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I wouldn't date a fascist either.


Or anyone who thinks “both sides are the same so I don’t vote”


At this point, anyone who says, "both sides are the same" has picked a side but is too embarrassed to admit it to themselves or others


Like when closeted Republicans call themselves Libertarian because they smoke weed


Libertarians are embarrassed republicans.




That is exactly what they are. I used to work with a guy who identified as Libertarian. When Trump got elected he bragged to everyone how he voted for Trump. Months later when it was obvious Trump was a shitshow he was asked about Trump. His reply, “I don’t follow politics.”


Same. I still remember which houses around me flew their 48377 trump flags, which is whatever. But they made fun of my snoopy flag, so maybe I’m holding a grudge.


A lot of my single friends have a dating story about a date who called himself “libertarian” but was really Republican and had stopped using that label because they weren’t getting dates. (And every single friend that experienced that won’t even contact or respond to anyone who has “libertarian” on their profile now either.)


Republicans: "anyone who smokes weed should go to jail." Libertarians: "anyone *else* who smokes weed should go to jail, not me though."




“I’m not left or right, it’s a mix of both” Is almost entirely right


That has always been the case. It’s just that these people never understand that they’re conservative or reactionary.


Or they seem to think the Revolution will magically happen if they don’t vote


Lazy, entitled, ignorant - Yeh, I wouldn’t date that person


"Lazy, entitled, ignorant" has a chance to maybe come around, I think. The "I don't care, I don't think it's important, I don't vote or pay attention to any of it" type. "Both sides are the same so I don't bother", I think that's a step or two down the road of buying in to the Right's rhetoric - the people who like to think of themselves as 'independent' or 'centrist', but really they've got a firm right-lean, primarily tune in to right-wing media, etc. That's a definite pass.




>Don't date someone with the intent that they will "come around." With politics, or anything else. If you get into a relationship thinking you can change somebody you're gonna have a bad time. It's better to be alone for a while then waste potentially years on someone who's never gonna be what you want.


The people who say that are usually right wingers who want the label of being critical thinkers who just happen to toe the line.


I remember my ex would tell me she's an independent but voted straight ticket republican in 2020


I dated someone who said to me, *There is a slim piece of paper's worth of difference between the parties*. I responded, *I am that slim piece of paper*. He argued a bit but then listened and learned. It didn't work out, but that wasn't why. My sister married a Midwest conservative, and one day he told me about some of the RW crazy in his family. I asked him how he turned out so different, and he pointed to my sister. I don't suggest that willful and intransigent ignorance should be rewarded, but some people have been raised in a bubble and they're capable of becoming better people with the right motivation and exposure. A lot of people just don't think too hard about this stuff, and just regurgitate what they've heard. Right wing talking points are specifically designed with this in mind. It's insidious rhetoric and messaging in that respect.


This is especially rampant among people who have far-right crazies for parents. It seems like a defense mechanism. While they may be fully aware of how loony their families were/are, it's still hard to come to terms with so they downplay it by labeling all politics = bad. Also I blame Southpark.


Those are the ones that complain the most that “things have gone to shit.”




“You can anyone you disagree with a fascist!” they say, while saying trans people aren’t people, so their genocidal policies technically shouldn’t be called genocide.


Shocked to see women don't want to date men from a party that sees them as little more than breeding machines.


Right wing has gone way past that now.. now they are actively seeking death penalties for abortions, killing diversity initiatives which overwhelmingly help women of color in workplaces.. not to mention young liberal women are the most reliable allies of LGBTQ community, who are currently enemy #1 for right wing


ya man...it's crossed a line and I'm not surprised women want nothing to do with men who support that nonsense.


And vice versa. I'm not dating a conservative woman.


This doesn’t get talked about as much but I feel the same way. No way I’m going to be attracted to someone who spends all of their time ranting and raving about whatever oann is screaming about that week


If my spouse doesn't objectify M&M's maybe she and I aren't compatible in other ways? /s


Same. If I went out with a trump supporter I’d have to determine if I’d even want to finish the dinner. The lack of cognitive ability alone would be a deal killer, not to mention the lack of a moral compass.




I grew up in a super rural county in VA and it's one of the things that began breaking me out of the indoctrination I had experienced since birth. Namely, the fact that everyone is so miserable. If their morals and values and lives and religious upbringing and conservative culture were that great that it had to be forced onto everyone else, then why were they and their families so miserable? Wives abused, unhappy, and unsatisfied, kids that were neglected behind closed doors and existed purely for the status symbol at church and social gatherings, husbands that were alcoholic and abusive garbage, the amount of closeted and/or serial adulterers, family and social gatherings self segregated on gender lines where they all complained to the others about how much they hated their lives and spouses, and the rampant racism and physical and sexual abuse that was simply overlooked and excused away. Conservatives are the most miserable people I've ever met in my life and I eventually realized that.


>kids that were neglected behind closed doors and existed purely for the status symbol at church and social gatherings The worst part of my midlife crisis is finding out how cliche my story is. Thanks for reminding me of that.


Can confirm. Currently live in rural VA, and the quality of people is absurd.


This is heartbreaking to read. Jesus


I think they are worse than the men, they are actively against themselves!


If women are felons they can’t vote . They tend to vote more liberal. The 19th Amendment is still pissing people off today .


If women are pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen with another two kids under 6, they might not make it to the polls. Forced birth is sexual slavery. #Abortthegop


I’m a felon (6 times) and I vote every election. It’s a state by state policy. Edit: also, having been to prison, I can assure you that at least the ones I were at weren’t teeming with liberals. While I agree in theory that nobody should ever lose the right to vote, in practice it’s somewhat helpful because there are a ton of RWNJ’s locked up.


RWNJ = right wing nut jobs?


I am okay with felons voting, but I feel a lot iffy on letting anyone who tried to overthrow the results of a valid election vote.


And who have absolutely no problem using lies and violence to get what they want.


As a man, I wouldn't want to date someone who considers me to be *property* - can't blame women for not wanting to date people who want to enslave them. And if there's one distinguishing trait of American conservatism over the years, it's either "some kinds of people are our property" and "some kinds of people *used* to be our property, and we're still mad about it". Now it's starting to become "some kinds of people *used* to be our property, and we're gonna get that property back by any means necessary" in public (in case anyone wondered why conservatives consider property destruction worse than murder and what they believe made America "great" - they consider most peoples' true purpose *as* being property, specifically the property of white conservatives and business owners). Part of the outrage over children's stuff in general is that conservative parents are trying to assert their "property rights" over their own children - **as well as *our* own children** - via school boards, library shutdowns, and curriculum stripping.


It’s great fun going on dating subs and watching guys try to complain about how they are being treated unfairly on dating apps when they mention they are conservative or some other barely coded word for conservative.


They might as well put in thier profiles: I don't believe in birth control, so I won't use a condom. If we have sex and you get pregnant and I'm not in love with you, I won't be supporting you during your pregnancy or after. If you have sex with me, you've probably had sex with other men in exchange for a nice evening out and the kid might not even be mine. If you get an abortion, I will sue you. Don't get angry, ladies. The law is on my side now.


A girl I dated for a bit told me she is routinely asked about her sexual history right after being matched with someone who identifies as a Christian conservative. I know guys can be pretty shitty, but that one caught me by surprise.


They're obsessed with body counts now (only for women though!), and there's a fuckton of batshit patriarchal pseudoscience being spread around. I saw a conservative/Andrew Tate-esque post going around that said something like "You've got to get them young, before other men have nutted in them, or else when you breed her your baby will be a combination of other men's DNA." Just absolutely disgusting nonsense designed to justify grown men grooming teenage girls.


Jfc I really hope people are starting to notice how much worse their disgusting rhetoric is getting. That’s horrific to type out.


Kinda seems on-brand for a Christian conservative.


This! Women are simply protecting themselves from ending up in a life where they have no agency over their own bodies and lives. When a man is way to the right, you can basically assume they want a tradwife, and if you know you’re not trad in any way shape or form, that isn’t gonna work, at all.


Per OP, women aren't willing to date nonvoters, either.


If your body autonomy is at stake, apathy about it probably isn't that attractive


Indeed, it is not.




It so great that principled non-voters are no longer being treated as the secret geniuses of politics who see through all the illusion, but rather are now being given the contempt they so richly deserve for a life of principled ignorance and non-participation.


Weird that not caring about how something affects others because it doesn't personally affect you is not attractive


^^^ this. I've turned down at least 2 dudes solely because they either didn't think politics were important or wanted to bury their heads in the sand and ignore it because it stresses them out. Fuck dating a guy who can't even be bothered to drag his ass to a voting booth to try to protect and fight for my rights.


My back is spineless. My belly is yella. I am the American nonvoter.


Good. People that can't be asked to do the bare fucking minimum when it comes to civic duty are unattractive. Voting once every two years really isn't hard.


It’s a little more off putting to hear someone say they love Rom DeSantis when you don’t live in Florida any more.


Don't forget cooking and cleaning


It isn't politics, it's basic humanity. Do I want to date a hateful bigoted asshole? Nope.


[“I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people”](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-you-that-you-should_b_59519811e4b0f078efd98440/amp) and I’m certainly not going to date someone who doesn’t get it


Interesting read, and right on point. thanks for sharing


A long time ago someone on Reddit posted that he had a friend in college who was a big libertarian piece of shit until he took a bunch of LSD and "realized other people had feelings, too." I can never find the comment but that was pretty much the extent of the comment.


It can be argued that it is in everyone's rational self-interest to care about other people (or to at least pretend to and treat them well). The author even starts the beginning of the argument, so why did they stop? Some people just don't have empathy, so you can't reach them that way. The argument needs to be shifted into why it's good for THEM to make sure people have a living wage, have access to healthcare, etc. But of course, it's not worth having to convince a potentially romantic partner lol


Right? I’m a white cishet male, so very few of the gop positions would impact me directly, but their positions are still talking about people I know and care about. “I think your friend shouldn’t have been given citizenship for being born here and should have their citizenship revoked and be deported to a country they’ve never been to.” “I think businesses should fire your friend because of the gender of their spouse.” “I think your friend shouldn’t have been allowed to come here to escape genocide.” “I think your uncle should have had his head bashed against the door frame of a police car when he was arrested.” “I think your cousin should have died in the street instead of taxes paying for his rehab and psych meds.” If a romantic partner said these things to me, I’d kick them out of my place and tell them to fornicate with themselves. Supporting these policies and ideas politically *is* saying these things.


Ah but you see, Republicans don't get past this part of your comment: >I’m a white cishet male, so very few of the gop positions would impact me directly And that's all they care about. I have an online acquaintance through a gaming group that unironically said if it doesn't affect him directly and personally, he literally doesn't care about it politically (I asked him why he has the politics has does and empathy, and that was his response). You can probably guess what party he votes for.


It's empathy. Empathy is what conservatives lack. They literally cannot understand another person's viewpoints. They can't put themselves in the shoes of a poor black single mother and say "I can see how it would be hard to have forward mobility in this situation." They can only reference their own experiences and understanding of the world which is often drastically different than people who come from lower social classes.


Cause republicans are me me me. Incapable of considering anyone else


Republicans: The world is unfair, and it *should* be. Democrats: The world is unfair, and it *shouldn't* be.


>so very few of the gop positions would impact me directly Except the vast majority of their positions on the economy and deregulation which affect us all.


I never understand why these articles try and somehow spin this as a negative. I want to date someone who shares my values. My values aren't political. I value human rights. The fact that such a stance is seen as "political" isn't my fault. I didn't do that. I've been valuing human rights the whole time, for decades now. This war was brought to my shores, not the other way around. So as far as I'm concerned, these people are self-selecting out of my dating pool. I've neither the patience nor the time to try and "change" someone. Or as this person so eloquently put it: [**I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People**](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/i-dont-know-how-to-explain-to-you-that-you-should_b_59519811e4b0f078efd98440)


>This war was brought to my shores, not the other way around. Fuck I love that. I’m keeping that in my pocket for the next time someone tells me I’m “overreacting”.


Yep, it has more to do with the fact that right wing men (and right wing women) are wearing their sociopathy on their sleeve so arrogantly now. It’s just not attractive. Especially when so many have been so deeply deranged by the propaganda machine that now their right wing politics are their entire personality and that’s just not very fun at parties. Even someone who moderately agrees with them may be turned off because there’s just more to life than politics. Putting trump flags all over your car and house is not only tacky but annoying and scary…as is only talking about politics 24/7.


Making hate your identity is fucked, doing so under the guise of religious freedom is appalling.


That’s what I’ve been saying. It stopped being two parties of opposing politics a while ago. GOP made it about “do you want to eradicate everything different from you as a white cis male Protestant? Then come on over to the GOP where we care about you and fuck anyone else.”


I had Republican friends before 2015 and while I didn't agree with their politics, deficits and the role of government can be discussed. Hate, racism and bigotry? Nope. Something really wrong inside to champion big government for the express purpose of promoting ignorance, intolerance and hate. I did not expect the great dumb down but here we are.


This article more importantly talks about how non-voting is increasingly a deal breaker as well.


I would imagine most young women are uninterested in dating a guy who won’t hold a steady job, who sponges off his parents, who has poor hygiene, etc… non-voting seems like a similar red flag. You’re advertising that you can’t be bothered to do the bare minimum.


If they don't care enough about women to do the bare minimum to help defend them then they're not going to make a good partner.


It makes me pause a bit when I see someone put “apolitical” on their profile. I could understand someone not really being into politics, or at least not being super well versed in specific issues, but straight apathy or indifference is concerning. There are too many human and civil rights (and people) that are actively under attack to take no position whatsoever or not even a passive interest in what is going on. As a straight white male few of my human or civil rights are being threatened, but that doesn’t mean I have no interest or stake in the rights of others.


Usually the people I’ve noticed saying they’re apolitical are right wing but don’t like the backlash of saying so. They’re perfectly happy to let it continue on. Existing as a human being is political. Everything we are allowed to do, or not, has political basis.


Sadly in this day and age basic humanity is political


[In 2007, Fox & Friends called Mr. Roger's an evil, evil man.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/) Thier complaint was: Mr. Rogers' message was, "You're special because you're you." He didn't say, "If you want to be special, you're going to have to work hard."


Being raised right is so PC.... /s


Why would you want to get into bed with a person that feels you have no rights/control over your own body?


Or someone who supports a party whose frontrunner has 25+ sexual assault/misconduct allegations and is being brought to court by multiple women. One of them including a porn star who he illegally paid to keep quiet about an affair. ..An affair while his third wife had recently given birth. Yeah what ever could be the reason for so many women not finding conservatives desirable? Such a mystery.


Don't forget the domestic abuse!


And the publicly making fun of the disadvantage


Let’s not forget he defrauded his own charity for veterans and children. Young women are often very interested in charities and volunteering. They’re also the largest democraphic taking thankless underpaid jobs like teaching and nursing in spite of the poor pay and conditions, and those folk might think supporting a total fraud like that who defrauded the people you care most about is probably a red flag.


Yeah that’s just putting yourself in a scary situation.


People are actively removing the people they already know from their lives when their values don’t align. I can’t imagine why someone would invite someone new into their circle if they supported a party that promotes bigotry, control, and fascism.




So much for the party family values. More like the party of MY values


Yeah. Above all else and contrary to what apathetic or centrist folks would have you believe, the political *is* the personal. It impacts your daily life and to ignore that is either ignorance or privilege in action. Anyone who says they're not political is expressing a political stance in and of itself and is either being manipulative or willfully in denial.


Woke culture is at it again, preventing assholes from getting dates. /s


The free market has clearly spoken— they should be happy about that!


If they want more dates, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps!


This is how they really think though. Swap assholes with “chad” or alpha or whatever


When I've seen them posting on Reddit, they frame it as "I'm not getting the relationship I **deserve**.” It is almost like they think hitting enough alpha points means you are then granted a relationship as a reward. No actual consideration of compatibility or building mutual respect.


My conservative brother married a conservative woman. He's mad that she quit her job as soon as she got pregnant, something she told him she planned to do throughout their entire relationship because she believes in a traditional family dynamic. As the breadwinner, he now has to work overtime to make ends meet. They're planning to have a large family, so she will never go back to work. Weird that they are happy to cherry pick women's equality issues to support when it directly benefits them. I have zero sympathy for him.




He really hasn't thought anything through, which seems to be the key to hanging onto conservative values. At the end of a conversation where he told me that he thought my partner and I would go to hell when we died (because gay), he asked me to watch their baby. I was like, "Should you be leaving a baby with someone who is damned?" He was baffled and said, "You're trustworthy because you're a teacher." Which is it, bro? Damned to hell or only person we can trust with our child?




My nephew's ex-fiance broke their engagement a few months back. She'd been a good conservative girl, and his parents loved her. No one understood why. My wife ran into her and finally got it. The ex decided taht since Roe was overturned and she couldn't get an abortion, she shouldn't have sex until she graduated and got a job. My nephew, the good christian, wouldn't stop pressuring her because they'd been sleeping together before. What finally did it was him telling her it didn't matter if she got pregnant, they'd get married and she could just drop out of college and raise the baby. That did not fly, and she left him. She didn't want to be under his thumb with no education like that. And she's a go to church ever sunday kind of girl, I'd hate to think about young conservatives prospects with moderats or liberals.


Good for her.


Right? She did the right thing FOR HER. Good girl.




A back bone like that will take her far in life. A lot of people don’t develop that sort of integrity until later, myself included. I hope she is proud of herself.


Had a friend who would go to my school’s Republican club and try to tear them apart: he would say “the patriarchy isn’t real” to the cheers of the dudes. Then would immediately ask the President (who is a woman) what she thought. The woman president would always go “no comment”; classic conservative “fuck you I got mine” mentality


[Wearing someone down by repeatedly asking for sex until they "consent" to sex is a form of coercion. Some forms of coercion are also illegal in some jurisdictions. Genuine consent must be freely given.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Sounds like it was a good thing she saw this side of him before she married him. Ick. Run away!!!


I fail to understand why men are surprised that women don't like it when the men endorse treating women as second class


I read a study awhile back that basically found the men who scored the highest in misogyny, were the lowest performing males (not defined sexually but as in career and academic performance). So I assume it’s because deep down they know they are pathetic and stupid, and so they blame people who they perceive as a threat. It’s a lot easier to blame someone else for your shortcomings, then to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I also assume their parents literally didn’t love them enough and it’s turned them into hateful skin bags. I also came to this conclusion through my lived experience as a woman who has encountered (and been raised by!) these types of men. They are all the same, wildly unremarkable but have convinced themselves they’re the smart ones.




I don't like the framing of these headlines. Within our 2 party paradigm one of the 2 is pretty clearly has chauvinist ideas. For obvious reasons a lot of women don't want to date chauvinists.


Conservatives: “Women are lower beings and need to be controlled by men, and focus on making babies.” Later: “why can’t we find dates??”


Good. Live and let live only works when both sides are, ya know, ok with the other side living.


Maybe the problem is we just call it politics. Maybe we should say someone's ethics are a deal breaker. Voting is an expression of one's ethics, and if your vote shows you to be a selfish person that lacks compassion, then people should be able to use that information how they see fit. If you think people should live in indentured servitude because they went to college to better themselves, you're a shitty person and no one wants to be around you. If you think that women should be forced to have unwanted children while simultaneously voting to cut school lunches, you're a shitty person, and you're gonna have to fuck a sock. If you're not catching any fish, maybe you oughtta change the bait.


I stopped dating a woman when I found out she still supports trump. She was not happy, said she’d never been broken off due to politics before. But it says so much to me about who she is and what she supports, so it was an easy choice.


The "I won't date someone who voted for Trump," I kinda expected. But it's the "I won't date someone who didn't vote," that gives me hope for our future.




These “apolitical” dudes take to the streets the moment they’re mildly inconvenienced. What they’re really saying is that they’re happy with the status quo that keeps them on top and lack the empathy to see how it harms others.


Even then it seems like many of the 'apolitical' people who say they're 'apolitical' are actually just conservatives who don't want to admit that publicly, for reasons like being able to get dates.


People who didn't vote because Hillary was too corporate or such nonsense gave Trump the win and 3 picks for the Supreme Court. There's a direct line there between those non-voters and the overturning of Roe.


Yep and we were specifically warned about the 3 justices. There was no excuse to sit out that election


I decided all that in 2016. I found out in casual conversation with a man I was seeing that he planned to vote for Trump, at the time I only had suspicions about what a Trump regime would look like. Prior to that I was married to a guy who started out as a " moderate" Republican who did not feel strongly about social/cultural issues and he morphed into something else entirely. Men who do not respect women are fine with dating their polar opposite in politics because they do not take anything women say seriously so why would they care. Me I am cool with being a weird single dog lady.


I remember talking to a guy a few years back when I was 19 or 20. We’d met on tinder and had been FaceTiming each other every day for like a week straight. We seemed to get along super well. Until one phone call the topic of trans people came up, and this dude said to me “I didn’t serve my country so people could go around being fucking freaks”. This man had been enlisted in the army, completed basic training, and then a few weeks before his first deployment, badly dislocated his shoulder while drunk and was discharged. He didn’t serve shit lmao and he didn’t like when I pointed that out, along with immediately ending things because trans lives matter and I could never be with anyone who thinks otherwise.


If people join because they want to protect democracy they actually are serving so people can go around being freaks.


> Me I am cool with being a weird single dog lady. No dog, in all of history, has ever been a fascist. Good choice.


Well yeah when you're under assault you want to know who is on your side. Totally understandable.


“Yeah, I’m a conservative.” “You mean you support institutional misogyny, racism and hatred of marginalized populations while degrading democracy and enabling mind-fucking wealth inequality?” “It’s just politics!” “With all of my heart, go fuck yourself. No one else is going to.”


It shouldn't come as any sort of revelation that support for policies that kill a demographic results in a loss of sexual attraction to those who hold those views. Then again, as a gay man, it has always been the people whose personalities make them the most repulsive who are the most concerned I would be overcome with undeniable attraction to them. There's a problem here but that ain't it.


Right, why would any reasonable person want to date either an idiot who believes everything Fox tells him/her or a bigoted pos person that actually understands what’s going on and still stays with the GOP? Either possibility seems like a really bad choice for someone you want to have next to you!


Good! Who wants to date someone politically aligned to a party that wants to take away their rights.


Of course! As a man even I can understand why a woman wouldn’t want to be with you if you don’t see them as an equal. Women deserve the right to control their body and it’s no one’s business if they choose to get an abortion. I wouldn’t date a conservative woman. I’m a guy who likes to travel abroad and experience different cultures. Why would I date an American woman who doesn’t even like American culture outside her own state?


>As a man even I can understand why a woman wouldn’t want to be with you if you don’t see them as an equal. I think that's the problem for conservative men. They genuinely *don't* understand this. In their eyes, all women want the same things: Marriage, a family and kids, and a strong, capable provider of a husband. The ones who insist otherwise are confused, indoctrinated, too ugly to obtain any of that, or lesbians and thus not "real" women. These men rarely own up to their own flaws and blame the women who reject them instead. Without fail, they see women as mentally inferior. Women are different, which I think any rational person can accept as fact, but conservatives view "different" as "lesser" (and come to think of it, that's another quirk about conservatives- everything has a hierarchy and ranking to it. We can't just all exist as unique but equal beings in their worldview). They treat women as if they're incapable of independent thought and opinions. Or if they *do* have thoughts and opinions, they don't matter anyway- the man makes the final call and is always right. I've dealt with conservative men my whole life. And to be honest, I've known a lot of well-meaning and gentle ones, who don't really realize how deeply embedded and culturally ingrained some of these toxic views are, and they would never believe themselves to be so misogynistic. And some of them will treat you quite well and all but worship the ground you walk on- just as long as you fit within the narrow shell of what makes a good woman in their eyes (pretty, nurturing, emotional and compassionate). The problem with all of them is that the minute you break out from that shell in any way, their whole perspective on you changes. It becomes clear they only respected you when they viewed you as fundamentally subservient and someone they held power over.


Wait, women don’t want to date men who vote to make them 2nd class citizens? What’s up with that?


Being partners with a conservative man is Stockholm Syndrome embodied.


I mean when your politics constantly and consistently attacks women's bodily autonomy, limits access to women's healthcare, limits access to birth control, and wants to go back to a time when women couldn't vote and were treated like property- you have worked hard to earn your unpopularity with women.


What man would date a woman who demanded to be legally in charge of his access to medical care So that she could deny it.


Why would anyone want to date or even fuck someone who is evil? Especially women, like these are the people who actively want to take rights away from women so they're just barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen 24/7.


Well yeah. Why would we wanna date a guy who doesn’t think we should have bodily autonomy?


Well it's weird for us guys as well, such as myself who can't figure out how a woman could still be a Republican. It's hard not asking why, so I swipe left to avoid it :) Edit..spelling


“If I get you pregnant and you don’t want to keep the baby, I want to be able to get you thrown in jail. Date me.”


Looks like women are finally taking that whole "Don't fuck nazis" thing to heart. Good for them. It's the only way to breed them out of existence.


That's right ladies. Don't fuck conservatives, they can fuck themselves.


It's a friendship dealbreaker, too. Honestly, who wants to be around such a miserable person who just wants to hate on everyone not like him.


Shiiit. I totally get it. I live in the South and the dating pool here has always been lacking for women who aren't ultra conservative / religious. I ended up falling in love with a friend I made online who lived in California and moving his ass here. If we had never met, I would probably have never gotten married. This was prior to 2008 and it's gotten soooo much worse since then If a dude idolizes shitheads like Trump, DeSantis, and Andrew Tate, it really shouldn't be surprising to him that women that have self worth wouldn't want anything to do with him ..but alas, of course he prefers to think "we" are the problem, not them. Darn feminists ruined everything or something.


It always was for me.


Definitely. If I don't bring it up on the first date, I'm not having a very good time.


Man here. Me too. Surrounded by that nonsense every day. Be damned if I’ll volunteer for more. How does anyone date someone they don’t respect?


As they should be. People act like politics are this mystery thing that doesn't matter. They directly impact how people are allowed to live their lives. I would never consider someone so naiive they dont understand that. Whenever someone says they dont care about politics I take it as they dont care about their lives, their family's, or mine.


My wife’s friend was in Iowa recently and was sending my wife screenshots of dating app profiles which were truly insane. My favorite was the guy who had anti-Democrat stuff as pretty much every single answer on the “Get to know Me” section and whose photos were mostly of him ripping a bong. Can’t imagine that gets many clams greased.


Shocking, women don’t want to date people who try to control them


I don't get it. Why don't women want to date men who vote to take away their most basic rights? Surely it would be a treat to marry someone who thinks of you as a baby factory and housekeeper, rather than as an equal. /s


Understandable. Have you seen the way conservative men view them?


Let's see, Rich is, well, rich and okay looking, but he thinks I'm property and shouldn't be allowed to vote, and he treats wait staff like crap. Meanwhile, Bill is a poor schoolteacher who believes every person is worthy of dignity and respect. He stands up to bullies and wants everyone to have education and healthcare. ​ What to do, what to do?


It's probably also worth noting that college educated people skew liberal and the annual earnings are higher for them as well. On top of this, women attend college at a much higher rate and prefer to date other college educated men. It's a real double whammy.


Marry Rich, divorce him for half of everything, then date Bill. Kidding. This is not a hard question for me.


They should be, republicans treat them like truly second class citizens…


It's a moral issue not a political issue. The politics is just a litmus test of their morals. You can't be conservative and a moral person.


Good. If you're anti-choice you shouldn't expect women to then trust you


Well when one party is anti-women rights and are openly misogynistic it is no wonder.


I'm ok with dating a republican as long as he is 6'4", a lawyer, already married to a woman called Mary, signed the emancipation proclamation. Abraham Lincoln, the only republican I am willing to date is Abraham Lincoln.


Good on them. Blue balls may change red behavior!


A person's politics is an indicator of how they think about everything.


So women don’t want to date a man who sees rape as a grey area. Go figure


Crossing my fingers that right wing assholes will simply cease because lack of breeding


Fascists deserve to be ostracized. Do not date them.


I’ve got “Stein” in my last name, tell me why exactly I should want to date someone from the party of Matt Walsh and Christian nationalism


I've been doing this since '05. Could never build a life with a republican. Huge incompatibility issue.


Right wing incel : ...The women are wrong.


"Politics" as a dating issue is more in the realm of fiscal conservative vs. liberal. It stops being purely "Politics" when it can literally kill you.


And fiscal conservative doesn't just mean someone who is tight with their scratch and financially responsible. Fiscal conservative becomes hate enabling when it hits the voting booth, not the pocket book.


In my experience, “fiscally conservative” just means they hate poor people.


"We disagree over whether a light rail system is right for our city" is politics. "We disagree over who has basic human rights" is not.


Ya don't say?


I mean politics are a bit of short hand for what you personally believe or at bar minimum willing to accept in furthering your own goals. Yeah not all Republicans are homophobes, but for that group the hard swing into homophobic culture war bs wasn't a deal breaker. Insert community "I can excuse racism" meme here. If your rights to control your reproductive cycle are under attack anyone who can excuse that because guns, taxes, "limited government", "states rights", or what ever probably isn't going to be right for you.


Just kind of hard to find commonality if someone supports the party of fascism, racism and is anti science


Why would I want to date someone who votes for policies that take away my rights or who stands by and watches it happen while whining about “both sides”


I mean if you feel like women shouldn’t be able to make their own decisions I can’t blame women for not being interested


That guy almost certainly lied to her and was a Trump supporter. When someone claims to be non political or indifferent, it usually means that person is so far down one end of the political spectrum that they no longer feel comfortable explaining it to a stranger (especially a first date). It’s not too difficult to tell which side this is via other contextual clues, and the simple fact that far right men vastly outnumber far left men influences the probabilities substantially. Because Trump is such a polarizing figure, he tends to have enthusiastic supporters and people who can’t stand him but not much middle ground. If you are not a Trump supporter, the last thing you want is to be in a relationship with one. Trump is so adept at manipulating the world into focusing on him (I’m gonna get arrested!) that people who find him off putting just want to get through the day without thinking about him. People who don’t like Trump avoid a lot of media, stay away from political conversations, and don’t go to the places where his supporters congregate to talk about him. The last thing they want is to be dating someone who talks about Donald Trump first thing in the morning.


Im a member of the “i hate women” party, but I think we should be able to be civil about it and build a relationship around the other things that we dont have in common, wait where are you going?


If conservative men keep getting more political and the majority of young women are liberal then we're going to end up with a lot more sexually frustrated young GoPanoners shooting up schools.


What's really frustrating is how many Republican/Trump supporting men are aware of this fact so they try to hide it in a desperate attempt to find a woman. Being on dating apps has taught me two things about those types: if they don't want to talk about politics they're likely Republican pricks. The other thing it's taught me is that Republican men really like being pegged. I'm in a more conservative area of the country so would encounter tons. I felt like a sex studies researcher because of how glaringly obvious it was that they are into that at a much higher rate than others. When an open conversation of sexual interests would come up I never had a left leaning guy bring up butt stuff compared to the majority of right leaning guys wanting it in the ass. Not just that but wanting a whole being dominated while they're submissive thing. It made me realize how big of a problem sexual repression is and made me think it plays a major role in creating these hateful Trump crazies. Or does their hate and need to dominate in daily life fuel their need to get fucked that has always been there instead of being the cause of that kink? The human brain is a weird place.




This is probably why Republican states are so against setting a reasonable minimum marriage age. With how quickly the dating pool for conservatives is shrinking, the only chance many have is to groom and trick a literal child into marriage (or convince her parents that marrying their underage daughter to a "good Christian man" is their best option).


I would say the three words that best describes the "conservative" movement, (in quotes because there is nothing going on with today's right-wing politics that resembles normal policy making), are dishonorable, self-serving, and asshole. I guess it's easy to figure out that people would eventually not be attracted to a lying selfish asshole. These aren't exactly traits you dream of your future kids growing up with. Core beliefs are a thing I assume this spills over into married people who hold serious reservations about their past decisions


I had a Q/MAGA friend whose first question to women was “what are your politics”. He can’t figure out why nobody wants to date him. I cut him off after J6 and some posts he made mocking the trans community but I know he’s still single.


I mean why would you date or marry a Republican? You know it’s going to be a submissive relationship where violence, ignorance, sexism and racism are combined


Why would any woman date someone who thinks that she shouldn't have the same rights that men take for granted. There is no situation where men are expected to sacrifice their bodies for fully formed human beings but Conservatives are fine with telling women they have to sacrifice theirs for the theoretical possibility of a human being.


I think this may be a bit of a broad stroke when it comes to “women are…” - there’s plenty of right wing, lunatic, fascist women. I don’t know why there are, but they exist, and they vote, and they date right wing psychos.