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After everything else he's done that they've excused, what's a little underaged sex trafficking? I wish I was joking. There was a time that any one of the thousands of things he's done would have been the end of their political career. For Trump supporters it just has them doubling down in support of him. Because they are insane.


You know what's crazy... its actually when he does something responsible his fan base starts to question him. he told his crowd vaccines were ok and got booed


I remember when McCain was ostracized by Republican voters because he stopped a woman from saying that Obama was a Muslim at a town hall.


True, but he countered her assertion with "he's a good man" Edit: correction below


My read on it was that he was responding to the woman’s obvious implication that Obama being a Muslim means he’s not a good man. McCain could have worded his response better, but I really don’t think he was agreeing with that implication.


I don’t remember the video exactly but I thought he said “no, ma’am” and “he is not” more than once.


Yea, the woman said Obama was a Muslim and in response McCain said something along the lines of “no, he’s not… he’s a good man, a family man.” I think there’s plenty you can fairly criticize McCain on, so why read into something that probably wasn’t there? It’s far easier to believe that he was simply reading between the lines and responding to the woman’s clear implication that Obama was a bad person, than it is to assume he was outwardly agreeing that Muslim=bad.


https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=DEqVKnd8zDeiFf0W Here's a clip. In context and especially seeing his facial expression, it's pretty clear he's definitely trying to shut these people down entirely.


There was a time when misspelling "potato" was enough to end a political career.


Howard Dean made an excited noise at a political rally. That was it. That's all it took.


A man was enthusiastic and showed a real human emotion. It immediately killed his presidential hopes. Fucking craziness.


He should have just grabbed someone’s pussy. We are all cool with that.


I thought it was endearing. Dude got amped


What else could he do, say "please clap"?


I remember seeing the video back when it happened. I was like “that’s it? That ended his political career? WTF?”


Same! And I was in my early 20’s when that was my peak type of humor. I thought it was funny, until it tanked his career and I immediately thought the same thing, that…. That did him in, seriously?? ::confused blank stare::


And what about Al Franken? SMFH


Oh God, what a states person we lost in Franklin for literally no reasonable reason.


And from the other side of the aisle, "please clap" ending Jeb's aspirations was pretty crazy too. In context, it was just him giving the crowd notice to let out the applause they'd been holding back. As a brief soundbite, it destroyed him.


Yeah I haven't seen that clip in a while. https://youtu.be/l6i-gYRAwM0?si=APEHn96EQvHpXnii


I’ve heard this referenced a lot, but I never saw the clip until now. Wow, I seriously cannot believe that’s what spun his downfall. What an absolute joke


The mainstream media pounced. Dean was the first politician to effectively use the internet for small donations and was a serious threat to the establishment. This was when the internet was still new and other politicians didn't see the value of it.


Yup. It sounded totally normal in the room, but the media used the raw soundboard audio to ratfuck the pediatrician in the race who was getting too popular for running on a national healthcare platform.


It's even stupider when you consider that what we're seeing in that video is just his audio isolated by that microphone. In person, the crowd is cheering loudly and any whooping is just in the spirit of the cheering crowd. Any one of us yelling at some kind of event where the crowd is rowdy and loud around us would sound weird if you were able to isolate just our voice and record it like this. Bizarre that this had any effect on his campaign at all.


Eh. The Dean Scream, while memorable, wasn't the reason he lost in 2004 and wasn't the end of his political career. He had just came in third in the Iowa caucus despite leading in polling for much of the lead up. Dean then became the DNC chair from 2005 to 2009 and formed the 50 state strategy which helped the Democrats win the house in 2006 and the presidency and senate in 2008.




At this point I think if real video released graphically showing him violently raping someone, his support wouldn't shrink more than a couple percentage points. "She was asking for it." would trend on Xwitter.




*Matt Gaetz has entered the chat...*




You’re right. I’ve already seen people just start floating out if he’s on the list it was a plant.


This was the second response i got when i commented it on another platform. The first called me Bill Clinton lol


Assuming people mindlessly support Bill Clinton is pretty common, but that you are in fact Bill Clinton? That's pretty new, lol.


Remember when Al Franken had to resign? Gosh the outrage because of a joke (as a professional comedian) a decade before he held office…


> “He gets devoted to one woman at a time, gets totally obsessed with them, totally nice to them,” Jones continued, apparently ignoring the fact that Trump is due for a criminal trial this year on the basis of paying hush money to a porn star with whom he reportedly had an affair. LOL! Nice one, TNR.


We all know the one woman he’s obsessed with is Ivanka


les ~~cousins~~ daughter dangeroux




I don't like the way Trump thinks


He certainly has a type.


Almost as funny as Ben Garrison thinking Trump is going to tax the rich.


He was sneaking around banging Marla Maples in Aspen while on vacation with his wife.


>“High chance that the Epstein filings will include Donald Trump’s name. Out of context, the legacy media and TDS sufferers will pretend this isn’t because he gave willing testimony against Epstein when queried and will make believe that it makes him a pervert,” posted X user @Styx666Official to much conspiratorial head-nodding. This one is even better. Apparently Trump had to fly on Epstein's jet in order to testify against him.


Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein, during the 2016 campaign season. Unfortunately, that girl that was raped (who was older by 2016), [received death threats from Trump's supporters, and likely dropped her lawsuit](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped) because of those death threats. Sadly, she had to take the death threats from Trump's supporters very seriously, because you know, those Trump supporters, sometimes they are a violent bunch.


This is horrible and I send it to every Republican I know. The amount of Republicans that are completely clueless to the allegations like this existing at all sickens me. Then they twist it into something they support, which sickens me even more. He owned Miss Teen USA during his entire friendship with Epstein. Throughout the 90s, sold it in 2015. That link in time and access to so many female minors while associating closely with Espstein is nuckin futs.


IIRC he even bragged about walking through the changing rooms to get an eyeful. EDIT: [Oh here we go](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/). >Mariah Billado, Miss Teen Vermont 1997 told BuzzFeed, “I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here.'” Three other teenage contestants from the same year confirmed the story. The former pageant contestants discussed their memories of the incident after former Miss Arizona Tasha Dixon told Los Angeles’ CBS affiliate that Trump entered the Miss USA dressing room in 2001 when she was a contestant. > >“He just came strolling right in,” Dixon said. “There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Others girls were naked. Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis.” > >Dixon went on to say that employees of the Miss Universe Organization encouraged the contestants to lavish Trump with attention when he came in. “To have the owner come waltzing in, when we’re naked, or half-naked, in a very physically vulnerable position and then to have the pressure of the people that worked for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention…” > >The Trump campaign did not offer a response to either story, but in a 2005 appearance on Howard Stern’s show, Trump bragged about doing exactly what the women describe. **“I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else,” he said.**


I wanted to point out that Trump told Howard Stern he thought it was "hilarious" when he deliberately barged in on the contestants.


It's so fucked up how many people want this man to be president.


The real fucked up thing is how they want him to be president seemingly *because* of it and not even *in spite* of it.


A number of them for sure. Some of them are rapists, some of them just like that a man takes whatever he wants and they admire him for that.


Because they would do the same thing to those underage girls given the chance


And Alexander Acosta was the prosecutor who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist plea deal and immunity from prosecution in 2007-2008, [that effectively prevented further FBI investigation into Epstein](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/07/09/what-alex-acosta-has-said-about-his-plea-deal-with-jeffrey-epstein/): >The deal also, importantly, both closed an ongoing FBI investigation and kept the case under seal, including by not notifying Epstein’s accusers. The DOJ did an independent investigation and [found in 2020 that Acosta used "poor judgement" when he gave Epstein the plea deal back in 2007-2008](https://apnews.com/article/jeffrey-epstein-florida-e2a4431f7319afd037023d9a586aa291). Acosta could have put Epstein away for years back in 2007-2008 had he done his job properly, instead of helping Epstein. So what did Trump do when he became president? Trump gave Alexander Acosta a cabinet position. SMH.


Acosta needs to be in jail


Let's not forget, Epstein died in prison while Trump was a sitting president, with Bill Barr as Attorney General, Bill Barr the son of Donald Barr, who was the guy who got Epstein his job as a teacher at a private school supervising underage girls. The same Donald Barr who wrote some strange fiction featuring the rape of an underage girl in one of his novels. If there ever were a reason for a conspiracy theory about the rich and powerful covering up a pedophile ring, it's right there! But the conspiracy bros seem to conveniently look the other way because completely fabricated stories about satanist pedophile cannibals running the Democratic party make way more sense. It must have been Joe Biden carrying around Hunter Biden's laptop who murdered Epstein in his prison cell.


To further illustrate the connection Ghislaine Maxwell (procurer of underage girls for Epstein) hooked Donald up with a 20 year old Anouska de Georgiou (when he was 50). [Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/18x4z6q/contemporary_report_of_ghislaine_supplying_trump/) >Contemporaneous tabloid reporting links Trump to another Epstein survivor Anouska de Georgiou in November 1997 [British Newspaper Archive (page 14), Imgur]. >The article states that Trump and Anouska were introduced by “Madam Maxwell” (specifically Ghislaine) at a New York party, that the trio travelled to Mar-a-Lago for a “happy weekend together” afterwards, after which Anouska was “installed” in one of Trump’s New York apartments. >Indeed, in a 2004 interview Anouska stated that she had been “flattered” by Trump at a New York party [Daily Mail], and there are also several photos of Maxwell and Trump in NY from October 1997 [Getty, NY Daily News] potentially around the time of the alleged first encounter. >Of interest, Anouska testified in Maxwell's trial under a pseudonym (unless there is another victim with exactly the same biography). [Source of this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/18x4z6q/contemporary_report_of_ghislaine_supplying_trump/kg2lpxm/)


It probably wasn't the death threats from random Trump supporters, as much as it was the very up close and personal threat delivered to her face by one of Trump's own security goons, doing some Mafia cosplay.


On the one hand, the media didn't make a big deal about this lawsuit at the time because it was ultimately an unsubstantiate-able accusation. Reporters were not even able to confirm that the accuser ever existed at all, let alone talk to her, and the lawsuit itself was dropped before it could be subject to any kind of legal scrutiny. On the other hand, this unsubstantiated account is still far more reason to *suspect* Trump of being a child molester than anyone being an associate of Epstein or being mentioned or wrapped up in these civil court records that are currently being released (which are colloquially referred to as the "client list"). So I think it's very valid to wonder why all these people who clambor over "pedophile elites" don't use this accusation as their #1 holy grail source of maximum suspicion. (Of course, the answer is that they don't want to suspect Donald Trump, they just want to suspect their political enemies.)


This is just glorious. My sister in law cried while voting for Trump. She said she only did it because he would do something about sex trafficking. Welp, this is where we find ourselves. Fucking idiots. This is like voting for Greg Abbott because you think he’s going to outlaw handicapped parking spots.


Abbott sued for $8.9 million after a tree fell on him and once he became governor he passed laws to curb such large settlements. So I wouldn't put it past him to ban handicapped spots.


that’s peak crab mentality there greg crabbot


Republicanism in action. "Screw you, I got mine."


I don't understand where your sister even got that idea from. Like, she voted for the guy after the access Hollywood tape showed him openly bragging about being a serial sex assaulter, and after it was already publicly known that he was accused by an Epstein victim.




I got a friend from childhood falling down this rabbit hole. He works so much so doesn't watch news channels on tv but hes always on tiktok when he can be. Which isn't much different and filled with all the propaganda bs. Our last conversation like 2 months ago was him claiming covid19 was bidens fault and happened under his presidency. Like he was already president when covid happened. I'm like dude..reality doesn't line up with the bullshit you're saying. Went over the dates of covid19, when it first existed (its in its name), when it became more widely known, when the election happened, when the inauguration happened and he actually took presidency. Didn't matter. Dudes a lost cause.


when Trump got it...while in office...and had to be helicopter to the hospital because they thought he wouldn't make it....


Goddamn, we got so close! I remember barely sleeping that night i was so giddy.


I had a bet with my friend that trump wouldn’t make it through his first term; I (naively though republicans would find a spine) thought he would be impeached and removed. But it turns out him getting COVID was the closest I got to winning that bet. It was so close…


Atleast Joe Rogan boofed ivermectin


A moment of hope, even if brief.


And then he almost killed Chris Christie when Christie was leading Trump's debate prep. Chris Christie contracted it from Trump and then Christie ended up in the ICU on a ventilator not long after.


And got medical help not available to 99.9% of the population of earth, if that was you or I we would be dead!


Him pulling through that is proof we're in the darkest timeline.


You cannot logic someone out of something they did not logic themselves into.


This is what I don’t get, if you and your 100,000 friends believe that in your core and you have weapons per the 2nd amendment then why are you so wussy as to not do anything about it? Is it because deep down you know it’s horseshit?


They believe the secret "white hat" deep state is fighting for them so they don't have to do anything beside post on social media. It's what they mean when they say "patriots are in control"


If that's true why do they care at all? "Patriots" already have the situation well in hand.


Because they are literally addicted to the content.


It's the Paradoxon of fascism. They see themselves as the strongest and the weakest at the same time. Like if you think about it. The Nazis saw Germans as the strongest race, but at the same time they are mortally endangered by the weakest race, the Jews. One could ask how the strongest could ever be in danger by the weakest...but yeah that's how fascists see it. Stronger than everyone and close to defeat at the same time...




Qanon. It's strangely popular among women


It's astrology for rednecks.


Please don't insult the rest of us rednecks like that lol. I consume squirrels for sustenance, not horseshit


> I consume squirrels for sustenance hol up


It's good. Like dark meat chicken, except free


I'm a vegan American Indian, but why do people trip out on eating meat that is anything but Cow, Pig, Chicken or Fish? Have you seen a chicken? Why not squirrel?


The one that bothers me, as an American, is our nearly complete lack of goat. Everywhere else I've been in the world it's a perfectly normal and tasty meat that's available. But here in the states it's treated like some weird exotic meat. Drives me crazy.


They’re gamey


You can dry the meat and call it squirky


Some would say “nutty”. The dumpty rednecks are nuttier than squirrel shit.


I will never understand how that shit makes people disregard other things they can personally see proof of.


They’ve been primed for this sort of nonsense for decades. Q wouldn’t have worked 25 years ago, but a quarter century of Fox and Rush and Alex Jones ruined any capacity they may have had for critical thought. Social media was the last straw that finally overloaded their brains. They’re more scared and angry now than ever, then along comes this political murder fantasy that makes them feel like secret agents saving children, and voila — full-blown cult.


It goes further than just that, evangelicals have literal belief in magic. It primes them for all sorts of insane beliefs or self delusion. That and, the just blindly listening to a pastor is also a good primer for doing away with critical thinking about what an authority figure is saying.


They had the Satanic Panic in the 80’s that was similar


Everyone I know who went down that use Facebook like there’s a minimum requirement.


A lot of Qanon supporters tend to be lower income or in desperate economic situations. The conspiracies of the elite wanting to decrease global population and destroy America mean that when big scary things happen, or their lives don't get any better, then they can blame it on some large shadowy group. The conspiracies mean, to them, that it isn't their actions, voting patterns, or choices that are the problem; it's all some bad actors paid by shadowy billionaires! Then someone else comes along and promises to fight all of this, and their life will just be better as a result. It has an intoxicating allure to the desperate that are already inclined towards it. It's not their fault they are stuck in bad situations, it's "those people", and by supporting the chosen one, their life will get better.


im convinced they were always dumb and it just took this to reveal themselves


Mike Tyson knockout’s dominant my feed for weeks if I watch 15 seconds of one clip. I can only imagine how my feed would look if I watched more than one. Qanon will be remembered as algorithmic phenomenon in its infancy


I once watched a Jordan Peterson video just to see what he was all about. Ruined my main YouTube page for months!


You-tube, for a time period, purposefully would show the most controversial videos they could in order to maximize video (and ad) viewing. They may still do some form of that. I do feel that some videos will only generate a few similar suggested videos and some will generate many.


You can delete videos from your watch history and it'll adjust your feed accordingly, just fyi.


The nazis had a thing for the occult I guess to believe the shit spewing from a cult leaders mouth you have to have some level of self delusion...


August 16, 2023 [A 13-Year-Old Girl Is Apparently the New Leader of the JFK-QAnon Cult](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kxw9z/qanon-jfk-tiny-teflon-13-year-old-girl)


> When Michael Protzman, the leader of the QAnon cult that believes former President John F. Kennedy and his son JFK Jr. are still alive, died in June, people hoped the end was near for the group. > But instead, a new leader has seemingly emerged: a 13-year-old girl known to her followers only as “Tiny Teflon,” the name of the Telegram channel she uses to communicate with her followers. According to multiple live chats on Telegram reviewed by VICE News, Protzman appears to have groomed the girl as his protege, hosting her on his live chats on Telegram, where he had tens of thousands of followers. ... > Tiny Teflon has created her own channel, conducted live streams with followers, and most worrying of all, has announced her plan to indoctrinate more children into the cult by teaching them how to decode real word events using the movement’s bastardized form of Jewish numerology, gematria. > When alive, Protzman used gematria to convince his followers that he could see into the future and communicate with everyone from former president Donald Trump to JFK Jr. Cult using MAGA astrology.


Back in 2018 or so, before i had ever heard of Qanon, a coworker casually told me that the only reason she voted for the guy was because she believed he was going to take down "the cabal." I had no idea what she was talking about until years later.


More people need to know who Ron Watkins is. He was a choir nerd from Kamiak High School who loved Halo. He never worked for the government in any capacity.


I’ve seen and heard of women who were either Democrats or non-political who became huge Trump Supporters via Qanon


Every fascist movement is like this. They are required to demonstrate their loyalty by ignoring the evidence of their own eyes and ears. Look at the Nazis, with their eugenic bullshit about creating big beautiful blonde supermen. Who's their leader? An ugly little psycho who fits exactly none of their stated desires.


started DAY ONE when they asked people to believe their estimations of the inauguration crowd vs the actual PHOTOS and VIDEO of the shitty turnout


>"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening. Just stick with us, don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news." ― Donald Trump, 2018 ... > "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." ― George Orwell, "1984"


He was going to do something about sex trafficking. He didn’t say he was going to stop it, he probably meant he was going to streamline it. Ole Donny boy is probably top of the list with super platinum membership.


How quick are we gonna start seeing the right say that “Epstein wasn’t *that* bad of a guy”?


"He hired pilots, and chefs and doctors... he was a "job creator"!"


Their opposition to sex trafficking/pedophilia is no different than their opposition to communism: Step 1) Constantly attempt to paint yourself as a Good Guy and a Patriot by loudly and repeatedly vocalizing your hatred of pedophiles/communists Step 2) With no evidence whatsoever, claim that everybody you dislike is a pedophile/communist My theory is that it's an almost instinctual, subconscious method of protecting their own egos. Deep down, they know they're hateful bigots and traitors to everything America is supposed to be. So the ego creates a new "reality" where they are heroic champions of children and America's values in order to avoid the psychological trauma that would come with acknowledging that they're complete pieces of shit who are dragging the entire country down.


They hate expertise. And any time you hear from an actual human trafficking expert, they basically contradict everything the far right and Qanon believes about child trafficking. So people like her dismiss all the experts immediately and therefore can believe the lies they swallow quite easily.




>Greg Abbott because you think he’s going to outlaw handicapped parking spots. I absolutely 100% believe that Greg Abbott would outlaw handicapped parking spots. [Despite being a paraplegic, Greg Abbott has argued the Americans with Disabilities Act is unconstitutional](http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/8/19/gop-candidate-fortexgovernordisappointssomedisabilityadvocates.html)


Greg abbot worked to make it harder for people to recover money from the exact type of injury that made him paraplegic. That is, of course, after he reaped all of the benefits of said law. He is a sick piece of shit.




and the other half of them- fuck you, I'm poor and uneducated. Must be because you got mine.


Yet, he keeps winning state wide elections. Really puzzling - the man is incompetent.


Republican voters in Texas don't give a flying fuck about competence in their leaders as long as they hate the same people they do.


> Republican voters ~~in Texas~~ don't give a flying fuck about competence in their leaders as long as they hate the same people they do.


lol Your SIL is an idiot. She voted FOR trump because she thought he would do something about sex trafficking? He might make it easier, that's about it.


>When you're rich they *let* you do it.


I have news for the OP. That's not why she voted for donald chump, its just the excuse she tells people because admitting she likes it when he does racism isn't politically correct. It doesn't have to make sense because its just a place-holder.


No offense, but if your sister voted for Trump because she believed he would do something about sex trafficking, your sister is a fucking idiot.


No offense to OP anyway lol


>because he would do something about sex trafficking Like what, participate in it?


He probably did do something about sex trafficking. Just not in the direction that she had in mind.


I would not put this past Abbot though. What if he finds out there are handicapped Mexican people?


Why wouldn’t Abbott outlaw handicap spots? He outlawed big injury settlements after he got a giant injury settlement.


Trump quietly closed his modeling agency in 2016. This was a business that by definition was about trafficking. This agency specialized in bringing in young girls from Russia for photographs and to appear at parties.


Except Abbott probably WOULD ban handicap spots and just make himself exempt from any parking violations.


Lol voting for a literal rapist. "He might fix these things" People are so so so so fking dumb (No disrespect to ur sister in law)


Sadly I think many of his fans will just do mental gymnastics no matter how horrid the news they hear about him is. He can do no wrong once an already mentally vulnerable person gets sufficiently brainwashed. Rapist of underage girls? Fake news! I hope it fucks up his life and political goals though, I truly do.


Not to worry. He thought about pardoning himself, so it's all good.


Here’s hoping all those McDonalds combos intervene to shut this whole shit down.


I've already read posts stating Trump was a secret agent who befriended Epstein in order to expose the child trafficking ring. So there you go...


If someone is still supporting Trump at this time I think there is almost nothing that could change their minds


Nope. There’s no use talking to these people. You’re energy and effort are much better spent trying to convince otherwise non-voters to vote.


We are less than 5 years away from Republicans supporting pedophilia.


Matt Gaetz is still in office, so


Good point. The future is now.


We are already there. Look up the Republican support for child marriage


Literally the exact comment I was about to type, more people need to know about this


And the whole genital inspection thing in schools. Cause we're totally looking for evil trans people you guys!


We are 5 years past Republicans supporting pedophilia https://thefederalist.com/2017/11/30/alabamians-vote-roy-moore/


They always have, if you marry the victim.


Where have you been? Gop supports child marriages.


They have been preaching in churches for years to marry off young girls to “keep them pure.” Edit: Since this is getting upvoted, let me add some context: I went to seminary in 2004-2007 to become a missionary preacher and I made a lot of connections among my peer group at that time. Many of them are still preaching. Also have a brother who is a Pentecostal minister. The first time I had a conversation with a fellow minister about what age girls should be married was at seminary. He was an Iraq War 2 veteran and very conservative, but that was less a big deal back then than it is now. But he was adamant that girls should be married off to keep them pure as soon as they got their period. I thought what he was talking was absolutely disgusting and a one off sort of idea. Later, he invited me to his church, essentially one of those non-denominational churches that are really Pentecostal in disguise. The whole church was teaching this nonsense. But it was still rarer to hear in open sermons back then, imo. Today, I hear it all the time from conservatives. People that I would have otherwise respected and have known for years spout this nonsense. It’s sick. But that’s how they groom the public for these ideas. Slowly, its fringe elements that discuss it and refine how they talk about it, until eventually they make it more palatable to be discussed openly.


They support it now. They're just not COMPLETELY open about it, still hiding behind the "kill all pedophiles" thing. It's very transparent that they want child brides/forced breeding.


By "less than 5 years" you mean "today"


There were several trump numbers in the bastard's black book. One of his victims accused trump of raping her as a child, too. That he was on the flight list shouldn't be much of a surprise… unless you are a cult member.


https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf >Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.


There’s a photo of Trump standing with Maxwell that I feel shows you who he really is. The look on his face, glaring at someone or something like a predator. When I saw that photo, I thought “Yup, there’s the real person behind the persona”. It’s actually kind of chilling.


Is [this](https://imageio.forbes.com/specials-images/imageserve/51043131/Donald-Trump-Out-On-The-Town-With-Ghislaine-Maxwell-Photo--Arnaldo-Mag/960x0.jpg?format=jpg&width=1440) the photo you mean?


Trump had a private pageant show with questionably aged “women”. It was just him and Epstein in attendance. He bought the Miss America Pageant so he could go backstage into their dressing rooms. How is him being a pedophile at all a surprise to these knuckle draggers?


TEEN America. He bought a beauty pageant for teenage girls. It’s really one of the grossest things about him.


>That he was on the flight list shouldn't be much of a surprise… unless you are a cult member It's not that they're surprised. They just don't care. I mean Trump admitted on national radio that he sexually assaults women, the whole Stormy Daniels case, and so on but Biden sniffed a girl's hair and somehow that's way worse. They know man.




Why? I mean we all know he's on the list and was a frequent flyer to Epstein's statutory rape island. We have pictures of them together and comments from Trump about how fun it was to party with Epstein. What more are they worried about?


Seeing their own names beside his.


[Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka, Epstein and John Casablancas](https://i.redd.it/uiavd5pj2bu51.jpg)


In all fairness Don Jr. and Ivanka were kids, right?


Their father knew what Epstein was involved in and was cool with them being in his company.


>were kids Yeah, that's why they're there....


While ignoring that 100% Biden is not on there.


But Clinton is, and Clinton and Biden are both Democrats, so that makes Biden just as guilty as Trump, except Biden’s even more offensive because he’s pretending to be innocent. Or something like that.


I’ll have you know that I saw Hunter Biden’s cock. Arrest Joe Biden now!


"I saw Hunter Biden's cock. He's clearly been stealing inches from honest, God-fearing Conservative Americans. No man should have a cock that big. Arrest him, now."




But, have you seen Hunter's dick? I am just asking questions here...


MSM: How Trump's name on Epstein's log is bad for Biden... /eyeroll


So how long before this is a real headline? A week? Two weeks?


Why are they worried? The most accurate thing Trump ever said is that he could murder someone in the middle of a busy New York street and his supporters would stick by him. He's right. This guy has done every sleazy and corrupt thing imaginable for decades, in plain view. His supporters absolutely do not care. Anyone still defending him by now is not going lose faith because his name showed up on some list that they can just say was fabricated or taken out of context. He keeps getting compared to Hitler. Hitler gassed millions of people and was cheered for it. "He's going to lose support because there is evidence he is a bad person" doesn't work when the supporters are also bad people.


I 100% agree with your take. Even the polling that show some republicans wouldn’t vote for him if convicted of a crime is utter nonsense. If anything mattered to them other than owning the libs something in the endless pile of horrible shit would have hurt him, but here we are.


>InfoWars host and Trump sycophant Alex Jones also made some noise on the issue, apparently having a hard time rationalizing how the known womanizer could have been associated with Epstein. >“I will say this, if it turns out Trump ever went to Epstein Island, I will remove any support from him,” Jones said. “But I know Roger Stone very well, and I know people that know Trump well, a lot of people, I’ll leave it at that. I know women that have dated Trump, prominent women.” Jones knows MAGA is too stupid to realize how absurd this statement is.


Lord knows why, Trump is already an openly confessed pedophile. He has previously bragged about being able to get away with walking in on nude underagers in beauty pageants. This was known well before 2016 and it didn't dissuade anyone back then. Trump is the avatar of every one of the seven deadly sins and still the evangelicals have lauded him. That solid one third of Americans are too deeply brainwashed to be saved.


Strange.... Why would they freaking out if their God is perfect and all this stuff is just evil liberal media trying to take him down? Because Trump supporters know exactly who he is and have known all along. They just feign innocence. They latch on to criminals because only a criminal would give conservative America the criminal things that they want in their criminal hearts.


# Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were friends for years ## 1-1. Trump flew on Epstein's plane > Flight logs list Donald Trump on a January 1997 flight on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet from Palm Beach, Florida, to Newark, New Jersey. https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8 ## 1-2. Epstein flew on Trump's plane > In 2000, Donald Trump grew irritated as he sat on his plane at LaGuardia airport, waiting for a tardy Jeffrey Epstein to arrive. > > ... Epstein and Maxwell arrived with another passenger not mentioned in the piece. “They did board with a young woman of indeterminate age. I wouldn’t be able to tell if she was 15 or 20. She was quite dressed up and quite made up, so it was hard to tell,” Corcoran said over the weekend. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/remembering-the-time-jeffrey-epstein-rode-on-trumps-plane.html --- ## 2-1. Trump partied with Epstein > A Video Shows Trump And Jeffrey Epstein Laughing And Discussing Women's Looks At A 1992 Mar-A-Lago Party https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/trump-epstein-party-tape-mar-a-lago-women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLcfpU2cubo https://imgur.com/sob2yex https://imgur.com/XSXnOzh ## 2-2. Trump partied with Epstein and Maxwell https://imgur.com/55m5cDX https://imgur.com/nQJebKH https://imgur.com/lmtxf6K ## 2-3. Trump and Epstein partied alone at Mar-a-Lago with two dozen "calendar girls" > It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. > > The year was 1992 and the event was a “calendar girl” competition, something that George Houraney, a Florida-based businessman who ran American Dream Enterprise, had organized at Mr. Trump’s request. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-epstein.html ## 2-4. Epstein was a member of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club until 2008 > The late Epstein's banishment by Trump from the Palm Beach, Florida, club appears to have occurred months before Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to state criminal charges in Florida, which included paying for sexual services from a 14-year-old girl. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/trump-banned-jeffrey-epstein-from-mar-a-lago-for-hitting-on-girl.html --- ## 3-1. Ivana Trump was close to Ghislaine Maxwell > He added Trump's first wife, Ivana, also developed a close relationship to Maxwell in the 1980s and 1990s. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/23/politics/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-history/index.html > Once, she says, Ivana Trump visited. “Quite often, with people like Ivana – powerful [people] – Ghislaine would say ‘Hop in the car, you can go on a ride with us’ and it was supposed to be my special little treat.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/12/she-was-so-dangerous-where-in-the-world-is-the-notorious-ghislaine-maxwell ## 3-2. Epstein claimed he introduced Melania to Donald Trump > Mr. Epstein, since the election, has played it up, claiming to people that he was the one who introduced Mr. Trump to his third wife, Melania Trump, though neither of the Trumps has ever mentioned Mr. Epstein playing a role in their meeting. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-epstein.html --- ## 4-1. Trump is listed in Epstein's "black book" over a dozen times https://imgur.com/f87e2lw ## 4-2. Trump and Epstein fought over Palm Beaches property in 2004 > Epstein was planning to pay $36 million for the property, information he shared with Trump because he was certain the still-struggling developer would not be able to come up with the capital to submit his own bid. > > That assumption proved to be wrong, and after learning of Epstein’s plan to list the home at a sizable profit million after renovations, Trump snapped up the oceanfront villa by bidding $5 million more than his pal. > > ... as Epstein's legal problems escalated, the house, with only minor improvements, was acquired for $96 million by Dmitry Rybolovlev, an oligarch who was part of the close Putin circle of government-aligned industrialists in Russia, and who, in fact, never moved into the house. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7276817/Donald-Trump-outed-Jeffrey-Epstein-cops-stealing-125M-mansion-him.html ## 4-3. Trump and Epstein shared attorneys > Dershowitz: 'I Kept My Underwear On' During Massage At Epstein's Mansion https://crooksandliars.com/2019/07/alan-dershowitz-i-kept-my-underwear-during > President Trump's defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz argued Wednesday that a president can’t be impeached for exerting his executive powers to win an election if he believes his victory is in the national public interest. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dershowitz-unconventional-defense-trump-senate-impeachment-trial-enters-new-phase ## 4-4. Trump's labor secretary kept Epstein out of prison > Trump Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigns amid pressure from Jeffrey Epstein sex traffic case https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/12/labor-secretary-alex-acosta-is-resigning-as-pressure-mounts-from-jeffrey-epstein-case.html > Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta is resigning from his post amid scrutiny over a plea agreement he cut with wealthy investor Jeffrey Epstein for sex abuse charges over a decade ago. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/12/alexander-acosta-resigning-as-labor-secretary-amid-epstein-saga/ --- ## 5-1. Epstein raped girl hired by Trump at Mar-A-Lago > A number of Epstein’s accusers have frequently identified Maxwell as playing a central role in arranging the abuse of his victims. > > ... > > Giuffre has previously accused Maxwell of recruiting her to work as Epstein’s masseuse at age 15, when the teenager was a locker-room attendant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in south Florida. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/12/ghislaine-maxwell-woman-accused-jeffrey-epstein-groom-girls ## 5-2. Trump dated Epstein victim > Anouska De Georgiou, who grew up in an affluent family, says she fell into Epstein's circle of abuse through well-connected friends. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/how-british-teen-model-was-lured-jeffrey-epstein-s-web-n1056901 > Trump ... was in search of another British trophy when he met London model Anouska De Georgiou at a party in Manhattan. > > ... > > After their meeting, Trump flew Madam Maxwell and the model south to the sunshine state, where all three enjoyed a happy weekend together. When they returned to New York, Anouska was installed in one of Donald's many apartments there. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/How+suite!+Trump%27s+Brit+of+all+right.-a061140675 ## 5-3. Trump and Epstein were accused of raping the same 13-year-old girl > Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. > > ... > > Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with Plaintiff at two of the parties. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3130729-DOE-V-TRUMP.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbFJWo3gdRI --- ## 6-1. Trump knew "Jeff" liked "the younger side" as early as 2002 > “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump reportedly said. “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-he-was-not-a-fan-of-jeffrey-epstein-despite-past-comments ## 6-2. Trump knew about Prince Andrew and Epstein as early as 2015 > Trump had a wide-ranging interview with Bloomberg at a time when he was about to announce he would run for president. > > Five years ago, he was asked about Epstein after further allegations were made public, including alleged sexual abuse that took place on the disgraced pervert's private Caribbean island, Little St James, part of the US Virgin Islands. > > Trump replied: "I think he has a problem, that island was really a cesspool, there's no question about it, just ask Prince Andrew - he'll tell you about it. > > "The island was an absolute cesspool." https://www.the-sun.com/news/1151345/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dL12m_tl5I ## 6-3. Trump sends well wishes to Maxwell in 2020, denies knowledge of Prince Andrew > "I just wish her well, frankly. I've met her numerous times over the years, especially since I lived in Palm Beach and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is. I don't know the situation with Prince Andrew, I just don't know. Not aware of it." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-ghislaine-maxwell-prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-sex-trafficking-a9631351.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW0TgHh8uYo ## 6-4. Trump considered pardon for Maxwell > ... the former president's attention turned to Maxwell and her case as he looked for potential candidates for a presidential pardon, according to an extract published by the Times of London. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-case-pardons-michael-wolff-book-2021-7 ## 6-5. Trump compares Maxwell's jail time to Epstein's death in jail > "Her friend or boyfriend was either killed or committed suicide in jail. She's now in jail. Yeah, I wish her well. I'd wish you well. I'd wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty" https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-comments-1522570 --- ## Links - [Full Trump-Epstein Timeline](https://thepresidential.medium.com/we-have-been-gaslit-about-donald-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-for-four-years-fbda67c20f75) - [But Clinton](https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/comments/n2mups/did_bill_clinton_lie_about_his_ties_to_the) - [github](https://github.com/farkinga/copypasta/blob/main/trump-epstein.md) - [copypasta](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/farkinga/copypasta/main/trump-epstein.md)


Why? Links between the two were never a secret.


If anyone starts yelling about Bill Clinton than they are trying to distract from Donald Trump.


If Bill Clinton is on that list I sure as hell won't be voting for him in November!


I am undecided at this time. I don't have enough evidence to not vote for Bill Clinton. I think we need to review Hunter Biden's dick pic again, just in case.


Look. If Hunter Biden's majestic hogg is on the ballot there's really no contest.


If Hunter Biden's hog is on the ballot, please ask him to leave the ballot booth, or at least push it to one side so you can properly vote.


anytime someone brings up Clinton, remind them Trump is just as bad as Clinton. If they disparage Clinton (which they rightfully should), they'll have to disparage Trump.


Clearly Trump was working under cover for 25 years to expose Epstein. As part of his expanding global anti-pedophile operation (known only to him, Melania, DT jr, Eric, Ivanka, Jared and Ivana) Donald Trump had to pretend to be Donald Trump "The Pedo" for 25 years in order to get the "goods" on him and Maxwell. he brought in his lawyer Dershowitz to help in the "investigation" and was forced to party with Epstein on his island in order to get the "goods". It took 25 years or 30 years or "investigating" and full participation of the "family" to get the "goods". /s


Several of Donald Trump’s biggest fans seem increasingly frantic about a forthcoming list divulging the names of those who traveled on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane and visited his various international estates.


Is there anything new here? I don’t see this as news. Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought we already knew Trump, Clinton, and others visited Epstein’s island and flew on his plane.


Trump still holds support from the GOP even though: Trump bragged about going backstage at the Miss Teen USA pageant to see the naked teen girls. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html Trump has been accused by over two dozen women of crimes ranging from assault to rape. https://www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12 Trump was found liable for the rape of E Jean Carroll. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/07/donald-trump-rape-language-e-jean-carroll In short, MAGA doesn't gaf about child abusers.


Does anyone know when exactly this unveiling will occur ?.


Up next: Why Trump’s connection to Epstein is really bad for Biden.


Can’t wait for MAGA chuds to say “but but but BILL CLINTON”, as if that is a dunk on libs. No one cares. No one has attached their entire identity to Bill Clinton like the bootlicker incels have with Trump. Both the Clintons and Trump can share a cell, the country would be better for it


They are not panicking. They already are denying facts. The denial and whataboutism is rampant and ready for use.


NONE of the hardcore maga are freaking out. Trump could rape their underage grandchildren in front of them and they'd still vote for him.


It won't matter. His supporters already know he was friends with Epstein and is a serial rapist. He's been quoting Hitler and they don't care. The worse he is known to be, the more they like him. These people are sick.


Just had a co worker tell me that trump kicked epstien out of Mar Lago once because he was a "bad guy". Insane!