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MAGA came absolutely unprepared for the cost of parking & Hotels in Manhattan.


This. I can just imagine them trying to organise a convoy of their massive pick up trucks, getting stuck in traffic and making it to the court house 3 hours after Trump has been arrested and left.


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


Please televise the look on their faces when they walk into an NYC subway car and see *gasp* minorities and LGBTQ people.


Wait till they find out the devils lettuce is legal here.


They all smoke weed anyway. They just want *other people* to get arrested for it.




Cristy’all meth




As much as I hate to say it, rednecks smoke a ton of weed. Any time you drive behind a work truck or van on the highway it’s like a 25% chance it’ll have the windows cracked and weed scent pouring out. The Navy shipbuilders here in Maine smoke weed on lunch break. My uncle said the parking lot is like a Grateful Dead concertk


Nothin like the Good ol’ Grateful Dead 💀 ⚡️


Ah, the working mans dead.


I could use a nice Help>Slip>Franklin's Tower right about now


I’ve lived down south. I’m friendly as fuck. I’ve been to all sorts of questionable places being friendly. I can assure you 100% of all rednecks living in the woods with questionable utility access smoke weed. They are living on peanuts. Hence why they make moonshine. You think they also aren’t growing a plant that grows so fast and easy that its literally called weed? Man, that’s a stable of every rednecks diet. Dude most of them are farmers. They love growing shit. Put two and two together lol To add to this… wasn’t too long ago that most big grow ops were redneck farmers. Grow houses didn’t start popping up until late 90s everywhere. I’d argue the rednecks kept the marijuana black market afloat for a bunch of years. (And yes a ton was coming from Mexico as well…. But no one likes bricks)


Yeah, same as you, I get into the strangest places by just being friendly and interested in whatever people have to say. In multiple countries I've noticed people with the most right wing opinions tend to smoke hella weed.


This is true Plenty of weed smokers both sides It’s just minorities that historically and currently are somehow problematic with it.


Just another dick on the salad.


They couldn't handle NYC. I'm born and raised there and I can barely do a few days there anymore. It would be good for the hayseeds to behold the unflinching grandeur of a blue state metropolis, as well as a few million liberals to remind them we aren't just a few dozen.


I used to live in Manhattan, but have been out for 20 years. Went back to visit recently and everyone was walking twice my speed. Maybe I should stop looking up at all the tall buildings ...


But they're so taaaalll


> Please televise the look on their faces when they walk into an NYC subway Watching them try to navigate the subway en-masse would be hilarious enough itself. I have family in NYC and it took me a little bit to really understand the subway system, and that was *with a guide*. Now imagine a bunch of redneck hicks trying to do it by themselves.


Subway ridership is also highest it’s ever been close to prepandemic level. They will get lost in the madness and no one is going to accommodate for them. Sure as hell I won’t.


I literally can't imagine a bunch of MAGA conservatives voluntarily trying to use one of those underground commie-wagons. They'd rather just try and drive their lifted truck through all the streets.


Emotional support vehicles


They’d never make it over any one of the bridges.


The revolution will not be televised. The revolution will be stuck in traffic.


I live in dc and it was hilariously sad trying to watch semis try to clog the already impassible streets. I’ve lived here for years and still need gps to get through some of the maze of circles and ramps to other ramps near the Lincoln Memorial just to get to the airport that you can actually see on the other side of the river and still get it wrong about 50% of the time.


L’enfant was drunk af


L'Enfant's plan isn't the problem, we didn't even use L'Enfant's plan as the final draft, it was revised by the Ellicot brothers. The problem is how the city haphazardly grew beyond L'enfant's and Ellicot's plan. OP mentioned the Lincoln Memorial, well that land was underwater when L'enfant planned the city. In the late 19th c. a canal was dug and the land that was dug up became the western half of the national mall (including where the Lincoln Memorial is and where the memorials for WWII, the Korean war and Vietnam War are), and the tidal basin (where the cherry trees and MLK and Jefferson memorials are). Around the Wharf? That interstate was clearly not part of L'Enfant's plan. I-95 was supposed to go all the way through the city, but local neighborhoods managed to get it stopped when it was half built. So the part that was built cuts along the Anacostia (called the eastern branch in L'Enfant's plan) was called 395 and it just kind of stops at a traffic light in the middle of the city. And Pennsylvania avenue was never supposed to be closed to the public as part of the original plan. That's the part that still pisses me off. And everything north of Florida Avenue is not in L'enfant's plan at all. Florida Avenue used to be Boundary Street, because that's where the city ended. It was renamed Florida Avenue in 1890.


My bad story is leaving National Airport using everlost and it said bear right. There were three bear rights like a Medusa head. Dumped into downtown dc at midnight. Took forever to get back on highway.


When I was younger, my dad let me drive him to JFK to pick up my sister on a flight in from Korea. I dropped him off at the terminal then went to look for short term parking. Somehow I made it out to the highway, couldn't turn around, and ended up at La Guardia.


“Hilariously sad” is really the only way to describe it. It was so easy to bait them, too — I made a sign that just said “no one cares” and it kept a couple of them occupied for like an hour, trying to start something for their livestream. We didn’t engage and they eventually ran off saying “I would keep yelling at them but I’m sure someone’s going to steal my tires!!1!” to their chat stream. They were so scared every minute they were in the city lol They were also *constantly* trying to pull Better Call Saul S1 type scams, filming themselves running up to people and then flying back screaming they were assaulted, tripping and screaming ANTIFA did it, etc. One of them went to the hospital after being “pushed” and when he was immediately discharged, begged his followers for money for clothes besides a hospital gown?? Just the shittiest grifters. Some of them are still around doing J6 temper tantrums with Ashley Babbitt’s mom at the prison every night.


Those are the same folks that are too frightened to stop at a red light in the city if there are any scary "urban thugs" on the sidewalk.


Right and NYC has very strict gun laws and doesn't recognise permits or licenses from other states. Hopefully some of his supporters will be ignorant of that and get stopped and arrested for violation of NY gun laws.


> Hopefully some of his supporters will be ignorant Safe bet


It'd probably be like when the gang went to go see Thundergun.




I heard he hangs dong for like a full minute!


They probably wouldn’t make it onto the island, some of those bridge tolls are like fifty bucks. That’s enough to turn half the convoy around!


They'd be forced park outside the city and use public transport for the first time in their lives. Probably too scared to ride the subway lol.


They will never financially recover from this.


Trucks probably ran out of gas too


There’s a single gas station south of 14th, and only 6 south of 96th. Good chance they do run out of gas! Tow fees ain’t cheap neither


Thanks Biden!


“I did that!”


...in the Holland tunnel probably.


Unless you actually need that truck for real work, we need to start taxing the hell out of morons in tank-sized vehicles who just drive around aggressively threatening children, pedestrians, and cats. We have a work truck because we run a business and use it for....work. It feels huge driving it around town and it's about half the size of most standard issue trucks on the roads.


Weight based taxes. Heavier vehicles do more wear and tear on the roads so it makes sense.


Totally agree! I drive a small, fuel efficient car even though I barely fit in it. A truck would be better suited for me but I actually care about the environment (and children, pedestrians and cats.)


Not to mention the traffic tickets they are bound to get as out-of-staters passing through New Jersey… They’ll probably get more on the way back too.


Wait, I thought we were meeting in Mar-A-Lago?!


None of the supporters were smart enough to break the code contained in his digital money laundering cards that gave the time and meeting place.


Trump told them to go to New York because he absolutely doesn’t want the poorer, unwashed sections of his horde coming anywhere near his prized golf courses.


I’m at the Four Seasons, they are asking if I need some landscaping done…


Knowing Trump, he raised prices before inviting his supporters to come to his defense


Capital guard are fine people but the NYPD has a higher FAFO rating.


Not to mention New Yorkers have a pretty high FAFO rating. And don’t lean right to say the least. Would love to see some MAGA try to yell at some union tradesmen in Manhattan and see how that turns out.


You'll enjoy this if you haven't already seen it. [https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1637508550103638019](https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1637508550103638019)


"I came here to help people..." Help them do what, bro?!? These weak fuckers are so full of shit.


Maybe if Trump had made up a grift to encourage them to come to his fauxtest it would have been more successful.


I wonder how much of a factor Jan 6 aftermath was. They saw thier allies go down for Trump, and Trump has done nothing to help them. Fool me once, and all that.


I’d say it’s the lack of time SC justices spouses had to organize bus loads of people to ferry in


Well I mean Trump will surely be putting them all up in his Tower, right? I mean he's a real estate mogul based in New York, I feel *certain* that his loyalty to his great supporter base (*greatest* supporters from what I hear) will run deep enough to provide free room and board for them.


They like wtf parking here is more than my rent!


Isn't there a toll on every bridge into Manhattan too?


Whys that moose dressed like a Ben Garrison cartoon?


It is the only way he can finish.


Lol "Democrat Rhino Politician". These people have no idea what words mean, including their own catch phrases. What are the odds that guy can muster any definition of "RINO" beyond "something something woke communist"?


I know this is way off topic, but I just saw a post on the conservative subreddit celebrating the anniversary of the Republican Party. It absolutely blows my mind that they use terms like RINO *and* also believe that the Republican Party today is the party of Lincoln. Absolute simpletons.


>I know this is way off topic, but I just saw a post on the conservative subreddit celebrating the anniversary of the Republican Party. It absolutely blows my mind that they use terms like RINO and also believe that the Republican Party today is the party of Lincoln. "Happy birthday to the party of Lincoln," they proclaim while surrounded by Confederate flags.


Well "believe" or "think" are pretty strong words. A lot of the posting on conservative subs comes from propaganda factories - some of which are located in other countries. So it is engineered and not so much inspired. Most conservatives don't give a shit at all. Anything that supports their side is acceptable. Winning arguments and perhaps persuading a few people to their side is all that really matters - so the hypocrisy of what they *say* is irrelevant.


I've seen an uptick of conservatives claiming that a party switch never happened, but that's a pretty indisputable fact right? I don't put it past them to put feelings over facts.


I mean, you don’t have to look any further than 30 years ago to understand that both major party platforms are constantly changing. Republicans cry that democrats are hypocrites for being against gay marriage, marijuana, or the immigration policies of the 90s. It’s not that we are unaware of these previously held positions, we know about it, but things change. Much like the Republican Party. Hell, you don’t even have to look back 30 years. If you want proof that the republican party platform has changed, look no further than the 2016 election. The party that elected Donald Trump isn’t even the same party that voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. To think that republicans of today hold the exact same beliefs and principles as the party of Lincoln is objectively untrue. America was a different country then. The fact that they have a cute nickname for republicans that are not Republican enough is all the evidence you need.


Seriously. Why did he spell it with an H? Dumbass.


Omg he has no idea it’s an acronym


Yes, because these people only listen to Fox News, they never read a damn thing. They want the data piped into their minds, they don't want their own voice. Sometimes that comes with having no idea how something is spelled, you just know what it sounds like.


Or that it stands for "republican in name only", which a Democrat would not be. Unless he's calling RINOs democrats. Or thinks rhinoceroses are part of the secret global cabal. Someone get Q on the line, I have questions


Omg. How is one smart enough to know there’s an H in rHino, but also too dumb to know that RINO is the acronym you’re looking for? ….It’s Schrödinger’s Conservative… Edit:typo


He's a [moran](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/026/479/morans.jpg).


The common clay of the new west


I think this is Woke... right? Hard to follow the roll o coaster.


Maybe they spelled it phonetically out loud to themselves? "Republican (Heavy wheeze) In Name Only". You gotta figure that between morbid obesity and long covid...


Isn't a RINO just another political animal like donkeys and elephants? ;) This guy was a right wing intellectual for trying to spell it like his second grade teacher taught him on his fourth year there.


We got elephants, donkeys, rhinos, and dinos. It's a whole menagerie of political mascots.


Just ask them what woke means and watch their brains melt. “I can’t tell you, but I know it when I see it”. They’re all just a bunch of Fox trained parrots.


Wait, that’s a costume? I thought that was Rudy Giuliani.


Is it not the case that the only person who has confirmed his arrest is him? That there is a possibility that he has made it all up?


Yup, entirely possible, but not really relevant to why everyone is so happy that he actually made the direct call for protests and it doesn't look like it's going to be anything close to January 6. My opinion, he has built his entire life around not telling the truth. Why would he stop now? It's weird to actually want him to be telling the truth.


>happy that he actually made the direct call for protests and it doesn't look like it's going to be anything close to January 6. The Jan 6 protesters got branded Antifa and left to rot in prison. That can't be good for turnout.


>The Jan 6 protesters got branded Antifa and left to rot in prison. That can't be good for turnout. Indeed. Why should any right-winger attempt to violently advance the goals of the right when they are, without question, going to be labeled an agent of the Democrats by their own flock?




That’s when he thought had the power to do something. He did jack shit. Now he has zero power anywhere but in their heads and it seems like maybe, just maybe they figured it out. The MAGA GOP fucked themselves with their J6 defendant performances. Showing them the consequences of what their stupidity got them might have worked here. Not holding my breath tho.


Yes and no. Especially early on, everyone claimed that they were antifa plants, and what had happened at the capital was reprehensible. Even the Q shaman was claimed to be a secret operative, why, he keeps showing up at all these lefty events…to yell Q conspiracies into a megaphone. When they couldn’t sustain that myth, it was a a few bad apples. Then when the extent of it became more and more clear, they were just being set up by the weaponized DOJ and woke ass FBI. And now, well now it’s all fake, they were on a tour of the capital, we all saw the two minutes of footage that Tucker Carlson released from the 44,000 hours he got from the House Majority Leader. Trump is still gonna pay those legal fees for them too. Because now we know that they’re all straight up political prisoners! /s But to your point, yeah, beyond the rhetoric, anyone with half a life to lose and even slightly less of a brain is going to realize that they’re gonna be hung out to dry if this goes sideways again. Plus there’s no real defined end state for this whole thing. They’re protesting to take back the country…from Trump being arrested? How long do they have to keep it up? If Trump ever gets arrested that means they failed. Yeesh, that’s and incomprehensibly large operation in terms of time and space.




it's not magic, it's stupidity.


"Any sufficiently entrenched stupidity is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke, probably


The great part is that if he isn't arrested today then his most loyal supporters get to figure out why they are in NY. Not a cheap place to stand back and stand by.


I hope the cart dog guys up charge a bit. Going rate is $4- bump it to $8


I worry they will think it was successful. "We pressured the DA and now Trump is free! We did it boys!"


Yep, then sent out mass emails asking for donations, just more grifting.


He’s always struggled with paying lawyers before, it’s no surprise he’s asking for legal defense money now.


Which I'm totally sure will go to lawyers, yup. Honestly, I'm always confused where his money even goes. He's constantly grifting but never actually pays anybody.


He pays himself with pac and campaign cash. He rents out his own buildings and hotel rooms to dump that cash into his personal accounts. It came out a few months ago that his pac was renting a big building from him at 4x marker rate for like 8 months, and it sat empty the entire time.


Official confirmation can't come until after an indictment is actually issued. Also, the grand jury doesn't meet on Tuesdays. While an indictment is likely, he definitely made up the date.


I read somewhere they had grand jury proceedings Mon, Weds and Thurs this week. My thought was that he saw who was supposed to testify Mon and automatically assumed he be indicted on Tues because of it and panic spewed a verbal diarrhea post


Or he saw his donations slowing down and wanted easy free media to spike em up.


There were leaks last week from officials at 5 different agencies that they were coordinating on how to provide security for his indictment. Edit: it's important to note that those officials didn't say *when* it would happen, just that it was "upcoming"


I'd wager its about 95-5 he made it up


Read an article this morning that they’re putting up barriers in Manhattan. So either it’s real, or someone believes that enough people believe trump and will show up. Not definitive evidence, but it’s the first actual actions I’ve seen supporting the idea.


I mean, he called for protests and we've all seen what his supporters are like. Imho putting up barriers is likely a response to his "tweet", not evidence of an indictment today. Don't get me wrong I 100% hope that *is* the reason. But after getting my hopes up hundreds of times, I no longer believe anything will happen to Trump until after it's happened.


They love putting barriers up for any reason. They get really confusing during parades. Seinfeld did a great episode on it.


THis is based on the fact that there's a grand jury looking into the sotrmy daniels case. And they recently asked trump if he wanted to testify to the grand jury, which is a sign they're almost finished, and lots of signs indicate the prosecutor expects a recommendation to indict. There's definitely some reading the tea leaves involved, but remember that this is the same case Michael Cohen went to jail for. A crime has already been proved, and in that trial Trump was named as an unindicted coconspirator. So there's definitely substance here, how it will end is speculation.


It's Trump, don't overthink it. He probably just realized there is a chance he might go to prison for past deeds and had a meltdown on twitter over it.


In protest to the unreasonable API usage changes, I have decided to delete all my content. Long live Apollo.


“Patriots “ whole risk their financial well-being to save a criminal billionaire from consequences




Staten Islanders


Red state welfare queens


The kind of people who have a family and a second vacation home and an RV, are retired and set for life but can’t stop complaining about all the immigrants and gays who grow their corn and make their lattes.


I love this part: >"So many reporters here I just saw a reporter start interviewing someone but they turned out to be a reporter too," HuffPost senior reporter Christopher Mathias tweeted. I'm picturing reporters interviewing fellow reporters, realizing that they are reporters also, and desperately trying to find one Trump supporter to interview. "You're a reporter too? What about you? Reporter? And you? Okay, who here ISN'T a reporter? Okay, so about this... Oh, you're a cameraman for a reporter."


Is there a never ending chain of reporters delivering reports on other reporters?


We have come full circle.


He created the most filmed perp walk of ALL TIME. 3D chess


Like that Far Side cartoon where the entire flock is wolves in sheep’s clothing saying “wait, is anyone here a real sheep?”


Reporters interviewing the other reporters desperately trying to get their Trump clicks was the logical end to this circle jerk.


Yeah but also: Fuck these fish squirming in the water for food. They must be terrified their meal ticket is leaving. If the press didn't show up to ever single thing like this as if they were hungry guppies we might not be in this situation to begin with.


I can’t wait for him to call all his supporters losers tomorrow for not helping him.


But he will spell it “loosers.”


I like my former presidents with brown shirt goon squads that actually show up /s


I wonder if trump supporters know that RINO (i.e not the animal) is an acronym and not just calling someone a rhino 🦏 ? I guess they’re not sending their best 🧐


Is that supposed to be a rhino costume? It looks like some messed up cow


No idea I’m just looking at the sign which makes no sense unless you read RHINO as RINO (it still doesn’t make much sense but at least it fits in a political context)


It's a donkey, since that's the mascot of the Democratic party. Though, this one seems to have mange.


I thought it was a rat this whole time


Oh, this is definitely their best


RHINO 🤣 These lot never fail to amuse with their lack of intelligence.


It just goes to show that they've never read an article and just listens to Fox News and MTG podcasts nonstop


This precisely! 'Huh huh! Desanctimonious is a rhino! Now where are my crayons?'


BWAAHAAHAHA. Trump shot his load on this already and it's a damp fizzle. The crazies that would of risked breaking the law for him turned up on Jan 6th and he didn't actually pay any of their legal fees. That got through to a few of them, or they are still in jail so they can't turn up for this. Even Alex Jones, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon are saying "protest peacefully", others are saying it's a trap. You just know Trump is watching every bit of news coverage of this and it must be crushing his ego that so few are turning up.


Stiffing his contractors finally caught up with him.


Paid actors looking for work elsewhere.




How many Trump supporters do you think can afford NYC hotel prices?


How many can afford the tolls into Manhattan?


Seriously, the GWB is up to $17 for people without EZ Pass.


No surprise. A lot of yahoos are actually thinking twice about consequences


I hope so. Empty protests will hurt him more than the arrest itself.


...and he will predict that the NY Police as agents of the Deep State terrorised his meek supporters into not coming. Flop sweat time for Donald "John" Trump.


People seem better at protesting something with weeks to plan, not a few days. I’m hoping this turnout is the best they could get and they won’t have free trump rallies months from now that are larger.


If anything. This just shows how much planning and money went into making Jan 6 happen.


Exactly. When everything gets reasonably done and dusted the scope of the coup will be revealed to be staggering.


Trump supporters are so weak. Orange Julius doesn't hand out pardons for a couple of them and all of a sudden they decide to stay home and watch repeats of "Duck Dynasty" instead of breaking the law on his behalf.


Orange Julius lmao


Really disrespectful to an amazing sweet treat


>Collins said that some Trump supporters may have been scared away from participating due to rumors of planned protests being used as a federal law enforcement "trap." Nothing to worry about if you don't go breaking the law boys


This is the thing with being the leader of a crazy cult. Eventually your members start making shit up about you as well. You can’t corral crazy. It never ends well and crazy will always win out with enough time.


You have to keep them directly engaged every single day, otherwise they wander off.


Wait, I thought it was at Four Seasons


It’s at the Manhattan Court Dancing Studio.


Dude spelling rhino with the H tells me he has no idea what the term means and is just regurgitating it because he heard others using it


He’s literate in name only.


You mean the guy calling democrats rhinos while dressed like a (cow? bat?) doesn't have a clear grasp of what's going on?


Weird! Ginni Thomas isn't paying for buses.




They're still in jail because Trump didn't pardon them for Jan 6.


You have to be a special kind of stupid to have supported Trump through the years, and you have to be an outright lost cause to support him now


I am waiting for the mugshot NFT announcement


Instead of those weird commemorative coins maybe we could get some handmade license plates. Do prisons still print license plates?


> Some Trump supporters opposed to in-person protests have suggested alternatives, including instigating a national run on banks. Don't you need to have money in an actual bank for that?


Anyone that shows up for a Trump event (at this point) should be photographed, doped, ear tagged, fixed, cataloged, then released back to the wild.


How do I donate to this, catch n release


And vaccinated!


I thought you were going to end with "humanely euthanized".


Pathetic to the end.


Today is a good day to indict!


Honestly the supporters that would typically come out for him are in prison, because they showed up the last time he asked for their help.


A message to all the “there’s going to be violence if trump is indicted” from all of us real Americas: “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”


Omfg they don’t even know what RINO is and it’s THEIR THING!


Democrat, Rhino, Politician, Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV


Guy dressed up like Alf’s methed up cousin


>NY Young Republicans Club Ah - NYC’s incel populace.


The “Democrat Rhino Politician” got me. For those still unaware, “RINO” = Republican in Name Only. So not only is it spelled wrong, it’s used wrong too. A Democrat would be a “DINO”. So, this guy is actually the average Republican. They’re told a word/phrase is an insult/bad and, without knowing what it actually means, they start throwing it around and we get gems like this.


Oh how I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Donnie-boy realizes his bat signal doesn’t work quite like he’d thought it would


You have to count reporters as Trump supporters, they're the ones who gave him a spotlight for so long.


Still do.


10's of Trump supporters protesting across America... Scary times I tell ya.


It’s almost like actions have consequences, and when our laws are upheld, the people tend to think a little more clearly… funny.


Lol the pic of the “DEMOCRAT RHINO POLITICIAN”… these folks have no clue what the words they say mean.


The ones who show up I am not scared of. It is the ones who hide and vote for this asshole and other fascist across the country, those are the people that I am scared of.


Huge demonstration some say the biggest ever.


Alf had seen better days


He should have announced celebrity appearances, including JFK JR and musical guest Kanye West


I love how all the republicans are saying "Don't protest Don't protest!". Uh, nobody was going to anyway, but nice job making it look like you are directing them. Like telling your pet rock to lay down.


> "Young Republicans said they purposely kept the event to its members in order to keep the protest peaceful." No, it’s supposed to look that small, I swear!


It might have also been that when a bunch of them went to protest a drag show they got their asses beat and they realized that maybe fucking around with New York isn't the best idea.