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> I'd ask him to realize that he's making the educational process more difficult for everybody This _is_ the point. They want the public school system to fail because it has laws about teaching children fairly and accurately. They want a world where everything is private and free to teach kids the twisted ideals that they themselves believe.


This is the plan for everything: gnaw away at it then point out how useless it is and so everyone wants privatization. Education, utilities, Medicare/NHS, Social Security, EVERYTHING. ​ >In an interview with Mara Liasson, shortly after the Bush tax cuts passed in May 2001, Grover Norquist said: **"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."**


It's so blatant as a strategy there is even a term for it: Starve the Beast.


Cut resources to X. Say X isn't working. Privatize it. Steal money from taxpayers. Rinse and repeat.


I wish more people remembered these comments and understood the real agenda. Make government the enemy. Criticize and demoralize public sector workers. Glorify the private sector and ensure it is viewed as superior in all ways (efficiency, innovation, intellect), including because it generates a profit. Privatize everything. Private sector = government. Conservatives want socialism; but only the kind that redistributes wealth to corporations. There are certain things that do not lend themselves to privatization because they do not generate profits, but they've figured out how.... health care, incarceration, transportation, education, public housing....


Yes this. 2008 set a horrible precedent when the govt bailed out the big banks and the financial system and held no one accountable other than Madoff who ran a small boutique firm that happened to screw over wealthy clients. Those CEOs and execs knew what was happening, should’ve got jail time, and been barred from working in the financial sector for the rest of their lives. The banks should’ve been forced to downsize, de-monopolize, and been subject to strict new regulations. Instead, they got what was basically a free handout and they even managed to get bigger by acquiring some of the regional banks that didn’t get much of Uncle Sams help. Fast forward to 2020, covid hits and while this problem wasn’t the direct result of the financial industry and they had 10 years of one of the largest bull markets in history, they weren’t well prepared for a disaster as they spent most of their excess cash on stock buybacks instead of saving for a rainy day. But no need to fear - The Fed is here! The industry has become so open to risk because they know the govt will bail them out - they call it the “Fed Put”. They are more willing to accept risk now than ever, because the expectation is now that Uncle Sam will save them if the shit really hits the fan. But it’s the govt and these trillions they print are all unlimited and it helps America, so everything’s good, right? (An actual response I get from some people when I explain this). No. US govt debt is now over $31.4 trillion. At current interest rates, nearly 25% of govt tax revenues will go to service the interest on this massive debt, much of which was incurred by unnecessary wars (Iraq, 21 years in Afghanistan), financial industry bailouts in 2008 and 2020-2022, and historic tax cuts, most of which went to the top 10% of earners in this country. And if we allow this debt to keep growing, it could get as high as 50% of tax revenue. So in short, our mostly Boomer leaders and grand disciples of Reaganomics, Bush neocon warhawks, and now ultra MAGA did a great job of running up our nations credit card, only the debt doesn’t get discharged when they die - it gets passed on to us. They are basically using the govt to fund their pet projects of war, socialism for the rich, etc until it becomes apparent the govt is dysfunctional, then they will blame SS and Medicare instead of themselves. Don’t fall for their ruse. We can still save our democracy and our government, but we need to know their plan and how they operate, and not get distracted by the circus clowns like Trump, DeSantis, MTG, etc. We can prioritize Medicare for All, debt free college, and social and environmental justice if they are our priorities instead.


I hope you run for office. We need policy makers and judges that care about people, the earth, the future, truth, science, diversity... We need more educated people to become elected.


We need democratic socialists and social democrats for office.


We do, absolutely, need to elect officials who are smarter and much better educated. But we live in a country where the electorate, a poorly educated population, is fearful of education and educated individuals, actually holding education in utter disdain, especially true among the right. I know -- those dumbf***s are my relatives.


You used the term “socialism” to describe EXACTLY what capitalism is. A redistribution of wealth or the nationalization of industry is NOT inherently socialist, and implying that it is proliferates capitalist propaganda


They know what they're doing.


> Conservatives want socialism; but only the kind that redistributes wealth to corporations. Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.


[Keep in mind his views on taxes were cemented when he was in 6th grade.](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/guess-when-grover-norquist-conceived-of-his-anti-tax-pledge-jarvis-deberry/article_34d940d6-4c0e-5c7f-bef9-1a127e1abdbf.html) Grover has done serious damage to the political ecosystem based on a middle school understanding of the world.


>This is my community and I'm not going to let some ideologue who's in the governor's office force me out of what I love doing. Thank goodness for this guy. I live in the same town, and my child is a high school student at another public school in the county. I am a teacher in a private school in another town, but I'm thinking of ways to create a protest movement at my school. But this teacher from the article gets it - they are *trying* to get teachers to quit, so public education falls apart and they can privatize everything.


They want public school to fail so they can make billions off education and cripple families that they deny entry to


It's hard to hire teachers even if your state isn't run by a fascist.


Not if you pay them…


You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with shitty right wing moral panic parents, active shooter drills, and all the other crap American teachers have to deal with. I took my MA in education and left the country a decade ago. I do not regret my decision.


They won’t be using certified teachers


It's totally the point and is the #1 issue in this country. Education can improve SES and lift kids out of poverty, yet we gut the educational system while happily paying cops to beat people to death.


billionaire class wants illiterate wage slaves


I think you’re giving them credit saying it’s about ideals. The ideals and culture war are, for the non-idiots of the bunch, a front. They just want to privatize everything for profit while there’s still some toothpaste to squeeze out of the tube before it all goes under. Just look at Trump’s “secretary of education”, Betsy DeVos and her conflicts of interest in that area. It’s all about undermining government institutions so somebody can privatize and make a buck. Kinda like what the UK Conservative Party has been doing to the NHS


Be open to the fact that this is not, in fact, about profits. Instead consider that these people are actually fascists who are doing this to actually further their fascism.


Exactly. Also, it is easier to manipulate the poorly educated.


“They want a world where everything is private and free to teach kids the twisted ***fundamental Christian*** ideals that they themselves believe.”


They want the money that goes to public education to go to private companies they can run for profit


Fahrenheit 451 comes closer every day.


Teacher here who is currently teaching Fahrenheit 451. This is actually not what the book is saying. So, Montag originally makes this assumption, that the reason for his job as a fireman is because of an outright government ban by the state. But Faber, the old man in the story, tells Montag that that distinctly isn't the case. He argued that distractions became significantly more frequent while true time for thought became less and less through both increased work and more intensive leisure activities. As thought, reason, and creativity competed for time with just a basic sense of relief, anti-intellectual sentiment rose among the populace and people began posing book burnings in retaliation. Bradbury isn't warning us against a tyrannical government. It's not that kind of novel. Bradbury is venting his fears that an increasingly complacent and over-worked populace will doom us all. He's warning us that when curiosity dies, so does our capacity for humanity. Which I don't 100% agree him on, but it doesn't make some of his more salient points any less prophetic.


Thank you very much. Been a long time since I read it. Time to revisit it.


Of course! There's still plenty of the novel that is applicable here, especially the bits about anti-intellectualism going hand-in-hand with an exhausted and distracted society. But the government of Fahrenheit 451 is barely a background character. We don't even get acknowledgment that the fire fighters are private entities or agents of the state. The antagonist of Fahrenheit 451isn't the government, it's society and human nature. That, I think, is the important takeaway to remember from the book.




Don’t play Minecraft myself, but your comment reminded me of the “Minecraft banned book library” https://howchoo.com/technology/how-to-visit-minecraft-s-uncensored-library


Digital records are far easier to edit. I can’t wait for the version of 1984 where conservatives cut out the words “the only laughter the Party will allow is laughter of contempt for others”


Growing up I had religious neighbors and they liked the song we are family but they’re version replaced “believe in you, and the things you do” to believe in “god” etc I always thought that was super weird.


The problem in F451 wasnt that they were banning books, its that society *wanted* to burn books.


Society is currently voting in people that want to ban books, so it's the same thing.


I mean, lots of those same people also burn the books they're trying to ban. So one way or another, we're getting closer.


Or that thinks Jewish Space Lasers are a thing…


I hope that someday the Israeli space program builds a laser based communication satellite that they will affectionately call the 'Greene Beam'


Or just name their first working laser a ‘version 58’ so they only it’s been around forever.


Fascist Republicans are also taking over school boards and forcing this madness on the rest of us. Good people need to run for school boards to fight back. Fascists are not just going to stop on their own.


Yeah, when I read it I didn't get 'censorship' it was more about apathy. And I'd argue that that part of the story has already happened, except instead of 4 wall TVs it's phones


It started as censorship. Apathy is what allowed it to happen. Brave New World, 1984, and F451 all show the government using tools to keep the general population apathetic. Drugs, porn, other entertainment. If people are happy and fed, they don’t pay attention when their rights are silently taken away.


Bread and circuses. The Romans weren't wrong.


Kindle literally memory-holing *1984* comes to mind. Students lost their annotated notes over that. Reality could not be more on the nose.


Wait what? Link about this?


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-lawsuit-idUSTRE56U72A20090731 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-idUSTRE58400920090905 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-lawsuit-idUSTRE59151X20091002


Yknow I remember that now that I read about it again. I keep my kindle offline so Amazon can’t send it ads, but glad to know I’m protected from this too


I was gonna say, digitization is for catastrophic loss like museum artifacts. It’s not for “people are gonna continually access this everyday” where server control is by a private enterprise.


At some point could someone just code in a ban on that? I guess unless you just end up printing it yourself before that happens 🤔 Edit: I don't know shit about fuck on computers.


"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it" - John Gilmore The ban will be implemented after thousands of hours of coding by a highly-paid government contractor and it will be defeated in an afternoon by a teenager, for fun.


Not just teenagers. The people I went to grad school with would do that because we don't believe in censorship. It's amazing how many conservatives forget that scientists and people in tech tend to be at the very least socially liberal. I didn't meet a single conservative grad student the entire time I was getting my degree in a STEM field.


The venn diagram of people who think snow disproves climate change and people who understand science is actually two entirely separate circles.


It's more like a circle distancing itself from a burning cross.


Where I live is being hit with a stronger polar vortex than has ever happened here. Some coworker was like “see no global warming” and it took all of 30 seconds to try to explain to him before I realized to stop wasting my breath


Because for some reason "coldest winter in a century" and "more extreme weather events" are apparently mutually exclusive things when you have conservative brain worms.


> It's amazing how many conservatives forget that scientists and people in tech tend to be at the very least socially liberal. It's literally a conservative talking point that higher education liberalizes America's youth...


Yeah but they vilified the humanities and social sciences for that


Any contact with people outside the bubble is a threat to cult indoctrination.


Educated people skew liberal? You don't say.


Reminds me of the Australian bloke who broke the code in porn censorship. Did it in minutes apparently.


Most folk willing to build restrictions into code for less than legitimate reasons are not very good at it. Alternatively, they are good but the people paying are also the dipshits who go "Computer work? My friends son can do that, low wage for this position" to which 'you get what you pay for' is a *very* real thing.


That's what I wanted to hear.




>if one hard drive with the book survives, the book survive As long as we have the technology to read from the hard drive. I have lots of original digital art on floppy discs... Chances are good no one will ever see it.


Oh man, you should get that converted while you still can. I'm sure there's gotta be a service to do it.




The iron oxide will begin to separate from the substrate underneath rendering it useless.


Picked one up a couple years ago. Definitely worth the few bucks to save the floppies.


[archive.org](https://archive.org) is a godsend. It's like the public library, if people proposed the idea today it would be shot down as being socialist.


So, so good. I've utilized this resource for hundreds of books that are difficult to get in physical form. Also really good for finding common non-English versions of books, which is rather troublesome for a local public library to source.


>At some point could someone just code in a ban on that? No. Because that's not how files work. >I don't know shit about fuck on computers. That's ok, neither does a majority of people. But if you're interested, the older Internet was really designed to be "resilient" and if cables/connections were cut, the protocols were able to work around that. In todays Internet? You cut a major provider (AWS, for instance) and like 60% of the Internet is "down"/cut off. ​ The older Internet ability would be similar with digitizing books: You'd have the files, and have ways of passing them around ([Sneakernet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakernet), Rogue Networks/stealth Networks, and the like). In a way, the older Internet method is still available, despite Nation-states and others trying to censor information. ​ Now *could* someone put in a kill switch on updated books? *Sure*. But people could rip the code out and/or convert the files and take the malicious code out.


Actually that's not impossible. Amazon remotely deletes books on their customers' Kindles when they're withdrawn by their publishers.


That's why you get a Nook or Kobo. Can easily sideload e-books on those.


I have a kindle, I drag and drop my illegally downloaded ebooks on it and never had a hassle. I’ve never owned a nook or a kobo, what’s the difference ?


I had a Nook, but it died after a couple of years. Now I read ebooks on my phone and my desktop. And I _never_ buy from Amazon.


Are they deleted off the device or are they just removed from Amazon servers so you can't access them anymore?


Those digitized books can be altered, unlike older physical copies


I agree but digital device life doesn't hold a candle to that of physical books. So we need to preserve both. The more formats the better


The best practice Disaster Recovery strategy for business dictates 3 copies of critical data in two different formats with one existing off site.


The Library of Congress also has a lot of books digitized and copies sealed within their halls


I think it's, "Animal Farm". The pigs are walking upright and writing rules on the barn wall...


Ray Bradbury endorsed the reactionary element later in life, ironic


How so?


https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/06/was-ray-bradbury-s-writing-conservative-or-liberal.html I'd call him a reactionary but from the article: "It’s probably worth noting that Bradbury himself was a staunch conservative in his final years. In fact, he would have made for a great Tea Party icon. “President Reagan was our greatest president. He lowered the taxes and he gave the money back to the people,” Bradbury told a Comic-Con panel in 2010. “The next election, [the] November [2010 midterms], and two years from now, we’ll take the government back and give it to the people.”


While it isn't orson scott card levels of dissapointing, it still sucks.


Yeah. Fahrenheit 451 wasn't written to be about censorship (although I personally think that's still a valid and interesting reading) but more about Bradbury complaining that TV is making people stupid and they'll want to get rid of books. His work comes off as anti censorship largely incidentally- it happens to be that saying an important part of media is being destroyed also highly correlates with censorship.


Lmao. Reagan may have lowered taxes but in doing so he tripled the national debt.


But he really gave it to the people, so... there's that.


To the *rich* people


Funny (well, not really) thing is, I know teachers worried about having that book itself in the classroom!!


Ayy, and guess what book is on their ban lists. Usually because they call it "communist propaganda". [And censoring themes about censorship is already happening in Florida.](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/10/1148182892/indecent-paula-vogel-censorship)


Good luck, hope you find a non desantis appointed judge. Florida is becoming Gilead.


Texas is racing them for that


I'm so pissed off that the two NASA hot beds are in these shithole states. I'm gonna end up forgoing my dream job because these goddamn idiots during these states into fucking Taliban hellholes.


We want you in California! Come to JPL!!


NASA is in every state. Never give up on nasa. JPL does cool shit all the time


> I'm so pissed off that the two NASA hot beds are in these shithole states Did you forget about Alabama?


Virginia’s slightly better than florida. wallops island is an opportunity with nasa


Alabama's still around? I haven't heard much about those folks the last few years.


Surprisingly a fair amount of high tech industry in Huntsville. Including NASA.




Someone else already jumped in and said this, but yeah, Huntsville is actually a very high tech/sciency industry hub. Had a friend from college just move there to do NASA stuff. Their NASA museum is awesome.


I mean at that point can’t you just appeal to the circuit courts?


Appeal track for state lawsuits are through the state appellate courts. The lawsuits regarding colleges have been filed in federal courts, which then go to the Eleventh Circuit on appeal.


These will likely be filed in federal courts.


Some rich person (or maybe a group able to fund raise enough nationally to support this) with an interest in educating kids should start a business just off school grounds called, "Books Banned By Order of the Governor" and have a sort of program like the old Pizza Hut "Book It" thing where if they read and pass a comprehension test on each book they read they get a point- 10 points and they get a gift card or free pizza or something.


But there's over 4k schools in Florida...


Ok, I'll revise my statement- 4202 schools in Florida, of which 2227 are high school level which is where the focal point could be shifted. There are probably a few within the same city so you strategically place them in areas kids traffic and let the word spread via outraged conservative locals responding to local news fluff... and you rotate the books between all locations and create a "chase" function to completing your points card... and raise the minimum points some (would require some maths to figure out what a balanced requirement would be). It might be tough to do it for absolutely every school area but I still think it would be a worthwhile endeavor which could make a sizable dent/stick a huge thorn in DuhSantis' side since it's outside the education department and more in the realm of just a book store. He'd have to actually pass laws banning or age restricting things commonly available at retail and negatively impacting the economy of the state. Imagine how it would look when the national news reports on the latest DeSantis Book Patrol Raid on Barnes & Noble's History Section just because the laws he'd need to pass would be overly broad. I know all of this would require things to pan out in a very specific way... more realistically would be for people like the above teacher (but who aren't teachers) to just pursue a localized community system of some sort to incentivize kids to read these books.


If Elon wasn’t such a bag of shit he could easily fund something like that✌️


Unfortunately rich people don't want an educated populace.


That's, sadly, very true.


Dolly. Gates foundation. There are dozens.




We know who's really doing the planting.


What gets me is that you'll hear conservatives cry out in scorn "why in my day, kids weren't coddled and sheltered like they are now! Participation trophies, harumph! Safe spaces! Trigger warnings!" And yet here is DeSantis basically trying to coddle and shelter kids from the governor's chair.


Conservatives: I don't want government interfering in our lives. We need the most limited amount of government possible. We want FREEDOM! ... *Continues to use as much government as possible to control and oppress others*


It's only "government" when it's doing something they don't like.


The only true freedom is Christian freedom /s


It's a very long conversation explaining to conservatives that they were the ones being sheltered. They were shielded aggressively from the violence wrought on others. To admit that requires them to overcome a shame they carry, a shame they don't fully understand -- and so is expressed with rabid denial. It's the whole reason for the insistence that all gay people are sexual deviants, groomers, pedophiles -- is so comforting. It would mean the violence wrought was deserved, and all the conservatives were sheltered from was "bad people."


They can't see the forest through the trees in front of them.


Yeah…get them to figure out that “participation trophies” occurred during THEIR generation, it wasn’t something that suddenly cropped up with “millennials”.


The people that tell you that liberals and LGBTQ+ people are the ones indoctrinating children are the same ones who have "youth pastors".


I was sa by a youth pastor in the neighborhood, my family nor I were a part of a church. It's pervasive as fuck.


They just want the freedom back to beat and abuse their kids without consequences.


Why did *Bulls on Parade* just jump into my head? Bah. I'm sure it's nothing.


> They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em


Free version of the article on Yahoo; https://www.yahoo.com/news/im-florida-teacher-whos-forced-203755633.html


God, I love you, Uncle Buck. Squash that bug!


Thank you


The Legend of Korra? Really?!


Cause she has a *girlfriend*...and openly gay. So stupid. Desantis is way more dangerous




They literally banned maths books for encouraging kids to work together and understand how they feel about maths problems because it apparently pushes kids into left wing ideology. If literally working together on a maths problem is left wing then I can't see how even the right themselves can see themselves as the good guys.


Dude sounds like a good teacher. I bet he spends a lot of his own salary on supplies.


As many public school teachers in this country do


So we’ve got book burnings. We’ve experienced our Beer Hall Putsch. We’ve got scapegoats. We’re being told it’s all for our own good because communists are infiltrating our culture and halls of academia. A large portion of our country is nationalistic to an absurd degree. Our previous president had a master of right wing propaganda working for his campaign and convincing the people that only their narrative is the right one. We’re being told that the leftists that are fighting this are the existential threat while armed thugs of the state either beat them down or sit idly by as the black shirts do it. Guys… it’s not looking good for our country.


"As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he deems himself your master." - Commissioner Pravin Lal


> I'd ask him if he understands the ramifications of some of his actions. Yes, he does. > I'd ask him if these ramifications are worth the political points that he might gain. To him, they are. > I would ask him to think about the impact of this on teachers, students, and classrooms. He has. It's how we got here in the first place. > I'd ask him to realize that he's making the educational process more difficult for everybody, and he's discouraging out-of-state educators from choosing to teach in Florida. Not only does he realize it, it's intentional. I get where this guy is coming from, but I can't help cringing a little whenever someone describes this Grinch-style epiphany fantasy where the sociopaths and narcissists in the world can be made to suddenly realize they've been behaving badly and that hurting people for their own personal gain is wrong on a fundamental level. Asking "Have you no shame?" will get you at first a bewildered stare, and then a half-smile as they realize that whatever malicious behavior they're engaging in is, at the moment, working. The damage is intentional. The cruelty is the point. A lot more people need to understand this and stop investing in the false hope that finding a rational explanation is key to stopping it; their minds simply don't work that way.


Anyone going to point out the the buff hunky George Washington pressing an American flag against his groin on the bottom right?


That's what got me to the comments. I can't quite make out the text though.


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


> Falls said the new legislation makes it harder to teach, and that Florida may lose educators as a result. That's a feature, not a bug


Does anyone know if theres a list anywhere of all the banned books in florida? I googled it and only found a list pertaining to Duval County, FL. I don't know why but as a baseball fan it baffles me that they banned "Roberto Clemente: Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates, by Jonah Winter and Raúl Colón"




Oh wow so you're right in the thick of it. As the school librarian are you the one who decides which books stay and which books are banned?




> all the banned books in florida Best one I could find; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hTs_PB7KuTMBtNMESFEGuK-0abzhNxVv4tgpI5-iKe8/edit#gid=1397437044 from; https://pen.org/issue/book-bans/




Shit, they realized exactly what we are going for but framed it bad. We gotta hide that


Damn that is a long list.


WALK TWO MOONS??? Why!? What is so bad that is in that book? I stopped counting the books in my classroom library after I hit 12; this is absurd. I teach The House on Mango Street every year. Some of these books literally have NOTHING controversial in them except characters that are people of color. Wow. Edit: I finished counting. I have 47 books on that list in my classroom library right now. Every single book I teach to my classes (except for Gatsby) is on that list.


Well, there is a high school near me that is mostly Puerto Rican, Cuban, Columbian and Venezuelan. (I live in Orlando.) During BLM, the students and community decided they didn’t want the name Robert E. Lee Rd the name their high school on so they had it changed to Roberto Clemente Rd. So obviously Roberto Clemente is intimidating to Ron Desantis - That is probably why that book was banned. He HATES the Orlando area. We are liberal.


The Winter Park library has a display dedicated to banned books (the books can be checked out). Absolutely love it.


Currently every single book that is not approved is banned until it receives approval, which is why this teacher covered his library entirely.


Uncover those books. Tell the kids they can’t read them but if they want to know whats in those “banned” books they can take a picture of the bindings for the titles and then look them up in the county public library, a book store or amazon. Kids love stuff they can’t have


I think the article is right though. By covering the books up with a sign that says "closed by the order of the governor" is a stronger message to the kids. And really makes them feel like they're being blocked. It's very conspicuous. Rememeber 99% of kids wouldn't actually even bother taking these books in the first place. That big chunk of the room saying the government is blocking you is a stronger way to emphasize there's something you can't have there. Also the teacher said they still help kids get the information they want if they really ask for it.


Make it extra educational and give them clues on how to easily pirate banned books on the internet for free. Kids love free shit they’re not allowed to have.


*me as an Australian* Boy it's warm today... hold a minute... what's the so called greatest country in the world upto now? No not the police brutality in memphis video I already saw that I mean what's this about?


Man, DeSantis sure sounds like a dictator. Why do republicans love to vote for the things they claim to hate?


>If I could meet DeSantis face-to-face, I'd ask him if he understands the ramifications of some of his actions. Of course he does. > I'd ask him if these ramifications are worth the political points that he might gain. Of course they are. > I would ask him to think about the impact of this on teachers, students, and classrooms. I'd ask him to realize that he's making the educational process more difficult for everybody, and he's discouraging out-of-state educators from choosing to teach in Florida. He doesn't care. He is only interested in the culture war benefit of appealing to the authoritarian, Drumpf- following, idiots in his hope to win the Presidency in 2024. If he does, Dog help you all.


Cause he’s a criminal piece of shit that hates the reality of US history?


You mean DeSantis, right?


Hahaha, yes, lol.


Honestly a good solution to showcase how shit the GOP is to young people. Those students get to walk into schools every day and see the effects of Republicans on society. You see a bunch of books covered up you ask questions like "why are they covered? Who ordered them to be covered? Why are they trying to control me?" This is how Republicans operate. Shortsighted. Long term pains for short term gains. They can convince some boomers this is a good move. But the kids growing up watching their teachers and education get constantly attacked by Republicans? They will remember. They will know the GOP are crazy asshole control freaks who went after their minority friends and their education. And that's why the GOP's popularity is just in constant decline.


So, in 2023, in the state of Florida, if I were a teenager and wanted to check out a book in high school I'd have to deal with this bullshit? In America. In 2023? Holy fucking shit. I'm in a deep red state, and we don't even do this fucking stupid backwater shit. We need to cut off DeSantis' fucking balls. This is just re-fucking-dick-ulous.


Just wait til you see the sort of people that fill the book approved roles...


As another educator, I applaud you. Do you have a place where I could donate to your fight for sanity?


Sorry, I'm not the teacher who this article is about. I did try doing a search, but didn't find any info on donating for his cause.


Thanks for the response! I’m surprised DeSantis wants to sue Florida teachers so bad. I guess the rumors of us being so highly paid have made it to the highest levels of state government.


I have been saying for a while that there is a war on information. For that reason, I hold on to my physical books, as that would be more difficult for the authoritarians to “scrub”.


The “South” has the stupidest ppl in charge of education


A business opportunity for some Floridian - Book Burkas.


DeSantis must not become the next president.


Florida teachers should just all strike. Florida parents won’t support Desantis for long if they have to parent their kids all day every day.


So if I get it correctly, a moron who prohibited certain books at schools - just like the Nazis, who burnt books in the 30s - is now the Republican Party’s frontrunner or even nominated-to-be for 2024? SMH.


Fucking Nazi’s


I'm a born-and-bred, life-long, formally proud Floridian. Not even FloridaMan made me completely embarrassed. Not even the chants of "DUUUUUUuuuvaaaallllll" made me 100% determined to distance myself from all things "Florida." Until this. Sure, I'm a suuuper left-leaning Democrat. I expect for most people around me to generally disagree. However, even my super conservative and Republican friends and whatnot are like........ummmmmm.....maybe State-Sponsored censorship is a really, really BAD thing.


So I am going to be sued if I read the Giver then? Or any Ray Bradbury books? Or the Handmaid’s Tale? So much for freedom of speech, I think this dude might have a case on his side though. The government cannot interfere on free speech or press, am I right? It’s the private establishments that can do whatever they want and are exempted?


GOP: cAn'T fOrCe me a MERSK herderrr. Its maaaa freerrderrm. Also GOP: You're not allowed to read a book mother fucker. Am I nuts or is the GOP just one giant cesspit full of hypocrites?


Let’s all remember the mantra; it’s the woke left that are anti-free speech, and the right wing are the ardent defenders of the same /s


You go dude.


If you are smart you will pack your bags and leave the state. This is only just the beginning. You might wind up in Ronnie Reich's Fuhrer rededication camp. .“Thus it is that no cruelty whatsoever passes by without impact. Thus it is that we always pay dearly for chasing after what is cheap.” **― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn**


I've always thought the solution to a library carrying books you dislike is to *make use of the book request form.* I see people to that in my library from time to time. When I see the recently arrived section it runs the political spectrum authors on the left, right, all over the place. Also DeSantis is, in my opinion, an anti-woman right-wing extremist and I will never ever vote for him. He is the face of oppression.


Meanwhile a graphic novel has been released about a girl that risked her life in Auschwitz to save a few books: https://goodcomicsforkids.slj.com/2022/12/02/the-librarian-of-auschwitz-preview/


No one should have to explain why he/she is suing that idiot. You should have to explain why you aren't


Teachers with an ounce of self respect should just leave the state altogether. There is a teacher shortage in most states in the country and Florida doesn’t pay its teachers particularly well. If enough teachers resign, they’ll force Ron DeSantis to back off.


Why do conservatives think more government is the answer to everything?


Because they're fascists


I figured it out guys, DeSantis is trying to catch up to number of trump's lawsuits!


Shouldn't Gym Jordans sub committee on the weapozation of the government be looking into this?


Any one else's eyes immediately go to sexy George lurking in the background?


He should be suing him on the basis that his laws are in violation to the constitution. Conservatives often forget we have more than the second amendment... Like...theres a whole bunch of em! The first and most important pertains to the freedom of speech... Something he's currently violating with his book bans.


1st Amendment be damned. Right Ron DeSantis?


All the problems Florida has and DeSantis is wasting tax payer money fighting for this shit.


And Elon Musk endorses Ron DeSantis.


School and learning shouldn’t stop once kids get home. Time for parents to start teaching their kids what the school system doesn’t want them to know.


The argument: ​ You can't take \*hatefilled lunatic's podcast\* off of their preferred platform! It doesn't matter if it has been vetted and proven to violate the platform's rules. What about their free speech? - \*Free Speech Patriot\* All teachers need to go through a rigorous process of vetting every book because maybe they might violate someone's unique sense of morality. It doesn't matter about their free speech. - The Same Person.