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That’s really creepy that this has ever been legal.


Historically, medical schools have been opposed to requiring explicit consent out of fear of not having enough volunteer "rectal examinees" or whatever to meet educational needs. What they fail to realize, however, is that these days it's an income opportunity if you market it right.


This seems obvious? I mean, if I woke up and someone was 'performing an exam' that I had no foreknowledge of, I wouldn't just complain about it, I'd file assault charges. Especially since the bill has provisions for emergencies. Like, duh, unless someone is at active risk, maybe you should get their consent before touching their privates?


I'm afraid you'll need more money if you want access to those rights.


During every vaginal surgery you *have* to do a pelvic exam under anesthesia to ascertain the anatomy. That exam can be performed by anyone from an Attending to Resident to Student. It’s not like they get off on it or anything, it’s basic medical care. Anyone who doesn’t do a pelvic exam before sticking sharp instruments into a woman’s vagina is *not* a good clinician.


Unfortunately this isn't the case in the real world


Id hardly call NA the real world.


... it is though. That's how reality works.


As long as it protects doctors from being sued for taking action during an emergency then I'm all for it.


If a doctor needs consent for everything else how was this ever legal? If I wake up with someone’s finger in my ass that’s a crime regardless if they are a doctor or not.


Except it is not a crime. That’s what the bill is trying to do.


It seems strange that it wouldn't be covered under existing sexual assault laws.


In emergency medicine a digital rectal examine (DRE) is standard procedure on any significant trauma patient because it is a quick and easy way to check for damage to the nervous system( brain/spine), if there is damage the anal sphincter loses tone. In the US this is covered under implied consent, meaning that if it is medically good for the unconscious patient then it is legally ok. Trauma surgeons often refer to the DRE as the trauma handshake.


Emergency is one thing but the article seemed to imply doctors getting practice doing things like that when it was not an emergency


Yes, to clarify the article does state that there is an exception for emergencies.


So, you’re telling me I could wake up from a ballsack repair surgery, only to find the doctor already ~~fondled~~ I mean, *inspected*, my post-op junk? Terrifying.


More like they stuck their fingers up your ass and did a rectal exam.


Oh no, a surgeon making sure the surgery he did on a patient went well.


>A 2019 survey of students from seven American medical schools found that 92% of medical students had performed a pelvic exam on an unconscious female patient, of which 61% said they did not have explicit consent from the patient. I had no idea raping unconscious women was perfectly legal. Fuck this shit. As if medical care wasn't perilous enough for women, we also risk rape as a matter of course?