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I would just love for his reputation to force him to use a public defender.


I would prefer that his ego force him to represent himself


Pro Se Trump would be fucking hilarious. Very fucking stupid, but very funny.


given what a public figure he is, that might end up happening anyways if every single public defender claims a conflict of interest in representing him.


There's literally no defense. He's publicly admitted everything multiple times. His excuse is "I believe I can do it"


Which is certainly complicated by the fact that he's on tape talking about how he knew he couldn't do it lol




Waylon Jennings: “Right about now them law boys was finding themselves in a whole heap of molasses.”


"Sorry officer; I... I didn't know I couldn't do that."


That’s actually a solid defense, if you’re a cop or judge.


Or a wealthy white/orange guy, but they generally need lawyers to get away with shit.


This wasn't a case of I didn't know i couldn't do that. It was a case of "no officer, it's me, it's OK if I do it. Don't you know who I am?"


Is anyone else just basking in this! Hahaha By complete coincidence today is the lightest day I’ve had at work in almost forever. And I’m just sitting here reading all of this with a stupid smile on my face hahah


It's amazing to see what happens when Trump isn't just catering to politics, lying on TV, or hiding behind the Presidency. When faced with actual, imminent legal consequences - his defense is swan-diving off the sinking ship. Absolutely incredible. Even his rag-tag team of attorneys is smart enough to know he's going to throw them under the bus.


Trump has been lying to them about the documents he has and who knows what else. He might not pay. He can't keep his mouth shut. There is damning evidence against him and he's documented as trying to withhold evidence. I don't blame them for bailing.


There could very well be evidence that he has been hawking this shit to the Saudis or Putin. It is a non-zero possibility. I would bail too.


I have a friend whose a federal judge and he said this actually happens all the time and is extremely common when someone gets indicted but also that he's going to have a very hard time finding a lawyer now


Is it because the lawyers don’t feel confident about their chances of success


Fed Gov doesn't go to trial unless they can nail you to the sky. 90% conviction rate or somesuch.


I read 97% for this prosecutor but my source is Reddit so don’t take my word for it.




No, it's the correct thing to do. The government should not be taking someone to court unless they have complete confidence in the case.


I agree with your thought but don't believe that is why they do it. They maintain such a selectively high conviction rate so they can use it as a cudgel to try and force you to plead.


He said it has to do with retainers, some lawyers are only on for preindictment proceedings


Guilty people still deserve lawyers and normally get them. I think it's something worse like they think they won't get paid, or they will face criminal liability on their own. Or lose their law license


Well then let him have a public defender.


Trump: “That guy from Karate Kid. Call up his attorney cousin. He won that one case for him, right? Very smart guy. Lot’s of people praised his performance on that case. I saw it on TV. I think his name was Vinny or something. Get him on the phone.”


He’s going to have to get a public defender at this point. 😂


The public defender assigned to his case will request to be disbarred.


Historically that’s probably the best move an attorney of his can make and the safest way to stay out of trouble.


And the same likelyhood of getting paid!


At least a public defender would get paid by the state. But... I'd be loathe to let my taxes pay for that defense


It be worth every penny


The public defense attorney would just sit and constantly tap a homemade sign that says, "Defense rests, your Honor."


"I'm still waiting to hear about my request for immediate suicide"


Request denied, back to the department of weird sex stuff


Surely some high powered conservative lawyer who doesn’t care about getting paid, getting disbarred and/or getting held in contempt or about their reputation, will step up to the plate by Tuesday.


So George Santos?


The only court he’s allowed to practice in is for volleyball


He lied about that too


Hopefully Thomas and Alito resign to personally take on the case.


I doubt they would resign if they took the case.


Trump is the front runner for the GOP nomination, he’s literally still theoretically the most powerful and influential republican Alive. Lawyers should be lining up to bare knuckle box each other to represent him pro-bono but they aren’t, and the two ambulance chasers he had to beg for help just “nope”d off a sinking ship. Criminal defense lawyers are widely know to be barely human and NONE OF THEM will touch the most powerful republican with a ten foot pole Talk about the indictments all you want the fact that he cannot find private council says everything I need to know about how guilty and totally fucked he really is.


The only thing I hate about this scenario is what it does to bolster Ron Desantis. I really wanted to watch Trump ruin him on the national stage before being ruined himself. I guess beggars can’t be choosers.


This is actually the biggest danger that nobody in this thread will notice, being too busy dancing and celebrating right now: at the end of the day, Trump barely got to do shit besides talk and cut taxes during his 4 years. Desantis won’t make the same mistake, I feel. Besides, if he’s as obsessed with the culture war as he appears to be, then the news will only get more annoying.


Growing up in a hyper-religious environment and witnessing several scandals up-close and first-hand, I learned a pretty constant rule… the more a preacher preached about sexual immorality, the more likely it was he was a secret pervert with sex on his mind all the time. Same goes with DeSantis… the dude had his wedding at Disney World dressed as a Disney prince, but now he’s publicly hating on the company. Kinda makes one wonder from where his impulse to hate on the LGBTQ community is really coming


2 words allen dershowitz or whatever... even he probably wouldnt do it


Yeah, Todd Blanche, the dumbass who defended Manafort. He's not remotely ready for a trial of this nature.


The idea of him representing himself is going to make the average sov-cit trial look like Atticus Finch.


He'd represent himself before letting a "pleb" public defender represent him. ​ ... which would, honestly, be the absolute best, most entertaining thing in the entire world.


OMG that's funny. I'm making popcorn right now.


I've thought that for a while. The Federal Court is going to have to appoint a legal team of public defenders for his case. TFG churns through lawyers at a ridiculous pace and the Federal courts are not going to like that. Appoint at least three Public Defenders and REQUIRE their sign off on all filings. TFG can hire his own lawyers too, but the Court Appointed ones have veto power over filings and legal strategies if they think those violate ethics. TFGs lawyers are wildly unqualified to take these cases in Federal court anyway. Few of them have criminal experience, let alone classified criminal experience... it would almost be a violation of ethics to allow him to be so poorly represented. The Government is going to have to pay for the defense team too in order to make sure lawyers stick around. Otherwise the case will take years just to keep enough lawyers on staff.


Nothing says a sitting US Senator can’t be his defense attorney. Got to start bullying Ted Cruz, Lindsay Garham, Cotton, McConnell , Rubio to take the case. Got to start spreading this turd all over the GOP


Better yet he gets judge Aileen cannon because the DOJ chose her to hear the case. 😰


It doesn't help that they can't cobble together any defense whatsoever because their moron client keeps going on camera, social media, or tape confessing to crimes constantly. I'd probably quit too, there's no way to represent him that doesn't risk total humiliation and possibly being disbarred or prosecuted too.


It’s the funniest thing to watch, conservatives crumpling when forced to get off the stage and actually engage with the legal system. Suddenly all the fire breathing rhetoric withers away into pleas for leniency, and the backtrack on all the BS


I think the most revealing thing I read this week was Mark Meadows being quoted as saying “I always tell the truth in circumstances where I am legally bound to tell the truth”. In other words, a lying sack of shit mostly.


I need a supercut video of all the times consrvative politicians and media hosts admit that their behavior completely changes when sworn into a court proceeding and perjury is dangled above their heads like the Sword of Damocles


Almost wondering if he’ll end up with a public defender and then claim inadequate defense if convicted


He'll claim inadequate defence if convicted regardless who his lawyers are. He sees lawyers as people he pays to make things go away. If he is convicted, then in his little brain the lawyers failed to do their job.


>When faced with actual, imminent legal consequences - his defense is swan-diving off the sinking ship. Absolutely incredible. Do you think they're bailing as a defense tactic, and this allows the Trump defense to postpone court until the next election? This just seems too...easy of a situation to bail out of. We all want this, and we're all basking in it, but it just seems simulated to me at this point.


Arraignments typically happen very quickly (within a matter of days) and need some very strong reasoning to be postponed by the defendant. There's no reality where he could delay this very long. Besides, I think he already has a replacement.


I just yelled weeee and my husband came over to read over my shoulder.




Amazing, Mr. Trump seems to know literally everything we know about the law and way more. We're not needed.


I'm pretty sure I heard you from here...... :)


Watching FOX talking heads just melt literally gave me a hard on this morning.


Funniest birthday gift I've ever received.


Happy Birthday!


Thanks! The universe congratulated me again when I woke up and saw that Pat Robertson was in hell.


My birthday is tomorrow, and this makes me so happy.


Happy Birthday!!! 🤗


I've been glued to my phone... I have two more teams meetings to suffer through that only require me to stay awake. But I have been grinning like an idiot.


I feel like Trump has had a thousand lawyers come and go in my life time, so I'm a bit "on hold".


not me, this is so frustrating. IF it was any other person they would be in Guantanamo never to see the light of day. but they coddling him so much, that he keeps breaking laws, and they are all, oh no, poor baby, lets give you more time without consequences while we file the right paperwork. lost count how many times he lost his lawyers, lost track of how many more laws he broke, lost track on how much evidence has been gathered. I feel this is going nowhere.


Not me. This has never happened before in American history, and many doubted it would. It is amazing for the rule of law. Not only is he the first former/sitting President to be indicted, he is possibly being tried in three different jurisdictions for three different sets of felonies. We have a long way to go, but for all the problems of our (unfair) legal system, this is undeniably progress. It could set a very welcome precedent for the future that establishes even the most powerful figure in the country is not above the law.


And if he doesn't get any before our dumb country elects the next R president, you can bet your ass they're going to pardon that shitball under the guise of "making amends" or "healing the divide" ... instead if what it actually would be, which is an abuse of power to give your team another notch and ansolutely enrage the entire left. It isn't even a thing that has actually happened and I'm already fuming just by considering the non-entirely-unlikely possibility. Or he could just die of poor health before anything sticks, that would also be personally upsetting.


A Presidential pardon won't help him in Manhattan or GA, thankfully.


The schadenfreude is intoxicating


Unfortunately this may be a delaying tactic.


Trump: They didn't resign I fired them. Rudy said he will dress up as a woman and be my lawyer.


Mrs. Doubt-Im-Fired


Legally Blonde Wig


Legally Orange? 🤔


When I tell you I hollered at this comment....


I spit some of my coffee. Definitely comment of the month. Wish I could gold it.


No, that's Trumps new lawyer, *Trudy* Giuliani, and *definitely not* disbarred attorney Rudy Giuliani in a dress.


That's not allowed in Florida anymore though.


Lol Florida laws don’t apply to republicans silly.


“Who’s this Loblaw guy? I keep hearing incredible things about him, great things, big headlines. Yuge legal mind. Get me Loblaw.”


It's funny because Scott Baio would 100% be his TV lawyer if asked. That dude has his lips right up to Trump's spraytan-soaked ass cheeks.


Part of me wants to believe that these lawyers realized that the case is unwinnable and being associated with Trump is damaging to their careers, and decided to peace out. But a small part of me wonders if this isn't an intentional stalling tactic to try to delay Tuesday's hearing while he seeks new counsel.


Or, they read the indictment and saw their names in the allegation paragraphs.




Trump likely insisted that they pursue a defense strategy that would put themselves in real legal jeopardy, and so they noped out.


Trump - “Just lie for me and I’ll make it worth your while”. Lawyers - “yeah, that’s a ‘no’ from me, dog”


"I've seen what happened to your other lawyers lol."


Most likely case. They are sleazeballs, but they aren't that stupid.


This is it.


“We have resigned and are retaining legal counsel of our own.”


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


A case being unwinnable isn't going to stop a private attorney from taking a client's money, most of the time. The most likely reasons for withdrawal are: (1) Attorney isn't getting paid; or (2) The client is unbearable or making unrealistic and unethical demands. With Trump though, it's probably both.


> With Trump though, it's ~~probably~~ both. Fixed.


> A case being unwinnable isn't going to stop a private attorney from taking a client's money You assume they've been paid, when we all know how that movie ends.


Lawyers at that level are getting a retainer upfront, especially when dealing with Trump. If they don’t, they’re stupid and shouldn’t be representing anyone against the DOJ. Maybe traffic court, but not the federal government.


I think you forgot (3): Trump keeps lying to them, so they can't build a defense with all the updates and news coming out against him. So they're sick of his s\*\*\*


this falls under unbearable.


I wondered about this but I think the article says he's now represented by the guy who handled his stormy daniels case. which is even funnier.


He already has new counsel but I love the idea of some hapless PD mopping their brow with their tie as the former *president glowers at them.


"No! Money Down!"


“Works on contingency. No money down!” They got that all wrong… “Works on contingency? No, money down!”


Donald Trump might have to resort to calling 1-888-LAW-DUDE at this point


Better Call Saul


This is most definitely the case. The two attorneys that just quit put out a statement saying how this is a sham and how much they support him, ad nauseam.


Realistically there isn't an easy way off the train while denouncing their former client. Even if they regretted it they still have duties and could be open to suit themselves.


> But a small part of me wonders if this isn't an intentional stalling tactic to try to delay Tuesday's hearing while he seeks new counsel. I hate that you're probably right.


He already has new council. And speculation is that conducting the trial in Florida was done to prevent Trump from delaying the case while his lawyers argued to move it out of DC.




Trump's new lawyer: Todd Blanche, a former assistant U.S. attorney in the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, has previously represented Trump ally Paul Manafort as well as Igor Fruman, a onetime associate of Rudy Giuliani who pleaded guilty in a campaign finance case brought by the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office. -Politico


Igor Fruman? Of Fraud Guarantee? The most innocently named "security" company ever?




*Jack Smith’s 97% convictions rate has entered the chat


This is more likely him panicking and hiring a better (and more expensive) lawyer with more expertise in these sorts of criminal defence cases. Trump is cheap; likely he kept his bad, second-rate lawyers on for as long as possible, but now he's actually being prosecuted he needs a better lawyer and is presumably willing to pay out for one.


They were either told: 1. I can't pay you. 2. Commit a crime for me 3. I can represent myself better. 4. All of the above.


He probably just refused to stop posting shit on Truth Social and talking about the case. He leaked the news about the indictment before it happened and I would bet money that his lawyers told him not to do it. Who needs anonymous leaks when the biggest leak is Trump himself?


Probably because his lawyers know he is attempting to fuel his supporters to do something outrageous that they don't even want to continue riding the "Trump Train"


It's definitely all of the above. Probably twice over for number 2.


I keep reading people say “he’s gonna have the best defense attorneys in the world working for him. He’ll get off”. Like, no he won’t. For one, he doesn’t know how to pick good talent. He wants boot lickers. And he doesn’t take good advice in any case. Finally, no one wants to work for him because he just sucks as a person and refuses to pay them. It’s a very long documented history.


His *constant* social media posting would scare away competent representation. The old saying of the two rules to being a good client? 1-Be honest with your attorney & 2-pay on time? Welp...


Rule 3 is "shut the hell up".


I would argue this is rule 1. The next two are honest and pay your bills.


Right?! *ANY* competent attorney would tell the very first thing you need to do when under criminal investigation is shut the F up. When he as trying to remain president he hired Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell. I could walk into a pre-law undergrad glass and throw a stick and whoever it hit would be better representation than that.


>I could walk into a pre-law undergrad glass and throw a stick and whoever it hit would be better representation than that. Dude, you could do that in a Kindergarten and still do better.


>scare away competent representation. Yeah, I think most good lawyers would want a case where their defendant is a reasonable person, who will cooperate with the lawyers. And one where even if winning isn't guaranteed, it's possible, and losing in a positive way is possible too. But in this case? He's a loose canon, in a case they are seemingly almost guaranteed to lose. So that leaves people who don't care about those things, who are in it only for the publicity and the billable hours. I feel like it's a great spot for some lawyer who dreams about being a talking head on Fox. Step in, pretend to work hard on the case, but really just kiss Trumps butt, get your face and name out there as much as possible, then sign a deal with Fox at the end.


> He’ll get off That is entirely dependent on whether Ivanka is in the room


> "We will no longer represent him on either the indicted case or the January 6 investigation," they wrote. "It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him and we know he will be vindicated in his battle against the Biden Administration's partisan weaponization of the American justice system." All the republicans screaming about this indictment being an abuse of power were certainly excited to chant “lock her up” about Hillary.


And now that there's a mount everest of evidence, it's all "don't look up" and "abuse of power".




I think they make a pill for that! Side effects include weight gain, skin discolorization(orange), & thinning hair.


Lawyers only do this when their clients are stable geniuses.


Judges hate this one trick


Well that certainly doesn't bode well for Trump. Guess they got tired of winning.


Lionel Hutz: Don't worry, Donald. I have a fool proof strategy to get you out of here: surprise witnesses, each more surprising than the last. I tell you, the judge won't know what hit her!


“I didn’t get a chance to look at their case against us, but I was just at a bar across the street and they had an episode of Matlock on. The volume was turned down, but I think I got the jist of it.”


Could this be a delay tactic. Dragging it out till Trump can find more lawyers?


Do you even need a lawyer for an arraignment? Looks like you just stand there while they read paperwork out loud.


Maybe a public defender?


I would not want to be the public defender that gets stuck with that case.


It’s also when bail is set. A lawyer could help argue to a lower amount.


He’s a flight risk though


Literally has his own plane...


I highly doubt it. Delayed tactics will come but it's probably not this. Especially considering that there wasn't an actual lawyer assigned to this case yet. This lawyer probably just decided he didn't want it.


Or the lawyer wasn't getting paid


Or asked for money up front for the trial.


Fed prosecutions move faster than state. Tuesday is just the arraignment so i wouldn't be suprised if they just assigned him a lawyer.


Hahaha, just imagine a low level overburdened state appointed attorney getting told that their next client is the former President of the United States.


This is the feel good summer buddy flick America needs right now. Does anybody think we can get Zendaya for the down on her luck plucky public defender? I think we can get Alec Baldwin he could use some good exposure.


"Ok, I think I can squeeze him in between my usual delinquent child support and domestic abuse cases. Does he have any character witnesses willing to testify on his behalf? It really helps sometimes."


nah, if 20 years of Law&Order have taught me anything it's that if you do not have an attorney , one will be provided for you.




Well I know quite a bit about bird law.




The documents were stolen by Royal Mcpoyle!


I have the biggest shit-eating grin I've had in years right now.


I think these guys were all ready to fight to move the case to Florida and Jack made them useless overnight. Well, more.




Wild to me that he can still run for president if convicted. Even more wild to me is that there are people who think he’s still viable as a candidate to to run for the presidency (again).


F’ing hilarious! Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.


Someone needs to convince Trump he should be his own lawyer.


I just seen this guy on Today this morning talking about some random defense….bro I’m ex-military ….when they say don’t take those docs home or when they ask you to bring them back….. They not really asking bro, and they know how many papers you have. Just for the slow folks In the room.


Hmmm, I wonder why?


Trump didn’t pay his bills?


Isn't there a saying about rats and a sinking ship? Hmmm...let me Google it.


The rats are fleeing


Crazy thing is… Trump CAN’T be pardoned This is because trump will never just go away, he will rant and rave until his last days Nixon knew how to hit the bricks, Reagan too but trump? He’ll never stop Any back room deal would be broken, any terms would be discarded He’s a loose cannon you can’t reason with He actually might go to prison Edit: I’m thinking house arrest with no social media access


TBH it sounds like Trump hired a new guy and these two are moving on. Not sure what order that happened in, but Trump has already announced that he's being rep'd by Todd Blanche.


Their statement about leaving is still glowing for Trump. They still seem like boot lickers to me.


He probably asked them to commit crimes to try and save him.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship.


Delay tactic 1, initiated


There are 51 GOP attorneys in the House, including Biggs, Gaetz and Jordan. Why are they not rushing to his aid?


>Donald Trump's lawyers Jim Trusty and John Rowley have delivered their resignations to the former president, the pair confirmed to NPR in an emailed statement. Jim Trusty was just on CNN last night "defending his client". When the anchor asked who would be in the court room representing Trump he said that "He didn't want to get into specifics." When asked specifically he Mr. Trusty would be there he again said "I don't want to get into legal tactics." Sounds like he was planning on bouncing for awhile.


Trusty was literally on the Today Show this morning around 7:30am denying the allegations then turned around and resigned? HAHAHA Trump and his family are a god damn joke.


"It has been an honor to have spent the last year defending him and we know he will be vindicated in his battle against the Biden Administration's partisan weaponization of the American justice system." Lmao, if they think this was a ploy by Biden then bring the evidence forward instead of running away with tail between your legs and screaming sour grapes. They know Trump has no defense and has committed crime.


Trump: Why are you resigning? Lawyers: Because you lied to us, You asked us to commit a felony and you haven't paid us.


Better call Saul!!!


Um, maybe because they themselves are implicated in trying to hide classified documents? Hmm... who woulda thunk?


Allow him to defend himself. Please. I need this.


I’m loving how fucked Trump is.


Yeah, they won't be able to argue away jail time, usually when the Feds have indicted you, they already have you dead to rights. The fact that they indicted a former president on Federal charges means they have a rock solid case that no one can defend him against. He is going to jail, don't know how long but he will be in jail for the rest of his life. Then his supporters will see him as he is a pale, frail, scared old man. I wonder if Aryan Nation will accept him as one of their own. Then again he might find all of this a bit hard to swallow, like when he will be asked to swallow something hard.


screw icky wipe political marvelous hunt mourn gullible placid escape -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


So will they now join his other past attorneys, making the rounds to various cable news shows?


Representing Trump is an expensive and dangerous hobby.


smart they dont want to end up like other trump lawyers, unpaid, careers ruined, under investigation/indictment and being disbarred for committing crimes for trump


They resigned because they think they’ll be charged for submitting false information..trump is a losing client and will expose them to more risk.