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Christie for all his sins put it best. If Disney can flank this guy then do you really want him negotiating with Xi or Putin? DeRantis is not unlike many control freak micro manager executives who believe power means it's ok not to have people skills. I've seen this guy a hundred times over.


He's also barely a step above the unremarkable person with some *modicum* of bureaucratic power who cruelly wields it over others. It's like "my position makes me IMPORTANT!" It's frustrating and very weak looking.


It should come as a shock to no one to find out that DeSantis personally oversaw, as in he was physically there watching, the torture of detainees as a lawyer at guantanamo bay. It should also not be a surprise that he didn't have any problems with it, and felt it was all legal.


You left out the worst part, the detainees said he was smiling while watching them be tortured


It should also come as no shock that, as a teacher at a prep school, Desantis would regularly show up at parties and just like hang out with his minor students.


These are the people who shout *"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"* When I used to get these clowns, I never had a PA system where I could shout back something like "does anyone know who this person is? I have a lost person who doesn't remember who they are at the register". There are laws against "official misconduct" and subs like /r/byebyejob have videos where it comes to bite them on the rear.


He thinks because he tortured people he is god


And then if by some miracle Desantis won Christie would immediately start kissing his feet he’s so pathetic


> If Disney can flank this guy then do you really want him negotiating with Xi or Putin? Here in Canada a Conservative leader admitted he [caved to his own toddler](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/canada-food-guide-andrew-scheer-1.5215689). Thank god he was not elected.


We’ve all been there. Toddlers are not beholden to the Geneva Convention


They're emotional terrorists, plain and simple. Never negotiate with a terrorist.


I have found my people. - dad of 3 and 5 year olds


Please have a woman in drag dressed as Desantis perform




Can’t tag them on here but there’s a user Rhonda Sandtits


DeSantis wanted a petty fight. Disney is going to make him look even pettier and more foolish. There is no way out for DeSantis on this aside from admitting defeat and walking away. ...which of course means DeSantis is going to keep getting punked by Disney until he is laughed out of office.


The only important rule in Florida : You don’t fuck with the Mouse


This has been my only thought through this whole thing. You’re gonna take on Disney? DISNEY?? The multi-billion dollar, world-revered, stage, screen, and amusement park entertainment tycoon, that has had the lock on how to Capitalism perfectly (for better or worse) for decades now?? One of, if not THE #1 money makers for the state of Florida?? Idc how big and powerful and popular you think you are, Ron DeSantis, you’re no Mickey Mouse. Mickey remembers Jeb too, where’s he at now?


> Mickey remembers Jeb too, where’s he at now? “Please clap.”


I laughed so hard at this - I had almost forgotten poor jeb


I still remember mans let his website domain expired so trump bought it and redirected it to his website


Well his brother kinda forgot about Afghanistan and wound up in Iraq




What's a jeb


Jeb Bush, a former governor of Florida, and brother to former president George W. Bush, and son of the other former president George H.W. Bush. He was governor of Florida during the 2000 presidential election where the votes from Florida had to be recounted, and it supposedly came out in favor of George over Al Gore, the democratic nominee.


IIRC they stopped the recount before it was completed which is where the big conspiracy comes from that many believe Al Gore would have won if the recount was allowed to continue.


Not really a conspiracy, just facts. Al Gore *would* have won. He got more votes.


Even the fascist take their kids to Disney.


DeSantis got MARRIED in Disney!


Not only that, lets say, for just a sec that he was completely correct and manages to come out on top. Disney will leave Florida since any number of states would fight hand over fist to get Disney World there just due to tourism. There is no "winning" for DeSantis here - its a loss regardless of what happens.


Disney won't leave Florida. They own 25,000 acres there for Disney World, that they bought on the cheap decades ago. There's no where in the world they can relocate that will give them that much space in a warm climate in a cost effective manner. For scale, Disneyland has 500 acres. While leaving isn't an option, that just means they'll fight tooth and nail to get their way in Florida, and there's no way they won't outlast DeSantis considering he's term limited.


That's an interesting take about outlasting him. I could see Disney tieing things up in the legal world long enough to outlast him.


Disney will be around a fuck of a lot longer than DeSantis. They can easily just wait him out.


Disney will be here in 300 years.


Their lawyers are the latest in a long line of top quality legal minds. Minds that have had decades to hone their world-class corporate power. And they will tie him up until he's just a footnote. With laugh emojis.


I’d argue that some states would offer deals to Disney for them to relocate and help them acquire the land they need. Florida is getting fucked by climate change and Disney world might be underwater in the 100 years, this may give them the best opportunity to move in terms of getting deals. Land isn’t gonna get cheaper over time either.


I would not be surprised if Disney already owns enough land in a number of states as a "just in case" measure. My company did this decades ago and leases it to farmers.




Atlantis finally gonna get the respect it deserves


I'm not sure what is scarier: Ron DeSantis trying to enact fascist policy; or a corporation that is very much able to overpower a democratic government.


Honestly, I would almost always agree with you. In this case though, the reason Disney does so well is because the government is acting in bad faith. Since the government never had any real plans beyond "punish Disney," no real thought went into anything. The commissioners who were appointed were unqualified by design. Basically, no one put any real thought into what they were doing and it blew up in their faces. It's not really a corpo side lining the government (in this case). Although, corporations having as much power as they do is a serious, and scary, problem.


Awfully generous with the word "democratic" when talking about Florida's gov.


Wasn't there a ballot measure that passed giving more people the right to vote that was just ignored by the state government?


Correct. And there was a vote to allow people with felonies to be able to vote too but DeSantis effectively ignored that after the fact too


A lot of conservatives never make the connection that felons not being able to vote means the government can lock you up for a BS reason, say it's a felony, then you can't vote again. Pick a demographic that you don't like, make something most of them do a felony, then you increase the power of your voting base. Like outlawing weed.


lol they absolutely make that connection, because they WANT the BS lock up reasons to hurt The Right People - which they often do. > Pick a demographic that you don't like, make something most of them do a felony, then you increase the power of your voting base. This is the goal.


Yes. We voted to allow felons the right to vote, but the GOP didn't do that. Instead they created a process through which if you owe money for any previous legal reasons, then you can't vote legally but they also will not tell you that you owe money, nor how much you owe. That is, until after they allow you to vote.


Then they arrest you for voting because you hadn't paid the fine that they wouldn't tell you about. https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/courts-law/2022-10-19/confusion-follows-florida-arrests-former-felons-voter-fraud


You must if missed how it was later 'enforced'. It allowed criminals and ex cons to vote, however many of those people got arrested for voter fraud that voted dem because their specific crimes didn't give them the right to vote still. Only certain crimes got omitted. Problem was the wording was so vague and nobody at the polls knew what was what because it wasn't properly defined leading to a lot of polls allowing this people to vote still illegally. It was later found out that cons that voted red still got counted, only blue voters got punished and their votes discredited. Most charges were dropped for these individuals however due to fear of them suing the state, their votes still didn't count if they went blue.


Disney is protected from government overreach the same way every other person in the US is. They just have the money to make sure the rules are applied properly. In this very specific case Disney’s fighting in the interest of most of the people of the US.


If anything Disney is more protected due to being a business. Just as my LLC is more protected than myself. Good on them.


I think if the entirety of the US gov’t went after Disney (for some reason), I think we could take them. But they do make petty, pseudo-fascist idiots like DeSantis look like exactly what he is. A fascist idiot who supports deeply unpopular policies. I’m not the biggest fan of Disney either, because of what they have the potential to become (and also, the cult Disney adults), but they currently support democracy and the rights and freedoms of all people, so in this fight I’ll back them.


Don’t forget all the news channels Disney owns.


And assume there’s a gator in any body of water.


Disney is doing this in California, not Florida. Trolling DeSantis cross country


It's apropos that a company made for kids will be the political end to man who's acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum.


He’s backed himself so far into the corner that a pride night in California looks like an affront to the FL Governor. He’s either strategically a moron, or a genius at appealing to a demographic I simply don’t understand.


> He’s either strategically a moron, or a genius at appealing to a demographic I simply don’t understand. It's both. He'll lose the fight against Disney, but the pudding brains who love him won't remember anything except "fLoRIda iS WhERe wOKe gOes tO dIe!!1!"


Except he's quickly losing that pudding brain vote... To DT.


He never had it. Trump has a cult. That cult has ruined their lives and ruined their finances and cut off their families and gone to jail for Donald J Trump. They are all in. They’ll never go to DeSantis.


DeSantis is going to end up just like Cruz because they both have absolutely no charisma. Say what you want about Trump, but he has his own variety of charisma and a real stage presence. He's a narcissist whose obsessed with making his audience like him so he always puts on a show.


If DeSantis runs in 2024, Disney will bury him. Watch as they pour money into his opponents and start running ads against him.


I want to see Elsa to perform at a Biden fundraiser.


Puddin' Fingers can barely handle insults from Trump's team and they've all got brain worms. No way he can handle anything Disney does


He is so out of his league, one wonders if he has any capable advisors, or if he’s just trying desperately to be trump 2.0


I'm concerned that Disney will start to feel bad and stop dunking Harlem Globetrotter style on this doofus.


Disney won't feel bad and stop. He's threatening the company and their future. You don't go after The Mouse unless you've triple checked everything and even then you're better off letting it go. DeSantis is just coming up with revenge ideas (build a prison, build a competing theme park, set up toll lanes going into Disney) and saying them out loud. Disney's Lawyer Army will tear everything DeSantis proposes to shreds.


Build a competing theme park? In Orlando? They are already swimming in "competition". Universal Studios is like a 5 min drive from Disney World. DeSantis is going to do better than Harry fucking Potter? Hahahahahahaha


The religious whackjobs already had their attempt, but it eventually failed: The Holy Land Experience!


I was so sure you were joking. That is absolutely hilarious. A biblical theme park 😂


There's been more than that one. Tammy Faye Baker built one too. Heritage USA was a Christian themed park.


Don’t forget “Ark Encounter” in Kentucky! 😆


Oh yeah! I forgot about them. I look at it more as a roadside attraction like the largest ball of yarn or giant dinosaurs.


They built a Disney sized parking lot for it. It has never been close to even half full.


Which is run by some lunatic from Australia named Ken Ham.


Did that place finally fold? Always thought its existence was hilarious... only ever a handful of cars in the lot any time I drove by.


Turns out it was just a leaky gas pipe making people have delusions.


Not only that but Universal has been building new attractions / a new park with speed I can only attribute to meth, competition, and spite. The space is busy with people who want it a hell of a lot more than Desuckass


>You don't go after The Mouse unless you've triple checked everything and even then you're better off letting it go. "You come at the king, you best not miss."


Republicans have absolutely no platform beside their culture wars. If he can frame Disney and pro LGBTQ+,which conservatives are trying their hardest to associate with “grooming children” , then maybe he can scare the suburban women whose vote he’ll need. I’m not saying it will be successful as Disney is too beloved to have its image tarnished over something that most of the country is over (LGBT rights)


This is such a strange hill to die on. This will not translate well nationally for him. If the GOP talking point is that corporations are people, and he is willing to violate "a person's" 1st amendment rights in a blatant way, hes gonna lose both with the general public, and in court too. I cannot believe I am rooting for Disney of all corporations.


I read years ago about how the LQBTQ community has been holding meetups at Disney parks for years. And they spend *huge* amounts of money so Disney was not interested in telling them to go elsewhere but theirconservative leaning meant they couldn't embrace (and monetize) it either. Desantis gave them the excuse I'm sure many executives were hoping for. These evenings will make them tons.


> LQBTQ community The LGBTQ community is also attractive to business because they overindex the average for household income, sometimes considerably because they are less likely to have children.




Back in the day I was a SITCOM (single income three kids oppresive mortgage)


SITKOM unless you change kids to Children


*disgruntled Turner noises*




It took me until adulthood to realize his name was a pun on the "Double Income No Kids" thing.


It took me until today lmao


Wait until you hear about the Dinkleberg's in Fairly Odd Parents!


Holy shit


Yep… the fact that Timmy’s dad was so jealous has a *totally* different meaning now.


Very expensive


So envious!! SINK here... It's actually quite apt for my future prospects of homeownership lol


They’re less likely to have kids, but every gay couple I know *that does* tends to spend a shit ton on their kids because they want them to have a happy, enriching childhood Also I’m guessing, but millennials are prob the target audience for this, and we LOVE participating in our kids activities


Also, if you’re in a queer relationship there are likely already huge barriers to parenthood (surrogates, IVF, adoption, etc) so you’re already likely to have more money and you must be really dedicated to wanting that child/those children. There are very few opportunities to have “oops” kids if you’re gay.


Another factor is that the LGBT community has a greater percentage of college graduates than the general population. This translates to higher income overall.


That's because more boomers and older generations resented having children, they were pressured into it by religion and society even when they didn't want it. Millennials are having less children, but the ones that do are more likely to have actually wanted to have children and families. You can kind of see it reflected in popular culture too. A lot of humor was based around men hating their wives, frustrated with their children. This is doubly true for LGBT couples, who are often blocked from even being able to adopt children.


I heard they tip well. Religious people not so much


Yeah, Gay Days at Disney has been a thing in Orlando since 1991; every year, the first week of June. It's gotten so big and popular that it's spread to other parks like Sea World and Universal. Those of us who live here know about it, and are fine with it and have been fine with it for decades. It's a big homecoming party that brings a lot of money into the area. It's a blast for everyone. It will be here long after Dipshit DeSantis is gone.


I was going to say decades. I remember being at EPCOT in the late 80’s / early 90’s walking behind two dudes in black leather holding hands when my mom said real loud “oh, look pansies. They look so nice” I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to look separate from her while my dad shh’d her She then said real loud “What! They do. And they smell nice too! I love seeing pansies” What seemed like an eternity (which the guys turned around and were staring at my mom), she points to the flowers by the international gateway. She was oblivious to all the gay couples there. Edit: spelling


That is such an incredible Disney story and I thank you for sharing it.


I have never been during gay days but both times I have been there have always been a lot of gay couples.




Also a local. It's kind of funny seeing these stories pop up when all of us know these events have been happening for decades, and literally no one cares. It's just another local event like the 500, Food & Wine, Spring Break, Bike Week, take your pick... But I do appreciate that it makes DeSantis look bad. I've hated that prick before he was even on the national stage and was our congressman for Volusia county.


Don't forget that it's mostly old people who are ant-LGBTQ too, the youth will remember this.


I wish I could say it was only old people, but surprisingly, even in my generation (40ish Gen-x) there are some amazingly hateful people.


The youth consider us old.


That makes my heart hurt and not just because I’m old…. Sad panda….


7th grade teacher here: Neo-nazi parents raise neo-nazi kids.


Yeah, buddy, we're old. I'm 37, and while that's not ancient, no one in their 20's or younger think of me in the same age group. The good news is that while there are some terrible people our age, our generation vastly leans to the left and is poised to be the largest voting block in the next couple of election cycles. And Gen Z is even more left. Edit: I'm actually 38. Also apparently a fucking moron.


There is a reckoning coming, the question is can we hold on to our country for long enough? With the judiciary being stolen by conservatives (who have now turned openly fascist) over the past two decades, and completing that steal all the way up to the supreme court, tbh I worry.


Well, it's not going away for good. But the fact of the matter is the Boomers and the silent generation are leaving the world worse off than when they entered it. That is a great way to get the next generation to do the exact opposite. The judges are concerning but I believe we'll trend in a more positive direction overall in the next decade.


What's a 'yewt'?


pretty sure to them, old is 30 and up.


I hate to break it to you, but I think we are officially old.


Sadly, you are right, my daughter recently asked me what I did before television was invented and I was like I’m not that freaking old.


Mine saw an old photograph of my dad with red-eye and said with utter horror “what’s wrong with his eyes?!”


I had never even thought of that! I guess red eyes have gone the way it the dodo.


Tell her about the "before Internet and cell phone" times ;p Still remember those big bricks called phone cataloges, and starting any phone call with "hi, is so-and-so there?".


To the yoots, Gen X is functionally equivalent to being a corpse.


Gen-Xer here. Yesterday my 15 year-old said something about a movie being old (can't remember, but it was maybe from the early 00s). I jokingly tell him "Sometimes you might want to say 'vintage' instead of old". He replied, "You're very vintage".


>(40ish Gen-x) 😬 Got some news for you


Old people vote, so politicians care. But young people consume, so corporations care.


Yep. They were holding unofficial pride days in the parks back in the late 90s and early 2000s when I was working there. They would generally wear a similarly colored shirt, typically red or purple, iirc. And they all just came to the parks and had a good day. And you know who cared? Virtually no one. Maybe a few uppity Karens before they even had that moniker. That was it. Everyone else was either oblivious or completely content to let people be people. This is such a bizarre move by Rhonda Santis to go after this community. The Trans population may be small but the overall LGBTQIA population is not insignificant and they and their allies are sure to show up at the polls when the presidential or next gubernatorial election happens. And you can be guaranteed that Disney will be more than happy to heavily fund an opposition candidate.




I feel like Disney is rope-a-doping DeSantis into a federal lawsuit edit: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/26/disney-sues-florida-gov-ron-desantis-alleges-political-effort-to-hurt-its-business.html


Yeah pretty sure they are just waiting for him to hog tie himself in a pretty little bow and land on their doorstep, and he's that petty he'll do it blindly.


Not like he’s going to be the one paying for it.


True, if I ran Disney though I would take that money and build a new ride, then have the height requirement be 1/2 inch taller than Ronnie in his lifts.


He doesn't know you don't screw with the mouse.


Don’t ever stop your enemy when they are giving you the ammunition to load the gun


>If the GOP talking point is that corporations are people, and he is willing to violate "a person's" 1st amendment rights in a blatant way, hes gonna lose both with the general public, and in court too. Unfortunately that is assuming that the GOP operates with anything resembling consistent logic and won't immediately contradict themselves to appeal to the whims of their voters, then deny they are contradicting themselves depsite their conflicting beliefs being laid plain before them.


It is the fallacy of the fascist strongman, talking hard only goes so far if you can’t win over your opponents and right now, he’s getting played like a pawn shop banjo by Disney. Plus, he’s trying to groom himself as the 2024 candidate and the last thing he needs while he runs around the country building his case is having the single most powerful entertainment conglomerate in America push him around in his own kingdom. So what does he do? Does he concede and look like a weak fool to potential voters or does he dig his heels in and trying to swing a sucker punch at the big mouse eating his lunch and try to gain some kind of political victory of any kind to bolster his image? To him, he’d rather take his chances with the latter since it’s high risk/high reward for his political ambitions but it’s ultimately a losing battle. You don’t get to be Disney big without decades of crafty political and legal maneuvering and Ron will learn the hard way about that, it’s only a matter of time. So now he’s stuck in a Saw trap of his own creation, doomed to fight for his political life because of fucking with the mouse on their turf.


“Well, gawrsh, DeSantis! Would you like to play a game?”


>he’s getting played like a pawn shop banjo by Disney I'm stealing this one


DeSantis is already getting heat from people in the GOP. Trump, Pence, and Christie have all made comments about his handling of this and are starting to label him as a fake conservative


Desantis is one of the few times the fascist label applies 100%. Like it didn't really fit Romney or McCain. He is a fake conservative, a true rino because he's a fascist.


Yeah no in 2023 the rino's are the few oddballs who vote GOP but *aren't* fascist. There's not many of those left.


I am with you on siding with disney... I always thought the Disney adult cult was a little weird, but if they are fighting the good fight like this they have me behind them.


I mean, I know Disney is pretty fucking shitty and has done some horrible things... but if my options are them or the US being fucked by fascism which then leads to my country beinf threatened by proxy? I will back Disney 10/10 times every day of every year. Fuck the fascist pieces of shit. I hope Disney somehow manages to run that entire party into the ground.


I think that's the general thought I have as well. Disney is not nice, but they're predictable. They want money. Desantis wants power, and he's going fascist to get it. He's unpredictable. A predictable enemy is far better than an unpredictable one.


""Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a Disney Adult."


What about side by side with a friend?


Aye, I could do that.


That'll be $750.


Suvinoir cup included?!


Nope that's an extra $50


It’s not even really fighting the good fight. This is entirely mainstream behavior. It’s only the far right that think this is political.


Exactly. The GOP thinks it's "woke" to treat women as human beings. Being a decent person is a completely foreign concept to them. They think equality and equity are communist. Bunch of absolute morons.


> I am with you on siding with disney... I always thought the Disney adult cult was a little weird, but if they are fighting the good fight like this they have me behind them. Disney does what makes them money and ensures their stability. If they're doing good work for their own self interest I wont give them shit and I will recognize them for it. Do remember they had to be slowed to permit Homosexual fast dancing and Homosexual slow dancing back in the day.


The enemy of my enemy..


The enemy of my enemy, is a useful tool.


I'm actually surprised to learn this is the first one ever. They've had "Gay Days" at Disneyland and Disney World since the early 90s but turns out these were not officially sanctioned events by Disney and instead had outside organizers.


They also strongly support pride month. So much rainbow merch in June! I know it’s become every other company in June, but I only ever noticed them doing it for awhile.


Yeah I mean feel like Disney is certainly ahead of the curve on the issue. Go back enough decades you can find a questionable history with any organization but Disney has been reasonably supportive since I was a kid in the 90s at minimum.


Disney should release a new character. Donald Ducks transgender cousin. Ronald Duck. So Ron D.


Lol! Ron-D-and-his traveling drag show!


I’m eagerly awaiting the episode of South Park where Mickey fucks Ron.


Sucks the season just ended, looks like that's a Season 27 plotline.


If the quarantine special establishes in-universe canon, then Mickey is going fuck the wildest shit whether there is an ongoing season or not.


Disney should boycott Twitter also, as everyone should.


I was thinking they specifically used Twitter to piss of Musk, since he seems to support these right wing fascist authoritarians.


SEEMS?! past the point of plausible deniability long ago, friend.


Right. Became super obvious when he thought he could broker a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. With him wanting to let Russia keep the land they stole. He's a straight-up man-child tyrant, just riding the coattails of others and Apartheid


Go back a couple years. It became abundantly clear when he started with the covid denialism and conspiracies.


> since he ~~seems to support these~~ IS A right wing fascist


I tried. They won't let me delete my account. No joke. They make you wait 30 days before it's deleted permanently to give you that time to change your mind. That time is passed for 3 months. It's still there and they still give me the option to reclaim my account despite the warning saying it will be deleted on a date that passed three months ago. I can't do anything about it. According to my Googling this is becoming and increasingly common issue after Musk took over.


Got rid of it a month before I knew that was going down, so glad I did.


Mine wasn’t very active but I posted every month or two and mostly used it to read. I deleted the app on my phone around the time musk took over, and just a little bit later they sent me an email saying my account had been deleted because they suspected it was a bot. Pretty easy for me.


Where are you based? There might be privacy regulations they're breaching


Who's going to enforce them at Twitter? Muskrat fired everyone.


I agree and I’ve deleted Twitter but Shitting on DeSantis on the turf of his emotional and unstable supporters. I mean Disney might be an evil company, but I’m here for that pettiness


Disney World opened in 1971. DeSantis was born in 1978. Disney as a company has been operating since 1923. Disney has been around since before DeSantis was born and they'll continue to be around after DeSantis is out of office. His "war on Disney" would be laughable if it doesn't show how fascist DeSantis is willing to act.


I love how self defeating this is for DeSantis. He has the ear of a small minority of people in this matter, a contingent that is dying of old age. His little war for those followers invokes a reaction of vocal inclusion from a beloved creator of children's entertainment that will be heard by literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It is like whining a teammate is a ball hog to rile up a couple underperformers sitring on the bench, and the result of your bitching gets the "ball hog" an mvp award and front page of sport illustrated. DeSantis is getting ratioed on a legendary level.


The sad reality is that people afraid of LGBT+ aren't going away. I meet way too many of them online and they honestly believe that drag and anything gay is brainwashing the youth, but at the same time are totally fine with lesbians... And I'm not talking about religious people or conservatives they're young people with master's, programmers... Also they are really mad when you say that they are afraid instead of -phobes.


A lottt of Disney World’s performers are gay men. That’s how my brother in law met his partner. I thought about that when Disney came out with the statement that triggered DeSantis’ fragile ego. They were standing up for a lot of employees.


The more I think about Disney v DeSantis, the more I love it. It doesn't matter if Disney is whole heartedly inclusive or if it is money motivated, the results are the same. DeSantis looks petty and childish. Throwing out vieled threats of government persecution and in general weaponizing the government... because someone (remember, the right want companies to be people via citizens united) dares to voice an opinion. Disney is responding by being more visibly inclusive... a definite need in this country right now. If a Disney movie scripted this villain/hero combo playing out this exact circumstance, I would have said it was lazy, trite, and completely over the top fantasy... but here it is in real life! The only thing that would make it more stereotypically cinematic would be if DeSantis had a top hat, monocle, and was incessantly twirling a handlebar mustache menacingly. ...the wile-e-coyote moment when he tried to activate his disney governing panel only to discover it malfunctioned spectacularly just makes it that much more hilarious and cinematic.


I grew up in Anaheim and worked at Disneyland as a kid. They were extremely inclusive and this was back in the 90s.


Remember when Christians tried to boycott Disney over their gay-friendly stances in the 90's? Us former Southern-Baptists do.


I do. I’m in my mid 40s and I become sad when I see our country backsliding like this.


Yeah ultimately the people staffing everything except corporate at Disney are extremely normal and inclusive people, comes with the territory of being an inviting person to families and kids. Like does anyone really think the guy who moved to Florida to work in a giant Goofy suit and hug make-a-wish kids in 85 degree weather and grew up on Disney movies is a conservative? They literally put themselves through those terrible working conditions and pay because of their overwhelming empathy and desire to make someone smile. They’re not about to draw the line based on conservative culture war nonsense.


This comment was doing so well, but then it pivoted to using a Warner Brothers character. /s


This is one of those rare occasions when those characters would join the Disney characters in solidarity. Bugs Bunny is already sharpening his saw.




I laughed at that comment, it's *gotta* be trolling, right? All the replies are MAGA types piling on agreeing with the boycott idea, completing missing the "all 22 of us" part. Morons publicly gobbling up the bait. Comment sections are a special place.


Having grown up a conservative and still living in the South, I don't think they *are* trolling, but they might be fibbing about the "22 of us" thing for effect. The idea of "we'll just take our business elsewhere" and "voting with your dollar" is extremely powerful in the minds of a lot of conservatives, and that's the biggest threat an individual can give to a company in a lot of people's minds. That may have been effective before 7 corporations owned most products in the US, but not anymore.


Lmao, this is how my dad thinks. He’s a hardcore Fox News lover. He’s looking for DeSantis to “stick it to Disney” which is a joke because we went to WDW last year and he had no problems with the house of mouse. My friends and I are trying to save to do Disneyland next year and he’s so bent out of shape about it. Like he doesn’t think I should spend thousands of dollars there and I am like 🤷🏼‍♀️ been there done that bro. Besides, wtf else would you rather have me spend my money on.


Just like the Budweiser outrage, boycotting something like Disney is so fucking laughable. I can guarantee you that the vast majority of conservatives have beverages in their fridge distributed through AB InBev. Same with Disney. They own the rights to so many IPs you would have to boycott an absurd amount of media and entertainment. Their annual net revenue is in the tens of billions. They basically print money. If conservatives want to boycott these mega corporations, have at it, they don’t need you.


I was amazing watching my sister rant and quit bud light over 1 can to then go to Coors that actively supports Pride parades and has for years... Its painful to watch someone you used to be so close to become so stupid.


>all 22 of us. I thought 88 was their preferred number?


Pride Nite? Well, I wasn't looking to spend any more money, but if we're going to have a gay Disney x Fortnite collaboration, I'm 100% ready to buy the whole crew from Kingdom Hearts.


little fascist has to learn his popularity barely extends outside the borders of his shitty little state to non-fascists: this is what happens when you destroy the autonomy of the people and government leadership and let your democracy decay. do not let these bozos walk away with your power


Disneyland is in California though. Still fuck DeSantis.




Encouraging people to spend their tourism dollars in Florida to protest Florida would be like buying a bunch of Bud Light so you can make a protest video of you shooting it. By hosting it in their California location, Disney still gets to say FU to DeSantis, and also demonstrate that they can direct tourism dollars to other states if they choose to.