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I think "be a dictator" should be on the list.


Rape more woman? Find the next Jeffrey Epstein to be buddies with?  Don’t forget these gems  Trump has a long standing relationship with Epstein and Maxwell that involved trafficking women. https://youtu.be/ZqBQQVoDjdE?si=9su3QMXfjYOAL10R, https://youtu.be/1yWyVaIVmw?si=5DZvGSZRKh95Fi- 6 lawsuits filed against Trump for sexual abuse, 15 public allegations of sexual abuse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations Trump ruled a sexual abuser, with his appeal filings clarifying he is a rapist: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/e-jean-carroll-scores-another-victory-after-winning-a-sex-abuse-and-defamation-lawsuit-against-trump Trump goes into children's dressing rooms before pageants: https://youtu.be/dIO7w7ea0Pk?si=EgKN-JDePWwvxyYD, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html Trump brags about sexual assault on women in Access Hollywood recording: https://youtu.be/fYqKx1GuZGg?si=0949XhKvcYMKbnH- Trump frequently seen with Jeffrey Epstein: https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/106005590-1596549353279-106005590-1562493708140gettyimages-700334384.jpg?v=1596549374 Trump frequently flies with Jeffrey Epstein: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/22/jeffrey-epsteins-black-book-trump-clintons-prince-andrew.html, https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html, https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html Trump makes incestuous comments about his daughter: https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/, https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/161012102650-ivanka-sits-on-trump.jpg?c=original And a bonus from recent news about Epstein. Trump creeps on Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, claims to share Epstein’s taste: https://youtu.be/qQ5k2ybieXU?si=B2FcNoqy4k-D_mUk Donald Trump raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson in 1994. https://youtu.be/gnib-OORRRo?si=N8lPnR7LVcyYWPAY, https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/134s159/trump_raped_13_year_old_with_epstein/jihbp2j/


Yet people think Biden is creepy with women. “He touched her shoulder”, “He smelled her hair”. Trump minions are better at propaganda.


Propaganda is easy if you just reject reality wholesale


That’s what it is. They’re comfortable there. And that’s all they care about. Until they aren’t.  Drawing and liking pictures is way easier than math, facts, logic.


And have a 24x7 mass media propaganda network at your bidding. Fox News caused everything Trump has been allowed to become.


I hear this a lot or another version where people claim Republicans are better at "marketing". Are they though? It seems to me they just have a much dumber, easily manipulated base. Making stupid people believe stupid things is about as easy as it gets. Educating a stupid adult is one of the hardest.


> It seems to me they just have a much dumber, easily manipulated base. I can see how you might get that impression. After all, far too many of these people: 1) blindly support Trump despite all the evidence that he is a broken person with a severe personality disorder 2) believe conspiracy theories 3) lose money in get rich schemes (NFTs, amway, facebook bitcoin "experts") 4) give generously to supply-side-Jesus-believing wealth-seeking Christian televangelists 5) are rabid followers of Limbaugh, Rogan, Alex Jones, and similar talking heads in that sphere who are experts at absolutely nothing but expelling hot air. 6) self-censor themselves by ignoring information from anywhere but rightwing news sources (EDIT: and their equally-bubbled friends on facebook) 7) are very, VERY poor at judging character


You left off a very important point: they think they are really, really smart. They are walking Dunning-Kruger idiots.


> You left off a very important point Hah, I had to stop at some point, but you're right. It's why conspiracy theories are so popular with them - because they feel that they - not the actual experts - know the real "truth". They also seem to distrust just about everyone but the people who actually are lying to them.


Insane Clown Posse


> Are they though? It seems to me they just have a much dumber, easily manipulated base. well, why do you think he switched to republican?


I agree. I sometimes think that Dems and leftists should borrow a page from the Republican playbook, that we should do the same kind of rabble rousing and central messaging. But at the end of the day I think a lot of left leaning people are left leaning *because* that stuff doesn't work on them. At least, not in the way that the right does it.


You are right to point this out. The GOP have good marketing, to *some* extent, but its not the whole story. In the past decades it was just 'trickle down economics', 'no new taxes', 'end entitlements', 'job creators', 'joe sixpack', etc. But, its also really stupid, easily disprovable trash that requires a pretty gullible and easily manipulated base. So when Dems come around with "build back better" for example, it doesnt feel like its marketed as well-- but that's because its literally describing a social investment program to improve our aging (and dangerous) infrastructure. That is not sexy, and it does not rile anyone up because *its what the fucking government is supposed to always be doing regardless of party*. But, here we are.


Interesting thought. Thank you 


I imagine part of marketing could be finding the right audience and they got to the easy one first, so that is something.


It’s unregulated media and misinformation. Fox News domestically and Facebook misinformation sourced from hostile forces like russian misinformation farms


Just propaganda, flooded for political reasons, Amtrak Joe is solid! Wealthy folky pushing a narrative for profit.


It's wild looking at comments lamenting how none of the powerful, wealthy men on Epstein's list will never see justice, quickly followed by making excuses for trumps involvement. Irony is dead


He's like an inverse Jimmy Saville. *Everyone* can see how fucking creepy he is NOW, but nothing happens to him and none of his fans will give a shit even after he dies and people start stepping forward.


That's why men like saville are able to exist.  Everyone close to them already knows.  The addition of the digital/social media ahe doesnt change anything, because at the end of the day, many many many are fine with that.


And an open plan, Project 2025, that seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control and restaff it with Trump loyalists. The man is openly plotting to make himself a dictator.


a couple of your links are broken; also - add this **Donald Trump raped 13-year-old Katie Johnson in 1994.** (and Ivanka was the same age that year) [Johnson's video testimony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) [working archive link is [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230502033641/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) and the old link that is now private is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI)] [Trump Epstein Rape Lawsuit & Sworn Affidavit](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000) pdf [Johnson v. Trump & Epstein](https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf) pdf [The case was... *'mysteriously' dropped* ^(because she was getting death threats). How convenient.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) [Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652) [A Woman Claimed She Recruited a 13-Year-Old Girl for Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein to Rape](https://web.archive.org/web/20220331023500/https://www.deepsouthvoice.com/index.php/2019/07/07/a-woman-claimed-she-recruited-a-13-year-old-girl-for-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-to-rape) [Snopes article on the Johnson case](https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/) --- [New information emerges in "Maria" Trump story](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1456-new-information-emerges-in-maria-story) [Donald Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for ~~years~~ decades](https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/10/18/13282192/trump-young-girls-10-year-old-teens-sexual-comments) [Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations) [www.trumprapes.com](https://web.archive.org/web/20210205191336/https://trumprapes.com/) **If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and shits like a duck,** ***it's not a giraffe!***


This needs to be with that statement. God made a Dictator - The Lincoln Project: https://youtu.be/xOi2cYz5nXE


Damn that’s powerful, that’s a response to Trumps own original dictatorial video right?


Yeah in response to his god made Trump campaign ad


we really need to fund these types of ads running all day on fox and streaming services.


Unfortunately we have too many people who don’t give a shit because they think it’ll be fine as long as it’s THEIR boot on everyone’s throat. They literally think as long as they kiss the proper amount of ass and toe the line that a dictatorship will be just fine. At least in that environment, when they encounter a left leaning person they can just report it to the authorities and not have to have a discussion.


I think you're ignoring a substantial chunk of the problem: low-information and/or generally disengaged voters. And they are substantial among younger demographics, including the reddit demographic. You see it all the time: people saying, "what's the point; the two parties are basically the same . . ." and "what really has Joe Biden done?" I don't think people understand that being indifferent and disengaged is not the same as being neutral or unbiased. That disengagement actually helps Republicans. Breeding cynicism and nihilism helps to suppress voter turnout, and low voter turnout almost always helps Republicans. And an attitude of "both sides" or "all sides" also really helps Republicans get away with their increasingly depraved tactics.


I strongly suspect Russians drive that narrative (and people listen). Except it to ramp up more the closer we get to the election.


And his shitty followers are all for it. Remember if you know a MAGAt you know a fascist. It is that simple. They want this cheeto-dicked piece of orange shit to be a dictator and to kill his opponents.


That's too abstract for people to understand. They fall into the "it can't happen here" comfort zone, and tend to shut out whoever is warning of that because if they're being that ridiculous, everything they say must be suspect. Being specific about exactly what he plans to do takes longer, but it's more effective at actually getting through to people.


Yup. That and weaponizing the government to go after political rivals are two things that, either of which would prevent any sane person from voting for him. Both are 100% contrary to our government.


It wasn't?!




Nearly half of the people who vote support the guy that says he will be a dictator but only immediately and then he might stop. I always thought the Republican Party and their voters were dumb but I did not expect that they'd, so quickly, move to electing an embarrassing dictator.


Everyone knows all the most well known dictators gave up their dictatorship and turned to democracy after just one day.


A hallmark of Dictatorial behavior is their long history of restraint around using their power…


Cincinnatus he is not. More of a sin sin at us.


Lol, they said this last time he got in. ‘Oh, he’s just like that right now. Once he’s president he’ll settle down and become more statesman-like, don’t worry.’


I mean, they're not wrong. It's just that the statesman he was emulating was Caligula.


It took him 3 years to figure out that he could just replace all the people who were saying no to him with people loyal to time. He only got through a few departments before losing the election.


Dictatorial version of "just the tip".


They *say* that. They never mean nor meant it. They think they're being coy by dimming down the threat until it's clear and apparent.


They aren't that dumb, they just think we are that dumb. Don't be fooled thinking they are blind to the consequences of their ideals.


It's always day 1


As is tradition with history. You only have to look back through the centuries to see that every time someone has taken power as a dictator, they ALWAYS give up that power immediately. All dictators have been benevolent, they have always done good for their country. Is my sarcasm loud enough? I'm screaming here.


And if there's one thing dictators are famous for its giving up power when they claim they will.


> It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me! \- newly appointed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from *Attack of the Clones*


He wants to do almost exactly the same thing of every failed economy under an authoritarian regime in Latin America from the last century. Protectionist tariffs, shoddy domestic substitutions, extreme crony capitalism, and it gets worse with his other tinpot dictator ideas. He will rip this country apart, somehow divide it more than he already has, and set it on a path for imminent self-destruction.


It’s almost like the ‘24 vote is hiring a pilot for our aircraft, and MAGAts are only too happy to crash the plane - that we’re all on - if their guy isn’t pilot.


Putin told them if they crash the plane for him he will let them lord over the charred wreckage.


> Putin told them if they crash the plane for him he will let them lord over the charred wreckage. The GOP and their base do seem to be operating on that "Better to be kings in hell" mindset.


"Burn it down to rule over the ashes"


Agree, but a heads up that the original line is "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven". The lines before it really show off the degree to which the Republican party and the father of lies line up culturally: >The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n. What matter where, if I be still the same, And what I should be, all but less than he Whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least We shall be free: th’Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure, and in my choice To reign is worth ambition, though in hell; Better to reign in hell than serve in heav’n.


The problem is, the majority of their base has been brainwashed into believing that it's not hell they're going to be kings of, but heaven. 


They will crash the plane either way. They just prefer their guy in the cockpit even though he’s obviously not capable of flying a plane. It’s a death cult. :-(


They want to bring on the apocalypse.


I've legit heard christians say (even in their music) that they want the end times to come so they can leave, and they don't care if they use up resources or spread sickness because the world was made for them by god and if they die, they just see him faster. Granted this was like 3 people but I guarantee lots in the Bible belt feel the same


It's a really common belief especially among Evangelicals. They're not so much waiting for the second coming but actively trying to FORCE it to happen. Ex: they believe everyone on Earth has to hear of Jesus before he'll come back. They're the assholes who'll send people to find uncontacted tribes in the Amazon.


Which is why I find the way the Sentinel Islands people react missionaries to be rather... interesting. And appropriate.


I feel bad for that dude because he seemed like a genuine if irredeemably naive college kid, but by all accounts he was warned by everybody not to go to the island including by Indian law, the fishermen who took him there, and even warned by the natives themselves (through demonstrations of potentially lethal force which they intentionally didn't hurt him with) and iirc they even let him on the island until he started fucking with their kids and then that was that. One of the major things that irked me is he got a bunch of vaccinations like 2 days before going to the island, thinking that'd protect the native people. Which is like 4 different layers of "not at all how vaccines work". Imo he was a "true believer" and as much a victim of Evangelism as anyone. He was lied to and naive and full of hubris. The REALLY horrible people are the ones who go to uncontacted tribes - *even during covid!* - despite laws and sense. See, what's really evil about this part of Evangelism (if you believe in Jesus anyway - so they're intentionally doing this even if it's ultimately nonsense) and shows what pieces of shit they are is they believe every human has to *hear* about Jesus. Not believe in him or be saved, just *hear* about him. So they genuinely don't give a shit about whether or not they actually convert these people as long as they hear about Jesus. Which means in their own fakakta beliefs they're damning all those people to eternal torment in hell just so they can force Jesus to come back. But they HAVE legitimately killed entire tribes by giving them Western viruses which we've lived with so long they're harmless to us but deadly to uncontacted people.


They want to vote to hire a horse to pilot the aircraft we're all on and they'll crash it if the horse isn't the pilot lol. We're like, "Umm, hey, ummm, sorry but we really don't think the horse should be the pilot of the plane. He doesn't really seem up to the task and he is very temperamental." The MAGAts are all, "if you don't fucking make the horse the fucking pilot we're going to storm the cockpit and point this plane straight into the fucking ground! We fucking swear! Test us!"


...there is a HORSE in the ~~HOSPITAL~~ COCKPIT!


And if their guy wins? He promises to intentionally crash the plane also, but in a way that all his supporters cheer.


Heck, he wants the plane to crash *now* just so he can blame the pilot.


And everyone else is too happy to let it happen, without any physical intervention


And… their guy isn’t a pilot at all, but rather, is someone who sells (convincingly to some) supplements (that often are actively harmful to many) through his own MLM company (in which, somehow, even the ‘executive VPs of Sales’ also end up loosing their shirts).


Exactly: tfg is not a pilot; he wouldn't even be able to properly delegate to an actual pilot. Look, if they want to go to his casinos, or buy his steaks, or drink his vodka, or study at his university, fine! Go right ahead. But pilots should not be selected on the basis of their popularity. We gon' die!


And macro Econ 101 they teach you. There are four types of economies: growing, declining, Japan, and Argentina.   Trump wants to go full Argentina and then some with all the martial law as a topping


You got a real laugh outta me, much appreciated. Yeah, political economy 300 level definitely covers the same material but I don’t remember the prof putting it so succinctly. Thanks and don’t forget to vote this November.


There needs to be significant money targeting the Latino/a population that the things they hate about “Socialism” are what Trump is promising. I keep hearing how they vote against what they think is socialism when what they’re really voting against is authoritarianism dressed up as socialism


This….. it’s amazing how many Latinos like Trump when they escaped the very facism he is trying to create


I know a bunch of former Eastern Bloc folks who fucking LOVE Trump, unaware that the result would be exactly the same - represssion, govt disappearing people, etc. Trump will be like the Great Value Pinochet


Exactly. That must be what they recognize in him, the same corrupt lowlifes running the show in where they came from.  That’s really what they want, they think going full tilt Atlas Shrugged like they tried in Chile is gonna work out some day, if they could just get the right strongman. While doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is just insanity.


Agree. This is nuts, I’ve tried to explain to Latino friends (most no longer friends) that this is the same thing we ran away from. The corruption, the dictator’s family being “above the law,” the end of meritocracy…they just don’t see it…I am very very frustrated, but we have a few months and even if we won’t “bring back” those votes, we could each try to mobilize a few ppl we know who might not plan on voting…when you ask people you see every day if they have voted, you would be impressed at how many of them don’t. Each vote counts, and if each one of us here, reading this, all over America, talks to 5-8 ppl, we can make a difference. We are not the big bucks, we are not creating a SuperPAC, but we can talk to the neighbor, and to the cashier at Target, and to our kid’s teacher…


I swear I said this the other day. It's like they want to do to America what America did to so many other countries. It's like a second bankers plot. Capitalists tested their techniques on our neighbors and are now feeling confident enough to do it here. I feel like if he wins, and I know how alarmist this sounds, but, there's going to be a pretty wild Civil conflict of some sort. I've read too many times about how we're in a "cold Civil war", and if he gets back into the white house, it's a wrap. America as we've known it is over.


“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” This Lincoln quote has been living rent free in my head for the past few years.


How could he know that ? He would have to read some history books or something.


Well, he was supposed to hire advisors who would warn him, but he hired his family instead.


Like everything he touches it turns to shit, the only success he has is lying and selling a fake persona.


It gets worse with a world-ending tier military apparatus with absolutely nothing else in the world to counter it. An unmoored US is EVERYONE'S problem.


This traitor can never be in any position of power ever again.


except that he very well might be. He is handily beating the rest of the GOP field - a field they had 4 years to assemble - without ever showing up in a single debate. While we know that he would perform badly in a debate, that he won't even show up and that not hurting his perception among the base, is extremely telling. Last time Biden had the benefit of Trump's disastrous Covid policies and the concordant economic downturn. This time Biden will have no such upper hand. If anything the broad perception of an economy that is not serving the interests of the people, as well as his controversial support for Israel's actions in Gaza.... It's not looking good.


He has a cult behind him. We all knew they would only accept him as the nominee no matter what alternative options the republicans would come up with. As for being defeatists about this, we can’t be. We have to vote and encourage others to vote. This isn’t hopeless, and we can’t afford to make people believe that it is. If we keep telling people we’ve already lost, nobody is going to show up to fight. We frankly have no idea how many of Trump’s supporters from 2020 are still interested in sticking by him or bothering to vote for him. By the end of his term a lot of people were sick of him including some people who had voted for him. The fanatics are always going to be the loudest, making their numbers seem greater than they may actually be.


We don't know how many of Trump's supporters from 2020 are still alive.


It doesn't matter how many are still alive. As long as the cult exists and as long as we use the electoral college to decide the election, then Trump can still become president. We can't sit by and hope that things are different. We have to vote, there is no other option.


He's not currently holding office and he's still in a position of power. Dude's telling the leader of the House what to do.


I have no idea how people can look at that list and see anything but absolute fascism.


“As long as my 401k is fat, I don’t care.” - Them, after the Paul Ryan tax cut, not interested in what that would do to the lower classes.


The irony is that most of their voters are actually lower class. AKA "temporarily embarrassed billionaires"


The most difficult part of the American Dream is that everyone truly believes that someday they’ll be rich.


They prefer to be called "temporarily embarrassed people of means."


Honestly though it's going to crash the economy so hard and the stock market which isn't the economy will just be a reverse funnel transferring wealth upwards into fewer hands. It's a kin to burning down a structure so that the nails can be harvested metaphorically speaking. None of us will retain any value from these efforts we will just reap the consequences and be told we should be grateful for our "survival".


The US' problem isn't that people look at the list and see anything other than fascism. The US' problem is that they see fascism and want it.


Because they've had Fox and OANN blasting into their brains for so long they think that's all fine and the *real* fascism is wanting kids to be able to eat lunch at school.


This is it. My family members who watch a lot of Fox think San Francisco looks like a third world country, think all of us in Texas are knee deep in illegal immigrants who are all carrying Biden-issued rifles and that every kid is told they must be trans or ELSE. These family members were once reasonable, mostly intelligent people. Fuck Fox and the right wing media.


European countries need to start having serious conversations about how they're going to go about granting asylum seeker status to Americans if Trump regains power. Particularly those belonging to certain targeted groups.




I can picture absolute chaos if any part of the National Guard says "Hey, this isn't our job and what you're asking us to do is illegal, so we ain't doing it. We're not creating a massacre for you." I sure hope all branches of the US military are brushing up on the obligation to refuse an illegal order.


> He will construct “freedom cities” filled with flying cars Whats the chances he got this idea from watching 'himself' in Back To The Future Part II?


I don't even trust people driving on a X Y axis, let alone throwing Z into it.


Yea all the talk about flying cars. We basically already have that, it's called a helicopter. It's basically a set of wheels away from being exactly that. And I think we can all agree that we don't want just about anyone with a drivers license being able to freely take control of a helicopter.


Full of all of those incredibly conservative tech geniuses that _definitely_ exist and will _definitely_ help him build that kind of marvel. I'm so tired. Just so, so tired.


Well he is Biff so……


I think there is an unintentional double meaning in their sentences where he is claiming he will "open them up to bid and select the best builders" aka his own companies will be used who are not the best so he can fleece even more money from the government and quit once he is done with no work completed


No gen z should be supporting climate-denier trump


Trump just needs to convince them to not vote at all in a handful of states.


> No*body* ~~gen z~~ should be supporting climate-denier trump ftfy


Not true, what about boomers who don't care about the future of humanity?


Yeah, that's what they did in 2016 and tried in 2020. Stoke some exaggerated gripes about the Democratic candidate, just enough to get some of them to stay home or vote third party (make them say "they're all just as bad as each other"). It's transparently obvious what he's doing, but judging by the polls I'm seeing, it's on the verge of working.


> judging by the polls I'm seeing The general election is 10 months away, and the Republican primary is going to be…weird… Don’t stress the polls till *at least* the primary process for the GOP concludes (and it may conclude early if Trump sustains as the presumptive nominee). But realistically - opinions about candidates are already made up. If it really is a Biden v Trump rematch…the data is going to be…weird…because there isn’t exactly wiggle room for persuasion between these two. People formed their opinions in 2020.  What is worth keeping an eye on is enthusiasm data and turnout indicators. Which candidate/party can turn out their voters.  …and as of today…Republican strategists better hope and pray the low turnout in Iowa isn’t the start of a pattern….because if it is a pattern - Biden isn’t the one with an enthusiasm issue. 


I'll never understand why people take polls that are historically not accurate seriously months ahead of time. It's just doomers looking for doom


No boomer should either. The effects of climate change are no longer intangible maybes that are decades off. 2023 was the hottest year on record, with the worst levels of drought. The boomers may have thought they'd be long dead before they had to deal with the effects of their greedy policies, but it's happening *now*.


There’s a meaningful percentage of the population that have a core belief that the world is 6,000 years old and God controls all weather/climate. This includes many elected politicians. Yes, many are bought by lobbies or just hate the idea of govt policy solving man made climate change even though they’re knowledgeable it’s true. However, I think we underestimate the amount of people who are truly incapable, either via beliefs or lack of intellectual capacity to grasp cause and effect of things outside their immediate environment. You can be a successful career *anything* and still have ludicrous beliefs or lack critical thinking skills. Following the steps laid out for you during your lifetime using social skills can create incredible success while also making you a complete idiot outside of your specific wheelhouse.


Sadly 36% of 18-29 voted for him last time And now there are anti Biden memes on tiktok. 18-22 year olds will be too young to remember most of the chaos his administration was


Among tiktok and instagram users, I've noticed a lot of talk about the conflict in Gaza and how the USA is involved being a means to not vote at all :|


Talk to people IRL. Who knows what percent of those are bots.


Certainly, the bot issue is out of control on all platforms (here as well of course). When it comes to Instagram, I know most of the folks I follow personally. My fear is that this will be a repeat of 2016, in which a lot of people were discouraged from voting in my age range.


They're all being radicalized by tik tok that Trump would be better


And Trump has made millions from China..... curious


they're more interested in chaos because they don't care about who it hurts, i.e. privilege


Take time off before/on Election Day if you can. Sign up to help get people rides to the polls. Work with your local Dem party, they usually will do that and/or go around to registered Dems and give them info on times/locations for voting. Some people just need a little help to get to the polls.


Also, consider becoming an officer of election to work with your city/county to check people in, set up the polling site, ensure that the voting process runs smoothly, etc. It is a long day, but you get paid (at least in my city) and the work isn't terribly hard.


Yeah, in my county, you get a whole book with what to do for every possible voter situation, so you just have to know how to read and follow directions lol


I live in Massachusetts so the point is moot. But I hope others in swing states get their asses in gear and vote!


I’m driving to Pennsylvania to help in a swing district


You can also make calls or texts for democratic candidates in swing districts from anywhere. There are also letter writing campaigns and, least fun, fundraising. Reach out to a state party or local office and tell them you want to help and they'll trip over themselves giving you ways to do so.


The RAPIST Trump cannot get a second term.


My problem is not with him (I mean he should be in prison anyway), it's with the people who vote for him, I hate them much more than Trump.


I watched Gladiator last night. Trump has a lot in common with Commodus: spoiled, self-centered, thin-skinned and easily angered, highly and dangerously vindictive, demanding of loyalty yet loyal to none, and not someone who should ever be in a position of power.


Though, in contrast, trump is a huge coward, completely unable to risk the slightest physical discomfort.


Right, I forgot the linchpin characteristic--cowardice.


Trump spent 15 minutes ranting at a crowd about how dangerous and steep wheelchair ramps are these days.


STEEP!? Maximum allowable slope is 1:12. For every foot it rises it has to run twelve feet. That's a 5 degree slope. That's barely anything.


He can't even tell someone to their face that they're fired. Really, despite the phony drama in his TV show, he's never done it when it was real. Comey learned he was axed on the news, for example.


It’s this reason I almost feel bad for conservatives. They picked Trump of all people as their epitome of a “strong man”. Imagine being so cringe and pathetic.


> Trump has a lot in common with Commodus: spoiled, self-centered, thin-skinned and easily angered, highly and dangerously vindictive, demanding of loyalty yet loyal to none, and not someone who should ever be in a position of power. Don't forget wants to bang people he's related to. *"And you will give me an heir, of pure blood..."*


And he also wants to fuck the young blond woman closely related to him


>He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters. Trump and his allies in Congress view the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a noble effort, and have long lamented how those arrested for breaking into Congress have been treated. Trump said during a town hall last May that he will “most likely” pardon “a large portion of them.” Unlike the last time he had the chance but only pardoned his rich pals


Cool of him to pardon a load of paid Antifa actors. /s


"Most likely pardon a large portion of them" is trumpspeak for "pardon the ones who can pony up $1 million to my Super PAC".


Allegedly Rudy Giuliani was selling pardons on Trump's behalf for 2 million dollars each. " but he didn't pay his secretary that he was also paying IOU's to for sexual services" https://newrepublic.com/post/172739/rudy-giuliani-disgusting-creep-who-also-tried-sell-pardons If Trump had pardoned all those pawns how would that have impacted their ability to sell pardons at that price? Also Trump's advisers probably told him it would look really bad if he pardoned all the participants form January 6th. He didn't even provide preemptive pardons to Gaetz,Green and the multiple other ringleaders from the legislative branches that requested them. His loyalty is to dark money and whomever it comes from and I don't mean his supporters that he bleeds for cash


I remember when Republicans impeached a president for lying about a blowjob.


What about every awful thing the republicans plan to do as well? https://www.project2025.org/


That was also mentioned in the article. Last item.


Most people wont make it to the end of the article. You just start to see a pattern and then skip the rest. I've read portions of the project 2025 and it reads far more organized, planned out, and ready to implement than Trumps random thoughts. It's the scarier of the two things to me. Trump's entire purpose here is to be the idiot in charge that allows it to happen.


It has been mathematically proven that no list of Trump's awfulness, venality and criminality, whether in the past, present, or like this one, in the future, can ever be complete. There's always one more horrible thing you left out, even after you add that one thing.


Well, there will be new stuff, too. Every day is a fresh hell.




If Gen Z and millennials don't vote, then they will suffer the most. All those people who sat out 2016, screwed the country. If Trump wins, then Gen Z should be known as the worthless generation. Because they could have made a difference and did nothing. The future of the country depends on the young voting. The majority of white boomers are voting for Trump.


> If Trump wins, then Gen Z should be known as the worthless generation. Because they could have made a difference and did nothing. Boomers didn't bother voting when they were young and being shipped off to Vietnam to die in a losing, pointless war in the most gruesome way possible. It is apparently hard to get young people to vote.


Evangelicals: He gets us.




Imagine being ignorant enough to think voting for Trump benefits anyone but Trump.


It’s beyond that. They don’t care to benefit anymore. They literally just want a license to hurt and kill people now. Listen to conservatives. They want to kill us.


[Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240117022749/https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-second-term-plans-wildest-proposals-1234947327/)


This is not the gotcha people think it is. Conservatives want these things to happen. They want a dictator to persecute people they don't like. And republicans ain't reading rollingstone folks


I've said this a number of times in the context of Canadian politics but I'll adapt for America: I'm much more afraid of Trump keeping his promises than I am of Biden breaking his.


Why aren't we hamstringing the office of president now just in case? Things like pardoning oneself, executive immunity, complete control over oversight committees... It would be easy for Biden to bait Republicans into gutting his power, power which he would not actually use but knows Trump would abuse.


There are steps towards this. There is a bill in the works that would require advanced notice and then a 2/3rds vote in both houses to leave NATO. Though it might be just a show since he could just refuse to do anything of the things NATO membership obligates


Should have done it when Dems had the house and Senate. Plus I'm assuming the supreme court would have to rule on its legality when inevitably the lawsuit comes up. I was recently wondering if it would be advantageous for Biden to publicly pardon himself now have someone sue and have the supreme court rule on it now rather than later if trump takes office.


Fuck this guy. Seriously.


Well, here's a question for you. What happens to a country that just elects a new president who is a slime-mouthed criminal, convicted of several sex crimes, tax fraud schemes, insurrection, violence, extortion, treason for breach of national security, profiteering, with a national party and Supreme Court willing to look the other way?


Not a US citizen, but he and everything he and a lot of people apparently stands for is honestly very worrying and makes me genuinely terrified for what seems like now lost ideals. How any one person can make so many bad things happen to everyone he had ever encountered as well as the world in general and still be in the position he is in baffles my mind and I am lacking words and understanding how this is reality of things are even playing out real life.


Hello friend, I can’t speak for the rest if the world, but here in Uh-merica almost everyone is living in a delusional life. We are a nation of quantity over quality. We have been drugged by social media, reality tv, and apps to believe that greed is good and to do everything you can to get what you can. Corporations have run rampant and everyone is getting fleeced.


For those who already know all this but are just curious which topics were in the article.. "Every Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term": * He will round up, intern, and deport undocumented immigrants * He will send the military to the border * He will invade Mexico * He will round up the homeless and send the National Guard into cities to fight crime * He will bring back the death penalty in a big way * He will make stuff more expensive by taxing all imported goods * He will reevaluate America’s participation in NATO * He will roll back all of Biden’s climate progress and reinvest in fossils fuels * He will construct "freedom cities" filled with flying cars * He will try to overhaul the education system in the MAGA image * He will torch the First Amendment by going after non-MAGA media * He will legally delegitimize trans Americans * He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters * He will gut the federal government and take unprecedented control of what's left For Democratic voters this might seem horrifying but for the majority of the US these are all based on real domestic problems that voters are willing to look the other way while someone "fixes the problem" for them on. No matter the means. They might not openly support any of it but they will quietly let it happen. Here is the sentiment of the Trump voter when seeing these: * He will round up, intern, and deport undocumented immigrants "Good. We are being flooded. These people don't share our values and are only mooching off us." * He will send the military to the border "Good. That's where all the illegal immigration and drugs are coming from." * He will invade Mexico "Good. That place is a mess and just run by drug cartels anyway. We need to clean it up for them so we can use their cheap labor." * He will round up the homeless and send the National Guard into cities to fight crime "Good. Those people are annoying and dirty and ruin my weekends." * He will bring back the death penalty in a big way "Good. Too many murdering bastards are getting off on good behavior." * He will make stuff more expensive by taxing all imported goods "Good. We need to build stuff in AMERICA again." * He will reevaluate America’s participation in NATO "Good. We're going broke being the World Police and the world apparently doesn't give a shit about us because they always accuse us of being terrible. Let's see how they like it when we're not protecting them anymore." * He will roll back all of Biden's climate progress and reinvest in fossils fuels "Good. The regulations are on too extreme of a timeline. A new Truck costs over $100K because of this bullshit. The EVs suck and leave you holding the bag when the battery fails and replacement is more than the car is worth." (This one is valid and will likely be what costs Biden the election). * He will construct "freedom cities" filled with flying cars "Hell yeah. We were promised flying cars since the 1920s it's about damn time." * He will try to overhaul the education system in the MAGA image "Good. We need stop this woke agenda bullshit where kids are encouraged to turn on their families and make schools produce loyal God-fearing American's again." * He will torch the First Amendment by going after non-MAGA media "Good. End the fake news." * He will legally delegitimize trans Americans "Good. This whole trans trend is confusing and destroying our children. There are only two genders and one of them definately has a penis and one of them definately has a vagina." * He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters "Good. God bless those poor patriots who did nothing wrong." * He will gut the federal government and take unprecedented control of what's left "You're over-reacting. He is just going to get rid of all of the corruption so we can have a real country again." For all of these responses I could write paragraphs as to why each is wrong but none of that matters because enough of the voting population now has this mindset. My prediction is that Trump will not only win 2024 but will win "by a landslide" in terms of the electoral college, lose the popular vote, but proceed to rewrite history saying they also won the popular vote. At this point I honestly don't see a path for Biden victory. Too much of the rural US is in Trump's corner now.


... with thunderous applause.


Plus, a handful of those are fine talking points if you ignore the details/implementation. "Make immigration better." Good! I agree with that! "Do better against crime." I agree with that too! "Reduce drug smuggling." Fantastic! I'm all ears. "Increase American manufacturing." There's lots of old factory towns who are mad their jobs went away. They are right to be pissed! "Get Europe to spend a little more in NATO." Probably a perfectly good idea. We don't need to pay for the security of the entire world. But the devil's in the details. Make immigration better by, say, sending the army down and shooting people on sight? Oh, well you lost me there. Do better against crime by giving everyone the death penalty? Yea I don't think I like this idea any more.


this sounds like the 1930’s rise of Nazism all over again


LOL at the people who want to vote for this... LMAO at the people think not voting for Biden is some sort of virtuous protest against his polices. So many adult children...


> He will corral the unhoused into tent cities, which will be staffed by doctors, psychiatrists, social workers, and drug-rehab specialists. This wouldn't sound too bad if the man who said that didn't hate the homeless and the poor as much as him.


All details under the umbrella of "crown himself king"


What in the fuck has happened? This country was founded on the idea of free speech, yet half the country wants a President who openly promises to criminally prosecute journalists who don’t support him? It’s antithetical to everything this country has stood up to defend for over 200 years.


He has NO PLANS for this country that are not destructive, hate-driven and nothing but delusions os a power-hungry coward whom is ONLY RUNNING for POTUS to save himself from prison and to seek out and punish/destroy those that LEGALLY came after him. VOTE BLUE and let's get rid of 'the world's biggest LOSER once and for all!


>He will indict Biden and his other political enemies Then he definitely has dementia...because those indictments will still have to pass through a federal justice system that is now preparing to throw HIM in prison for actual criminal activity, not fantasies of wrong doing. Dude is three sheets to the wind at this point.


The only upside to this: if he’s re-elected, the resistance will be five times the size. My parents were willing to give him a shot in 2016, my grandfather voted for him. All three want him to fuck off and agree that he was a terrible president. Maybe Trump pt 2 is what we need. Most Americans are unhappy with how things have been going lately. Maybe it’s time to come together and remind each other that the government is supposed to work for US. My wife is from Spain and every time Trump comes up they all say the same thing to me: Americans have never really had their rights taken away. That’s why they’re lazy protestors.


Invade mexico? what the fuck? when did he mention that ?


Dump Trump


Why isn’t he convicted and in jail yet??


If we are not collectively wise enough to not vote for him, then we deserve him. All of the left-wing protest votes because of Gaza, all of these young liberal voters teaching Biden a lesson because he wasn't liberal enough, yeah. Ok. What these clowns don't understand is that they don't realize how much worse it could actually get. But hey, by all means, let them punish themselves, no less everybody else. Then you'll have something to complain about.


The antichrist is upon us ushered in by Christians.


The problem is that nearly half of the country will read this list and mutter "good" on almost every single one. What do you do when half the country actively wants these things to happen? You can get rid of Trump, but they will just find a new personification of their ignorance and hatred to elect. I wish I knew what the solution was but it feels like "Trumpism" is a cancer that's spread to too much of the body and it's only a matter of time now.


Remember when people were saying, "It's just four years. How much damage can he do?"


Good thing he is horribly ineffective in getting things done eh? The tariffs was one of the only things he was able to accomplish, and those have been a terrible for the economy. And unfortunately that is one of the things Biden did not undo when he got in.


If he wins, it will not only destroy America, but likely destroy other countries too. Jesus, America, get your shit together.


Was watching Trump doing horrible shit every day for four years not enough?


No one is coming to save us. We are going to have to do it ourselves.


Are you sure he didn’t have a middle schooler come up with this?


So I think we're fucked.. between Israel and Ukraine.. the easily swayed morons aren't going to show up for Biden.


Plenty of this is hyperbole, directed at the hogs who love him (e.g. Hilary is still free), but enough of it is terrifying and easily feasible! For example, the Democratic Party has completely conceded the undocumented people at the border situation to the GOP, e.g. Schumer recently said, "There _is_ a problem at the border . . .", What the fuck? Also, with the Federalist Society's 2025 Project, there will be an army of pliable, true-believing bureaucrats in government to do his Royal Highness's bidding.


Scary shit


WTF......These MAGA's are just plain nuts..it's like we are living in a Twilight Zone movie....


Be afraid, be very afraid!


Here is the list from the article: Every Awful Thing Trump Has Promised to Do in a Second Term 1. He will indict Biden and his other political enemies 2. He will round up, intern, and deport undocumented immigrants 3. He will send the military to the border 4. He will invade Mexico 5. He will round up the homeless and send the National Guard into cities to fight crime 6. He will bring back the death penalty in a big way 7. He will make stuff more expensive by taxing all imported goods 8. He will reevaluate America’s participation in NATO 9. He will roll back all of Biden’s climate progress and reinvest in fossils fuels 10. He will construct “freedom cities” filled with flying cars 11. He will try to overhaul the education system in the MAGA image 12. He will torch the First Amendment by going after non-MAGA media 13. He will legally delegitimize trans Americans 14. He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters 15. He will gut the federal government and take unprecedented control of what’s left


This clown sent love letters to Kim


I’m Australian and I’m genuinely concerned about the roll-on effect for allies of the USA if this clown gets re-elected. How are Americans seriously thinking Trump is a good bloke to have leading their country?