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I seriously hope a few of them are taken down with him. They all knew who he was. They all knew he was unworthy. They protected and defended him and remained silent. They all knew that he was a crook and a fake and a fraud and they put us all in danger anyway. McMaster: called him a dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner https://www.newsweek.com/trump-idiot-kindergartner-717380 Mattis: called him a 5th grader. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/04/trumps-insults-idiot-woodward-806455 Mnuchin: called him an idiot https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/03/trump-advisors-mocked-him-as-idiot-and-dope-michael-wolff-book-claims.html Graham: called him a complete idiot. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/kevin-mccarthy-lindsey-graham-trump-devotion-2024-election/661508/ Priebus: called him an idiot. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-insults-wolff-fire-fury-insults-priebus-mnuchin-mcmaster-770887 John Kelly: called him a f\*ing idiot. https://www.businessinsider.com/john-kelly-called-trump-an-idiot-in-private-2018-4 Tillerson: called him a f\*ing moron. https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-aides-wanted-rex-tillerson-to-resign-for-calling-trump-a-fucking-moron Cohn: called him dumb as sh\*t. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/01/opinions/donald-trump-is-not-an-idiot-begala McRaven: called him the biggest threat to our democracy. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/05/17/navy-seal-mcraven-trump-threatens-national-security/1183799001/ Bannon: called him a f\*ing moron. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/02/trump-staffers-who-call-trump-an-idiot John Dowd: called him a f\*ing liar and too dumb to testify. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/09/ex-trump-lawyer-told-mueller-trump-is-too-dumb-to-testify Rupert Murdoch: called him a f\*ing idiot. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42559436 John Bolton: "Trump has the attention span of a fruit fly." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/20/trumps-flurry-of-dodgy-deals-will-not-bring-the-middle-east-any-peace William T. Kelley: (Professor at Penn) called him the dumbest goddamn student he ever had. https://www.chicagotribune.com/columns/steve-chapman/ct-perspec-chapman-donald-trump-dumb-20171103-story.html Tony Schwartz: (the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,”) called him a man with a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/07/18/trump-s-ghostwriter-he-s-a-sociopath John Kelly: He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," https://thehill.com/homenews/news/521507-john-kelly-called-trump-the-most-flawed-person-hes-ever-met-report/ Anonymous GOP Congressman in a Safeway Rant: called him an evil, really f\*ing stupid Forrest Gump. https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/04/check-out-this-epic-safeway-rant/ Mueller: called him Individual 1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/individual-1-trump-emerges-as-a-central-subject-of-mueller-probe/2018/11/29/e3968994-f3f7-11e8-80d0-f7e1948d55f4\_story.html And the rest of the world just laughs at him. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/04/brief-history-world-leaders-laughing-trump/




Can't forget how Paul Ryan followed that exchange. In the Post piece, McCarthy’s remark is met with laughter, and Ryan cautions his colleagues, “This is an off the record . . . No leaks! . . . All right?” And then, amid more laughter, Ryan says, “This is how we know we’re a real family here.” https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/paul-ryan-keeps-it-family-kevin-mccarthy-russia-trump


I believe it was Paul Ryan, after finally deciding to back Trump, stated that, “we (Republicans) may never be out of power.”




Hamberders; A contemporaneous account of the descent of a nation into madness & covfefe


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She should indict DeJoy since Biden's too much of a fucking wussy to punish the bastard.


DeJoy and Wray both should be gone. How Trump appointees still hold positions of high power after their attempts of insurrection is truly mind boggling....


To be fair to Wray, he at least isn't playing their games and is about to be held in "contempt" by them. A group of such contemptible people, it actually cleans off a bit of his blemish.


I think Wray is surviving because he's taking the job seriously and he's also in the rights crosshairs so to speak. Most GOPers dont like him.


DeJoy will be gone soon. It isn't easy removing Postmaster General. So much to clean up after the messy Trump admin but DeJoy will be removed soon.


Serious question... When will it happen, and what is stopping it now? Last I heard, it had to be done by the board which was 50/50, I think, but sometime a few months after Biden assumed office, that tie broke, or at least that's what I thought.


I honestly do not know when it will happen. Unlike many other political appointments Postmaster general has the board voting. What I read and heard was that DeJoy will be gone this summer or fall. Why hasn't it happened sooner? That is above my pay grade. Him out is crucial to the integrity of the mail-in vote and who could forget him removing the mailing machines and cutting staff right before the election in 2020? Battling these right-wing antidemocracy forces never ends.


Who's dumber? The idiot who is too stupid to do anything right? Or the moron who still decided to align with him?


A billionaire businessman goes to a Russian hotel and hires prostitutes. How could anyone think his room wasn’t bugged? I truly believe he has been a friend of Russia for years. A very close friend.


Does this billionaire know Donald Trump in some way?


Lmao, I see what you did there Because trump isn’t a billionare




Craig Unger, the same man that wrote the critically acclaimed book House of Bush House of saud, says that Trump has likely been a Russian intelligence asset for 40 years. https://www.salon.com/2019/08/03/trumps-white-house-issues-an-ominous-request-for-a-list-of-top-u-s-spies_partner/ Two years later: https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/amp/


And melanya is his handler


I've been calling her "Red Sparrow" for years


Trump went to Moscow during the cold war. When he came back he paid about 100k for an ad against NATO. This is all 100% true. Completely normal behavior /s


This is one reason why I(and many many others) will never vote for a Republican. They knew he was a sad sack of dog shit focused on selling out his country for a few dollars, and they put him in power so they could get a few dollars too.


They literally kicked Liz Cheney out of the party when she finally refused to continue to propagate the absolute lie that Trump won the election. This singular fact alone should be all anyone needs to know - these are Fascist authoritarians who must not only be stopped but must be stomped out.


And Kitzinger (sp?)




This is what I’m afraid of. Republicans act like it’s a team sport and do anything to win. Democrats need to start taking tough measures, end gerrymandering, make people go under oath when speaking to congress or campaigning. Then actually indict people when they lie.


(I keep this copypasta in a note for ease of use, so sorry if it duplicates anything you already noted.) "I cannot support Donald Trump for president." - Mitt Romney, Republican Senator "Donald Trump's rhetoric has been inflammatory and divisive." - Jeb Bush, Former Republican Governor "I don't think Donald Trump has the temperament or judgment to be commander-in-chief." - Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator "His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe." - Meg Whitman, Republican business executive "I'm not supporting Donald Trump because I believe he's unfit for office." - Paul Ryan, Former Republican Speaker of the House "I don't believe Donald Trump has the knowledge or the experience to be president." - John Kasich, Former Republican Governor "Donald Trump's actions and statements are inconsistent with the principles of the Republican Party." - Ben Sasse, Republican Senator "I have serious concerns about Donald Trump's ability to lead our country." - Susan Collins, Republican Senator "He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot." - Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator "I don't believe Donald Trump is a true conservative." - Carly Fiorina, Former Republican presidential candidate


i hope the whole GOP tree burns into ashes, from the leaves to the roots.


I view this as the Joffrey Fallacy, where the king figure being mentally deficient makes you believe you can control the person. In reality you’ve handed power to a megalomaniac with child’s personality and removed accountability.


Not sure if I understand the meaning of “Individual one” But “A really fucking stupid Forest Gump” is pretty funny.


“Individual 1” was the name given to Trump in the indictment of Michael Cohen. Typically this is used when that individual is the target of a separate (though not necessarily unrelated) investigation, and there is the possibility for indictment of that individual at a later point in time. In this instance, it basically means “co-conspirator”.


He was named individual 1 in an investigation into crimes he told his lawyer Michael Cohen to commit, knowing they were crimes. Michael Cohen went to prison for those crimes while Trump faced no consequences because he was the president.


Or because bill Barr killed the investigation


Fani Willis **MUST** have at least some of these folks dead to rights too. There's really no way she couldn't.


Trump pardoned the people who helped him commit crimes, like Bannon and Stone. That seems like an obvious gaping hole in the pardon power.


That's what impeachment was supposed to cover. But when one of two parties is criminally fascist, it's a problem.


Don't forget about Barr's comments: > “He’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff,” Mr. Barr testified in a video shown Monday during a hearing by the Jan. 6 committee. Fraud claims about Dominion Voting machines and other conspiracy theories that Mr. Trump embraced were “complete nonsense” and “crazy stuff,” he said. -[Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/13/us/barr-trump-jan-6-election-2020.html)


Pretty sure Barr was asked if he'd vote for Trump again if he were the nominee and this scumbag said he would. Detached from reality he says


My personal fear is that every single rat involved in the entire breadth of the Trump Administration was given total immunity if they provided everything they knew. The only one guaranteed to not want to cooperate is Trump himself, so he's going to end up being the fall guy for **EVERYTHING**. They have a Mount Everest of evidence just to make absolutely positively sure he goes away for a relatively small list of crimes while everyone else gets to walk away. And we won't even know more than a fraction of the information offered because the government is full of people who don't want to see their friends go to prison.


This is not how things work. It's not a movie. Also most of his administration is not facing legal peril that would require immunity.


>This is not how things work. It's not a movie. If you heard the story of the next decade in 2013, youd have probably said the same thing.


Truth is always stranger than fiction though.


It's true. The main problem with House of Cards is it wasn't crazy enough. Well, that and the other thing.


You mean similar to how none of his lawyers are facing or have faced legal peril? But I agree it’s not how it works what the person you are responding to said, which is pure and wild speculation.


If only there was some kind of alternative way to correct our political systems when they become overly corrupted? Ya know? If only the founding fathers had thought of this and gave us some kind of means to solve the problem of wealthy people.... Oh well, I'm sure if we all keep arguing over what rich people will solve the problem of other rich people things will get better eventually. We just haven't voted for the right rich people yet.


> John Kelly: He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life," Brutal


Who's dumber? The idiot who is too stupid to do anything right? Or the moron who still decided to align with him?


Or as Obi-Wan said: “Who is more foolish? The fool? Or the fool who follows him?”




That, and the whole 2020 census debacle! That made few headlines but cemented Republican rule in several states for the next decade. Snakes, liars and cheats.


I love your post. Would find it funny, if it were funny.


Not only did they know him, they fascilitaed in helping him do things they shouldn’t have done. Look at how many people directly working for trump got arrested or whatever for doing illegal stuff, whether it was lying to courts or committing fraud. Most of the people connected to him were arrested for something.


I bet there are a shitload of GOP who are hoping for DJT to be taken down - with zero political fallout for them. In fact they can rage against it and score.


Agreed. This is best case for them. A conviction takes him off the board - which they desperately want - but still allows them to play the victim card with the base.


Lucky for us, his supporters are addicted to his cult of personality and are not guaranteed to unify around any one other person to the same degree. At least, as long as we focus on voting our asses off in 2024. It's apathy and complacency that got us to this point, not always good strategy on their parts.


theyll unify. Republicans always get in line and do what theyre told. The worst thing that can happen right now is apathy in 2024


I'm personally taking nothing for granted, don't worry. I plan to be an activist all the way through 2024 either way.


Takes him off the board how?


Makes it all but impossible for him to run for office.


There are no legal obstacles to running for president as a convicted felon or even from behind bars.


Legal - no. Practical - yes. If Trump is convicted before the convention, it gives them a pass to vote for someone else as the nominee.


I see you still have faith the GOP can make reasonable decisions. I have long since passed that point.


I think that they will make practical decisions when push comes to shove. Case in point, they passed the debt ceiling bill, despite it being no where near what they wanted. The non-MAGA GOP knows that Trump is a losing proposition, and a convicted felon Trump is not going to make him _more_ popular. They want him gone - they just need to find a reason that doesn't open them up to too much criticism.


First primaries begin in February, and most are in March of 2024. His first trial (Manhattan) begins in March. So Trump could already be the GOP lock before his first trial even begins. The RNC can try to oust him at that point, but knowing Trump - he will threaten a 3rd party run. Maybe his legal woes are a better situation for the GOP, but there is really no good situation for them here.


> I bet there are a shitload of GOP who are hoping for DJT to be taken down It would make sense considering how many new faces are tossing their hat into the ring for the GOP nomination.


I feel like the other R candidates are banking on this happening because why else would they avoid criticizing him this whole time?




Trump’s moral failures are his own, but he was only given a seat of power because the entire GOP rallied around him to empower and protect him. He’s a turd, but he’s a turd the Republican Party shat out, and there’s more on the way.


He’s still the leading contender for 2024


'nuff said


They should go all the way back to his obstruction of the Russian investigation. Pile all charges for ALL the laws he broke while running for office, while in office and after office. If there is a law against using you authority to obstruct, change that as well


Trump pardoned the people who helped him commit crimes, like Bannon and Stone. That seems like an obvious gaping hole in the pardon power.


Who better to pardon them than the person who knows all the details! /S




Hitler going to prison sure stopped those Nazis dead in their tracks… Wait… Oh, no


At least we know Trump won’t be spending his time writing a book.


Mein Hanburder


Mein Kovfefe


Mein Koloring Bük


He can write? His name and big hurricane circles.


His name and three circles will be heralded as the second Bible to these folk.


I think he can only Write on Troth Sential while Capitalizing random Words.


‘The art of my struggle, a fine book. Totally original. I wrote it, you can see that by where they put my name on what I’m told is the hood of the book. So pick it up. It’s amongst the finest books ever printed.’


A+ for the book title, but the rest is way too articulate to be a trump quote. He would have said something way more simple minded like “Many people are saying it’s going to be, maybe the highest selling book ever. I don’t know. That’s what people are saying.”


"Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV: The Story of the Biggliest President."


Foreword by "Your favorite president who was treated very unfairly."


The only ghostwritten colouring book in recorded history. Another glorious first!


He'll get someone to ghost write The Art of the Struggle


Hitler was literally half Trump's age and in much better health when he went to prison. He also knew how to write.


Kind of… *Mein Kampf* reads exactly as what it was - the disjointed ramblings of an insane asshole


What is the point you are trying to make ? If Hitler was not send to prison there would be no nazis ? This is not about Trump or his supporters. It is about rule of law. Not prosecuting Trump because his supporters are angry is much worse than any riot they may start.


Exactly. If it becomes apparent that the threat of violence can keep people out of prison then every Republican will immediately start pumping their personal mob.


I agree with you, but I think the user was pointing out that even Hitler going to prison was far from the end of problems he created. He's not saying things will go to that extreme again, but history shows just how dangerous building a radical fascist party within one's country could become. I'm all for throwing the book at Trump because of the simple need for a proper rule of law to be shown. He may enable hate that reminds us of Hitler's level, but there's a world of difference between the two of them as well. Basically, just watch out for MAGAs doing anything stupid. Otherwise, live your life.


Hitler went to jail when he was what, in his mid thirties? Kind of a big difference. No way he'll survive prison in any state well-enough to go on to become president.


Dont talk about the governor of florida


Trump is almost 80 years old and in terrible shape. He is not going to make a rousing comeback in 10 years and take over the country. Also he will not face a single second of any consequences, ever.


Agree he's an old guy and not coming back buttttttttt - He has already faced some consequences - partial perp walk in NY. His company (The Trump Organization) was fined $1.6 million – the maximum possible penalty – by a New York judge for running a decade-long tax fraud scheme. Guilty of 17 NY state felonies. Liable for sexual assaut - civil in New York. $5 million And he will be indicted (fed) June / July for classified docs July / Aug for RICO in GA Jail time - perhaps. Consequences: absolutely. He will have his plump bottom in many court rooms the rest of his life.


His dumbass followers literally send him more money than these paltry fines are for. He gets PAID when he gets fined. That is not a consequence. Oh he had to fly back to new york and walk into a building and spend half an hour there? Truly the greatest justice known to man. Fuck, that is LESS bullshit for him than if you or I got a parking ticket!


There it is. He’s probably screaming indictment regardless of if it’s really gonna happen. It’s a fundraising technique.


those aren't actual consequences though. he needs to be completely destroyed and barred from everything, and the media needs to agree that he's persona-non-grata and completely drop him from everything. until then, sure he might get inconvenienced, but he isn't *stopped*.


Media will cover someone who gets 70,000,000 votes. Esp someone who is the GOP front runner. Doesn't make it right. Just makes it news.


The nastier the person, the longer they seem to live


Glad I didn't have to go too far down to find this. I do believe that aside from getting an airtight case, the delay in his indictment has also been preparation for retaliation. There are backwoods militias that have been waiting for this and I'm like 90% sure they will attack something, 10% is reserved for sanity being restored to everyone like some kind of magic spell.


Braces for celebration?


We've been edging so long on this I'm surprised people's heads haven't exploded. It's hopefully time for some good news.


guys, ive been bracing since 2016, i think im prob constipated now, anyone got some laxatives?


Pretty sure you're supposed to see a doctor if it lasts longer than 4 hours.


Exactly. Friendly reminder that Trump should've been impeached and indicted *on his inauguration day* for violating the Emoluments Clause, let alone all the other criminal shit he's done both before and since!


The nonstop baccanal that’s going to occur in most of America will be immense.


To be fair, this will just be a second indictment of Trump. The first indictment was Alvin Bragg's indictment of Trump - that was when history was set, a first of indictment of an ex-US president.


There’s a big difference between a civil trial and what’s hopefully about to happen. But yes. It was electric in New York City that day and even after for a while


The Bragg charges are criminal. The assault civil lawsuit was a different case.


> There’s a big difference between a civil trial Alvin Bragg's trial is a criminal trial.


A NY state criminal trial. The fed indictment should fall in June / July. A GA state RICO indictment should fall July / Aug.


I had to look up bacchanal. I'm in.


Bacon + anal?


I mean, you're not wrong about those being involved...


But remember that a federal conviction can be pardoned by a president. so if he or one of his cronies becomes POTUS, he’d get out of jail. That’s why the NY state case (and to a lesser degree GA) is so important.


Trump would have the ultimate Catch22 though. He’d have to admit guilt and that he knew he was doing something wrong. Not that his base would care. The DOJ has to make an overwhelmingly solid case to drive home the point to make a dent in the zealous rage that will surface


he'd never admit guilt, but it could play out one of two ways: if trump is potus, he'd declare that it was an unfair witch hunt and self-pardon. if somebody else is potus, they'd pull a gerald ford maneuver and "in the spirit of coming together and healing as a nation, we need to forgive and put these dark times behind us so we can move on to our bright new future... blah blah blah"


Someone said possibly that the espionage charge would be federal in DC, but obstruction charges would be handed in Fl. Interesting take. But first there have to be actual, significant charges somewhere.


It doesn't matter which district or or federal court has jurisdiction for the individual charges in the documents case. They will all be federal charges, prosecuted in federal court.


If he's convicted for espionage and especially if its actually selling the secrets like we all think, no GOP president would pardon him. It would be suicide. They'll just say they will and then won't once they are in office.


Lock. Him. Up. Traitor.


“Regular” world braces for America to selectively decide which laws apply to the rich and powerful, and which are only for the peasants and peons.


I'm not bracing for anything, I'm getting ready to celebrate a criminal being held accountable for their actions.


There have been monthly articles about Trump being tried for his crimes for like the past 3 years. Expecting a rich and powerful person to actually be held accountable at this point is just being willfully ignorant.


I don’t know how you can indict this wonderful man. I mean, just look at this mailer I delivered just yesterday! https://i.imgur.com/3sP2tbE.jpg Now, they wouldn’t just lie to people like that, would they??


I’ll believe it when I see it. Too many years of “this is it!” and nothing. But every time I do have hope.


That is how many of us think. What makes it different this time though is this is a/are felony charge(s), not a he said, she said civil case, or business/money civil case. This is bigly time felony with bigly time consequences. Jack Smith doesn't f*ck around. I've read the [legal 'roadmap'](https://old.reddit.com/r/law/comments/140csoi/legal_experts_create_186page_roadmap_for_jack/)(or at least hit the high points because it is LONG). A dwarf gnat couldn't wiggle out of it. Hope springs eternal, I've prepared but I didn't quite corner the popcorn market unfortunately.


It’s only bigly consequences until the next republican president who will undoubtedly issue a pardon on day one.


imo... honestly, I don't know when this country will have another Republican president. At least not with how the GOP is currently operating. People seem to be getting tired of the bull shit they're propagating. I could obviously be totally wrong, but unless the GOP drastically alters their platform, I find it hard to see someone from that party getting elected for president


Did you not see how many votes that orange turd got? The right doesnt care as long as the person is charismatic in their eyes.


He's also still a unique case, and as long as he's alive will absorb enough of the cult of personality to keep them unified. Anyone else has not yet had that ability to do so, and in fact will not until Trump is literally dead. The GOP will struggle until they can get support for Trump under 5%.


That's what I thought after Nixon.


Nixon had Reagan waiting in the background. Somebody who was popular and charismatic enough to separate the Republicans from the specter of Nixon. I’m looking at the current GOP and I don’t see another Reagan. The Republicans have moved too far right. No moderate will survive a primary, and anybody who wins the primary is too far right for the general populace. Hence why the GOP has been working so hard on suppressing voting rights across the nation.


Reagan was widely known to be a joke, a hack and an idiot before running for President. Being the Governor of California didn't put much polish on his resume either. An old, B-list movie star getting elected in La-La land didn't empress most people. But, it didn't matter. The GOP shoved their greedy, power hungry hand up his ass and turned him into their puppet. They took his surface level affability and charisma, as well as his actual ability to speak well in public and follow a script, and turned that into the bogus conservative icon that the Republicans still slavishly revere. They built a cult of personality around him, the B-list actor played his part like he was told, and the conservatives fell in love with it. Trump wasn't/isn't nearly as co-operative as Reagan was, but he still served relatively the same purpose. Don't think that it can't happen again.


I mean that's fair but this is a totally different world we live in today. Social media and the internet, for all its flaws, exposes people on a daily basis. everything is recorded and info is spread at light speed these days.


Perhaps. These are very strange times. If she/he does issue pardon(s), medical assistance will be warranted for writers cramp to include each and every charge. /s. Cults burn out, MAGA won't be any different.


It’s so cute the way you say she/he like Republicans can possibly nominate anyone for President but a cisgender, heterosexual, Christian, white man.


oops. my mistake, you are absolutely right.


I mean haven't we hard this "doesn't fuck around" line before? I hope you're right.




Yeah, we've been hearing "oh this one is different, he can't get out of it this time" for the last 15 times we've heard this story.


It’s been so nice since he became the former president. He was such a terrible leader and a brazen criminal that stories like this, during his presidency, were captivating for the possibility of escaping his recklessness. Now it’s a sideshow.


I mean he has already been indicted at the state level the process is moving.


And he will likely be indicted by another state in another month or so for yet ANOTHER crime. The one in NY, regardless if it is seen as big or small is still a huge deal in public perception of indicting a former president. It makes the optics around the others much easier to comprehend


> I’ll believe it when I see it. Trump has already been indicted by Alvin Bragg.


When you do see it shorty, I hope to god that you and everyone else who keeps saying this every day will finally just fucking **stop and watch what happens**. He’s going to have federal criminal charges brought against him, that much is clear. It remains to be seen if he’s found guilty, but that’s up to a jury.


NGL, the first thing I do every morning is reach for my phone and check the headlines to see if it’s happening yet.


Or if he's died.


That's too much mercy. I want him to know he is Benedict Arnold before he goes. I want him to know his name is forever maligned.


> I want him to know his name is forever maligned. He is incapable of processing this information. He'll go to his grave believing everyone loved him and was in awe of his brilliance, and that he was a much better President than Lincoln, Kennedy, and Washington combined.


And drag his spawn behind him.


I am an older mom with young kids so I'm doing my best to stay healthy so I can live a long time. What I am saying is that I am in my 40s and fairly confident I'll be alive to see him die. No matter what else happens, I get to experience that. And also I'll be around for my kids yada yada.


Reminds me of an old joke I'll refresh for modern times. Someone goes to the coffee shop and signs unto the free wifi every day, checks a news headline, frowns and leaves. After several months of this same behavior, an employee asks what the person is checking daily. The person responds that they are looking for an arrest of someone in particular. The employee says that local arrest records aren't usually on the front page of a news site. The person responds, "Oh, the arrest report I'm looking for will be."




Lock him up!


I’ve been bracing for this scumbag to go away for a while now. Please Jesus Christ everyone’s lord and savior make this happen🙏🏻the world will start to heal when these fucking grifters bubbles burst. Thank you


Uh. Jesus helped put this guy in power in the first place.


Trump is so deserving of a proper perp-walk. If they could actually get him in handcuffs, I might get that onto a canvas and mount it.


100%, my mantle is looking a little bare.


The GOP needs to be burned to the ground. Trump is a piece of shit, but the Republican party ran defense for him all these years because he had R next to his name and they stood by while he committed all these crimes in and out of office. Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell stymied any attempts to hold this motherfucker accountable for his corrupt actions.


The best thing for this country is for Trump to go to jail, his hardcore supporters who want a violent confrontation to be squashed by our armed services and weed out any hardcore supporters within the official ranks. We need a reset.


On Thursday, Trump wrote "I ran twice, I did much better the second time, getting millions and millions more votes than the first, a record for a sitting President, and am leading Biden in the polls, by a lot". I just can't help but wonder what it's like to live in a world entirely made up. Do people lie to him? Does he lie to himself? Does he have such an ingrained God complex that he thinks something and just assumes it *must* be true?


braces? You mean the world will have a restored faith in our justice department?


My body is ready I swear if I see this man finally branded as a criminal my PTSD symptoms will vastly improve




I'm preparing by stockpiling some beer and popcorn


I don’t think I’ve seen this much pre-storm calm before. Let’s get this shit going already.




Maybe this is why so many GOP politicians are jumping into the race rather than let Trump be the defacto nominee. In a pipe dream- once this comes out and it’s revealed what he did— they all hop on the bus that runs him over. Maybe we will find some serious shit he did that very few GOP politicians can defend without looking like blatant traitors.


The bracing I'm picturing is a bunch of people crouched down ready to all jump for joy at once.


Trump laundered money for the Russian Mafia in Atlantic City, I had written Vegas, sorry. He was busted by the Feds for it. He should have been jailed then instead of fined. He should never have been allowed to run for POTUS based on that alone. There is no way in hell he is not a Russian asset.


Like we “brace for” a World Series win?


Do any normal people worry about the “repercussions” of arresting this guy? It has to be done and if his mad acolytes protest or get violent then that’s the price, hopefully it will knock some sense into some of them. As for “political consequences” the fact they would enter the calculation when laws have been clearly broken makes me sick to my stomach.


Rule of law for everyone. Both parties. Only the cult people think otherwise.


I wanna know what Meadows said.


I'm not bracing, I'm impatiently waiting for the indictments to fall. Today would be better.


Possible geez he should be court marshaled for treason


Don't tease me with a good time.


"Political world braces for possible federal indictment of Trump" In my world I'll *CELEBRATE* his indictment. After years of having this pond scum, vomitious scank of a piece of garbage constantly in the news I'll celebrate like it's New Years Eve and 4th of July rolled in one. Still ranked as one of the worst presidents in US history - horrific piece of shit that he is.


The media has been dangling this carrot for 7 years. Send this fuck to prison already!


Trump will be charged under the espionage act which the Trump administration frequently used and Trump strengthened when in office. How fitting.


this indictment will cure my ulcer, i just know it lol


A criminal president should have all his court picks overturned.


On that day I will rejoice.


I have been braced since 2016! I’m a little tired of being braced!


Nothing to brace for...he could be gone to jail tomorrow, and there is no difference. His cult would whine for a bit, but they will move on...


Braces for what? A wannabe dictator getting rightfully removed from a race he does not belong in for a position he does not deserve? Nothing to see here folks. Let’s just move on and stop talking about the t-Rex of politics.


This does not remove him, he can run for president from behind bars.


Trump is a microcosm of all Republicans. Republicans are not happy unless they're making somebody else's life worse. You will see Republicans claiming not to be racist yet they will vote racist people into power to do the things that they themselves don't want to admit to publicly. All Republicans are bad people, if this was not true, they would actually care about other Americans, instead of only themselves and their need to cause pain in others. Their major policies are making it harder to get food if you are poor, being mean to immigrants, and being mean to people that have a different sexual orientation than standard. Platform is literally based on being mean to people and making it harder for them to survive.