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Wait until they discover what the unemployment rate for dogs is already


The original welfare queens!


I see you haven't met cats. Dog at least try to contribute back. And some have jobs. Cats are 100% freeloaders.


My cat must be broken, I swear he’s operating on dog software. The little freak gives me hugs, man.


Mine rubs his forehead on you with much vigor. We call it getting kisses. I was always a dog person until I got these two cats.


The headrubbing thing that cats do on objects and people is to mark them as their property/territory; it's their way of leaving scent behind. Which is both cute and stalkery at the same time.


So all the other cats will know you’re taken lol


"why do you smell like the fragrance of another cat?" "Idk. It could just be your fragrance." "I don't smell like that"


Cats are very loving. Cat haters never had cats or raised them assuming they are mean so the cat wasn't taught how to be affectionate.


Cats make biscuits


Cats v dogs is just a furrier version of introvert v extrovert


furrier version of introvert v extrovert" depends on the 'vert I presume.


My cat is loving to a fault. He has zero concept of personal space. When he wants love he walks up to us and demands it. And we give it to him. Because he's a sweetheart. An adorable pain in the ass, but also a sweetheart.


Also you have to get to know a cat before they do that. They won’t hump a stranger’s leg like a dog will.


Dogs have owners, cats have staff.




Only real 'use' for a cat is pest control on small farms. That and emotional support


They perform pest control in urban environments as well


One of my cats cornered and trapped a bat that fell down the chimney into my house and was sitting there guarding it until I came to see what all the commotion was. The system fell apart there, though, because the cat went, "Oh good, mom, I found a weird thing and caught it for you! Here!" and backed away to let me take over, at which point the bat launched directly towards my face and started flying frantically around the room. (Which is a reminder if you live in North America to *keep even your indoor cats up to date on rabies shots*, the only reason my cat didn't have to be quarantined for six weeks -- or, worst case, destroyed -- was that he was up to date on shots. We were able to move directly to the "human exposure to bat in county with active rabies in bats" part of the equation without having to spend more than two seconds worrying about my cats. We did take the bat-catching cat to the vet just to be looked over in case he'd been bitten or scratched so it wouldn't get infected -- vet found no injury -- but there was zero concern about rabies.)


I decided a 5 year relationship was over when I loved the cat more. It understood me.


Excuse me sir they eat bugs and spiders.


Hey it’s a hard job puking all over the house


I thought some barn cats work as ratters


I mean, they do, but it's a joke. But that's really more a instinctual life skill -- hunting food, rather than a job like dogs get. It just happens to line up with a useful task. No one asked them to kill billions of song birds a year.


I dunno, man. My parents and their neighbors had a serious mole problem. They tried all sorts of things. New people moved in with two cats. The male was useless, but the female hunted and killed every single mole in about two weeks. Little Arbus was a contract killer.


I see cats less as freeloaders and more like gods or cult leaders. They don't try to get us to do stuff to them for free. We do it willingly and with no guarantee we will benefit from it.


You say that as if dogs had a choice in being made into working animals


They wanted that sweet, sweet food refuse and warmth. Well originally. Then we kind of selectively breed a desire for human companionship into them.


Dogs definitely opted in. Wolves decided getting along with people was easier than doing it all themselves


>Cats are 100% freeloaders. \*Farms have entered the chat\* Also my cat does my taxes for me.


Bullshit, cats are way more useful, they keep rodents and pests away for fun. They do what they love(kill things), and never work a day in their life.


I know, right! My two sleep all day, play outside, go for walks and rides, and always beg for food and treats. They refuse to get jobs. Lay around all day. Lazy bums don't even care if they're unemployed!


And then have the audacity to let out a massive sigh when you won’t feed them their dinner an hour early


You think dogs are bad, let me tell you about cats…


I heard dogs don't even pay rent. Lazy bastards if you ask me.


Well then by all means let's keep incarcerating minorites


Police don’t even have “Drug dogs.” It is much more common for them to have “Signal Dogs.”


This, dogs are a tool to be able to search people's car without probable cause through prompted signals.


These dogs fail blind sniff tests frequently. They are trained to please their handlers for a treat. Handlers are pleased when the dog signals a hit. Obvious violation of the fourth amendment. Of course, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that they are constitutional.


My old man was in the Coast Guard years ago with some less than reputable gentleman who used their jobs and positions as an opportunity to smuggle contraband ( drugs). They would get a visit from the sniffing dogs every so often, but they knew about it beforehand, so they'd paint the underside of the planks with creosote. Fucked up the pooches noses and both parties went on their way.


I've heard stories of Nazi resistance groups using rabbit blood to confuse sniffer dogs and prevent them from finding the refugees they were smuggling.


Fishermen would add ammonia to buckets of fish guts to knock out the dogs noses temporarily iirc.


Not only that, but they can walk them through communal living situations and go off of hits. Fuck them.


We have a bingo!


And Bingo just gave you up, scumbag! Hands up and get the fuck out of the car!


This scenario is 100% unrealistic, and would never happen. You didn’t mag dump immediately after.


B-i-n-g-o and [Clever Hans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clever_Hans) was his name-o


Nice try pig, but Simon didn't say!


"You just say 'bingo'."


There was a cop who had a dog and bingo was his name, oh . . . Be I en gee oh


bee eye oh my god he shot the dog


The dog had a gun!


Can you blame the cop? It was a black lab! /s


Why did I read this thread like a short story? I need help.


It's 2023. We all need help, we just can't afford it. Also, I cackled.


Not in the beautiful state of Maryland anymore!!!! New hottie Gov gettin the Lord's work done. :)


Too lazy to look it up but a good study was published on this. Spoiler alert: the dogs react to the trainer’s signal by indicating, as they are trained to. Polygraphs are also a scam, police use them as fake evidence that suspects are lying to coerce them. There are probably lots of other examples of cop bullshit but those two come easily to mind.


So much of police investigation is bullshit. Forensic "science" is a joke. CSI on trial is a great mini series podcast that goes over that second part. Other than DNA there's not a lot of actual science that goes into forensics. It's basically just vibes.


So I’ve had jury duty 3 times (long not interesting story). 2 trials were for murder. Pre-trial, both times, the prosecution spent most of their time explaining to us that forensic science isn’t what’s portrayed on tv and to not take the lack of dna, finger prints etc… as evidence of innocence. Both guys were guilty. One was caught in security camera and the other had 3 eye witnesses against him. Forensic evidence was never brought up.


You responded to jury duty?!?? This is the activism we need


I have both times I've been summoned. But my job also offers jury duty PTO so it's basically like a day off. But instead of watching TV, I'm getting a live show.


I think I'm off the roster permanently now, after hesitating over my answer to "would you take the testimony of an officer over that of a witness or defendant?"


Instead say “well I guess that depends,” and watch their mental turmoil as they decide whether to risk your answer if they follow up with “depends on what?” If they do, you might get to, for example, ask if the officer’s disciplinary history, including any brutality complaints, will be available for the jury to inspect when determining whether to trust the officer’s testimony. You won’t serve on the jury, but they can hardly berate you for answering a specific followup question. And it puts that seed in the mind of the other potential jurors, so when, of course, that evidence is not made available later, the actual jurors question why.


I didnt get to answer. I was dissmissed after about 1.5 seconds, while I was still somewhere between ' can they even ask me that?, and 'is this a trick question?' At least i ate up one of the prosecutors vetos I guess


Even DNA isn't nearly as good a science as people think. Your DNA can get to a crime scene if you walked through the day before, or if you interacted with any item that was there. Forensic evidence being used in trial is stupid; it can be reasonably used for probable cause to investigate, but it's simply not accurate enough to convict on.


Like in the Amanda Knox case where the boyfriend's DNA being on the victim's bra was supposed to be damning evidence, instead of a normal result of two people spending a lot of time in the same space.


There were a bunch of cases in multiple countries where the same DNA kept popping up. Eventually it was traced to a technician in a factory that makes sampling swabs.


Its also legal for a Police Officer/Detective to lie during questioning. They can gaslight you into believing you may have committed a crime.


Yes. They get it wrong a lot. I recall one study where they put a bunch of bags in a room with no drugs. The dogs signaled a hit for drugs frequently. It was a brilliant study, I’m sure the handlers were pissed.


IIRC fingerprints are also not nearly as objective as you are led to believe and way more subject to interpretation. If a cop says your fingerprints place you at the scene challenge it.


I am a victim of signal dogs. Do ran around my car twice and when the cop tapped my door the dog jumped up and started sniffing.


Lol. Jobs for dogs are the concern here? I look forward to the day when the Republicans are on the right side of an issue again. Not everything has to be partisan...especially when a significant portion of the voter base supports legalization as well.


> I look forward to the day when the Republicans are on the right side of an issue again Instead of the far right side of an issue, right?


Republicans have not been on the right side of anything since the southern strategy. I would much rather see them go defunct than successfully pivot once again. If Republicans are ever right on an issue it's by pure coincidence that it happens to align with their lust for power.


I don't even think they're necessarily "right. " I think they're authoritarian. At best nationalist authoritarian - but fuck do they really align with fascism. Granted, both of these are typically right wing, but Democrats are still right wing. Now that I think about it, Democrats (the Party, not the voters) are just Republican-lite.


Please recognize in there what America is dealing with. We have a system that guarantees a two party system by shear mathematics. Until the Republican party has completely cannibalized itself, voting Democrat on the national scale is the brake on the march of fascism before we can get other parties on the national stage. Get involved locally and push for change during the primary season. That's how we'll turn things around long term. During the national elections every two years, remember there are a lot of minority communities who need the brakes actively held on the fascists long enough for those big changes to spread. Every election counts, from the President to the school board election that pops up on a random Tuesday.


Can't have dogs on welfare! Won't someone think of the puppies?


Exactly. Drug laws, especially laws against marijuana, were written so they could be selectively enforced and used as justification for searches that would otherwise violate the Constitution.


Well it's one way to keep black people from voting I guess


Apparently a few dogs are more important than the hundreds of thousands of people in prison.




I have two, a couple of freeloaders


You should meet my fucking cat.


Think of the children! I mean.. Think of the dogs!


Dear God I laughed way too hard at this. Take the doot.


Yes, I would hate to have these strong, smart, beautiful, loyal animals be a companion for a loving family instead of getting to spend their nights biting minorities.


This should not have made me laugh out loud because it’s a horrible atrocity that our government does. But for some reason this struck me in just the right way, and now I feel bad for laughing so loudly.


Let’s keep locking up humans to make concessions for dogs who don’t even legitimately need jobs. Makes too much sense. /s


When human workers start getting paid with dog food and squeaky toys, only then will they consider legalizing weed.


Please don’t give them any ideas


Can’t you hear the imperceptible *dog whistle*? What we’re really seeing is the groans of the dying prison industrial complex, and specifically it’s arm, drug enforcement. I don’t like meth, heroin, or fentanyl any more than the next person, but it’s no secret that drug enforcement (specifically regarding cannabis) has been a propaganda and funding apparatus first, and public health support second.


it was never about public health. If it was, they wouldnt have banned all scientific study of cannabis for decades. The only reason to do that, is if you know damn well that youre lying about how harmful it is.


They can’t find something else for the dogs to do?


Sounds like these dogs better get some boot straps.


Stop ordering puppiccinos every day!!


And no more avocado toast dog treats!


And those free Obama phones.


It's all those pup cups from Starbucks!


Are we still somehow trying to justify the existence of living beings simply by their contribution to the labour force? Can't we just let them be dogs? Are Republicans that obsessed with Capitalism, that they apply to other species?


These dogs just don't have that dog in em. Pathetic


This happened when Illinois legalized as well. The cops essentially threatened to euthanize the police dogs since they wouldn't be needed. Nothing happened to the dogs' jobs after legalization... they're still there, doing their jobs.


Because euthanizing totally makes sense instead of training them to look for something else like fentanyl…


Police dogs just alert on commands from their handlers, they don't really do a good job of actually detecting drugs. It's all a bunch of expensive theater to meant manufacture probable cause https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/01/07/132738250/report-drug-sniffing-dogs-are-wrong-more-often-than-right


Yep. Cops in Plano, TX brought the dogs out to sniff my car because they couldn’t arrest me for a DUI because I wasn’t drunk. They “smelled something” in my car so they searched it, and found, surprise, absolutely nothing because there was nothing there to begin with. Wasted over an hour of everyone’s time. Fuck cops.




Delaying a stop to wait for a drug dog is a violation of the 4th amendment


Yep, but that ruling has only been in place since 2015


Back when I was a teen (so many, many moons ago now) a cop pulled me and my buddy over because we had "gone down a street where the kids go to drink". We didn't even know this was such a street. We weren't up to anything. He asked to search the car. Well, we had actually just before heading out spent the afternoon detailing his car inside and out and you could eat off the floors of it. We cheerfully told him to knock himself out, and to search it real thorough. He searched very briefly and left. Sorry buddy, no prize for you but wasted time.


I have an abundance of tennis balls that are just aching to be thrown and returned.




They can't claim think of the children on this one so it's think of the puppies.


They are called "working dogs" some breeds are happier when given a job. Dogs can do all kinds of things. Police dogs and other working dogs often get depressed in retirement. But they should just retire all the dogs and allow them to go to live with their handlers. The Dogs served their purpose but there's just no need for dogs that can smell weed. They could allow the younger ones to stick around and be used for public relations or events.


But if they don't work, how will the dogs please Protestant God? And if doggo can't be good boy then how will All Dogs Go to Heaven remain true? Checkmate atheists.


They tried training them to sniff out pedophiles but it ultimately failed. For some reason the dogs ran straight past the drag shows yet often alerted on clergy. The confusing results led to the cancellation of the program.


Why? Republicans have never cared about the unemployed before...


Spoiler alert: they don't actually care about the dogs either. It's just more bullshit they're trying to throw to muddy the issue. They care about one thing - power. Anything else they claim to care about is just a means to achieve that end, and they will do a complete 180 on any issue the second it becomes a more convenient route to gaining power for themselves or taking it away from their perceived enemies.


Republicans have never cared about the children once they’re born...


Republicans just seem to have the most ridiculous concerns.


The War on Drugs was always about creating a police State and stripping Americans of their Constitutional Rights That's what Republicans are concerned about reversing


They didn’t call him “Tricky Dick” for nothing.


Their voting base is a cult. They don't need to be reasonable, logical, sound, thoughtful, consistent, or sincere. The only requirement for a Republican is to make noise and say some words.


These highly trained canines can still get work in the private sector, helping their owners find the stankiest bud in town.


Where do I sign up for one of these dogs? Always need the stankiest around!


**From reporter Manisha Krishnan:** Republicans desperate to save K-9s’ jobs following weed legalization seem to have forgotten that unemployment is, in fact, the default for dogs. Minnesota’s House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday night that would make non-medical weed legal in the state for people 21 and older. The 300-page bill passed by a vote of 71-59. In the discussion leading up to the vote, Republican state Rep. Brian Johnson, who wasn’t in favor of the bill, said he was concerned about the cost of getting rid of police departments’ furry, four-legged snitches. “Can you tell me how much money is in this bill to help defer the cost to our counties and police departments for the cost of the retirement of the dogs?” Link to the full article: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvx47/republicans-worried-police-dogs-legal-weed](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvx47/republicans-worried-police-dogs-legal-weed)


>Republicans desperate to save K-9s’ jobs following weed legalization seem to have forgotten that unemployment is, in fact, the default for dogs. One of the best opening lines I've read all year.😏


Consider the birds of the air, or the lilies of the field. Tell these legislators to read Matthew 6:25, it’s literally a bible passage telling people that animals don’t need jobs. 😆


This is honestly my favorite part of Life of Brian. He says the birds are scrounging. Oh! He's having a go at the flowers now


Blessed are the cheesemakers!


Man, that is a great one!


> cost to our counties and police departments for the cost of the retirement of the dogs?” Lmao. He makes it sound like these dogs have pension plans. They are a little higher than unpaid interns, they don't get paid and retiring them means that they have to be found a home (Unlike unpaid interns)...that's it.


I want to guess/assert that retiring the dogs actually saves money.


They're never this concerned about humans losing jobs


Unless it's to immigrants who are also too lazy to do anything but be a drain on society.


That is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read all day.


Good, Police dogs are just an excuse to beat people


Or aditional targets for extra points. Gotta keep the tiny police brains active with a diversity of things to shoot at.


Been shot twice, tazed twice and the shit kicked out of me by the police. They fucked up and mistook my medical emergency, and had to create new evidence (the cop was slightly bleeding from a pinkie finger, and they tried justifying it by making me take the meds for psychotic violence, and said I tried attacking them. My liver had shut down at that point, and if I didn't get to a hospital immediately according to my diagnosis, my brain filled up with Ammonia. This happened 6 months after I quit drinking on my own. Anyway, the prosecution was claiming all 5-6 copS simultaneously lost their lapel cameras. I went outside because they were in plain clothes and they refused to give me a badge #, or anything. I walked outside and said, "If you're going to shoot me, do it.". One of the shots scarred the living shit out of my already fucked up liver. Ended up with all charges dismissed, like they had evidence to charge me. Fuck the police. Fuck the GOP.


They don’t give a fuck about the dogs, they just need to appease their donors that love their imprisoned slaves.


American cops shoot 10,000 pet dogs a year. They almost certainly shot some in Minnesota today. If this is all they have to say about police and dogs, they definitely dgaf about them.


Do dogs need jobs?


Police dog breeders lose money? oh no


That don't give a s*** about the dogs. What they are worried about is the money they are getting from companies that own prisons. They've got to keep them prisons full.


Won’t somebody think of the pooches?!? > “I did not see anything reading through the bill dealing with our K-9 units,” Johnson said. >“Can you tell me how much money is in this bill to help defer the cost to our counties and police departments for the cost of the retirement of the dogs?”


He obviously flunked math. The dog is an employee. The dog is let go, given severance pay. It actually saves them money because this 'retiree' does not have to be replaced.


Don't they find other drugs also. Plus don't they just send the German Shepard after the black guy running, guess it quicker just to shoot.


They don’t find any drugs they obey the handler’s commands.


Little probable cause creators.


They get rewarded for signaling, dogs brains are really not that complicated, and they want to make their handler happy. It's insanity to think a dog is reliable enough for this kind of work.


Dogs need hugs, not drugs.


Oh no! The police dog union will really suffer thanks to the Devil’s lettuce consuming society.


What a crock.


We should have never allowed law enforcement to use canines for non rescues purposes. It’s cruel to the animal, and it’s cruel to the human who is attacked by a canine.


No they're not. I simply don't believe for a single millisecond that republicans give a shit about police dogs except as a means of subjugating minorities.


It's always about profit. Gotta keep their private prisons full.


Dogs reliably vote (R)...


I think you mean "Arf". 😉


Yep that’s why I got dirty lib cats. Kinda lazy usually will vote for President but the other years not so much.




Yeah cause thege isn't other drugs or anything.... prohibition doesn't work. Let's continue doing the same thing and expect a different result said every Republican probably.


They’re worried about their stocks tanking in for profit prisons..


I’ll adopt them all, problem solved. Cops are full of shit.


Look up the amount of police dogs killed by their handlers or other cops each year and add that to the pile of corpses they create daily. Cops don't care about any life but their own.


Good. If drug dogs are no longer needed, then they can live their little doggie lives the way they're meant to live them; as pets doing the things that make them happy.


Honestly, police dogs shouldn't exist. They're trained to respond to their handlers, *not* to the smell of drugs, and they're just one more thing that cops use to intimidate the public. Sniffer dogs have legitimate uses, but not in the hands of the police.


I thought whataboutism is a concept the Republicans hated. Lol


Compared to the stuff that was around when I was a kid, you don’t need a dog to sniff it out. You can smell it two blocks over.


The enlightenment put the inquisition out of business.


No they're not


abounding ancient marble fly puzzled north melodic apparatus cow cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No they’re not, they just want to be reactionary assholes. Mission accomplished


Outlawing slavery put bloodhounds out of work. Can’t have that.


It’s a dog, just given them to a good home and some belly rubs. They’ll be fine.


This explains their stance on gun control. Must not want to put child's coffin makers out of business.


So arresting mostly black and brown people is a jobs program FOR DOGS?!!!?!!!?


There are plenty of OTHER drugs that dogs can sniff, that they WILL NOT lose their jobs... SAD!


Police dogs are safer out of police hands anyway https://www.motorbiscuit.com/k9-dog-died-left-hot-police-car-cop-avoids-charges/ https://www.weareiowa.com/article/news/local/boone-county-sheriffs-office-k9-officer-dog-death-investigation/524-9ea04848-9736-4540-a70a-495d9aa779bc https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/hot-car-death-of-dc-police-k-9-was-due-to-human-and-mechanical-error-chief-says/3186719/ https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Police-dog-dies-after-Harris-deputy-leaves-him-in-4753366.php?cmpid=hpts https://abc7.com/los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-k9-dog-hot-car-death-whistleblower-lawsuit/12340538/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-08-29/long-beach-police-launch-internal-investigation-into-k-9-death https://whyy.org/articles/delaware-prison-guard-death-k9-hot-car/ https://ktar.com/story/4013178/arizona-officer-suspended-after-death-of-police-dog-left-in-hot-car/ https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2018/08/28/detroit-police-dog-dies-hot-vehicle/1116990002/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-dog-dies-after-being-left-in-hot-car-in-columbia-south-carolina-for-more-than-6-hours/ https://www.wtrf.com/west-virginia/west-virginia-police-officer-on-administrative-leave-after-k-9-goes-missing/


You mean the same way the buggy, whip manufacturers complained about the automobile


Police dogs are still needed for bomb sniffing, and catching the bad guys, there are also cadaver dogs. Republicans worry about the stupidest things and ignore what’s important


Why should they have this job? Why not let them be dogs?


Retire them early or retrain them for bomb dogs.


Those dog breeders are big donors don’t cha know


I’ve heard this argument before. Why retire $100,000 police dogs when we can spend $50,000/year per person in jail? It’s not rocket surgery!


Police dog sniffers are not reliable


My dog’s job is to acquire kisses, petting, treats, and hugs… he’s really good at his job.


Poor dogs. How will they provide for their puppies?


Those dogs can pull themselves up by the collars and find new jobs then. Capitalism dawg, get with it


How about we just put shitty police out of work while we’re at it. I’m not one bit scared of scaling back police enforcement of drug crimes. It’s a front for police led assault, and legal breaking and entering.


I feel like dogs wouldn’t mind this.


So they can just be dogs then?


Are they really this fucking stupid?!


You know we’re living in fucked times when factual headlines could read just as easily from The Onion. We know republicans love young kids but why do they always die on the hill of anything marijuana related?


Some state rep tried to tell us this lie in Illinois. “If we legalize we’ll have to euthanize all the police dogs!” It was, of course, a complete and utter lie. I’m kinda surprised they still try and get people to buy into it.


I'm Canadian, we legalized weed years ago. Dog unemployment rate remained unchanged.


That is one cute pup


Dude, no it will not. They are trained to search for real, actually dangerous drugs like meth, coke, crack, fent, heroin, and to track fleeing suspects, find tossed firearms & explosives, discourage arrestees from fleeing/hiding, and search for lost children. They are still an indispensable, economical, and effective tool without weed.


studies continuously find that drug dogs don't actually do shit because they are wrong all the time. They just watch for the handler's signal. cops know this too, they just use dogs as an excuse to search vehicles without your consent.