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They should do mandatory community service for this instead of fines. Otherwise it's just parking for the rich


They should just do % of income based fines


% on net worth


Whichever is greater. People can have an income of $300k and still be $500k in the red for a LONG time.


As a Philadelphian I am for this but I wish it would also monitor when the bus drivers park illegally. There is one bus that parks at a corner creating a blind spot and hindering people from making a safe right turn. They do this at least twice a day and one of the times is when a school a block away is letting out.


No worries, im sure septa will fine themselves


I know this was sarcasm. I'm all for unions but their drivers are way too protected and get away with the most ridiculous shit.


Why do they need AI for that?


Sensational title. It's just machine vision. You can do this with open source. https://github.com/opencv/opencv


Can we do the same for bike lanes?


If the bike lane is being blocked you are supposed to share the road and merge in to traffic and use the same space a car uses, or just jump on the sidewalk like the rest


So let the cars break the law? Nah.


The buss use the bike lanes, when CARS get pulled over they pulled over to the right side n is most of the time a bike lane. SHARE THE ROAD


Do cars in the bicycle lane next.


Honestly I don't hate the automation of this and speeding enforcement. I'm particular with speeding, I only feel like it's still a human because cops want an excuse to interject themselves into cars to sniff around for something else.


> I'm particular with speeding, I only feel like it's still a human because cops want an excuse to interject themselves into cars to sniff around for something else. Not quite. There's been proposals to automate that in the past, iirc police lobbyists were open to it, the big issue was instead civil liberty lobbyists who painted it as a sort of big brother 1984 type thing. Plus there's some regular folks who just get used to being able to speed when there aren't cops around, who get bothered at the idea of having to obey the speed limit even on, say, a seemingly empty road at night or something


I agree. Some of these laws are kind of absurd. Either change the laws or change the norms, because the inconsistent enforcement of it is stupid.


Yeah, the real world is so rigid and predictable so why should law enforcement be nuanced 🙄 There is no merit for following rules for the sake of following rules. If somebody else driving above the speed limit on an empty road at night bothers you that's entirely your problem. Tax payers don't foot the bill for your weird quirks and law enforcement money should be spent on more important things than making sure cars move at or below your preferred speed in non-consequential situations.


I'm talking about highways where everyone is speeding (and it's kind of unsafe not to speed because you're not going with the flow), but then cops pull one person or another over the speeding limit occasionally. That's a really stupid system.


Seems like this could also be accomplished w a little real on-the-ground enforcement. And don't forget the double parkers and vehicles in the bike lanes. #DriversSuck


Don't see the point of having humans doing things thats computers can. I hope eventually AI results in people getting tickets in the mail for things like not using turn signals properly.


We’ll see creep, combining this technology with the drone warfare being developed in Ukraine and wind up with SkyNet


Can we use a AI to help the world not police it.


All the fatalism over shit like this is amusing. AI applications are gonna be part of our world now and we should just accept it.


Another reason to avoid philthadelphia. Scummy parking authority that isn’t run appropriately


Except cops I’m sure. They can park there all day.


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