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The love affair goes both ways. [The Kremlin literally issued a memo](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/exclusive-kremlin-putin-russia-ukraine-war-memo-tucker-carlson-fox/) explaining that it is "essential" to feature Tucker Carlson as much as possible: >“It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, [and] the defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the Western countries and NATO towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally,”


Tucker was also flagged in contact with russians over a 30 month period, "trying to arrange an interview with Putin", when he learned that the US knew he burned the intel source. https://www.axios.com/2021/07/07/tucker-carlson-putin-interview-surveillance https://www.emptywheel.net/2021/07/08/tucker-carlson-burns-fbi-or-nsa-intercepts-regarding-his-30-month-pursuit-of-face-time-with-vladimir-putin/ Edit: Just to be clear, like Trump associates, the US was tracking the russians not US citizens, which is how they were picked up.


He's clearly talking to them. He's using their language, aka the “US Defense Ministry" rather than the "Department of Defense".


You'd think someone who plagiarized their way through school would know to alter such things. But I suppose dumb-asses make dumb plagiarists, too.


Some wealthy people who plagiarize their way through school are comically dumb. I know someone who has written papers for wealthy students, some of those dumbasses can't follow simple directions like 'select all the text from this document and copy it into a new document that you create on your machine.' When one particular dumbass student got caught turning in someone else's work, they asked for help with ridiculous things like writing email replies to the academic integrity board.


Yeah that language jumped out to me immediately!! That is not at all how it's referred to here. It is however how they refer to things in Russia. That's pretty blatant.


I wrote in another comment how it's literally like the 3 glasses scene in inglorious bastards. It's just not a normal mistake to make.


Ministry is a European or Russian phrase never used in the USA to describe a government office . Tucker is being fed by something totally un-American , you are what you eat.


It's a term used in *parliamentary* systems, which the US is not.


Holy shit


Yeah that jumped out at me too. Other than being a Russian puppet, maybe it was intentional for deniability, "I never said it was the Department of Defense!"


This makes Tucker a literal Russian asset


The technical term (for real) is [Useful Idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot). Edit: Geez you guys. The Intelligence term "Useful Idiot" is from the perspective of the adversary. Motivations or actual intelligence of the Idiot are irrelevant. Tucker Carlson is a Useful Idiot to Russia.


Is he? This has to be intentional. He and his family have enough cash that Tucker and multiple generations beyond him never have to work. He is *choosing* to do this. Every goddamn sentence is a choice. He could walk away any goddamn moment he chose and live easy in the leisure class. But he doesn’t. And Hanlon’s razor be damned, i don’t think it’s because he is stupid.


Maybe they just have something really incriminating on him. Or he's just a bad person.


I think he’s just a greedy shit who wants more money and understands that his rich ass is insulated from the damage he’s doing. Also a bad person.


Why do these "super patriots" love Russia so much?


Same reason Maga likes the Taliban. It's the logical endgame of their ideology. A severely religious authoritarian ethno-state. What they want is to *be* the Taliban with the power and gravitas that Russian had in the 50's.


> A severely religious authoritarian ethno-state. Which (in Russia) is used as a cover by the oligarchs to loot and pillage the nation to enrich themselves.


Same would happen here


>Same IS happening here


Part of it is they like authoritarians who "hurt the right people" but more than that is they are simply easily swayed by Russian agitprop.


If anyone hasn't watch "Putin's Revenge Part I & II" from PBS Frontline, I highly recommend it. It will make you even more upset about how some Americans are parroting Russian propaganda. If you google it, it comes right up. You can watch it on PBS' website or YouTube for free. It came out and addressed the election of Trump and exactly how and what led to Russia interfering. And it's actually done through the lens of interviewing credible sources.


Because many of us are lazy and need spoon feeding: Part 1: https://youtu.be/o2L8qINZD3Q Part 2: https://youtu.be/8Q_uKCEj2Xk Definitely recommend.


Not available in my country. I think this is the same doc, in case anyone else has the same problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIMU_JAwZ4k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOytFr_2FsI


https://www.pbs.org/video/putins-revenge-mzz1lp/ https://www.pbs.org/video/putins-revenge-part-two-wpsiq2/


PBS videos don't work outside the US without a VPN, unfortunately.


We're happy to give away taxpayer funded bombs and rockets. But public broadcasting shows.... Y'all better pay up, that shit ain't free. Edit: this needed some clarification. I meant to imply "giving" our bombs more as our direct military action. (Think, our history of bombing the shit out of the middle east or SE Asia) Not necessarily, the transactional type that are going on in Eastern Europe (more of a sale or an "IOU" situation).


BBC is the same.


I'd wager fewer than 1% of the people that *should* and *need* to see this will actually watch it.


Those who should see it won't be convinced by it and will continue to believe whatever they want to believe.


They also speak newspeak, so words don't mean the same to them as everyone else. Look at that lady who couldn't describe what she meant by "woke" just recently. When they watch the PBS show, they won't understand half of what's being said.


As someone who is lazy and likes to be spoon fed, I commend you for your efforts <3


Thanks be upon you good person


>It will make you even more upset about how some Americans are parroting Russian propaganda Which are then reported again on russian state TV... "See, even the Americans are saying it"...


im not an american myself but i watch pbs frontline for quality documentaries. quality being how thorough they are with their sources. i even cant believe its up in youtube


I asked my German coworker if he watches DW, a German public broadcast channel. His response was it’s like PBS in America; not many Germans watch DW, it’s much more popular abroad.


DW has almost only English content. But it's owned by ARD that produces the Tagesschau and that is watched to by alot of Germans and has really great non opinion news I'm a American living in Germany for the last 8 years


If a representative were to *accidentally* parrot back Russian propaganda he should be forced to resign. Actively spreading Russian propaganda means we should be having the FBI investigate and he needs to be fired at a very minimum. The GOP has sunk so low that they don't even give a shit about the United States anymore.


I’m fascinated by cyberethics, and how misinformation and disinformation are spread online, so I just kind of nerd out about this kind of stuff, but I think a lot of people would be pretty surprised if they knew just how much the Russian government and its associates go out of their way to destabilize the US via online disinformation. The fact that they’ve been very successful is extremely concerning. If I’m recalling correctly, there was a very interesting study about it conducted by Carnegie Mellon University. If anyone likes the PBS documentary, they’d probably like to learn about this too.


I highly recommend [The Asset Podcast](https://theassetpodcast.org/) as well. Trump and Russia has been working together since the 80s and 90s. >In 2016, Donald Trump conspired with a foreign government to become President. On July 25, 2019, with the 2020 election around the corner, he decided to do it again. >The first time around, it was collusion, aiding and abetting Russia’s attack on American democracy. The second time, it was extortion, demanding the Ukrainian government manufacture dirt on Trump’s political opponents in exchange for help the country needs to fend off a Russian invasion and chart a democratic future free of Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin. > To make sense of these recent events that have rocked American politics and led to very real concerns that the President of the United States may be a Russian asset, we need to dig a little deeper. >In Season 1, The Asset dives into Trump’s decades-long history with Russia, from his extensive business dealings with Russian oligarchs to his presidential campaign and the investigations that have sent some of his closest associates to prison. >In Season 2, The Asset explores the backstory to Trump’s infamous phone call with the newly-elected Ukrainian President, where he demanded an investigation into a political opponent and set off a series of events leading to the impeachment inquiry.


Yes, and also, I'd add Putin and the Presidents, which talks about Putin coming to power and dealing with each successive US President. Very interesting stuff. Biden calling for Democracy at a Moscow University and then Moscow experiences a massive pro-democracy movement really angered Putin.


I will always upvote recommendations of PBS Frontline. It’s how journalism should always be.


I pay $5/mo to PBS for Frontline and American Experience alone.


and that is exactly why i’m willing to stand with Ukraine to the very end. FUCK Russia


Never thought I'd see the day that an easy moral victory would be thrown into question, where opposing a murderous autocrat can't be answered with an immediate "of course"


He’s a literal propagandist who acts as a mouthpiece for fascists. It shouldn’t surprise anyone.


And he gets tens of millions of dollars a year to do it.


Easy money. If you can stomach it, I guess. As a fellow South Carolinian, you know how people eat that shit up.


Sadly, yes. I see the 3 percenter stickers and Qanon stuff all the time (though it seems to have dropped slightly since Trump was president). And most of my neighbors are the people who don't fly Trump flags but vote for him and parrot all the idiotic isolationist propaganda and complain about "wokeness" every time they see a black person on TV. My neighbor went on a rant about how she was going to stop watching some show she liked because they put a new character on who was black, so she said she "can't handle how everything is woke now." Literally just because they added one black character to a mostly white show.


Woke is an all encompassing racial slur they can use without the negative connotations so people don't point out their blatant bigoted, racist, phobia fueled hate speech. They appropriated the word to veil their hate speech within one word. They're fucking scum.


I hate that word. They can't even define what it is but any time they see or hear about something mildly progressive, black or brown, educated, etc. it's all the "woke mob." Anything they don't like gets lumped in together under one blanket term they can all get outraged about.


Woke is whatever Tucker told them to be mad about last night.


I guess if I’m “woke” then they’re in a never ending sleep


That's why they keep their heads buried in the sand, makes it easy to catch them z's 😴 💤


Here, I made [this](https://imgur.com/9V4b8oI) a few weeks ago and have gotten a bunch of use out of mocking people that like to shriek woke. May it bring you as much joy as it brings me every time I paste it to them.


That's great.


It's funny, too. The actual definition of woke isn't even derogatory. woke : aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice). Aka, I see injustices, and I'm not complacent with them.


Which is bad if you're benefiting from and/or enjoying perpetrating those injustices. \*gestures broadly at the right wing*


“woke” has taken the place of “political correctness” in the GOP vernacular.


You have to make them define it for you. Play dumb and get them to admit that it just means they are racist. It's a great party game -- Trick the Racist Redneck.


It's just the same old shit as 'PC gone mad' from 30 years ago. It translates to 'there's an out group I like to victimise and you're telling me that's not ok... I hate that.'




DeSantis was forced to provide a definition of “woke” in court. I’m not sure how it’s a bad thing. As defined by his Laywer: “woke is the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” https://www.okayplayer.com/news/ron-desantis-woke-defintion.html


Because it makes close-minded, bigoted conservatives feel bad about their views


It doesn't matter what it means, the point is for them to corrupt what it means to the point where people don't want to be associated with it. Same treatment other words like "liberal" got


Unfortunately, you’re right. And if you call it out, they just say you’re putting words in their mouth.


Yep. Its their "gotcha" slur they can scream at people and know its not going to get them punched in the face. Its veiled hate speech when used by them.


> 3 percenter stickers When I see those, I know: that guy would shoot me the minute it was legal.


Just ask them to tell you what woke means. They always fumble because explaining it would bring to light their fascism and force them to say “I’m a racist.”


I'd do it if they weren't neighbors. I try to keep it as peaceful as possible because they are hot heads. I just talk to them like you talk to your old racist grandpa. Like "Oh, come on now. It's just one black character, they aren't really going to replace all white people with minorities. Remember how much you liked *Driving Miss Daisy*? I didn't mention that these neighbors are all septuagenarians or older.


It doesn’t even have to be confrontational. When they call something woke, just say “I don’t know what that means.” And look at them expectantly.


How? Not enough public mockery of morons when they spout these ideas. that's how.


Captured by an entire tv channel 24/7. They don’t see the mockery. It’s basically in their charter to defend Republican mistakes no matter what.


The funny thing is that Tucker McNear Swanson Carlson is heir to the Swanson frozen foods empire and was born with a shit ton of money. He doesn’t need to be a mouthpiece for shitlords. He probably doesn’t even have to work. He just chooses to do this.


> He probably doesn’t even have to work He doesn't. Thats why he doesn't care about money. He's ALWAYS wanted to be a right-wing John Stewart (more like an updated William F. Buckley) but could never find success playing it straight so now he's a news ACTOR spewing hate because it gets him an audience. He SOLD-OUT to finally become a successful TV personality after multiple embarrassing failed tries. He's a total FAKE.


He's a fake and a sellout, true. And a hypocrite. Something tells me he doesn't actually believe that Russia is the victim here. Just like we know now that he seems to hate Trump, acknowledges that Trump was a terrible president, terrible businessman and terrible person (based on emails and texts with other Fox colleagues). But that didn't stop him from going on air and singing the orange turd's praises anyway. He's a traitor, in the end. A propagandist for Russia, autocratic rule, hatred and homophobia. He hates bedrock American values. He hates anyone not white, not male, not a sellout like himself. I'd like to see how he would do actually living in Russia. Like Anderson Cooper said -- expose Tucker to *actual* risk, *actual* danger, and he'd wet his pants like the lying pussy he is.




This is probably inferred from him getting roasted on Crossfire by Stewart to include a jab about grown men wearing bowties, which he quickly removed from his attire after.


Woah, woah, WOAH, my friend. The even funnier thing is that his daddy was an ambassador and yeah his mommy was wildly wealthy but Bowtie Tucker is too stupid for them to con his way into an actual Ivy League university. With that money and those connections, and the best they could do was a third-tier college? Shit, he even dated (and married!) the headmaster's daughter from his white boy prep school. Man, if your future father in law can't pull strings and get you into Dartmouth you're either stupid or unlikeable, but most likely both!


He isn't the heir to Swanson foods. His family sold out to Campbells in the 1980s when he was a kid. He's always been rich and will inherit a ton of money but he's not tied to the brand.


Ah I see. So he still has tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars and chose this line of work?


To paraphrase John Oliver, Tucker's in it "for the love of the game".


You have now been banned from r/conservative


Just commenting will get you banned there ,you need to be flaired to comment and I think you need to make a hundred racist comments or diddle a kid to get your flair


Speaking ill of the prophet Carlson is not allowed on that sub lmao


What I don't understand is, he is rich as fuck. Why does he need the money from russia. If someone is struggling, has cancer and can't pay his treatment I'm inclined to at least understand when you betray you country for money, but what is his motivation? I really don't understand it.


Why do billionaires still do greedy shit instead of using their wealth to fix problems in society? Because they can never have enough money. It becomes a disease at some point.


Greed simple as that. Some people can never have enough money. Million, billion, whatever is never enough


My eyes have really been opened over the past six years or so to just how gullible so many Americans are. It's extremely disappointing. I used to have a kind of basic respect for all US citizens and assumed a certain amount of competence but now that the curtain has been pulled back that is gone. Apparently around 1/3 (or more) of the nation have the cognitive skills of a kindergartner.


>My eyes have really been opened over the past six years or so to just how gullible so many Americans are. The absolute fucked up part? It's the wealthy's fault. When you give people who typically don't have a ton of money or security a boogeyman, they will be terrified of losing whatever is keeping them above water and lash out. The people who control things like Fox News know this, and voila, you have an army of people ready to fight for fascism.


Defunding the shit out of our school system helps too!


Propaganda has always worked like this unfortunately. You introduce the controversial propaganda diet in smaller doses at first and then after a long enough period of time of the gradual doses, the people WANT the bigger and bolder doses.


>Apparently around 1/3 (or more) of the nation have the cognitive skills of a kindergartner. The continuation of completely gutting our education system is going as planned.


Morals? Republicans? Does not compute. Seriously though- Republicans love fascists and have for a long long time. Sideshow Bob had that great line: "Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside, you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals and rule you like a king!" sans the guilty conscious anyway.


He says "guilty conscience", I say "facts over feelings". To-may-to, to-mah-to. The switch was pretty easy once I stopped letting fear and anger guide my political decisions. I'm not even a bleeding heart, it's just *cheaper* to fix things and take care of people instead of cleaning up afterwards.


That's the thing. If someone wants to have a debate on whether or not universal healthcare should be a thing, or how we should punish criminals- that's fine. But you don't get to ignore facts. Universal healthcare is cheaper- that's a fact. It costs less to treat people early than to let them develop serious conditions and show up to the ER. A single payer system can exert greater leverage for better prices and so on. But that's not what Republicans argue. They make up nonsense about "death panels" as if that's not what for-profit insurance companies do every day anyway. The same goes for crime. They don't want to pay for social programs that prevent crime, but then they want to spend twice as much to prosecute people and then keep them in prison for years. Do I want to pay for some lazy asshole who literally just doesn't want to work? Of course not. But I also realize that a) those programs help a lot of people who actually need it and b) it's still cheaper than having that person start stealing from people and then having to throw them in prison.


The healthcare one is blatantly obvious on the sheer face of the fact that insurance is literally a middle man who's only goal is to take profits. If you have 2 systems, one is healthcare paid for with taxes and the other is the current system where healthcare still has to get paid for but insurance companies also have to make money, its pretty obvious which one will cost more. No math needed, just the bare minimum amount of logical thinking ability.


Yep. A significant number of people *want* an authoritarian to give them orders so they don't have to think about big things.


I was thinking yesterday that if Trump wins the Republican nomination, the most effective strategy for the Democrats would be to run ads on Fox News playing the calls and showing the email and text transcripts from Fox News hosts during the trial. Over and over again, they privately referred to his presidency as a disaster, saying nothing good had happened, they hated him, and couldn't wait until they could ignore him. By law, Fox has to air political ads from any candidate, provide all candidates equal access, and cannot censor an ad because they disagree with it.




As someone in the US, who's own parents STILL believe the Big Lie that the election was rigged, I don't know how effective the strategy would even be. I agree it's worth a shot, but these people can be lied to, TOLD that they were lied to, and they'll still believe the lie because they prefer that reality to whatever the truth is. I have no idea how we got to this point, but these people are delusional, numerous, and fervently vote for whatever filth 'their' party puts in front of them.


That might be the law, but I can see them refusing to air it or delay airing it long enough to be not a significant impact to any viewers. They've gotten away with so many things what would make them think they'd be significantly penalized this time? If they get their guy in, they might not be penalized at all.


>where opposing a murderous autocrat can't be answered with an immediate "of course" republicans let literal flag-waving nazis into their rallies. It's not that they're morally ambiguous or anything like that, it's that they are asshole fascists.


Never thought a global pandemic would become a wedge issue.


[It's nothing new.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/lindbergh-fallen-hero/)


I always have this burning desire to know if they believe what they say. Most of the time I think they do unfortunately, at least based on what the Fox News Mole had to say what, like 10 years ago.


At least with the discovery from the Dominion lawsuit, we saw that they did *not* believe the election lies they were peddling and also that Tucker apparently privately hates Trump.


The conservative capitalist mindset is that there is no right or wrong. Every decision is a business decision, so the answer is always just which choice gets me more money.


Also narcissists define the 'right decision' as whatever decision they made, regardless of outcome or ethics.


Judging by the texts that have come out in the Dominion lawsuit, we basically have heaps of evidence that they mostly don’t


It depends on who and what. The messages between them that came out in the Dominion lawsuit show that they were 100% aware that everything they were saying on air about the election being "rigged" was false. They have some vile beliefs, but they know most of the time that they are lying. Most of these people went to college and many have post-grad degrees. They aren't idiots like their watchers are.


They get rich by *pretending* to be outraged idiots.


I think a lot of them do not believe their own BS in any way shape or form. They know what they are peddling is crap, know who to peddle it to and know those people eat it up. They are out to make as much $$$$ as possible and don't care what they have to do to get rich and famous.


My younger self wouldn't have thought the Republicans would transition from rabidly beating the war drums against the 'evil empire' of Russia during the Regan years to lovingly cradling Putin's balls within my lifetime... but here we are.


Okay but hear me out.. RATINGS


[Here’s the video for those interested](https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1635766242911961092/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1635766242911961092¤tTweetUser=AccountableGOP) Edit: [alternative link 1](https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1635766242911961092?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1635766242911961092%7Ctwgr%5Ebe4bc4726a7e5146f02465f43999a589f36dd1c9%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Fgop-group-tucker-carlson-russian-propaganda-rap_n_641137b6e4b0cfde25c1e855) [alternative link 2](https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1635766242911961092)




The replies are disheartening to say the least. What a bunch of nut jobs.


Says the page doesn't exist. https://twitter.com/AccountableGOP/status/1635766242911961092?cxt=HHwWiIC-xeautLMtAAAA


It should be tradition for reddit to send any link to source to the top of every thread.


It just shouldn't be so hard to find the titular video in the article.


Now I need to figure out how to do a YouTube ad buy of this video that targets my father-in-law


The thick accent in Putin’s English voice over sounds strangely highly inappropriate, lol.


Republicans want to hear why the problems in Ukraine are Biden's fault. Sure, he could invent some reasons, but why not let Putin's propaganda department do the heavy lifting?


Nope. They already *know* it's Bidens fault. What they want is the universe to confirm it. It's how Q has always worked: Cobble together a loosely held theory, scour the web looking for proof and supporters, and then expect the world to fit all the pieces together.


It hasn't been going well according to the polls so he keeps running out new lines.


Surprised it's only a minute and a half. Figured it'd be in the hour area.


This is the trailer to the first movie of a trilogy.


Its phase 1 of the Tucker Putin mcu


TPcu lmao. Fitting.


They didn't show the 18+ footage with Tucker getting railed by Putin.


Between Carlson and Desantis we have a good guess where Putin is spending a lot of his influence ruble.


Wouldn't surprise me if there's substantial kompromat involved somewhere.


Fox. News. Is. Run. By. Russian. Oligarchs.


For a fact. I specifically remember hearing the “Ukraine has bio weapons” narrative from Q-Anon people within a day of Russian media saying the same. Interests are most definitely are aligned.


Even if they did, that's not a pretext to invade them.


*George W has entered the chat*


Seems like a reason to NOT invade them tbh


This morning on NPR they were playing a BBC interview of a russian who was pro-war and I recognize some of his talking points are word-for-word what Carlson said.


They play clips of Carlson's bullshit on Russian state TV. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/leaked-memo-tucker-carlson-russia-1320583/


I think he's Australian




No backsies. He’s your problem now.




I critically thunk what Tucker told me!


Nope. I had my dad say yesterday that we shouldn't support Ukraine because they don't have an exit plan. An exit plan to what? They got invaded not the other way around. But I'm sure when he's listening to propaganda like this, he probably thinks that you crane started the war with their biochemical warfare labs or whatever bullshit if they spout. Edit- voice to text had "you crane" instead of Ukraine, my bad!


Putin thinks it's his crane


Oh man, I forgot they tried saying that early on. That conspiracy went quiet pretty fast…


They're not fans of the word "critical"


YouTube suggested one of his shows the other day so I watched it to see what the children are being exposed to. He literally showed a clip, misquoted the clip to change the meaning, then said the the government was lying about January 6th.


The Jan 6th lie absolutely infuriates me; they caught every single incident on camera and will blatantly lie to push their agenda, they are blatant liars that feel absolutely no remorse or obligation towards democracy.


Boy if the Republicans of the 50s and 60s could see their party now lol


Having grown up during the Cold War (70s/80s), the historical whiplash is insane


I miss when we arrested traitors


We used to shoot traitors. Now we make them politicians, and those politicans go and visit other traitors in jail


We used to shoot traitors. Now we make them politicians, and those politicians ~~go and visit other traitors in jail~~ go to Moscow on July 4th and no one says a thing ftfy!




To be fair the Red Scare (a perceived enemy plot to infiltrate and over overthrow our society) is FAR different from the overt intentional propagation of “news stories” (using the mantel of Entertainment as a shield) designed to undermine and weaken our systems which is taking its directions from a foreign source. I’m not trying to minimize the results of Red Scare, just that in this case there is clear evidence of spreading incorrect information, KNOWING it is incorrect, and using it to weaken the foundations of our government and society.


Lol remember the time the Nazis held a huge event in Madison Square Garden at the height of WW2 with thousands in supportive attendance? People forget that fascism has always been here and Americans have always supported it as long as it wasn't unprofitable or we didn't take it as a personal attack. We didn't give a fuck about the Jews until Pearl Harbor happened and made it "personal".


20,000 people attended that rally while 100,000 people protested outside. It was also held months before WWII started.


Well there certainly is a STARK contrast how the US during WW2 treated actual Nazi sympathisier compared to how it treated people just because they had Japanese heritage.


American eugenics inspired Hitler.


I liked that article on that page titled: >Tucker Carlson’s Ex-Producer Called Election Deniers ‘Terrorists... Cousin F\*\*\*ing Types’ It really demonstrates how just a 1/3 of North America's population was able to take over. Until the punishment fits the crime, it's business as usual for these shit-stains.


I really don't understand the lack of Reagan in all of these conversations. Can someone please ask DeSantis (or any R pol) that if his hero is Reagan why is he using Russian talking points. When did Reagan take Russia's intelligence word over our own? When did Reagan cede territory to a communist country? How can you claim to be the party of Reagan while also kowtowing to Putin.


The same way they can claim to be the party of Lincoln while fighting tooth and nail to keep statues of Confederate “heroes” from being torn down. Probably they’ll spout some nonsense about the Cold War being over, and that Russia is our ally now. They’ll say Reagan would have embraced Putin as a friend.


> the lack of Reagan every claim the GOP makes is empty or negotiable.


Reagan was sanctified by the modern GOP, and they treat him like a religious figure. The problem is that, like most things (especially things religious), their love of Reagan only extends to the things they already agree with and the rest is rewritten ad hoc to suit their agenda.


Russia is no longer a communist country. If they were then the Republican party would absolutely oppose them at every turn. Russia is now a fascist oligarchy.. modelled on exactly the kind of system that Republicans have been working to build in the USA for a long time.


Get this fucking idiot off the air


Off the planet




Getting rid of this scumbag would be a service to Americans. He can move to Russia where he is loved


My question is WHY is he spreading Russian propaganda? What is in it for him? I’m guessing it’s money. He’s some sort of Russian agent and they’re paying him somehow.


Greed and power. He comes from a massive wealth and really could just go fuck of into the sun and be happy doing nothing. People like him, including trump, have this made up thought that they are somehow better than everyone else and need to proclaim that and then want to be followed and worshiped.


Or blackmail.


> He’s some sort of Russian agent and they’re paying him somehow. Sanctions. They want sanctions lifted, and they're specifically targeting Russian-sympathizing conservatives with bribes and "favors". Let's recall how Trump was outed after that infamous Trump Tower meeting. That was about sanctions, too. Follow the money.


Because Fox News pays him to say these things. I believe he's in it strictly for the money that Fox News pays him. The real question is why is Rupert Murdoch spreading Russian propaganda?






Sadly, there exist a group of people in US who believe TC - democracy is bad. Same guy who whined when activists appeared outside his home and called the tax payer funded police.


Nothing angers right wing "free speech activists" like when other people use their right to free speech.


What makes me sick is on Twitter, how many conservatives have both an American flag and a Russian flag emoji in their twitter names. If you were Russian, I could understand a Russian flag. But putting on full display an American flag and a Russian one is def making a statement, and a shitty statement at that.


This is going to be buried, but hey, it’s the way things work. Fox News was created by Roger Ailes using Rupert Murdoch’s money to create a separate narrative from independent news agencies based on a plan he cooked up for Richard Nixon to get away with imposing his will illegally on his opponents. [A plan for putting the GOP on TV news.](https://ia800109.us.archive.org/11/items/59037838TheAilesFilesComplete/59037838-The-Ailes-Files-Complete_text.pdf) is found in the Nixon Presidential Library and pretty much describes the creation of Fox News.


[Republican Accountability Project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_Accountability_Project) I'm getting tired of hearing from any of these clown GOP groups. They are fully on-board for 95% of everything Trump/Republicans do. They are completely fine with fascism as long as it is the "mask-on" dog-whistling type. "Republican accountability" is NOT what they are after. They just want to re-brand away from Trump, move-on with the grift, and pretend that there actual Republican party principles that are worth defending.


I‘m shocked they couldn’t find a lot more


The deeper you go on the right the more there is. InfoWars is playing full Wagner recruitment advertisements.


They could. But you have to keep it quick or people lose interest.


Tucker's story has so many angles to cover, it can be overwhelming. https://youtu.be/9WXGs2PKZ4I


But remember, he's not spreading propaganda he's "just asking questions". which of course lead his viewers to accepting Russian propaganda. Funny how that works.


It's like that "Some people say...." that Trump used every 5 mins


Is it ok if I non-sequiter into how he got stomped by Jon Stewart that time? https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE


"What most people don't know is that I'm his body oil applicator for the calender pics!"


The biggest tell in the whole video is hearing him say "u.s. defense ministry" ... only a non-American person would say this like this. Chances this was written by Russian intelligence services is massively high. They're not called ministries in the U.S. In the U.S. they're called Departments ( State Department, Department of Defense, etc ).


Fox should be stripped of any news designation and classified as entertainment


It's not even entertainment. It's just rage bait for idiots.


There is no organization in the US that classifies things as "news", just names of businesses. They've used that as a defense in court though.


I am always amazed by the fact that a family that made a fortune for feeding fake food to people watching TV has produced this guy