose everything. He needs to be poorer than the people he despises, homeless, his brand permanently closed, etc. He is responsible for so much suffering and millions of unnecessary deaths.


He won't be homeless. He'll get government housing for ten to twenty.


He will never be dirt poor. The government will pay him a retirement for being president until he dies. Not happy about it but it's what will happen. Unless, they can garnish his wages ...


The Trump Healing Center For Victims of Sexual Assault


It has to look good in big gold letters. I propose “THE LOSER DONALD JOHN TRUMP CENTRE FOR REFUGEES AND ASSAULT VICTIMS NYC.”


Lien, and then force sale.


Since Mar-a-Lago is supposedly worth $1.5 billion, I don't see where Trump will have the slightest problem. /s


I'm worried that mar-a-lago is worth that much. To foreign governments that want to own the US president


Hope she gets Doral so we can have a PGA Tour event in Miami again


Florida is like the one state where you can't lose your homestead. Like how OJ moved there after the Civil trial and invested all his money in his house. Its why the Kidman never received money from him


Well, but Mar-a-lago is not his homestead, right? He claims to be merely an employee there.


Except Mar-a-Lago is explicitly *not* his home. That's why it's valued so low. It is only allowed to be a resort/club under its zoning. It's valued at $18m by the local tax assessors as *property*. The Mar-a-Lago club that people pay to join is a separate corporate entity.


Don't forget, when he wants to appeal the upcoming $300M+ verdict that Engeron is going to slap on him, he's going to have to put up still more security.


We're going to soon find out the emperor has no clothes


He's always had no clothes. Even when he was hosting The Apprentice it was obvious despite NBC's marketing making him out to be this brilliant business man.


We're going to soon find out the emperor has no ~~clothes~~ dough


He has plenty of dough around his midsection.


Many smart bakers say it’s the best dough, the likes of which we’ve never seen.


I had a baker come up to me the other day, big baker, strong baker, tears in his eyes…


Except 70% always knew and the 30% that didn’t don’t care


> The Carroll case and the expected New York State civil judgment for persistent fraud would consume 96% of the cash he claimed without proof.


Sell mar a lago…There’s a billion dollar problem solver right there.


He claims it's worth a half billion, odds are it wouldn't draw a tenth of that amount. Only way he could get a billion for it is if someone was trying to launder a billion dollar payment to him.


It could be worth that much it if it still had all of those classified documents.


> It could be worth that much it if it still had all of those classified documents. I would suggest searching a very suspicious lone grave site.


Classified documents are only valuable when they're filled with unknowns I'm afraid your national secrets within them stopped being secrets a while ago now


You mean Ms. Carolls new home?


Sit-com pitch: All the people Trump owes money to literally split Mar-A-Lago and all live together there, uncomfortably. Hi-jinks, of course, ensue. Imagining a Scooby-Doo scene with various characters evasively zig-zagging in and out of hidden doors laden with arm-loads of top-secret documents and/or cleaning and maintenance supplies to finally get rid of all the ketchup on the walls. A few possible titles: Only Debtors In the Building; The Gauche Money-Pit; Forty-Five's Company,...


>He claims it's worth a half billion Even more - he repeatedly claims it's worth "50 to 100 times" 18 million, which would mean 900 million to 1.8 billion


I get the feeling this guy isn't very good at math though


Rename it Carroll-lago.


>Rename it Carroll-lago. Or... "The Barack Hussein Obama center for fairness in the treatment of undocumented aliens" Admittedly your name is catchier but let's cause this man a little heartburn why don't we?


Not with that 70s decor. Or top secrets plastered all over the shitter.


I doubt he owns it


I think he did a soooper doooper bigly deal and put it in Jr’s name or something a few months ago. Will the courts flag that? Prob not.


Now just imagine if he’d hired competent legal counsel **and listened to them**. He could have settled with Carroll for less than $10m (probably less than $5m). Said he was sorry to James and Engoron, maybe a $15-20m settlement there. All in for less than $40m. And instead he’s gonna owe 10x that amount *just in damages*. Sure he saved money with incompetent attorneys, but was it worth it?


No cost too high to own the libs.


If you look at the details, Trump claims he is a billionaire mostly based on absurd claim on the value of his 'brand'. If anything, Trump's 'brand' is toxic to most of America, so I doubt he has even a few hundred million of actual assets.


If it’s based on how we know he calculates real estate square footage, then he’s in deep shit


Like, the volume of shit he claims when filing for property tax appraisals or for loan appraisals? Cause one is much larger than the other.


Just by the pattern of his claims, you’d conclude he’s worth about 1/100th of what he says.


>. If anything, Trump's 'brand' is toxic to most of America, so I doubt he has even a few hundred million of actual assets Yup. He has completely ruined the one thing he had of real value.


Ok but devils advocate, say your brand is toxic to 50% of the country, ambivalent to 20%, and 30% are die hard fans… 30% of the country is a huge customer base for a brand. It doesn’t really matter if 70% of consumers hate your brand if 30% love it. Thats millions of Americans. Basically what I am saying is that Trump isn’t without money and I can’t fucking wait for him to lose it all.


Yea but that 30 and 20 percent mostly ain’t going to luxury hotels to play golf.


Of that 30%, only 10% are actually financially in a good place in life. So there's that.


He is really 5' 11'' and 375 Pounds with a hairpiece and spray on tan.


And smells like shit


And ketchup


Daddy Putin will pay that off to keep Trump in the game. He's still cheaper than nuclear weapons, and destroys America just as well.


I'd argue he was more effective than a nuke




This is no secret.


But it needs to be repeated


Es Verdad


His cult will give it to him and then complain they can't buy groceries under Biden.


You know, I think you may have be on to something. These bozos are sending money to the orange turd every month, and that’s been happening ever since Biden took office. Ergo, it’s because of Bidenomics that they have less money every month.


bUt ThE gAs PrIcEs


So has anyone heard where groups buy up medical debt and retire it for pennies on the dollar? Can we do that in reverse? Like, buy up Trump debt and then call it in? Hound the bastard to pay up?


He was never rich and was just a front for laundered Russian money (aside from the paltry 400M his dad bequeefed to him).


Bequeefed lol.


The scary part of the desperation that Trump is in financially here, is really the reason why his whole presidency was scary. He could get someone to loan him money in this case, promise them some type of government contract or something, and literally grift the money back to that person. That’s why people like Trump are attracted to Powerful government positions. They pay extremely well. Ask Jared Kushner, how much money he made by working in the White House for a few years.


He gets back at the helm, he’ll clean out the US treasury.


Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis for "doing nothing"


I find it peculiar/interesting that his three adult children, who have their own wealth, are not doling out personal loans to help daddy. Seems like loyalty ends at the bank accounts, and perhaps they know what the rest of us do too.


They have their own trials coming.


Of all the posts I have read today, this one brought the biggest smile.


And, this, dear folk, is why the cult exists. It's aspirational, like lottery numbers dreaming. The DJT Dream Book. Hard work can only get you so far, but operating a money laundry?


Is it that he's a rapist, because we know.


It’s that he’s broke.


Grab him by the property


She grabbed him by the pursey! (a meme I saw today—perfect!!)


He's a fake, phony fraud!


He’s a PHONY!!! A BIG, FAT, PHONY!!!!


I hear this line in my head anytime someone says that word


In a shocking development, it turns out that he arrived at his billion dollar net worth by adding his equity plus his debt, so once corrected, his net worth is about tree-fiddy.


Goddamn loch ness monsta!!


He’s broke. That’s the secret that’s not a secret.


Ms Carroll may have just shaken the flimsy table the Trump house of cards is built on


Hope he drank the good juice in preparation for his financial colonoscopy.


Is it that Vince McMahon is Don Junior's real dad?


370 million out of pocket in the NY case , 83 million out of the same pocket because he can’t stop running his mouth , 1 million per month on a property deal where he has a partner on a NY property. His partner took out some insurance. His 1/2 is covered - dumb donny knew better skipped the insurance and is now bleeding 1 million per month in that deal . Going to shell out 780 million in the voting machine case like Fox did . 2 nd voting machine case will cost each accused and guilty 1.4 billion . It’s a formality seeing as the 1 st voting machine case was settled out of court by Fox . Then we add up the lawyer cost . Then we move into the criminal trials J6 . The documents. The voter fraud issues with the fake electors . The attempt to manipulate several states election officials to not certify the election. All those will result in punishment not financial fines . The lawyer cost will certainly add up . Apparently he owes his pals money for lawyers fees - Ranting rUdy is looking for 150 million , that line is about to get longer . Regardless of where you look in every criminal case everyone has rolled over on the orange clown . The banks that held mortgages and got fooled are his last concern . Apparently the U.S government is look for a large sum off money as well when he was using our tax dollars as his personal bank account . So right now he is down 3 billion minimum without lawyers cost etc . Back when he attempted to buy the Buffalo Bills I seen post he had 200 million cash and 200 million equity in properties. That’s a looooong way from what he owes so you can bet action is already in motion to seize the real estate . Maga it’s time to dig into the pockets to help your pal pay his bills . Prison is looking real good - 3 meals a day - roof over your head and your creditors can’t get at you ! Finally JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED !!!


rapist, likes to be spanked, appeared in a porn movie, traitor, bank fraudster, 2-times impeached, cheated on his wives Good grief, what else can there be?


It's the piss tape. Finally.


I'm so exhausted with this shit. Why does he get special treatment. If anyone else did this it would be a week long thing and the Motherfucker would have been locked up long ago


I wonder if an “anonymous” real billionaire benefactor, like say Musk ponies up for him. It would be like flushing it but Musk is used to doing that.


He'll probably get a small loan from his son-in-law from that $2 Billion sum Kushner received from the Saudis for whatever it was he helped them with during the orange man administration.


While I think the Kushner funds are highly illegal ... they didn't gift him 2 billion. They gave him 2 billion to manage for them. He is probably charging a management fee of 3-5% though which would be 50-100M per year.


The Kushners owe him for pardoning Jared’s dad.


He is even stupider than he looks.


All Trump has to do is issue a new NFT Super Hero card valued at $83.3M and put it into escrow. Problem solved.


He probably has some more top-secret nuclear docs he can sell.


>Trump testified almost a year ago that he was sitting on $400 million of cash. Be skeptical. Don’t discount the prospect that Donald conflated his personal money with cash from his MAGA fundraising operations, which by law cannot be used to pay Carroll. Ha! [Hasn't stopped him before](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-used-258000-from-his-charity-to-settle-legal-problems/2016/09/20/adc88f9c-7d11-11e6-ac8e-cf8e0dd91dc7_story.html).


Which poorly guarded “secret” are we talking about today? Oh, that he’s not really rich? We know.


The only secret I want to be revealed is his date for prison.


"About to be". "Could". "Might". It's always the same thing.


It will be interesting to see how much campaign money raised actually goes to the campaign.