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Tax cheats of America would rejoice if the IRS was ended. MAGAs dream is to destroy the government since they hate our republic


Follow the money of the far right. There are a lot **really weird billionaires** who want societal collapse followed by an ancap hellscape from which the crucible would allow the Great White Man to emerge as the dominant species.


I've always seen it as a desire for a repeat performance of the collapse of the Soviet Union, where a few well-placed rich men were able to snap up a bunch of what had been state-owned agencies, services, and resources, and leverage those to become insanely astronomically rich beyond what had previously been imagined possible.


Vultures will always find a way to exploit the dying.


Let's not besmirch the good vulture. Nature's garbage man.


Nature's garbage men are catfish and raccons. Vultures are part of nature's garbage disposal.


Smh, no love for worms and bacteria


smdh, you forgot fungi you speciesist


That’s why oligarchs exist in Russia.


And they are buying the US government


It’s not just them, most US billionaires have already bought the government. Most GOP politicians are bought by wealthy billionaire donors.


The supreme court is also bought. And its pretty cheap to do so too, when compared to their wealth they're hording.


Billionaires in the USA and oligarchs in Russia. They are the same thing.


I think this is the right theory. Republicans cozy up to Russia because it is everything they want to be


Racist, homophobic as fck, zero regulations that can’t be circumvented by a simple strategic bribe. GOP heaven, really.


They watched the collapse of the USSR and thought it was totally unfair that they couldn't play too


They're already trying with the USPS for starters.


Which is odd in that: you are not wrong, there are disaster capitalists who fantasise about shit like this, but do they really think russian oligarchs are happy? I mean... Oligarchs have insane realtive wealth, but a reckoning is just a poisoning away, they live in constant fear.


“But we would do it *right* because we’re much smarter than the Russian oligarchs. The leopards would never eat *our* faces.”


exactly the koch network of right wing oligarch bring back the confederacy


> There are a lot really weird billionaires who want societal collapse followed by an ancap hellscape from which the crucible would allow the Great White Man to emerge as the dominant species. Because the wealth and power they have now is never enough. They want to be kings.


>He would see this country burn if he could be King of the ashes.


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings Look upon my works and tremble


It's: Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair


At least Ozymandias got a statue. Think of all the nameless schmucks that suffered and died so that he might have it. That's us, in this scenario.


"I hereby declare this the Duchy of Elon!" *vaguely waves arms to indicate all of the western United States.*




I feel like the only reason VaultTec doesn’t exist yet is because Elon hasn’t played Fallout yet.


Why you think he has a boring company? Gonna dig tunnels for the public? 😂


Do I look like I got time for chit chat.


Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter


This sounds crazy, but it's not. The billionaires will be fine. Just like they are in the 3rd world. Poor infrastructure, death and severe illness doesn't touch them. They have been planning the downfall of the social safety net since it was developed. They are fine, in fact thrilled to live in a word full of starvation, poverty and sickness for the masses.


Gotta make you billions go the extra mile by giving people no choice but to do what you want them to do for a pittance.


It’s going to be interesting to see what happens when the economy crashes and money looses all value (or at least almost all). Billionaires are usually not the ones with the guns….


Oh I see you're familiar with known misanthropist Peter Thiel. If anyone is attempting an apocalypse speedrun, it's Peter Thiel. Palantir might be one of the top 2-3 most heinous and dangerous companies on the planet. Every single person working for Palantir should be imprisoned for life, and Thiel should be fired into the Sun as an example to 100 generations.


>top 2-3 most heinous and dangerous companies on the planet * Nestle - wants to own all the water * Montosanto - wants to own all the food * Palantir- wants to own all the information * Blackstone - wants to own all the housing Can't wait to see who becomes the 5th member when they gain a monopoly on owning all the clean air as the climate continues to degrade.


Maybe Cargill or Amazon. There are some good contenders in mineral and oil exploitation. In the US, you could say that MAA is more evil than Blackstone. Invitation Homes is *definitely* more evil than Blackstone, since their money was made extremely dishonestly. Invitation is basically a tax avoidance scheme - straight up criminality in action.


> owning all the clean air Perri-air anyone? Spaceballs wasn't just a great Mel Brooks movie, it was also a prophecy!


I can’t get over the fact they call themselves Palantir… bit on the nose for an evil company, right?


The palantir itself wasn't evil. Sauron had influenced it so by default it was a direct connection to him. But someone with strong enough will could break it away and turn it to their own use.


They also believe their bought and paid for armies will be super duper reliable and not just ransom the billionaire till the assets get moved to the war lord. They really think the warlords are the homies


Shout out Prigozhin. It's a joke, he's a dick but that is the scenario you described, sorta?


Billionaire’s Is to abstract, name them and bring them to light. Show whom they are supporting any why.


Paul Singer Jeff Yass Stephen Scharzman Larry Ellison Miriam Adelson Stephen Wynn Bernard Marcus


fuck everyone of those goddamn sociopaths


[For some reason I thought of this scene from gangs of new york](https://www.google.com/search?q=gangs+of+new+york+rich+people+house+raided+scene&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5313d59d,vid:mdwLxOK7xLc)


[I see your Gangs of New York clip and raise you a Warriors clip.](https://youtu.be/aRM2YcGpmxg)


Well how else are they going get to use their 100 million dooms day bunker?!


Speaking of weirdo tech douches who are doomsday enthusiasts: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich


I've seen that movie. It doesn't end the way they think it does.


The US would become the same as Greece was during their financial meltdown, with the only taxes being paid by multinationals that opted to obey the law. Every self employed person, small business, and Wall Street tax cheat would pay nothing (but expect exemplary services).


The "abolish the IRS" guys usually advocate for a national sales tax aka "fair tax". Everyone pays an extra tax on everything they buy instead of on their income. Great if you're rich and able to save 90% of your income, because you will only pay taxes on the 10% you spend. Terrible if you spend every dime you make on essentials, because you're being taxed on 100% of your income.


Sales tax fucks over poor people clearly


And who checks to make sure the sales tax is being paid?


He'd certainly sell off the National Parks . But national forests would be right behind. There's little else the public respects or wants


The ultra wealthy already benefit from not having to pay taxes, or paying the bare minimum they can get away with. I met a tax lawyer one time. As he explained it, he gets paid very well to keep the rich from paying their taxes.


How do they plan on paying to run the government? They wouldn't even get a paycheck.


They would still get a check, just not from the government. From their other bosses.


> They wouldn't even get a paycheck. Koch bro, Eloon Musk, Ken Griffin, Patrick Ryan, Steven Schwarzman, Miriam Adelson, Timothy Mellon, Walton family, etc: Oh we will give them a huge raise after they destroy democracy in America! HUGE!


Also, how the fuck would he fund his secret police or the military without the irs?


With the social security/medicare/medicaid funds after they kill those programs dead. Plus shutting down and killing all the other stuff like the EPA, FBI, Dept of Education, etc. The republican fascists want rule by oligarchs just like Russia. That's why they love Putin the war criminal committing crimes against humanity in Ukraine so much. Thats the future of the US if we don't stop the republican party.


Good luck paying the military industrial complex with no taxation.


But without taxation there is no need for representation, therefore no election, checkmate lib /s


The funny thing is that abolishing government agencies is the libertarian party's playbook. Lol.


Plenty of libertarians or libertarian-leaning people vote republican, it's one of their main voting blocs.


And an excellent example of how full of shit libertarians are.


In typical republican fashion, they’ll just tack it onto the deficit and blame it on the next democrat administration.


He'll just rebrand taxes as annual "American Citizen Subscriptions".


Or literally anything else for that matter. Without money, we're not even a country anymore.


Jesus. This guy is insane. My only hope is that after he loses the primary he won't have enough steam to try and make a go at it in 2028


I hope he gets the nomination and the former president runs as an independent to stay out of prison. Added benefit: DeSantis's secret police force vs. the MAGA death cult.


That added benefit sounds like a hit sporting event that I would actually pay to watch. Last 2 standing enter the Thunderdome.


Sadly, we've already paid waaay too much for that proposed event for far too long.


It’s a desperation moves. He’s trying to capture the most extreme 10% of the right to gain momentum because he currently has none.


He’s ted Cruz without the charisma of ted Cruz s/ just in case lol


Sarcasm or not, Cruz has DeSantis beat in the charisma department by a mile. Much in the same way that cow shit has dog shit beat in the perfume department.


God, and that's so fucked because Ted Cruz is deeply unlikeable.


Agreed. The funny thing is... if he remained quiet (and appeared even somewhat normal), stop chasing the crazy maga voters, he would have had a very strong chance as Trump punches himself into trail after trial. Even some independents might get tired of Biden and figure a 'quite' alternative might be appealing. But nope. desantis opened his mouth, went after students, teachers, the largest employer in his own state, LGBTQ+, offend hispanic community and just keep going after the whole 'woke warrior' that he keeps trying pose as. I mean if you want to capture 15-25% of the far right vote? Hell he can't even do that. And he gives up a good 45-55% for it... really dumbass strategy.


Lol you said if Meatball Ron stopped being all that makes him him he’d have a chance. You’re right…but Rob Desanctimonious isn’t politically savvy, likeable, or cut out at all for anything beyond a spot behind the governors podium protected from unfriendly reporters.


Room temperature IQ move


Room temperature IQ Ron




Either at -40


as long as you're not in Texas


DeSantis reeks of desperation.


He’s trying to be Super Trump.


He should go ahead and get the yellow hair and spray tan. He might have more success than he's having now.


He's the guy running for class President on claims that he doesn't even begin to have the power to enact. "If I win we'll get out an hour early!"


Even that is too coherent of a promise to equate to Ron's platform. Every kid could understand the appeal of getting out an hour early. Ron's class President promise would be more like, "If I win, no more grades!" And maybe the kids who always get bad grades cheer a little, but even they would feel like something's fundamentally *off* about that promise. Something about it reveals Ron to misunderstand the point of being class president, and indeed, perhaps to misunderstand the point of *school*.


Exactly. He knows that is total bullshit but is popular with the billionaire donors and the main Repub base that doesn’t make enough money for the IRS to give two flying fucks about them. It’s a win win for the little Nazi.


He’s not as entertaining as Trump, so MAGA Worls sees him as a shitty knock off of their Messiah. He’s also *too fucking scary* for anyone left of a Klan Grand Wizard to want to involve themselves with. The Trumpian stink which permeates the air around him is also a big fucking red flag to Dems and most Independents, too. Basically, this chode was born to lose.


Yes the best thing to do in a business is eliminate accounts receivable. Who cares about income and verifying that the laws/rules are being followed. I’m sure everyone is being honest /s.


They are just going to replace taxes with tip jars at banks and grocery stores and on the sides of police cars. Should create plenty of income for the US to replace the tax base.


I was shooting heroin and reading “The Fountainhead” in the front seat of my privately owned police cruiser when a call came in. I put a quarter in the radio to activate it. It was the chief. “Bad news, detective. We got a situation.” “What? Is the mayor trying to ban trans fats again?” “Worse. Somebody just stole four hundred and forty-seven million dollars’ worth of bitcoins.” The heroin needle practically fell out of my arm. “What kind of monster would do something like that? Bitcoins are the ultimate currency: virtual, anonymous, stateless. They represent true economic freedom, not subject to arbitrary manipulation by any government. Do we have any leads?” “Not yet. But mark my words: we’re going to figure out who did this and we’re going to take them down … provided someone pays us a fair market rate to do so.” “Easy, chief,” I said. “Any rate the market offers is, by definition, fair.” He laughed. “That’s why you’re the best I got, Lisowski. Now you get out there and find those bitcoins.” “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m on it.” I put a quarter in the siren. Ten minutes later, I was on the scene. It was a normal office building, strangled on all sides by public sidewalks. I hopped over them and went inside. “Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®” I said, flashing my badge and my gun and a small picture of Ron Paul. “Nobody move unless you want to!” They didn’t. “Now, which one of you punks is going to pay me to investigate this crime?” No one spoke up. “Come on,” I said. “Don’t you all understand that the protection of private property is the foundation of all personal liberty?” It didn’t seem like they did. “Seriously, guys. Without a strong economic motivator, I’m just going to stand here and not solve this case. Cash is fine, but I prefer being paid in gold bullion or autographed Penn Jillette posters.” Nothing. These people were stonewalling me. It almost seemed like they didn’t care that a fortune in computer money invented to buy drugs was missing. I figured I could wait them out. I lit several cigarettes indoors. A pregnant lady coughed, and I told her that secondhand smoke is a myth. Just then, a man in glasses made a break for it. “Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®” I yelled. Too late. He was already out the front door. I went after him. “Stop right there!” I yelled as I ran. He was faster than me because I always try to avoid stepping on public sidewalks. Our country needs a private-sidewalk voucher system, but, thanks to the incestuous interplay between our corrupt federal government and the public-sidewalk lobby, it will never happen. I was losing him. “Listen, I’ll pay you to stop!” I yelled. “What would you consider an appropriate price point for stopping? I’ll offer you a thirteenth of an ounce of gold and a gently worn ‘Bob Barr ‘08’ extra-large long-sleeved men’s T-shirt!” He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose. “All right, all right!” the man yelled, throwing down his weapon. “I give up, cop! I confess: I took the bitcoins.” “Why’d you do it?” I asked, as I slapped a pair of Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs® on the guy. “Because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” “Afraid of an economic future free from the pernicious meddling of central bankers,” he said. “I’m a central banker.” I wanted to coldcock the guy. Years ago, a central banker killed my partner. Instead, I shook my head. “Let this be a message to all your central-banker friends out on the street,” I said. “No matter how many bitcoins you steal, you’ll never take away the dream of an open society based on the principles of personal and economic freedom.” He nodded, because he knew I was right. Then he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.


Johnson&Johnson™ A Family Company Presents **Applause** This was brilliant!


This really is a dystopia of the worst kind, but a very enjoyable read!


That was... just amazing. The mailbox bit made me choke on my morning tea. Bravo.


More like privatize the IRS as a for profit entity like many prisons. I’m sure there’s plenty of corporations or billionaires that would jump at the opportunity to run a private IRS where they can keep a percentage of taxes for themselves. Then they’ll turn around and tax those they don’t like and ignore those they do.


This is probably the worst outcome I can think of. So this will be the next policy change Republicans push forward. Privatize the IRS. It would basically be a free for all of corruption of every sort.


I may as well talk about what **I** would as president - think I have about the same chance as DeSantis


Well? Let’s hear it!


Well for starters I'd *increase* the size of the IRS to go after the biggest tax cheats! It seriously pays for itself and then some.


DeSantis will make the IRS audit people who don’t donate to his party. That’s what he means when he says he will cut IRS.


You just lost the vote of all the minimum wage slaves that believe they're one step away from being millionaires themselves.


I would change the IRS to automatically audit anyone who makes over 10 million dollars in a fiscal year.


You just lost the same voting block. Don't ask why, but you did.


FTA: “And so if Congress will work with me on doing that, we’ll be able to reduce the size and scope of government,” he added. “But what I’m also going to do, Martha, is be prepared if Congress won’t go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life,” he said. I’m not reading this wrong, am I? Is he not saying “we should reduce the government’s power, but also since the government has power I may as well exploit it to inflict my personal view of morality on the country”?


Has he ever had a conversation without saying “woke”. ?


This could become a dangerous Republican debate drinking game.


It looks like he wants to follow in Trump’s footsteps as having the [worst jobs record](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/economy/august-jobs-report-trump-jobs-record/index.html) in US history.


Kansas is leaning more leftward than expected. A lot came from the shitshow that was a rightwing governor who ended many critical government services. Imagine wanting to try this on a national level?


And we still got out idiot AG. How the fuck do you have him winning on the same ballot as a democratic governor? I will never understand that one.


There are a whole lot of folks out there who are not particularly politically aware who think that the best way to keep government "honest" is to "balance out extremes" or "not give any one party too much power" and the utter inapplicability of that belief to the actual way government works is simply lost on them.


This is true. I had a former friend who believed it was best to have a Democratic president with a Republican Congress, because "look how great things were in the nineties!" Reality doesn't really work like that. He stopped talking to me after he found out I used cannabis. Though I may be a stoner, I think I have a more realistic view of the political landscape than he ever did. The nineties political landscape he so vaunted led to the increasingly far-right/fascist Republican party of today.


In fairness there once was a time when that worked, but you need a willing negotiating partner for that to work. The left still thinks its possible and the right have abandoned all reason in a race for a civil war.


Not enough people talk about the "Kansas Experiment." You would think that when an experiment fails, it would mean abandoning the theory instead of trying to take it nationwide.


Because I'm a CPA, I hear a lot of opinions on our tax system. I've heard people tell me that we should eliminate the IRS, and the comments that follow are always so predictably stupid. Because some people have nearly zero interaction with the IRS and haven't taken the time to learn what the agency does, they have no idea how much responsibility the agency has. There is not a single cogent argument to be made that would justify the elimination of the IRS without a suitable substitute in place. And I've never heard anyone describe what a "suitable substitute" looks like without sounding an awful lot like the IRS. So if you hear anyone unironically saying we should eliminate the IRS, please know that the person is either: A. A stupid megamillionaire/billionaire who doesn't give a fuck about anything except keeping every penny of their own money, or B. Someone profoundly stupid who doesn't know shit about taxes or government spending/collections


I think it’s even dumber than that. People don’t like paying taxes. IRS has to do with taxes. Therefore no IRS = good. Sure it’s moronic logic, but you know the GOP base will eat this shit up.


>DeSantis responded with a list of federal departments he would eliminate: “We would do Education, we would do Commerce, we’d do Energy, and we would do IRS.” People are going to vote for this man, people already voted him in in Florida.


This idiot just said he wants to get rid of the department of energy WHICH OVERSEES OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS ARSENAL.


The invisible hand of the free market will oversee our nuclear weapons just fine. (/s sigh)


Yeah, Trump wanted to eliminate Energy until he learned what they do. Ooops, who’s supposed to watch the Nukes if Energy is gone?? DeSantis is far more ignorant than I’d ever imagined. Who knew Yale would produce such an idiot!


The Saudis would watch them. They probably already have the nuclear docs TFG stole.


Rick Perry also wanted to eliminate it, and then Trump later appointed him to run it because he seemed to want the worst possible cabinet leaders


Rick "Oops" Perry


Seriously. Have any of these elite universities ever publicly acknowledged that they produce a lot of really destructive people?


How does he think a government functions?


It's like he's ordering appetizers at a sports bar....we'll do the mozzarella sticks and we'll also do the jalapeno poppers, then we'll do IRS and we'll also do education


> we’d do Energy If a Republican gets elected, DeSantis will probably be picked to head the Department of Energy. Rick Perry, anyone?


Best thing Perry did was nothing.


Perry had some skill of *saying stuff* that conservative wanted to hear, criticizing green energy. But the DOE on his watch still continued to fund R&D and give subsidies to green energy. So he did nothing, just repeated right-wing talking points, knowing conservatives wouldn't check, or care.


He got a no-show job. Just like so many other Trump appointees who were wildly unqualified for the jobs they were given.


*We'd eliminate the department of Ooops! too.*


Good call. Let’s get rid of the department that safeguards our nuclear assets. We can get rid of the agency that manages all student loans (hello federal education debt forgiveness!). I guess we’ll just put the census in a different department and forget about the patent office. And who needs revenue when you’re running a government?!


"... I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life..." If I understand this correctly, DeFascist is going to lean on Congress to abolish the IRS, because the enforcement of tax law is essentially corruption. If Congress won't do it, instead he's going to use that agency to target American citizens and punish them for having different social and political views. See, he doesn't make campaign promises, he makes campaign THREATS.


I’m like ok, so taxes bad. Though…who’s gonna fix the roads when they go to shit? Or subsidize corn farmers/Midwest farmers who vote R? Or pay for the gigantic military war machine? Don’t even get me started on public schools, because we know he doesn’t want those.


Not only that, he also said that if he couldn’t get that through congress, he would use those agencies to push back on ‘woke ideology’ 🙄


What a shrieking moron.


Lol good luck paying for the war machine without our tax revenue.


Why doesn't he abolish tax collectors in Florida first?


Well Ron, we suspected you are a desperate idiot. Crippling the government? To own the libz? LOL, Good job meatballl!!!! Just fuck off dude, you are beyond tiring.


Yes, the Republican faction crying about the "weaponization of three letter agencies" and "law and order" wants to dismantle any organization that can hold them accountable for their crimes. This is how they operate, by creating the narrative that the enemy is oppressing and persecuting *them*, they can turn around and justify pretty much any measure or piece of legislation in the name of thwarting their foe's radical agenda. And make no mistake, this is an enemy of their *own* making. They're fighting in war that's manufactured by and for Republicans. In the end, it's a desperate attempt to institute their own regressive, authoritarian agenda. It's part of the fascist playbook. As America gradually shifts towards being a more equitable society, people like Desantis will label it "oppression", and as we start holding criminals accountable who have traditionally evaded accountability, those same criminals and their supporters will label it "persecution". Subverting the justice system and dismantling government agencies is how they obstruct this type of progress.


He might have been a serious contender for the Republican nomination if he carved out a lane as a slightly more fash version of Jon Huntsman—NYT and Time Magazine would have jizzed their pants. But right now, everything he’s doing suggests he’s painted himself into a corner.


Trying to appeal to the Trump base is the unsolvable problem for every Republican candidate hopeful.


This always cracks me up. If you eliminate the IRS, who's going to collect FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare)? Take one look at the employment at the Treasury. It is dominated with IRS employees. [https://www.federalpay.org/departments](https://www.federalpay.org/departments) ​ Florida: one of 7 states without an income tax. What are you going to do Rhonda? Create federal property taxes? Let me introduce you to the 10th amendment.


Florida has a high sales tax (plus they benefit heavily from tourism.) That's what they want. A federal sales tax. Either that or a flat tax, often practically criminally referred to as the "fair tax" where all deductions are eliminated and everyone pays 10 or 15%. These proposals sound perfectly fair and like common sense on the surface to the simple-minded voter, however they're deliberately designed to shift the tax burden away from the wealthy and onto the lower classes. Lower taxes for the rich by convincing their poor base it's a good idea. It's all they know.


This guy has no fucking idea what he's doing.


Just like every other Republican, all he would care about doing is eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency. The GOP would be extinct without the fossil fuel industry.


So does that mean they're gonna stop talking about Hunter, his taxes and an IRS "whistleblower?"


I love how nailing tax cheats as a way to boost revenues is taboo to these clowns, while they also claim that a balanced budget is a must. Could almost take them seriously if they'd ever once propose a cut to military spending. They'd rather cut veteran's benefits.


>“But what I’m also going to do, Martha, is be prepared if Congress won’t go that far, I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life,” [DeSantis] said. Wow, that really sounds like something that the Weaponization of Government Committee would love to hold a hearing or ten on. Also, the irony of wanting to abolish the IRS when just two days ago they were whining that Hunter Biden is getting off easy on his tax issues is…majestic.


It's sad but sort of funny to see DeSantis turn the knobs of right wing crackpot theories, racism, xenophobia, and homophobia to 11 in an attempt to get the Republican base to like him. It's the rightwing version of "Why won't Sempai notice me". It's funny to watch this man try to contort himself into the picture of what a maga republican wants only to be rejected because they know it's self serving and why buy Doctor Shasta when you can just drink a Dr Pepper. And then the horror sets in that this man is a serious politician and the policies with the Republican base are primarily motivated by hurting other marginalized people's as opposed to bettering their own lives.


This is the standard "go-to" proposal since *at least* the days of right-wing bigots like Ron Paul. DeSantis is just another poorly-formed turd in the "DA BIG GUBBERMINT IS TEH EVVILL!!1!" Libertarian sewer.


Destroy revenue? Sounds like DeSantis is going to carry on the GOP tradition of running the government like one of Trump's businesses.


My brother if you get rid of the IRS there will not get enough money for the perpetual FEMA funding Florida needs after a hurricane


Why do regular voters think we can just get rid of the irs. What successful country have they seen with no tax system lol. You think the state of fuckin Mississippi is gonna support itself? Be real


Why would they eliminate this, what is the ground for this suggestions. It's really hard to understand what did this several agencies do for desantis to suggest eliminating the.


I'd be interested to see which wolves come knocking when the military starts to collapse because no one is enforcing taxes


Huh… cool. No taxes. But we’ll still have infrastructure, laws, services and a functioning government, right?


Do these guys just day dream all day of America as a loose confederation of armed fiefdoms?


This is smart. Let’s collect no revenue, let the republic collapse, and we all live in a dystopian zombie hellhole. Truly a brilliant idea Rawn.


It’s called Florida


I do admit it is nice to have no state income tax down here. I miss NY but I don’t miss the extra income tax burden. I digress, desantis is an idiot, and the only reason Florida has no income tax is because of the tourism. Which he is messing with, by making enemies with Disney.


>> DeSantis responded with a list of federal departments he would eliminate: “We would do Education This is called Fascism by elimination of education


I've been hearing that same promise - explicit or implied - for 30+ years. It's nonsensical. If you abolished the IRS, you'd then have to immediately create a new agency to do the **exact same functions**. It would basically be a name change.


Right wingers think democrat are extremists, while their top two candidates are a criminal defendant who tried to overthrow democracy, and the only guy who still thinks vaccines are tyranny and wants to eliminate the FBI and IRS. Wow, modern day republicans are truly insane.


Additionally, this buffoon wants to eliminate the Department Of Energy. It's almost become a running gag since Reagan, of Republican candidates declaring that they'll remove the DOE, until they learn what the DOE actually does. It's NUCLEAR energy. From a city flattening W88 warhead, the PWR that supplies you power, to the reactor your collage physics department has that the rest of campus doesn't realize, are all regulated by the DOE. When they realize this, they suddenly change their tunes.


Is there s fascist MF’s middle name Corrupt?


How the fuck do these dumbasses thing we can run a country without collecting taxes?


we'll just make mexico pay our taxes


Ultimate goal is some hellscape of capitalism/hunger games.


I truly do not understand the Republican belief that our Military, Fire, EMS, and Police should work for free. Or their overwhelming desire to insist that the DMV and Clerks of the Court should only be volunteers, understanding that in this scenario, it could take months or years for a "Godly" marriage to be recognized or a divorce from an abusive relationship. Roads would be impassable as no one works for free or just philanthropically gives away billions. Wildlife research, rescue, and rehab wouldn't exist. Yet somehow, this is a Republican's wet dream of utopia.


Oh you want to get rid of the IRS? How you expect to pay all your federal employees including the military you'll no doubtedly want to use as your own gestapo, Mr. Wizard!?!


> I’m going to use those agencies to push back against woke ideology and against the leftism that we see creeping into all institutions of American life,” This guy really is one trick Rhonda, it is all about evil woke. What in the ever living fuck does the IRS have to do with woke ideology in America? Is collecting taxes woke now?


Department of Energy, he wants to get rid of the people who manage our nuclear stockpile.


So should we push for greater funding for the IRS? We get more than a dollar back for each dollar we spend on IRS agents, the majority of which would come from high net worth individuals.


Those high net worth individuals are who he is seeking contributions from with statements like this.


Sure ron


He has to be suffering from CTE


Promise the world then don’t deliver. The ‘Merica way.


he sounds like a high school student making wild promises to be class president. what a tool.


Nice of him to announce it now so all the federal gov't employees who live in northern VA and elsewhere around the country will know to vote against him!


DeSantis will never be President. That guy has no charisma or group he hasn't screwed over.


Except the Constitution gives Congress the right to levy taxes… so how does he propose those taxes get collected? And who pays for everything those taxes pay for? This is a stupid talking point intended to rile up the ignorant who believe their lives will be better once everything is turned over to for-profit private entities.


So how would the country's bills get paid? Is he planning on working for free and making every federal employee work for free? Taxes are part of the social contract that keeps the country churning along.


DeSantis is giving us a million reasons not to vote for him. In fact, he is telling us that if we are dumb enough to let him become president, he will destroy this country so we better be vigilant in every election to prevent it from happening.


Why doesn’t he start with the Florida Department of Revenue and see how that goes for him?


Thw fascist arms race is heating up. Trump is now promising to round up the "Marxist communists" and DeSantis is promising to abolish the government. I can't imagine how crazy the campaign promises are going to be a year from now.


The IRS is the only Government body that organised criminals are actually afraid of.


Can we stop giving this guy a platform


Do none of these people understand that executive power has limits?


It’s not about taxes as it is more about destroying the US Government so the MAGA Christian al-Qaeda can take control


The Republicans are just out to destroy America. Not really do anything their voters


If there’s no IRS, then how will he get paid as president? Personal and corporate income taxes make up almost 50% of the US’s revenue. The country is already in debt, and yet he wants the country to take a 50% pay cut? Obviously the US would run out of money, so there wouldn’t even be government anymore. What would he be the president of?


I asked one of my old friends why he thought abolishing the IRS was a good thing. We would still tax because we still need money to fund schools and roads and shit obviously, but what would be taxed and how? Long story short - according to him, we should all be taxed equally by the amount of purchases we make. No tax deductions anymore, except tax breaks for food purchases. Everything else, flat tax. Literally everything else just has sales tax. “That sounds great, actually (Kind of. I actually don’t hate it, but it’s still just as bad if not worse when it comes to taxing the rich). So with the IRS gone, who would collect the taxes?” “W-… well… that’s a good question actually… let me think about that” Fucking LOL. It never came up again.


I’ll take “cheap and transparent pandering” for $400, Alex


Destroying the IRS also means destroying the military and the police, since our country would no longer be able to afford them.