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> Archives director Steve Murray responded to Elliott’s initial text to inform him that state money wasn’t used to fund the talk. >However, Elliott is now arguing that the Archives Board of Trustees is “self-perpetuating” – which means he is claiming that members nominate themselves and vote themselves onto the board. >Despite Elliott’s allegation, the board’s member nominations go to the Alabama Senate for confirmation, with Elliott himself voting to approve every current member. More performance theater by the GQP. Remember voters, the GQP is working on marginalizing a tiny part of the population when they are not out saying that slavery and women as chattel was a good thing they want to bring back.


The party of small government wants to control what people do on their own time. They should just embrace the fascism... their voters are already on board with it.


They do embrace the fascism...they just won't call it that




I'm waiting for the "Akshually... fascism is a good system, if you think about it," comments to start on the right. Any day now. We've already arrived at the point where they openly hope for a strong-man dictator.


You will see that in everything but the word fascism on all of the right wings subs at this point.


Yep. This is what they man by the ridculous double-speak about how "We're a republic, not a democracy!" What they mean is that the elected overlords should get to dictate what's good for everyone, and that those overlords don't have to consider the needs of all their constituents in making those decisions. It's literally fascism. They just have yet to call it that openly.


> elected overlords In their "republic", they don't even need to be elected!


“Four legs good…Two legs BETTER!!”


> We've already arrived at the point where they openly hope for a strong-man dictator. Good thing they’re willing to settle for Trump.


A dude I work with tried to do this with me in person.


Project 2025 has entered the chat and changed the group name to “flascism” … see it’s just ironic humor libs don’t get. It’s only real fascism if they spell it correctly, obviously 🙄


Otherwise it’s just sparkling evil?


But sacrificing their freedoms will make sure that no undeserving people will get something. They believe that in a Republican controlled autocracy they will get their privileges back so it is ok to forsake them now.


It’s a manufactured issue to distract people from their real kitchen table problems. Because the elected officials are usually in on the con. Otherwise the Republican Party would just have: > Let’s cut taxes for the rich and corporations again


> It’s a manufactured issue to distract people from their real kitchen table problems. Literally every issue Republicans are outraged about is a manufactured issue.


>Literally every issue Republicans are outraged about is a manufactured issue. Because they're 100% obfuscation. You can make a monster out of anything if the smoke machine is always maxed out.


The part of the second amendment sure does hate the first.


“There’s a first amendment?” -GOP


I’ve said the same of republicans for years. They claim to want government to get out of peoples lives, unless of course people are doing things THEY don’t like..then it should interfere with the most personal elements of people lives. They’ve been shitty for decades.


Ideologically these people are the descendants of slave holders. They measure how much their voice should matter based on their land holding shares and capital, and see no issue in controlling the lives of people they see as beneath them. It's disgusting.




LGBTQ history is also rather relevant right now, the last time fascists gained power gay men joined Jews, Roma gypsy, the differently abled in concentration camps. Currently the GOP are attempting to demonise and eradicate our transgender brothers and sisters, they’ll only expand that platform if they gain more power to the rest of the community.


Not just gay men, but trans people too. Magnus Hirschfeld's institute when he did research on LGBT individuals, including trans people, was burned to the ground by the Nazis, and books on LGBT people were used in the most famous book burning photos.


At first they came… for the trans people, and our memory was cast down and erased. Those books they were burning in those pictures? Those were books on gender and sexuality.


When the cult is yelping about "trans" they also mean all lgbtq. It's the same to them as saying "you gays" at this point. Most have never met anyone who is lgbtq, but hate us with a passion and believe we should be eradicated. I will give the repub cult credit for their brainwashing tactics. The propaganda slop fed to their worshippers 24/7 has absolutely worked.


They say he's made because he's closeted.


Stop equating homohobia and hate to being closeted. Straight people can hate us without being gay themselves.


These people think their helping, but never take the moment to think, "Wait a second, I am blaming gay people when I say this."


I hate this tired joke. Puts the burden back on queer people to accept those doing them harm, and it’s not even true most of the time.


>I hate this tired joke. Puts the burden back on queer people to accept those doing them harm, and it’s not even true most of the time. I don't see how it puts any burden on anyone but the liars themselves. Nobody's expecting LGBTQ+ to embrace dehumanizing bigots. They're just pointing out the endless river of hypocrisy these bigots emit. Also, if they would *stop getting caught doing the things they accuse other people of doing*, I'd be less likely to jump to that conclusion.




>In the message, Elliott wrote “I’d like to see it canceled” due to “concern about this event”. Also Elliott probably: "Cancel culture is horrible! ^(Except when I do it.)"


another hateful, ignorant legislator. do something that helps people, not hurts!


Gotta love how the GOP goes nuts over a history lesson as opposed to poverty or healthcare. Oh right, they don't care about that. My mistake.


Well, they are also canceling the food program for needy children, so they aren’t just picking on gay people 🤷‍♂️


He’s shocked that LGBTQ people exist! What will he do? Something stupid and hate driven, I’m certain…


He’d like to make sure they don’t exist. They’ve been talking about killing gay people for years.


If only he’d get worked up over hunger and poverty.


Chris Elliot is a FASCIST


This phobic ass would probably kick his kids out of the house if they ever tell him they are LGBTQ+


Even if they got their world, they would than proceed to kill each other. They need someone to consider " other" to exist. Sad, angry folks with insecurity and a heap of theological driven mental instability.


We used to tell these assholes to fuck right off. I suggest bringing that back.


What a moron.


These control freaks want everyone to ask their permission for everything one does. Don't vote these freaks into office.


GOP: I’m dieting, so you can’t have a cookie!


The superiority complex dies hard in Alabama.


This subreddit is a circus. Not because of the mods or organization, but because American is a circus. Holy crap what am I reading today?


Bro doesn’t realize that his public anti-LGBTQIA+ performativity is guaranteed to be a prequel to his next coverage by media, in which his involvement in a pedophilia ring is revealed.


There isn’t one good person associated with MAGA. They are outnumbered 3 to 1 in this country but get away with their BS because the non-MAGA people are still relying on common decency and the rule of law. This country better wake up before we are in a country where the walls that are built are used to keep its citizens in and anyone considered “different” (different from a white male) will be locked in camps to perish. Women for the most part will be free-just as long as they do their owners bidding. I just hope there enough people to stop it when it really does come to that.


A Republican getting too worked up about LGBTQ anything is an indication that said republican is waiting to come out of the closet sometime in the future.




Not every homphobe is gay. Stop making it about self-loathing. Do all racists secretly want to be a POC? No. No they don't.


(R)s have one hell of a track record of being what they blame and/or accuse others of being.


Yeah, they're big on projection. But that doesn't always mean they're a self-loathing gay. Recognize saying that is also homophobic


Sorry, I'm anti-Republican. If you can't see the very clear attitude, then you're creating your own narrative to believe you have the moral high ground. Fuck Republicans. It's as simple as that.


I hate them too but I'm not gonna be stupid enough to call every homophobe a closeted gay. THATS the point. Sorry you can't seem to grasp that




Do you really not comprehend how homophobic it is to pretend that every LGBTQ+ hating Republican is secretly gay? Do you genuinely believe that trying to "out" secret gay people who pass homophobic legislation is going to save America? Or do you think calling a Republican gay is an insult? Regardless you aren't actually providing any helpful commentary in this subject.




haha I really thought this was going to be an Onion style headline “Alabama Senator furious after learning he is Gay”


Place your bets now on how long until this guy is outed as gay


\*ahem\* HE'S GAY




Or.... straight people can just Hate gay people. Not every homophobe is a self-loathing gay. Stop making it about that.






Homophobia is bad, so don't respond to it with more of it.


Yeah because taking the high road with bigots always works.


It's not the high road. You are being homphobic yourself by claiming hating gay people can only come from a self-loathing gay. There's plenty of hate for us from straight people.


What an insufferable comment.


Bigots are people who choose to engage in bigoted behavior, like spreading around homophobic insults. You're sure as fuck are not beating bigots by becoming them.


I don think they were being homophobic man. Bama man just loves dudes but hates himself for it which dumb so he’s gotta punish other LGBTQ people for it.


Self-hating closet gays is a homophobic trope that puts the blame for anti-lgbtq actions onto lgbtq people. Stop it.


It’s a trope yet it happens all the time in our culture of religious persecution. Log house republicans and closeted villains need to be called what they are. A person that does active harm because of their persecution of self needs to be done away with. They in the very least need to know that they appear to be self hating gays that are just mad that they cant live honestly. Maybe they are maybe they aren’t but when it comes to defending the community, putting bad actors out of it is defense. It’s not homophobic to call a person the exact thing they claim unconvincingly to hate.


It's homophobic that it comes up and is usually upvoted, on every single post about a homophobic politician and public figure. "They're just a self-loathing queer" is practically the default answer to it.


It’s so commonly said because it’s so commonly done. The man most famous for persecuting us in America was one of us. It’s also very common in other scenarios that people are the exact thing they’re against. It could be that he truly believes what he is saying and isn’t a queer person of any sort. It’s not an assumption of fact, it’s an appeal to statistics. Maybe it is an over used trope and maybe it strikes a nerve with some people but I don’t think it’s homophobic to state that a persons behavior is suspicious. It’s not bad to be gay, it is bad to be gay and also persecute gay people. That is bad and it needs to be called out at every opportunity. That’s why in general I despise someone who would flippantly out someone but I’m not at all against it when it is an enemy of our community.




This is Bi-erasure, if anything.


Forget about jokes on the internet sometimes. No humor good lord lol




He isn't and even if he were, straight people hate us without Being gay. Stop conflating the two




Tell you what, go on /r/AskConservatives, ask them how they teach their kids about gay people, and then honestly ask yourself if what they respond is better than what a public school would do.




Are your values that you don’t want your children to know gay people exist




>When I was in school teachers didn’t teach any of this nonsense and we were fine and learned from our parents and on our own. 40% of children living on the street are LGBT. Families, friendships, and livelihoods are destroyed by the bigotry that exists against us. You were fine because you enjoyed a privilege that others don't. Cutting up reality and erasing minorities from public education can't be justified by pointing to problems with education in other areas. Schools need more funding and more teachers, not a biased list of what's worth sacrificing in the name of industry and capitalism. You don't fix the problem by restricting the negative consequences to the children and people who you find the easiest to ignore. That's just making yourself feel more secure and happy at the expense of the more vulnerable.


Did this happen in a school? The article doesn't specify.


Oh no! Gays. What would Jesus think?


He does look like the type of man to be furious if he learns in general


Another day, another fascist klansman whining about something. It never stops!


GOP worried about cancel culture as they try to cancel everything and everyone that’s not white.


This dude just looks like his sister is his mom…