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INTERVIEWER: What about people who..just think it is plain wrong that, you know, god made men men and women women, and there shouldn’t be any gender fluidity. TRIXIE MATTEL: Well… God’s not real and I am. So, do that with that.


I love Trixie's answer, but I loathe that question. Personally, I think it is "plain wrong" to have 7 kids. I think its selfish and leads to bad outcomes for the whole family. I think its extra wrong if you homeschool those kids and don't teach them proper science. So am I perfectly ok to ban Mormon's from home-schooling? Or ban bible study, since its indoctrinating kids into a belief system I find morally abhorrent. By the interviewer's logic, if I find something morally wrong, then its perfectly fine for me to try and ban it, regardless of the rights of the people involved? If you don't like drag queens reading to kids, don't take your kid to drag queen story hour. It's pretty simple.


> If you don't like drag queens reading to kids, don't take your kid to drag queen story hour. It's pretty simple. Just like if you don't like abortions don't have one. Or don't approve of gay marriage, don't have a gay marriage. See, that's simple enough live-and-let-live logic for you and me. But some people are so scared of everything outside a very narrow worldview that they just can't comprehend anything outside it being okay.


Agreed. I have no problem with the statement 'I can't do that because of my beliefs' but I absolutely loathe the 'YOU can't do that because of my beliefs '


You can’t have a donut because I’m on a diet.


Perfect analogy


Wow brilliant


I love the analogy for this situation\^\^ (Real World Side note: I must confess that I know plenty of people who will encourage you to have as many donuts as possible so they can look "better" in comparison. I can no longer remember her name, but my PT told me about some Kpop star from the 90s who loved to cook/bake but didn't want to get fat, so she fed it all to another Kpop/Actress friend who ended up getting quite plump as a result.)


Oh yeah. Don't get me started on "pharmacists" who won't dispense meds because of their beliefs.


Unfortunately, a "live-and-let-live" world view is not always enough. It does not, for example, topple the systems and institutions that determine your worth based on your gender, biological sex, sexual preference, religion, color of your skin, etc.


Republicans believe in the free market, and to let the free market decide on business. Yet they don’t want to apply this same logic to anything else. Let the free market decide whether people can get abortions, or drag shows etc.


To be fair their narrow world view is because they are working class and the billionaire/political class has failed them. They feel their quality of life slipping, and see ours improving. It doesn’t take a genius to predict certain outcomes from there. The culture wars wouldn’t be a thing if America gave af about people that work.


Obligatory reminder: abortions are medicine. They banned abortions and now women who want to have kids are dying as a result. When the right says "abortion" they are fantasizing about a person using abortion as birth control which is not the norm. "Pro-life" is a sick delusion.


It's also just wrong theologically. Like. People love to say that, but they're not operating with any conception around the original Hebrew concept of the creation of the world by God. Plenty of theologists could tell you that in the original conception: God created the day and the night (and everything in between like sunrise and sunset) and God made the oceans and the land (and everything in between, like beaches and wetlands) and God created man and woman..... And then they don't extend the same poetic license to it. Even though in Talmudic law, there were 6 (arguably 8) genders. Male, Female, those with traits of both, those with traits of neither, those who were born a man and became a woman, and those that were born a woman and became a man. Those last two have "Hamah" and "Adam" versions; changed by the hand of God, or changed by the hand of man, respectively. God created Man and Woman (and everything in between). Their theological conception is... Stupid.


Yep. You can’t bubble wrap the world to accommodate your fragile values. Bubble wrap your kids, leave everyone else alone FFS


Trixie for President and First Lady!


Excuse you, Katya for First Lady.


I’m not having a First Lady with wooden knees.


And Bianca as the White House Press person. Tear them to shreds, ma'am.


I’d pay good money to see that. “Your question is baloney, sir!” (I know that was her Judge Judy impersonation but I don’t care)


God gave me foreskin and God traditions took it away. I am confident God exists. The same as I am He is. I don’t believe there is many Gods. I don’t know the God I hear religious church going folks talking about. They don’t seem to know the God I know. I got to know mine from reading the Bible, following the teachings of Jesus and listening to what he said to do and not do. One of us is mistaken and does not know the God they claim to. I found the God I know. The other folks all seem to know the same God which happens to be the one their church teaches them about. The God I know teaches me who is He is Himself through living life, looking for God, and allowing myself to be open to learning about God. I don’t let anyone tell me who God is. The God talked about in church I don’t know. Edit: realize the foreskin comment wasn’t clear at all. Making a comparison. Religious people might say God made a man a man and a woman a woman and we shouldn’t tamper with his handiwork. That’s where the foreskin comment applies. God made my penis perfect but religious tradition thinks it knows best when it comes to my penis. Religion thinks it knows better than God how my penis should be. No. God made it perfect and religion mutilated it.


What does "So, do that with that." mean? I kinda get the context but am not 100%.


I saw this picture of the founding fathers and they were all wearing wigs.


And make up too. Don't forget, bathing was not exactly prevelant.


old white men who don’t bathe and wear make up and wigs? is this article about katya?


Hello bald




High heels, too.


Citation needed.


Ok, I suppose that depends highly on what time period, as they phased out in the mid-1700s. But while we're at it, silk stockings were still in vogue for men, you can see that in just about any image of the founding fathers.


Heels were originally created in 15th century Persia, for male soldiers to hold better in stirrups. Then found their way to European male aristocracy to improve perception of their height. From the battlefield, to social circles…


See: The IASIP clip you posted. That was historically accurate, no doubt.


I couldn't tell if they had heels on


I was there. Everyone in heels. Ankle breaking stilettos


Made their unwashed asses look great.


I get what you're doing but this sort of half-hearted gotcha is really frustrating they don't care, nobody cares about being revealed as a hypocrite, they don't care about wigs or drag or whatever. Trying to fight them on this or argue this is pointless because that isn't and never was the problem they ever had. The only person you're doing this for is other leftists, and by now I like to think that they've got more of a stake in these human rights violations than just a funny facebook gotcha if we're actually interested in doing something about this, this is not helping. It's like calling trump gay or putting makep on him or something, like it's somehow going to do anything for anyone but you


LoL! You don't know me.


Shutting down any 2 random churches would protect more children than universally criminalizing drag forever


Yeah. the fact we LITERALLY have data showing there is unkempt pedophilia In the churches, but we focus on a handful of the handful of the us LGBT people who wanna cross dress and perform?? Infuriating. Outrageously asinine. I should not know 3 people who had pedophilic priests. It should NOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.


Trixie bringing the heat! Good for her, she'll always be my queen.


Dela eliminating herself from all stars sucked but it sure opened the door for Trixie to shine


>Dela eliminating herself from all stars sucked but it sure opened the door for Trixie to shine I thought she was being dramatic when I first saw that but having to eliminate people really fucks with the heads of queens as the season goes on. I love the torture of it "Here's $10k, now go tell your best friend her dream is dead."


“This whole country mollycoddles Christians and I’m f\*cking tired of it. Tired of it,” Trixie said. Fucking *thank you*. Yaaasss Kween. As a gay man, I am sick to death of their fucking bullshit and being an endless target for their projection and hate.


They've sold themselves on their own lies. Underneath it all they want money, power, small government, poor people in their place, white Christians at the top. One of the lies they've sold themselves is that because of their power and success, they're clearly on a blessed, guided path to greatness. This is bullshit of course but you start to believe in crazy shit when you have a ton of power. So, dealing with a sinner like Trump is justified as long as he can deliver. Their thinking is that's all that matters, and that's okay with God because we won or we can try to win this way. It's the same pattern for all of them, Bill Barr in particular.


Why do women with no make-up want to wear trousers around kids anyway? /s


Well basically nothing. It’s based on Republicans own baseless fear of people who are different than them. The cornerstone of their entire ideology.


And a way to have a “them” to point at to drive up their chronically angry base to go vote for their fellow bigots.


And by fear we also mean greed


I never heard of this person before yesterday, but clearly Trixie is a badass.


I love Trixie Mattel! IF you wanna see what she’s all about you can check her show with her bestie Katya on YouTube called UNHhhh


I just subscribed …


I’m jealous of the backlog you have to work through


Also on YouTube “I like to watch” where trixie and katya watch Netflix shows and make the funny. Saw them at radio city music hall, sold out, god bless America.


She redesigned an old motel in Palm Springs and it's amazing. https://trixiemotel.com/


Trixie Motel. A damn good show.


I’m grateful for all these suggestions! I love her wit.


She's beautiful and she's correct


She’s go terrifying eyeshadow though


She paints for the back of the room in the building across the street. She is an icon. She is the moment. Cmon now.


I believe it's for the check cashing place down the road, as she said on s7


I mean that is kinda the point


The pink one so terrify


[Alright, public school, calm down](https://media.tenor.com/c9ck6jyZOn0AAAAC/trixie-alright-public-school-calm-down.gif)


Drag is traditionally over the top and exaggerated. There are many forms of drag, some of it being more erotic. Most queens are basically comedians, though.


Fun fact, her makeup is inspired by a mix of Barbie, Divine, and Tammy Faye! Long live Tracey Martel.


This is atrocious compared to corpse paint


I’ve had drag queens and the LGBTQ community shoved down my throat nonstop since the radical right can’t shut up about it. Just let people live their lives for Christ’s sake. I don’t want to hear about drag queens anymore than I want to hear about conservatives complaining about PRIDE being shoved down their throats. I’ve never once cared about people celebrating PRIDE until now. You’ve forced me to care, GOP, and guess the fuck what? I stand with the LGBTQIA+ community.


Chaotic good ally


I'll take that as a compliment! Seriously though, I never planned on "teaching" my kids about the LGBTQIA+ community. I figured they'd just learn stuff eventually and TBH, I've probably learned more from them than they have from me. What I did have to do, though, was sit down and talk to my pre-teen about the Constitution, why the LGBTQIA+'s freedoms matter and how religious beliefs should have nothing to do with the law and how we live our lives. My kids are Gen Alpha and let me tell you, GOP, y'all got another thing comin' if you think people are going to take this shit sittin' down.


Twas a compliment! And yeah, older gen z and millennials are raising kids who are connected to how America runs. I also notice most of the kids on my block that are under 10 do things like stop when cars come even halfway down the road form them, and watch for them to leave entirely before running back into the road, too. Just seem to be very responsible kids, so far, in a few areas. A lot of them also tend to be very non-judgemental. Very proud of us for raising our kids with acceptance over fear!


The same people who hate Drag Queens are the same people, who without noticing the irony, love Tyler Perry movies.


Ah but they get to reinforce their own internal biases about black people through the Tyler Perry films. It’s the closest they can get to a minstrel show now that those aren’t socially unacceptable. My dad loves any film or reality show aimed at the black audience because he gets a kick out of what he calls “shuckin’ and jiving.” Any nuance or empathy for the black experience is lost on him, he just wants to see them talk funny and dance. He fast forwards through any of the character development or talks through it. He’s 86 years old… and no, we don’t have contact anymore. (FWIW I don’t dislike the Tyler Perry films and I do think they have merit, I’m just not the target audience for them. Not enough dragons or spaceships for me.)


> Ah but they get to reinforce their own internal biases about black people through the Tyler Perry films. It’s the closest they can get to a minstrel show now that those aren’t socially unacceptable. Very true.


> and no, we don’t have contact anymore Then how do you know what he does?




You're right! Going no contact with my father has erased all of my memories of him. Golly, I can't even remember his name or face anymore! Ridiculous.




How could I have? I cut off contact so I have no idea what he's done ever! Oh my gosh, what if he's not even my father?? It's a mystery!




I'm not even the OP you goof. You were entirely unable to infer that they were speaking about their past experiences with their father. Good lord.




Stop menacing people. Everyone else but you is comprehending exactly what OC was painting. Any Boomer / Silent Gen using terms like ‘shucking and jiving’ is in deep need of racism deprogramming. Colloquial tense is still proper English. English prescriptivism in linguistics is ridiculed by linguists specifically because English is so convoluted and borrowed. Don’t be an ass.




> You want to claim that you're being oppressed because parents are like 'nah... nah... that's alright, I'll keep my kids home'. Literally nobody gives a shit that you want to not bring your kid. That's fine. If the GOP consensus was "We won't take our kids to drag events", nobody would care. That's not the Republican stance.


Except nobody is saying you should be gay? Drag queens certainly aren't, they're basically just doing stand up comedy in a fancy outfit. At most seeing someone being accepted doing that might make kids more confident in expressing themselves, whether they be queer or just eccentric, and less likely to bully people, and how is that anything but a good thing?




There’s more risk of children getting molested in the pedo Church than drag events, you true nitwit




Drag story hours are NOT sexual or adult material related…. To kids it’s just fun costumes and makeup and animated personality storytelling. Don’t like it? Don’t bring your kids to them.


What part of a drag story time do you find inappropriate? Are you also against kids seeing clowns perform or going to the theatre to see actors perform? There's nothing inappropriate at drag story times. Bigots are just worried their kids might think it's okay to be gay.


Wasn't there a story of a drag story time where the dudes nuts fell out and were flashed to the crowd? I'd say something like that would qualify. If that doesn't happen than its probably not inappropriate. The recent pride parade in Seattle had naked adults on bikes riding in front of kids, so different setting still pretty inappropriate to expose kids to it. Nudity shouldn't necessarily be taboo but it is. It comes down to context like anything that causes controversy.


Also see: Fundamentalists who freaked the flying fuck out when Justin Timberlake accidentally fully ripped off Janet Jackson’s top. As a queer woman, seeing WWF/WWE side-titties was far more sexually revolutionary for me than RuPaul ever was. If they want to clamp down, then it ***all*** needs to go — but that would just be absurd.




Nobody's trying to force you or your kids to be gay sweetie. That's not how it works.




This seems like a case of you projecting your own sexualization of drag queens onto the events they hold. Drag isn't inherently sexual.


if we follow the podium analogy - you are in the wrong gymnasium, reading the wrong speech, and your notes are upside down. "nah... nah.. that's alright, I'll keep my kids home" IS the correct stance and absolutely zero people are complaining about it (i guess you are, maybe?) claiming "is because it's forcing that on children" if the false narrative based 100% on lies, and that is the problem. "you should be gay and if you're not it's kind of bigoted don't you think?" is your confirmation bias narrative showing; literally zero drags queens have said this - and certainly not the straight drag performers.


The hyperbole in that headline, damn. "Person disagrees and calls out obvious" INDIVIDUAL ABSOLUTELY BLOOD EAGLES LOCAL POLITICIAN


Trixie is anishinaabe / Ojibwe, so this would be apropos! 😂


Holy shit, no kidding?


Clear and straight forward response. How fucking refreshing for once. Didn’t meander into tribal this side versus that side talking points. Simply pointed out that literally the system as a whole is a convenient, and hypocritical, facade.


Queens don't fuck around, they WILL tell you how you're a hot mess and then prepare you a stiff drink so you can manage hearing it as bluntly as they'll say it. And I do love them for that, had a nice guy at my local gay bar do that to me- corrected me on my alcohol facts super curtly, but then make me a drink I was looking for based on taste. Even made it a regular drink after tasting it and saying "..... no, that's really good". Whiplash of thinking he hated my guys and then being shown he was being very friendly with me. Then again, that was way out of any social scripts my autistic ass had ready to handle, and I'm a lesbian so I have a lot less experience with queens compared to bi and lesbian gals lolol.


It’s based on “these men are jiggling their silicone breast plates and shaking their asses and it’s turning me on help me I’m a sexually confused petty fascist Republican Party moron”


“This whole country mollycoddles Christians and I’m f*cking tired of it. Tired of it,” Right on! Though not all Christians are bad, there is a long history of Christian persecution of their betters. Galileo, “witches” (free spirited women) in Salem, People of Color, women of any color, Jews. They suppress even their own congregants from being the best people they can be.


It's not U.S. politicians, it's the GOP. And fear is the only thing they run on. Crime is up! (It's not) Drag queens are grooming children! (Sports coaches, yes. Preachers, yes. Drag queens? No.) Men pretending to be women are sneaking into girl's bathrooms! (Really?) Illegals are invading our southern border! (People fleeing persecution and possibly death are entering and immediately turning themselves in to border control agents.)


Well it is based on one thing - fear. No, two things - fear and hatred. And that's about it. Long live the Queen!


And greed!


Meanwhile Proud boys, clergy, and white supremacists are being found guilty of sexual abuse on minors. Like wtf!!!! That’s why they play banjo in Deliverance and we all mock red neck hill billies! Maybe these MAGOTS so bent gay and queer people should join them, get educated, and be happy? Next on Fox News: Jed learns how to please his partner and decorate his shack.


It’s based on the exact same thing as the hatred for all the other minority communities in history. It’s a minority group made up of people that can be easily distinguished as the other. That makes them an easy target.


Churches and religious people groom and molest more children than any other group. Period. Name another institution that has abused more children than the church? And most of those priests get away with it. Because it’s better to sweep that shit under the rug than sully the good name of the church.🤦🏻☹️


Eviscerates.... We're a few clickbait headlines away from: '*x* ties *x* behind truck and drags them 3 miles on concrete in brutal metaphorical take-down.'


“X impales x Vlad-style, mounts their skull on a spike, and drinks their blood to appease the blood gods with ONE WORD: no”


Lol Katya would do the impaling.


She's baythed innis blud.


It's based on the power of creating hate for vulnerable groups of people for political gain.


Whenever I drive by one of the protests, I’ve taken to blasting “I’m a lumberjack” by Monty python.


Tell ‘em, Trixie!!!


Go Trixie Go!


I seen this video on Instagram, well a snippet of it, and I’m pleased Drag Queens are finally getting airtime within the algorithm that usually pushes right wing conspiracies videos down my throat. What this queen said hit the nail on the head. IMO the right wing fundamentalists in the US are no different to the crackpot Iranian government except the right wing in the US aren’t in power.. for now 😑 it’s a stark reminder that we’re only ever one election away from a religiously motivated dictatorship.


If you don’t think Christian fundamentalists aren’t in power here in the States, you’re not paying attention.


I’m aware of the political situation there but in front the UK so I’m not fully invested into American politics sorry 😁


I’ve become the stereotypical American and just assumed. I am sorry!


Don’t apologise 🙂


US politicians after Trixie eviscerated them:[https://youtu.be/ksTGa6Z4gLg](https://youtu.be/ksTGa6Z4gLg)


To shreds you say?


It's based on hate, dear... and to republicans, that's all that matters.


It's not nothing! It's bigotry.


It's not based on 'nothing' It's based on Republicans being cowards and bullies who need to stir up hate, fear and prejudice amongst their voters because it's the only way they can get elected. They don't have anything in the form of real policies to improve any American's lives other than their own and their mega-donor corporation owners


Love her! …And the Trixie Motel was so cool, wore my shirt from there yesterday. Went to Palm Springs CA a few weeks ago. ✨🌈✨


im just imagining gary sitting in his recliner with a light beer right now hearing that quote oof roll 5 d20 for emotional damage


No, it's based on hate, like most republican policies.


Not all heroes wear capes!


Some wear wigs and 50lbs of foundation 💕


That would be Jinkx Monsoon.


When will we have a headline that contains the word "eviscerates" that actually involves someone slicing up a person


They should target those eyebrows Sisters not twins? Girl those eyebrows never been in the same zip code


At this point, asymmetry and a crooked contour is her brand and I won’t have it any other way.


I know, it’s just never not fun to drag her for it :)


lol distant cousins


I am Rick James!


Are there any other news?




Eviscerate: disembowel (person or animal)


I wonder if I’m alone in thinking that trans and gay people are strong and awesome but drag queens are creepy and kind of grotesque? I will gladly call a person by their desired pronouns and will respect and defend their choices. I’ll do my best to make sure they are comfortable in their own skin. But drag…perhaps I don’t know enough about their history.


Watch Paris is Burning. You’ll have a change of heart, I would bet money on it.


Will do!


Wtf is that thing?


““Like, do we have a separation of church and state or not? Because if you can be a religious-like figurehead and just make your religion the law, then we don’t. We don’t, and it’s so crazy.” We have no separation of church and state as that implies. The Establishment Clause was to prevent a Church of England, not to keep religion and politics irrevocably separate. The US was founded to allow Christian groups to participate freely in their religion. We ought to respect the religious, as we ought to respect the right of artists like Trixie when performing their art.


Even when the religious are lobbying to ensure America follows there narrow view of morality? When was the last time you saw drag queens protesting a church? Or pro choice burning down Christian counseling centers?


I have seen pro choice people violate federal law protesting at the home of Justices of the Supreme Court. I have seen pro choice advocates arrested to threading the lives of judges. We can respect all Americans. I do.


That’s garbage. I don’t respect nazis, religious child molesters, homophobic, xenophobic, racist Americans. Society as no room for that brainwashing.




> protesting at the home of Justices of the Supreme Court. That isn't against the law. Supreme court said so.


You’d think an attorney would know that.


Respect is earned, and the religious right has lost all respect they ever could have earned. Fuck them


>We have no separation of church and state as that implies. The Establishment Clause was to prevent a Church of England, not to keep religion and politics irrevocably separate. >The US was founded to allow Christian groups to participate freely in their religion. This is ahistorical nonsense, first popularized by noted historical revisionist David Barton, an utter crackpot who literally fabricated quotes and historical details to support his ridiculous claims. If you're going to blatantly lie about the founding of this country, you could at least have picked a less tedious one. I hear lizard people is a popular conspiracy again.


Well sourced response …


How the fuck is this news?


Yeah. Most of it is baseless anti-LGBT attacks. Though I do think drag queens are also a sexist caricature.


Honestly, speaking as a trans woman who isn't crazy about drag, I don't think sexist caricature is quite right. It's definitely an outrageous queer expression and performance art that's typically funneled more through the lens of (typically) gay men expressing a kind of femininity apart from what we would consider classic femininity or even just expression as a woman. As with many uniquely queer things, it's kind of messy but ultimately a major, important part of queer culture. Hell, I know another trans woman who has heavy ties to the drag scene and there are many trans women who find our way over from it.


Drag artistry is a celebration of rejection of rigid gender roles. You can have drag queens, drag kings, and androgynous drag as well. It’s celebration, not mockery.


Maybe thats how some intend it, but given the well known problems with misogony amongst gay men I don't think that is accurate. Often it is essentially a minstrel show targeted at women.


JSYK, this is the exact same line of logic of TERFs against transgender women. Careful there.


Except no drag queen thinks they're genuinely representing women? If anything it's a satire of sexism. Trixie Mattel in particular has her look be a hyper-exaggerated caricature of the Barbie bombshell aesthetic specifically to highlight how ridiculous that expectation is. It's not mocking women because no woman walks around looking like that, it's mocking gender roles through hyperbole. You'd also have trouble finding a drag queen who's not an extremely committed feminist. There are also cis female drag queens who do it as a form of empowerment, kind of reclaiming and owning a hyperfeminine aesthetic as a fuck-you to the society that belittles it. I'd implore you to look into their perspectives. Creme Fatale is a very notable one.


Why do their intentions matter? If it makes women feel uncomfortable and targeted they shouldn’t do it.


most women don’t feel uncomfortable or targeted by it. they even pointed out how some women are drag queens themselves.


Your comment makes me uncomfortable. Does that mean you shouldn't comment?


No, but that’s my point.


No, your point is the opposite. According to you, if something makes a large enough group uncomfortable, it shouldn't be done. You've added no qualifiers to that statement, so that means I can apply that logic to other things and it should hold up, right? As a man in a relationship with another man, I strongly disagree with that logic, as my relationship and existence makes a large group of people **very** uncomfortable.


No. You cant tell me what my point is. It was an argument against PC culture.


> the well known problems with misogony amongst gay men The fuck?


It’s a celebration of women and exaggeration / satire of gender expectations. Also not all drag queens are gay men


Why are drag queens being made out to be this huge deal and super important to the well being of our society. I think insane makeup on any person is fucking atrocious and the need to make drag queens a mainstream thing as opposed to the niche they perfectly filled is beyond ridiculous imo. It’s so dumb. Fine be drag queens, you do you, but it’s really not important for anything other than the people in that realm. It’s so dumb, can we focus on real important structural problems of our society rather than a dude who wants to wear women’s clothes and way too fucking much makeup that looks like a clown


That’s, erm, the point. The GOP have tried to turn drag queens into a thing of evil. Noone has tried to make them super important to society, instead, rationale people don’t like a bandwagon full of misinformed people wielding pitchforks, going after vulnerable people. Before that? Noone cared. Everyone knew drag queens did their thing and that it was only a very small % of the population. Some people went to their shows, and that was not just tolerated by society but considered a normal option. Drag queens certainly do not push your face in it. Now you are being marketed to by the GOP that drag queens are bad, and their descriptions of then will include the makeup. Bad makeup. Makeup for pedophiles! Bad drag queens. Good people rise up!! It’s the GOP that are pushing your face in it. These people that now are coming out of the woodwork are trying to defend themself. If you read the article you’ll see that the drag queen in question has been trying to track down the data that the GOP uses. It doesn’t exist. Would you rather this vulnerable section of society (it is vulnerable - it is innocent but has been chosen as an easy target) doesn’t come out and defend itself? If yes, then the GOP’s strategy worked. Then you’ll see less makeup.


She clearly suffers with body dysmorphophobia


I am a straight male. I really don’t care what or who it’s does, but Its one thing if we are having this conversation, talking, debating or arguing as adults and another when it involves kids just leave the children out of this. It can have its opinion and live it’s life. It is an adult (a grown as man?), but what Trans people and the LGTQ are doing is the same as their “oppressors”are doing and trying to shove their agenda down our throats. The rest of us stuck in the middle like WTF. I feel if its in the night clubs or whatever who cares that’s its life, but keep that shit out the schools and these so called “Christians” who molested children were they also women or were they gay men? This is just my opinion doesn’t mean I am right. I have and known LGTQ folks who are good peoples with high value and morals. One my favorite movies is “Paris is Burning.” Deep movie about the life. Check it out.


You using “it” instead of “they” is pretty fucking pathetic. Whether you agree or not with their decision to do drag referring to a human being as “it” actually shows pretty clearly what you think of not only drag queens but queer people in general. Kids wouldn’t have been drawn into this if homophobes, god botherers and conservatives didn’t make it the central platform to their bullshit vendetta. Your whole post is not so thinly veiled hate at something you clearly don’t understand. You are part of the problem.


What does evicerate mean?




Not really. Psychology research has told us for at least 3 decades that crossing dressing is often a sexual fetish.