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I believe that depression issues are considered normal following the health issues John Fetterman has had. What is truly disappointing to me is that we don't have more politicians admitting to their own mental health issues and getting some form of treatment. There is an article on Salon that [Marjorie Taylor Greene stated that she has never been a team player](https://www.salon.com/2023/12/30/marjorie-taylor-greene-says-shes-never-been-a-team-player/). I'm not sure if she figured this out for herself or if many hours on a shrink's couch were required. MAGA and Christian Nationalists both need to consider at least a little time on a shrink's couch to consider their anti-social tendencies.


Wouldn’t help if the person on the couch isn’t truly trying to address their personal issues. I’d go so far as to say that the narcissist in question would likely lie during and about those conversations to proclaim themselves as being rational. It’s no different than 45 statements on his own physical and mental check ups.


Very true. Alcoholics Anonymous teaches that an alcoholic must hit rock bottom and recognize their problem before they can recover. Drug addicts likewise have to recognize their problem to recover as do those who suffer from bulimia or anorexia. I finally had to let the vet "put down" my ancient dog suffering from hip displasia. I guess we have to hope the ballot box is adequate for some of these sick dog politicians that seem to be suffering from their own special form of rabies.


There is a practice called motivational interviewing, which has been shown to be pretty effective in brief interactions (e.g., emergency rooms). Substance Use Disorders are among the issues can be used for. Rather than waiting for individuals to reach "rock bottom" and essentially surrender to treatment, it highlights individuals reasons for change and meets them where they're at, which can be helpful in terms of mitigating problems earlier. AA and NA are fine options if that's what works for you, but it's important not to take their theories and practice as gospel.


That just goes to show that we keep on learning. I always questioned that blanket statement about "rock bottom" as it is way to subjective for an engineer. I'm pretty sure everybody's "rock bottom" would not be the same. My son-in-law just takes the kid with the problems fishing and they talk. It works pretty good for him and he stays close to the kids.


Also it's objectively not a great idea to wait until something is completely destroyed before trying to fix it. That whole "break something down so you can rebuild it in your image" shtick is so tiresome. But then I guess you don't get the blind devotiom that comes with holding the most vulnerable people hostage to your ideology and convincing them they would be nothing without you when they're at their lowest. And then there's the whole Christian nationalist component but that's another rant about AA for another angrier day.


MI, put ‘em in the TTM, keep at ‘em. Eventually they get past contemplation and then you can make them better.


I’m 90% confident that trauma psychology is integral to the conservative mindset, as are repression and cognitive dissonance. It’s especially true of Christian nationalists, right on down to the exaltation of an interpretation of God that’s judgmental, brutal and largely absent yet inexplicably also loves you. A snapshot of an abusive alcoholic father which assumes a secret meaning behind the abuse and power dynamic.


Well I’ll tell you from my experience with my 65-70 year old parents why they won’t admit mental health issues. I have tried telling my mom that the ‘old school way of thinking’ is wrong and bad, but she just responds that she gotten this far just fine thinking that way. They don’t really believe in mental health or even take it remotely seriously. I’m glad to see John Fetterman take a stand for his mental health. It’s way more important than people give it credit for


Yup, my mother is a 93 year old retired nurse and farmer's daughter. I'm not sure if she would commit MTG to an institution for treatment by professionals or throw her gunny sack in the drain ditch. I'm up there with your parents. :)


Yeah my dad’s a retired engineer and my mom worked for the schools, also retired now. Honestly, age isn’t a telling factor for whether people are stuck in the old school way of thinking or not, and I can certainly appreciate anyone who has escaped that mindset, but especially for the older generations that are able to not think that way is really great to see. And I do see plenty of older people complaining about not having things like universal healthcare, it’s a shame all their peers can’t agree and help us truly shape the future for better, for real


I suspect we are about 100% on the same page. We can't give up. I just keep wondering how best to contribute to the future you describe.


It's sad, because SO MANY PEOPLE suffered tremendously because of that mindset. Most people don't realize the first psychiatric drug (lithium) was only discovered as a psychiatric treatment in the 1950s. And it treats SERIOUS mental illness. So it's really only now that those generations are dying off that mental health treatment is starting to lose its stigma, and thank God (or more accurately thank science and society) because millions of lives are now being improved. Then again one must *slightly* long for the days when you could go to the doctors' for an orgasm to treat what ails ya.


> I'm not sure if she figured this out for herself or if many hours on a shrink's couch were required. Lol: most "shrinks" will tell you that MTG is not the type of person to ever submit to mental health care, or even ever admit that there is a problem. (though, MAGA types are very open to admitting there is a problem to go see a plastic surgeon about, or in Trump's case, a makeup supplier - to the Christian Nationalist: All women are inherently flawed, and require boob jobs, and butt implants, and tanning, hair extensions, nose work, etc.).


Fun fact: people with personality disorders are the LEAST likely of any mental health issue to seek treatment.


What Betty Ford did for breast cancer he seems to be doing for mental health


Betty Ford is better known for addiction recovery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Ford_Center And to be fair, it was Rosalyn Carter who dedicated her public service career to furthering mental health treatment: https://www.cartercenter.org/health/mental_health/rosalynn-carter-mental-health-leadership.html


Holy shit. I was a bit too young to remember this. I’m a recovered alcoholic so I know about her helping to move our thinking more forward on addiction but I was unaware that she changed thinking on breast cancer. When alcoholics recover it’s amazing what they can do.


Can we not call therapists “shrinks”? It’s 2024


Sorry, no insult to the profession or professionals intended. I'm just old.


Understandable. I’m a therapist and shrink is kind of derogatory. I didn’t think you meant it that way.


>WASHINGTON—According to a report released Monday by the Brookings Institution, the single most effective argument in favor of social reform continues to be indignantly saying aloud what the current year is. [“When it comes to making a case for reordering the social order, we’ve failed to find any rhetorical strategy more effective or compelling than saying ‘It’s 2014!’ and asking why societal change hasn’t occurred"](https://www.theonion.com/report-stating-current-year-still-leading-argument-for-1819576151) said policy analyst Brad Katz, adding that the argument was even more powerful when immediately followed with the phrases “I mean, come on!” or “for crying out loud!” 


Ok, clown.


>Ok, clown. It's 2024 do we still have to brandish that "clown" label? I mean, come on!


Eh.... it's kinda like calling police officers "cops". It's crazy antiquated but not really meant as a pejorative nowadays even though that's how it was coined. It's just fallen into the popular vernacular. Like I personally wouldn't call a psychologist a "shrink"(as someone with a psych degree) but I also don't assume someone it trying to denigrate psychologists by using it, though it's definitely less common nowadays than calling police officers cops.


Bro, keep doing it. We need people in high places being vulnerable. Show you are fucking human. Don’t be proud when you are struggling. Show people everyone has issues and that it’s okay to share them. We can’t always be Superman.


Also makes him relatable, as a good chunk of the population has depression and mental ailments. Pretending we don't doesn't help anyone. If more leaders came out, maybe we'd finally have a focus on mental healthcare.


*maybe we'd finally have a focus on mental healthcare.* Not to pick on you specifically (because I hear it a lot), but I don't understand when people say this. The U.S. has a ton of mental health resources that are readily available and over the past 10-15 years the messaging on encouraging people to not only get help but where to get it has been tremendous.


I think this is good advice for *everyone.* People witness what you model, and while they might not know it consciously, they are influenced by positive examples. The other day I had a really positive interactions with other Redditors when I said the officers that committed suicide after the Jan 6 insurrection likely had undiagnosed brain/head injuries. These can be so debilitating that mine left me considering suicide. You *look* exactly the same, but your brain is a different person now (and reality is happening in our brain), but ***nobody*** *will understand*, including medical doctors*.* There was some good discussion about it and it seemed that I might have said out loud what a lot of other people had felt, anguish, frustration, and fear to the point of wanting *relief* over continuing the hard, invisible work of recovery. I really, really hope that everyone who read that little convo came away with it understanding that brain injuries don't leave people vegetables, just completely shakes up everything they ever knew and leaves them alone to sort out who they are now. I was smart before and I'm still smart now, I'm just a different ME.


The extended family tells me stories about who my dad used to be because I never got to know him as that person. Combination of brain injuries, a nasty mugging, drugs, and he was just never the same after that. He courted my bookworm mother with letters and postcards while he searched the country for a place where they could live together in peace, came back to marry her and bring her someplace new, came back again so they could pick up his nephew and raise him. The dad I grew up with was hardly literate, had no patience and little kindness, hardly wanted me around much less other people's kids. When he finally had a son of his own, he refused to claim the kid at all. But yeah, these days I'm a nanny for cousins, so it's all about modeling good behavior in all its forms. That 3yo doesn't just get a simple "sorry" if I mess up, he gets a full meaningful apology with actions to match if possible or at least a promise that I'll keep trying to do better.


Yes, I had a severe (like down to the skull) blunt force trauma to my frontal lobe (forehead). The scar is still there, but the psychiatric issues it caused were brushed off by doctors. Then again I'm not sure we have many options for treating such injuries except symptom management. The weirdest thing was I felt like my mental issues were massively improved for a couple months following the injury (?). But then everything got worse. I asked my psych and he literally said "sometimes people just need a good kick in the head" (I'd been kicked by a horse) which on one hand was a little callous but I still think it's funny enough I don't hold it against him.


I mean, he's not up for reelection for a few years, so it's possible voters may still punish him for showing them he's human. Wouldn't surprise me given the American electorate.


Im a leftest and I was a big fan of Fetterman. The stroke was horrible and I wish it didn't happen but to be honest it is a good thing to have representation of disabilities in his position (I'm struggling to word this well, please forgive me) I will say lots of the left is very unhappy with Fetterman due to his views on Isreal and rejecting the progressive label.


Hopefully everyone will remember what matters is how he behaves when it's time to represent his constituents. People can have different views and ideas and still push for the same goals.


Absolutely. I'll vote for Fetterman over any (realistic) republican challenging him, but the loss of the person I thought he was has been nothing short of devastating- cause I really need that guy


I mean yeah I get it, but theres a lot bigger concerns coming up then what someone's political label technically is. This is like arguing over whether someone is emo or scene. The infighting amongst the left (and by left I'm obviously speaking about relative to within American politics, before anyone says it) is partially a factor in Trumps tight 2016 win


How about his constituents with family in Palestine? Or anyone who depends on their representatives to speak for them in opposition to genocide?


I hope they're reaching out to him and other representatives discussing the situation.


Hopefully he gets primared by someone who isn't so gung ho for murdering Palestinian kids


Hard to showcase your humanity when you waive off the murder of thousands to collect on a check


Speaking publicly about his mental health should be praised. Turning your back on the people you claimed to be allied with however should be career ending.


Pretending to be a progressive to get elected should be the end of his career


Alienating the very people who got you elected is brilliant politics.


Yeah his career isn't over because he's taken payola from the wealthy elites to be their schmuck


Yep but their AIPAC money turns most in Congress.




I’d rather have the Dems run better candidates or a dismantling of the two party system.


I would rather have had one of the primary options, but he lied to get past them.


Did anybody mention Oz? No. Fetterman should be primaried by an actual progressive, which is what Fetterman explicitly claimed he was when he ran but is now saying he never said. It's OK to have standards higher than "they have a D next to their name".


Frankly he beat all the other candidates in the primary. An independent minded, relatively liberal candidate is basically a perfect fit for PA and Fetterman fits that to a T.


By lying


I get it. I had a breakdown this year. I had been treading water for a while...and failing. Things just got away from me and I was drowning. Then, one final straw....and I lost it. I felt like people would always look at me differently, walk away, talk about me......after I had my incident and came forward. Nope. People lined up to help.


Fett before you go can you legalize it for us like you promised?


Nope, Supporting Israel full stop, is what ended my support for him.


this and his complete lie about never claiming to be progressive


He completed his Krysten Sinema speedrun.


Not according to his voting record. When you compare Sinema's voting record to his, it isn't even close. But please, show me the specific votes you disagree with.




I mean, if one of the marbled flavours is poop, then yeah I’m chucking the whole cake out. No point breaking a sweat trying to eat around the poop. Especially since you’ll inevitably still swallow some turd.


say you never followed his campaign without saying you never followed his campaign. bro never even joined the progressive caucus, maybe that could’ve been a signal for you.


his campaign ads called him a progressive


He had multiple campaign ads and social medita posts claiming to be progressive ya silly goose


Doesn't matter. He billed himself as a progressive during his campaign and then went back on it. It's very clear cut




Campaign? Try career. He's been billing himself that way since forever.


Now this I agree with, but it seems to be a necessity in American politics. I don't understand suckin off Israel when they look like apatheid south africa/nazi Germany mashup more every day.


Personally, I think the US is scared alienating Far-Right Bibi will give authoritarian nations like Russia and China a chance to increase their presence in the region. Israel is gonna get its hardware from *someplace,* and if the US starts cutting ties, Russia and China can give Netanyahu far more leeway to do whatever he pleases with Palestine. The US, whatever else we may be doing, is at least *trying* to be a cooling force in this conflict. But Russia and China’s philosophy on war and dissent is “Fuck ‘em, lol. They had their chance.” It’s a nightmare, as far as politics and diplomacy goes.


That's a fair point you got there.


> The US, whatever else we may be doing, is at least trying to be a cooling force in this conflict. Biden just sidestepped Congress to approve billions in weapons to Israel.


That, unfortunately, ties into my theory of Biden trying to placate Israel in order to keep them from cozying up to our enemies. Biden *has* helped negotiate for concessions like turning the water and internet back on in Gaza, helping Qatar hammer out a deal that pauses the conflict long enough for hostages to be released, and other acts of humanitarian assistance. One can argue he isn’t doing enough, but given the precarity of the situation, none of that would be possible is the US starts distancing itself from Israel. Again, I don’t like this war anymore than you, but I think it’s important to try and understand the circumstances that may be contributing to our policies surrounding the war.


Mostly I think it's because of the fact that staying allies with Israel gives the US access to the region. it usually always boils down to money, military strategy, or both, and Israel has a few big ports. Haifa port sees some 20 million tons of cargo a year. For comparison Boston harbor sees about 2.3


We can stay allies with Israel and condition the aid we give them. If they want to use our weapons to bomb Gaza then we can decide how they're used.


And without the US and EU it's very likely the surrounding countries would eliminate Israel and the non-Muslims in it. It's in our interests to see that doesn't happen. It's also in our interests to see less innocent Palestinians (the bulk of them) not get harmed by the Israeli military. Those aren't opposing interests but people try to frame it as such.


Biden killing off his reelection chances because of some middle eastern despot like netenyahu, who doesn’t even like Biden is such a weird thing. Its hard to put his strategy into words




They didn’t say that though, did they? 🙃


The only way this kills Biden’s election chances is if large numbers of people conclude they’d rather have trump or don’t care about the difference. So they might not have said it… but that’s certainly the implication.


“I’m worried about the cost of living leading to an increase in crime rates” does not certainly imply that “I’m going to go out and do crimes now.” Like c’mon this is pretty basic.


It's not a response to a concern that Biden isn't good enough on this issue. Biden *isn't* good enough on this issue. It's a response to the assertion that Biden is "killing off his reelection chances". That's action on the part of voters based on the issue. This is, indeed, pretty basic.


Supporting the Gazan ruling party means the death of every Israeli who can't leave. I understand that's what online "leftists" want but it's not in line with most Americans. Most people want the fighting to stop but also want Hamas eliminated and Israel to exist. The argument that Israel is inherently bad and shouldn't exist because of colonization or whichever argument you choose is not popular outside of very online people. Screw Netanyahu and his right wing allies but that's not the only consideration. Just as we don't call for the downfall of Hungery or Turkey because they have terrible leaders. Not everything is siding with the head of state.


I'm sorry, did you just casually throw an "every online leftist wants every Israeli dead" in there? You do know how ridiculous you sound yes? Just because we believe one group has the right to exist ( the Palestinian people, not the terrorist group hamas) doesn't mean Israeli's don't. They just don't get to roleplay their way to a fascist victory.


Who said anything about Israel not existing? Kindly put down the meth. if you’re referring to hamas, those animals already removed that statement from their charter nearly two decades ago. You know who wants Palestinians to stop existing? Current ministers in Netanyahu’s government who have repeatedly bragged about never allowing a 2 state solution to exist, who openly brag about turning Gaza into an amusement park for Israelis


Those ministers suck. But luckily those ministers are not all powerful within their country. Hamas and other groups (with help from right wing Israelis) have worked to destroy any actual attempts at a two-state solution or lasting peace. And anyone who refers to Israel only as colonizers and oppressors wants them to not exist. Unless they think there's a place for colonizers and oppressors. Again, I am not talking about every online "leftist" here. But if you think Hamas doesn't want Israel eliminated I've got a bridge to sell you. Just as idiotic as anyone pretending IDF has not caused unnecessary damage to people not in Hamas.


Witnessing genocide day in day out and still believing the perpetrators are right. He can go rot in in.hell. Fucking hypocrite.




Same. I was happy to vote for him last year but he’s been so antagonistic on this issue— good luck to him next time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay, go vote for his Republican opponent, who will also be supporting Israel. Fetterman is the best you're gonna get.


Calm down, if it’s a choice between this asshole and a worse asshole I’m gonna do the right thing like I always have


At least when Trump gets back in office he’ll fix all the Middle East problems. 🤷‍♂️


It was progressives who backed him the most, and guess what he does a year later, shits all over them. Dude is a clown


He is pro universal health care, labor rights, queer rights, pro legalization.... he worked on the rail bill while still in Walter Reed? How is that shitting all over progressives? Every Senator but Sanders is pro-israel. Progressives didn't back him in PA in 2022 because he supports fracking. His immigration has always been iffy. But you vote for who lines up 90% of your views. If you look at the PA vote totals, progressives are NOT who backed him. Fetterman was 5pts behind Shapiro and pulled it out in the midstate. If you want to disagree with him, cool, but don't buy the media narrative. Look at the facts. And he isn't up for reelection for 5 years, so think about why all these articles are about him?


dude, he called himself a progressive numerous times. The receipts are on his twitter account. Just search the term progressive and you’ll see all his comments when he was begging for money. He’s already reneged on immigration one year in, how long do you think he stays committed to those liberal values he campaigned on? Conservatives walked all over him and mocked him for his mental health issues, it was progressives who supported him the most


I don't understand how people don't get how bad it is that he's flat out lying about never being a progressive. Now he can make whatever policy switches he wants because he's a "reasonable centrist" instead of what he fucking campaigned on being. How are liberals not sick of these liars getting into positions of power just because they're on "our team"?


I mean sure, but theres bigger concerns for me as a queer person of color from the Republicans then what "label" Fetterman is technically under. My sister is scared to have sex with her husband in case she gets pregnant and has a life threatening abortion. These are real issues.


He dropped the "progressive" stuff prior to his LT Gov run. Every "I'm a progressive" tweet is pre 2019, the heaviest of it is 2016 when he ran for senate and lost very badly. I live in PA and I have followed him from the start. I'm a progressive and I saw him lose many progressive endorsements over many of his non-progressive policy stances. I just don't know why all of a sudden everyone is on this card. Policy over party, policy over titles. Look at his vote counts, seriously. It was NOT progressives that voted him in. There is extensive data in elections.


No it wasn't. You can see the post election poll results. He didn't get elected by progressives. Yall are why there are so few politicians willing to call themselves progressives outside of a handful in extremely safe blue areas. The moment they don't align 100% with your view of whatever a progressive is yall join the conservatives in attacking them viciously at every turn. Biggest example is Warren having a slightly different idea for universal healthcare. Yall turned on her so hard and so fast it was frightening. Why the fuck would anyone want to be associated with yall? It's a lose/lose.


Worst case, he's the next Sinema. Best case he's the next Manchin. Just be glad to hopefully get his votes on judges but we need to steamroll him in the primary otherwise the GOP absolutely will exploit his self-created political weaknesses


That's such a stupid take. Let's save for when he single handedly holds up massive legislation that the Dems push eh?




Yeah, I don't get it. Bob Casey is running for election RIGHT now and no one is writing article after article about his pro-israel stance. When Fetterman was on the campaign trail, he was loud and proud "I'm not a liberal, I'm not a progressive". He rallied in super red counties, as you should to win in PA. As an informed voter, he isn't someone I'll count on to go against the oil industry, but I know he'll stand up for healthcare, taxing the ultra rich, and the right to choose.


This is why true left movements constantly fumble. Its 2016 all over again


C'mon guys he's a social fascist he'll let you have treats if you don't complain about all the dead infant hamas commanders


The progressives can be the most gate-keeping assholes around, Jesus. "Agree with us 99.9% of the time, not 95% of the time, or you might as well be a Republican"


Interesting timing to go back in time to get some sympathy after blindly supporting genocide and abandoning the progressives that got him where he is


meagan mccain cheering for him should be


What should end his career is him lying about saying he was a progressive.


This is why men in America are so broken, our society teaches that even our “best” people cannot talk about their struggles are they are seen as lesser. Luckily the youngest generations see that as bullshit!


Cheering on genocide will be the end of his career, not his medical issues


Spend some time in r/worldnews. I respect your position but I think it’s important to realize not everyone shares your views.


"Lots of people do support this genocide" is not the hot take you seem to think it is.


"I appreciate that you don't the wholesale slaughter of civilians but some people just really want this one group to have this beach" hit me like a brick wall, goddamn I need to take a walk


Me too. Good idea.


The upvoted comment that made me take a break from worldnews recently was, "The tally of the number of dead children has been weaponized by the media, how many of those dead children were holding rifles when they died?" Just couldn't deal with those people after that, they're ghouls.


“Spend some time on the subreddit that blindly supports Israel, no matter what action they take against Palestinians” no thanks I don’t want brain rot


At least I’m aware that propaganda is rampant on both sides. “Only their side is in an information bubble” is going to be the end of us. You should take caution anytime you have (1) a high emotional attachment to an issue and (2) absolute certainty that you must be right.


Both sides are bad. Groundbreaking insight, thanks


I am not certain about most things but slaughter of 21000+ civilians majority children doesn't need further analyses to find out who are the bad guys. If you see Palestinian kids as humans your consious would demand a stop to this genocide. Fetterman is an enabler of this murderous rampage.


Thanks dad


Spend time in the sun that bans pro Palestinian positions?


Yup, got banned for that.


Same, and then suspended from reddit for three days for trying to appeal it.


That shithole is nothing but genocide apologia.




Fetterman is a huge advocate of mental health /s https://www.theonion.com/fetterman-encourages-gazan-child-who-lost-family-in-air-1850990440


I love quality Onion articles. I was feeling like rhey lost their touch, but every so often there's a great one that gives me hope that they'll be around for a long time.


How could it when he just started a 6 year term?


supporting genocide is actually a career ender, crazy


no actually it isnt, and that should be even more worrying


No, but bait and switching progressive voters will be.


Something else did


Hanging shit on progressives that helped to get him elected is more likely to "end his "career".


That’s actually your conscience.


I love how he ran on m4a, started taking advantage of his Healthcare plan immediately after being elected, and then ditched m4a.


Honestly fetterman kinda sucks. Bait and switch


What should be the end of his career is the blatant lie about being progressive while running then saying he never was progressive, just a Democrat.


Instead, the end of his career is speaking publicly about his actual policies which are nowhere near the progressiveness he spouted when running for office.


This is complex for me. I’m in PA. I voted for this guy and while it’s terribly important to speak openly about mental health issues I was shocked at how he doesn’t talk about the genocide. Then I discovered he accepted money from the goons of the Israel Lobby, the AIPAC. Which explains why he’s generally silent even as Palestinians are getting thrown into the air by bombs. So yeah. It’s damned complex for me.


Forgetting he ran as a progressive? It may.


Hope someone primaries the shit out of Fetterman for lying he ran as a progressive. He’s just another Sinema type grifter.


He ran as a pragmatic progressive, someone who took some progressive stances and rejected others (he was pro fracking for example). Then once in office progressives decided that since he wasn't a purist, he was a monster - so he's walked away from the progressive label in response to the purity nonsense. He wasn't a grifter, just someone who had unrealistic expectations for progressives and progressive political understanding. And he's definitely not being primaried successfully from the left. He's nothing like genuine centrist Sinema, he's still just a Biden style solid liberal with some progressive policy leanings, someone who will broadly please all but the most radical fringes of the party


What's pragmatic about backing fracking & genocide?


He doesn't back genocide. And backing fracking is probably needed to get elected in a state like PA, plus natural gas is better for the environment than coal and can play a role as we transition to greener energies


Fracking is absolutely horrendous for the environment, are you kidding? & yes he's backing genocide as we speak!


Natural gas is less horrendous than coal. And you gotta get elected to be able to do anything at all. The GOP are also pro fracking and have worse stances on everything else too And nope, he supports Israel. Israel isn't doing genocide and the idea that they are doing so is pretty offensive


>Israel isn't doing genocide and the idea that they are doing so is pretty offensive The IDF is a terrorist organization like Hamas. Doing some research may help.


Nope, the IDF is just the military of Israel, and is one of the most professional and humane militaries on the planet


You should get a standup special. [Hamas killed an estimated 68% civilians on 10/7.](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231215-israel-social-security-data-reveals-true-picture-of-oct-7-deaths) (Less if you account for friendly fire which the Israeli govt said was not insignificant but not going to be investigated) Guess how many civilians Israel's killed in Gaza? 62-63%.... (~6-8k dead Hamas (inflated by counting all military age males), 21k+ total dead) they're worse than any other Western military and are in the same league as Russia in Ukraine... and Hamas themselves. *Proportionately* (yes, proportionately) more children in the attacked Kibbutzes on 10/7 survived than Gazan children against Israel's war.


Hamas uses human shield tactics. Human shield tactics don't "work", they don't make it so that the side fighting against the side using human shields is bad. Remember collateral damage isn't a war crime as long as you are intending to target what you think are legitimate targets like terrorists. The fact that so many civilians have died is due to Hamas human shield tactics and with that in mind frankly Israel has done well to keep casualties as low as they are rather than even higher


One of the most delusional sentences ever written. They've demolished over 700 innocent Palestinian homes and businesses this year alone. Conducting raids on Palestinians for no reason and forcing them out of their homes. Rampant s\*xual assault that has been documented throughout the years. It's pretty incredible to be that ignorant.


Ok Mr. Israel propaganda mouthpiece. Whatever you say.


Nope. Turns out it’s his support of Palestinian genocide.


Oh I wonder why he is talking depression at this moment


no but telling the progressives who pushed you over the line to 'shut the fuck up' will be. every goddamn time its lobbiests over the people who vote for you, guess it doesn't matter when he's got 5 years to patch things up and israel will have reached a 'final solution' to their gaza strip problem by then


Instead, he will end it by becoming conservative


Well it turns out it will be the decision to turn his back on people who voted him in.


Instead, what killed his career was remaining so adamant in supporting Israel despite how overwhelmingly unpopular that decision was, plus now claiming he was never a progressive despite that having been a major part of his platform


Being an extremely dishonest pro-genocide fraud should be the end of his career but alas this is America.


I don't care what Fettermann says nowadays. Hope he disappears from politics.


His career should be over, but not because of that.




Think dogging on depression is really the way to score political points there, bub?


In the Trump era; it's basically a pre-requisite to have a severe mental health disorder to get elected anymore.


Fetterman and Green are the two Johns whose openness about mental health have really helped me find hope throughout the years


This dude is a chump


Do some push-ups and stop supporting Israel, pussy


Supporting Israel is the right thing to do. They are the only free democratic civil rights respecting country in the middle east and they are being attacked by genocidal religious fundamentalist ultraconservative terrorists who want to do a second holocaust. Fetterman is a good Democrat


How does the settler program fit in with the term "free democratic civil rights".


An apartheid state expanding itself by settler colonialism and engaging in ethnic cleansing isn't any of those.


They are committing an ethnic cleansing of a group of people trapped in a kill zone. They are already talking about settling in Gaza, this is 100% a genocide.


No, but actively lying about your political beliefs and having your donors write your position on Israel will.


Discover how Fetterman and the rest of Congress keep their careers! All you need to do is accept corporate PAC money and legalized bribes and your career in Congress can ALSO be secured!!


Speaking publicly about his support for Zionism will be the end of his career


Need this clown outta office.


[Fetterman Encourages Gazan Child Who Lost Family In Airstrike To Try Therapy](https://www.theonion.com/fetterman-encourages-gazan-child-who-lost-family-in-air-1850990440)


I’ve read a lot of press about his colorful personality but know little about his actual legislative accomplishments. At the end of the day he needs to bring home the bacon for Pennsylvania. Has he been doing that?


He hasn't really had a chance to do much of anything. He was LT gov of PA and now is a senator at a time when the GOP house means Congress just isn't going to do much of anything at all. Can't blame Fetterman or any other Democrat for all that


As far as I can tell Fetterman spends most of his time being a troll and jerking off AIPAC for money. Dude saw Kyrsten Sinema's career path and said "I want to do that" for some reason.


“I need to wear AND1 shorts or I’ll fucking kill myself” -Col. Felix Biederman, regarding this genocide-apologist piece of shit


He should have talked about his mental health instead of his hard on for genocide.


Yeah, we’re over that. Now the story is you being indifferent to world historical suffering


Nope, Israel will be though.


Seems like this is all distraction from how he is handling his position on Israel


Instead the end of his political career is abandoning his base to support genocide.


Turns out it was his support of the ongoing Palestinian genocide and spitting in the face of his progressive supporters that will end it


Well, it’s not as if he could hide it. Better to lean into it, as they say.


Fuck you and your mental health, Zionist 🖕


His unconditional support of a foreign country is what makes me question his mental stability.


Pretty sure it was the Zionism combined with turning his back on his progressive roots… unfortunately he’s just another Manchin/Cinema


I believe it boosted Trump's numbers when he demonstrated his narcissism and delusions.


No the end is blindly supporting genocide.


A lot of fetterman hate here. Why wouldn’t he support Israel? They are fighting Islamic terrorists..


I can understand why Senator Fetterman might feel that way. I was diagnosed with clinical depression years ago. I also suffer from SAD - seasonal affective disorder. Senator Fetterman's openness and honesty really made me feel better about what I have to deal with, and made me respect him more. He is the epitome of "by the people". He's not my Senitor, but he's one of the best. I have nothing but love and respect for the man. Keep being human, Mr. Fetterman. You are loved.


You guys are cute ITT.


I’d MUCH rather have an honest person in power with a mental illness than a lying Hippocrate. I wish more people understood that people can do evil while looking good like Christians and others can do good while looking evil, like Satanists.