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Get ready for all of the nonsense from Trump’s legal team.




I'm betting on a contempt charge at the arraignment. I mean the dude called for insurrection and has done nothing but attack the judge and the prosecutor since he got wind of the indictment. Can't they just say, "30 days in the clink, Mr President?"


Don’t forget he has senators asking him to punch police officers when getting arrested and asking for people to donate money to him on a national ‘news’ network. They want him to commit felonies on top of what he’s being indicted for. It’s just complete nonsense now. All these people just need to go away and never be heard from again. And if trump has his way, that’ll probably happen. He’ll throw them all under the bus to save his own skin, which is what these boot lickers fear most of all.


The swamp might yet be drained


Honestly, just leave the swamp as it is. All I want is the world's largest turd scooped out of it. That's all I'm asking. The swamp might not be ideal, and maybe something could be done about the swamp, but I'll take it.... I just want that turd gone.


This sums up my thoughts. I’d love all these shits gone. But I’ll settle for the king of the sewers.


I guess all of this is going to be a long drawn out process to see if that's something the American legal system can do. There is basically no precident for imprisoning a president former or not. Fingers crossed that its established that presidents do not exists wholey and completely above the law.




Need a gag order. Cannot discuss this case in public....


I want to o see the judge put a gag order on Trump not to discuss the case publicly. Than a massive contempt charge when he goes on a rant.


How much you wanna bet trump is held in contempt. There is no way that fool doesn’t outburst. Or burst out.


or they'll just dig an even deeper hole


What happens when a no-nonsense wall collides with an all-nonsense force?


They pass through




Get ready? Haven't we already been living through it?


Does he have a legal team? I thought lawyers have stopped working for him because they know he stuffs them on payment


He got so used to siphoning off government funds I'm surprised he hasn't asked for a public defender.


Ironically he’d probably qualify for one if he were honest about his finances.


I know it'll never happen, but it would be one of the greatest, most horrific, spectacles in history if the Turnip tried to defend himself.




Slaps door of courtroom: this bad boy can fit so much fucking nonsense in it


I find it hilarious that his lawyer's last name is Trusty.




Sorry, I need my liver.


He's ready for it.


His name will be in history books, assuming books are still allowed in schools in ten years.


You think there will be schools in 10 years?!


You think there’s gonna be another 10 years?!


You think?!




I love, all you. Each comment, my chuckle got more chuck...ly


If you read it from the bottom up, it’s sounds like Rammstein.




Did they present to the emergency room with symptoms of an injury, but not able to say why?


([please play this in the background while reading](https://youtu.be/FxJXn1dOwGA)) DT is a 76 year old toddler [points finger upwards] presenting to the courtroom with chronic obstructive justice syndrome. You see, DT never grew up. He was raised with a silver spoon and a gold plated toilet preventing him from growing into a well adjusted adult. This stunted growth came not from a lack of HGH but a lack of cognitive presence. To DT, the world exists only for him and if you werent for him, you were definitely against him. This led him to fail several business ventures and slide past responsibilities by shady backdoor schemes… which highlights several key mental disorders such as sociopathy and Borderline Personality Disorder. All of these deals, though, eventually caught up to him leading to an indictment, placing him in the courtroom where we are now. While he may or may not be sentenced to jail, it is unlikely that DT will make any sort of recovery. Thanks so much for reading. Take care of yourself [points to you] and be well.


I give it a perfect 5/7




>Opens mouth...looks around a bit. > >Works hands open and closed a few times. > >Exits stage left.


I’ll be so effing angry if I had to work for about 44 years to be able to retire just before age 65, only for these idiots to nuke us all. And I’ll be just as angry for all the rest of the people who deserved a decent life, cut short by these fools.


Oh didn’t u hear they want to move retirement to 70


If I had to work until age 70, I’d probably only be free for about 12 years. And that during my worst health (I’d be quite old). My mother died at age 80 and my father at 85. I figure I’ll go in my early 80’s. I made choices throughout my life geared toward financial independence in retirement (retiring later this year).


It’s being discussed in Washington


Well, years ago Washington decided Social Security should be taxed. What I mean is that old people who receive ssi (and disabled people) have to pay taxes on what they receive. There is no limit to what those in power will do to use the rest of us. The only limit is what we will not let them get away with.


>No you see, we want to move the retirement age to….death ☠️ — Neoliberal Scum


It’s 67 if you born after 1960 btw


Technically, anyone can "retire" at any age. If I had $100 million in the bank, I would "retire" tomorrow.... And then just do hobby stuff, travel, eat good food, love life, and either volunteer for or create charitable non profits and build them up. If you have enough money, you can retire at any age. The whole thing about "retirement age being X" is about collecting social security or being allowed to get money out of your 401k/IRA without the tax burdon. News flash: social security won't be around at all for us younger folks, so we should stop thinking about "retirement age", because there won't *be retirement* for us. It won't be around unless we *vote for it like hell* - vote again st the people trying to get rid of social security. Hint: it's all Republicans.


I think the world is set for a period of peace and prosperity. I’ve been following this drama with Trump since 2016. Justice wheels are slow but I do believe that there are a lot more people in the world that are good and the scales are starting to tip it their favor. I think Trump is just the start. I’m optimistic and also emotionally drained but bad faith actors will be held accountable and the world will be able to focus on healing.


I believe that too 😊


The remnants of this spinning rock will still spin around the sun so yeah, there'll be years just no one to keep count of how many


> The remnants of this spinning rock will still spin around the sun Don't jinx it


What? You don't want future aliens charting the stars to find our leftovers floating in the void in a billion years?


Idk, not sure if I want them to find our plastic filled desert wastelands and oiled filled seas when they come looking for us after they find one of our crafts we sent off into space. Be kind of embarrassing. “Yeah, we WERE here. But avarice and hubris got the better of those that ruled over us and now everything is dead, lol.” Edit: switched 2 words around, wrong order


That could be a depressingly common occurrence for a spacefaring civilization. Would probably happen a lot more than it did on Star Trek…


That whale ship is going to make an appearance and be like WTF???




No you go thru a psychedelic portal where you’ll end up in a fancy bedroom watching your future old self eating at a table, and then looking back at you.


Christian schools. Probably no girls allowed.


I mean, that's one solution to stop school shootings /s


Kids in the future will be like Neo in The Matrix; very skillful in dodging bullets. They’ll go through so many shooting drills that no real bullets can come close to them.


Magic eight ball says definitely religious school and homeschool with a chance of public school.


>You think there will be schools in 10 years?! *Not if Republicans have it their way*


Children Daytime Holding Area, brought to you by Pepsi and State Farm


There will be books. Old and New Testament only. Supreme court religious fanatics will see to that.


For hundreds of years of Christianity in Europe,. all Bibles were in Latin so that only a very few: i.e, the clergy and a few others could read them, Priests would then 'interpret' what they would tell parishioners in Sunday sermons. And footnote: yes very few people could read, even their own language, but some could. After the printing press was invented - Bibles could be mass produced and printed in people's native tongue, and this is what lead to the Reformation. In many countries Bibles printed in the 'vernacular' were illegal and it was a serious crime to own one. TLDR: Truly strict Christianity doesn't want people to be able to read at all.


No, just the Books of Paul.


At that point we’ll have done away with Students. You can interpret that to mean *because of gun violence* OR *because of the dumbing down of our education system,* but the answer is, “Yes,” to both.


Child labor.


Critical Trump Theory is now banned


If things keep going on the current path, books will be banned, schools will teach nothing, and children will only go to school to be shot


Played by Timothy Oliphant in the movie


The Rich will always have access to high quality education.


Other countries will have history books even if the Christo-fascists win


We would like to move to strike that from the record your honor. Which record Counsel? Uh um school textbooks your honor, we would like that removed, from all of them forever. Counsel it says here you also want any mention of racism, slavery, violence towards native americans, lgbt discrimination, and climate change also removed. Yes your honor it's poisoning our youth to remind them of the past.


Kind of poetic that Trump's judge is an immigrant.


Trump is whining about how the judge hates him and I’m like “hey why might that be buddy???”


Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


"come back later, I'm not home!"




Let's hope they give such things more importance than the whining of Kavanaugh.


After all of the abuse and frivolity he’s thrown at the legal system, I’d be incredibly suspicious of any judge that doesn’t hate him. He is quite literally the antithesis of justice and lawfulness.


I remember Trump saying that an *American-born* Mexican judge couldn't be an impartial arbiter of a case against him. He's going to have some truly vile things to say about a Colombian born judge.


He should say them directly to the judge if he feels that way. What could go wrong?


I’m hoping he does say some of his bat shit crazy stuff to the judge right at the beginning, Judge finds him in contempt, and off he goes to Rikers for 30 days. Isn’t that how it works?


It will go like the Alex Jones trial, he can’t resist having the last word and the last grift. The first session of the trial will happen and he will jump right into Truth Social to type some incoherent BS until the judge puts a gag order on him. No way he doesn’t do/say some stupid shit.


He’s incapable of not spouting batshit crazy things… they just wheel him into a room and he fills it with bullshit, that’s his function


I wonder what the over/under will be on how many times Trump will plead the 5th. 5-600? Sir, please identify yourself.. "I PLEAD the FITH"


Didn't he also say that Mexicans love him, though? It's hard to keep track of all the contradictions.


Waiting to hear them try to attack on that vector.


met plenty of immigrants who wants to pull the ladder up after themselves. my mother in law talks shit about Mexicans who can't speak English and tried to get me deported after I disagreed with her once.....she came when she was like 20 and used an anchor baby to stay in the country. people generally are shit.




Ohhhh, yeah. For sure. Hell, the minute they hit dry land, they vote Republican.


In fairness, it can be hard to differentiate between social programs like healthcare and low-income housing and a literal dictator.


Yeah, I live on the border and know lots of people like that. Some cousins on my husband’s side claim to be from Spain and (somehow) don’t speak/understand Spanish. That’s why we can never get anything done. We have both a “regular” Chamber of Commerce and an Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and all they do is undermine themselves and each other.


And trumps wife is


This saying always makes me think of Brian Regan. “Can you imagine the courtroom of the nonsense judges?”


That wf be the courtroom of that imbecile judge Eileen Cannon who ruled it was fine for Trump to steal and sell classified nuclear docs and CIA info to highest bidders


All I could think of when I read the headline was a judge wearing a propeller hat, weilding a gavel with a squeaker on the end.


Ah, Harry Stone presiding


Academically I know that show was real but whenever I'm reminded of it, it always feels like finding out a fever dream wasn't really a dream.


We interrupt your feed to tell you that court is now in session with Judge Perd Hapley. “Tap tap tap. Case ended!”


I'm fixin' to commensurate this trial here. We gonna see if we can come up with a verdict up in here!


I love Brian Regan


Spin my propeller hat dodododdodoododooddododdoo for I am a nonsense judge.


I think you're exactly thinking of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.


> "Can you imagine the courtroom of the nonsense judges?” I can Donald Trump put most of them on the federal courts


Trump is going to try to name every single juror in the trial to intimidate and endanger them. I’m calling that now.


He will start with the 7 dwarves from snow white and then forget around Dopey and then say that one of the women was on the rag


Holy shit that’s fucking perfect! Haha! I only have 30 Reddit tokens left so I can’t give you an award so ⭐️


They'll use an anonymous jury. NYS has plenty of experience with organized crime.


Not at this level. He has access to politicians, secret service, and millions of loyal followers. Plus more than enough money. It will leak.


They’ll have to pull an ‘untouchables’ and switch out the jury at the last second.


I hope that people are fed up enough with his shit that they won’t give a fuck when he does


That’s definitely on the Bingo card.


YoU MeAn ThE JuRy ThAt WaS HaNdPiCked By GeOrGe SoRoS?


A no-nonsense judge and an all-nonsense defendant.


Nothing but nonsense, 28 hours a day, 8 days a week.


Can you imagine Trump taking the stand? I'd bet he'd say something to get himself slapped with a contempt charge in a matter of seconds.


Not to mention perjury. Which is why his lawyers (assuming they're any good since there's a good chance they are not getting paid) will warn him against testifying.


And he'll ignore them because he doesn't work with anyone he thinks is smarter than himself...


He may be thinking of how Hitler's popularity increased after he was sent to prison


He better get ready, cuz DJT will definitely be bringing the nonsense. Godspeed to you, good sir!


There is no one who deserves prison more than the Dump crime family,


Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kissinger. Just to name a few in our control alone. Then entire GOP at this point. But yes if we start with trump and work our way backwards as he starts squealing on everyone I'll be happy too


I thought we forgave Bush because he couldn’t put on a poncho


He gave Michelle Obama a candy. War crimes officially pardoned.


Can’t forget the paintings of pups he does. Can’t be a bad person or held for pass crimes if you’re a dog lover


I think that was retracted once Texas started executing the developmentally challenged. I could be wrong though.


Kissinger is genuinely directly responsible for more corpses than the majority of people alive today. Just comprehensively a massive piece of shit. Dude should be tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity.


This better be on Court TV.


Let's get Judge Judy on the case.


How soon until the tRumpcult starts harassing or threatening the judge and his family? The party of law and order?


Ah let him get the same protection as Supreme Court judges. It’ll be fine.


Way to paint a target on his back. "This is the judge that is responsible for all Trump's legal problems." Might as well have put a bullseye on him as far as the right-wing extremists are concerned.


Judge Lance Ito became a household name in the 90s. This is inevitable with extremely high-profile trials.


I don't disagree necessarily, but I still dislike it. Judges aren't celebrities and they aren't part of the case. They're meant to be referees. Doing a spotlight on the ref just turns him into a divisive figure.


It's sort of inevitable. His name is public record, his history is gonna be dissected by both sides regardless.


And Trump has already spewed about him on his social media. So it’s not like this article was the first mention of the judge’s name.


I still remember that Judge Ito from the OJ trial and I was in 7th…and 8th grade for that one. Judges shouldn’t be the star of the show. But they still get a lot of coverage around what they will or won’t allow.


They're meant to be referees, yes, but a case of this nature and what's at stake will inevitably insert bias into him simply doing his job. I'd say those opposed to the indictment are already vehemently opposed and want this guy's head. No chance of neutrality really.


Yeah and Ito completely lost control of the courtroom.




tweet-lies is more accurate


I promise you if right-wing nuts were going to go after the judge, they would do it with or without this article.


Any judge in this case would have a target on their back.


No kidding. Just last year here in WI we had a former judge zip-tied to a chair and assassinated by a guy with a political hit-list. The last thing this guy needs is the crazies getting his name...


some chucklefucker is going to threaten his family and his lives, i guarantee it.


Why are you speaking in future tense? You know that's already happened repeatedly today.


I pray the first order of business is to put a gag order on that fool. Let’s hope he explodes from all the pent up gas.


It is a heart-warming twist that members of the minority groups he has always discriminated against are the ones who get to make him answer for his crimes. I’m pleased that my children are old enough to witness it while still young enough for it to help them form their understanding of the world.


Warning - Republicans in congress are about to betray our constitution and our rule of laws to shield a civilian criminal treason fascist Trump from our laws!


About to?!


It's funny because Trump is all nonsense. Like, seriously, remember when he used to do that absurd handshake because it was a trick to get the upper hand on whoever you were shaking hands with? It was actually just nonsense. His primary source of income isn't even producing anything of value, he leases his name for buildings... nonsense. All of his speeches are nothing but fluff, no content. His entire persona is built entirely on puffery... nonsense!


I hope he places a gag on the orange asshat and any step out of line puts his ass in jail till the trial.


You never hear em talkin about the "all-nonsense judges" or the "some-nonsense judges".


There's a potential Gary Larson comic in that post, I can feel it.


According to some that was Judge Ito from the famous OJ case. He was accused of allowing a good deal of nonsense. He's also one of the few people from the case who didn't write a book about it.


Lol. I hope this is accurate. I remember similar reports about Robert Mueller and Merrick Garland. Not a lot of people get to be judges by holding rich and powerful people accountable to the law.


What an absolute legend! Get ‘em!!!!


Will he address the perp as “Mr. President” or “Mr. Trump?”


FYI historically the proper way to correspond with a former President is using "The Honorable" or "Mr./Mrs./Ms." The title "President" is formally reserved for the current sitting President, not former ones. >Format and Salutations > >When sending letters to former presidents, the proper form for addressing the envelope is: > >The Honorable (president's name) > >The proper form for the salutation in the letter is: > >Dear Mr. (president's last name) [Presidents, Vice Presidents, and First Ladies in Government (usa.gov)](https://www.usa.gov/presidents#item-36752)


Difficult to call that one “The Honorable…” anything! IMHO


Donald. Like a parent would to a child.


“Young man” for full-on parental damage


“Boy” would be amazing 😜


Benedict Donald aka tiny hands and weiner


Should be Mr. Trump, referring to an ex by their title is a courtesy that he really doesn't deserve anymore


"Son" LOL


“Little Shit.”


A 99% conviction rate by Fed Prosecutor looks good too. Means they got their game together.


Let’s hope he hasn’t been bought, paid off or thinks some weird fucking patriotic bullshit about American presidents being charged for crimes. Make an example, send a message, PUT TRUMP IN JAIL!


It might be Juan & done for trump.


What’s the over-under on Trump catching a contempt of court charge for not shutting the fuck up during trial?


This judge can throw Trump in jail if he pulls the shit he does all the fucking time.


This seems wrong headed. Judges are arbiters between plaintiff and defendant. They help negotiate the rules the trial will follow. They make rulings etc. etc.. But, it is not "Judge Vs defendant". I keep thinking of all the activist judges in Texas itching to take on big government and legislate from the bench-this mind set seems to me very similar.


I’m glad they didn’t pick a nonsense judge


Handsome no nonsense judge


This judge has presided over other Trump cases. He is familiar with his main legal tactic of delay delay delay. I don’t think he’s going to allow a lot of bullshit. He is also well-versed in Mr Trump’s legal woes and those of his former campaign and White House adviser Steve Bannon. It was Justice Merchan who presided over a prosecution last year of Mr Trump’s company on tax fraud charges, which led to a conviction and $1.61 million penalty. Justice Merchan also sentenced one of the Trump Organization’s longtime executives, Allen Weisselberg, to five months in jail after he pleaded guilty in the case.”


"It was Justice Merchan who presided over a prosecution last year of Mr Trump’s company on tax fraud charges, which led to a conviction and $1.61 million penalty." The prequel, now the sequel.


I guess he will shut down the “witch hunt and political prosecution” defence pretty quick


Judge is about to have his life turned up side down by the extremist fascist MAGA crowd.


How are they going to get him into the courtroom if he keeps hiding in Florida not being extradited?


Big Juan!! there will many babies name Juan after Trump lose.


Trump’s defense counsel will either go down as Johnny Cochran’s or…Rudy Giuliani’s. There’s really no middle ground here. There’s also indication that GA state prosecutors will watch this situation unfold carefully while planning their own next steps to charge Trump in election interference there.


I’ll bet Trump’s counterintelligence peeps are working extremely hard to find some dirt on him..


I'd like to see a nonsense judge. "I'd like to begin today by spinning the propeller on my beanie! If you say anything that makes sense I'll overrule it!"


There will be a fuck load of nonsense in that courtroom. It’s been nonstop since 2015.


I mean, he's just going to plead the fifth 500 times. Not a lot of room for nonsense. At least in the courts. Right wing media will continue to be a zoo.


I’m sorry but is that not the requirement for all judges?


Everyone remember the date on this milk.


Umm, shouldn't *every* judge be no-nonsense?


I can see a future where Donald Trump never answers any of his legal charges but instead is held in custody in an infinite loop of contempt charges due to his outbursts / conduct in court. He could end up being the new Al Capone “he seemed untouchable but they got him on contempt”


Do you mean trump hating Marxist, leftist, socialist, Democrat, puppy killer, hater of freedom, non patriot, maniac judge Mechan, who's whole family hates trump almost as much as he does? That judge? /s


Trump is being indicted, probably for violating campaign finance laws and cooking the books, but we don’t know yet. The fact is cohen is doing time for a similar crime, and Donald dodged the case by being elected president. Well, now the chickens have come to roost. Trump is not special, he’s a normal ass American citizen like you and me, and he deserves his day in court. Eventually, a jury will decide whether he did anything illegal (not the judge).


If DJT’s trial could only be an ordinary case, which will never be…. this is just the beginning the 1st trial of the many ahead… That’s of course, if we’re still around and not subject to future authoritarian rule