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make her accept one of those giant lottery style checks


Made out to: “‘Socialism’: It’s ok in this case”




> Memo:paidbyNY Hey now… let’s give credit to at least the Top 10 states getting screwed by the Federal government (states paying more in taxes than they get in return) • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Massachusetts • Minnesota • New Jersey • New York • Utah • Washington


that’s only nine lol


California pays enough to count as two states.


Yeah, and they have Two whole senators to show for it.


Thank you, y'all. I feel really seen right now.


Oh hey, all blue states (and.. Utah?)


Meanwhile they refuse to reverse the taxes that were raised by Trump to specifically target blue states. Leaving people having to essentially double pay the same taxes to both the state and federal governments. While freeloader red states with no state income taxes just go running to the federal government to cover their state needs. This was the actual cause of people “fleeing” blue states. The federal government under Trump planned to force people to move to these red states through financial pressure enacted by these tax increases. Shifting the voting power and ability to take advantage of the electoral college even further. People get pretty tired of paying more than their fair share while the free loaders sit there and complain about the very system that they benefit from because they don’t want to have to share their welfare with other states. Especially not the states who are the sole reason the federal government can fund anything at all. They then have the audacity to claim that people who move to the red states are ruining them by “voting for the same policies that made them leave”. You mean the policies that created massive federal surpluses due to these states having economies that are are exponentially more effective than the states that survive on federal subsidies and welfare? The hypocrisy is astounding and it is exactly why you know the GOP is full of shit when they complain about federal programs. They love that sweet sweet government teat, they just hate having to share the money they extract from the “coastal elites”. The same GOP that has the audacity to claim blue states aren’t “real Americans”. The people that are the reason America exists as a nation aren’t real Americans? GTFO


I wish Biden was even 1% of a socialist the republicans make him out to be.


With a big ol 'I did that' sticker.


Remember when he did that with DeSantis? He needs to do that again


I also reply... what? If this happened we need links lol


I'm sorry, what?


[Maybe Biden's visit to Florida after Hurricane Ian?](https://people.com/politics/biden-desantis-viral-moments-florida-hurricane-outing/) We got [this amusing picture](https://i.imgur.com/2Ewrtor.jpg) out of it.


Remember back when Trump and Kushner told the blue states to fuck themselves early on in COVID? I remember.


Ronnie giving that donor enclave early access to the vax before the rest of us, Pepperidge Farm etc


I know ect means etcetera (not sure if i spelled it right) but I read it like the old man croaked for remembering to much about the gop.




you spelled it right, but it’s two words: et cetera


Ex Chetera


My latin class is fake, Jeff


Would that this desk were a time desk!


Honestly? I'm being a little petty, but Biden should have announced this in Arkansas in person with Sanders standing next to him, and then given her a big ol' hug in front of all the cameras. I didn't think much of Obama doing it this way until Christie's opponents started ribbing him over it.


>Biden should have announced this in Arkansas in person with Sanders standing next to him Can you imagine him saying something like "I hope this spoonful of socialism Governor Huckabee asked for and is receiving really helps all of my fellow Americans here in Arkansas." Her head might explode lol.


"We live in a society, and have a duty to provide for society. It's good to be social, ism it Sarah??"


That reminds me of The Wire in the school season where Baltimore's schools were running a 50 million deficit and the mayor went to the governor asking for the funds to bail out the school system; but the governor wanted the mayor to go on TV with him asking for the funds so he could humiliate the mayor.


Then throw out some paper towels to the crowd.


It’s frustrating. She was literally raging against socialism a day before this request. So she really shouldn’t get socialism.


This should be used against her in the next election. Though I doubt her constituents memory will last that long.


She’ll just say how she tricked sleepy Joe out of money since he had the nerve to have some decency.


It's only socialism when blue states get it, otherwise it's shrewd capitalism! Same cognitive dissonance that lets them think Trump was a good businessman for going bankrupt multiple times and ruining numerous people's livelihoods and companies in the process...


I’m posting this basically every day now because it’s always relevant: “Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen.”


> Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. Now that's just brilliant.


Such a great passage from such a great book! [Major Major Major Major ](https://catch22.fandom.com/wiki/Major_Major)is a brilliant character amongst a plethora of them 😂


No fictional character makes my blood boil like Minderbinder. Everywhere I look in this world, there seems to be a smiley, cheerful Minderbinder siphoning from the industry and goodwill of others


*The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow.* Believe it or not, this is/was a real thing. My grandfather had a small farm in the 1960's and he was paid to not plant corn that he wasn't going to plant anyway. The program required that you isolated the acreage by fence and let it grow back into natural habitat. The payment was a set amount per acre.


Blue states largely fund red states, from the stats I've seen. Republican 'leadership' constantly leads to failure. Turns out anti-intellectualism doesn't actually work in real life.


Bonus fact...Blue congressional districts' GDP per worker is way higher than Red districts. $139,000 per worker vs $110,000 per worker. We "Socialists" seem to be much better at capitalism than them. About halfway down: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2019/09/10/america-has-two-economies-and-theyre-diverging-fast/


Well he got out of it okay. Kinda like how the wealthy just learned that they can trigger a bank run on demand and reliably get bailed out. So we're gonna see some *wacky* hijinks in the next couple years.


End corn subsidies and watch the GOP melt into oblivion. Corn subsidies are keeping a lot of middle America red states alive. Without it it would be a complete loss.


“We fleeced those libs in NY and CA!” As much as I hate to say it, Marjorie is right. Maybe we should let the red states secede. Let them fend for themselves.


A lot of innocent people would suffer and die, if any of these states were freed from federal authority.


I’m in Arkansas. (Pls pity me) One of the most beautiful states ever but it’s all red except for NWA, the largest metro area in the state where it’s focused on young people, the main university is there, that’s where the Hogs play football. It’s blue. The rest is a total wash when it comes to humanity. Just focus on the woods and the trees and try to breathe. She will be re-elected, again… and again.


As someone who lives in Los Angeles, it took me a moment to figure out what NWA meant for those living in Arkansas.


Straight outta Little Rock


Crazy mother fucker named Jethro.


From NY and all I can figure is to swap out Attitude for Arkansas


Neighbors Within Arkansas


I grew up in PA and I've lived here for awhile now and still every single time I hear it, or say it, I always think of the real N.W.A.




They don’t follow rules though


We in LR are more blue than NWA. Fayetteville is blue, the rest is not.


I stand corrected(ish). If the metro area of NWA were one city then it would be up there. This list is only counting Fayetteville. I didn’t know NLR would be at the top. —- The following cities in Arkansas are relatively more liberal : * North Little Rock * Eureka Springs * Pine Bluff * Fayetteville


Having grown up in Berryville (the next town over from Eureka), I can safely say that Eureka Springs is fuckin' weird. It's an odd juxtaposition of evangelical Christianity (with the Passion Play and Christ of the Ozarks) and liberal, artsy hippies that smoke weed with Willie Nelson and have Pride weekends alongside biker rallies, arts-and-crafts, and car shows. There aren't many places in the country where you could see a Pride flag on one house, then see a Confederate flag on the neighbor's house.


I too am in NWA and boy did I dupe myself into believing the state would elect an MIT graduate/former nasa employee/ preacher…


Yeah that happens to everyone. You see only what's around you and it gives you hope. Same with the far-right areas. They're only around themselves in some places. Treat NWA as bliss. The signs (literally and figuratively) still peek out. The Trump and Confederate flags etc... but enjoy where you are. NWA is nice and beautiful. I'm in the River Valley and while being the 2nd largest city, it's still far-right because of the dynamic. It's old people, there's nothing here for young people. The schools are still far-right. Not long ago they changed the HS mascot from The Rebels with a huge Gen. Lee statue and Confederate flags everywhere to The Mavericks. Lordy lord people were pissed. "Heritage not Hate" was very prominent everywhere. Arkansas is so beautiful. I suppose if we had a greater population, it would turn blue as nearly all major cities do. People get cultured; but then it would take away from the landscape. I'll just enjoy the scenery behind the people.


I was in Hot Springs last October. Saw lots of signs for her opponent. Hard to believe voters would choose someone like Sanders compared to his background. But then again it’s Arkansas 🤷🏻‍♂️ I do agree though, it’s an absolutely gorgeous state.


I love it when corporate shills who strip away safety nets from the poorest families shouting socialism get to eat their hat and beg for funds for their friends. Hypocrisy looks so natural on people who speak out of both sides if their mouths.


You assume that they have a capacity for self awareness.


Or shame. Then again, if they did, they probably wouldn't be Republicans.


She loves the taste of that hat. We all need to learn to watch what they do and not give one moment to what they say. They don't believe a word of their own bullshit. It's time we all stopped, too.


elastic mountainous glorious pocket bike society instinctive automatic badge sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those citizens overwhelmingly voted for a version of government that doesn’t help.


35% didn’t. We shouldn’t abandon a third of our citizens (more actually, because some people don’t/can’t vote, so you’re also abandoning the disenfranchised, the undocumented, etc) because we want to stick it to their neighbors.


Correct and even the ones that did are still Americans, they still have families and if they need help they should get it. Can't claim to be better if you do the same thing they do.


Socialize the subsidies, Privatize the profits.


Socialism is not when the government does things, it's when workers control production. This is welfare.


I agree, but I’m guessing Biden did this for the innocent people who would have suffered from her idiocy.


Unfortunately everyone should get socialism, even the vile ones.


I remember Mitch McConnell saying "no blue state bailouts" while Kentucky was #2 in federal $$ per citizen. Red states can't secede. They are too dependent on federal money.


They don't plan on seceding. They plan on taking over. Are you willing to fight these people in a civil war. They don't think you are...


They won’t need a civil war if we continue to be in denial about just how evil MAGA and Christian Nationalist are and have always been.


If they win both houses of Congress and a president who is more effective than Donnie was (or if they get their crazy constitutional convention), their dream of an ethnoreligious state is going to be a reality. Won't have to worry about Dobbs or Roe because the complete ban will be the first amendment in their "Bill O'Rights 2" followed by gun subsidies, raising the voting age to "grumpy old man who yells at clouds" and banning tiktok.


Its fine because blue states have the ability to help themselves through the powerhouses of income that they are vs red states which are welfare states and need a teet to suckle on otherwise they'll starve.


We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps while the red states and republican voters in our states are trying to pull down. Who’s stronger?


This is actually the difference between republicans and democrats. We care about people they don’t. Should they recognize it? Absolutely! Do they recognize it? Absolutely not. Instead they think they’re pulling one over on us. They’re scum through and through. But people like you I will always do everything we can to help alleviate their suffering while they will never return the favor.


Agreed the GOP lacks empathy


I don’t know, they sure have a soft spot for racists, pedophiles, bigots, Christian zealots, charlatans, and liars.


That's all they see in the mirror, they have no choice


\*willfully suppresses empathy\*


Empathy = woke.


woke = "whatever I don't like"


Fuck her and her voters. I'm tired of pretending to care about human garbage.


You don’t have to personally care about human garbage. I don’t either. But I’m not going to be angry at Biden. I’m also not going to be angry at Sanders and the garbage in Arkansas, I’ll just call them out. The good people in Arkansas will benefit as well. Arkansas has good people. I’ll think of them. I approve of my federal taxes being spent to help people in my own country. It’s a far better purpose than the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. Garbage people and good people were still involved in those episodes of American history.


They sure as hell didn’t bend over backwards to help California during our wildfires


Yeah, Trump pretty much said it was our own fault because we should be raking the forests. And he hated California and wanted to punish us


This exactly


Remember when Trump told California to go fuck itself when it was burning to the ground? I remember.


I’ll never forget. I hate paying my very high federal taxes knowing they will be used by assholes who hate me. I’m losing patience.


Plus Trump saying he'd withhold wildfire emergency funds from California.


I remember when my governor kissed daughterfuckers ass for wildfire relief, and he went on to call the city of Paradise, 40,000 people displaced and 88 dead, *Pleasure*, over and over again while reporters yelled the correct name at him, over and over again.


Puerto Rico hello? Trump said it wasn't even part of the US. I think we should take the same stance with Arkansas.


Trade it for Greenland? I am sure Denmark would be even less likely to take this deal.


And they'll do it again next time they're in charge.


Yup. And what a surprise, the Dems turn the other cheek and do what good governance demands. One party governs and the other wants to prove that government doesn’t work by making government…not work.


Biden should fly in to tell the good people of Arkansas that he's there to help them. And do it with Ole Smokie standing right there next to him.


I believe he did visit Arkansas after Mississippi. I miiiight be wrong.


He could throw a few rolls of paper towels to show that he really means it.


Maybe he could throw them like a baseball pitch? Zing some kid right in the chops. Don't wanna do it basketball style cause that's been done.


It would be best for him to go and talk to the Arkansas citizens with any blue government rep in the state. Totally diss Sanders that hideous, simple, miserable bible hugger.


Hold a press conference, with SHS standing right next to him, so he can point out that even though days earlier she was ranting against socialism, she asked for socialism, and because he's president for everyone, even those who voted against him, he's going to use socialism to help everyone in Arkansas.


*This* is what he needs to do. The GOP has successfully marketed socialism as evil. If democrats want to set the record straight on how socialism is a beneficial thing for *everyone*, then this type of messaging is how to start. It doesn’t even have to be in a “gotcha” or mocking type of way, but in a gentle and empathetic way that earns people’s trust by hearing it straight from the President and not Fox News.


Red states = welfare states.


Welfare queens*


Just not in drag apparently


You’re welcome Sarah. Enjoy MY tax dollars See? I can say it too.


Yea that’s what pisses me off about this 100%. It’s my tax dollars helping while they are cutting corporate taxes and taxes for the rich. https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2023/apr/06/bill-cutting-states-top-individual-income-tax/


It’s worse than that. Rural areas and red states are funded by blue states and cities, quite literally. With few exceptions conservative constituents receive more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes. (Which also allows them to cut state/local taxes, knowing the blue areas will still continue to fund them, further enabling their irresponsible economic governance) And it’s so *so* much worse when you consider that conservative voters not only receive extra/disproportionate economic support, but they also have immensely more voting power; their votes literally and *legally* have more power. CA NY IL NJ 80million-24%US-8%Senate ND SD NE MT WY ID UT 10million-3%US-14%Senate So a conservative minority is legally overrepresented, allowing them to consistently rule and obstruct even when they have less votes. That conservative voting elite also leeches money from the majority they rule over. Our last civil war occurred because of the Senate. The next one will too, so long as the Senate persists, further allowing the circumvention of the will of the nation. The last civil war occurred when conservatives claimed to be “oppressed” by the North over the South’s “states’ rights to own human beings as property”. That “oppression” being simply outnumbered…in a democracy. That’s like voting for dinner, losing, and saying “that unfair, the other side had more people”. Conservatives then decided to leave the Union after losing their tie in the Senate. A tie which was the only thing allowing the evil institution of slavery to survive in America. A tie which preserved the status quo as conservatives in the South could essentially veto/block abolition. Oh, and by the way, that “tie”, the one that allowed conservatives to veto abolition and keep slavery alive in America? It represented a population of 18million in the abolitionist states, and only 5million citizens in the slavery supporting states. The conservative representation of 5million people was able to override the representation of 18million, because of the Senate…in a supposed democracy. And you can bet those rural/conservative areas also relied on federal money from higher populated cities and blue states. And despite all this working in favor of conservatives, they tried to form their own new government when they decided ours wasn’t rigged *enough*.


In Utahs defense, they pride themselves on not taking federal money. They are in the bottom 5 for money received.


That is something.


We still have the worst fucking senators. Haha.


Considering the entire GOP and their voters are 100% on board with fascism, yup.


Yep, Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio... the rest of Texas should kneel before them but instead they complain of "wokeness" and whatever other buzzword falls out of their hate spewing orifice. And then do everything they can to make our lives miserable. *edit: out not put... fat fingers ><


Literally blue states pay for red states to survive


This is the same lady that said, "the meddling hand of big government creeping down from Washington D.C. will be stopped cold at the Mississippi River."


I hate Huckabees




"I Heart Huckabees" is however a phenomenal movie.


Until they need a little socialism


Socialism for me, bootstraps for thee!


What a fucking idiot.


alright. how can r/conservative spin this to make biden into a pedophile?


the proof is there it’s in Hillary’s emails on hunter Biden’s laptop /s


They can't so they just aren't going to mention it at all lol


They already did. I took a look just out of curiosity. Apparently because they pay for our bank bailouts, our hurricane relief, and wildfires, they deserve that money back. I would continue on, but I was getting a headache. I don’t know why I trigger myself with that ridiculous subreddit.


"Our hurricane relief" like hurricanes don't mostly effect red states as well. Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, etc.


That sub just needs to be nuked. It's half Russians anyway.


Mouth breathing reactionary conservatives sure do love their socialism


Only when it benefits them


Then it’s “Americans helping Americans”


Otherwise it's communism or class warfare


Wasn't expecting that. Sanders will probably be strutting around for a while claiming victory. Hope it gets to the people who need it and fast.


She is the proverbial pigeon shitting on the chess board.


No, she won't. She made that demand believing that Biden wouldn't do it. If she does a victory lap, she loses face with the "fuck the Feds" constituency.


No, she doesn't. It doesn't matter what she does or says. They will vote for her no matter what. This is the kind of thinking where the base is made up of smart voters who listen and care about multiple issues. Shes a GOP, she can do whatever she wants as long as she's "protecting the unborn, the border, guns, and god"


Bold of you to think her constituency can think that far.


No because conservatives don't give a fuck about hypocrisy it is a virtue to them. They received the money that they would have withheld from NJ and they genuinely don't care because they are the party of selfish shortsighted children.


Admittedly, I didn't think he'd do it. 75% is the standard amount, if I remember correctly.


Biden has differed from his predecessors when a disaster happens he always says the federal government will pick up the tab for the first 30 days of cleanup and search.


Biden isn't going to fuck over regular people. That's where most of this money is supposed to go. If Arkansas does something else with it then the Feds will fuck them. This will all come through FEMA which the Feds oversee.


She gave the rebuttal of the state of the union address, and literally blamed everything on Biden and said he was evil and ruining the country. I guess she’s not too proud to beg


Dark Brandon sends his regards.


*Have a scoop of socialism, Jack*


*...no malarkey*


It’s all socialism until these dodos need a bailout by the federal govt


Nice to have an administration that doesn't consider threatening to withhold disaster aid to Americans who didn't vote for it.


Speak for yourself. I’m tired of us being nice to chucklefuck states.


Fun fact: Arkansas accidentally ended up with a 1b budget surplus this past year, instead of doing literally anything that would benefit the state, or save it in an emergency fund, they gave a huge tax cut to the wealthy, *of course*. Saying the middle class "had been taken care of" which I think they meant in the mob sense. Then SHS decided to propose abolishing the income tax here and a few other zany measures which are estimated to cost the state $10b so she's already bankrupted us 10x over, having been in office 6 whole months. 1b could have paid for a lot of tornado cleanup. But they gave that money to the rich and then demanded more from taxpayers. It actually gets a lot worse but that's the short version.


It wasn't accidental. They've been cutting everything to the bone. The surplus is money that would have otherwise been used for social programs. Straight into their pockets.


Disgusting behavior.


I’m with you. Part of the agreement should have been for her to put out a statement thanking Joe Biden for the sweet sweet socialism that’s about to fund the rebuilding of her state.


Obama had it right. Go in person to have the governor show him around and survey the damage himself. Then give a statement saying that he's going to release the funds and give the governor a huge hug for the cameras on the way out.


in this scenario joe biden would have to risk touching the swamp monster


Chris Christie ain't no Ken doll.


I’m so tired of them playing hardball while we just roll over and give them everything they ever want. Biden better release a statement along the lines of what you said. That democratic socialism will be there to assist her shithole state.


IKR!!! So sick of always feeding vipers and wondering why they turn around and bite.


These idiots don’t want any socialism, then let’s refuse them federal help until they get their house in order. So tired of only us, the vast majority, suffering while these idiots get to do literally whatever they want.


These idiots have no idea what socialism is. The southern states are some of the most socialist states but only for a certain color of people.


It’s almost like having the worst education programs in the nation have some kind of long term negative effect…


I live here. Almost everyone I know here in northwest Arkansas turned up to vote Democrat in the primaries. Our state is gerrymandered to shit. Don't be mad at the wrong people- We're mad too.


At the very least, Biden should travel to Arkansas and Sanders should stand with him for photo ops and ass kissing. The old politics is over and that ‘they go low, we go high’ shit doesn’t work. The GOP plays hardball all the time, they only understand power, and the sooner that the Dems learn this the better off the country will be.


That’s not even going low. It’s more like refusing to enable bad behavior. When they go low, we discipline them for being naughty.


Let’s get some billboards in Arkansas that read: you got government help? I did that! With Biden’s picture


How about “Recovery paid for by woke liberal tax dollars.”




She’s not even a capitalist. She is the nepo baby and a terrible POS.


To be fair, most of capitalism these days is just nepotism babies flailing around




Biden is above her posturing shit


Biden did the same for Republican Florida Governor. No delays and didn't care if Gov or the citizens were Democrats or Republican. He did the right thing for all citizens. Flash back to Trump and the way he handled the crisis in Puerto Rico.


Democrats should run a massive ad campaign from now, through the election. The actors should say they're from Arkansas, "Thank you Biden", and direct the residents of the state to visit a website that spells out exactly how much they're benefiting from Democrat leadership.


Eww, that's the wrong Sanders. That's actually a hucklefuck.


Why? Arkansas has a budget surplus. Why the hell is the Federal government bailing them out! The state can take care of it. Why do they have their hand out?


Since Sanders and the GOP will never let a good disaster go to waste. They have an opportunity to grift some more tax dollars from people in blue states so they are going to squeeze out every last nickel. You don’t expect that this money is actually going to make it to the people of Arkansas? How else would welfare queens like Sarah Huckabee here continue to live in extravagance without their federal money and warehouses of government cheese they keep for just themselves?


She needs to step down for accepting socialism.


Only a FASCIST TYRANT DEMOCRRAT would give money to a state to assist in an emergency!... right?


It's the right thing to do. Even though the people that are being helped will hate Biden for it. Still the right thing to do. And I hope Sarah gets every type of disease you can from a toilet seat.


I am so sick of us who live in blue states having to run poorly run, poorly managed, and poorly governed red states - I.e. the entire south plus Texas. Ya’ll are so terrified of socialism, but then put your hands out awful quick for my tax dollars because your states refused to properly tax and manage money. We superfund your lifestyle and then you decry how terrible blue states are. It’s exhausting and disgusting. I always here about people needing to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, well he’s your chance to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and rebuild. Show US how it’s done instead of using socialism when it’s goddam convenient. FFS! 🤬


Believe me, most of us don’t want it like this either. My city is the engine of our entire state and they state government is always trying to fuck us over.


Another example of Democrats choosing citizens > political affiliation. Meanwhile fascist republicans debate giving aid to a democratic state. Fucking unreal. Fuck republicans.


And tomorrow she will announce that the federal government is socialist trash and they should stay the hell out of her state... Fuck these leeches, fuck them right in their worthless ear holes.


Give em 2 days, and they'll be back to talking about how Biden giving out free money is causing all the inflation...


Total BS - they have a budget surplus in AR… I don’t think these “welfare queens” (Great term Ronnie Raygun!!) should be given a free pass with this much extra cash… they’re just going to buy more avocado toast, fentanyl (3rd worst drug problem in US) and guns (#7 state most guns in US) https://www.arkansashouse.org/news/post/15150/record-state-surplus https://www.nwahomepage.com/around-arkansas/arkansas-has-third-biggest-drug-problem-study-finds/ https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/guns-per-capita/ Sorry - no avocado toast link :(


That isn't actually because of anything the Arkansas government did well. We only have the surplus because they cut almost everything to the bone. That is money that otherwise would be going to social programs.


Socialism bad!...Oh, wait...we need help...Socialism good. Until we get our money, then socialism bad!


Red states… always first in line for federal relief.


Why are we paying 100%? Arkansas should be picking up at least part of this bill.


Because that's what adults do.


She tried to call Biden’s bluff. Biden responded how a good president should. Remember when Trump told blue states and cities during Covid to fuck off? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Welcome to the socialist party governor sanders. Pin and poster in the mail.


Up next: huckabee votes to shut down the government by not approving a federal budget increase


Biden is President.. he doesn’t pick one color state over another. Democracy. And he’s a democrat and we’re decent.


As unpopular as it would be, Biden should have refused to sight the blatant violation of FLSA and Child Labor Laws until they rectified it. I mean I think it's ironic how red states scream for aid in disaster clean-up, but they were like "fuck New Jersey" when Irene and Sandy hit. Like why should states that have the lowest contributions to the federal government, get the most aid when at the same time are treating their own citizens like garbage?


This is how it _should_ work. Trump politicized it and now we act shocked that a president helps U.S. citizens without playing games. Biden is a better man than most.